Carrot seed face mask. Carrot essential oil. Carrot seed oil. Home Recipes

Everyone knows about the benefits of carrots, about the high content of beta-carotene in them, but I don’t think everyone knows that there is essential oil from carrot seeds. In addition, this oil has rejuvenating effect, Wonderful heals wounds without leaving scars and scars, promotes an even and beautiful tan, relieves stress and improves mood.

But everyone known fact the fact that carrots improve vision, despite the presence of vitamin A, turned out to be not a fact at all. This myth was created by the British during World War II to hide the use of radar by military pilots. They said that military pilots eating carrots improved their vision so much that they could see perfectly at night.

Wild carrot essential oil

Carrots wild

Daucus carota (Wild Carrot) is similar in appearance to edible carrots, but has a tougher stem and its root is inedible.

Daucus sativus - sowing or cultivated carrot - is a subspecies of wild carrot. Essential oil contain all subspecies of the plant and are found in all its parts. On an industrial scale, essential oil is produced from wild carrots in Europe, as well as in India and Egypt by distillation.

Essential oil obtained from carrot roots by extraction with organic solvents is not used in aromatherapy.

Carrot oil is added to liqueurs, as well as creams and other perfumery products.

Carrot seed essential oil is especially useful in spring face masks based on almond oil or wheat germ oil. It allows you to maintain moisture and skin tone both indoors and outdoors, in cold windy weather.

Characteristics, properties and application

Latin name Daucus carota (Wild carrot)
Plant type Grass
Genus Carrot (Daucus)
Family Umbrella ( Apiaceae)
Aroma Sweetish
Extraction method Distillation
Part used Seeds, stems, leaves
Chemical composition, main components phenols (asarone), terpenes (pinene, limonene, bisabolene), alcohols (carotol), acetic acid
Planet Mercury
Element Water
Combines with essential oils Citrus (lime, lemon, orange, bergamot, neroli, petitgrain), lavender, lemon balm, juniper, rosemary, incense
Complementary oils Lavender, rose, geranium

Properties of carrot oil

cosmetic toning, refreshing, nourishing, rejuvenating dry skin;
healing hemostatic, general stimulant, cytophylactic, diuretic, anthelmintic, choleretic, tonic, sedative, normalizes the menstrual cycle, stimulates the liver and gall bladder
emotional relieves stress and fatigue, improves mood, increases intuition
bioenergy increases self-confidence, vital energy, clears consciousness

Carrot oil - application

Aromatherapy Methods of application
calms down nervous system, increases concentration aroma lamps, cold inhalation, bath, massage, internal use
reduces weather dependence, improves immunity
normalizes the functioning of the liver and gall bladder, reduces sugar levels, helps with hepatitis internal use, cold inhalation
diseases of the cardiovascular system (arrhythmia, angina, tachycardia)
improves cerebral circulation, cleanses lymph and blood, removes toxins aroma lamps, cold inhalation, internal use
regulates metabolism, helps normalize digestive processes (heartburn, increased acidity, flatulence, diarrhea)
removes droplets from the kidneys, relieves pain in case of ulcers and cystitis, acts as a diuretic bath, compress, internal use, abdominal massage
regulates and stimulates the menstrual cycle, normalizes hormonal balance, helps relieve premenstrual syndrome aroma lamps, cold inhalation, internal use
relieves pain from gout foot baths

Cosmetic and dermatological effect

carrot oil for face: refreshes, cleanses, nourishes, tones increases the elasticity of dry skin enrichment of cream, addition to masks, compresses, moisturizing lotions
prevents the appearance of wrinkles cream enrichment, adding to masks
relieves itching, irritation compress, cream enrichment
solves any skin problems: cures dermatitis, abscesses, carbuncles, eczema, allergic dermatitis, weeping ulcers, vitiligo, psoriasis
removal and treatment of scars, eliminates stretch marks, stimulates the growth of new cells compress
carrot oil for hair: gives a healthy shine and nourishes normal and dry hair, especially red hair, eliminates dandruff, is used to strengthen hair enrichment of base shampoo, gel, hair masks


aroma lamps, aroma burners 4-5 drops per 15 m
indoor application 1 drop with 1 teaspoon of honey 2 times a day
cold inhalation (aroma pendant, scarf) 2-3 drops
baths 4-6 drops
massage 2-4 drops with 10 ml of base oil
compress 3-4 drops with 10 ml of base oil
enrichment of cosmetics (cream, shampoo, gel) 3-4 drops per 10 g of base cream
Contraindications last months of pregnancy

Benefits of carrot oil

Compresses with carrot oil help with various skin diseases. You can use homemade infused carrot oil for this.

To improve your tan, drink 1 drop of carrot oil with any juice half an hour before going out into the sun.

To treat the liver, make a mixture of carrot and turmeric oils (in a ratio of 2:3 drops) and take it orally, adding 1 drop to honey or a piece of sugar, 3 times a day.

Often used to maintain beauty and youth. Some are more famous, others less. Carrot oil can hardly be called popular; not everyone knows about it. Although it is very useful. What a wonderful remedy this is and what properties it has will be discussed in this article.


Carrot oil is a fluid liquid of medium viscosity yellow color. It can be of different shades: from pale to rich amber. The aroma of the product is specific, reminiscent of the smell of root vegetables. A little sweet.


The chemical composition of the oil may differ depending on the place of growth of the raw materials from which it is extracted. Everything matters: variety, environmental conditions, climate. However, it always contains the following components:

  • carotol;
  • asarone;
  • acetic acid;
  • pinene;
  • limonene;
  • Daukol.

In addition, carrot oil contains a large number of vitamins (A, B, C, D, E) and microelements (zinc, phosphorus, iron, manganese, etc.)

Method of obtaining

The raw materials for obtaining essential oil are the seeds of the plant. The variety of carrots can be any, both wild and cultivated.

On an industrial scale, the method of steam distillation (steam distillation) is used to extract carrot oil. The water is heated, and its vapor passes through the raw material, picking up volatile ethers along the way. Next, the steam cools and enters the receiver, where separation of water and volatile ethers occurs.

Also, to obtain carrot ester, a cold-press method is used. This method allows you to preserve much more useful substances.

In any case, the yield of the finished product is very small - about 3%. Therefore, its price is high.

The finished product is used both in pure form and diluted with vegetable cosmetic oils. Carrot seed oil is also added to cosmetical tools, which can be bought in the store.

Beneficial features

Carrot oil can be used externally and internally. Here are the properties it has when used externally:

  • rejuvenates;
  • accelerates tissue regeneration;
  • moisturizes;
  • nourishes;
  • relieves inflammation;
  • protects against free radicals;
  • serves as a UV filter.

Internal use of oil:

  • strengthens the immune system;
  • promotes lymph renewal;
  • effective diuretic;
  • cleanses the body of waste and toxins;
  • helps remove kidney stones;
  • promotes the restoration of liver cells;
  • stops bleeding;
  • good for vision.

Application in cosmetology

Carrot oil is most widely used for cosmetic purposes.

  1. For Tan. Carrot - main source vitamin A. Its presence protects the skin from damage and restores it. This vitamin also helps the tan to develop better and spread evenly. But you should not overuse this, as the risk of getting sunburned also increases.
  2. For facial skin. Regular use of carrot oil and products containing it improves complexion, making it healthy and even. Age spots and freckles become noticeably lighter or almost completely disappear. The oil actively fights dryness and flaking of the skin, stimulating the production of sebum. Therefore, people with oily skin types are not recommended to use this product, or to do so with extreme caution.
  3. For body. It has a rejuvenating effect and tightens loose, tone-deprived skin. It becomes noticeably firmer and more elastic.
  4. For lips. This part of our body is especially vulnerable. Lips often suffer from wind, temperature changes and other unfavorable conditions. They become dry and begin to peel. It looks ugly and causes a lot of inconvenience. Carrot oil will not only help protect delicate skin, but will also perfectly restore it.
  5. For hair. You can do aromatherapy or add a few drops of the product to a tablespoon of shampoo when washing your hair. The oil stimulates growth and makes strands smooth and incredibly shiny. To aroma comb, you need to apply a few drops of oil to a wooden comb, evenly distributing it along the entire length, and comb your hair for several minutes.

Aromatherapy properties

Carrot seed esters belong to the Earth element. Through its effect on a person’s aura, the aroma of carrot seed oil can free him from the shackles of loneliness. And it’s not a matter of mysticism at all. Everything is quite understandable. It has long been noted that the aroma of carrot ether has a positive effect on the psycho-emotional sphere of a person. It calms and gives a feeling of confidence, eliminating nervousness. Makes you collected, concentrating mental abilities. As a result, a person transforms and becomes more attractive to the people around him. Accordingly, loneliness ceases to be a problem.

To achieve an aromatherapy effect, you need to add only 3-4 drops of oil to the aroma lamp.

Use in folk medicine

The oil is effective for acute respiratory infections. To alleviate the condition, you can do inhalations. To do this, add 4 drops of the product to the inhaler and breathe for 5 minutes. The procedure can also be done for preventive purposes, especially during the cold season, to protect yourself from the disease.

It is believed that massaging the abdomen with carrot oil helps increase appetite in the absence of it. And it is even recommended to fight anorexia this way.

If joints are affected by arthritis or arthrosis, it is recommended to rub the oil into the skin directly in the area of ​​the affected joint.

The use of carrot oil internally is possible after consultation with a doctor. Here are the diseases for which it is recommended to do this:

  • gout, arthritis, rheumatism (especially during exacerbation of the disease);
  • vision problems or their prevention;
  • acute lack of vitamin A in the body.

Directions for use: add 4 drops of oil to a small amount of warm water and drink.

How to make carrot oil

It is not difficult to make butter at home. To do this, you will need coarsely grated carrots (1 cup) and unrefined vegetable oil (1 cup): sunflower, flaxseed, olive. There are three cooking methods:

  1. In a water bath. Pour oil over the root vegetable and place the container with the mixture under the lid to steam. Leave for 15 minutes. Cool and strain to remove any foreign particles. Close tightly. Best stored in the refrigerator.
  2. Pour oil over the carrots and place in a dark place for a day. After this, strain and squeeze out the remainder. Store in a cool place.
  3. You need to heat the oil to 30-40 °C and pour it over the carrots. Add 1 teaspoon wheat germ oil and stir. Keep the mixture for 1 week, shaking it daily. Then strain.

This homemade oil is much cheaper than purchased essential oil. But it is no less effective. It can be used to care for the face, body and hair. And for oral administration. You can use this homemade carrot vegetable oil undiluted.

Combination with other oils

Carrot oil is a capricious remedy and can be combined with a limited amount of esters. These include:

  • cedar;
  • sandalwood;
  • citrus;
  • rose;
  • geranium;
  • vetiver


There are few of them, but you need to take this seriously. Oil is not used:

  • For allergies. Individual intolerance to carrots is a rare phenomenon, but it does occur sometimes. The reaction may also be to a component included in the base.
  • During pregnancy.
  • For oily skin.

Precautionary measures

Carrot oil is a highly concentrated biologically active substance, so you need to use it, let alone take it orally, with caution. It should be especially kept away from children, as they are at high risk of getting an overdose of vitamin A.

Before use, essential oil is mixed with the base oil: a couple of drops per teaspoon of base.

After using carrot oil, the skin becomes very sensitive to the sun's rays. Therefore, if you do not intend to sunbathe or do not want to be exposed to UV rays, do not go outside on a sunny day. Or cover the area where the oil is applied with clothing.

Carrot oil should not be used during pregnancy, as it can cause bleeding, with all the ensuing consequences.

Be sure to do an allergy test.


To get the maximum benefit from carrot oil, it must be stored correctly:

  1. The lid should always be tightly closed.
  2. Protect from temperature changes.
  3. Place in a cool, dark place.

Typically, the shelf life of a purchased product is no more than 2 years.

Let's talk today about carrot masks for the face and hair. Today we will perform cosmetic procedures using carrots, it is very pleasant and effective, we will use all parts of this wonderful plant, roots, tops and seeds.

Since childhood, we have been taught that we must eat carrots. It turns out that our beloved beauty has been cultivated by people for almost 4,000 years. Throughout this time, it has been used by people not only for food, but also to maintain youth and beauty.

If you don’t have time to visit a beauty salon often, or there are other reasons for this, don’t worry, there are always folk cosmetics at hand. If you use them and prepare them wisely, you won’t have to go to salons.

Let's start with a healthy root vegetable, and soon you will find a whole series of articles with useful tips and working recipes for skin and hair care. We will put all the garden fruits and vegetables on shelves and set up our own beauty salon without leaving home. Let's get started.

Regular use of carrots for skin care slows down the aging process of the skin, maintains elasticity and freshness, and smoothes out fine wrinkles.

It is good for caring for mature and aging skin.

Essential oil from carrot seeds improves complexion, lightens age spots and heals wounds, fights acne.

I strongly recommend that people suffering from pigmentation pay attention to masks made from red-haired beauty. They stain the skin and even out the color.

Masks for aging, sagging skin

  • Mix 1 tablespoon of cream with 2 tablespoons of grated root vegetables and 1 yolk, add 1 teaspoon of grated cucumber, apply for 20 minutes and rinse with warm water.
  • We freeze carrot juice in small cubes and wipe the skin of the face, neck and lips twice a day, the skin will be toned, receive a portion of vitamins and moisturize.

Hair masks

  • Rub carrot juice into your scalp 1 hour before washing.
  • Rub carrot essential oil into the scalp and apply to hair, rinse with warm water and shampoo after 2 hours, this procedure is useful for dry and brittle hair, improves growth. It is not recommended for use on oily hair types, as the procedure increases sebum production.
  • Infusion carrot tops and yarrow we take in equal parts and rinse the hair after washing.
  • Mix lemon and carrot juice in equal parts, add egg yolk and apply to hair roots for 1 hour, put a shower cap on your hair and wrap it with a towel. Wash off in the usual way.

We use hair masks 1-2 times a week for effectiveness. Course 10-12 masks.

For your hands, you can use masks that are suitable for dry skin. Apply to your hands and wear large rubber gloves. After 30-40 minutes, rinse with warm water and apply a rich, nourishing cream. The skin will be moisturized and disinfected; if there are wounds or cracks on your hands, they will heal faster.

I really love making masks like this for feet, the effect is amazing. Such masks are especially useful now, when the skin of the feet has become rough and dry over the summer.

Carrot face masks are simple and effective; use them for skin and hair care. Include this healthy root vegetable in your diet; remember, in order for the vitamins to be absorbed by your body, you need to add a little fat, cream, and sour cream to the carrot dish.

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From carrots at home You can make hair masks, face masks. Carrots are also an excellent lip care product. Carrots are used to strengthen and improve hair growth. As a nourishing product for the skin of the face and lips. Carrot juice adds color and fills with vitamins. And in general, carrots are very good for health. No wonder folk saying says: “Carrots make more blood.” Just one carrot a day can protect you from many diseases.

It contains a lot of healing substances. Carrot roots contain carotenoids (carotenes, phytoene, phytofluene and lycopene), vitamins B and B2, pantothenic and ascorbic acids, flavonoids, anthocyanidin, sugar (3-15%), some essential oil. Carrot seeds contain essential oil, fatty oil and flavone compounds. The flowers contain anthocyanin compounds and flavonoids (quercetin, kaempferol).

I’m not sure that the listing of these components of carrots tells you anything, it’s more interesting how they will be useful to us in medicine and cosmetics.

What are the benefits of carrots in medicine and cosmetics?

In medicine, carrots are used for hypo- and avitaminosis. It promotes epithelization, activates intracellular redox processes, and regulates carbohydrate metabolism. The seeds are used to obtain medicines, for example, daucarine, which has an antispasmodic effect similar to the action of papaverine and kellin, dilates the coronary vessels. Used for atherosclerosis, coronary insufficiency with symptoms of angina pectoris. Extracts and essential oils for cosmetics and aromatherapy are obtained from the seeds. Carrots are indicated for diseases of the conjunctiva and cornea of ​​the eye, mineral metabolism disorders, polyarthritis, osteochondrosis, urolithiasis and cholelithiasis. Carrots have mild laxative and diuretic properties, so they are used for diseases gastrointestinal tract and kidneys. IN folk medicine Wild carrots are used as an anthelmintic and laxative, as well as for removing radioactive substances from the body.

Carrot hair masks

Carrots will help strengthen your hair, making it smoother, stronger and silkier, and will also help make oily hair look lighter and cleaner.

A decoction of carrot grass to strengthen hair and improve its growth

Nourishing curd and carrot mask for oily skin

Mix 1 teaspoon of low-fat cottage cheese, fresh milk, carrot juice and olive or corn oil. The mixture is applied to the facial skin and kept for 15-20 minutes. Wash off with warm, then cool water.

Carrot nourishing mask for oily skin

One medium carrot is grated on a fine plastic grater and mixed with whipped egg white and 1 tbsp. spoon of rye flour. Apply the mixture to the face and leave for 15-20 minutes, then wash off with cold boiled water. The mask nourishes, refreshes and vitaminizes the skin.

Vegetable mask with carrots for combination skin

1 tbsp. a spoonful of carrot, cucumber and lemon juices are mixed with 1 tbsp. spoon of starch and apply the mixture with a cotton swab to the skin of the face. Leave for 15-20 minutes, then rinse with warm water. This mask well vitaminizes, softens and refreshes the skin.

Sour cream and carrot mask for combination skin

2 tbsp. Whisk tablespoons of sour cream with egg yolk, add 1 teaspoon of carrot juice and mix well. The mask is applied to dry areas of the skin and kept for 15-20 minutes. Wash off with warm boiled water.

Whitening lemon-carrot mask against freckles

2 tbsp. spoons of fresh carrot juice are mixed with 1 teaspoon of lemon juice and lubricate the skin. After 30 minutes, the juice is washed off. The procedure is carried out 2-3 times a day. Avoid exposure to the sun.

Carrot lip masks

Softening lip mask with carrots

Mix 1 teaspoon of olive oil with 1 teaspoon of linden honey and add 5 drops of carrot juice. The mask heals and softens the skin well, gives shine to the lips.

There are a huge number of products to maintain beauty, health and youth, one of them is carrot seed oil. This article will discuss the wonderful qualities of this remedy.

Characteristics and useful properties

Color: yellow, with possible shades: from light to amber.

Viscosity: flowing liquid.

Aroma: subjectively perceived as dry and sweetish, objectively reproduces the characteristic smell of the root vegetable.

Composition, main components

Depending on the place of growth, ecology, and carrot variety, in each specific case the product carries a bit of individual uniqueness, while the universal components of the composition are:

  • acetic acid,
  • carotol,
  • limonene,
  • Daukol,
  • pinene,
  • asaron.

Receipt method

Production conditions can be:

  • family,
  • laboratory,
  • industrial.

Based on this, methods for obtaining funds are determined. Profitability of production is one of the main conditions for the extraction of carrot oil on an industrial scale, therefore in industry they mainly use steam distillation(it is also called distillation or steam distillation).
During the process of steam distillation, the volatile essential substances of carrots, together with the heated steam, rush upward. Next, the steam with impurities of volatile substances is cooled cold water. Once in a special receiver, water and ethers are separated.

The resulting product is used in its pure form and as an additive to any vegetable oil (for example, flaxseed) or cream. Moreover, the second option is more common than the first. To obtain the product, the seeds of the plant are used, and the carrots themselves can be either wild or cultivated.

Beneficial features

  • performs the function of lymph renewal;
  • has a hemostatic effect;
  • restores liver cells;
  • serves for vision prevention;
  • is a good diuretic;
  • removes kidney stones, waste and toxins from the body;
  • good for skin and gums.

natural properties

Carrot seed essential oil represents the element of Earth. By influencing a person’s bioenergetic field, it is able to free him from the shackles of loneliness. There is no mysticism here. It has long been noted that carrot oil is one of the best means for the rehabilitation of the psycho-emotional sphere: it calms a person, eliminating nervousness, gives a feeling of confidence, concentrates a person’s mental abilities, and makes him collected. It is these transformations that make a person attractive to others, which is why getting rid of loneliness is no longer a problem.

Dosage for aroma lamp

To obtain an aromatherapy effect, it is enough to drop only 3-4 drops into the aroma lamp (aka aroma lamp).

Application in cosmetology

For Tan

The product we are considering, on the one hand, has a sunscreen effect, on the other hand, attracts the rays of the sun, so carrot tanning oil can easily replace sunscreen.

For skin and lips

Rubbing carrot oil into the skin gives a rejuvenating effect. Flabby, tired skin becomes more elastic and firm. Natural tone and humidity are regulated.

Carrot oil activates the production of secretions by the sebaceous glands, so it should not be used by people with oily problem skin.

For face

Using carrot oil on the face has several positive effects:

  • complexion improves, signs of fatigue are relieved;
  • the exposure of the face to chapping and other effects of adverse weather conditions is significantly reduced;
  • pigment spots disappear or their number decreases.

For hair (aroma combing)

This procedure is carried out to obtain. For hair of medium length (shoulder length), you need to distribute 3-4 drops of the product evenly along the length of the comb (for longer or short hair a proportionate dose should be selected). Duration of the procedure: 3 – 10 minutes, course duration: from 4 days to a week. After 2 weeks, take a break.

To carry out aroma combing, you should use hair combs only from natural materials; plastic and metal products are not suitable.

Recipe for a regenerating face mask:

Medicinal properties, use in folk medicine

For treatment and prevention respiratory diseases inhalations are widely used in folk medicine. The duration of the procedure is on average 5 minutes, 4 drops are added to the inhaler.

By massaging the abdomen using oil in folk medicine, one achieves increase appetite. This technique is considered effective in the fight against anorexia.

Massaging your scalp using the product is a great way to achieve thick hair.

Rub the product into the skin around the affected joints arthritis and arthrosiseffective measure local treatment of joint diseases, and taking the product orally in small doses is used to obtain diuretic, carminative and cleansing effect.

Cooking at home

Carrot oil from its root vegetables.

Mix one glass of grated carrots with 300 ml of vegetable oil (linseed, peeled sunflower or olive oil). Keep the mixture covered with a lid in a dark place for 24 hours. Then strain. All. The drug is ready. It should be stored exclusively in a dark place, adding it to the cream if desired.

Combination with other oils

If we consider the product from the standpoint of its compatibility with other oils, we get a rather capricious substance, since the list of essential oils that can accompany it is very limited:

  • sandalwood,
  • spicy and citrus oils,
  • lavender,
  • cedar,
  • geranium,
  • mimosa and cassia oil.


  • pregnancy;
  • oily skin;
  • individual intolerance to carrots (both wild and cultivated) or components included in the base (if a cream, gel, etc. is used as a base).


The scope of use of carrot oil in cooking is limited by its properties as a flavoring agent for cooking:

  • gas stations;
  • sauces.


  • Aromatherapy: 3 – 4 drops per aroma pot;
  • cosmetology: 3 – 5 drops per 10 ml of base (base oil or cream);
  • massages, rubbing: 5 – 8 drops per 10 ml of base;
  • for oral administration: 2 drops per 50 ml of mixture, washed down with acidified water. Frequency of administration: 3 times a day, but first consult a doctor.

Precautionary measures

The product is a high concentration of biologically active substance, which is why it is taken in minimal quantities. This cannot be explained to children, so in order to protect them from “overdose”, it is necessary to store the oil in an inaccessible place.


The shelf life of carrot oil is indicated by the manufacturer on the packaging (most often it is 2 years). It must not be used under any circumstances after the expiration of the specified period, since it not only loses beneficial features, but is transformed into a toxic or even carcinogenic substance.

Carcinogenic substances are compounds that can become causative agents of malignant neoplasms in the human body (cancer).

Storage conditions include:

  • no temperature changes (it is better to store the oil in the refrigerator at 4-6 degrees), although with frequent use it is not prohibited to store it at room temperature;
  • the bottle with the contents must be tightly closed;
  • Oil should only be stored in a dark place and away from sources of fire.

How to choose natural oil

After making a purchase, you can visually determine the naturalness of the product in two ways:

  • You should drop some oil onto the paper. The stain remaining after it evaporates (about half an hour after application) should not be greasy. Otherwise, the greasy stain indicates the presence of vegetable oil with which the essential oil was diluted;
  • high-quality oil, when added to a cosmetic cream or gel, does not change the structure of the composition, does not liquefy or separate it.

In order not to buy a fake, you need comply with several rules:

  • essential oil should not be purchased at a pharmacy or large hypermarkets, but only in stores specializing in the sale of this type of product;
  • ask the seller for a certificate;
  • give preference to well-established manufacturers.


The production of essential oil requires large volumes of primary raw materials, so it cannot be cheap. Bottles of various sizes are available for sale: 5 ml, 10 ml, 30 ml and so on. In market conditions, each manufacturer is free to set prices at his own discretion, but it is clear that he will not work to his own detriment. average price funds – 1000 rub. for 10 ml. If the price offered to you for a given product is significantly lower than the specified figure, there is reason to suspect that the product being offered is a fake. If you are experiencing financial difficulties, it is better to buy a cream containing carrot essential oil (it will be cheaper).

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