Nauli execution technique how to learn lessons. All the subtleties of the Nauli technique: a detailed explanation and the effect of belly wave practice. Technique for performing vacuum exercises for women standing, for advanced

Nauli is a unique practice of massage of internal organs. Until recently, the technique for performing it was considered secret and was passed on from teacher to student. We are lucky: now anyone can learn how to perform nauli. It is advisable to master this practice in yoga classes under the guidance of a teacher, but if you do not have the opportunity to attend the gym, it does not matter. You can find it on the Internet a large number of videos in which experienced practitioners show the technique of performing Nauli - so you can master it at home. Let's see why this shatkarma is unique and how it can help us.

The practice of nauli has great health benefits. Thanks to its implementation, blood flows to all organs of the abdominal cavity, the digestive fire improves, and the endocrine glands of the abdominal cavity are strengthened and rejuvenated. This cleansing technique helps release toxins from the digestive tract, cleanse the rectum and strengthen the abdominal muscles. For those who want to lose weight, this is an indispensable practice. For women after childbirth, the nauli technique helps strengthen the abdominal and pelvic muscles.

Energetic effect: Nauli practice energizes the navel energy center (Manipura), distributes energy throughout the body, cleanses the Idu, Pingala, Sushumna energy channels, the front and back middle channels.

In order to perform the Nauli technique correctly, you must be able to isolate the rectus abdominis muscles. Even with a strong abs, few people manage to perform wave-like movements the first time. Therefore, it is better to start mastering the technique with a preparatory exercise.

A technique that allows you to feel the rectus abdominis muscles and learn to control them - Nauli Madiyan.


  1. get into the “fisherman’s pose”
  2. take a deep breath
  3. perform Uddiyana bandha
  4. rest our hands on our hips
  5. we try to highlight the rectus abdominis muscles forward
  6. alternately lean on the left leg, then on the right

The moment you lean on your right hand, the right front muscles tense, and vice versa, when you lean on your left hand, the muscles on the left side tense. Thus, you will learn to highlight one part of the transverse muscle forward, then the other.

Now that you have learned how to correctly isolate the muscles, you can move on to the Nauli technique itself:

  1. get into the “fisherman’s pose”
  2. perform Uddiyana bandha
  3. rest our hands on our hips just above our knees
  4. make wave-like movements with the stomach to the right and left an equal number of times
  5. you need to finish the exercise with movements to the left

Important! Nauli should always be performed on an empty stomach (at least 5-6 hours after eating).

Like other Shatkarmas, the Nauli technique has its own contraindications:

  • umbilical hernia
  • heart diseases
  • peptic ulcer
  • exacerbation of diseases of the abdominal organs
  • pregnancy and menstruation

By practicing Nauli regularly, you can get rid of many health problems. This technique relieves constipation, indigestion, acidity and bloating. Treats depression and hormonal disorders. In addition to all of the above, Nauli strengthens willpower and allows you to better control the desires for food and sex.

"). “Nala” means “navel thread”, “tubular vessel”, “Lola” means “rotation”, “churning”. That is, the name speaks for itself: Nauli is an abdominal massage, which is performed by contracting the abdominal muscles.

Nauli training video

Benefits of practice

What is the use of Nauli? As a result of the practice, the abdominal organs are stimulated. Thereby:

  • Digestion improves and nutrient absorption increases.
  • Constipation and diarrhea are eliminated.
  • Increased acidity is eliminated.
  • Flatulence is eliminated.
  • The intestines are toned.

Nauli normalizes the functioning of the endocrine and excretory systems. Thereby:

  • The genitals are stimulated.
  • The production of sex hormones is normalized.
  • Hormonal and genitourinary disorders disappear.

It is believed that Nauli helps fight depression, overcome laziness and increases interest in life.

Nauli options

There are several stages of performing this practice: three preparatory versions (Madhyama Nauli, Vama Nauli and Dakshina Nauli) and one main one (circular Nauli, which is also divided into Vama Nauli and Dakshina Nauli). Madhyama Nauli- this is the tension of the abdominal muscles while simultaneously protruding them forward. Vama Nauli- this is the movement of the abdominal muscles to the left side, Dakshina Nauli- to the right. Circular Nauli- this is “churning” the abdominal muscles, moving the stomach first clockwise (Vama Nauli), and then counterclockwise (Dakshina Nauli).

Preparatory version of Nauli. Execution technique

To learn Nauli, start by mastering the preparatory version of this technique.

Stage 1

  1. Take a deep breath. Hold your breath. Execute..
  2. Pull your stomach inward while doing.
  3. Raise your right hand above your knee. Maintain your body position using your left arm and leg, but do not tilt your body to the left. The abdominal muscles will automatically move to the left side. This is Vama Nauli.
  4. Return your hand to the starting position. Release the locks (bandhas): first Uddiyana bandha, then Jalandhara bandha. Straighten up, take a comfortable standing position and only then take a breath.

Repeat all steps on the other side (Dakshina Nauli). When you feel confident enough to complete this stage, you can move on to the next stage.

Stage 2

  1. Stand with your feet about half a meter apart. Bend your legs slightly at the knees, rest your palms just above your knees. The thumbs point inward, the rest point outward. Keep your arms straight. Try not to drop your head down and keep your eyes open.
  2. Raise your right hand above your knee. Maintain your body position using your left arm and leg, but do not tilt your body to the left. The abdominal muscles are located on the left side.
  3. Raise your left hand above your knee. Maintain your body position using your right arm and leg, without tilting your body to the right side. Abdominal muscles on the right side.
  4. Roll your abdominal muscles to the middle, bringing your hand back over your knee. Both hands are pressed to the hips, the abdominal muscles are in the center - this is Madhyama Nauli.
  5. Perform as many rolls as are comfortable for you.
  6. From the central position (Madhyama Nauli), release first Uddiyana bandha, then Jalandhara bandha. Straighten up and take a comfortable standing position. Only then take a breath.
  7. Restore your breathing by inhaling and exhaling through your nose.

After the Nauli technique has been mastered to perfection, proceed to the next stage.

Stage 3

Here, during abdominal rolls (Stage 2, stages 3 to 7), you need to leave your hands on your hips. First, while performing Vama Nauli and Dakshina Nauli, you can release the pressure of the hand (right and left respectively) on the leg. Gradually begin to move your stomach without using your hands.

The main version of the Nauli exercise (Circular Nauli)

Performed after all stages of the preparatory version have been perfectly mastered and you already know how to do Nauli.

  1. Stand with your feet about half a meter apart from each other. Legs slightly bent at the knees, palms resting just above the knees. The thumbs point inward, the remaining fingers point outward. Arms straight. Try not to drop your head down and keep your eyes open.
  2. Take a deep breath. Hold your breath. Perform Jalandhara bandha.
  3. Draw your stomach inward while performing Uddiyana bandha.
  4. Start rotating your abdominal muscles from left to right, then return them to the right - this is one circle clockwise. If possible, do two more of these circles.
  5. Return to the central position, release first Uddiyana bandha, then Jalandhara bandha. Straighten up and take a comfortable standing position. Only then take a breath.
  6. Restore your breathing by inhaling and exhaling through your nose.

Repeat the same thing, rotating counterclockwise.

Once you have fully mastered this technique, do not rest between clockwise (Vama Nauli) and anti-clockwise (Dakshina Nauli) circles. Instead, first circle in one direction and immediately after that, without pausing, in the other. First, you can perform three cycles of Vama Nauli and Dakshina Nauli and then perform relaxation. Once this technique has been sufficiently mastered, increase the number of cycles of the Nauli wave to 10 (medium difficulty option) or 20 (high difficulty option).

What muscles are involved in Nauli?

Nauli is performed with the stomach, or more precisely with the abdominal muscles. The work mainly involves the rectus abdominis muscles. But in addition to them, the oblique and transverse abdominal muscles are also involved.

Nauli and the digestive system

Nauli Kriya tones the digestive organs and improves the functioning of the digestive system. Lauliki tones the intestines and normalizes its functioning. You can find out what other yoga techniques can influence the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract by watching the video.

  • Do not practice earlier than 4 hours after eating.
  • After holding your breath, inhale only after releasing all the bandhas. Do not breathe while holding the bandhas.
  • Do not overextend the delay—excessive breath holding will not benefit the body. If after the delay you can take a natural and calm breath, this is a signal that you are doing it correctly.
  • Before you begin this practice, you must have mastered Uddiyana Bandha and Agnisara Kriya.
  • It is advisable to perform Nauli under the supervision of an experienced instructor.
  • Although this technique can also be performed while sitting in siddhasana or siddha yoni asana, do not rush to do it. The initial sitting position is suitable only for experienced practitioners, since performing Nauli in it is much more difficult than in the initial standing position.


It is contraindicated to perform Nauli during the recovery period after abdominal surgery. It is not performed during pregnancy.

Nauli should not be performed by persons who suffer from heart disease and gastrointestinal diseases. It is contraindicated for:

  • Hypertension.
  • Hernia.
  • Stomach ulcer.
  • Duodenal ulcer.

Summing up

Nauli Kriya is not easy to master, but very efficient technique to stimulate the abdominal organs and normalize the functioning of the endocrine and excretory systems. To facilitate the process of studying it, it is advisable to first master Uddiyana bandha and Agnisara Kriya.

Nauli Kriya has a stimulating effect, helps fight laziness and restores interest in life. Have you been able to feel this effect for yourself? Have new colors been added to your life after its regular practice? Share your impressions.

The goal of Nauli is to sense the body and awaken and stimulate the flow of energy (physical and subtle).

After reaching the West, yoga seemed strange and shocking to many people, including Nauli yoga. Rumors began to circulate about turban-wearing fakirs and snake charmers who, before levitating, walked on hot coals and ate glass, and “tied” their bodies into impossible shapes. The question often came up: “Why would anyone need this?”

Yoga became good today famous word and elegant asanas regularly grace the covers and pages read magazines. Despite this, the shatkriyas (six cleansing practices) that are part of the hatha yoga traditions can still be shocking. One of the directions is nauli.

Although these ancient methods may seem strange, they are a way to cleanse the body of toxins.

Most people who read books on hatha yoga are horrified at the thought of yogis voluntarily pulling threads through their noses, swallowing tissue, or making themselves vomit. The English writer Piers Jervis, who visited India in the fifties of the twentieth century, wrote that yogis swallowed a red rag. He wrote that the first people who arrived in India from London and witnessed this act “naively believed that the yogis were taking out the entrails to wash them and then swallow them!” This kind of faith is still found today.

Shatkriya teaches us to more fully understand the processes occurring inside the body. These are sensations beyond the sensations of muscles, bones and joints, and include sensations occurring:

  • with changes in breathing;
  • change chemical composition blood;
  • level of vitality;
  • condition of internal organs;
  • influx of subtle energy flow in the body.

The six kriyas include:

  1. Nauli – cleansing of the abdominal cavity.
  2. Neti - cleansing the nasal cavity using a cord or water.
  3. Basti - cleansing the colon using enemas.
  4. Trataki - focusing the vision on a flame or small object.
  5. Kapalabhati is a breathing technique designed to cleanse and strengthen the lungs.
  6. Dhauti – cleansing the stomach, teeth, throat and anus.

Agnisara-dhauti or, as it is otherwise called, agnisara-kriya, can also be classified as Shatkarma. Agnisara dhauti kriya and nauli protect the body from disease and weakness. According to established tradition, it cleanses the digestive organs and intestines through their “relaxation” and the circular awakening of abdominal muscle movements.

Kriya appears in classical texts as Nauli (Hatha Yoga Pradipika) or Lauliki (Sherandasamhita). The term lauliki comes from the word “lola” which means (step, turn).

Nauli originates from the word “nala”, which means (“cylindrical dish”, “vein”). Today, hardly anyone uses the term Lauliki, despite the fact that it gives an accurate description of the movement of the abdominal muscles.

The names Lauliki and Nauli can be used interchangeably, although they also occur with other more interesting and logical meanings.

Teacher Simon Borg - Olivier uses the name Nauli to isolate the abdominal muscles (right, left, center), and the name Lauliki to describe the circular movement of the abdominal muscles. This stylish solution matches the roots of both terms.

Classical yoga teachings about Nauli

The codifier of the classical teachings of yoga says: “The abdomen rotates very quickly from one side to the other. Lauliki prevents diseases and ignites the digestive fire.”

The Hahta Yoga Pradipika says: “Bow, push out your stomach and quickly turn from right to left. The Siddhas call this practice Nauli. Nauli is the most important practice of Hatha Yogis. Ignites the digestive fire, relieves indigestion, promotes slow digestion and brings happiness.”

Research on Nauli Kriya and the legacy of Swami Kuvalayananda

A very valuable legacy was left to us by S. Kuvayyananda, who in 1924 proved that rotating the abdominal muscles as described in classical texts leads to the formation of a vacuum in the abdominal cavity. He tested his assumptions by inserting a pressure gauge tube into the rectum of a student practicing Nauli.

Swami Kuvalayananda (Jaganash Ganesh Gan) was interesting person, born in 1883. He grew up during a period of strong development of the national revival movement in India. The social ideas of Sri Aurobindo and the Lokmanya Tilak movement were close to him. While traveling around India, he spent a lot of time talking to ordinary people, and over the years became convinced that the role of education, including physical education in India, should be strengthened and serve as a tool that can change the mentality and quality of life of the less privileged social classes .

Influenced by his teachers and mentors, Swami Kuvalayanand explored local systems physical culture India: gymnastics, martial arts, different kinds yoga

In 1923, Swami met sannyasi Sriman, who, in addition to practicing yoga, practiced Sighi - super-powerful yoga. This encounter set the direction for his scientific career, and inspired him to begin research into the extraordinary psychophysical effects of yoga practice in people who have reached a higher level of consciousness.

Swami Kuvalayananda set out to demystify the practice of yoga. In his opinion, mystical and esoteric interpretations of the practice of hatha yoga are described vaguely, the formulations are understood by few, and instead of attracting people with the truth about yoga, they alienate them from it. He proved that the classical texts of yoga speak the truth, that the truth is not divorced from reality and is based on the laws of physics. It must be emphasized that his goal was not to reduce yoga practices to a series of step-by-step sets of exercises and practices that have certain psychophysical effects. Swami Kuvalayananda sought an objective and intelligent way to measure and certify extrasensory perception and universal transcendental consciousness. His experiments were designed to measure the physical effects manifested in higher consciousness.

Nauli practice or automassage of the abdominal cavity

Practice has great potential, which is very important for beginners. On a physical level, it allows you to work to strengthen the diaphragm, develop the abdominal muscles and develop body awareness, oxygenation of the brain and internal organs. Perform Nauli without breathing.

Kuvalayananda addressed his first experience to Nauli Kriya. According to classical texts, the practice was to insert a bamboo tube into the rectum while kneeling in water and perform Nauli Kriya. The circular movement of the abdominal muscles causes water to be absorbed into the intestines and allows it to be “flushed”. A mechanism that allows water to be absorbed by expanding the ribs and performing circular movements of the abdomen. With the help of a pressure tube, an X-ray and a student who sacrificed himself for the sake of science, Swami proved that during the practice of Nauli Kriya, the pressure in the colon drops and becomes below atmospheric pressure. The result is a vacuum that sucks in water.

The result of Kuvalayyanand's experiment showed that the practice of Nauli has a beneficial effect on blood flow and the speed of movement of feces in the intestines. The suction effect associated with the sequential movement of the rectus muscle fibers “massages” internal organs.

Stages of Nauli

Traditionally, the practice of Nauli Kriya is divided into four stages, which are called:

Madhiyana Nauli

Isolation and activation of the bilateral rectus muscle walking. It is carried out by pressing hands on tense knees.

  1. Hold your breath after exhaling.
  2. Relax your muscles and take a full breath.
  3. Repeat madikhyana nauli 4 or more times.

Beman nauli

Left-sided isolation of the rectus abdominis muscles.

  1. Focus all your attention on the muscles on your left side.
  2. Place your left hand on your knee (with your right hand as relaxed as possible).
  3. Holding your breath after exhaling, tighten the muscles on the left side of your abdomen.
  4. Relax and take a slow, deep breath.

Repeat Beman Nauli 4 or more times.

Dakshina nauli

Right side isolation of the rectus abdominis muscles. The reverse procedure is Beman nauli.


Circular movements of the abdomen are nauli kriya.

Step-by-step execution of nauli

Nauli is a cleansing yoga technique and a technique for working with the abdomen - a deep massage of the internal organs using the abdominal muscles. Stimulates gastric peristalsis, has a beneficial effect on the liver, accelerates digestion and the elimination of toxins. The Nauli technique allows you to maintain the efficiency of the excretory systems and has an exciting and energizing character. It is better to practice nauli on an empty stomach, preferably in the morning.

Before you start Nauli:

  1. Stand straight with your feet hip-width apart.
  2. Take a full yoga breath to renew the blood and saturate it with oxygen.
  3. Exhale and inhale completely, but do not let the air in, putting a “lock” on your throat. Press the top of the quadriceps muscle with your hand.
  4. Exhale and release all the air and pull your stomach in as far as possible towards the spine.
  5. Push your stomach forward.
  6. Repeat 10-20 times, alternately drawing in and pushing out your stomach without inhaling.
  7. Finally, inhale. Rest for a while and then repeat the exercise two or three more times.

Performing Uddiyanabadhi

Before starting the practice of Nauli Kriya, you need to master the step-by-step implementation of Uddiyanabadhi. There is a lot of confusion regarding what Uddiyanabadha is. Badha in different schools taught in different ways.

The classic approach can be reduced to one statement: do not bring your navel closer to your spine.

During Uddiyanabadhi, the oblique abdominal muscles should be relaxed. This is the function of the chest muscles - expansion of the intercostal muscles, formation of a vacuum - passive lifting of the abdominal wall. The tightening of the oblique muscles during the lifting phase prevents the organs and walls of the abdominal cavity from rising towards the middle and prevents the pressure from changing significantly.

Lightly press your hands on your stomach, exhale and direct your navel towards your spine.

Notice that the abdomen has become hard, in the center and on the sides. The oblique muscles activated and the stomach tightened.

Since the oblique muscles have become active, this causes feedback inhibition of the main respiratory muscle or diaphragm. The mechanism is simple. When you bend your elbow, your biceps and triceps are activated and automatically relaxed. The same thing happens with every pair of muscles that perform opposing functions.

If you constantly keep the oblique muscles of the abdomen tense, it is difficult to expect that the main respiratory muscles or the diaphragm will completely relax.

Step-by-step study and implementation of nauli

  1. Take a fisherman's pose (feet wider than shoulder width, knees slightly bent).
  2. Take a full yoga breath and exhale sharply.
  3. Tighten the perineal muscles and squeeze the anal sphincter.
  4. Make a throat “lock”, pull in your stomach.
  5. Lower your chin and press it to your chest.
  6. Hold the pose and exhale until fatigue appears.
  7. Release the throat “lock”, relax and exhale passively.
  8. Return to fisherman's pose, clear your breath and repeat the Uddyanabadhu exercise 10 times.

N Auli is the practice of contracting and isolating the rectus abdominis muscles.. In the book Gherand Samhita this practice is called lauliki. The root word nala means "thread of the navel", that is, the rectus abdominis muscles. It also means a tubular vessel. Lauliki comes from the word lola, which means “rotating” or “stirring.”

When the rectus abdominis muscles rotate from left to right (counterclockwise), it is called dakshina nauli. When they rotate from right to left (clockwise), it is vama nauli. When the muscles are pulled together and protrude middle group muscles, that's madhyama nauli. Before attempting nauli, you must be able to perform uddiyana bandha correctly.

Rectus abdominis muscles- These are two long vertical muscles located in the front of the abdomen that run from a point located under the center of the rib cage near the diaphragm to the pubic bone. Although these are the muscles you manipulate in nauli, the obliques and transverse abdominis muscles are also used.

You first practice nauli by bending your body forward and resting your hands on your thighs just above your knees. Once you have mastered this, you can practice in a more upright position with your hands on your upper thighs.

As it says in the 34th shloka of the book “Hatha Yoga Pradipika”:

“Nauli is the main purification practice in Hatha Yoga. It ignites the digestive fire, eliminating indigestion, sluggish digestion and all disturbances in the doshas, ​​and also gives birth to happiness.”

Shatkarma and asanas stimulate digestion, but they say that the best remedy for this is nauli. It quickly tones the abdominal muscles, nerves, intestines, reproductive and excretory organs. There is virtually no part internal system person who would not be stimulated by this practice. When manipulating the abdominal muscles, not only are they toned, but all internal organs are also massaged.

The practice of asana and pranayama definitely generates energy, but nauli activates the system in a much shorter time and with greater force. Its effects are especially noticeable on the digestive and excretory systems. It generates heat in the body, stimulates digestion, assimilation and absorption of nutrients, thereby reducing waste. It balances the endocrine system and helps control the production of sex hormones.

Nauli is especially useful for relieving constipation, indigestion, nervous diarrhea, increased acidity, flatulence, depression, hormonal, sexual and genitourinary disorders, laziness, boredom, lack of energy and emotional disorders. Through this practice, the practitioner can control his appetite and sensual desires, and strengthen his willpower. If this can be achieved, the practitioner will definitely experience deeper inner satisfaction.

Not everyone, however, can practice nauli. It cannot be practiced by those who suffer from heart disease, hypertension, hernia, stomach and duodenal ulcers, and those who are recovering their health after any internal injuries or abdominal surgery.

Nauli: effects and indications for practice

  • Improving venous outflow (for varicose veins)
  • Stimulation of the large intestine (for atonic constipation)
  • Strengthening the respiratory muscles
  • Stimulation of peripheral circulation
  • Turning on the parasympathetic nervous system(calm, relaxation)
  • Lower blood pressure
  • Improving blood circulation in the pelvic organs
  • Stimulation endocrine system(hypofunction of the pancreas and liver)
  • Stimulation of excretory systems
  • Choleretic effect (bile duct dyskinesia, hypofunction of the gallbladder)

Nauli: contraindications

  • period
  • pregnancy
  • uterine fibroids (bleeding or growing)
  • spicy infectious diseases abdominal and pelvic organs
  • exacerbation of chronic digestive diseases (gastritis, ulcers)
  • thromboembolic disease
  • malignant tumors of any location

The secret shatkarma of Nauli, which even today in India requires permission from one's guru, has become available to the Western public. Now absolutely anyone can start practicing it at home, but is it right? I can’t say for sure, but I know that this cleansing procedure is really very powerful.

In addition to the obvious effect on the digestive system, it has a number of positive effects:

  • deeply massages internal organs, improves blood circulation in them and speedy removal of toxins;
  • sharpens the work of the entire gastrointestinal tract from the digestion of food, the production of digestive enzymes and the absorption of nutrients to improving intestinal permeability and quickly cleansing the body of decay products, waste and toxins;
  • normalizes the functioning of organs genitourinary system, improves blood circulation in them, which in fact can be reflected in the cure for urolithiasis and even infertility;
  • stabilizes the nervous system, slows the heartbeat, calms, and can relieve depression;
  • gives energy, vigor and purposefulness in business;
  • but the most important acquisition from the point of view of spiritual growth may be strengthening willpower, increasing control over such primitive desires of the human body as hunger, drowsiness and sexual arousal.

Now that you know about these benefits, you must be eager to learn this kriya as soon as possible. I won’t drag out the intrigue, remember.

Nauli step by step

  1. Execute.
  2. Without leaving it, tense your anterior abdominal muscles. There are two of them, they are located exactly in the middle of the abdomen and, when tense, resemble a vertical tourniquet that runs from the center of the hypochondrium to the pubic bone. The sides of the abdomen remain pressed to the back.
  3. Hold the abdominal tourniquet until you want to resume breathing. To exit, it is first important to relax your stomach, raise your head and torso, and after that take a calm breath without harshness so as not to “shock” your lungs.
  4. Restore your breathing for a minute before repeating the exercise. Total repetitions 2-3, no more.

This type of Nauli is called central or Madhyama Nauli.

There is also left-directed (Vama) Nauli and right-directed (Dakshina). They differ in that not both abdominal muscles protrude forward, but only one of them. To do this, while holding Uddiyana Bandha, you need to move the body of the body to one of the arms, and slightly raise the other from the knee, and then one of the central muscles will shift to the side. With practice, an understanding of this relationship will come.

The final stage of mastering Nauli will be the moment when you can roll forward first the left and then the right muscle without using your hands, creating peculiar waves on your stomach. After all, Nauli roughly translates as a rolling wave. It is easier to master the central Nauli first, and then the one-sided ones.

Tips for Beginners

  • Under no circumstances should you rush things and master the technique gradually, otherwise an unprepared body may respond with indigestion, constipation, or something worse.
  • For people with weak abdominal muscles, it can be difficult to feel and tighten the central abdominal muscles. In this case, try performing a daily complex aimed at pumping them up.
  • The tighter the tourniquet, the better.
  • Kriya Nauli is performed exclusively on an empty stomach, that is, ideally in the morning after natural cleansing of the intestines. Nauli performed on a full stomach will not only not give a positive effect, but can also disrupt the process of digesting food with all the ensuing consequences.
  • If you feel dizzy or have dark vision while holding your breath, gently exit the kriya. This may happen out of habit or due to inappropriate conditions on that particular day (magnetic storms, lack of sleep, etc.).
  • It is recommended to end the session with wave-like movements of the muscles in the direction from right to left, which corresponds to the direction of the large intestine.
  • When performing Nauli becomes familiar and simple for you, you can perform it in any position convenient for you.

A short video about performing nauli kriya

Restrictions on indications

It is not surprising that this powerful shatkarma has contraindications:

  • women during menstruation, pregnancy and six months after childbirth;
  • children from birth until puberty;
  • people with severe diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, heart and lungs, as well as exacerbation of chronic diseases and
  • after undergoing operations.

I hope you have realized the seriousness of this technique and will be more careful with it. Stay up to date with new articles by subscribing to the blog. If you want to recommend the blog to your friends, repost it on social media. net. Practice hatha yoga and be happy!

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