What is included in the Ukrainian consumer basket. SFW - jokes, humor, girls, accidents, cars, photos of celebrities and much more. What is included in the consumer baskets of European countries


10.08.2018 13:41


The vital needs of a Ukrainian in 2000 and 2018 are two big differences. This is clear to everyone, except for some reason the developers of social standards

Human rights activists proved in court that the consumer basket adopted in 2016 in Ukraine was updated with significant violations of the law and without any approximation to reality. This means that the cost of living, calculated on the basis of a basket (in fact, its valuation, the basic social standard in the country) is unfair. Even more - extremely humiliating. What is 1,700 hryvnia a month today for one physiologically normal person? Food set, non-food products and can she afford the services within 30 days, so that, excuse me, she doesn’t move her horses? It's hard to even imagine. Therefore, lawyers undertook to defend the constitutional right and the “subsistence” dignity of poor Ukrainians from the state, which in this case did not approach its responsibilities in good faith.

They violated the regulations, but didn’t ask about physiology at all

The Kiev Administrative Court of Appeal confirmed the illegality of the “consumer basket” currently in force in Ukraine. The court came to the conclusion that when adopting Resolution No. 780 “On approval of sets of food products, sets of non-food products and sets of services for the main social and demographic groups of the population” (the so-called “consumer basket”), which for the first time in the last 16 years, consumption standards were revised, officials violated the law. Which in turn led “to the establishment of an unfair standard of living and became a condition for the establishment of an unfair living wage.”

From the reasoning part of the court decision it follows that the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Social Policy, the Ministry of Economy and other responsible departments violated the regulations of the expert commission and made a decision without proper social and scientific expertise. In particular, they created a set of food products without taking into account the standards of human physiological needs.

The head of the non-profit project “Open Court” Stanislav Batrin, who was the plaintiff in the case, insists that the government must immediately initiate a review of the “basket” - in accordance with the procedure established by law, public expertise and calculation methods. But there are standards that are embarrassing to voice.

The most modest consumers have nothing to look for!

Today, a decent life for a Ukrainian in the understanding of the state is, in particular, life... without mobile communications and the Internet. Subscriptions to newspapers, magazines, landline telephone, letters, a few more books, TV - yes. And the technologies that the whole world and all sane citizens of Ukraine use today are probably from the evil one.

It is noteworthy that instead of butter the list of food packages for the working-age population includes the item “margarine” (2 kg/year). It is also striking that the list provides for no more than 2 kg of lard per year for a Ukrainian, as well as 8 kg of pork and 9 kg of sausage.

On the issue of clothing, for example, it is proposed to approve for men a standard of 1 suit, tie, jumper, sweater, trousers per year. From underwear: 6 panties, 2 T-shirts, 1 swimming trunks and 10 socks - for a year. Women: 6 panties, 2 bras, 2 T-shirts, 1 swimsuit, 2 synthetic tights and 1 trousers.

No less interesting is the data on hygiene products: 2 toothbrushes, 1 cologne, 1 comb, toilet paper - 12 pcs. All this for a year. Among sanitary items and medicines, the following indicators stand out: 1 cotton wool (100 g), 2 bandages, 2 antipyretics, 7 plasters, 1 baby cream.

In terms of hairdressing services, the compilers of the “basket” left the offer of 4 haircuts per year. The commission “forgot” about long-distance or international trips altogether. Only suburban transportation (up to 50 km) is included. The apogee of this is the indicator of visiting cultural institutions (6 times a year) and purchasing books (no more than 6 pieces).

Dignity as the basic foundation of life

In 2015, the Cabinet of Ministers lost two court cases (in the first and appellate instances) on the need to review the cost of living and the content of the “consumer basket” based on Batrin’s claim. This time, human rights activists challenged the actual results of this review - the recognition of Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 780 as illegal and invalid.

“I believe that this time the government will go to cassation, although the appeal does not suspend the execution of the appeal decision (The decision enters into legal force from the date of adoption and can be appealed by filing a cassation appeal directly to the Supreme Court of Ukraine within thirty days from the date of drawing up the full court decision - Author). At the same time, we still hope that the Prime Minister can take personal responsibility for introducing new standards of living, especially on the eve of the election process. For my part, I personally sent appropriate appeals to the government calling for a solution to the problem, and not to aggravate it,” Stanislav Batrin said in a comment to Ukrinform.

He is deeply convinced that first the government and ministries must find out what needs citizens have, formulate an open list of them, and discuss them in society. Honestly recognize these real needs, and further act in the direction of carrying out reforms to achieve the intended targets, the human rights activist explained.

In defense of its position, “Open Court” gave several answers to standard questions.

In 2016, the government changed the “consumer basket” for the first time in 16 years. What didn't please the officials?

Not a single government of Ukraine after 2000 fulfilled the requirements of the Constitution to revise the “consumer basket” and the size of the subsistence minimum. And in 2016, the authorities were forced to do this - as a result of losing in court. The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine then adopted Resolution No. 780 of October 11, 2016 “On the approval of food packages, sets of non-food products and sets of services for the main social and demographic groups of the population.” As explained, the government thereby revised the “consumer basket” of Ukrainians. The question remained, did the government actually conduct such a review or did it effectively duplicate the 2000 standard?

Now will the “consumer basket” of 2000 regain its strength?

There is no reason to worry. We consistently prove in court that the “consumer basket” approved in 2016 is a fraud. The government and the relevant ministries were unable to prove in court that the approved “consumer basket” meets the needs of citizens: neither in terms of quantitative nor qualitative indicators. In fact, in 2016, the 2000 “basket” was only “updated” (a word coined by the defendants). It is on the basis of such an “honest” “consumer basket” that from January 1, 2018, the government established the subsistence minimum per person per month - 1,700 UAH. That is, the government believes that these funds are enough for people to meet their needs for a decent life. We don't think so.

This is the responsibility of the authorities state power review and set living standards. The living wage should be established by regularly reviewing the contents of the “consumer basket”. We will ensure wide public discussion of this process. We will see how, for example, ministers will be able to explain the inclusion or non-inclusion of diapers for newborns and mobile communications into the contents of the “consumer basket”.

The “consumer basket” is a Soviet tradition, why preserve it?

The leading countries of the world are also forming “consumer baskets” to further ensure minimal human needs. The difference is that in countries where the law prevails, such standards differ in quality and quantity tenfold in comparison with domestic ones. For example, for citizens of Ukraine, long-distance and international travel (by one mode of transport) is not provided; 4 visits to the hairdresser/year are expected, purchase of 6 books/year (by the way, children in schools need more), visits to only 6 (!) cultural institutions per year. year (cinema, theater, etc.). The problem is that Ukraine recognizes at the legislative level that these are the real human needs.

If a country does not have the means to raise social standards, then what is the point of revising them?

This statement is manipulative. Firstly, we all know very well that there is money in the country. Secondly: this is not about money now. We insist that the government must approve an objective set of food, non-food goods and services that is the minimum necessary for everyone to ensure a decent life. Based on such a list, the government must determine the real living wage. Let's say 5000 hryvnia. If such a benchmark is established, then the government must present a road map to the public on how to achieve it. Otherwise, the authorities will not strive for something more. By suing her, we hope that there is still room for compromise between the government and society.

The press service of the Ministry of Economic Development, in turn, confirmed to Ukrinform the information that the Ministry of Economic Development, the Ministry of Social Policy and the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine are now processing cassation appeals against the decisions of judges of the first and appellate instances. That is, in the legal dispute with the public, the authorities decided to go all the way.

Lawyers for the Ministry of Economic Development also noted that since, according to the decision of the appeal court, the controversial resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers No. 780 has lost force, the effect of the previous resolution - No. 656, which regulated the selection of the “consumer basket” in 2000, is restored in full. This means returning to the practice of monthly monitoring of prices for goods and services included in the consumer basket, and submitting statistical data to the Ministry of Economic Development for monthly calculation of the actual cost of living. (Price monitoring is carried out by relevant ministries and departments).

In addition, the Ministry of Social Policy will conduct a new scientific and public examination of the sets of goods and services in the basket. We hope that this time officials will formulate a more adequate version of it.

Marina Nechiporenko, Kyiv

The official cost of living is 1,777 hryvnia, and the real one is close to 4,000

The government will recalculate the cost of living according to the new rules. The draft corresponding order of the Cabinet of Ministers was published on the website of the Ministry of Social Policy. The cost of living is calculated based on the cost of the consumer basket. This is in the story.

A consumer basket is a set of goods and services, minimally necessary for a person for life. The fact that the cost of living does not correspond to reality, that is, does not reflect the real needs of a person for goods and services, is recognized even in the government. There is a “double counting” of the official consumer basket and the real one. Accordingly, the official cost of living is 1,777 hryvnia, and the real one is close to 4,000.

Officials believe that ministries should not form the consumer basket of Ukrainians. The document provides for a change in the composition of the expert commission, which determines “a set of food products, a set of non-food products and a set of services,” which is then used to calculate the subsistence level.

Illegality of the composition of the consumer basket

The government is obliged to review the consumer basket on the basis of which the other day confirmed the conclusion of the court of first instance and recognized the illegality of the approved composition of the consumer basket for Ukrainians.

The living wage does not reflect the real human needs for goods and services

The claim about the illegality of the consumer basket, on the basis of which the official subsistence level is derived, was filed by lawyer, head of the non-profit project Open Court Stanislav Batrin.

He argued that in determining the needs of citizens, the government did not conduct scientific justification proposed standards, and officials They are still avoiding responsibility for the decision made.

The main result of this court decision should be a complete revision of the regulations, the lawyer says. Starting from calculating needs (how much meat and how many pairs of shoes does a person need per year, how much electricity does he use, etc.) to modern, real prices for these goods and services.

The government and the Ministry of Economic Development filed an appeal, but the Kiev Administrative Court of Appeal did not satisfy it. The decision on the illegality of the Cabinet's resolution came into force. The Ministry of Economy reported that despite the fact that the decision of the court of appeal has entered into force, it can be appealed “by filing a cassation appeal with the Supreme Court within 30 days after drawing up the full court decision.”

The Ministry of Economic Development also reported that since Resolution 780 on the subsistence minimum of October 2016 has lost force, Resolution 656, which regulated the set of the “consumer basket” in 2000, is being restored in full.

The ministry will summarize the proposals of the central executive authorities on the formed set of goods and services, and the Ministry of Social Policy will conduct a scientific and public examination of this set.

The last time the government revised the consumer basket was in October 2016, and before that only in 2000. At the same time, according to the law, the consumer basket must be reviewed every 5 years.

What is included in the shopping cart

Without mobile communications and internet, but with TV. And also a subscription to newspapers, magazines, a landline telephone, letters and a few books - no more than 6 pieces per year. Instead of butter, the list of food products for the working population contains margarine - 2 kg per year.

2 kg of lard, 8 kg of pork and 9 kg of sausage. Regarding clothing, it is proposed to approve one suit, tie, jumper, and trousers per year. Underwear - 6 panties, 2 T-shirts, one swimming trunks and 10 socks.

Instead of butter, margarine is indicated in the list of food products

Women - 6 panties, two bras, two T-shirts, one swimsuit. And this is all for a year. Two pairs of synthetic tights for two years and one pair of trousers for four years. For footwear - one pair of shoes for 2 years, winter boots for 3 years.

In terms of hygiene products and medicines - two toothbrushes, one cologne, one comb, 12 pieces of toilet paper, 100 g of cotton wool, two bandages, two antipyretics, 7 plasters, one baby cream. The list also included 4 haircuts per year. There is no mention of intercity or international travel at all, only commuter transport up to 50 km is included. Visiting cultural institutions is allowed 6 times a year.

Expanding the list and indicators of the consumer basket will lead to an increase in all social payments, primarily the subsistence level, pension and minimum wage, said Oleg Gavrish, deputy editor of NV Business. It is natural that it may increase the tax burden to the wage fund.

“This amount is very underestimated. Twice as much is allocated for a person who is in prison. Over time, this will lead to an increase in taxes,” Gavrish said.

For comparison, the British consumer's basket includes expenses for an Internet connection, football tickets and even gardening services. Germans have the right to digital technology and a blood pressure monitor. The French are adding hairdressers to their consumer basket, cosmetical tools and products for cats and dogs. Americans - tobacco and vodka drinks, as well as expenses for mobile and computer communications.

Entering the topic

One of the main socio-economic parameters by which we compare our lives and which forms the basis budget policy state, is the subsistence minimum - this is the cost of the minimum set of food, non-food goods and services that a person needs to survive. Having studied it carefully, you come to disappointing conclusion: our lot is to walk around in cast-offs and live from hand to mouth.
It appeared in our country in 1999, when the Law of Ukraine “On the Living Wage” was adopted.
This is the basic state social standard. It is used not only for a general assessment of the standard of living, but also for establishing the minimum wage and minimum age pension; determining the amount of various social benefits - from unemployment benefits to student scholarships. October 20, 2009 The Verkhovna Rada Ukraine adopted a law that established the subsistence level and the minimum wages for 2010.
However, it should be taken into account that the law on the State Budget for 2010 has not yet been adopted, so what size of the living wage will actually be in effect is still unknown.
According to the Law “On the Living Wage,” the set of goods, the so-called consumer basket,” which it is designed to provide, must be determined at least once every five years. But in fact, its composition has not been revised since 2000. Needless to say, the needs of Ukrainians have changed significantly over ten years. And it’s not just about the fact that some people began to live poorer, while others began to live richer. The very quality of life has changed. Meanwhile, no one intends to review the components of the consumer basket in the near future.

Eat pineapples, chew hazel grouse...

In total, the food basket includes about 42 products. According to the current Resolution, the average Ukrainian, like 10 years ago, is supposed to eat per month: 5 kg wheat bread, 210 g of rice, buckwheat and even less - 167 g per month, 8 kg of potatoes, 1.5 kg of carrots, 0.8 kg of onions, 2 kg of sugar, 1 kg of poultry, 0.3 kg of herring, 18 eggs and 167 g lard At the same time, the consumer basket does not include the consumption of alcohol and honey. But if you try to break down the norms established by the state for each day, it turns out, for example, 167 grams of bread per day - almost 40 grams more than in besieged Leningrad. With rice it’s even more intense - only 7 grams: obviously, our rulers decided to make a Ukrainian more resilient than a Chinese soldier, who can survive on a cup of rice a day. The most offensive thing is about lard, a purely Ukrainian product: 5.5 grams per day - and there’s nothing to eat up your cheeks. And the fish? No, thank you: let the expert who calculated it eat his norm - 11 grams per day. Neither tea nor coffee is provided to the working population.

Shoes, clothes and other joys

The minimum set of clothes will amaze the imagination of any fashionista: a winter jacket with padding polyester (for men) and a winter coat (for women) - for 4 and 7 years, respectively, winter shoes should be worn for 5 years. A woman can buy 3 blouses, a man - 4 shirts, but this is splendor for 5 (!) years. A man is entitled to two panties per year, a woman is entitled to 2 sets of underwear (for two years!) and three panties. A man can also please himself with seven pairs of socks, but a woman is not entitled to socks at all. Swimsuit and swimming trunks - one for 4 years. I do not like? In the same column, pensioners generally have a dash!
If the consumer suddenly gets sick, he can be treated with cotton wool (5 packs for a year), bandages (50 meters for a year), having previously smeared the sore spot with 2 vials of iodine (also for a year) and drinking 5 packs of validol in combination with the same amount aspirin. The composition is completed by a pack of mustard plasters. I will tactfully keep silent about the fact that the list of medications does not include elementary hydrogen peroxide or activated carbon. But there is a tube of baby cream!

Come to me yesterday, the door is locked...

A refrigerator, according to thrifty officials, should last 15 years, a TV - 10 years, an iron - 9 years, a table lamp - 25 years. One bathroom mirror should last 20 years, a wardrobe should last 25 years, and three chairs should last at least 15 years. I would especially like to highlight the machanic charm - washing machine“Baby”, judging by her service life, should be renamed “Teenager” and go to vocational school, because she is obliged to work regularly for 14 years. I wonder where I can look for this sweetie after 14 years of its work?

So that you don’t say that I came up with everything here myself, I present tables stolen from here

Despite the fact that the state’s consumer basket is rarely revised (every few years), the parameters of the basic set of goods significantly affect the lives of ordinary citizens. Thus, the cost of the basket is taken into account when determining the size of the minimum wage, calculating the purchasing power of people, the amount various types social payments.

Let’s analyze what the concept of the consumer basket is, what its composition is in Ukraine for 2017, compare it with the situation in other countries and evaluate the prospects for this indicator in the coming years.

About the consumer basket

The indicator includes a list of goods that every citizen of the country needs for the whole year. When compiling a consumer basket, not individual brands and types of products are taken, but the average values ​​of product groups. The calculation of the parameter includes 3 main categories.

1. Food.

They account for the bulk of the basket's value. For the vast majority of citizens of Ukraine and other countries, most of the family budget is spent on food.

2. Non-food products.

The group is dominated by medicines, household items, clothing and shoes. These categories are irreplaceable and vital for the population. Next come the costs of furniture, pets, equipment for recreation and summer cottages.

3. Services.

Payment for education, leisure and recreation. This also includes the costs of transportation, insurance and utility bills.

What is included in the consumer basket in Ukraine in 2017?

The total cost of enrollment for a year for each citizen of the country currently does not exceed 3 thousand hryvnia. Let’s take a closer look at what the 2017 consumer basket (Ukraine) is, which includes about 296 products.

The following main items are included in the list of food products (consumption values ​​are given per day):

  • meat (fresh, frozen, lard and sausage) – 145 g;
  • bread – a little less than 280 g;
  • dairy products - about 340 g;
  • vegetables, fruits and berries – more than 460 g;
  • fish – about 35 g;
  • sunflower oil and margarine – about 40 g;
  • potatoes - more than 250 g.

The above products allow you to create a complete menu for a week, but their estimated quantity cannot be called sufficient for an adult working person.

In terms of non-food products, the minimum consumer basket in Ukraine in 2017 includes:

  • a list of medications, which include about 100 g of cotton wool, several bandages, 2 packages of antipyretics and about 7 patches;
  • hygiene items - comb and cologne, a pair of toothbrushes for a year, 12 rolls of toilet paper;
  • clothing for men and women - suit, sweater, trousers, several pairs of socks, underwear.

Among the services provided by the consumer basket are:

  • going to the hairdresser – 4 times a year;
  • commuter trips;
  • purchase of books – up to 6 pieces annually;
  • visiting cultural events – up to 6 times.

The table below also presents a set of housing and communal services.

Comparison of the consumer basket of Ukraine and foreign countries in 2017

The structure and calculation of the cost of the consumer basket is carried out in most countries of the world. However, its parameters can vary significantly.

For example, in Germany the consumer basket includes more than 500 items of products, in France – about 250, and in the UK – more than 350. The annual set in the USA, similar to the Ukrainian list, includes about 300 goods. The range of the consumer basket of Russian residents is the smallest - in 2016 it included only about 150 different products and services.

In Ukraine, Belarus and Russia, the consumer basket is collected mainly from vital categories. European states include a wider range of goods and services, among which the following stand out:

  • buying wine, going to restaurants and beauty salons, paying for a taxi in France;
  • beer, pizza delivery and classes at fitness clubs in Germany;
  • champagne and smartphones in the UK;
  • fresh flowers in Belgium;
  • flash cards and disks with films in Italy.

The inclusion of a wider list of goods and their high cost make the cost of European consumer baskets significantly higher than those of the Ukrainian, Belarusian and Russian ones.

The timing for revising the annual list of required goods also differs in each country. For example, in Belgium the structure of the consumer basket is approved annually. The laws of the USA and Russia establish such periods of 5 years.

Forecast of the size and composition of the consumer basket in Ukraine for the coming years

According to Ukrainian laws, the indicator must be reviewed at least once every 5 years. The global financial crisis and the instability of the national currency have led to last years the provided basic set of products and services has increased significantly in price. However, in reality, the parameters of Ukraine’s consumer basket have not changed since 2000.

At the initiative of Ukrainian human rights activists, in 2015, claims were filed and won against the Government demanding a revision of the composition of the consumer basket and the cost of living. At the beginning of 2016, the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade prepared a draft amendment, which was submitted for approval and approval to the Cabinet of Ministers.

Experts expect that the consumer basket in Ukraine will increase in value and will include more different goods and services. In 2015 alone, the required annual set of goods for citizens of the country increased in value by 74% compared to the previous period.

whoever does it, don’t let me pay you to wear 7 rocks, and the price for this hour is different according to the skin position. The flow of information listed on this page is about those pensioners who are classified as poor. Lyudina worked until she retired and paid her entire life from the pension fund. And you don’t need to say that there are no money, look for these people and dignitaries who stole those money. Even if the Posadists and deputies did not swear love to Ukraine, understand in the future - with poor people there will never be a meaningful and rich country.


Ukrainians' consumer basket: What can you buy today with your salary?

Photos from open sources

Based on the consumer basket, the working population of Ukraine should go to work not only hungry, but also only partially clothed

Ukraine is one of the poorest countries in Europe. According to the UN, more than 60% of citizens live below the poverty line in the country. And if earlier, with a fixed exchange rate of 8 UAH per dollar, it was still somehow possible to manage your wallet, today this task is beyond the capabilities of even the most thrifty ordinary people. the site tried to compare what could be bought for the “minimum wage” last spring and what goods are available to Ukrainians now.

Let us remember that, according to officials, the composition of the consumer basket allows Ukrainians not to starve, to dress more or less decently, and even to use a certain set of services. Of course, if there are funds for it.

Old basket

The Ukrainian consumer basket was adopted in 2000. Since then, it has not been thoroughly revised. They supplemented it, seemed to recalculate the cost, increase the cost of living, but the picture is still sad to this day. In 2012, for example, the basket was once again supplemented, but at prices 10 years ago. All this time, people tried to draw attention to the problem, but officials increased the basket exactly as much as the budget funds were enough for.

News on the topic

For example, the overall value of the consumer basket in 2013 was UAH 1,108. In December 2013 it was raised to UAH 1,176, today the minimum wage is UAH 1,218. By the way, the UN has determined the global limit for monthly income per person at $510. This means that if a person receives less, then he lives below the poverty line.

Today there are 300 services in the Ukrainian consumer basket. For comparison, it should be said that in Spain and Germany - about 480, in England - 350. At the end of 2013, Ukrainians spent 55% of their income on food, but today this share is 98%. And if utility bills were paid on time, then most of our compatriots would have to put their teeth on the shelf. Note that in Spain, France and Germany the share of expenses from total income does not exceed 15%. In general, Europeans spend less than 20% on food.

Life from hand to mouth

The Ukrainian consumer basket, the composition of which is more than modest, for an able-bodied person includes the following products:

Product name

Quantity (g)

2013-early 2014 (UAH)

white bread, per day

Rice, per month

Buckwheat, per month

Potatoes, per month

Beef, per month

Pork, per month

Rabbit and lamb, per month.

Fish, per month

Sour cream, per month

According to our calculations, a little over a year ago a Ukrainian had to spend 151 UAH per month on food, subject to these ridiculous standards. For example, tea, spices and salt are not even listed. Not to mention cocoa, sugar, sweets, vegetables or coffee. For example, the ration of a German prisoner of war in 1941 included, among other things, 120 g of fish, 40 g of meat, 20 g of sweets and 55.5 g of spices and tea.

News on the topic

In current realities, this set costs 275 UAH, that is, almost twice as expensive. But do any of us get by with such a basic set of products? Medical standards for both caloric content and energy value are many times higher. "Wherein healthy eating“implies the mandatory inclusion of vegetables, fruits, and vegetable fats in the diet, finally,” says nutritionist Natalya Simonenko. In short, neither then nor now these standards were standard. According to the nutritionist, the minimum balanced set of products for a month could be purchased last year for 600-700 UAH, but now this value reaches 2 thousand UAH.

Don't walk around naked

Based on the basket, the working population of Ukraine should go to work not only hungry, but also partially clothed. For example, for men there is 1 trousers for 4 years, a sweater for three years, 1 swimming trunks for 10 years, a pair of boots for five years. There are 5 pairs of underwear for two years and a year's supply of socks of as many as 7 pairs.

Women, according to the list, can get by with just one bra, three pairs of tights, and a pair of boots per year for two years, and not for five, like men. You are supposed to have one hat for four years.

Children, according to consumer basket standards, are deprived of diapers and toys. “Based on the basket, Ukrainian children, in principle, do not grow up. This conclusion can be drawn from the fact that the clothing standards for them are almost the same as for adults. They practically forgot about the need for school supplies. And they didn’t think about students at all. Judging by according to the consumer basket, there are no such people at all,” notes Alexandra Divchenko, an employee of a Kiev garment factory.

News on the topic

If we talk about prices, then just a year ago you could get dressed from underwear to boots for a minimum of 2 thousand UAH. Today, market traders are constantly “dancing” with the dollar exchange rate. “If previously panties were available for 10 UAH, today their cost is twice as high, purchasing is becoming more expensive,” says Alina Yanenko, a seller at the Svyatoshinsky market in the capital. There has been a complete revolution with such goods as jeans, knitwear, and outerwear - their prices have at least doubled. Moreover, not only new arrivals have become more expensive, prices have also skyrocketed for last year’s leftovers.

The site's correspondent conducted an experiment and tried to dress in the cheapest clothes at the market, regardless of fashion. So, the cheapest underwear cost 50 UAH, socks – 8 UAH, trousers – 180 UAH, T-shirt – 60 UAH, jumper – 200 UAH, a pair of boots – 350 UAH (there are simply no cheaper shoes or boots), a demi-season coat – 900 UAH, the hat intended for four-year wear remained unpurchased, it was replaced by a scarf-collar costing 170 UAH. Mittens, belt, and other accessories did not fit into the budget. The same 2 thousand UAH, but the view leaves much to be desired. “With this money you can dress quite stylishly and decently in a second-hand store,” says aspiring designer Margarita Slepko. According to suppliers of used clothing, their flow of customers increased last year, when Ukrainians felt that they would have to “tighten their belts” more than ever.

Medicine and care and self

Judging by the size of the “minimum wage”, Ukrainians in principle do not need to get their hair cut, shave, or have their clothes repaired. The first aid kit contains a bandage, iodine, validol and aspirin. Antiviral drugs, immunomodulators, elementary antispasmodics and antihistamines are not needed. “What is it, we have a healthy nation,” says pharmacy pharmacist Alexander Gunko, not without irony.

News on the topic

Also, Ukrainians do not wear glasses, do not use deodorants... “Despite the fact that previously these items were not in the consumer basket, the average Ukrainian could afford basic hygiene products and skin care products. Today, prices are astronomical. Because everything depends on dollar,” laments the perfume company’s technologist Anna Vasilyeva.

Total - nothing

Based on the above, the realities of the country are such that the exchange rate continually “creeps” up. “The dynamics of this process are the most stable thing the country has. Naturally, gasoline follows the exchange rate, and as a result, fares and many other things,” states economic expert Alexander Zholud.

The real cost of the consumer basket in Ukraine, even as modest as it is today, is clearly no longer 1,218 UAH. However, pensions and social benefits continue to be paid in exactly this amount. “Of course, the majority of the working population does not receive the minimum wage. Even if they do, it is only on paper. However, if you subtract the costs of transport, which is becoming more expensive every day, you will have just enough money for 172 g of bread a day for breakfast, a glass milk for lunch, and for dinner you can “taste the moon and stars,” says Alexander Lengauer, director of the consulting company CEC Ukraine.

Director of the Association of Retail Chain Suppliers Alexey Doroshenko says that Ukrainians are increasingly willing to switch to domestically produced goods. “Many people are not bothered by the presence of discounted Russian products on the shelves. After all, you always want to eat,” the expert adds. According to experts, it is not yet possible to talk about the fact that food prices, and even more so for clothing and shoes, will decrease. “Over time, with the exchange rate stabilizing, fuel and imported components may become cheaper. But given the risks due to currency fluctuations, this will not happen soon - in a month and a half at best,” says Igor Ostapchuk, an expert on agricultural markets at the Ukrainian Agricultural Business Club association.

Therefore, while the government declares the groundlessness of price increases and promises to contain it through interventions of flour and sugar on the domestic market, Ukrainians are actively sweeping everything they can afford from supermarket shelves. And you can’t argue with the fact that there are enough food supplies. But there are no reserves of money.

Marina Murga, especially for 112.ua

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