Message on the surrounding world on the topic: “Natural areas of Russia.” What is the world around us? OCD world theme

The purpose of the lesson:

  • introduce students to the diversity of nature and its classification;
  • consider the relationships in nature and the meaning of nature for humans;
  • cultivate a caring attitude towards nature.


  • diagrams - supports, cards;
  • textbook, workbook, (objects of living and inanimate nature).

During the classes

I. Organizational moment.

Communicate the topic and objectives of the lesson. The teacher reads a poem.

There is just a temple
There is a temple of science.
And there is also a temple of nature -
With scaffolding reaching out
Towards the sun and winds.
He is holy at all times Times of Day,
Open to us in the heat and cold,
Come here, be a little hearty,
Do not desecrate her shrines.

Teacher. Guys, what is the main idea of ​​these lines? What do you think the lesson will be about today? ( About nature.)

Teacher. That's right, the topic of our lesson is “Nature”. Today we will get acquainted with the diversity of nature and its classification. Let's consider the relationships in nature and its significance in human life.

II. Work on the topic “Diversity of nature and its classification.”

Teacher. What is nature? ( Everything that surrounds us and is not made by human hands.)

Pictures are displayed on the screen: car, river, rain, sun, fox, rose, birch, house, book, TV.

Teacher. Think about what you see can be attributed to nature, and what was created by human hands? ( Man-made objects are removed.)

– Read the names of the remaining natural objects ( rain, flowers, fox, etc.).

– What two groups can they be divided into? ( On objects of living and inanimate nature.)

– Fill out the cards, writing down the names of these objects in the desired group, come up with and write down three more examples.

Live nature Inanimate nature

Teacher. Guys, how do living beings differ from inanimate objects? ( Living beings or organisms live, breathe, eat, grow, develop, bear offspring, and die.)

Teacher. There is a special science that studies wildlife and it's called biology. This word comes from two Greek words “bios” - life and “lotus” - science.

Everything is alive in nature biologists divided into magical kingdoms.

The table is displayed.


Plants Animals Gribov ?

Come up with and name the objects of these kingdoms. ( Children's answers.)

But that is not all. What kind of kingdom do you think could still exist? ( The children's answers are listened to.)

Teacher. Tiny organisms exist everywhere and anywhere. A huge amount of them can be in food, in the air, on objects. These are bacteria. They can only be seen with the help of a microscope - a magnifying device that you will work with in 5th grade.

III. Consolidation.

In order to consolidate the material, the children complete the task in workbook No. 1, 2 p. 4.

IV. Physical education lesson: “Living and non-living.”

The teacher calls a word, if it denotes an object of living nature, then the children jump on the spot, if an object of inanimate nature is called, then the children perform squats, etc.

V. Conversation “The importance of nature for people.”

Teacher. Is man a living or inanimate nature? ( Man belongs to living nature.)

– Have you guys ever thought about the fact that a person, by picking beautiful flowers, cutting down forests, exterminating animals, makes his homeland poorer? After all, forests, meadows and their inhabitants are the beauty of our land. Why, entering the forest. we see signs “Take care of the forest!” ( Children's answers.).

– Vacationers are different: there are good ones, and there are those who cut down young trees for a fire, break bushes, leave broken bottles, and the worst thing is to make fires. Remember! The most terrible enemy of the forest is fire! And the more we harm nature, the worse it becomes for us living on our planet. Why? ( The children's answers are listened to.) Draw a conclusion. Nature is the source of what? ( The diagram is displayed.)

  1. Nature is the source of air, food, water.
  2. Imagine, we came to the forest and admire its flora and fauna. What feelings do you have? ( We like him.) So this is the source beauty.
  3. Relaxation, beauty, fresh air, pure water, healthy food is all the key to health.
  4. Arriving in the forest, you saw a broken tree branch. What will you do? ( I'll tie a branch.) After relaxing in the forest, you are left with empty juice boxes, cans, and bags. What will you do? ( I'll take it with me to throw it in the trash cans.) A kind, responsive attitude towards nature is the source of what? ( Kindness.)
  5. By studying nature, we know how ants build their anthills, why it snows and the sun shines, why mountains are destroyed. And this source of nature is called cognition.
  6. Not only beauty, kindness, knowledge surround us, but what we create is the source materials for economic activities.

VI. Lesson summary.

The world of wildlife is beautiful, and people are part of it. We need to protect and recognize this together. great world! Without him there would be no poetry, no art, no life. One person leaves a trail in the forest, a hundred people leave a path, and a thousand people leave a desert.

Nature is amazingly diverse. It is divided into living and non-living. Living nature is divided into kingdoms: plants, animals, fungi, bacteria. In nature, everything is interconnected. People could not live without the nature around them.

What's happened the world? It would seem a simple question that even a child in first grade can answer. However, if you dig a little deeper, it turns out that in reality everything is much more complicated. And the older and more educated a person is, the more complex his version of the answer is.

The reason for this is the great intellectual leap that humanity has made on the path of its evolution. Many religious movements, philosophical schools and scientific theories have given us the opportunity to change the interpretation of the answer to this question at our own discretion. Therefore, let's try to find out for ourselves what the world around us really is.

The truth is in simplicity

To begin with, let’s consider this issue based on the logic of a simple person, without delving into the subtle matters of the universe. So, the surrounding world is the space that surrounds us. And it is precisely at this moment that the first controversial statements appear.

If you look at it, it is quite difficult to outline the boundaries separating one space from another. After all, there are no specific standards that can organize all this knowledge in the heads of billions of people. In this regard, if you ask the usual question about what the world around us is, we will get different answers.

For example, for some it may be the space that directly surrounds them. For others, everything is much more complicated, and by this concept they mean our entire planet or even the Universe.

The world around us: wildlife

However, despite all the variety of answers, there are those that can be separated into a separate group. This is because, despite the minor differences, they still share some similarities that lead to a common idea.

In particular, many believe that the world around us is all living things around us. The same forests, fields, rivers and deserts. Animals and plants are also included here, as they are an integral part of this world.

What is the world around us through the eyes of philosophers?

Philosophers and theologians consider this issue more deeply. After all, for them our world is part of a more complex reality. For clarity, let us consider the main features of their views on the current order of things.

According to religion, our reality is a place where people live only part of the path prepared for them. That is, the world around us is just a screen, hiding more from the eyes a nice place- paradise.

As for philosophers, they formulate the answer to this question more vaguely. Depending on the school, a thinker may define the concept of the surrounding world differently. For some it is a material place, for others it is a spiritual place, and for others it is a combination of the two previous ones.

Subject "The world around us" in primary school lays the foundation for the development of children's cognitive interest in such natural and social sciences as geography and biology, physics and chemistry, history and social studies. This subject became a rethinking and addition to the previous school natural history course. It is designed to accustom children to a holistic, rational comprehension of the very surrounding world in which we live.

This thematic section contains ready-made notes for lessons, project activities, integrated classes, extracurricular activities about the world around us in elementary school. The range of topics presented is very wide. It covers everything curriculum course and is not limited to it.

Examples of conducting lessons on the world around us - to help teachers.

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Abstract to the material

Presentations on the world around us will allow the primary school teacher to make this subject a favorite among the majority of primary school students. With a competent selection of visuals and an accessible explanation of new material, students awaken interest in studying each subsequent topic and a desire to learn more than was given in the lesson. After watching a presentation on the topic of the world around us, little discoverers of secrets will try to find on their own interesting information about plants and animals, about stars and natural phenomena, in order to tell these facts to your teacher and classmates in class.

The presentation on the lesson about the world around us is easy to use at any stage of the lesson. Its use is not limited solely to explaining new material. Can download a presentation on the world around us for grades 1, 2, 3 or 4 for practical work and testing homework, to reinforce the material just learned in class and to show examples of project design.

Using a presentation on the lesson about the world around us helps students become motivated to learn. They are pleased that they understand the material that the teacher explains. If not everyone can solve a problem in mathematics, and writing in a Russian language lesson without mistakes is also not easy, then in a lesson about the world around you, you can reveal your abilities and become a real star. It is not without reason that Ushinsky noted that children’s nature requires clarity in order to develop interest in a subject. These words are still relevant and true today. Using presentation by environment the world is irrefutable proof of this. It is not so much the text that is important in them, but pictures, photos, inserted video fragments, tables, and various diagrams that will remain in the memory of an elementary school student.

This section contains lesson developments from teachers working in various educational systems. From the sections you can download free lessons with a presentation on the world around you for grades 1, 2, 3, 4 according to the teaching materials of School 2100, School of Russia, PNS (textbooks by Pleshakov, Vakhrushev) and use them in your work.

Do you like to create presentations for lessons about the world around you and do you already have a collection of your own designs? Send them to us, and we will definitely, preserving the authorship, place them in the appropriate section. To create your own works and children's projects, on our portal you can download free presentation templates, backgrounds and pictures of the world around you. Let's collaborate and share best practices that shouldn't become unnecessary after the bell rings from class.

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