Return of the shrine. Anastasy from Anastasov: more than a century on earth the Mother of God of the Nativity of Anastasov monastery telephone

According to the exact testimony of the so-called “Instalment Book” attached to the ancient monastic Synodikon, the Anastasov monastery “was set up and built with all sorts of structures, and the lands were donated to that monastery” by the Vorotynsky princes, because the Anastasov monastery was also their patrimony, in Odoevo, Princes The Vorotynskys are an ancient princely and boyar family descended from St. book Mikhail Vsevolodovich of Chernigov (+1246), who lived in their specific city of Vorotynsk and received their nickname from him.

The Vorotynsky princes, “together” with other appanage princes of Chernigov, were subject to Lithuanian citizenship. “Going to the Greek pen” was the main motivating reason why the princes of Vorotynsky and others, descended from the tribe of St. Michael, separated from Lithuania. The first of the Vorotynsky princes to defect to Russia was Mikhail Fedorovich - in 1484. This circumstance served as a reason for hostile actions between Russia and Lithuania.

In 1494, on February 7, by the Treaty of Moscow, Lithuania recognized the estates of the Vorotyn princes as the property of Russia. Prince Ivan Mikhailovich Vorotynsky was distinguished by his courage in the wars against Lithuania and the Tatars; in many battles, by the way, in 1517 he repelled Crimean Tatars, unexpectedly appeared near Tula. This “victorious governor” was the founder of the Anastasov Monastery in his estate, near Odoev.

When was the monastery built? - Undoubtedly in the first half of the 16th century by Prince Ivan Vorotynsky, shortly after his victory over the Tatars near Tula, in 1517, and probably in gratitude for this victory. Therefore, perhaps, the temple in the name of the Nativity of St. Theotokos, just as many churches of this name were built after the Kulikovo victory, also over the Tatars, which took place on the unforgettable Christmas Day of St. Theotokos, September 8, 1380.

Where does the monastery get its nickname – “Anastasov”?

Many historical researchers believe that the monastery received its name, in all likelihood, after the name and in memory of the builder, Princess Anastasia. But then he would be called Anastasin. No, the monastery is named “Anastasov”, after the name of its first abbot, abbot Anastasy; hence, often in monuments it is called simply “Nastasov” monastery and is never called “Nastasin”.

According to legend, the original Church of the Nativity of St. The Church of the Virgin Mary was made of wood, and in the seventies of the 17th century a stone Temple was built, namely in 1673. The builder of the Temple was Abbot Jonah, with the assistance of His Grace Paul, Metropolitan of Sarsk and Podonsk. According to the monastery Chronicle, in 1674, a stone bell tower was built.

The history of the growth of the Monastery is described by the Synodik and the “Inset Book”, which are in the same binding. The builders, donors and abbots of the monastery are mentioned in this Shrine.

But Synodik M.P. especially stands out.

Mother of God of the Nativity Anastasov Monastery

Kolupaeva. Manuscript from 1691, bound in leather. It contains the title with which the entry of the depositor, okolnichy Kolupaev, about his contributions begins.

For this reason, instead of the usual “prefaces,” this Synodikon contains only a general commemoration of all the “unfortunates” who especially require the prayers of the church or who have no one to remember. Here is the text of this very characteristic both in language and type of commemoration: “Lord, remember the souls of those who believe in Christ and strive for the saints.” God's Church and for the most venerable monasteries, and for the faithful kings and great princes and for Orthodox Christianity, they poured out their blood and for the whole world, who bowed their heads, those who were beaten from the Tatars and from Lithuania and from the Germans, and from all the filthy foreign languages ​​and from internecine warfare they were beaten and died. "

The family of the okolnichy, Mikhail Petrovich Kolupaev, to whom the present synodik was given as a contribution. Here, among the names of his family, “Nikita (Lushyuvich) was killed,” “the same one who did not kiss the cross with the thieves,” and for this he was thrown from the tower of the Odoevskaya fortress.

Near the Temple itself, below it, there is an ancient monastery cemetery. In this cemetery there should be a monument to the Odoevsky citizen Kolupaev, who in the city of Odoev, during the interregnum, in 1612, did not take the oath of allegiance to False Dmitry and was thrown from the tower of the ancient “Oduevsky” fortress, and his body was buried in the “Nastasov Monastery”.

In addition to the period of growth and prosperity, there came a time of decline in monastic life, and in 1784 the Anastas Monastery was abolished. According to some peasants who heard from their elders, it is recorded that the monks were transferred to Belev, but there are no historical references. Since then it has been converted into a parish church with the addition of s. Anastasova, villages: Filimonova, Krasepki and Tatevoy.

And what happened to the Abode in the atheistic 20th century can be seen from the photographs. If we want the revival of Russia, then it is necessary to cleanse our souls through repentance, and best of all this happens in the Holy Abodes and we will pray and work as hard as we can so that a piece of Holy Rus' will be quickly revived on the right bank of the Upa, in most beautiful place land of Tula.

By the decision of the Holy Synod of March 12, 2002, with the blessing of His Grace Kirill, Bishop of Tula and Belevsky and His Holiness Alexy II, Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus', the monastery was recreated and construction work began within its walls.

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The Nativity of the Mother of God Anastasov men's diocesan monasteryMonastery pageRussian Orthodox Church, Tula Metropolis, Belevskaya Diocese

  • Monastery type: male
  • Status: active
  • Language of services: Church Slavonic
  • Viceroy: Hegumen Parfeniy (Sachkov)
  • Brief historical background: The monastery was named “Anastasov” after the first abbot of its abbot, Anastasy; hence, in monuments it is often called simply “Nastasov” Monastery.
    According to legend, the original Church of the Nativity Ave.

    Odoevsky Anastasov Mother of God Nativity Monastery: chronicle essay

    The Church of the Virgin Mary was made of wood and in the seventies of the 17th century a stone Temple was built. The builder of the Temple was Abbot Jonah with the assistance of His Grace Paul, Metropolitan of Sarsk and Podonsk. According to the monastery Chronicle, a stone bell tower was built in 1674.
    The monastery was founded in the 16th century by Prince Ivan Mikhailovich Vorotynsky. In the 1550s, a wooden church was built in the monastery on the site of which in 1669-1675. a stone temple that has survived to this day was erected. Architect unknown.

    The Anastasov Monastery has been an architectural monument of national importance since 1960.
    In 2002 there was no roof, no windows, no doors: broken vaults and desolation. The temple was closed in 1931 and at first they wanted to blow it up, but according to one version there was not enough explosives for the thick walls, and according to another, the chairman of the collective farm said that he had nowhere to store grain and the church was traditionally used as a granary.
    By the decision of the Holy Synod of March 12, 2002, with the blessing of His Grace Kirill, Bishop of Tula and Belevsky and His Holiness Alexy II, Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus', the monastery was recreated and construction work began within its walls.

    Now the roofs have already been made on the doors in the chapel of the Holy Martyr Catherine, services are being held, there is hope that everything will be restored soon.

The main obedience is prayer

Member of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, deputy of the State Duma Oleg Lebedev, visited the city of Odoev, where he held a reception of voters and, at the request of residents of the village of Anastasovo and the local clergy, visited the Anastasov Monastery on the issue of building a bridge across the Upa River, so that it would be more convenient for residents of surrounding villages to attend church services.

At the reception of voters, questions were raised about calculating the MOP, relocating from dilapidated housing stock, and road repairs. Residents turned to the deputy on problems of improvement, social security, and modernization of healthcare. The issue of the quality of healthcare services is especially significant for the region due to the acute shortage of qualified personnel.

The head of the district administration, Vyacheslav Kosarev, was present at the reception of the State Duma deputy, so that the necessary decisions could be made more quickly on the spot to eliminate the complaints and problems of residents.

Residents of the village of Anastasovo, Odoevsky district, and the clergy of the monastery of the same name approached State Duma deputy Oleg Lebedev with a request to help build a bridge across the Upa River in order to make it easier for residents of surrounding villages to access church services.

The ancient Anastasov Monastery - a monument of Russian architecture of the 16th century, is a cultural center and a great attraction of the Odoevsky land. The monastery is located on the opposite bank of the Upa River from Odoev.

The monastery houses the White Church of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary. All around are endless fields smelling of clover.

Odoev schoolchildren together with their teacher A.V. Karpushina attends the “Fundamentals” circle at the monastery Orthodox culture" Girls and boys, as well as numerous tourists from all over the country, get acquainted with the history of the Temple and the architectural features of the church complex.

Together with the head of the administration of the Odoevsky district V. Kosarev and the secretary of the district party committee V. Vinokurova, State Duma deputy Oleg Lebedev visited the Anastasov Monastery, where, together with the abbot, he discussed the issues of arranging a bridge across the Upa River.

Oleg Lebedev also met with the 99-year-old elder Archimandrite Anastasius, who, despite his advanced age, is keenly interested in the current political situation. For example, among other things, Elder Fr.

Anastasov Monastery

Anastasy warmly supported the return of Crimea to Russia.

Archimandrite Anastasy, confessor of the Anastasiev Nativity of the Virgin Mary monastery, Odoevsky district village. Anastasovo served in 35 parishes of the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad for 50 years. Today, he not only confesses to the clergy of the Belevsky diocese, but also spiritually helps numerous pilgrims who come to him for advice.

Also on that day, Oleg Lebedev laid flowers at the monument to the Odoevites who died in the Great Patriotic War.

Lebedev Oleg Alexandrovich


First Secretary of the Tula Regional Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, deputy State Duma Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, member of the State Duma Committee on Agrarian Issues

Personal page

The Anastasov Monastery is located in the village of the same name, Anastasovo, Odoevsky district. Information about the time of its foundation was preserved in the monastery “Kormovaya” book, which was given by Princes Alexander and Mikhail Vorotynsky to the monastery abbot German in 1558. According to this document, the builders of the monastery were Prince Ivan Mikhailovich Vorotynsky and his wife Anastasia.

The monastery was built in the 1550s. after Ivan Vorotynsky’s victory near Tula over the Tatars, in 1517 and, most likely, in gratitude for this victory. Many historians believe that the monastery got its name from its builder, Princess Anastasia. But in this case they would call him Anastasin. Another group of researchers is inclined to believe that the monastery is called “Anastasov” after its first abbot, Abbot Anastasy; hence in many documents he is simply called “Nastasov”.

When the monastery was founded by the Vorotynskys, the following villages were given to it: Martynovskaya, Rymnino, Filimonovo Podromanovo.

Initially, the Church of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary was wooden; in 1673, a stone church was built. It was built by Abbot Jonah. According to the “Chronicle” of the monastery, a stone bell tower was built in 1674. The site for construction was selected with high artistic taste. The massive volume of the church building seemed to have grown into the gently sloping hill and organically blended into the colorful landscape of the river bank. The architecture of the temple is strict and concentratedly alert, characteristic of the mid-17th century, when the Tula land still remembered the times of Tatar raids. Cheerfulness and festivity are alien to the temple.

The temple had the shape of a rectangle, with a square with five domes rising above the main altar. The lower floor was made of untreated wattle. Perhaps it was intended for monastic storerooms, and perhaps also for the monastic cells of monks - in two rooms on the lower floor traces of human habitation have been preserved. The walls of the church are quite thick, in one of them there was a passage that connected the kitchen with the chapel of the holy martyr Catherine, another passage was made from the vaults of the church to the elevation of the heads of the temple.

The bell tower is placed on the north side of the church and is connected to it by a gallery. On the second tier of the bell tower there is a room with the strange name “breech”. Perhaps it was some kind of watchtower or served as a treasury for the monastery.

The history of the development of the monastery is told by the Synodik and the Inset Book. The donors, builders and abbots of the monastery are mentioned here. Synodik Kolupaev especially stands out. This is a leather-bound manuscript from 1691. Instead of the usual “prefaces,” the Synodic contains only a general commemoration of the “unfortunate” who require special church prayers and whom there is no one to remember.

Next to the temple, somewhat lower than it, there is an ancient monastery cemetery, where there was a monument to Odoev’s citizen, Kolupaev, who in 1612 did not swear allegiance to False Dmitry, and was thrown from the tower. In 1716, there were 244 monastery peasants, the majority lived in "scarcity".

In 1722 there was not a single monk in the monastery except the abbot. The poverty of the monastic peasants, together with the cessation of large deposits in Peter's time, was also reflected in the monastic wealth. The monastery was approaching decline. In 1764, the monastery was abolished and turned into the village of Anastasovo. The villages that made up the patrimonial possessions of the monastery and those located not far from it formed the parish of the village. All parishioners were peasants, engaged in agriculture and produced pottery.

The temple underwent numerous changes during its existence. In the 1840s the temple was painted. One old passage was sealed up, and instead a new passage was made in the wall, with a wooden staircase and porch, replaced in 1883 with stone ones.

The architect who built the church of the Anastasov Monastery glorified the beauty and originality of Russian architecture. The architectural composition of the church uses techniques characteristic of ancient Russian architecture: a complex plan, picturesque asymmetry of volumes, freedom of solution for the architecture of the temple.

Interesting events are associated with the temple. An ancient manuscript that belonged to the merchant Polikarpov says that there was a big fire in Belyov in 1805, when many bells melted. At that time, a monk came from the Belevsky monastery to Anastasovo to take several bells. The parishioners opposed this and, on the advice of priest Gabriel Avksentiev, drove away with stakes the one who wanted to encroach on the property of their church. For this, the priest was removed from church affairs and exiled to Kolomna.

Since 2012, construction work has been underway at the monastery.


Lives on the Oka land, in the Belyov diocese, a 100-year-old elder monk, who returned from emigration ten years ago. Archimandrite Anastasy (Shvetsov-Zagarsky) arrived at the monastery of the same name - Anastasov Mother of God Nativity Monastery, Odoevsky district, Tula region.

He was born in Vyatka in 1915 on the feast of the Annunciation Holy Mother of God. Despite the fact that he was the son of a priest, he managed to enter medical school. Served as a paramedic Finnish war, was captured in 1941. He doesn’t like to remember his time there – it’s very difficult. After the war I did not return to my homeland, I was afraid. Spent two years in an internment camp in Liechtenstein. Then, with the help of the Russian clergy, he moved to Argentina. At first he worked as a loader, then he got a place in a hospital and worked in his specialty.

In the 1950s, he took monastic vows, moved to the USA, graduated from Jordanville Seminary, and assisted Metropolitan Anastasius of New York (ROCOR). For half a century he served in the churches of the Northern and South America. He was the custodian of the shrine of the Russian diaspora, the Kursk-Root Icon Mother of God. At the age of 80 he retired, lived in New York, followed the news from Russia.

Father Anastasy, why did you come from a prosperous place to Russia, leave everything and come here? Why did you decide this at 90 years old?

– Why did I come? I don't know myself. God is in control everywhere. Father Parfeniy invited me here. He saw me somewhere in photographs and invited me to come here. I was already leaving, I was there, then I think, they’re waiting here, I have to go. Once the monk asks. Must go. So I arrived. Now I am sick, my heart is failing. So I can end at any moment.

– Are you glad that you are in Russia now? – asks Hieromonk Arseny, who brought us to Anastasovo.

“Well, what happened, you won’t return it, you won’t return it... Thank you, my friend, for coming here today,” looking warmly at his brother, he took his hand in his palms.

Father, forgive us for disturbing you.

- No no nothing. I still wanted to take a walk in the fresh air. Since you’ve come, why should I sit there when I want to see you? - said Father Anastasy, looking at his interlocutors with interest. True, fatigue was noticeable - on this hot day the elder traveled around the surrounding area, he was taken to Odoev, probably to see a doctor.

Over the ten years of living in this monastery, Elder Anastassy received hundreds of people; he loves to talk to everyone individually and once admitted that this demand for him is very important.

We ask for your prayers!

The Anastas Monastery, beautifully inscribed on the high bank of the Upa River, was founded in the 16th century. Only one temple has survived to our time - the very first stone cathedral of the 17th century (in Soviet time there was a village canteen here), the rest has been recreated practically from scratch since 2002. Now this is one of the most well-kept monasteries, with the largest brethren of the monasteries of the Belyov diocese - 25 people.

– The temple is 20 years older than the Transfiguration Cathedral of the Belevsky Monastery. It was built by the same person, Archimandrite Job, who had already died in our monastery. The current core is Hegumen Parfeniy and Abbot Korniliy, who come from Optina Pustyn. Here the brethren “grew up” around them. The monastery was founded in 1525 by Prince Ivan Mikhailovich Vorotynsky, who is a descendant of the holy noble Prince Mikhail of Chernigov, who was martyred by the Tatars in 1242; his descendants ended up here in Odoev in 1380. The monastery was abolished during the time of Catherine II and was a simple temple, says monk Ambrose.

– Our temple, like the temple on Kulikovo Field, is dedicated to the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary. As you know, the Battle of Kulikovo took place on the day of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary,” he continues. – And our temple is in honor of the victory over the Hagarites. In 1517, Prince John Vorotynsky defeated Mehmet Giray, who invaded here. The lands here then belonged to the Lithuanians. The appanage princes were in no hurry to leave for Moscow; they felt free here - Lithuania is far away.

John Vorotynsky won several victories over the Tatars. He got some bonuses, as they say now, for himself, but, nevertheless, due to slander, for some political reasons, Elena Glinskaya (mother of Ivan the Terrible) took his life, accusing him that the prince was connected with the Kurbskys and all that.

Three clans of the descendants of the holy noble prince Mikhail of Chernigov settled in these parts - the Vorotynsky, Odoevsky and Belevsky. The Vorotynskys died out shortly before Peter I, and the male line died out. Odoevsky - in the 19th century, one of the last representatives was the writer Vladimir Odoevsky, who wrote the fairy tales “The Black Hen” and “The Town in the Snuffbox”. The Belevskys, they say, are still dating...


Photo by Maria TEMNOVA and Elena DOROFEEVA

The publication was prepared as part of a project that received a grant from the International Competition “Orthodox Initiative 2016-2017”

The Anastasov Monastery is located in the village of the same name, Anastasovo, Odoevsky district. Information has been preserved in the monastery “Kormovaya” book - according to this document, the founders of the monastery were Prince Ivan Mikhailovich Vorotynsky and his wife Anastasia.

The monastery was built in the first half of the 16th century after Ivan Vorotynsky’s victory near Tula over the Tatars in 1517 and, most likely, in gratitude for this victory. Many historians believe that the monastery got its name from its builder, Princess Anastasia. But in this case they would call him Anastasin. Another group of researchers is inclined to believe that the monastery is called “Anastasov” after its first abbot, Abbot Anastasy; hence in many documents he is simply called “Nastasov”.

When the monastery was founded by the Vorotynskys, the following villages were given to it: Martynovskaya, Rymnino, Filimonovo Podromanovo.

Initially, the Church of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary was wooden; in 1673, a stone church was built. It was built by Abbot Jonah. According to the “Chronicle” of the monastery, a stone bell tower was built in 1674. The site for construction was selected with high artistic taste. The massive volume of the church building seemed to have grown into the gently sloping hill and organically blended into the colorful landscape of the river bank. The architecture of the temple is strict and concentratedly alert, characteristic of the mid-17th century, when the Tula land still remembered the times of Tatar raids. Cheerfulness and festivity are alien to the temple.

The temple had the shape of a rectangle, with a square with five domes rising above the main altar. The lower floor was made of untreated wattle. Perhaps it was intended for monastic storerooms, and perhaps also for the monastic cells of monks - in two rooms on the lower floor traces of human habitation have been preserved. The walls of the church are quite thick, in one of them there was a passage that connected the kitchen with the chapel of the holy martyr Catherine, another passage was made from the vaults of the church to the elevation of the heads of the temple.

The bell tower is placed on the north side of the church and is connected to it by a gallery. On the second tier of the bell tower there is a room with the strange name “breech”. Perhaps it was some kind of watchtower or served as a treasury for the monastery.

The history of the development of the monastery is told by the Synodik and the Inset Book. The donors, builders and abbots of the monastery are mentioned here. Synodik Kolupaev especially stands out. This is a leather-bound manuscript from 1691. Instead of the usual “prefaces,” the Synodic contains only a general commemoration of the “unfortunate” who require special church prayers and whom there is no one to remember.

Next to the temple, slightly below it, there is an ancient monastery cemetery, where there was a monument to Odoev’s citizen, Kolupaev, who in 1612 did not swear allegiance to False Dmitry, and was thrown from the tower of the Odoev fortress. In 1716, there were 244 monastery peasant households, the majority lived in “scarcity.”

In 1722 there was not a single monk in the monastery except the abbot. The poverty of the monastic peasants, together with the cessation of large deposits in Peter's time, was also reflected in the monastic wealth. The monastery was approaching decline. In 1764, the monastery was abolished and turned into the village of Anastasovo. The villages that made up the patrimonial possessions of the monastery and those located not far from it formed the parish of the village. All parishioners were peasants, engaged in agriculture and produced pottery.

The temple underwent numerous changes during its existence. In the 1840s the temple was painted. One old passage was sealed up, and instead a new passage was made in the wall, with a wooden staircase and porch, replaced in 1883 with stone ones.

The architect who built the church of the Anastasov Monastery glorified the beauty and originality of Russian architecture. The architectural composition of the church uses techniques characteristic of ancient Russian architecture: a complex plan, picturesque asymmetry of volumes, freedom of solution for the architecture of the temple.

Interesting events are associated with the temple. An ancient manuscript that belonged to the merchant Polikarpov says that there was a big fire in Belyov in 1805, when many bells melted. At that time, a monk came from the Belevsky monastery to Anastasovo to take several bells. The parishioners opposed this and, on the advice of priest Gabriel Avksentiev, drove away with stakes the one who wanted to encroach on the property of their church. For this, the priest was removed from church affairs and exiled to Kolomna.

Since 2012, construction work has been underway at the monastery.

The Mother of God of the Nativity Anastasov Monastery (Odoevsky district) began to be restored 12 years ago. During this time, a lot has changed here, but the final completion of the work is still very far away.

Our ancestors knew how to build

“There is enough work here for a lifetime,” says the abbot of the monastery, Father Parfeniy. “But these are joyful works...

At the Anastasov Monastery - ancient history. It was built in the 1550s at the expense of Prince Ivan Mikhailovich Vorotynsky and his wife Anastasia (according to one version, the monastery was named in her honor, but most historians believe that it was rather in honor of one of the first abbots, Anastas). Four villages were given ownership of the monastery - 244 peasant households, but they lived “in poverty”, there was nothing to support the monastery, and as a result, by 1722, there was not a single monk left here, except the abbot.

In 1764, the monastery was abolished and turned into the village of Anastasovo. The monastery buildings were dilapidated and destroyed. Only the stone Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary survived, erected in 1669 on the site of the old wooden one. A temple of unique architecture for our area with compositional techniques characteristic of ancient Russian architecture: asymmetry, the complexity of organizing space - and amazing freedom. The building is rectangular, with five domes and a three-tiered bell tower.

The temple is located in a most picturesque place: on a hill, on the banks of the Upa River, perfectly integrated into the landscape. The fact that it has survived to this day is a real miracle, especially considering that in the 30s of the last century it was closed and converted into a vegetable warehouse. The building survived thanks to very thick walls: our ancestors knew how to build.

In 2002, with the blessing of Patriarch of All Rus' Alexy II, they decided to restore the monastery, and I was appointed its rector,” recalls Abbot Parfeniy. “The four of us came here.” Of all the monastery buildings then only the temple remained, but it also stood in ruins: without windows, without doors, without a roof, with broken vaults. We had nowhere to live - we had to buy three houses in the village of Anastasovo...

Father Parfeniy was born in Moscow. At the age of 23 he came to the Danilovsky Monastery, at 26 he took monastic vows. For most of his life he was a resident of the monastery in Optina Hermitage.

By the way, many of today’s Anastas brethren, and in total 25 monks currently live in the monastery, were Optina monks in the past.

How much is a gift horse worth?

Today it is difficult to believe that just over ten years ago, only a dilapidated temple stood in this place - and nothing more. Several buildings with cells for the brethren, a small hotel with 7 beds (only for visiting clergy, it is not yet possible to receive pilgrims here), and a refectory appeared on the monastery territory. Outbuildings and part of the wall were erected, which in the future will surround the entire monastery.

All buildings are strictly maintained in the style of the 17th century and form a single architectural ensemble with a central building - the temple. Many of those who come even think that all this has been preserved from those very times. Alas, there are no buildings left, not even descriptions of what they were like. Only the foundations.

The construction work is carried out by a special team of five people, and the residents help them - this is just one of the obediences. And there are quite a few of them: the monastery has its own bakery, bread mill, vegetable garden, chickens and a cow. The monks do everything themselves: cook, wash, clean, collect mushrooms and berries in the summer and make preparations for the winter. They go to the city to buy food that they cannot grow themselves: for example, sunflower oil and cereals. In general, there is a lot of work.

Our day begins at 7 o'clock in the morning with a service in the temple. Then work: everyone has their own obedience,” continues the abbot. “At noon there is lunch, after that until 14.00 there is cell time (that is, free time, at the beginning of the second, for example, we observed how one of the brothers went to Upa with a fishing rod.” I.S.). Then work again. The day ends at 19.30 with dinner. If we have a festive evening service, then later. Everyone goes to bed when they see fit...

One of the most important duties of the monks is preparing firewood for the winter. The fact is that gas has still not been supplied to either the monastery or the houses in Anastasovo. Of course, this creates many problems both for the monastery and for local residents - especially since with the beginning of the restoration of the monastery, life in the village has noticeably brightened up.

Father Parthenius shows us the summer church - restoration work in it is planned to be completed by August-September, after which the temple will be consecrated. In the meantime, services are going on in the winter room: small, very cozy, with magnificently painted walls in the ancient Russian style.

The summer temple promises to be different - more solemn. The iconostasis is almost ready, decorated with fine carved wooden ornaments: at the request of Fr. Parthenia for the Anastasov Monastery was made by craftsmen from Optina Pustyn. The chandelier is impressive - a forged chandelier with colored inserts, made in the aesthetics of the 17th century - this is the work of a blacksmith, a native of Tula, now living in Kaluga. Wooden chairs (stasidiums) with reclining seats, high backs and armrests are placed against the wall. They allow monks to endure long statutory services.

Our services are indeed very long,” says the abbot. “Still, our main obedience is prayer...

Note the large carved crucifix on a richly decorated pedestal. Father Parfeny admits that he exchanged it with a carver from Novomoskovsk for a horse that one of the benefactors donated to the monastery. The animal turned out to be purebred and not intended for daily work. They tried to harness him, but they quickly realized that this was a bad idea. The “gift horse” was exchanged for a cross, which would have cost the monastery 150 thousand rubles.

O. Anastasy from San Francisco

The abbot emphasizes: the monastery lives and is built exclusively on donations. There are many philanthropists: services are held here every day, and on holidays many people gather - believers come not only from Odoev and Tula, but also from Moscow, sometimes in whole buses. Some give money, some help with building materials. Recently, the monastery park was replenished with an old Renault. In the monastery, by the way, there are not only passenger cars, but also KamAZ: in conditions of endless construction, this is a necessity.

From the winter temple we go out into the open gallery. The view of Upa and Odoev is stunning. Father Parthenius shows us the place where a large monastery cemetery was once located. Now there is almost nothing left of him. And once upon a time there was a monument to Odoev citizen Nikita Kolupaev, who in 1612 did not swear allegiance to False Dmitry, for which he was thrown from the tower of the Odoev fortress. The monument was not preserved, but the monks decided to restore historical justice and erected a tall wooden cross in honor of the hero of the Time of Troubles.

The youngest of the inhabitants of the Anastasov Monastery is 30 years old. True, there was a twenty-year-old brother, but he was transferred to another monastery: the guy could not get used to the unsettled life and everyday physical labor. Father Parfeniy laments: the current young generation lacks endurance and strength.

The monks come from the most different places, including from Vladivostok and Uzbekistan. And the eldest, Father Anastasy, who came to the monastery from the USA, will turn 100 years old next year.

Father Anastasia has a dramatic fate. He was born in 1915 in Vyatka in the family of a priest. My father was shot in 1937. During the Great Patriotic War O. Anastasy was captured by the Germans, then lived in different countries- Argentina, Liechtenstein, Italy. Finally settled in America: he served in San Francisco in Orthodox church. In the mid-70s of the last century, he was about to die, and even bought a place in the local cemetery. And then I changed my mind. He sold the place in the cemetery and began to dream of returning to his homeland. Having learned that the Anastasov Monastery was being restored in Russia, Father Anastasy realized that his place was right here...

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