What should I do? I didn’t pass the commission. Procedure for extending the session. And they give a scholarship with academic debt

Students should not be expelled without being given the opportunity to close their “tails”

The Russian Ministry of Education and Science sent a letter to all universities stating that charging students for retaking exams is not allowed (the document is in the possession of Izvestia). In addition, the department clarified that the expulsion of students who were not granted the right to retake is illegal. Thus, if a student receives an unsatisfactory grade on an exam, the university is obliged to provide him with two retake attempts within a year. The Commissioner for Student Rights in Russia, Artem Khromov, said that he would monitor universities’ compliance with the law and identify cases of unlawful expulsion.

The Ministry explains

“It is not allowed to charge students for passing intermediate certification (including repeated intermediate certification in order to eliminate academic debt),” the Ministry of Education and Science informs universities.

As the letter says, the ministry receives a large number of complaints from students who are expelled for academic debt without the right to retake. In this regard, the department explains that this deduction procedure is contrary to current legislation.

According to Art. 58 Federal Law “On education in Russian Federation", the university does not have the right to expel a student who received unsatisfactory results in one or more disciplines immediately after the session. He should be “given the opportunity to undergo intermediate certification in the relevant academic subject, course, discipline (module) no more than two times within one year from the date of formation of academic debt.”

“Thus, a student can be expelled for poor academic performance only in the following case: the student has unliquidated academic debt, the organization has twice set deadlines for passing repeated intermediate certification in order to eliminate academic debt, the student has not eliminated academic debt within the established time frame,” the ministry explains .

Students complain

Izvestia found examples of universities where, according to students, the law is violated. So, for example, as a student writes Russian University Friendship of Peoples (RUDN) at the university forum, retaking one subject costs 12 thousand rubles. However, only avid poor students are sent to take a paid retake.

Those who didn’t attend at all or who didn’t do anything all semester in a certain subject are required to take the exam for a fee! Even those who did poorly are given a chance to retake for free,” says Dmitry.

As a student of the Ural State Law University (Ural State Law University) said, retaking the exam at the university costs 10 thousand rubles. And at the Chita Institute of the Baikal State University of Economics and Law (CI BSUEP) there is a system of paid repeat courses.

There is a practice that at the beginning of the year or at the beginning of the next semester, those who have exam debts are given two weeks to retake them. If a student does not meet this deadline, then he is provided with an additional course of lectures on subjects that he cannot pass, for a fee (costs 1 thousand rubles per subject), so that he can study with the teacher again and update some then knowledge, asked questions that he himself could not understand, and then tried to retake it again,” said the university student.

Student at the Russian National Research Institute medical university named after N.I. Pirogova said that poor students may not be allowed to retake.

If you have three bad marks, then you are immediately expelled, that is, in a session, for example, five exams, and the student failed the first three, then he is not allowed to take the rest and, accordingly, also not to retake them,” she says. - And my friend was expelled last year because she didn’t have enough attempts to pass. It was at the Department of Histology. According to the rules, the colloquium - an intermediate test of knowledge - can be taken to the teacher three times; if you fail, you go to the commission, where there are also three attempts. She was sent to the commission after two attempts. She couldn’t pass there, since their goal is to remove as many students as possible and only a few pass there. As a result, because of one intermediate control in one single subject, she was expelled.

Ombudsman confirms

The Commissioner for Student Rights in Russia, Artem Khromov, said that in some universities the unlawful expulsion procedure is even spelled out in the charters of institutions, in particular at the St. Petersburg State Economic University (SPBGEU), Dagestan state university(DSU), Siberian State University of Telecommunications and Informatics (SibGUTI), Far Eastern Federal University (FEFU), Ryazan State Radio Engineering University (RGRTU), etc. Violations are mainly due to the fact that students are not allowed to attend the session without receiving credits or the number of failed exams, after which expulsion occurs.

The Regulations on the ongoing monitoring of FEFU academic performance state that “students with three or more academic debts are expelled from the university for academic failure. Students who have academic debt in no more than two disciplines may be given the right to eliminate their academic debt during an additional examination session.”

- Complaints from students who are expelled for unsatisfactory results in exams without the right to retake are constantly received, says Khromov. -There are situations when students do not pass one test and are not allowed to take the exams at all. There may be objective or subjective reasons why a student did not pass the subject, but the right to access exams cannot be deprived. Whether he will surrender later is another question, but such a right must be granted, he says.

The student ombudsman will monitor universities' compliance with the law - identifying cases of unlawful expulsion of students and fees for retakes.

There are also complaints from students about what they take cash for absences from classes and retakes. This is a "gray scheme" which requires that a student who fails a course must take an additional course of study. He is officially given a check stating that the service has been provided. In essence, this is extorting bribes from students. Entire groups of students often face this problem. We are trying to fight this type of corruption,” Khromov said.

Universities make excuses

Representatives of universities reacted differently to accusations of violating the law - for example, DSU admitted their mistake, but the Chelyabinsk university does not believe that they acted unlawfully.

The head of the educational and methodological department of DSU, Aziza Gasangadzhieva, noted that after receiving clarifications from the ministry, the university revised its internal documents.

This semester, after receiving clarification, we no longer expelled students. Previously, we were guided by our charter, which was approved by the Ministry of Education, which stated that if a student receives three or more unsatisfactory grades in a session, a student is expelled. Now the documents have already been revised, we are developing a new regulation and charter, which will take into account the explanation of the ministry,” she said.

The FEFU press service explained that at the university during the session, students have an unlimited number of attempts to pass the exam.

In our session - for example, summer, from June 1 to June 30 - a student can take one subject an unlimited number of times. And if he closes it before the end of the session, then this is not considered a retake. A retake is when an attempt is postponed to the next semester. If a student has more than three debts, he is expelled. But each situation is considered individually. If a student has been ill all this time, then by decision of the vice-rector he may be allowed to pay off his debts gradually. But if he simply did not show up for classes, then, most likely, he would be expelled, the university press service said.

The director of the BSUEP Institute of Economics, Tamara Makarenko, confirmed that the practice of paid additional courses is widespread at the institute, but she considers this legal.

I responsibly declare that we do not have paid retakes, students are simply confused: they have the right to enter into an additional agreement for the provision of paid educational services, which stipulates the number of hours during which the student will study with the teacher. In total they pay 1 thousand rubles, this price includes 4-6 hours of lectures, then practical classes and consultations for the exam. Why is this illegal? These educational services are already beyond the scope of the program. Any person from outside can come to us and conclude such an agreement. “We are ready for any inspection,” Makarenko is sure.

Head of the Legal Department of St. Petersburg State Economic University Pavel Smirnov noted that the provision on ongoing monitoring of academic performance, in his opinion, does not contain a violation of the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation”, however, in connection with the information received, the university will conduct an additional check to determine whether the provision complies with the law.

Other universities whose students complained about violations were unable to immediately provide comment.

For such violations, it is necessary to carry out checks and take measures to influence rectors in order to prevent similar cases in other institutions, says Viktor Panin, chairman of the Society for the Protection of the Rights of Consumers of Educational Services. - Illegal deductions are unlikely to occur in the non-state sector, since this is their income, and in state universities This practice is most likely associated with corruption. The expulsion of a state employee under any flimsy pretext and the transfer of “one’s own” student who paid is one of the elements of corruption in universities. If a student was not given the right to retake a subject or if they took money from him for it, then this is a reason to go to court to protect his rights.

  • It is prohibited to retake the results of an intermediate or final knowledge test in order to increase a satisfactory grade (from 4 points on a 10-point scale).
  • Retaking the same discipline is allowed no more than two times.
  • Retakes are carried out at any level of accumulated grade in a given discipline.
  • The first retake is conducted by the teacher who took the Exam. Acceptance of the first retake by another teacher can be carried out only by agreement of the department with the teacher who conducted the Exam.
  • The procedure for the first retake must fully comply with the procedure for passing the Exam. Only the score obtained in the Exam is subject to retake. Previously accumulated scores cannot be changed.
  • The second retake of the Exam is accepted by a commission consisting of at least three people.
  • The date of the second retake in the discipline, the composition of the commission and its chairman are determined by written order of the head of the department responsible for the implementation of the discipline. The commission consists of the teacher who took the Exam and at least two other teachers, one of whom is appointed as the chairman of the commission. The commission may include teachers from other departments. In the absence of a departmental structure in the department implementing the academic discipline, the above-described functions and procedures are performed by the dean of the faculty.
  • When conducting the second retake, the commission, as an exception, may not take into account the results of the current knowledge control and set the resulting grade, determining the results of the student’s mastery of the discipline.
  • The second retake of the oral examination is carried out in the presence of at least three members of the commission, including its chairman. The assessment is given at the end of the meeting.
  • The second retake of the written Examination is carried out in the presence of at least one member of the commission. Reading and evaluation of written work can be done by members of the commission independently. Marks for written work are transferred by members of the commission to the chairman of the commission. The grade for written work is issued no later than five working days after the retake.
  • The mark for the Exam in the second retake is set by agreement of the members of the commission. If there is a discrepancy in assessments, the assessment of the commission chairman is decisive.
  • If the discipline program does not provide for an Exam, and the resulting grade is determined based on the results of the current knowledge control, then for students who have academic debt in such a discipline, only one retake is organized, which is accepted by the commission, in accordance with the rules for the second retake, provided that the accumulated the assessment is not taken into account when assessed by the commission.
  • For students with academic debt on coursework, only one retake is organized, which is accepted by the commission.
  • The retake schedule is approved by the dean of the faculty twice a year.
  • The start of the retake period cannot be scheduled before the end of the session of the second and fourth modules.
  • Retakes cannot be scheduled during the holidays.
  • Retake periods cannot end later than expected indicated in the table:
  • The retake schedule includes at least two dates for accepting the first retakes of the Exam by each teacher in whose discipline there are students with academic debts. The number of admission dates for the first retakes of the Oral Exam may be increased if the number of students in this discipline at the faculty who have academic debts and absences for good reason during the session is greater
  • The retake schedule includes one date for accepting the second retake of the Exam by the commission empowered to accept the second retake of the Exam for each discipline in which students have academic debts at the end of the last session. The number of admission dates for the second retake of the Oral Exam may be increased if the number of students in this discipline at the faculty who have academic debts and absences for good reason during the session is more than 40.
  • The retake schedule is presented to students who have academic debts based on the results of the last session no later than three days before the date of the first retake. To notify students about the schedule, electronic information channels used by the faculty can be used.
  • A student who has academic debt or missed the Exam during the session for a valid reason independently determines the retake date from the retake dates proposed in the schedule and registers in the academic department to participate in the retake on a specific day.
  • Agreeing on a retake date between the student and the academic unit can be organized using corporate email or other communication channels used by the faculty.
  • If a student is unable to appear for a retake for valid reasons, the student or teacher/chairman of the commission notifies educational part according to the rules used during the Examination.
  • At the end of the retake period, a student who has not managed to use the established number of retakes is considered a student who has not eliminated academic debt.
  • A student who fails to appear for a retake due to health reasons during the retake period is required to submit an opinion from the clinical expert commission (hereinafter referred to as the CEC) of the state, municipal medical and preventive health care institution at the place of constant observation of the student on the possibility of granting him academic leave for medical indications. In this case, a decision is made regarding the student to grant him an academic leave in accordance with the Procedure for granting academic leaves, approved by Order of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated November 5, 1998 No. 2782. The EEC conclusion must be submitted by the student to the educational part of the faculty within 3 working days days from the end of the retake period.
  • The student is obliged to independently learn about the results of knowledge control. Ignorance of the results of knowledge control does not relieve the student of responsibility and cannot serve as an excuse for failure to appear for a retake or for violating the deadline for filing an appeal.
  • For graduate students, by decision of the dean, it is allowed to retake academic debts for the third or fourth modules before the start of the final state certification.

It has been noticed that a student who appears at lectures and seminars less often than in nightclubs develops a dangerous mutation - a “tail” grows. And usually not even alone. The multi-tailed monster, which until recently was a cheerful studious, nervously rushes from pulpit to pulpit. And in the dean’s office, the “hunters of many tails” are already preparing an expulsion order...

Student “tail”, or academic debt, is a test that is failed or passed “unsatisfactorily/failed” (test, exam, test or course work). The appearance of a “tail” threatens not only the loss of a scholarship, but also the mutant being kicked out of the habitat of normal students. If the tailed mutant is male, then it is very likely that he will end up in the ranks of our valiant army.

Fortunately, tailing is treatable. But only if you take urgent medical measures in the early stages of the disease.

The treatment process is the elimination of academic debt. Or, more simply put, surrendering the “tails”. Everyone remembers the joke about students from Africa who were recommended by the dean’s office to take their “tails” on the second floor, right?

Well, let's take a closer look at how academic debt arises, how to deal with it, and what to do if self-medication does not help.

Prevention of “tails”

As practice shows, most first-year students could avoid the appearance of “tails” if... If they simply carefully studied the rules for passing the session. Exactly at . Many people fly out for the stupidest reasons:

  • “I didn’t know that because of a failed test, they wouldn’t be allowed to take the exam!”
  • “What if you don’t show up for the exam, they’ll give you a failing grade? Gosha!"
  • “Why was I not allowed to take the test because of an unwritten essay... Plak-plak-plak!”

And the signature: “Damn, when does the test week start?! What, it’s already passed?!”

Here are 5 simple rules, knowledge of which significantly reduces the risk of academic debt:

№1. Find out the timing of the session. Pay attention not only to the test dates, but also to the length of the test week. If you skip it and show up right away for the first exam, you will be in for an unpleasant surprise. According to the rules, Only students who have passed all tests are allowed to take the exams. Write this down right on your forehead!

№2. Study the conditions of admission to the tests. Many teachers Students who have not written an abstract, report, or essay are not allowed to take the tests. or other work that is included in the curriculum. Inadmissibility may arise due to failure to pass a test, practical test, or laboratory test. Imagine the state of a student who comes to retake the test, and only there finds out that he had to write an essay! You don't want to be in his place, do you?

№3. Study the conditions for admission to the exams. Besides mandatory delivery all tests a condition for admission may be the passing of various academic papers and colloquiums. Some teachers vigilantly monitor student visits and force them to “make up” missed seminars and show notes of missed lectures. MSU generally introduced a point system for monitoring progress during the semester and established checkpoints for testing knowledge. Didn't get enough points? Catch the tail. Animals! But they are within their rights.

№4. Find out how many exams not passed during the main session (precisely during the main session, without taking into account the additional period for submitting debts!) are expelled from your educational institution. Usually the critical threshold is two, maximum three exams - they are allowed to be taken in an additional session. Yes, in some places they even allow you to retake all exams (for example, four). But cool universities have cool rules. A student can easily fail in two exams if he fails to complete the main exam.

№5. If you have already acquired “tails”, be sure to find out the deadlines for paying off your debts. It is best if you download the “Regulations on the elimination of academic debt” from the university website or ask directly from the dean’s office. If they give you another chance, at least don’t screw it up.

Is it possible to clean up the “tails” before the end of the session?

If you have not passed a test or exam, but you still have time to retake it during the exam session, this, strictly speaking, is not yet a real “tail”. And so, “tail”. During the session, one additional day is allocated to retake each exam.

Interestingly, retaking exams during the main session is far from a horror, but a chance to get a good grade. Teachers are more or less loyal to the first retake. Some even allow students who received a “good” to retake it with an “excellent” grade. Much more often, however, during a retake the grade is reduced by a point, but getting a “good” instead of a “satisfactory” is also not bad. Even the possibility of receiving a diploma with honors is not excluded (it is issued in the absence of C grades and in the presence of 75% of A grades). So, not only poor students, but also excellent students take retakes during the exam session.

With tests it is both easier and more difficult. Some students manage to come to the teacher 10 - 15 times during a session!

As a rule, you can retake the test at least once during the test week. This allows even those who were unable to obtain the coveted teacher’s signature the first time to complete all tests in time for the start of the exams.

If you fail, put all your efforts into passing the tests. Until you deal with them, you will not be allowed to take the exams. Therefore, while your fellow students are taking exams, chase after teachers who need to retake the test.

Some students consider tests less important than exams. Firstly, they are usually easier to pass. Secondly, there is no rating. So you get the impression that compared to the exam, this is a “trifle.” But this little thing can really ruin your life! Many universities no longer accept tests during the additional session.

It is extremely important to understand the tests at least before the retake. In most universities, a student who fails three exams during the main session will be expelled. And in some universities even two subjects are enough. Therefore, you need to have time to pass at least the minimum of disciplines during retakes that will allow you to complete the remaining “tails” in the additional session.

You may find some comfort in knowing that the first exam retakes are usually scheduled for the earliest last days main session. That's why some students manage to bore the teacher with fifteen retakes of the test!

So, to the question whether it is possible to sort out debts before the end of the main session, we confidently answer: not only is it possible, but it is also necessary. You should not delay retaking exams until the extra session.

What is an additional session?

After each semester, a period is set during which the “tailers” complete everything that they did not manage to pass during the main session. This time is called an additional session. Its terms are established in accordance with the order on the liquidation of academic debt.

It is not worth it to have an additional session with an extension of the session. Extensions are made for valid reasons. In this case, a conditional transfer is made with academic debt (of course, it should be liquidated in as soon as possible, but the immediate threat of expulsion has not yet appeared). And the additional session is for those who did not understand the exams even after the first retake. And with these guys, everything is very, very serious.

A student coming for the second retake is examined not by one teacher, but by an attestation commission. For most students this is their last chance. Thus, the traditional retake scheme looks like this:

1) delivery;
2) retake;
3) commission.

The third retake, that is, the fourth attempt, is an exceptional case, which is very difficult to achieve. Usually permission must be sought from the rector himself.

If you do not meet the deadline for eliminating academic debt, you will be expelled. At least in serious universities. But in some places, students with academic debts somehow move from course to course. Such concessions are often given to contract workers in provincial universities. Well, it’s a pity to send a person into the army for whom his parents regularly pay...

Stop. Don't relax! These idiots are walking under the sword of Damocles. As soon as the university begins to tighten the screws (and this happens when the threat of losing its license hangs over the university), the chronic “tails” fly out without warning.

What to do with non-admissions?

Non-admission is one of the main reasons for the appearance of “tails”. For this reason, academic debt occurs even among very intelligent students. On the way to an exam or test, especially malicious teachers build entire barricades of essays, reports, colloquiums, notes, essays and other crap.

And so you, all so smart, superbly versed in the subject (and therefore ignoring lectures and seminars throughout the semester), show up for a test or exam... And the teacher breaks into a malicious grin.

Above we gave five tips for preventing tailing, and now keep a couple more:

№6. If you suddenly and unexpectedly, having emerged from the abyss of important matters, noticed the approach of the test week and exam session, immediately find out whether you need to write and pass anything in order to get admission to tests and exams. The sooner you find out all this, the greater the chance that you will have time to write this mountain of essays, tests and laboratory papers before the start of the test week. Well, or at least half the mountain.

№7. Do you feel like you can't cope? Take a student dancer to help you. The cooperation strategy can be different:

  • Some people entrust student teachers with writing the most difficult tests and essays, which is quite logical.
  • Someone sends all sorts of unsubscribes and uninteresting tasks to student dancers. And this also has its own logic. If you are truly interested in learning, difficult assignments are a challenge. But all the nonsense that teachers come up with to ruin your life is just a waste of time. But paying off academic debt is impossible until you sort out this bureaucracy. So it makes sense to delegate unimportant tasks to student planners.
  • Finally, there is this strategy: we write everything we have time for ourselves, and order the most urgent work from StudLance. For example, an essay that needs to be brought to the test by nine in the morning... and which you remembered at three in the morning.

How practice and coursework turn into “tails”

Coursework and internship reports that are not submitted on time automatically become “tails.” By the way, coursework usually needs to be not only passed, but also defended. If you bring it too late, the teacher may not allow you to defend it: they say, I don’t have time to read it! Or, as an option: “Well, my dear, you have a small flaw here. Correct it – and go to the defense... But not together with everyone, but as part of an additional session.”

In order not to fly out of the university, you need to invest in re-protection in terms of eliminating academic debt. But, as you already understand, academic debt at a university is a solvable problem. Even if you can’t cope with the “tail” in the form of a coursework or practice report yourself, you can always find yourself an assistant among student dancers. It’s cheaper than becoming a department sponsor, and most importantly, it’s much safer.

Do they offer scholarships with academic debt?

Please note that eliminating academic debt at a university does not guarantee receiving a scholarship. Depends on how quickly you cleaned up the “tails”: did you fit into the main session or didn’t.

Most universities have a rule: if you pass all subjects during the main session, you will be given a scholarship. If you don’t do it, you’ll suck your paw like a bear in a den. Passing the “tails” in an additional session and re-defending the coursework means a guaranteed absence of a scholarship. After weighing all the pros and cons, many students order coursework and practice reports from student teachers. More economically profitable!

For example, coursework costs 1,500 – 3,000 rubles, and a scholarship for six months costs .

That’s why some good students, who are a little stuck with some subject, sometimes turn to student teachers for help. If some essay or test stands in the way of completing a session on time, it is more profitable to pay the student - and then honestly... well, almost honestly receive a scholarship. What do you think about this?

How many exams can you fail during one session is not an idle question. If you promptly eliminate academic debts, which include unsatisfactory results of intermediate certification in part or in full of a disciplinary module, there is a chance to stay afloat and not drop out of the university. For excellent students, another problem is relevant: if you are not satisfied with the grade, is it possible to retake the exam, because for a diploma with honors you need 75% of the A's in the insert. Let's figure it out.

What to do if you fail an exam

First of all, pull yourself together and don’t despair. According to the law, higher education institutions do not have the right to expel students for failure to pass one exam: they are obliged to provide the student with the opportunity to retake the tests twice.

Retaking an exam at a university is a routine, clearly regulated procedure:

In every educational institution The period of session and liquidation of academic tails is established by order of the rector. University students have the right to undergo re-certification in an academic discipline twice within the allotted time frame, not exceeding 12 months from the date considered to be the date of debt formation.

How many times can you retake an exam at university?

If the exam is failed, in most cases the debt can be cleared in the first academic month of the new semester.

A student has two attempts to retake the same subject:

  • 1st is accepted by the same teachers during the period allocated for the elimination of tails;
  • The 2nd is appointed when the debt is maintained and is accepted by a specially created commission.

If, after two retake attempts, an unsatisfactory grade is received, the contract student may be offered an individual training plan for retaking the problematic discipline. In case of disagreement, the student is expelled.

Students who:

  • have debt in 80% of academic disciplines;
  • at the end of the session have three or more failed exams.

How many exams can be retaken at a university and other rules for eliminating debts are spelled out in the charter of each institute.

Retaking an exam at a university to improve your grade

Not only students who failed the exam resort to retaking the test. University students can come to retake the test to increase their positive grade (for example, to receive a scholarship or honors diploma), if local certification procedures provide for such an opportunity - some universities are categorically against retaking Cs and Bs, sometimes different faculties of the same university operate own regulations. For example, philosophers may be allowed to try their luck a second time, but political scientists may not.

In any case, the number of retakes is limited:

  • certification - one discipline of the current semester;
  • in the last semester of the theoretical part of training - one retake in two previously studied disciplines;
  • During the entire period of study, you are allowed to retake a maximum of three subjects.

Application to retake the exam

The first thing a student who is faced with the need to retake an exam needs to do is fill out an application. You can always ask the dean’s methodologist for a sample.

The application must include the teacher's visa indicating the expected date of the examination.

There can be many reasons for retaking, for example:

  • receiving an unsatisfactory grade;
  • desire to retake for a higher score;
  • failure to appear for a valid reason, which is documented.

By law, in all these cases, the university provides the opportunity to retake missed or failed exams. All a student needs to do is write an application for a retake and prepare well so as not to fail it again.

3.1. An exam or test in any discipline of the curriculum can be taken no more than three times. Retaking an unsatisfactory grade in the same exam is allowed no more than two times. The second retake of the exam (test) is accepted by the commission. The commission is created by order of the director of the institute (dean of the faculty). The commission, as a rule, includes the examiner who took the exam (test) in this discipline and two other highly qualified specialists in this discipline. Upon the student’s personal application, a representative of the administration of the institute (dean’s office of the faculty) where the student is studying may be included in the commission.

In exceptional cases, upon the student’s personal application, the first retake may be accepted by the commission.

The first retake during the examination session is permitted on retake days, according to the approved schedule.

3.2. Retaking positive grades for higher ones is allowed as an exception (no more than once in one discipline) with the permission of the first vice-rector - vice-rector for academic and scientific work upon the recommendation of the director of the institute and the student’s personal statement after completing the theoretical course of study in the specialty (direction of training). As a rule, such a retake is permitted only for the purpose of obtaining a diploma with honors.

3.3. In the form for retaking the exam, the dean's office includes the names of all students who have arrears in this subject (who received an "unsatisfactory" grade and did not appear for the exam).

3.4. A student who, by the end of the session, has not passed at least one exam or test established for this session by the curriculum, or has not defended a report on production practice or computational and graphical (course) work (project), is considered to have academic debt.

3.5. After the end of the examination session, re-taking exams and tests is permitted for no more than two academic debts.

3.6. To eliminate academic debt, the director of the institute (dean of the faculty) approves specific dates and schedule of retakes after the end of the session:

No later than 1 month after the end of the winter session and no later than September 15 after the summer session (for full-time and part-time students);

No later than September 15 after the summer combined test and examination session (for correspondence students).

3.7. The student's elimination of academic debt is carried out strictly in accordance with the approved retake schedule.

3.8. Heads of departments are obliged to ensure that tests and exams are accepted during retakes on time.

3.10. For a student who has one academic debt in a discipline, the director of the institute (dean of the faculty), in exceptional cases, can transfer this discipline to the next semester (within the current school year) and allow you to take the exam on it only once. In this case, the student is given an individual plan for eliminating academic debt.

3.12. A student who has fully complied with the requirements of the curriculum of this course and has successfully passed all tests and exams is transferred to the next course by order of the rector.

Procedure for extending a session

4.1. For a student who did not attend classes during the semester for a good reason (documented) and is unable to take tests and exams as scheduled, an order to extend the session is issued before it begins.

4.2. For a student who was unable to pass tests and exams during the session for valid reasons, supported by documents, the director of the institute (dean of the faculty) or his deputy, by order, sets individual deadlines for passing the session. In this case, the session is considered extended for a period not exceeding that specified in clause 3.6 of these Regulations. The order to extend the session is issued after its end.

4.3. The session may be extended again, for a period not exceeding that specified in clause 3.6 of these Regulations, if the student did not appear for a test or exam during the first extension for a valid reason (documented).

4.4. For a student who has no more than two academic debts and who, for good reason, did not appear for a test or exam after the end of the session according to the retake schedule, the session may be extended again, but no more than one month after the period specified in clause 3.6 of these Regulations.

Supporting documents must be submitted no later than one week after the deadline specified in clause 3.6 of these Regulations.

4.5. A student whose session has been extended has the right to receive a scholarship until the end of the extension period (if he received a scholarship at the end of the previous semester).

4.6. A student who has applied to extend a session due to illness must provide a certificate to the dean's office the next day after discharge, otherwise the certificate is usually not accepted for consideration and the session is not extended.

If a student did not express complaints about his state of health before the start of the exam or test and, based on their results, received an unsatisfactory grade or “failed”, and after that filed a petition for academic leave or to extend the session for health reasons, the results of the exam (test) are not canceled and the student passes the session on a general basis in accordance with these Regulations.

5. Procedure for expulsion for academic failure

5.1. A student who has not eliminated academic debt at the end of the period established by these Regulations is expelled for academic failure.

5.2. Expulsion for academic failure is made by order of the rector on the recommendation of the director of the institute (dean of the faculty).

Approval sheet

on amendments and additions to the Regulations on course exams and tests of the Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Siberian Federal University"

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