Kishmish black. Early grape varieties. Moldavian Red Muscat

Seedless (KISH_MISH) hybrid form of grapes, early ripening period - 115-120 days. Recommended for the Moscow region.

Ripening period - 115-120 days

Frost resistance -25°C.

Talisman x Glenora)

In the conditions of Novocherkassk it ripens in mid-August.

Bushes of great growth vigor. The clusters are medium, with an average weight of 300 g, individual up to 700 g, cylindrical-conical, medium density and dense. The berries are medium-sized, weighing 2.2-2.8 g, slightly oval, 16.5 x 14.9 mm, black.

Seedlessness class II-III. The pulp is dense, crispy, tastes with a very light, unobtrusive fruity aroma. The skin is dense, but easily eaten. The variety is characterized by high sugar accumulation.

Sugar content 18-24 g/100 cm3, acidity 5-7 g/dm3.

The shoots ripen very well. Compatibility with rootstocks is good.

Fruitful shoots are 70-75%, the number of bunches per shoot is 1.3-1.5. Load per bush is 30-40 buds, pruning vines to 4-6 buds.

The grape variety is relatively resistant to mildew, oidium and gray rot.

Transportability is high.

Kishmish Black Sultan is suitable for fresh use and for preparing sultanas.

Can be cultivated in uncovered culture.

Meshkov V.M.

Kishmish Arsenyevsky(Selection of resistant forms), medium - late date maturation. Bushes of medium vigor, stocky. The leaves are quite large, five-lobed, deeply dissected, dark green, smooth. The clusters are large and very large up to 1.5 kg, individual up to 2 kg, cylindrical-conical, moderate density. The berries are very large 19x40mm, weighing up to 12g, oblong, light green, the flesh is dense, crispy, harmonious taste with a pleasant aroma, completely without seeds or rudiments. Sugar content 18%. The skin is crispy, you can’t feel it when eating, the berries can be bitten off like cucumbers. Transportability is very high. The shoots ripen well, their color is dark yellow. The growing season begins later than all other varieties, but quickly catches up. It develops better on vigorous rootstocks. Resistance to mildew 2.5 points, gray rot and oidium were not noticed. The fruits and clusters are very impressive and decorative; they are unrivaled on the market. Judging by the special and reference books in terms of grapes, this is one of the largest berry varieties of all seedless varieties in Russia.

Kishmish Cocktail

Kishmish Cocktail(23-22-12-3) - a new hybrid form of grapes selected by VNIIViV named after. ME AND. Potapenko, early ripening, combination of crossing Perfect Delight x Einseth Seedlis. In the conditions of Novocherkassk it ripens in the second or third ten days of August. Bushes have above average growth vigor. The flower is bisexual. The clusters are medium, 350-450 g, individual up to 700 g, cylindrical-conical, medium density. The berries are small, weighing 2.5-2.9 g, oval, white, amber in the sun. Seedless class I-II. The pulp is dense, fleshy and juicy, the taste is complex and fruity. The skin is dense, but edible. The form is distinguished by its ability to accumulate high sugars and is suitable for drying. Sugar content up to 28 g/100 cm3, acidity 5-6 g/dm3. The shoots ripen very well. Fruitful shoots are 80-85%, the number of bunches per shoot is 1.5-1.7. Productivity is high. The form is highly resistant to fungal diseases and frost; it can be cultivated in an uncovered crop. Transportability is good. Suitable for fresh use and drying. Tasting score of fresh grapes: 9.1 points. Frost resistance -27 degrees.

Kishmish Red Flame(Red Flame seedless) is a seedless universal grape variety of American selection with an early-medium ripening period, 115-125 days. The bushes are vigorous. The flower is bisexual. The clusters are large, weighing 600-800 g, cylindrical with two shoulders, moderately dense.

Kishmish Red Flame berries are medium, seedless (have class I seedlessness), size 22 x 18 mm, weighing 4-5 g, round or slightly oval, red or red-violet in color. The flesh is dense and crispy. The taste is harmonious.

Sugar accumulation is good. The skin is thin and edible.

The ripening of shoots of the Kishmish Red Flame variety is good. Fruitful shoots 65-75%. Fruiting coefficient is 1.2-1.3. Load of 30-40 eyes per bush. Pruning vines to 8-10 buds. Compatibility with rootstocks is good. It is recommended to thin out the leaves around the ripening bunches to improve the color of the berries.Productivity is high.Not resistant to fungal diseases. Frost resistance - 20 C.

The transportability of the Kishmish Red Flame grapes is high. The presentation has high quality indicators. Kishmish Red Flame is suitable for long-term storage up to 10 weeks.

Advantages of the variety: the Kishmish Red Flame variety has large clusters of seedless berries of good presentation, high yield and transportability. Can be stored for a long time. Great Suitable for raisins, it produces marmalade pulp.

Krainov V.N.

Kishmish Nakhodka(Talisman x Kishmish Radiant) - early ripening. The flower is bisexual. Full ripeness of the berries occurs in the first half of August. The duration of the growing season from the beginning of bud break to the full ripeness of the berries is 110–120 days. The growth vigor of the bushes is medium-vigorous. Clusters 700–1500 g, medium density, conical. The berries are 32-27 mm, weight 7–8 g, pink, with dense pulp, pleasant harmonious taste. Sugar content is high 19–22%, acidity 4–7 g/l. The shoots ripen well. The load on the bush is 30–40 buds. Trimming for 8–10 eyes. Can't stand overload. Frost can withstand -23°C. Resistant to mildew - 3.0 points and gray rot - 2 points.

Centeniel seedlis(Centennial Seedless," seedless century") (GOLD x Q25-6 (Emperor x Pirovano 75)) USA.

Seedless grape variety of early ripening. Self-rooted bushes are very vigorous. The clusters are large, 400-2500 g, conical, medium dense. The berry for sultanas is large, 5-7 g, oval, yellow-green in color, the flesh is slightly crunchy, has a pleasant harmonious taste with a nutmeg aroma. The skin is thin, crispy, and edible. Sugar content 15%, acidity 6.0 g/l. The variety requires timely harvesting when the sugar content reaches 16%, otherwise the berries may fall off. Long pruning is recommended. Normalization by inflorescences is usually not required. The berries are resistant to cracking. The berries are not susceptible to sunburn; small brown spots are possible on berries that are exposed to direct sunlight for a long time during the ripening period.

" Grape

The constant replenishment of grape varieties with new hybrids makes it difficult to choose options for the garden plot. But there are also favorites that have earned great popularity in a short period of time. Among them is Kishmish.

The main advantage of grapes is the absence of seeds in the berries. Composition includes a large number of vitamins of groups: B, C, E, PP, A, etc. In addition, the juicy pulp is rich in minerals that have a beneficial effect on the human body:

  • potassium;
  • iron;
  • magnesium;
  • calcium;
  • zinc;
  • selenium, etc.

Close-up of raisin grapes on a bush

Eating grapes has a cosmetic and medicinal effect. Flavonoids slow down the aging process of the skin, and the vitamin composition has an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effect. Therefore, it is important to replenish the body with useful microelements that strengthen the immune system.

Kishmish grapes are one of the few products that preserve useful qualities not only fresh, but also after processing.

Calorie content

The average caloric value is about 230-280 Kcal, depending on the variety. Nutritional value due to high content of glucose, fructose and sucrose. The daily intake of an adult is approximately 1800 calories, and 100 grams of berries is not enough to fill you up, so it is important not to gain extra pounds while enjoying the amazing gifts of nature.

Nutritionists limit daily norm grapes up to 200 gr. and then subject to correction of the rest of the menu. It is recommended to consume grapes in the first half of the day, but in no case at night. The evening portion promotes active weight gain. In addition, berries contain simple carbohydrates that increase blood sugar.

Beneficial and harmful properties of green and black varieties

The benefits of this type of grape are simply invaluable. Microelements and vitamins that make up the berries have a beneficial effect on the body:

  • strengthen protective functions;
  • calm the nervous system;
  • improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  • reduce the risk of developing caries or gum inflammation.

Kishmish grapes growing in a greenhouse

Antioxidants contained in grapes protect cells from the destructive effects of radicals and help restore metabolic processes.

In addition to using the product fresh, it is often used as auxiliary treatment drink wine (in small doses), for example, for sore throat, bronchitis, constipation. Supplement with raisins dietary dishes or baked goods.

There are many recipes in cosmetology that involve the use of both berries (as juice) and leaves. There is a high effect of masks and creams containing grape components.

To useful product did not cause harm to the body, it is important to remember some restrictions. For example, you should not eat a large number of berries at one time. Without noticing it, you can raise your blood sugar level, causing an attack. The abundance of sweet substances in fruits has a destructive effect on tooth enamel. Therefore, after eating you should rinse your mouth clean water or special lotion.

Varietal diversity of quiche misha

The Kishmish grape appeared as a result of a natural mutation vegetative propagation. A little later, through the work of breeders, they bred different varieties, different in color (from light green to dark blue) and ripening period. All varieties are classified into classes (there are only 4). The first and second ones include seedless berries, and 3 and 4 have grains of different sizes inside. This factor sometimes misleads consumers who believe that Kishmish cannot have seeds in its pulp.

The range of varieties allows us to expand grape processing technologies; in addition to raisins and wine, we have learned to make equally tasty and healthy preserves, marmalade, fruit drinks, etc.

The best varieties include the following raisin varieties:

  • Jupiter, etc.

The Far Eastern Kishmish, which is often confused with actinidia, deserves special attention- a plant that has nothing to do with grapes. Where does this species grow? Breeders specifically for regions with harsh climates developed the Novinka (Taiga) variety, which can withstand severe frosts (-30°). The bunches ripen by mid-August - early September. The weight of an average brush is 500-600 grams. Productivity is low, but stable. But resistance to fungal diseases is weak.

Black Kishmish is considered no less interesting and tasty. Ideal taste qualities berries and market value are outweighed by the other side of the scale with high requirements for agricultural technology. In order to reap a consistently high harvest, it is necessary to pay attention to fertilizing, watering and preventive treatments, because the plant is weakly resistant to diseases and pest attacks.

Neptune has more stable immunity to diseases, which has greenish-yellow berries that taste very sweet. The medium-sized fruits are formed into a dense bunch, weighing up to 400 grams. The culture is unpretentious in care and grows on almost any soil. Withstands frosts down to -25°.

Quite a few varieties of Kishmish have been bred, but the exact number is not indicated in the reference books.

Contraindications for use

Apply beneficial features Not everyone is allowed to eat sweet berries. It is not recommended to use the product for people with the following health problems:

  • stomach ulcer;
  • diabetes;
  • obesity.

For those taking the course dietary nutrition When losing weight, you should also not include grapes in your diet due to their high calorie content.


Kish mish grapes have found application in various spheres of the national economy. The main purpose remains for cooking:

  • for fresh consumption;
  • raisin;
  • winemaking;
  • preserves and jams;
  • beverages.

In folk and traditional medicine, the dried product is used to prepare various tinctures. Fresh berries are recommended for use in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases, liver and kidney dysfunction.

In cosmetology, there are many recipes for masks and other products that are aimed at moisturizing the skin and removing fine wrinkles. The upper layer of the epidermis, enriched with vitamins, is visually tightened, and the outflow of blood through the capillaries improves.

Grape-based products for nails and hair are considered no less effective.

Agricultural technology for sustainable raisin grapes does not involve complex measures, and plant seedlings take root in almost any region, even with unstable climatic conditions. This makes it possible to acquire one of the most suitable varieties of Kishmish on your site.

Kishmish Potapenko is a type of table grape that is characterized by a sweet aroma. Ripe berries have a dark blue, almost black color. The plant is light-loving. In order to reap an excellent harvest, experts recommend adhering to proper care behind the plant. It consists of regular, proper watering of grapes, pruning of their vines, fertilizing, and preventive measures against diseases and pests. By adhering to the following care measures, the plant will systematically and thoroughly delight you with delicious sweet berries.

Features of the Kishmish Potapenko variety

Kishmish Potapenko is characterized early dates maturation. The variety pleases and treats you with ripe berries from the 20th of August. The bushes of the variety are quite tall. Kishmish Potapenko sprouts ripen perfectly. They have brushes of medium volume, cone-shaped, 0.5 kg. The weight of a mature berry reaches 3-4 g, it is oval in shape and has a rich dark blue color (almost black) with a light coating. The fruits are juicy, fleshy, sweet. The harvest is stable and high. The culture can withstand severe frosts down to -25. The plant is moderately resistant to diseases. The grapes are easy to transport.

Growing the variety Kishmish Potapenko

Kishmish Potapenko black can grow in almost any soil. But for planting, both any plant and the Kishmish Potapenko variety, it is recommended that the soil have sufficient fertility. In the fall, all the bushes are well insulated for the winter. Therefore, seedlings are not afraid of high subzero temperatures.

Seedlings must look healthy. Root system should be green-brown in color. It is planted in special recesses, the size of which is: 70cm*70cm*70cm. After planting, the earth is well trampled. Each young planted bush is watered with 15 liters of water per 1 m². After watering and absorbing moisture, the soil is loosened and mulched.

Caring for Kishmish Potapenko grapes

Description of the procedure for caring for Kishmish Potapenko: it consists of proper regular moistening, pruning of the vine, fertilizer, preventive measures against diseases and pests, preparing the bushes for the winter.

  • Moisturizing measures.

Moisturizing Kishmish Potapenko is treated with the utmost care and attention. Excessive watering leads to poor harvest quality and plant death. Therefore, the very first humidification is carried out in the spring, when the air temperature has risen and reached above 0ºC. The second watering is carried out after the event of pruning the vine shoots. Humidification should be 30 liters of water per 1 m². Subsequent moistening procedures are carried out before flowering and after it, with intensive growth and development, pouring grape berries and grape clusters (from 35 to 45 water per 1 m²).

  • Vine care.

The Kishmish Potapenko variety vine is pruned in early spring. To properly distribute the future weight of the crop on the bush, pruning is done into 7 eyes. The acceptable load on 1 grape bush should be 35 eyes.

  • Fertilizer.

Each feeding of grapes is carried out in order to obtain a systematic, rich harvest. At first spring period The soil of black grapes is revived with ammonium nitrate. Before and after flowering, Kishmish Potapenko is fertilized with superphosphates. Periodically, the moistening process is combined with fertilizing from humus.

  • Basic preventive measures against diseases and pests.

Kishmish Potapenko is relatively resistant to pests and diseases. But we cannot do without exceptions. Yellow spots may appear on the leaves. In this case, the bush variety is treated with a 1% solution of Bordeaux mixture. Grapes of this variety are susceptible to attack by poultry. Measures to combat bird attacks consist of fencing the entire perimeter of the vineyard with a special fence in the form of a mesh. It is recommended to use a special sugar solution against wasps and first find and destroy their nests.

  • Preparing for winter.

The Kishmish Potapenko variety is winter-hardy, but this does not negate the preparation of the plant for winter. Each crop is insulated. The bushes are first divided into two equal parts, which are separately tied up and laid on the ground covered with special material. The bushes are fixed to the ground so that they do not rise. The second way to prepare for winter is to divide the vine as stated earlier and cover it with earth so that small mounds of soil appear. When carrying out such preliminary measures for insulation and preparation for winter, the plant will endure severe frosts.

Leaves medium-sized, strongly wavy, funnel-grooved (the edges of the blades are bent upward, forming wide grooves), coarsely bubbly in the middle part, usually deeply slotted, five-lobed; reticulate-wrinkled above, completely bare below. The upper notches are deep and of medium depth, wide open with a sharp or pointed bottom; in flatter leaves, sometimes closed with elliptical openings. The lower notches are small and medium deep, open lyre-shaped. The petiole recess is always closed by deeply overlapping lower lobes, without a clearance or with a narrow elliptical clearance. The teeth at the ends of the blades are large, triangular, sometimes elongated into a point. The marginal denticles are wide with convex sides, often with rounded apices; those on the apical leaves are typically dome-shaped. Due to the bending of the teeth in the form of small grooves, the edges of the sheet give the impression of being finely ruffled (corrugated).

Flowers bisexual. Bunches medium-sized and large (up to 20 cm in length), elongated-conical, sometimes with highly developed upper branches, loose. The stems of the clusters are long, grassy, ​​brittle. Berries small (in large-fruited variations of this variety they are almost medium in size), oval, sometimes slightly ovoid, dark blue, covered with a thick bluish waxy coating. The skin is medium thick, easily torn. The pulp is dense, fleshy. The taste is ordinary, highly sugary, refreshing. There are no seeds in the berries *.

* (The berries contain only underdeveloped seeds with soft shells, which are not felt at all when eaten.)

Characteristics of the variety. One of the most important industrial Central Asian grape varieties, also widely known as Shuvargany, Kara Kishmish, etc. Black Kishmish takes third place after White Kishmish and Khusayne in the vineyards of the Uzbek SSR, second place after the Chilyaki variety in the vineyards of the Tajik SSR, and in the rest of the Central Asian republics much less common. Among seedless grape varieties it stands out for its largest berries.

The variety is mainly a table variety and is also widely used for drying. The berries ripen early - in Tashkent around mid-August, in Samarkand - in the second half of this month. Growth is strong, vines ripen slowly and late. In favorable climatic conditions Central Asia, with abundant irrigation, Black Kishmish produces high yields, but when cultivated without irrigation and in more northern regions, its yield decreases sharply.

The winter hardiness of Black Kishmish is weak; in areas with harsh winters it requires careful covering using a layer of loose organic materials. The variety is also very sensitive to fungal diseases. If there is precipitation during ripening, its berries crack easily, especially after a previous drought.

The variety was included in the standard assortments of the Uzbek, Tajik and Turkmen SSR. Due to early ripening, it is also promising for testing in the middle zone of covered viticulture in the USSR.

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