Seeing a stream of clear water in a dream. Interpretation of the dream Stream. Maly Velesov dream book

Much in explaining what a stream means in a dream is determined based on the state of the water itself, as well as everything nearby. The dream book says that such a source can be seen in dreams by a person who is characterized by changeable mood. When the water was clear in a dream, then events in life will turn out for the better.

Predictions of Simon the Canonite

When in a dream you happen to see a vast stream, in reality you will be able to complete large and important enterprises. Did you dream of a noisy mountain stream? At the present time, your work, to which you devote all your strength, is not fully established. Canonite's dream book gives advice: do not put off the development of real affairs, otherwise it may be too late.

Swimming in purified water in a dream means recovery. Your health will be restored, and illnesses will leave you alone for a long period of time. When it seems like there is no bridge over the stream, and you have to wade across the water stream, your goal will be achieved, but for this you need to make every effort.

See in a vision in rushing water a large number of fish - you will participate in a profitable business. I dreamed that there were a lot of fish, and they large sizes, every now and then something profitable is foreseen.

Moving along a bridge across a stream means successfully overcoming all problematic circumstances. When you dreamed of real blood in place of water, you are expected to encounter major hardships in reality.

Opinion of Veles and Freud

When you see a cleared stream, happiness awaits from the return of what has been lost for a long time. When the flow of water splashes over the edges, well-being noticeably stabilizes.

Seeing a dried up mountain stream in a dream means poverty. Veles's dream book recommends not knocking on closed doors, but just wait a little. After some time, circumstances will improve and financial well-being will arrive.

If you dreamed that a clear stream was flowing at high speed, all your dreams will come true in a short period of time. The dream book explains that the implementation of the planned task will bring many favorable sensations. You will feel like the most successful person who has been blessed with happiness.

Freud's dream book says that if you draw water from a stream in your night dreams, then you are a modest person. In addition, they are not ready to perform all sorts of intimate experiments. Psychologists advise becoming more decisive, otherwise friendships with old friends or love relationships will be destroyed.

Miller's description of the dream

When you dream that you are crossing a stream, be prepared to experience a lot of intense emotions and expressed impressions. You may be able to get them during your trip. A high-water source is a signal of impending unrest, and also strong anxiety.

Miller's dream book warns that a dry stream is considered to be a harbinger of disappointment. If you saw in a dream a bridge located across a water source, fate will give you a chance to acquire what you passionately dream of.

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A dream seen from Saturday to Sunday comes true on the same day. The events that it foretells depend on the mood of the dream. If you saw...

If you dreamed that a stream was flowing from a mountain, you will face a difficult task in your activities. She will force you to put a lot of effort into fulfilling all the conditions and nuances. However, all the effort expended will pay off in full if you can cope with the task.

Set yourself up for success and don’t think about problems and failures. Be confident in yourself, in your abilities, and don’t think about defeat for a minute.

The meaning of a dream about a stream with dirty water

If in a dream there was a stream with dirty, muddy water, the mood will be darkened by unpleasant events. What happens in the near future will negatively affect your self-confidence, which can greatly harm your plans. This is not to say that something very bad will happen, but your perception at this moment will be especially vulnerable.

Try not to react to what is happening so sharply. Take criticism calmly and deliberately, do not allow it to affect your self-esteem.

What does a stream seen in the forest mean according to the dream book?

According to the dream book, a stream in the forest means that all your efforts will be in vain and will not give the desired results. This will happen largely due to the fact that the wrong work plan was initially drawn up. You have been thinking too much and discussing upcoming matters instead of taking active action.

Focus on completing your immediate responsibilities instead of wasting time on useless conversations.

Interpretation of a dream in which I happened to cross a stream

A dream in which you crossed a stream portends success in professional activity. You will be able to easily overcome all the obstacles in your path and achieve your cherished goal. Your enemies and competitors will not be able to prevent you from implementing your plans, no matter how hard they try.

Why do you dream about a stream with clean water?

The plot of a dream in which you saw a stream with clean water means that the people around you have pure thoughts and sincere intentions. You can trust your loved ones and friends. Everything that is planned will be realized in the best possible way, largely thanks to the support of those who are close to you.

There is no need to doubt those people who have repeatedly proven their loyalty. Reciprocate their feelings and try to justify the trust placed in you.

If you dreamed of a stream with clear water

Seeing a stream with clear water does not foretell drastic changes in the current situation. No particularly significant events are expected in the near future. Everything will move forward calmly and measuredly. There will be no cause for concern, nor for joy. But this calm will help you collect your thoughts and take a little break.

Don't rush things, let them take their course. Haste can sometimes do more harm than good. Act wisely, do not give in to sudden emotional impulses.

A stream with clean and quietly flowing water in a dream portends well-being and recovery (for the sick). A dream about a stream often predicts receiving news. See interpretation: river, water.

A dream in which you saw that the stream had dried up means: expect failure in business and bad changes. Such a dream may mean that you will soon lose your job, which gives you your livelihood (or the source of your well-being). If you dream that a clear stream flows near your house, then you will soon receive an important position.

Watching a stream run in a dream is a harbinger of a change in place of residence or lifestyle. A stream running away from you means that you will be troubled by memories of the past. If you dream that the stream has become unusually large, then great things or success await you. A very deep stream in a dream is a sign that you do not know the people with whom you communicate well. A bloody stream in a dream foreshadows great experiences due to the loss of loved ones.

Successfully crossing a stream that blocked your path foreshadows a happy ending to a matter that seemed impossible.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

Dream Interpretation - Stream

A stream you see in a dream promises you new, vivid impressions and travel.

A full-flowing stream foreshadows a short period of worries and anxieties.

A dry stream is a dream of fleeting disappointment, followed by the fulfillment of desires.

If you took water from a stream, it means you are very unpretentious and inventive in bed. Any proposal from your partner that goes beyond the bounds of “decency” plunges you into shock. Make sure that monotony doesn't ruin your relationship.

Interpretation of dreams from Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Unexpected joy, the renewal of a long-lost relationship.

Sleep online - Stream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Water flows under the hearth, a stream flows - speaks of wealth that was acquired dishonestly.

Dream online - Water flows under the fireplace, a stream flows

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Speaks of wealth acquired through dishonest means. A boiler breaking in the hearth portends death. Repairing or building a fireplace in the kitchen means great happiness and success.

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about a Stream?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

You will take up a new position. If the water in the stream runs quickly, then a mistake is possible, take your time. Moving up the social ladder. A rapid flow of water means mistakes and gossip are possible.

Dream meaning - Stream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Change of place and life. Meeting with something long lost, joy. Flowing through the room, light and the same with the river - a very important guest, for the birth of a child. Stormy - unfair trial, personal troubles, worries. Overflowing its banks - losses, failures.

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about a Stream?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Stream - if you drew water from a stream, this means that in your intimate life you are undemanding and do not like to reinvent the wheel. You never come up with anything new and are used to living by the rules. However, you risk losing your loved one soon...

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about a Stream?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Seeing a clean stream in a dream is a very happy dream that promises you a lot of good things. If the stream is muddy, fate will take care of you, taking away from your enemies what is dear to them.

Decoding and interpretation of sleep Stream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

See interpretation source, key.

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about a Stream?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

A favorable sign, especially for artists and painters. It promises interesting travels and a lot of new experiences. If the stream is full-flowing, a short period of acute experiences and anxieties awaits you. If you see that it is dry, then this means that you will experience disappointment...

How to interpret the dream “Stream”

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Changing place in life, meeting with long-lost joy

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about a Stream?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Stream, mudflow (mountain stream) - to a meeting with the enemy. Not getting your feet wet in a stream or saving yourself from a mudflow in a dream means getting rid of the enemy’s machinations.

I had a dream "Stream"

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Light and clean water in the stream is a good turn of events. Muddy and dirty water in a stream - to worries and sadness, with fish - to wealth. Hearing the murmur of water in a stream means rumors about you. See a dry stream -...

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about a Stream?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

To joy.

What does a dream about a stream mean?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

The joy of the news.

Stream - see in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Dreaming of a stream means you have a unique chance to relax and have fun: your friends will organize a party and invite you. If the bed of the stream you dreamed of looks like a writhing snake, then today new people will come into your life.

Stream - dream interpretation

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

A dreamed stream promises you new vivid impressions and travel. A deep stream - portends a short period of worries and anxieties. A dry stream - dreams of fleeting disappointment, followed by the fulfillment of desires.

The essence of the dream - Stream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

To singing at the table, to feasting with good people.

What does the dream mean - Stream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

A stream with clean and quietly flowing water in a dream portends well-being and recovery (for the sick). A dream about a stream often predicts receiving news. River, water. A dream in which you saw that the stream had dried up means: expect failure in business and bad changes. ...

The meaning of the dream about the Brook

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Quiet, transparent, affectionate - good, joy. Muddy, seething - negative influences on the sleeping person. Parched, parched - loss vitality. The end of love, relationships, feelings. Flows pleasantly, murmurs - for money. Promotion. Meanders - frivolity, whims.

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about a Stream?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

If you see a stream in a dream, this promises you new vivid impressions and travel. If the stream is full-flowing, a short period of acute experiences and anxieties awaits you. If you see that it is dry, then this means that you will experience disappointment, but...

Author of the article: website

It is quite simple to determine how the dream book interprets a stream seen in a dream. To do this, you need to remember everything that you dreamed about. It’s better to write down your dream on a piece of paper - this way you won’t miss a single detail.

If the stream in the dream was wide, then big, important things await you. This dream is especially favorable for businessmen. In the near future, fate will present you with pleasant surprises.

A narrow stream is a sign that you are on the right path. If it occurred to you interesting idea, be sure to bring it to life. In the future it will bring only positive changes.

Good sign

As the dream book says, a stream in a coniferous forest foretells an improvement in well-being, good health. And if you see him in a deciduous forest, then you can count on career advancement.

A mountain stream usually appears in a dream when the dreamer is overwhelmed with positive emotions. Perhaps an event recently happened in your life that you will remember for the rest of your life. And the flow of water speaks of the dreamer’s good aesthetic taste.

The arrival of guests is what dreams of a stream flowing in your house mean. Also, such a dream foreshadows good, encouraging news. It is possible that you will receive news from old acquaintances.

  • The stream flows in a zigzag - you will change your plans.
  • The water froze - unexpectedly.
  • Waves - to bright, memorable events.
  • Stones in the water - a barrier may arise.
  • Seeing fish is a sign of fun.

If you dreamed of clean streams, then a joyful meeting awaits you. Most likely, you will find yourself in a pleasant company where you can have a lot of fun. Perhaps you will meet new people who will play an important role in your life.

Did you dream that a stream of sewage flows into a stream of clear water? Someone will try to slander you. To prevent your reputation from being damaged, behave with dignity and do not give in to provocations.

A muddy, dirty stream is a sign that your competitors may be playing unfair games against you. Be alert, carefully check information coming to you from dubious sources.

A stream of melted snow portends reconciliation with a loved one. And to see in a dream a stream along which ice floes are floating, according to the dream book, means defending your opinion, trying to impose it on others.

It happens that you have unusual dreams. For example, a milk stream promises the dreamer a warm atmosphere in the house. Kiselny - long conversations on exciting topics. What if instead of water you saw alcoholic drink, then a grand celebration awaits you.

See yourself in a dream

Splashing in a clean stream means improving your health. The dream book believes that you will be able to quickly get rid of the disease. If you do not have health problems, then such a dream says that there should not be any in the near future.

Peace of mind, doing what you love - this is what you dream of about a stream in which you see your reflection. And if the water turns out to be so clear that you can see the bottom, then you can rest assured of the pure intentions of your surroundings.

If the water was ice-cold, then you should pay attention to your relationship with your loved one. Perhaps in Lately you are somewhat cold with your partner. Remember old times, create a romantic atmosphere, say that you love.

Was the stream warm in the dream? Soon everything will get better in your life. And if the water was hot, then a passionate romance awaits you. For married people, such night dreams foreshadow an outburst of passion.

  • Drinking from a stream means gaining new knowledge.
  • To fall into it is to be offended.
  • Wash your face - forgive the offense.
  • Hearing it in the distance means thinking about the future.
  • Collecting water in a bucket means saving money for an expensive purchase.

To stand next to a stream but not hear its flow means to ignore important details. And a dream in which a stream gurgled loudly usually symbolizes an important conversation. You may hear something you didn't expect at all.

According to the dream book, crossing a body of water means easily overcoming obstacles and quickly completing a task. And to wade through it means making every effort to achieve the desired result.

According to the dream book, the stream along which the current carries you speaks of your flexibility and reluctance to conflict. And if you move against the flow, then you are a stubborn and scrupulous person.

If you believe the dream interpreter, then watching a stream dry up is a request for help. Don't refuse when asked for a favor. Perhaps you are able to solve the problem of a loved one.

Having correctly determined what a stream is in a dream about, you will be able to calculate all your steps in advance, and also learn a lot of new things about yourself. The main thing is not to miss a single detail or nuance when working with a dream book. Author: Vera Drobnaya

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