Wonderful doctor image of a Pirogov doctor. Topic: "According to the recipe of Professor Pirogov (the story of Alexander Ivanovich Kurina" Wonderful Doctor "). Volodya and Grishka

Lesson For students 11 - 12 years;

Topic: "According to the recipe of Professor Pirogov (Alexander Ivanovich's story Kupina" Wonderful Doctor ")"

Didactic goal: Analysis of the literary work

· Continue talking about human humanity, about helping other people

· Develop artistic work skills

· Done to the attention of children Highlights from the biography of the famous surgeon Pirogov

· Brief in children's souls Love and compassion for people

· Awaken in studies of meditation over such issues of morality and behavior as mercy, compassion, kindness.

Methodical comments: Methods and techniques: Wordwork, reading on roles, analytical conversation in the text, individual task, role-playing game. Methods (Problem, Partial Search, Research)

For the classroom, textbooks, notebooks, portraits, student illustrations, reproduction icons of the Vladimir Mother of God, multimedia projector, computer. Slides help to highlight the semantic dominant lesson, contribute to the lexical comment, activate the attention of students on the topic of the lesson.

The task was given in advance: to determine the meaning of the word "wonderful", kindness, mercy. Keywords in the lesson will have moral questions: good, mercy, compassion. And the word epigraph will be the words of the author

"... a person should be ...

true in friendship, gracious

to the patient and the false, affectionate

to beasts »

We will treat it throughout the lesson. Also as an epigraph on the board recorded words:

And you? Say:

What track do you leave?

Invisible durable mark

In someone else's soul for many years?

O. Vysotskaya

Location lesson: emotional mood.

1. Greeting:


Let's just say each other is simple

Smile and begin.

We will open the door with you

Into the world of art and good

To believe in bright

To understand a lot.

And we will walk together,

And can not be collapsed from the way

We will work together,

To find the truth.

Installation for perception.

At the most tragic minutes, Russian people turned to the image of the Virgin, asking her dinner and Nosno, whispering the hot words of prayer:

Mercy door holes for us

Blessed by the Virgin

hoping for you will not perish

but yes, you will get rid of you from the troubles:

You bless the salvation of the genus of Christian.

Look at the reproduction of the icon of the Vladimir Mother of God. What is shown on it? (Responses of students.)

We ask mercy over, and can we be merciful? There is an opinion that, than life is harder, the one people become robust, and others are merciful.

"And all the children will look at you, and stretch your hands to you.

And at each birthday of the baby, the Christmas tree is decorated with apples, gilded nuts, sweets, all sorts of toys and stars. "

Christmas is the brightest, the happiest, most mysterious holiday of Christian culture.

And so he was reflected in painting, poetry, prose.

Methodical comment:

The pictures of Sandro Botticelli "Christmas", 1501, Peter Bruegele senior "Worship Christ", 1551, and others.

In the new year, everyone wants to believe in good wonders, in changes to the better. Special collections were preparing for Christmas special collections in Russia, there was a tradition of family reading out loud of binding stories.

The "wonderful doctor" refers to such works. But in his story, the Kuprin emphasizes the reality of the case. And even emphasizes when and where he occurred: "In Kiev, about 30 years ago."

The story of the prepared student: "Wonderful Doctor" (1897), published in the Christmas issue of the Kiev Word newspaper, was written in the genre of a batch story. For this genre, a description of the miracle, a saving person in the tragic situation. For readers 19V. Saty stories on the pages of magazines and newspapers were the usual Christmas gift. They were very different: good and touching, fantastic and ironic, sad and even sorrowful, edging and sentimental, but always tried to soften human hearts. With all their diversity, the main thing was maintained - the special, Christmas worldview. The stories have accomplished dreams of good and joyful life, about mercifulness to each other, about the victory of good over evil. I wrote: "The batch history should be fantastic, have a morality and have a funny character of the narrative." The story hero is a Russian surgeon who made a great contribution to the formation of military field surgery. He contributed to the organization of motion of mercy sisters in Russia during the period of hostilities in 1853-1856. In 1867 This movement took shape into the Russian coat care society about the wounded and sick warriors, renamed in 1879. In the Russian Society of the Red Cross.

You received individual tasks. And one of them was: to prepare a story about the writer, his creative fate.

But before we listen to the story, look at this portrait. (Slide) in front of you portrait. Peer in this amazing kind, simple, tired face. Restraint, silence and even some severity is seen in the view, but at the same time undisguised kindness.

The student makes a message about the writer Cookina

And now remember your spirits before the holiday (children's answers)

Teacher: But does it always happen? Do you see smiles of friends, do love and happiness feel? After all, in life in reality, next to the prosperity, the joy is adjacent to the mountain, the need and loneliness.

Understand the beauty of the human soul, learn to understand each other, to help a person in time, give the joy and feel the human fate itself, - what can be most important in the world? Isn't it doing a happy person?

The life of people on earth - and adults, and children - throughout the history of mankind was not simple, cloudless. Different tests and problems tired and literally literally literally, not only during the war, but also in peaceful, it would seem, good days.

Unemployment, lack of means of existence, illness, the inability to help the closest dear people ... These tests may be such heavy that sometimes a strong man falls hands. They are extremely desperate. And therefore, assistance that comes at a critical moment is perceived as a miracle. And the name of this miracle is good and mercy of people. " All the desperate heart knocks, not perish in me, kindness. "

Inappropriate is human quality - kindness, mercy, life itself is impossible without them.

Methodical comments: Wordwork. To give an explanation to words given in the text: Delicate, Fiction, Manager, Swiss, Pledge, Secretary, Riza, Sutuk, Christmas Eve.

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And how do you understand the words: kindness, mercy? (Answers Guys)

But how does the interpretation of these words in different dictionaries. (On the Slide Slide screen):

Kindness - s, g. 1. See kind. 2. Responsiveness, mental arrangement to people, the desire to do good others. Full of kindness who is

· Mercy - in the Christian art of mercy is depicted in the image of a woman surrounded by children or a tech-child child or nursing it. She often holds a heart or flower. Other symbols of mercy are the heart, lamb, pelican, feeding his chicks with its own blood, or a person who takes children or careful for them, as well as a simple Chiton of Christ.

· Preparedness to assist, show condescension from compassion, philanthropy, as well as help itself, condescension caused by such feelings. Show mercy

The story is called "Wonderful Doctor". Explain the meaning of the word "wonderful" (writing on the screen)

The word "wonderful" several values: magic, supernatural, fabulous, unusual.

And for you more pleasant: give gifts or get them?

Teacher: Not everyone likes to give gifts. But the person who loves and give, and receive gifts. Tested double joy, double miracle.

Teacher: Today we will witness another christmas history. This is the time when unusual events occur, dreams come true, fate are happening.

Teacher: The story is called the "Wonderful Doctor". Why?

Teacher: Christmas is a time when a benefactor descendant angel is descended in every family, and everything changes miraculously.

In today's lesson, we will continue to talk about human humanity, about helping other people, we will develop the skills of analyzing the artistic work, to bring up a feeling of respect, an active compassion for a person.

Methodical comments .Work with text. Short retelling teacher of the first part.

The composition of the work is unusual. This is a story in the story. Kuprin heard this story from a succeeding banker, a prosperous, rich man who has heard a model of decency and benefactority. But only the life of this man in his youth was difficult, blazding, dreary. He recalls a terrible Christmas Stuzh. He and brother came out of a cold dusty basement. Hungry children have passed the injured streets and found themselves in a bright, beautiful honeycomb city. The city is a fairy tale. But only there was no place for the suffering family of Merzalov. The owner of the family could not find a job, Mashutka died of hunger, boys Grisha and Volodya ate empty soup and shed them with their tears., And Elizabeth Matveyevna was killed by money and exhausted. The family more than once tried to find a way out: she asked for help from many, but those who could materially save this family refused, refer to the lack of time, money, desire. The Merzalov tragedy was so strong that the owner himself almost committed suicide. For Christmas, everyone is waiting for the supernatural, forgetting that every person is capable of a miracle. And suddenly ... What happened?

We learn what events came on the day on the eve of Christmas.

Methodical comments .Sadagogue organizes work with text. Reading on roles.

Why does Kurrun describe in detail the conversation of boys at the storefront?

- Do the boys Grisha and Volodya hope to hope for surprise, gifts in these holidays?

- Is it possible to see the contradiction between life (life) boys and the world?

The world around


In front of a huge window of the gastronomic store

Walked from cruel

Magnificent exhibition

Excited in the same degree their minds and stomach

Spectacular picture:

Whole mountains of strong apples and oranges rose;

Stood the pyramids of mandarins;

Huge smoked and pickled fish stretched;

The dried ham with a thick layer of pinkish salae was concerned.

Both boys have forgotten about the twelve-permanent frost and about the important order entrusted to their mother.

Both of the morning did not eat anything other than the empty.

Charming spectacle

Surovo said, suppressing heavy sigh

-What did you find out about them and their assignment?

-How do you think about what was said in a letter to the former owner of the head of the Merzalov family?

-Why did the doorman pass the letter to the owner? (Obviously, he is a cruel and evil person, does not like those who are poor)

Teacher: Christmas miracle was accomplished, and grace decreased by the minerous family.

What do we learn about the family of boys from the description of "dungeon" and its inhabitants?

And how does a writer help us harder to feel the tragedy of disadvantaged people?

Guys, I want to draw your attention not only to household contrasts. Try to see the landscape in the story and understand why the Kurrun describes it in detail. We will find this place in the story, read

Why does the writer lead his exhausted, hungry hero in the city garden?

Teacher: Beauty Landscape is created using metaphors, personification, epithets. All this, firstly, serves as a contrast, i.e. by opposition. The royal, calm, luxurious nature and the bench's existence of the Merzalous family. Secondly, pushing Merzalov to the same calmness, the same silence, and he is already ready to fulfill its intention.

What role does the portrait of Merzalova play in the story? We read the episode of the hero in the city garden

Guys, have you ever had to experience a feeling of resentment, loneliness and fear because you are not able to change anything? (Answers Uch-Xia)

Methodical comments. Work with text. Conversation with an old man (reading dialogue in faces)

-What did he behave after a conversation with the Merzalian stranger old man? What did he suggest Merzalov?

-What picture saw the doctor when they entered the basement, where did Merzalov lived?

-Well turned out to be an unfamiliar old man?

- How little man needs for happiness: warm house, hearty food, loved ones. From this there is also our well-being, and well-being of loved ones. The rescue of the family was accomplished by the person we can call the holy. His name is Nikolai Ivanovich Pirogov.

Which of you heard about Doctor Pirogov?

Methodical comments. In advance, the teacher was prepared by a student who makes a message on the pyrive football. You can attract high school students.

The history of the life of this wonderful person is familiar to many in the stories of Gilyarovsky and Bunin, Cook and Pikule, we will learn about him from the diaries and letters of the St. Petersburg and Moscow intelligentsia of the Fightcur Nineteenth Century. He survived the three kings, leaving life, probably, at the peak of his glory ...

At the beginning of the last year of life, the harsh winter evening of 1881 could often meet on one of the thick city garden piled by snow. He was busy with the evening mione, for it believed that such walks contribute to a good sleep and an excellent appetite. Walking around the winter garden, as usually smoked a cigarette.

The gray-haired old man knew how to appreciate loneliness. It happens when a person gets tired of the most infinite human stream and, as a snake, looking for a small loophole to hide, imperceptibly slip away from society. A little bench appeared ahead. But he proceeded by, hearing only the creaking of his steps, distinctly drowning in frosty air. It seemed that he was rejoiced to this loneliness and armed around him silence, all his appearance showing the kind of rare passersby. - Nice, God sees, no one! - He said soft and somehow a particularly affectionate voice. - What kind of beauty is Russian winter!

In the face of this man there was something before the calm and inspiring all the trust that everyone who found him for a walk in the winter garden, wanted to reveal his soul, sharing the most intimate and sore, without any fortune. The old man knew how to listen to people for a long time, without interrupting them in a word, nor a gesture, and was extremely patient. Finally, he, it happened, threw out the garden bench and challenged the interlocutor for his hand: - Happiness, dove, yours, that you met today with a doctor. Hang, you will certainly go home! True, I confess, I can not heal for anything ...

The garden, shrouded in his fabulous white rises, seemed to be dreamed in its fixed beauty and shine of night magnitude. But among this winter fairy tale, the silhouette of a touching and very cute old man who took the first yammer and the patient's address was noticeable at the patient. But could you have time everywhere, this doctor already in the years is completely small, in a warm hat, a fur coat and high caloes, which suddenly violated this illusion of silence and calm and was in a hurry to help another unfamiliar interlocutor? Why did he suddenly jump out and breaking his head carried into one of the poor Petersburg ends, in the night unknown? Probably because he respected himself and truly loved people. Because the man himself was correct and very decent, and the doctor is rare, wonderful.

He was exactly a beneficial angel for ordinary people, doctor's doctor and without taking the visit of the money. It happened, he himself paid the medicine and, hastily silenting up with the patient, left under some tea saucer or sugar, along with a prescription several major credit tickets.

On the surname of his benefactor, patients learned on the inscription on the pharmacy label attached to the flask with the medicine, where it was clearly written: "According to the recipe of Professor Pirogov."

A wonderful doctor was usually a wonderful doctor who was told by his calm and confident voice of patients: everything would recover, it will be better. Give God health to you, and most importantly - never fall in spirit!

Doctors from God in the distant XIX century was, however, a little: it is possible to recalculate the names of Botkin and Zaharin - two great doctors who created two magnificent clinical schools, respectively, in St. Petersburg and Moscow, Physiologists of Sechenov and Pavlov. But among them, the name of Professor Nikolai Ivanovich Pirogov is distinguished by a special way.

The future Great Surgeon was born on November 13, 1810 in the family of a poor treasury official. He was only the fifteenth year, when pirogov, attributing himself for two years, entered the medical faculty of Moscow University. He became interested in surgery and anatomy. True, in those years "Anatomichki" was closed in universities, and the preparation of anatomical drugs was prosecuted as a fodder case, and discovered drugs, as usual, were betrayed with the land.

However, the torture of the Pierce managed to work with real drugs, which were sometimes mined in a secret. Working in "Anatomichka" all year round, the student-preparative has barely found time in order to have a snack in the restaurant or ask someone from the buddies to the Filnicon to buy tea, sugar and lump in the nearest shop.

At the end of the University of Pirogov, he was sent to Derpt (Tartu), where he is preparing for the title of professor. In 1832, he brilliantly defended his doctoral dissertation on surgery, where he had resolved a number of issues on the aorta dressing technique.

In 1833, pies already in France, then in Prussia, where it is improved in surgical art. Berlin Professor Langenbeck taught him to keep the scalpel not with full hand, but pull like a bow, along the conveyed fabric. (So \u200b\u200bput a hand with a novice pianist!)

However, what saw pies in Europe should have been somewhat disappointed. Here the operations stretched exactly as much as the patient could endure. As a rule, no longer two to three minutes. After all, then necrosis has not yet been applied, nor local anesthesia. Most of all, he was amazed by rude mistakes of French surgeons.

Returning to Derpt in 1835, where he was elected professor, the great surgeon would pay special attention to the analysis of errors admitted by students, doctors, and sometimes themselves in the diagnosis or treatment of the disease. Soon, in 1839, two volumes of "Clinical Annals" are published, which make a lot of noise and bring them to the author to scandalous fame. Pies in his book for the first time in the history of medicine dared to openly report the medical public that occurred in the clinic. Thus, the young surgeon daring to break the old shopping tradition of physicians - not to carry out sorrows from the hut. No one and never before his book discussed rude mistakes publicly admitted to surgeons.

"Whether I'm right in my opinion or not, I give to judge another. In one, I can make sure that in my book there is no place for lies, nor for self-childhood, "the professor wrote about his scientific method.

In 1840, he received a hospital for a thousand beds, and in 1846 he creates the first Anatomical Institute in Europe at the Department of Surgery of the St. Petersburg Medical and Surgery Academy. At this time, he publishes several famous scientific papers, the main of which atlas "topographic anatomy ...". Atlas brought the Pirogov worldwide recognition. In 1847 he was elected by a valid member of the Academy of Sciences.

But the pyrogue is not sitting in the capital, where between lectures and operations, he daily managed to eat pieces with gravy. He imposes on himself another duty - hears the technical part of the military-medical plant, where he creates the sets of surgical instruments for work in the field.

So the great professor gradually turns into a military surgeon. In the same year, he leaving in this capacity in the current army in the Caucasus. In the siege of Aulla, Salta Pirogov for the first time in the history of medicine used ether for anesthesia during operations in the field. Later he will explain that the ether as a narcotic substance has an action on the central nervous system through blood. The innovations in the treatment of wounds of pies will thoroughly report to the military minister of County Chernyshev.

Perhaps the immortal glory will come to the Pirogov during the defense of Sevastopol. In combat conditions, he will actually act as an excellent organizer; For example, he will first be very widely used in the field helping sisters of mercy. The experience of a military surgeon during the Caucasian and Crimean War will allow him to begin writing the main and final work on the military surgical practice, which he will call "the beginning of the general military field surgery" (1864).

In 1870, pirogov will be in the fighting area as a representative of the Russian Red Cross Society during the Franco-Prussian War. In 1877, he was already in Bulgaria, where cruel battles between Russian and Turkish troops unfolded.

Returning to Russia, Pirogov settled in his estate near the village of Cherry near Vinnitsa. Good half a century he gave to Russian medicine and, it would seem, could finally retake and find the long-awaited peace.

As a man of pies enjoyed an exceptional love and respect. As a doctor, Professor, until his death, helped everyone - from the poor to courtiers. Until the last minute of his life continued to practice, the faithful oath of the hippocrat. And those and others considered Pirogov with a holy man who endlessly miracle for a miracle in surgery.

The wonderful doctor Petersburgers saw the last time at the end of November 1881, when his breathed body was transported to his own virgin estate. Everybody noticed with bitterness: Something great, life-gone and holy, that so brightly burned in a wonderful doctor with his life, faded forever ...

The charity activities of Pirogov - the doctor left a trace in the artistic literature. Kubrin in the story "Wonderful Doctor" said how Pirogov saved the family of a poor official from illnesses and hunger, helped her "get out". We somehow do not really trust the ends, where the great man appears in the fairy tale, who suits everything, because everything can. But the story is credible - this is a tribute of humanity, kindness and nobility of Pirogov.

The stranger went, did not call his name and did not give money openly. Why?

Answer students: Pirogov was not only an experienced doctor, but an extraordinary good Savior of human souls. He donated to suffering people without requiring the awards and praise. After all, true kindness is not set off. And it happens from the pure heart, sincerely, secretly. That is why the pierce has many monuments. And in his native Vinnitsa rest in the mausoleum of the Surgeon's body, who even after death bequeathed himself with science.

Methodical comments.

Relaxation. Presentation in absentia introduces students with the hometown of Pirogov (cognitive function), the music on the slide contributes to the relaxation and rest of children, contributes to the generalization of the teacher of the meaningful side of the story, summing up on the analytical level.

Let's go to Vinnitsa. Someone. Concentrate. Close your eyes. Let's listen to excellent music. Shot hands to the world. Let's open the hearts of love.

Teacher: What spiritual qualities are revealed in a person who makes such humane actions? (Responsiveness, kindness, mercy, love, tolerance, nobility, patriotism, generosity.)

Write down these qualities for yourself.

What is the meaning of an active compassion? (The main thing in life is necessary, necessary, to stretch the hand of help. And a person who has all these qualities is ready for active compassion)

Methodical comments.For students, you need to spend a fideller to remove the voltage. 2 options are offered. The teacher chooses the one who will like him more:

· We worked fine

Relevel is not off now.

And charging to us is familiar

The lesson comes to the class.

Above the hands above the heel,

Smile fun.

We jump like bunks!

Immediately become all Bodray!

I stretched and sighed.

Rested? Rested!

· Steel slender birchs,

And dubs pulled up,

Straightened their leaves

The sun smiled gently.

Earth bowed low

For heat, per day, for affection

Completely all "thanks" Let's say

What we are and that we are near

Methodical comments.The teacher organizes a discussion. The class is in advance divided into groups. Group work: explain aphorisms. Which one can serve as a kind of outcome over the story of Kupper? What episode of the story is reflected in the aphorism?. Abeat from the proposed aphorisms, which would be consistent with your vital principles. Implementation of life experience. The presentation introduces the wise thoughts of great people and allows you to form an active vital position in students.

· Kindness is something that can hear deaf and see blind. Mark Twain

· Kindness is a great in action. .

· Good have life. .

· Think well, and thoughts mature in good acts. .

· And with the other and with the enemy you should be good!

Who is kind on kind, in that malice you will not find.

You will be offended by a friend - you caress the enemy you

The enemy is hugging - a friend is allowed. Omar Khayam

· The kindness for the soul is the same that health for the body: she is invisible when they own it, and she gives success in any case.

The word of the teacher. Generalization.

It will pass for many years. Each of you will choose a matter of my soul, you will have a family, close people. And the main thing is that you become a person, ready to help, compassion. This requires a huge work on yourself.

What makes the story think about?

Can we say with confidence that the story is relevant, modern in our days?

Teacher: In the story, a deep reflection of the writer about the good and evil, which exists not only somewhere, but are in the man itself. After reading this story, you know that you need to love your neighbor. After all, if you love a person, you will love himself.

One famous writer said that the world will save beauty. I agree with him. But what can we add with you so that the world becomes better?

Do not regret the heart.

Do not tap the kindness and tenderness of your

Not their insight and discoveries

Do not target in life from people.

Life - she is always solid flour.

On the ground, going one path,

Generous love lives richly

Before the grave is dismissed by a stingy.

Torch everything to give in life,

And to help on time to come,

Worth good, word good,

And good, meeting on the way.

Is there something in common between the words merciful and alms? (Good disinterested one. But you can do good to help, but to demonstrate others who are the best, kind).

But what is stated in the Bible:

- "See, do not make you alms before people so that they see you: otherwise there will be no rewards from your Heavenly Father. // So, when you do alms, do not trumpets before you, as hypocrites do in the synagogues and on the streets to glorify their people. True I tell you: they already receive their reward //.

You have, when you do alms, let your left hand know that it makes the right. //

"In order for the alms of yours to be secret, and your father, who seems secret, gives you clearly." (Matt. 6.1-4).

Why is the story called "Wonderful Doctor?"

Do I need to help someone who does not ask you?


The ability to help another person who needs this help. Each of us should be ready for it and remember that:

What a mark

Invisible durable trail. In someone else's soul, we leave

For many years?

Such a footprint left in the life of other people Professor Pirogov. And most importantly - never fall in spirit, fighting circumstances and at the first opportunity to stretch your hand to someone who needs help.

Homework: write an essay "What miracles should you believe people?"

Used Books:

All works of the school program in the summary of the /AVT. , 1997.

World Computer Internet Computer Network.

Dr. Pirogov In the story of the Kupper "Wonderful doctor" is really "wonderful" for the Merzalous family, as it not only helps the family: heals and leaves money, but after his appearance the life of the family is becoming a job: work, prosperity appears. What the doctor is presented: he is sensitive, it is capable not only to sympathize, but to help real affairs, heals not only in a word, but also. Nothing requires in return: no fame, no money. Pirogov is a real doctor, so he is wonderful. Dr. Pirogov In the story of the Kupper "Wonderful doctor" is really "wonderful" for the Merzalous family, as it not only helps the family: heals and leaves money, but after his appearance the life of the family is becoming a job: work, prosperity appears. What the doctor is presented: he is sensitive, it is capable not only to sympathize, but to help real affairs, heals not only in a word, but also. Nothing requires in return: no fame, no money. Pirogov is a real doctor, so it is wonderful. The coddle of the pies in the story of the Kupper "Wonderful Doctor" is really "wonderful" for the Merzalov family, as it not only helps the family: heals and leaves money, but after his appearance the life of the family is becoming a job: work appears , wealth. What the doctor is presented: he is sensitive, it is capable not only to sympathize, but to help real affairs, heals not only in a word, but also. Nothing requires in return: no fame, no money. Pirogov is a real doctor, so it is wonderful. The coddle of the pies in the story of the Kupper "Wonderful Doctor" is really "wonderful" for the Merzalov family, as it not only helps the family: heals and leaves money, but after his appearance the life of the family is becoming a job: work appears , wealth. What the doctor is presented: he is sensitive, it is capable not only to sympathize, but to help real affairs, heals not only in a word, but also. Nothing requires in return: no fame, no money. Pirogov is a real doctor, so it is wonderful. The coddle of the pies in the story of the Kupper "Wonderful Doctor" is really "wonderful" for the Merzalov family, as it not only helps the family: heals and leaves money, but after his appearance the life of the family is becoming a job: work appears , wealth. What the doctor is presented: he is sensitive, it is capable not only to sympathize, but to help real affairs, heals not only in a word, but also. Nothing requires in return: no fame, no money. Pirogov is a real doctor, so it is wonderful. The coddle of the pies in the story of the Kupper "Wonderful Doctor" is really "wonderful" for the Merzalov family, as it not only helps the family: heals and leaves money, but after his appearance the life of the family is becoming a job: work appears , wealth. What the doctor is presented: he is sensitive, it is capable not only to sympathize, but to help real affairs, heals not only in a word, but also. Nothing requires in return: no fame, no money. Pirogov is a real doctor, so it is wonderful. The coddle of the pies in the story of the Kupper "Wonderful Doctor" is really "wonderful" for the Merzalov family, as it not only helps the family: heals and leaves money, but after his appearance the life of the family is becoming a job: work appears , wealth. What the doctor is presented: he is sensitive, it is capable not only to sympathize, but to help real affairs, heals not only in a word, but also. Nothing requires in return: no fame, no money. Pirogov - Real Doctor, Dr. Pirogov In the story of the Kupper "Wonderful Doctor" is really "wonderful" for the Merzalov family, as it does not only help the family: heals and leaves money, but after his appearance the family life is becoming a job: work appears, prosperity. What the doctor is presented: he is sensitive, it is capable not only to sympathize, but to help real affairs, heals not only in a word, but also. Nothing requires in return: no fame, no money. Pirogtor Pirogov In the story of Kupper "Wonderful Doctor" is really "wonderful" for the Merzalous family, as he not only helps the family: heals and leaves money, but after his appearance the life of the family is settled: work appears, prosperity. What the doctor is presented: he is sensitive, it is capable not only to sympathize, but to help real affairs, heals not only in a word, but also. Nothing requires in return: no fame, no money. Pirogtor Pirogov In the story of Kupper "Wonderful Doctor" is really "wonderful" for the Merzalous family, as he not only helps the family: heals and leaves money, but after his appearance the life of the family is settled: work appears, prosperity. What the doctor is presented: he is sensitive, it is capable not only to sympathize, but to help real affairs, heals not only in a word, but also. Nothing requires in return: no fame, no money. Pirogov is a real doctor, so he is wonderful. Him is a real doctor, so he is wonderful. Him is a real doctor, so he is a wonderful cakes in the story of Kupper "Wonderful Doctor" is really "wonderful" for the Merzalous family, as it not only helps the family : He treats and leaves money, but after his appearance, the life of the family is being established: work appears, prosperity. What the doctor is presented: he is sensitive, it is capable not only to sympathize, but to help real affairs, he treats not only the Skodtor Pirogov in the story of the Kupper "Wonderful Doctor" is indeed "wonderful" for the Merzalous family, since it not only helps the family: heals and leaves Money, but after his appearance, the life of the family is settled: work appears, prosperity. What the doctor is presented: he is sensitive, it is capable not only to sympathize, but to help real affairs, heals not only in a word, but also. Nothing requires in return: no fame, no money. Pirogov is a real doctor, so he is wonderful. That, but also the case. Nothing requires in return: no fame, no money. Pirogov - Pirogne Infancy In the story of the Kupper "Wonderful Doctor" is really "wonderful" for the Merzalov family, as it does not only help the family: heals and leaves money, but after his appearance the family life is becoming a job: work appears, prosperity. What the doctor is presented: he is sensitive, it is capable not only to sympathize, but to help real affairs, heals not only in a word, but also. Nothing requires in return: no fame, no money. Pirogov is a real doctor, so he is wonderful. And the doctor, the Pochridge Poems in the story "Wonderful Doctor" is really "wonderful" for the Merzalov family, as it not only helps the family: heals and leaves money, but after his appearance the family life is being established : Work appears, wealth. What the doctor is presented: he is sensitive, it is capable not only to sympathize, but to help real affairs, heals not only in a word, but also. Nothing requires in return: no fame, no money. Pirogov is a real doctor, so he is wonderful. He is miraculous. The hedocrator of pies in the story of the Kupper "Wonderful Doctor" is really "wonderful" for the Merzalous family, as he not only helps the family: heals and leaves money, but after his appearance the life of the family is becoming a job: work appears, prosperity. What the doctor is presented: he is sensitive, it is capable not only to sympathize, but to help real affairs, heals not only in a word, but also. Nothing requires in return: no fame, no money. Pirogov is a real doctor, so he is wonderful. He's a wonderful cakes in the story of Kupper "Wonderful Doctor" really is "wonderful" for the Merzalous family, since it not only helps the family: heals and leaves money, but after his appearance of the family It becomes: work, prosperity appears. What the doctor is presented: he is sensitive, it is capable not only to sympathize, but to help real affairs, heals not only in a word, but also. Nothing requires in return: no fame, no money. Pirogov is a real doctor, so it is wonderful. Hell of pies in the story of the Kupper "Wonderful Doctor" is really "wonderful" for the Merzalov family, as he not only helps the family: heals and leaves money, but after his appearance the family life is being established: There is work, wealth. What the doctor is presented: he is sensitive, it is capable not only to sympathize, but to help real affairs, heals not only in a word, but also. Nothing requires in return: no fame, no money. Pirogov is a real doctor, so it is wonderful. The coddle of the pies in the story of the Kupper "Wonderful Doctor" is really "wonderful" for the Merzalov family, as it not only helps the family: heals and leaves money, but after his appearance the life of the family is becoming a job: work appears , wealth. What the doctor is presented: he is sensitive, it is capable not only to sympathize, but to help real affairs, heals not only in a word, but also. Nothing requires in return: no fame, no money. Pirogov is a real doctor, so Odocutor of Pies in the story of the Kupper "Wonderful Doctor" is really "wonderful" for the Merzalov family, as it does not only help the family: heals and leaves money, but after his appearance the life of the family is becoming a job: work appears, prosperity. What the doctor is presented: he is sensitive, it is capable not only to sympathize, but to help real affairs, heals not only in a word, but also. Nothing requires in return: no fame, no money. Pirogov is a real doctor, so he is wonderful. He is wonderful. The cakes in the story of the Kupper "Wonderful Doctor" is really "wonderful" for the Merzalous family, since he not only helps the family: heals and leaves money, but after his appearance the family life is being established : Work appears, wealth. What the doctor is presented: he is sensitive, it is capable not only to sympathize, but to help real affairs, heals not only in a word, but also. Nothing requires in return: no fame, no money. Pirogov is a real doctor, so it is wonderful. The coddle of the pies in the story of the Kupper "Wonderful Doctor" is really "wonderful" for the Merzalov family, as it not only helps the family: heals and leaves money, but after his appearance the life of the family is becoming a job: work appears , wealth. How presented the doctor: he is sensitive, it is capable not only to sympathize, but to help real

The next story is not a fruit of loss of fiction. Everything described by me really happened in Kiev about thirty years ago and still holy, to the smallest details, remains in legends of the family, which will be discussed. For my part, I only changed the names of some actors of this touching story. Yes, I gave a penalties with a written form.

Grish, and Grish! Look, the piglet ... laughs ... yes,. And in his mouth, he has! .. Look, look ... The grass in the mouth, to God, herba! .. Here is a thing!

And two of the workers facing the huge, from whole glass, a gastronomic store window, began to laugh uncontrollably, pushing each other in the side of the elbows, but by unwittingly asking from the brutal jersey. For more than five minutes, they still stuck in front of this magnificent exhibition, exciting their minds and stomachs to the same extent. Here, illuminated by the bright light hanging lamps, the whole mountains of red strong apples and oranges rose; There were the right pyramids of mandarins, gently gloating through the envelopes their cigarette paper; stretched out on dishes, disassemble mouth and letting the eyes, huge smoked and pickled fish; Below, surrounded by garlands of sausages, mounted juicy dried ham with a thick layer of pinkish sala ... Countless jars and boxes with soles, boiled and smoked snacks have completed this spectacular picture, looking at which both boys forgot about twelve-permanent frost and about an important assignment The mother entrusted to them, the order ending so unexpectedly and so smoothly.

The elder boy first broke away from the contemplation of a charming spectacle. He pulled his brother for the sleeve and said Surovo:

Well, Volodya, go, go ... nothing here ...

At the same time, suppressing a heavy sigh (the eldest of them was only ten years old, and besides, both in the morning did not eat anything, except for the empty) and throwing the last in love with a greedy look at the gastronomic exhibition, the workers hurriedly ran down the street. Sometimes through the winds of some houses, they saw the Christmas tree, which was published seemed a huge bunch of bright shiny stains, sometimes they heard even the sounds of merry polka ... But they courageously drove away from themselves a seductive thought: to stay for a few seconds and getting to the eye to glass.

As the boys went, the streets became all little and darker. Beautiful shops, shining Christmas trees, Rysakov rushing under their blue and red grids, screeching, the festive revival of the crowd, the cheerful hum of friction and conversations, destroyed by frost laughing faces of the elegant ladies - everything remains behind. The wastelands, curves, narrow alleys, gloomy, unlit spaces ... Finally, reached the dies of a dilapidated home, who was standing by a mansion; The bottom of it - the basement itself - was a stone, and the top is wooden. By walking close, icy and dirty courtyard who served for all residents of a natural pasta pit, they descended down, in the basement, passed the common corridor in the dark, they found her the door with his mouth and took her.

For more than a year, Merzalov lived in this dungeon. Both of the little workers have long managed to get used to these smoky, crying from damp walls, and to wet rope, dried out through the room, and to this terrible smell of kerosene chad, children's dirty linen and rats - the real smell of poverty. But today, after all that they saw on the street, after this holiday, which they felt everywhere, their little children's hearts were squeezed from acute, non-deputies. In the corner, on a dirty wide bed, lying a girl of seven years old; Her face was burning, breathing was short and difficult, widely opened shiny eyes watched intently and aimlessly. Next to the bed, in the cradle, which was coming to the ceiling, shouted, fascinated, darling and choking, breast child. High, loud woman, with an exhaust, tired, exactly blackened from grief, stood on his knees near the sick girl, correcting her the pillow and at the same time not forgetting to push the elbow the swinging cradle. When the boys entered and followed them rapidly broke into the basement of white frosty air clubs, a woman wrapped his alarmed face back.

Well? What? She asked her back and impatiently.

The boys were silent. Only Grisha noisily wiped her nose with a sleeve of her coat, converted from an old cotton robe.

Did you delive the letter? .. Grisha, I ask you, did you give a letter?

So what? What did you say to him?

Yes, everything you taught. Here, I say, from Merzalov a letter, from your former manager. And he cut us out: "You're clean up, says, hence ... Babes you ..."

Yes, who is it? Who talked to you? .. Speak Clear, Grisha!

The Swiss talked ... Who else? I tell him: "Take, Uncle, a letter, say, and I'll wait at the bottom of the answer." And he says: "How, he says, keep pocket ... There is also a time from Barin, your letters read ..."

Well, what about you?

I herself, as you taught, said: "There is, they say, nothing ... Mashutka is sick ... I am angry ..." I say: "How dad will find a place, so thanks you, Saveliy Petrovich, to thank God, thanks" . Well, at this time, the call as the call as he rang, as he rang, and he says to us: "Get out more from here to hell! In order for the spirit of your here! .." And Volodley even hit the brain.

And I'm on the back of the head, "said Volodya, who watched with the attention of his brother's story, and scratched the head.

The elder boy suddenly began to rummary in the deep pockets of his robe. I finally pulling out from there to the greener envelope, he put it on the table and said:

Here it is, letter ...

More mother did not ask. For a long time in a stuffy, the dummy room was heard only the frantic cry of the baby and the short, frequent breath of the Mashutka, more similar to the continuous monotonous moans. Suddenly the mother said, turning back:

There is a borsch, it remained from lunch ... Maybe you would like? Only cold, - to warm up nothing ...

At this time, someone's insecure steps were heard in the corridor and rustling of hands, looking for the door in the dark. Mother and both boys - all three even pale from tense expectation - turned into this direction.

Entered Merzalov. It was in a summer coat, a summer felt hat and without Kalosh. His hands wait and cried out from the frost, the eyes fell, the cheeks will reglude around the gum, for sure the dead man. He did not tell his wife a single word, she did not ask him a single question. They understood each other by the despair, which was read from each other in their eyes.

In this terrible, the fateful year misfortune misfortune and ruthlessly poured on Merzalov and his family. At first he himself fell ill with abdominal typhus, and all their meager savings went on his treatment. Then, when he recovered, he learned that his place, a modest place of the house manager at twenty-five rubles a month, was employed by another ... a desperate, convulsive chase for random work, for the correspondence, for an insignificant place, pledge and rebelog of things , Sale of all economic rags. And then children went to hurt. One girl died three months ago, now the other lies in the heat and unconscious. Elizabeth Ivanovna accounted for simultaneously to care for the sick girl, breastfeeding the little and walk almost to the other end of the city to the house, where she was protected underwear.

All the day was busy in order to squeeze from somewhere at least a few kopecks on the Mashutka medicine. To this end, Merzalov observed almost half the city, Klyancha and humiliating everywhere; Elizabeth Ivanovna went to his lady, the children were sent with a letter to Tom Barina, whose home was ruled earlier than the Merzalov ... But everyone was discussed or festive troubles, or the lack of money ... Others, like, for example, the Swiss of the former cartridge, simply She was challenged with a porch.

For about ten minutes, no one could say a word. Suddenly Merzalov quickly rose from the chest, on which he still sitting, and she took a decisive movement deeper on his forehead his scrapped hat.

Where are you going? - anxiously asked Elizabeth Ivanovna.

Merzalov, who took the door already for the handle, turned around.

Anyway, the seats will not help anything, he answered hoarsely. "I'll go even ... at least I will try to ask."

Going out on the street, he went aimlessly forward. He did not seek anything, did not hope for anything. He has long experienced that burning time of poverty, when you dream to find a wallet on the street with money or get suddenly inheritance from an unknown forer uncle. Now they took possession of the irrepressible desire to flee where it fell, to fleelessly, so that only not to see the silent despair of the hungry family.

Ask for alms? He has already tried this tool today twice. But for the first time, some Mr. In the raccoon, he read him the instruction that it was necessary to work, and not to join, and in the second - he was promised to send him to the police.

Unnoticed by Merzalov found himself in the city center, the fence of a dense public garden. Since he had to go to the mountain all the time, he fought and felt fatigue. Magnible, he turned into a wicket and, having passed the long alley of the Lipa lined with snow, sank to a low garden bench.

It was quietly and solemnly. Trees shrouded in their white rises dreamed in immobile magnitude. Sometimes a piece of snow broke from the top branch, and it was heard, as he rustled, falling and clinging for other branches. Deep silence and great calm, stunned the garden, suddenly awakened the Merzalov's soul in the insistered soul, unbearable thirst for the same calm, the same silence.

"Here I would go and fall asleep," he thought, "and forget about his wife, about hungry children, about the sick mahutka." Looking for a hand under the vest, Mrtsalov spoiled a rather thick rope that served to him the belt. The thought of suicide perfectly got up in his head. But he was not horrified by this thought, he did not shudder for a moment before the darkness of the unknown.

"How to die slowly, is it not better to choose a more brief path?" He already wanted to stand up to fulfill his terrible intention, but at this time at the end of the alley heard a creak of steps clearly heard in the frosty air. Merzalov overturned in this direction. Someone went through Alley. At first there was a flamm of flames, then the swelling cigar. Then the Merzalov could little glad to see the old man of small growth, in a warm hat, fur coat and high caloes. Having poached a bench, the stranger suddenly turned cool in the direction of Merzalov and, slightly touching the cap, asked:

Will you let sit here?

Merzalov intentionally turned sharply from the stranger and moved to the edge of the bench. Five minutes passed in mutual silence, in the continuation of which the stranger smoked a cigar and (Merzalov felt it) I watched his neighbor.

No matter what glorious, "said a stranger suddenly spoke. - Frost ... quiet. What kind of beauty is Russian!

And I bought the guys with the children's friends, "the stranger continued (in his hands he had several bits). - Yes, on the way I did not lose, I made a circle to pass the garden: very good here.

Merzalov was generally a meek and shy man, but with the last words of a stranger, he suddenly swept the tower of the desperate malice. He turned into a sharp move toward the old man and shouted, ridiculously waving his hands and choking:

Gifts! .. Gifts! .. familiar guys gifts! .. And I ... And I, the gracious sovereign, at the moment my children are breathing with the hunger at home ... Gifts! .. And my wife has milk, and breastfeeding The child did not eat all day ... Gifts! ..

Merzalov expected that after these disorderly, angry cries, the old man will rise and go away, but he was mistaken. The old man brought his smart face to him, a serious face with gray tanks and said friendly, but serious tone:

Wait ... don't worry! Tell me everything in order and as possible. Maybe together we will come up with something for you.

In an extraordinary person of a stranger, something had something calm and inspiring that Merzalov immediately without the slightest rustle, but worriedly worrying and hurrying, handed over his story. He spoke about his illness, about loss of place, about the death of a child, about all his misfortunes, up to the present day. The stranger listened, without interrupting him in a word, and only everything was inquisitively and closely looked into his eyes, just wanting to penetrate into the desert of this sore, outraged soul. Suddenly he quickly, with a very young movement jumped off his seat and grabbed Merzalov by his hand. Merzalov got involuntarily too.

Hang! - said the stranger, fascinating Merzalov as his hand. - Rare Rather! .. Your happiness is that you met with your doctor. Of course, I can not heal anything, but ... go!

For about ten minutes, Merzalov and the doctor were already included in the basement. Elizabeth Ivanovna lay on bed next to his sick daughter, tearing face in dirty, grilled pillows. Boys Borsch Borsch, sitting in the same places. Frightened by a long lack of father and mothers immobility, they cried, sinking tears along the face of dirty fists and abundantly shed them into smoky cast iron. Entering the room, the doctor threw off the coat and, remaining in the old-fashioned, rather well-worn Surtuk, went to Elizabeth Ivanovna. She did not even raise his head at his approach.

Well, fully, full, goal, - the doctor spoke, gently stroking a woman on his back. - Stop up! Show me your patient.

And just as recently in the garden, something affectionate and convincing, which sounded in his voice, made Elizavet Ivanovna to rise from bed and unquestioned to fulfill everything that the Doctor said. Two minutes later, the Grishka had already melted the stove with firewood, behind which a wonderful doctor sent to the neighbors, Volodya inflated the samovar, Elizabeth Ivanovna wrapped the Mashutka with a warming compression ... A little time was Merzalov. For three rubles received from the doctor, he managed to buy tea, sugar, bull and get hot food in the nearest restaurant. The doctor was sitting at the table and wrote something on a piece of paper, which he pulled out from a notebook. After graduating from this occupation and depicting at the bottom of some kind of kind of hook instead of signature, he got up, covered with a tea saucer and said:

Here with this piece of paper you will go to the pharmacy ... Let's two hours on a teaspoon. This will cause the baby an expectoration ... Continue the warming compress ... In addition, at least your daughter has been better, in any case, invite you to Dr. Afrosimov tomorrow. This is a good doctor and a good person. I will warn it right now. Then goodbye, gentlemen! God forbid that the coming year is a little more indulgent to you, than this, and most importantly - do not fall in spirit.

Fucking Hand Merzalov and Elizabeth Ivanovna, who still did not recover from amazement, and having passed by Volodya in a passing along the cheek, the doctor quickly stuck his feet in deep Kalosh and put on a coat. Merzalov came to his senses only when the doctor was already in the corridor, and rushed after him.

Since it was impossible to disassemble anything in the dark, then Merzalov shouted at random:

Doctor! Doctor, Wait! .. Tell me your name, doctor! Let at least my children will pray for you!

And he drove in the air with his hands to catch an invisible doctor. But at this time at the other end of the corridor, a calm senile voice said:

Oh! Here are still trifles invented! .. come back home soon!

When he returned, surprise expected him: under a tea saucer, together with a recipe, a wonderful doctor lay a few major credit tickets ...

At the same evening, Mersalov learned the name of his unexpected benefactor. On the pharmacy label attached to the bubble with the medicine, the accurate hand of the pharmacist was written: "According to the recipe of Professor Pirogov."

I heard this story, and repeatedly, from the mouth of the Grigory Emelyanovich Merzalov, the very grunger, who in the Christmas tree described by me shed tears into smoky cast iron with empty borsch. Now he occupies a rather large, responsible post in one of the banks, by challenge of honesty and responsiveness to the needs of poverty. And every time, ending his story about a wonderful doctor, he adds a voice trembling from the hidden tears:

Since then, precisely a benefactor descended into our family. All changed. In early January, his father found a place, Mashutka got up on his feet, I managed to attach me to the gymnasium on a government account. Just a miracle committed this holy man. And we have only seen our wonderful doctor since then - when it was transported by the dead in his own estate of the cherry. Yes, and that did not see him, because the great, powerful and holy, which lived and burned in a wonderful doctor with his life, was extinct.

The story of A.I. Kurin "Wonderful Doctor", which is proposed in the article, is a sample of the literary genre popular in the elap of the birthday of the literary genre - christmas or diverse stories.

These were small works published in the rooms of newspapers and magazines that were published before the New Year and Merry Christmas - hence the name. In such stories, the events that happened on Christmas Eve, and all of them must have a prosperous end.

The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe sinic stories is that in a difficult life situation, you can never lose hope for the best.

About the work of A. I. Kurin "Wonderful Doctor"

Questions devoted to the subject of his works, in 2019 included in the examination tests on the literature of the main state exam (OGE) for the course of the ninellolation, so all graduates of class 9 should be familiar with it.

Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin (1870 - 1938) - Russian writer, translator.

Kuprin was also a master of a short narration. Among other works, he wrote a story "Wonderful Doctor", who saw the light in 1897. The work was published in the newspaper "Kiev Word" on December 25 of the same year and immediately received positive reviews of critics and enthusiastic readers' reviews.

In his first rows, the writer shares the reader with the history of creating his work, warning that the story story is not a fairy tale, but a description of the real events that occurred in Kiev in three decades before that is, in the late 60s of the XIX century.

Main characters and their characteristics

Despite the small volume, there are two rows of characters in the story - the main and minor.

Among the main actors of the narrative should be called:

  1. Emelyan Merzalov - Father of the family who worked as managers in the house of rich. Judging by the speech of the hero, he was an educated person, and the Merzalous family, although she lived, not really experienced. But everything changed when Emelyan fell ill with abdominal typhus and clusted money with difficulty went to treatment. He survived, but lost work, because He quickly found a replacement. As a result, a large family remained without means of existence. All attempts to find a new job of unsuccessful, Merzalov, his wife and children are starving. One of the two daughters dies, the other is seriously ill. Father falls into despair, trying to even ask alms, but no one serves him.
  2. Elizabeth Ivanovna, Merzalov's wife. She has in her arms, except for two sons, a sick daughter and a breast child. From hunger, the mother weakened so much that milk lost her, and the baby is starving the same way as the other family members. She, like her husband, looking for a job - goes to the other end of the city, to wash underwear for a meager fee, but this money is not enough even on firewood. Trying to help the family to survive, Mrtsalova writes letters, turning to help for the former owner of her husband, but no answer does not receive.
  3. Volodya and Grisha - the sons of the spouses of the Merzal, 8 and 10 years old. Divide the mother's letter, along the way, watching the inhabitants are preparing for Christmas meeting. The boys look at the luxurious shop windows, full of expensive food, while their houses are waiting for empty soup, and besides cold - there is no firewood to warm up food.
  4. Mashutka, their younger sister. The girl is seriously ill, she coughs, breathes with difficulty, rushes in the heat, rag. She needs urgent medical care, but the parents have no money for a doctor and medicine.

Active participation in the described events takes all Merzalov, with the exception of the Mashutka, although it is around its illness that the storyline of the story is spinled.

Another main acting person - Professor of Medicine Nikolai Ivanovich Pirogov, the very wonderful doctorIn honor of which the story got his name.

This is not only a wonderful doctor, but also a very kind and responsive person, always ready to sympathize with even a stranger. He expresses his sympathy not only with words, but also.

Minor characters

Such in the story of only two, and about them it becomes known only from the words of the main characters.

One of them - swiss in a rich housewhom the boys asked to transfer the owner of the house written by their mother with a call for help. But the doorman does not take a letter and drives boys away.

Another secondary character - some mr. in the raccoon coatMeeting Merzalov-senior on the street. In response to the request of the last to file alms, Mr. advises him to go to work.

From the story you can learn about the attitude of the author to your characters. Thus, the writer on the whole story calls the father of the family by the name - about his name the reader will find out, only having acquainted with the storytellor, thus the boy Griysh, who grew up and became Gregory Emelyanovich.

His wife Merzalova he calls Elizabeth Ivanovna. Thus, Kuprin emphasizes that the stubborn character of this woman causes great respect in it.

Saying that Merzalov refused to the Mr. Mr. in the raccoat, he makes it clear that it was a very secured person - a coat with a racco film was worth it at that time very expensive.

With this small touch, the author rolls its attitude towards people who, without having survived any difficulties in his own life, have the habit of to teach those who have fallen into a difficult life situation, instead of just help them. In this case, the famous proverb comes to memory that the full hungry does not understand.

The summary of the brief content of the jurisdiction can be represented as an abstract compiled by a specific plan.

Such a plan recorded in the reader will facilitate the retelling of the work in the form of passages:

  • merzalov Brothers at the storefront;
  • homecoming;
  • unfulfilled instructions;
  • father's despair;
  • in the winter garden;
  • meeting with the doctor;
  • merzalova's story;
  • unexpected help;
  • recipe from Pirogov;
  • everything changes for the better.

The story begins with the conversation of two boys - Volodya and Grisha Merzalov, who, returning home, looked at the holiday showcase of the Gastronoma. They were instructed to attribute a letter to the former owner of the father with a request for help, but the instructions remained unfulfilled.

In the basement of the dilapidated house, more reminiscent of the dungeon, they are waiting for their mother with a sick little baby and a chest baby. As soon as the sons crossed the threshold, Elizabeth Ivanovna asks if they attributed a letter.

Volodya, the eldest of the boys, says that they did everything as she taught it: he told about their plight, promised to thank the Master's Swiss, as soon as the father finds a job. But he remained deaf to all these arguments - he was driven by the boys, giving the youngest pinch. Then the boy took a gum from his pocket.

Soon the father returned, thorn frozen on the December frost in the collapped light coat and the muddy hat, without gloves and a canosh, thin, pale, with crushing cheeks, similar to a dead man. Unable to endure the spectacle of the desperate needs and the hungry eyes of his wife and children, he leaves home again.

I myself do not remember how, Merzalov will raise in a winter garden, where against the background of the trees covered with snow, silence and peace, they come about suicide.

But then some old man is suitable for him in a warm fur coat, sits down next to the bench and begins to tell what kind of gifts he bought familiar children. The unfortunate father shouts that he has no matter to other people's children when his own die from hunger and illness.

The stranger asks to tell everything in detail, and the desperate man who disgusts himself tells him about the sore. After hearing, the stranger jumps off the bench and invites immediately to go to Merzalov. On the way, he gives the chapter of the family of three rubles to bought food.

Entering the basement, where parents and children lived, he tells the eldest to melt samovar, taking firewood in the neighbors, and he himself examines the sick girl and puts it a warming compress. Father returns - it brings tea, sugar, white bread and hot melee restaurant dishes.

The doctor discharges a recipe, indicating how to take medicine, and recommends tomorrow to appeal to an experienced doctor, which promises to warn about them. Then he leaves. The agitated Merzalov asks him to call himself to know for whom to pray them, but the stranger dishes.

After the care of a stranger, the family detects a few large cash bills under a leaflet with a recipe. Having come to the pharmacy for the medicine, Mersalov learns from the pharmacist that the recipe was discharged by the pirogov.

The great surgeon remained in the memory of the Merzalous as a good mission of heaven: after his visit, their lives began to gradually improve. The sick girl recovered, the father found a job, the mother strengthened, the family had prospect. The boys managed to give in the gymnasium for the execution account.

And thirty years later, Grisha, whom the Swiss was once drove from a rich house of a rich house, became a secured and respected person, Grigory Emelyanovich.

Analysis of the work "Wonderful Doctor"

The story is built in full compliance with the laws of the genre of the Genre of the Great History, the main principle of which is the contrast of descriptions.

In his first rows, the reader sees the heroes in a state of complete hopelessness, especially pronounced on the background of the pre-holiday Christmas tree, when it seems that not only people, but nature freezes, waiting for something unusually light and wonderful.

The contrast becomes even deeper when the Merzalov, who came to the extreme degree of despair, decides to end the life, wanting only one thing - the same rest, as the trees surrounding it, covered with sparkling snow.

And here in the plot there is a decisive fracture - he meets a wonderful doctor who, as if a kind angel, quickly and irrevocably changes everything for the better.

Fate finally begins to smile heroes, and the story ends happily, as it should be relied on the Christmas narration.

The basic idea

"Wonderful doctor" is very brief: in the book it takes a little more than two pages of the printed text, but this short soda story is filled with a deep Christian sense, it embodies the eternal hope of man for the best that helps survive even when life seems unbearable.

You can't lose hope, Says a writer, because everything can change literally at one moment.

According to readers' reviews, the story of Alexander Ivanovich Kuprina Polon is such a bright life-affirming force that it can be called a peculiar literary antidepressant that helps a person to survive the most difficult moments and not fall into despair.

An additional force of the work attaches the fact that his plot is not the fruit of writing fantasy, but the case of life.

Why is the story called "Wonderful Doctor"

Kubrin heard this story from one of its participants who told the case from his biography.

The writer retold the events by changing only the names and the names of the acting persons - all, with the exception of Nikolai Ivanovich Pirogov - the Great Russian scientist, a brilliant surgeon, whose name is gold letters inscribed in the history of world and Russian medicine.

Nikolai Ivanovich Pirogov (1810 - 1881) is a Russian surgeon and an anatomy, naturalist and teacher, professor, the creator of the first atlas of topographic anatomy, the founder of Russian military field surgery, the founder of the Russian school of anesthesia.

Pies, distinguished by extraordinary kind and sympathy for people, became a prototype of a wonderful doctor, or rather, he was.

The meaning of the name is that the famous doctor really made a miracle - he saved life not only a sick girl, but also his whole family, helped overcome the hardest life crisis.

What teaches the story

The essence of the story "Wonderful Dr." A. I. Kurina is to recall the reader once again that not only fabulous wizards can perform miracles, but also the most ordinary people, including any of us.

As another Russian writer, Alexander Green, said, if a man's soul craves a miracle, make it a miracle - another soul will be with him, and you have another. " And the man who made a miracle for another will certainly get a spark of happiness for whom he made him.

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