Icon of the Mother of God, deliverer from troubles. Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos “Deliverer from Troubles”: how it helps. Listen to the video of the prayer to the Mother of God, Deliverer from troubles

The name of the icon is based on the Christian belief that the Mother of God helps to get rid of troubles and misfortunes to everyone who prayerfully turns to Her for help. Thus, in the prayer canon to the Most Holy Theotokos there are the words: “Mother of God Lady, hasten and deliver us from troubles” (Song 3). Sometimes the image is called “From the troubles of the suffering.”

Among the God-marked places of our land, one of the most famous is the small village of Tashla, in the Samara region. Here in October 1917, before terrible trials, the Most Holy Theotokos revealed Her icon “Deliverer from Troubles” and reminded of Herself, of Her mercy to the Russian land. In addition, she left us forever a miraculous source, on which the number of amazing healings has long been lost.
On October 8, 1917, the Queen of Heaven appeared in a dream to a native of the village of Tashla, temporarily living in neighboring Musorki, cell attendant Katya and indicated the place where she needed to go and dig Her miraculous image out of the ground. The girl told about the vision to her friends Fena Atyasheva and Pasha Gavrilenkova, who was already a widow at that time. The three of them went to the Tashlin ravines. On the way, Katya again had a vision: ahead of them, Angels in white robes were carrying an icon Holy Mother of God. Soon Katya showed her friends the place that Preblagaya herself had pointed out to her in a dream. As they began to dig the ground, people gathered. Many looked at their “venture” with disbelief and even laughed. And what happened next, it is better to say in the words of the nameless author, who compiled the “Poetic story about the miraculous appearance of the icon of the Mother of God “Deliverer from Troubles” on October 8-21, 1917”:

“And then they stopped digging,
The crowd watched Pasha:
She began to rake the earth with her hand,
Crossing herself, she took out the icon.

The crowd buzzed when they saw the Face
Icons - Queen of Heaven
And then a spring came out of the hole
Wonderful healing moisture."

The priest of the church in the village of Musorki, Father Vasily Krylov, took the icon to the Tashlin Trinity Church.

Holy Trinity Church in the village of Tashla.

And on the way, the first healing happened: Anna Torlova, who had been ill for thirty-two years, venerated the icon and suddenly felt a surge of strength... Great joy overwhelmed the people! The icon was placed on a lectern in the middle of the temple for veneration.
Soon the Tashlin priest, Fr. Dimitry Mitekin. But the icon miraculously left the temple. The church watchman of the Trinity Church, Efim Kulikov, at night saw a flash of lightning flashing from the temple towards the Tashlin ravine, where the icon was revealed. In the morning the icon was no longer found in the church.
The second appearance of the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos “Deliverer from Troubles” took place in December 1917. This time, too, the face of the Mother of God appeared in the spring that emerged at the site of the first miraculous appearance of the icon. Believers gathered at the spring. But the icon miraculously was not given into the hands of Father Dimitri Mitekin. Then the priest fell to his knees and began to repent of his sins with tears, begging the Mother of God and the parishioners for forgiveness... Then the icon surfaced again and the same Pasha Gavrilenkova took it. Since then, the holy image has never left the village.

Until 1925, religious processions were held with the miraculous icon of the Mother of God. The news of what happened in Tashla spread throughout the Volga region. People walked and walked to the icon and to the source. This place has become one of the most revered in the Volga region. That is why the new authorities, who declared war on Orthodoxy, put so much effort into destroying the very memory of the miracle. The church was closed, and the believers saved the icon from desecration - they passed it secretly from hut to hut. Then the atheists decided to do away with the spring. They set up a cattle yard near it, and the holy place was soon filled with manure. But the spring survived, only it broke through in one more place, a few steps from the previous one - the Mother of God.
During the war there was no time for atheism - the church was reopened. The miraculous icon also returned to it.
The icon of the Most Holy Theotokos “Deliverer from Troubles” is still located in the Trinity Church in the village of Tashla, and a copy of this icon is kept in the Samara Intercession Cathedral. And in the bathhouse, made at the site of the appearance of the icon, many healings from various ailments still occur.
“Limitless love for suffering people
Nourishes towards the Queen of Heaven.
Even now pilgrims go to Tashla
Dear spiritual wonderful."
With these words, the nameless author of the poetic “Tale” ends his ingenuous narrative about the Tashlin miracle.

about the appearance of the miraculous icon of the Mother of God “Deliverer from Troubles” in the village of Tashla according to eyewitnesses

This icon was found in the ground in the village of Tashla, Stavropol district, Samara region in October 1917. Heavenly angels, God's messengers, showed people the place at the bottom of the ravine where they should look for the miraculous icon. A hole was dug a yard deep, and the searchers extracted from the ground a very small icon, about the size of a notepad, of the Most Holy Theotokos “Deliverer from Troubles,” which lay face up. And then a spring appeared in that place - a strong stream of water emerged from the depths. Stories of many amazing healings are associated with the icon and the source. The icon of the Mother of God “Deliverer from Troubles” became a shrine of the Samara land. At the site of her appearance, at the source, people built a chapel and a well, where prayer services were often held. The well was deepened and cleaned, and in the dry 1920s it was almost the only source supplying the village with water. The small Samara village of Tashla has become a place of pilgrimage for believers from all over Russia. They worship the miraculous icon, bathe in the holy spring, collect healing water for their family and friends - and take it home like a great shrine.

Appearance of the icon

According to eyewitnesses
Message from Feodosia Davidovna Atyaksheva, a native of the village of Musorki, Stavropol district, Kuibyshev region, in 1885, about the appearance of the icon of the Mother of God, which took place in 1917 on Sunday October 8 (old style) in the village of Tashla.

“I, Atyaksheva Feodosia Davidovna, lived in a separate house, like in a cell, and the girl Ekaterina Nikanorovna Chugunova, a native of the village of Tashla, lived with me, 1885.

I, Theodosia, before the Cross and the Gospel, assure how this phenomenon happened: on the morning of October 21 (new style), when we woke up, Catherine told me that she would go to mass in the church. Tashla and left, and I decided to go to my temple. Trash cans. When I returned from the church, Catherine came and said: “In Tashla there was no service in the church, because the priest left for Samara and did not return; but here's what I have to tell you. Tonight the Mother of God appeared to me in a dream for the third time and said sternly that if I do not fulfill Her orders, I will be punished. Each time, appearing to me in a dream, She said that I should dig Her icon out of the ground in the indicated place. This morning, when I walked to the village of Tashla, over the ravine I saw two angels carrying an icon of the Mother of God, illuminated by a bright radiance, and when they sank to the bottom of the ravine, this vision disappeared, and I fainted. When I woke up, I went to my relatives and told them about all this, and they told me that some people heard church singing there, in the ravine. I ask you, Fenya, let’s go together to that place right now, maybe you too will see what I saw.” We went together to Tashla, and when we approached this ravine, Catherine screamed: “Look, look, here again the angels are carrying the icon in radiance, heading to the same place, and again everything has disappeared...” After these words, Catherine fell unconscious. I was very scared, not knowing what to do with her, since the place was deserted and there was no one to be seen. Thank God it didn't last long.
Ekaterina woke up and asked me if I saw anything, but I didn’t see anything. We went to Gavrilenkova Paraskeva, who lived near the ravine, and begged her to go with us to the ravine. Pasha took the cleaver and we went. When we approached the ravine, Catherine shouted again: “Look, look, here again the angels are carrying the icon and disappearing in the same place,” and she herself fainted again.
Having woken up, Catherine went to the place where she had seen the vision disappear three times and showed where to dig. Pasha began to dig around this place with a mower, and the boy Petya, who was standing here, was sent to fetch a shovel. Soon Petya came along with his father Zakhary Krivoichenkov, who began to dig with a shovel, but dug a little and said: “Well, what was she making up, there’s no point in digging here.”

As soon as Zachary had time to utter these words, he was immediately thrown to the side, as if by the wind, and lay in a faint for some time, and when he woke up, he took a shovel and unquestioningly continued to dig in the indicated place. Paraskeva pierced this hole with a hammer from time to time. And so, when the hole was a yard deep, Paraskeva felt something hard with her pick, she began to tear up the earth with her hands and took out from the ground a small format icon of the Mother of God, which lay face up.

As soon as Paraskeva took the icon out of the ground, a spring of water appeared in that place. By this time a lot of people had already gathered, and Catherine lay in a relaxed state, and she was sent to her sister.
They decided to send a priest to the village of Musorka to transfer the revealed icon to the temple in the village of Tashla.
The priest Father Vasily Krylov came from Musorka. He took the icon and carried it to the temple.
When approaching the temple to meet the icons, under the ringing of bells, they came out to the banners and icons. From the crowd we could hear the cries of the well-known sick Anna Torlova (a native of the village of Tashla), who shouted: “The little icon is coming, coming and will drive us out...”. This woman was healed, but she had been sick for 32 years. The icon was brought into the temple, placed under glass along with the icon of the Holy Trinity and placed on an anole in the middle of the temple.
Priest Fr. Vasily Krylov immediately served a prayer service, and the temple was open all night for access to the icon. At this time there was an incident: one Tashlin woman did not believe the appearance of the icon and began to shout: “This is all fiction...”. After her words, she ran out of the temple, jumped off the high porch, jumped over the fence and ran home, and after that she fell ill.
On Monday, October 22 (new style) I arrived from the village. Garbage priest Fr. Alexey Smolensky. He served the Liturgy and prayer service in the church, and in the evening his priest, Fr. Dimitry Mitekin. He saw that there were a lot of people in the church, and learned that the icon of the Mother of God “Deliverer from Troubles” had appeared, and served the all-night vigil. On Tuesday, October 23, the Liturgy was served, and after the Liturgy they went in a religious procession with the “Deliverer from Troubles” icon to the place of the apparition and a prayer service was served there.

Many healings were also observed during this time. The rumor about the appearance of the miraculous icon spread very quickly throughout the surrounding areas, and entire crowds constantly went to venerate the icon. A well and a chapel were equipped at the source, where people often left the temple to serve prayers.

The well was deepened and cleaned, and in the dry years of 1920-1922. he was almost the only one supplying water to the village. From the moment the icon appeared, all this time was accompanied by many miraculous healings of the sick; but despite this, in the rector of the Church of the Holy Trinity, priest Fr. Dimitri Mitekina always had some kind of doubt, lack of faith in the appearance of the icon.
And then a miracle happened: on Saturday, December 23 (new style), an all-night vigil was served in the Church of the Holy Trinity, during which the icon “Deliverer from Troubles” was in the church, and on the morning of December 24, on Sunday, they discovered that the icon was not in the church. The icon disappeared from the locked temple.
At the same time, the church watchman Efim Kulikov informed the priest about. Demetrius, that when he went to the temple in the morning, he saw, as it were, lightning flashing from the temple towards the source.

After the Liturgy, we went in procession to the source and served a prayer service there, but the icon was nowhere to be found. On the same day, December 24, I, Feodosia Atyaksheva, heard a rumor about the disappearance of the icon, and as soon as I came from the church, I went to the village of Tashla. When I met with Ekaterina, she tearfully told me about the disappearance and begged me to immediately go with her to the source. As soon as we saw the chapel, Catherine joyfully exclaimed: “Look, look, the icon is shining above the chapel.” We returned to the village, came to the head of the temple, Ivan Efremovich, who had the key to the chapel, he called some more old people, and we went to the source. When they opened the chapel and the well was being made, we saw a vision: the ice in the well had melted a little, and in that place the icon of the Mother of God was floating face up. We were all overcome with great joy, and one of those present ran after Father Fr. Dimitri. When Fr. Demetrius arrived, he happily scooped the icon from the well with a bucket, took it in his hands, raised it in front of him and said that they should immediately go to the temple and go to the source with banners and icons, and he himself stood in the same position with the icon until he arrived procession and prayed. To the sound of the bells he returned to the temple with the icon.
Father Dimitri Mitekin immediately served a thanksgiving prayer before the icon of the Mother of God “Deliverer from Troubles,” and he himself tearfully prayed and repented that he took this disappearance of the icon personally for his guilt, for his doubt and lack of faith shown towards this appearance of the icon Mother of God "Deliverer from troubles."
The icon was again installed in the Church of the Holy Trinity in the village of Tashla, and again there was a stream of prayer books with different places, to venerate the icon “Deliverer from Troubles,” and many who flowed with faith to Her received various healings.”
Signature (Atyaksheva)

All of the above about the appearance of the miraculous icon of the Mother of God “Deliverer of Troubles” in the village of Tashla is confirmed and testified, assuring before the Cross and the Gospel, by the mother of Father Vasily Krylov: Anisia Dmitrievna Krylova, born in 1876, who lived in the village of Musorki, Stavropol region from 1900 to 1920 .
Signature (Krylova)

And Andrina Evdokia Romanovna, born in 1896, a native and resident of the village of Tashla.
Signature (Andrina)

I certify the signatures of these persons.
John, Bishop of Kuibyshev and Syzran, 1981

IN early XIX For centuries, the remarkable ascetic Constantius Theodulus spent his monastic life on Mount Athos. This elder had a miraculous image of the Mother of God, painted about one and a half hundred years ago. After the death of this ascetic, the image became the property of Constantius’s disciple, Elder Martinian, who came to Mount Athos from Greece in 1821. At the beginning of 1841, Martinian left Athos for Hellas. Here he came to the town of Mavrovoni, located in the diocese of Sparta.

The inhabitants of those places suffered a terrible disaster: their fields, forests and all vegetation in general were devastated by locusts. Moving forward in a solid mass, she destroyed everything that came in her way. The local authorities drove the residents by force into the fields, forcing them to collect the destructive insect, carry it into pits and burn it, but all these measures were powerless in the fight against the terrible enemy, and it seemed that the more the locusts were exterminated, the more they increased. In horror, the villagers turned to the Lavra of Alexy, the man of God, located near the unfortunate district. Taking part of the holy relics of this saint of God, they began to perform prayer services with religious processions to their fields. But the locusts, as if irritated by these actions, began to rush at people, mainly in their eyes. Both residents and priests fled to their homes in horror.

Elder Martinian also learned about this disaster. After the prayer service, he said, addressing the villagers:

Has our faith become so impoverished that we cannot ask the Lord for this too? Let us intensify our prayers; gather at least the elders, let us resort to the sovereign and all-powerful intercession of the Lady of heaven and earth; Let us take out Her holy icon, pray together, and I believe in the Lord that He will not despise our humble and intensified prayer to Him and, through the intercession of His Mother, will deliver the country from a great disaster.

In the hope of the merciful intercession of the Mother of God, not only the elders, but also husbands, wives and even children gathered. 4 priests also appeared. And so the procession, accompanied by an elder carrying the holy image, went to the field. Here Martinian placed the icon he had brought directly on the ground, and before it all the villagers bowed with great prayer. The Heavenly Lady did not reject the prayers of the servants of Her Son and our God. With a wondrous sign of Her power, She struck down the locusts. Suddenly a great multitude of birds flew in; they all quickly rushed towards the insects. Locusts rose from the fields and flew in such a thick mass that they blocked out the sunlight.

In the same village of Mavrovoni, one boy lay seriously ill. His illness intensified, and his parents decided to admonish their son with the communion of the Holy Mysteries. But for some reason the invited priest slowed down and did not appear for a long time. When he, taking the Holy Gifts, went to the house of the sick man, he invited Elder Martinian with him. As soon as they arrived at the house, they were shocked by the news that the boy was already dying. The priest asked Martinian to bring his icon so that together they could pray to the Queen of Heaven for the boy. The elder, seeing his deep faith and his contrite parents, took out the holy image that was always with him and placed it over the boy’s bed. After the prayer, the elder shone the image of the dying man three times, and the boy suddenly opened his eyes; At Martinian's request, he was given communion, and the boy stood up completely healthy. The boy, brought back to life, subsequently took monastic vows and with the name Alexia labored for a long time on Mount Athos.

The news of this spread far and wide throughout the surrounding area. Many sick people and those suffering from mental and physical infirmities went to the image of the Mother of God, and all those who flowed with faith to Her merciful intercession received what they asked for. The miracles that constantly flowed from the image increased the number of pilgrims so much that the hut in which the elder lived was constantly filled with them. Having fled from the bustle of the world and having acquired the virtue of humility, the elder decided to retire to a place where no one could find him. To this end, he headed along the seashore and soon found a steep cliff above the sea with a cave, which was quite sufficient for his exploits. Having settled down here, Martinian thought that he was already completely secluded from people. But the Most Pure Virgin deigned to arrange things differently.

One night the ascetic was praying in a cave. While praying, he suddenly hears a voice commanding him not to hide miraculous image, but to serve the good and needs of others. Martinian tried to refer to his unworthiness, weaknesses and difficulties, but the voice even more persistently ordered him to submit to the revelation, saying that all this was being done for the sake of the glory of the Mother of God. When the elder finished his prayer, he indulged in a short rest. At this time, suddenly an extraordinary light illuminated the cave. The elder saw a shining pillar stretching from heaven to earth, and at the same time he again heard the same voice, commanding him to leave the seclusion and go serve his neighbors.

The location of the ascetic was also revealed to the surrounding residents. One demoniac, named Elena, kept shouting that she knew the place where the old man was hiding; At the same time, she pointed out that only the icon in his possession could grant her healing. The demon that lived in this woman was very inquisitive and fierce. He denounced everyone who came to Elena even in their deepest sins. One reverent priest decided at all costs to read incantatory prayers over the demoniac and came to Elena’s house. But the sick woman attacked the priest and began to threateningly abuse the servant of the altar of God.

Despite all the cries of the demoniac, the priest continued to read prayers, and asked the demon hiding in the woman who could cast him out. And the unclean spirit, against his will, spoke about the secluded old man with the icon and, compelled by the priestly spell and the power of God, pointed out the place where Martinian was hiding.

The morning after the vision, the elder heard the noise of a large crowd of people gathered in front of the rock and begging the ascetic to come down to him and help the suffering. Seeing the will of God in all this, the elder obeyed and went to the houses of the villagers. First of all, he went to the possessed Elena. When he approached her home, the sick woman fell into complete unconsciousness and began to scream furiously. When the elder, having entered the house, placed the image of the Mother of God and made several bows in front of the icon, the demon immediately left the woman with great groaning. The patient came to her senses and thanked the Mother of God with fervent prayer. After venerating Her icon, she felt completely healthy. Many other demoniacs were healed through prayer before this image of the Mother of God.

Since the workings of miracles continuously flowed from the icon, the people persistently remained under Martinian. The elder was burdened by these meetings and finally decided to return to his monastery. The people, having learned of his departure, accompanied the ascetic in great numbers to a long distance. With great weeping they parted with the elder, since with him the image of the Mother of God, who had poured out so many mercies on their area, left them.

After arriving on Athos at the monastery of the Great Martyr Panteleimon, Martinian soon reposed in the Lord. The holy icon of the Mother of God became a precious heritage of the monastery. Here the honest image remained until 1889. The rector of the Panteleimon monastery, Archimandrite Macarius, bequeathed the icon “Deliverer” to the blessing of the then newly built New Athos monastery of Simon the Kananite, in the Caucasus.

Subsequently, the icon miraculously saved the death of the Sovereign Emperor Alexander III and his August family in a train crash at Borki station, as well as the heir to the throne, Grand Duke Nikolai Alexandrovich in Otsu (Japan) at the hands of a murderer.

The icon belongs to the Hodegetria iconographic type.

Akathist to the Most Holy Theotokos in front of Her icon called “Deliverer”

Forbid our enemy to embitter us and, of course, separate us from our Lord, and teach us to sing to You cheerfully: Rejoice, Deliverer, saving us in need from grief, troubles and death.

Many angels, according to Your command, our Mother, are taking up arms for our deliverance threateningly. You, accept this prayer: Rejoice, you who send angels to our salvation; Rejoice, Queen of the heavenly ranks, granting us their heavenly help. Rejoice, thou who commandest us as an angel to protect us; Rejoice, you who defeat our enemies with the army of Angels. Rejoice, Deliverer, who saves us in need from grief, troubles and death.

Those in need see so much and much of Your help to those who sincerely call upon You, and are thus instructed to sing to Your Son unceasingly: Alleluia.

Many people understand that the world has given You Your Son as the Deliverer of the needy, and we also sing to Tisce: Rejoice, Mother of the needy; Rejoice, consolation to those who suffer. Rejoice, healing of the sick; Rejoice, unreliable hope. Rejoice, Deliverer, who saves us in need from grief, troubles and death.

The power of the Most High was bestowed upon You to help and save the world and us, who are perishing in troubles. And who is not delivered by You, and who does not sing to Your Son: Alleluia.

Having an incomprehensible love for the human race, what sighs did you not accept, what tears did you not wipe away, and whom did you not force to call on You, crying out: Rejoice, quick hearing of the needy; Rejoice, consolation to the sad and sorrowful. Rejoice, quick salvation for those who are perishing; Rejoice, liberation of the captives. Rejoice, Deliverer, who saves us in need from grief, troubles and death.

The storm of misfortunes has descended upon us, save us who are perishing, O our Deliverer, who has tamed the destructive storm on earth and accepted our song: Alleluia.

Hearing humanity give birth to all Your wondrous love for Christians and Your powerful deliverance from all the evil that comes upon them, learning to sing to You: Rejoice, deliverance of the human race from troubles; Rejoice, the storms of life have ceased. Rejoice, O despondency to the Perisher; Rejoice, Giver of joy after our sorrow. Rejoice, Deliverer, who saves us in need from grief, troubles and death.

More like a godly star, dispelling darkness and obscurity in sinful hearts, so that in the light of Your love they will see the Lord and sing to Him: Alleluia.

Seeing Your unexpected deliverance from various troubles, the people of Russia joyfully sing to You: Rejoice, our Helper in troubles; Rejoice, what is more painful is the taking away of our sorrows. Rejoice, our sorrows are driven away; Rejoice, consolation in our sorrows. Rejoice, Deliverer, who saves us in need from grief, troubles and death.

They preach Your help and love, Mother, healing, consolation, joy and salvation from troubles by You, and sing to Your Highly Powerful Son: Alleluia.

The light of salvation has shone for us in the darkness of destruction that surrounds us, and has instructed us to sing to You: Rejoice, thou who dispersest the darkness of sins; Rejoice, you who consume the darkness of sin. Rejoice, you who enlighten the darkness of my soul; Rejoice, you who encourage souls with the light of joy. Rejoice, Deliverer, who saves us in need from grief, troubles and death.

Those who want to give ourselves up to ultimate despair, the troubles that lie everywhere, think about You, the Deliverer, and we are encouraged and comforted, singing to Your Son: Alleluia.

He showed us His mercy in a new and unexpected way, accepting us under Your sovereign hand, and from here we cry out to You: Rejoice, sovereign Queen; Rejoice, you who have accepted us under Your power. Rejoice, Thou who hast given us Thy protection; Rejoice, thou who has slain our enemies. Rejoice, Deliverer, who saves us in need from grief, troubles and death.

A strange miracle for the doomed and countless in need, they suddenly receive salvation and deliverance from You, the All-loving One, singing to God: Alleluia.

All who are in the darkness of sorrows, all who are overwhelmed by misfortunes in a storm, come to the good refuge and our help, the protection of the Virgin Deliverer, crying to Her: Rejoice, source of joys; Rejoice, banishment of sorrows. Rejoice, troubles have diminished; Rejoice, Giver of all peace. Rejoice, Deliverer, who saves us in need from grief, troubles and death.

All human beings praise Thee, everyone sings Thee, who brings manifold deliverance, instead of sorrows, giving joy to those who sing: Alleluia.

Vetia of many minds is distraught, seeing Your quick and wonderful from troubles deliverance for the afflicted, and silenced us singing Ti: Rejoice, you who surprised the world with miracles; Rejoice, you who strengthened us with miracles. Rejoice, you who destroyed godlessness through miracles; Rejoice, having confounded your enemies by the power of God. Rejoice, Deliverer, who saves us in need from grief, troubles and death.

Although you have saved every human soul, caring for it with all your love, until you teach it to sing to Your Son: Alleluia.

As a wall, protecting the Christian world and protecting every soul from enemies, Your icon, the Deliverer, appeared in the Orthodox world and became glorified by miracles. To you the people of God sing: Rejoice, our Teacher, who chose the Holy Mount Athos as her lot; Rejoice, our Redeemer, with Your blessing New Athos blessed. Rejoice, our joy, who showed the sign of the unbreakable union of Your earthly inheritances through Your icon; Rejoice, our eternal joy, who favored the young New Athos monastery with wonderful care. Rejoice, Deliverer, who saves us in need from grief, troubles and death.

They bring unceasing singing to You, who have been delivered by You and who have again found joy through You, and to Your Divine Son they sing joyfully: Alleluia.

Appear to us as a shining, radiant luminary in the darkness of sin, Your icon, the Deliverer, instructing us to sing to You: Rejoice, who delivers us from hunger; Rejoice, harmful nature from flora driving away. Rejoice, saving crops and forests and all that grows from destruction; Rejoice, consolation to the mourning farmers and blessing to their labors. Rejoice, Deliverer, who saves us in need from grief, troubles and death.

Grace, from Your icon, the Deliverer, flowing, abundantly giving streams of healing and reviving hearts with joy, conquers everyone by the will of singing to You, Mother, and to Your Son and God: Alleluia.

We sing of the healings, we sing especially of the resurrection of the youth Anastasia, and we sing in hymn: Rejoice, thou who raiseth up the dead; Rejoice, you who revive dead hearts; Rejoice, you who take away from death and eternal fire. Rejoice, our posthumous hope and protection. Rejoice, Deliverer, who saves us in need from grief, troubles and death.

O our All-Singing and All-Beloved Mother, have mercy now and have mercy, delivering us from the fierce and hopeless sorrows that exist, teach us to heartily sing to God who forgives us: Alleluia.

(This kontakion is read three times, then ikos 1 and kontakion 1)

Prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos in front of Her icon called “Deliverer”

Oh, Mother of God, our help and protection, whenever we ask, be our deliverer, we trust in You and always call upon You with all our souls: have mercy and help, have pity and deliver, incline Your ear and accept our sorrowful and tearful prayers, and as you wish, calm and rejoice us, who love your Beginning Son and our God. Amen.


Description of the icon of the Mother of God the Deliverer:
The glorification of the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos “Deliverer” began in 1841, when, through prayers before it, one of the Greek provinces got rid of an invasion of locusts. The miracles emanating from the icon of the Mother of God attracted many pilgrims to it, which burdened the guardian of the shrine, Elder Martinian, a former inhabitant of one of the Athos monasteries. Tired of human attention, the elder, together with the icon of the Mother of God, returned to Athos and settled in the monastery of the Holy Great Martyr Panteleimon. In 1889, the abbot of the monastery donated the miraculous icon of the Mother of God to Russia for the New Athos Simon-Kananitsky monastery opened in the Caucasus.

The Icon of the Mother of God “Deliverer” was carried by Emperor Alexander III on the train, returning to the capital with his family after a vacation in the south. As you know, the royal train met with a disaster, but the emperor himself and his household miraculously remained alive and unharmed. Your miraculous salvation members royal family associated with the patronage and intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary. In memory of the miraculous salvation of the Russian emperor and his family, the celebration in honor of the icon of the Mother of God “Deliverer” was established on October 17.

Some ancient images on the maforia of the Virgin Mary depict five-pointed stars - pentagrams. Since ancient times, the pentagram has meant “Chosenness, duty, loyalty.” Unfortunately, starting from the 16th century, the pentagram began to be used by Masonic organizations, and subsequently by communist ones, which led to the emergence of an ambiguous attitude towards this ancient pious symbol.


There is another version of the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos “Deliverer,” which depicts the holy apostle Simon the Canaanite and the healer Panteleimon holding the icon of the Mother of God against the background of the New Athos Simon-Canaanite Monastery.

Before the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos “Deliverer” they pray for the healing of those suffering from demonic possession, from an invasion of locusts, for the healing of mental and physical infirmities in times of disaster, for the sending of grace-filled power in resolving difficult circumstances.

Prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos in front of Her icon called “Deliverer”

Oh, Mother of God, our help and protection, whenever we ask, be our deliverer, we trust in You and always call upon You with all our souls: have mercy and help, have pity and deliver, incline Your ear and accept our sorrowful and tearful prayers, and as you wish, calm and rejoice us, who love your Beginning Son and our God. Amen.


Troparion to the Most Holy Theotokos in front of Her icon called “Deliverer”

Troparion, tone 4

Like a bright star, asking for Divine miracles your holy image, O Deliverer, illuminating the rays of your grace and mercy in the night of present sorrows. Grant us, O All-Blessed Virgin, deliverance from troubles, healing of mental and physical ailments, salvation and great mercy.


Akathist to the Most Holy Theotokos in front of Her icon called “Deliverer”

Kontakion 1

Forbid our enemy to embitter us and, of course, separate us from our Lord, and teach us to sing to You cheerfully: Rejoice, Deliverer, saving us in need from grief, troubles and death.

Ikos 1

Many angels, according to Your command, our Mother, are taking up arms for our deliverance threateningly. You, accept this prayer: Rejoice, you who send angels to our salvation; Rejoice, Queen of the heavenly ranks, granting us their heavenly help. Rejoice, thou who commandest us as an angel to protect us; Rejoice, you who defeat our enemies with the army of Angels. Rejoice, Deliverer, who saves us in need from grief, troubles and death.

Kontakion 2

Those in need see so much and much of Your help to those who sincerely call upon You, and are thus instructed to sing to Your Son unceasingly: Alleluia.

Ikos 2

Many people understand that the world has given You Your Son as the Deliverer of the needy, and we also sing to Tisce: Rejoice, Mother of the needy; Rejoice, consolation to those who suffer. Rejoice, healing of the sick; Rejoice, unreliable hope. Rejoice, Deliverer, who saves us in need from grief, troubles and death.

Kontakion 3

The power of the Most High was bestowed upon You to help and save the world and us, who are perishing in troubles. And who is not delivered by You, and who does not sing to Your Son: Alleluia.

Ikos 3

Having an incomprehensible love for the human race, what sighs did you not accept, what tears did you not wipe away, and whom did you not force to call upon You , crying out: Rejoice, those in need will soon be heard; Rejoice, consolation for the sad and sorrowful. Rejoice, quick salvation for those who are perishing; Rejoice, liberation of the captives. Rejoice, Deliverer, who saves us in need from grief, troubles and death .

Kontakion 4

A storm of misfortunes is upon us, save us who are perishing. Our deliverer, who tamed the destructive storm on earth and accepting our song: Alleluia.

Ikos 4

Hearing humanity give birth to all Your wondrous love for Christians and Your powerful deliverance from all the evil that comes upon them, learning to sing to You: Rejoice, deliverance of the human race from troubles;

Rejoice, the storms of life have ceased. Rejoice, O persecutor of despondency; Rejoice, Giver of joy after our sorrow. Rejoice, Deliverer, who saves us in need from grief, troubles and death.

Kontakion 5

More like a godly star, dispelling darkness and darkness in sinful hearts, and in Thy light; in love they will see the Lord and sing to Him: Alleluia.

Ikos 5

Seeing the people of Russia Your unexpected deliverance from many different troubles, they joyfully sing to You : Rejoice, our Helper in troubles; Rejoice, what is more painful is the taking away of our sorrows. Rejoice, our sorrows are driven away; Rejoice, consolation in our sorrows. Rejoice, Deliverer, who saves us in need from grief, troubles and death.

Kontakion 6

They preach Your help and love, Mother, healing, consolation, joy and salvation from troubles by You, and sing to Your Highly Powerful Son: Alleluia.

Ikos 6

The light of salvation has shone for us in the darkness of destruction that surrounds us, and has instructed us to sing to You: Rejoice, thou who dispersest the darkness of sins; Rejoice, you who consume the darkness of sin. Rejoice, enlightener of the darkness of my soul; Rejoice, you who encourage souls with the light of joy. Rejoice, Deliverer, saving us who are in need from grief, troubles and death.

Kontakion 7

Those who want to give ourselves up to ultimate despair, the troubles that lie everywhere, think about You, the Deliverer, and we are encouraged and comforted, singing to Your Son: Alleluia.

Ikos 7

He showed us His mercy in a new and unexpected way, accepting us under Your sovereign hand, and from here we cry out to You: Rejoice, sovereign Queen; Rejoice, you who have accepted us under Your power. Rejoice, Thou who hast given us Thy protection; Rejoice, thou who has slain our enemies. Rejoice, Deliverer, who saves us in need from grief, troubles and death .

Kontakion 8

A strange miracle for the doomed and countless in need, they suddenly receive salvation and deliverance from You, the All-loving One, singing to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 8

All who are in the darkness of sorrows, all who are overwhelmed by misfortunes in a storm, come to the good refuge and our help, the protection of the Virgin Deliverer, crying to Her: Rejoice, source of joys; Rejoice, banishment of sorrows. Rejoice, troubles have diminished; Rejoice, Giver of all peace. Rejoice, Deliverer, who saves us in need from grief, troubles and death.

Kontakion 9

All human beings praise Thee, everyone sings Thee, who brings many different deliverances, instead of sorrows, giving joy to those who sing: Alleluia.

Ikos 9

Vetia of many minds was distraught, seeing Your quick and miraculous deliverance from the troubles of the afflicted, and fell silent to us who sing to You: Rejoice, you who have surprised the world with miracles; Rejoice, you who strengthened us with miracles. Rejoice, you who destroyed godlessness through miracles; Rejoice, having confounded your enemies by the power of God. Rejoice, Deliverer, who saves us in need from grief, troubles and death.

Kontakion 10

Although you have saved every human soul, caring for it with all your love, until you teach it to sing to Your Son: Alleluia.

Ikos 10

As a wall, protecting the Christian world and protecting every soul from enemies, Your icon, the Deliverer, appeared in the Orthodox world and became glorified by miracles. To you the people of God sing: Rejoice, our Teacher, who chose the Holy Mount Athos as her lot; Rejoice, our Redeemer, who blessed New Athos with Your blessing. Rejoice, our joy, who showed the sign of the unbreakable union of Your earthly inheritances through Your icon; Rejoice, our eternal joy, who favored the young New Athos monastery with wonderful care. Rejoice, Deliverer, who saves us in need from grief, troubles and death.

Kontakion 11

They bring unceasing singing to You, who have been delivered by You and who have again found joy through You, and to Your Divine Son they sing joyfully: Alleluia.

Ikos 11

Appear to us as a shining, radiant luminary in the darkness of sin, Your icon, the Deliverer, instructing us to sing to You: Rejoice, who delivers us from hunger; Rejoice, you who drive away harmful nature from the plant world. Rejoice, saving crops and forests and all that grows from destruction; Rejoice, consolation to the mourning farmers and blessing to their labors. Rejoice, Deliverer, who saves us in need from grief, troubles and death.

Kontakion 12

Grace, from Your icon, the Deliverer, flowing, abundantly giving streams of healing and reviving hearts with joy, conquers everyone by the will of singing to You, Mother, and to Your Son and God: Alleluia.

Ikos 12

We sing of the healings, we sing especially of the resurrection of the youth Anastasia, and we sing in hymn: Rejoice, thou who raiseth up the dead; Rejoice, you who revive dead hearts; Rejoice, you who take away from death and eternal fire. Rejoice, our posthumous hope and protection. Rejoice, Deliverer, who saves us in need from grief, troubles and death.


O our All-Singing and All-Beloved Mother, have mercy now and have mercy, delivering us from the fierce and hopeless sorrows that exist, teach us to heartily sing to God who forgives us: Alleluia.

(This kontakion is read three times, then ikos 1 and kontakion 1)


Also read on our website:

Earthly life of the Virgin Mary- Description of the life, Christmas, Dormition of the Mother of God.

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This shrine attracts thousands of believers who come from year to year to see it - the icon of the Mother of God “Deliverance from the Troubles of the Suffering.” After all, it gives people what they so need: hope of salvation from pain, misfortune and suffering. They bow before the “Deliverer” icon with a prayer for the health of children, for liberation from addictions and recovery from serious illnesses.

History of the icon

One of the most mysterious stories associated with the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos “Deliverer from Troubles” is an incident that happened to it in Arzamas. Exactly there, in St. Nicholas convent on Cathedral Square, in 1997 the shrine was received. It was brought by two women, one of whom discovered a blackened board, something similar to an icon, in her barn.

For a long time, the icon “Deliverer from the troubles of the afflicted” remained in the storerooms, where shrines that are not used in church services are stored. But one day the abbess of the Orthodox monastery returned the relic to the temple, ordering the Virgin Mary to pray before it. Prayer after prayer, a bright spot appeared on the black tablet. By 2001, the blackness began to gradually disappear, revealing the icon to the human eye, only its name still remained a mystery. And only after the visit of a Riga nun, who recognized in Azamas the icon “Deliverance from the troubles of the suffering,” by the summer of this year the dark veil finally fell from the shrine and revealed the name, confirming the truth of the nun’s words.

Celebration of the icon

History says that the celebration in honor of the holy face was originally held on April 4th. However, due to the fact that in 1866 there was an attempt on the life of Emperor Alexander II, even despite the fact that it was not possible to shoot the ruler, the celebration was postponed to another day. Since then, the icon of the Mother of God “Deliverer” has been honored on October 17 according to the old style. This is not a random number, because it was on the 17th that Emperor Alexander III and his family were lucky enough to survive during an accident at Borki station. It was believed that the icon of the Mother of God “Deliverer from Troubles” contributed to salvation imperial family. Now, according to the new calendar, the day of the shrine is celebrated on April 30 and October 30.

Tashlin icon “Deliverer”

According to history, the Tashlin icon “Deliverer of Troubles” was brought to Russia in 1917. She traveled a long way from Athos (a sacred place, a land under the protection of the Mother of God herself) to the Samara region. There, according to church notes, the Blessed Virgin came to one native of the village of Tashla, named Ekaterina Chugunova, every time she slept.

She took the resident to the ravine, claiming that there, underground, near the village, the icon “Deliverance from Troubles” was buried. When the woman passed near that place, the face of the Mother of God appeared before her, held by two angels, lowering the image into the ravine. Catherine told the church about the dreams and immediately found the shrine, lifting it from the hole where a miraculous spring later appeared. The Tashlinskaya Icon of the Mother of God “Deliverer from Troubles” was taken to the Holy Trinity Church, where a prayer service for the relic took place. A well was built near the miraculous spring, and even when it was abandoned, water continued to flow there. In 2005, after church persecution, the Tashlin icon returned to the temple, the well was restored, and to this day people come to him asking for healing.

The meaning of the icon of the Mother of God “Deliverer”

The icon “Deliverance from the troubles of the afflicted” is of considerable importance for believers, since, based on the name, it saves at all times from any human problems and adversities. The Mother of God holds the Child in her hand, and her head is surrounded by a crown - the Queen of Heaven. She brings hope and faith in the best, and her image saves from tragedies and troubles.

What does an icon help with?

The “Deliverer from Troubles” icon helps everyone who turns to it.

She helps in times of despair, maintaining faith in the soul, gives blessings for a long and happy marriage

In addition, the icon really delivers, as the name says, and protects the person praying from sinful thoughts. It supports the image of the Most Holy One and during periods of suffering helps to heal the eyes from possible diseases. The Mother of God protects from harmful habits and helps to renounce them.

Akathist and prayer to the icon “Deliverance from the troubles of the afflicted”

The very first akathist to the icon “Deliverance from the troubles of the afflicted” appeared with the goal of neutralizing the influence of enemies and honoring the Mother of God, who protects from death and troubles. The second song, addressed to the Virgin Mary, praises her as the protector of man and the leader of the inhabitants of Heaven - the angels. The third akathist to the icon glorifies both the Most Holy Virgin and Her son.

The prayer to the icon “Deliverer from the troubles of the afflicted”, unlike the akathist, is performed not only on the days of the celebration of the shrine, but is read in difficult times under difficult circumstances, when a person truly needs salvation:

Mother of God, our help and protection, whenever we ask, be our deliverer, we trust in You and always call upon You with all our souls: have mercy and help, have pity and deliver, incline Your ear and accept our sorrowful and tearful prayers, and as you wish, calm and give joy to us who love your Beginning Son and our God. Amen.

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