School graduation: how to make the holiday unforgettable. School graduation: a relic of the past or a memorable event? How is school graduation going?

This important gala evening, marking farewell to school in the 9th or 11th grade, is eagerly awaited by both graduates and parents. That is why the organization and registration of such a holiday must be done in advance. About how it goes prom or a ball at school, how to prepare for it, what parents will have to spend on, says Prostobaby.

As it will be

The organizing committee, including representatives of the school administration, is responsible for preparing the prom. parent committee and graduates. They are developing the script for the evening, staging musical numbers, and decorating the hall where the ceremony will take place. Their task is to organize the prom at the best level.

Usually the celebration begins with a gathering of graduates and their accompanying people at the school, where the official part of the holiday takes place - the certificate presentation ceremony, at which graduates receive congratulations and parting words from representatives of the school, district, and parents. As a rule, after the ceremonial part a small concert begins.

Note to parents: it will be interesting if the official part ends with some entertaining action - all graduates will release balloons with wishes inside into the sky, or a small tree will be planted in the school park from each graduating class.

After the official part, if this is provided for in the celebration plan, graduates go for a walk around the city. Then they, together with parents and invited teachers,

go to a festive banquet. Depending on the parents’ decision, a restaurant, club, cafe or ship can be rented for a festive banquet.

At the height of the holiday there are fireworks. And in the morning, tired graduates go to greet the dawn. The graduation scenario may vary depending on the traditions of celebrating the graduation ceremony at a particular school.

We discuss organizational issues

The main responsibility in preparing the prom falls on the parents of the graduates. To do this they meet at parent meeting and discuss organizational and financial questions. Traditionally, such a meeting is held at the beginning school year, since parents have time to solve many problems. Among them are determining the location of the gala banquet, discussing the cultural and entertainment program and the number of people who can accompany the graduate, choosing a photo and video operator, purchasing gifts for teachers and schools. The collection of money for the celebration, all agreements and purchases of necessary items are usually carried out by members of the parent committee. The size of the overall budget is discussed at the meeting, but it may change throughout the year. IN Lately It is practiced to collect money for the graduation ceremony in stages - throughout the academic year.

For many parents, the most important question is how much the graduation party will cost their family. The price of the issue, in this case, depends on many factors:

  • cost of the banquet menu (per person);
  • festive decoration of the banquet hall;
  • work of a photographer and videographer at the celebration;
  • evening host services;
  • entertainment program (if this is not included in the cost of the host’s services);
  • fireworks cost;
  • rental of transport for transporting graduates (if necessary);
  • gifts for teachers and school;
  • ribbons for graduates and invitations to teachers;
  • graduation photo album.

The amount of money you will have to spend on the graduation party largely depends on the prices in the restaurant, as well as on the number of people accompanying the graduate. If parents plan that one of their relatives will be at the banquet, then they should worry about this in advance. It is important that parents will also have to pay for teachers and school administration representatives invited to the banquet (this amount is divided among everyone). It is better to choose and book a banquet venue as early as possible, especially if there are several schools in the city.

At some graduation parties, parents do not attend the banquet by mutual prior agreement. It may be that they refuse to attend it in order to save money or out of their own convictions, so as not to embarrass their children with their presence. The very question of whether parents should attend the prom is quite controversial, and it needs to be decided together with the child.

Some parents invite a professional emcee to the prom. A DJ often works in tandem with him. The services of a prom host can be provided by a party preparation agency. By the way, it can take on not only this function, but also the preparation of the entire prom, although for an additional fee.

As for gifts for teachers, they can be memorable or “in an envelope.” The choice of a gift to the school from the graduating class is best discussed with the class teacher.

Readiness number one

Future graduates are also actively preparing for the upcoming event, and are thinking, first of all, about their appearance. One more item is added to the total amount of family expenses for graduation - the graduate's attire. Traditionally, on prom night, young men wear a classic suit and shirt with a tie or bow tie. Girls choose an evening dress, handbag, jewelry. It is better to choose shoes that are smart, but as comfortable as possible - you will need to spend at least 12 hours in them. If possible, it is worth taking a replacement pair with you. It would be a good idea for a girl to take a shawl or a light cape - it can be cool at dawn. Ignoring established rules, some graduates come to the celebration in casual clothes. It is clear that this does not look very appropriate, however, the main thing at the prom is a good mood.

If for boys the preparation for graduation is almost complete, then girls still need to resolve the issue of hairstyle, makeup and manicure.

If you have skin problems, it is advisable to visit a cosmetologist a few weeks before graduation to eliminate them - this applies to both girls and boys. Some beauty salons offer graduates a package of special services specifically for this event.

Usually girls and boys come to prom in pairs. However, there is no shame in going there alone, or just with friends. The main thing is not to forget to buy a bouquet of flowers to congratulate your favorite teacher. Graduates need to worry in advance about the ability to use cutlery. It’s also a good idea to use the services of a choreographer, especially if the graduate has to dance a waltz at the celebration.

but on the other hand

It is no secret that schoolchildren associate this day with the opportunity not only to try alcohol, but also to get extremely drunk, and also to have their first sexual experience, if this has not happened before. Order at the celebration is usually controlled by the parents present, school representatives, and the police. However, those who wish will always be able to achieve their goals and “distinguish themselves” at the holiday.

All that parents can do is to have a timely explanatory conversation with their adult child. Its tone should not be moralizing; it is better to abandon demands and strict prohibitions and appeal to the consciousness of the graduate. It’s good if there are no taboos on topics of communication in the family, then the conversation about sex will go smoother. It is important to let your child know that you are on his side, as you too were once a teenager. It is necessary to tell the student about the responsibility that every person takes upon himself when starting an intimate life. After all, the first sexual experience should be deliberate and occur when a person is ready for it. It should bring joy, not worry about possible consequences. Therefore, on graduation night, it is better for a student to refrain from such a decisive step.

If the graduate is already looking forward to a drunken holiday, then it is necessary to explain that alcohol is a loss of self-control, which is fraught with consequences (from quarrels, fights, unprotected sexual intercourse to drunk driving), memory loss and a hangover in the morning. And also the possibility of ending the holiday in the hospital due to severe alcohol poisoning or injury.

I won't be there!

Some schoolchildren sincerely perceive the graduation party as a farewell to school, but for some it is just a way to establish their status in the team. This is expressed in everything - in appearance, in behavior, in the manner of communication. Therefore, prom is often called a vanity fair, where everyone can compete in their own “coolness.” This is one of the reasons why graduates refuse to celebrate such an important event. Among other reasons, students name the following:

  • they are not interested;
  • they have no friends among their classmates;
  • the funds that will need to be invested in organizing the celebration can be spent more profitably;
  • parents do not have money to pay all expenses.

Whatever the graduate’s decision, parents should listen to him and try to accept his arguments.

It is clear that any adult strives to provide his schoolchild with a beautiful and memorable holiday. However, no one canceled the ceremonial part, and parents will still have the opportunity to admire their child receiving a certificate. And after that, you can wonderfully celebrate this event with the graduate’s family and friends.

Funny video

2 summer baby likes to throw. Look what happened when his parents bought him a basketball hoop!

The carefree school time is coming to an end, entrance exams to higher educational institutions and a memorable graduation party are ahead before going to college. adult life simply necessary. Children will remember this holiday all their lives, so it is necessary to take it as seriously as possible. You should prepare for graduation in the 11th grade in advance, because the costs will be relatively high, so at the parent meeting you need to decide where and how the graduation will take place - because the budget of the event will depend on this.

Ideas for organizing a graduation party

First, you need to consider several options for holding the holiday, for example, the evening can be spent in a cafe, restaurant, out of town, in a club or in another place. But if you use your imagination, you can spend your graduation ceremony in a very original way, for example, the whole class can go to Paris for the weekend - it will be very romantic and will be remembered for a lifetime. Many will say this is very expensive, but if you count the costs of the prom, they will be comparable to the costs of travel. And after the decision has been made, you should begin to draw up a holiday script.

Prom script, 11th grade

After the organization-wide problems have been resolved, it is time to prepare the prom script. Writing a graduation script is quite a difficult task. The scenario must include the following points:

By the way, the script can be drawn up by both parents and graduates themselves. After all, a script written independently may not turn out perfect, but it will definitely be sincere and sincere, because the guys have been together for 11 years and know each other quite closely.

May and June are the traditional time for graduations, a wave of which sweeps across the world. For now former schoolchildren, this is an important moment, and they all strive to celebrate the holiday on a grand scale, symbolizing their transition into adulthood.
In this article you will find a selection of the most striking traditions of graduates from different countries peace.


In Denmark, the last day of school is celebrated on a truly national scale, and people prepare for it well in advance. Firstly, graduates choose their carnival costumes. Secondly, in every city a bright and crowded parade is organized in honor of yesterday’s schoolchildren.

Another unusual tradition is wild rides through city streets in large open trucks. Graduates are loaded into the back and noisily and cheerfully drive around their homes so that the parents of each student also celebrate the end of school with them.


On the last day of school, Swedish graduates all wear a traditional white cap, on the lining of which their fellow students and teachers leave memorial inscriptions.
And after the ceremonial part, former schoolchildren dress in bright overalls, travel in open rented buses and vans in the company of classmates and organize massive pedestrian processions.


In Russia, the organization of graduation celebrations has been approached on a large scale: every year in St. Petersburg, for graduates from all over the country, the “Scarlet Sails” holiday is held, which includes a concert on the main square of the city, a grandiose light and pyrotechnic show in the waters of the Neva and - the highlight of the program - a walk along the embankments of the ship With scarlet sails, which symbolizes hope.
It is also customary for Russian graduates to wear a retro Soviet-era uniform for the last bell: a brown dress with a white collar, an elegant apron and bows.


In Germany, there is a tradition according to which students of each graduating class come up with an anthem and an emblem for themselves (or, alternatively, they play up paraphernalia from their favorite film).


In Italy, namely in Venice, in last years became fashionable in the end prom launch paper lanterns into the sky.


The apogee of graduation events in the USA is the ball in honor of the end of the school year. For graduates, this is a whole event for which they prepare for a long time and carefully, including choosing a couple and an outfit. At the same time, according to tradition, young people give their companions a bracelet in the form of a bouquet, which must necessarily match the dress.


In honor of their holiday, Malaysian graduates came up with the idea of ​​sprinkling and dousing each other with colored paints, just like at the Holi festival. According to belief, the more a person is sprinkled with colored powders, the more blessings he receives from others, and schoolchildren rightly believe that such a blessing will be useful to them in adulthood.


In Argentina, graduates are also generously doused, but not with paint, but with syrups, yoghurts, ketchup and other liquid products. They also cut their clothes with scissors. It is not surprising that everyone comes to the holiday not in expensive clothes, but in ordinary jeans and T-shirts!


Vietnamese graduates celebrate the last day of school by releasing colorful balloons into the sky. Of course, such symbolic entertainment is practiced in other countries, but it is in Vietnam that it looks the most colorful and large-scale, since not only the graduating class itself, but the entire school participates in the ceremony.
And regardless of the country of residence, all graduates of the world touchingly say goodbye to their last call and sign albums, postcards and even shirts and T-shirts as souvenirs for each other.

Several ways to celebrate your 11th grade graduation. Games and competitions for graduation are considered.

Graduation party is an unforgettable event for children and parents. After all, you will have to say goodbye to people with whom you have communicated for 10-11 years. Girls begin discussing outfits and shoes almost from the beginning of the school year.

How to organize a graduation ceremony in 11th grade? Organization and holding of the prom

It’s worth discussing and figuring out how the graduation ceremony will take place at the beginning of the school year. Not so long ago, any celebrations with feasts and alcoholic drinks were banned in educational institution. Therefore, within the walls of the native school there will be a small ceremonial program with congratulations and the presentation of certificates. Next, students and their parents must take care of the festive evening.

In addition, do not forget about important little things. You need to agree with:

  • Photographer
  • Hairdresser
  • Makeup artist
  • Buy holiday outfits
  • Book a cafe or organize a trip
  • Write a list of everyone present at the holiday

Where to hold graduation in 11th grade? Prom venue

Nowadays, many people no longer want to celebrate graduation in a cafe or restaurant. Everyone is tired of boring drinking and partying. Many people want to spend time usefully and have a lot of fun. Nowadays, many holiday organizing agencies offer various celebration scenarios. They differ significantly from standard parties in cafes and sunrise greetings.

Prom celebration options:

  • In the cafe. This is a standard seat that needs to be ordered several months in advance. significant date. Usually in April and May all decent clubs and restaurants are already booked. It is better to book your seats 3-5 months in advance. Brainstorm the menu as a class. It can be a buffet or a standard menu with hot dishes and snacks. Be sure to use the services of a DJ or toastmaster. It will be very boring to just drink all night. We need a host for the evening who will come up with interesting competitions and games, and will not let everyone present get drunk until the morning
  • On the road. This could be a camp site or a guest house by the sea. One of the best options, although in this case you will have to pay rent for the houses and come up with a menu yourself. In addition, the most active ones will have to go to the market or supermarket and buy alcohol and everything on their own. necessary products. One of the parents will have to marinate the meat. This is not an easy option, as it is important to take care of the little things and clearly assign responsibilities. So that each of your classmates is responsible for something
  • Excursion to another city or country. A simple way to celebrate from an organizational point of view, since travel agencies usually take on all the responsibilities for organizing transfers, hotel accommodations and feeding tourists
  • Water park, bowling alley. Recently, this type of celebration has been gaining momentum. Entertainment centers usually do not organize luxurious feasts. Most often this is a buffet and active recreation
  • Holiday on the boat. This option is available in large cities with rivers. To celebrate, you need a large ship with a platform for dancing and feasting. In some cases, ship owners offer their cooking services
  • Outdoors. This is a wild holiday when children and their parents go into nature with tents. In this case, you will have to write a list of products for each classmate so as not to forget anything

How to choose a cafe for a prom?

It's a difficult question. So that you are not disappointed with the cuisine and you are satisfied with the service, find out the following details:

  • How many people will come to the graduation?
  • What cuisine do the participants of the celebration prefer?
  • Event budget

After this, you can begin to choose a place for the celebration. It is not necessary to go to restaurants right away; it is advisable to simply call and clarify:

  • Minimum order amount and what is included in this amount
  • Can I bring my own alcohol and other products?
  • Rental is paid or free
  • Is there a place for fireworks
  • Is there an extra refrigerator for a huge cake and alcohol?
  • Does the restaurant have its own musicians and presenters and how much do their services cost?
  • Can I bring my own host or DJ?
  • Is there parking nearby and is it convenient to get there by public transport?
  • Whether the account is fixed or not. This is necessary so that on the day of the celebration you do not pay one and a half times more due to rising prices

If you have figured out everything and, after discussing with your classmates, decided that the establishment is right for you, go to the cafe like ordinary visitors. Look at the interior, as almost all photographs will be taken in this room. Pay attention to the cleanliness of the toilets and the sociability of the staff. You may not be happy with the waitress with a sour face, and the dishes will be dirty.

Menu for prom 11th grade

The menu directly depends on the restaurant's cuisine. If you are celebrating graduation at a grill bar, then, of course, almost all hot dishes and meat will be cooked on coals.

Sample grilled menu for graduation:

  • Pork shish kebab with tomato sauce, onions and pita bread
  • Baked potato
  • Meat salad with mayonnaise
  • Vegetable salad
  • Pickles
  • Lightly salted herring
  • Baked vegetables (second hot)
  • Binge
  • Juices and bread

Of course, this is the approximate simplest menu for an inexpensive cafe. If you decide to celebrate your graduation in a chic restaurant, then the menu will look like this:

  • Julienne with mushrooms and chicken
  • Potatoes in cream
  • Sandwiches with red fish and caviar
  • Salad with Chinese cabbage and scallops
  • Baked trout with vegetables
  • Cold cuts
  • Vegetable mix
  • Booze, juices and bread

The cafe does not participate in the preparation of cakes, so you will have to order dessert in advance at the bakery or at home.

Competitions for graduation in 11th grade

During the celebration you need to move a lot and have fun. Fun competitions can lift your spirits.

Graduation competitions:

  • Guessing game. This competition is prepared in advance. To do this, parents select several photographs of themselves and their child from the family photo album. It is necessary that the people in the photo are approximately the same age. Children are divided into two teams. They are given a stack of photographs and they must lay out two cards each, a child and a parent. Whoever has the most matches wins
  • Rewarding. A fun competition that is prepared in advance. You need to make prizes or medals to order. These are prizes in the categories “Punctuality”, “Heartthrob of the class”, “Flirty of the Year”, etc. Select appropriate music and present prizes to your classmates
  • Fashion show. 5 participants are selected for this competition. In 5 minutes they will have to collect as many units of objects starting with the letter “m” in the hall, this is mobile phone, easel, mannequin, etc. You can guess any letter. Then each participant will demonstrate their findings.
  • Ship. Participants are divided into two teams, and each team is given a newspaper. In 5 minutes, participants must make a ship out of newspaper and fill it with treasures. These are car keys, money and jewelry

Games for graduation in 11th grade

Without games and competitions, not a single holiday is possible. It is necessary that the games be active and fun. They will help maintain warm friendships after graduation.

Graduation games:

  • Dictionary. It is necessary to divide all participants into two teams: Children and parents with teachers. That is, there will be an adult group and girls with boys. Each team is given a set of letter cards. The presenter reads the definition of the word according to explanatory dictionary, and participants must post the answer from the letters received. For example, who did the aborigines eat? (Kuka), or a large shoot on the side of a tree trunk (bough). The questions may not be from the dictionary, but some humorous and funny ones
  • Roll call. This is a fun game in which absolutely everyone invited participates. In this case, each category of the hall will have to say its own phrase. In this game there are the following participants: Flowers (mothers), June (fathers), Summer (grandparents), Teachers, Girls and Boys. Everyone has their own phrase, so June says “we didn’t expect it”, Summer “I’m already here”, girls “I’m so ugly”, boys “yes we are”, teachers “remember about us”, flowers “we are very dear now”. Next, the presenter reads the fairy tale: “June. The long-awaited summer has finally arrived
  • The first flowers appeared. Every summer in June there is a series of graduation ceremonies. So we have gathered in this hall together with our beloved teachers to see our graduates: boys and girls off to new life. Look at our young men. They are smart and serious to begin with. And the girls. How beautiful our girls are in the summer, like blossoming flowers. The same cannot be said about teachers. But June will end, vacations will begin, and by the middle of summer our young men will not recognize their teachers, or rather, they will confuse them with their girls. And, of course, give touching bouquets of flowers to your dear Teachers who have become family over the years.” In this case, all Participants must pronounce their phrase in chorus

Songs for prom 11th grade

Usually, the well-known songs “They Learn at School” are used as musical accompaniment, but now many modern songs are remade, composing their own words. It turns out very harmonious and fits perfectly into the holiday.

VIDEO: Songs for graduation

Script for 11th grade prom

There are a lot of scenarios, the most important thing is that they correspond to the main theme of the party. Often a holiday is created in the style of the 60s or in a nautical style. In this case, interesting competitions are associated with the main topic.

Sample scenario for a school graduation:

  • Presenter: “Hello graduates and all guests. Today is a solemn day, our children are setting off on a great voyage called “life”, let’s applaud them.” Everyone clap
  • Presenter: “Let’s ask the administration and the entire teaching staff, who contributed a piece of their soul to the upbringing of children, to come on stage.” Teachers come out and congratulate the children
  • Presenter: “ Last call the bell rang, all exams have been passed, but now our students are on the verge of new achievements and discoveries, they have to take important steps to decide future profession. Let's help them with this." First-graders appear on stage dressed as a mechanic, a fireman, a doctor, or an office worker. Kids dancing to music
  • Presenter: “Let’s call our graduates to the stage.” Children go on stage and are presented with certificates. Everyone clap
  • Presenter: “Now it’s time to have a little fun, let everyone present in the hall play one interesting game. Fun and good mood are guaranteed." The presenter explains the conditions of the game “Roll Call” (see above in the “Games for Graduation” section)
  • Presenter: “Now that everyone has warmed up, it’s time for the guests and graduates to relax a little, we invite the kids to the stage.” First graders come out and sing a song about school
  • Presenter: “Everyone received certificates, but this is not the end of the award ceremony. With your help, we have identified several nominations, and everyone will receive their own prize.” An “Awarding” competition is held during which each child is given their own award
  • Presenter: “Well, our evening has come to an end. “Guys, we hope that you will bring your children to our school and we will be happy to teach them kindness and humanity.” The holiday ends with classical music. Graduates go to celebrate graduation in a cafe or outdoors

How to spend a graduation party at school?

Now the administration of many schools prohibits holding any graduation celebrations with alcohol and a buffet table. Usually, a holiday within school walls is limited to the formal part and the presentation of certificates. To celebrate graduation, children and parents go to a cafe or restaurant.

VIDEO: School graduation in Oscar style

How to organize an unforgettable graduation in 11th grade: tips and reviews

Initially, you need to talk with the school administration about whether it is possible to arrange gatherings with teachers at the table. If you are refused, look for a cafe or restaurant.

Some tips on how to organize a graduation:

  • Write a list of everyone who will be celebrating. Include absolutely everyone, parents and sisters, if they want to go with you. Check with the cafe to see how many people they can accommodate. Some rooms can accommodate a maximum of 50 people
  • Book a host or DJ
  • Take care of soap bubbles and fireworks if you plan to end the holiday with them
  • Study the menu and write a list of products that you can buy. Usually this is alcohol and cold cuts
  • Order the cake in advance, approximately 150 g of dessert per person. Think about transportation in advance. It is better to order a rectangular cake
  • Don't forget to include in the list of invited teachers you would like to celebrate with
  • It is worth remembering gifts for the school administration and teaching staff
  • Some parents organize a separate buffet for teachers, because they do not consider it necessary to invite teachers to a restaurant or cafe along with everyone else
  • Don't forget about the photographer and video camera. Never trust one of your parents to take pictures.
  • Start collecting money for the celebration from the beginning of the year, accordingly you will have to calculate the estimated cost of a cafe, fireworks, DJ and other costs

Organizing a holiday on your own is quite difficult, but if all the children and their parents participate, then everything will work out.

VIDEO: School graduation

Recently, there has been a clear trend of modern schoolchildren refusing to celebrate prom. Has he really become a relic of the past for them and means nothing? We will try to find the answer to this question, and also find out whether there are alternative options for the traditional organization of this event.

It is generally accepted that prom- This is a special event in the life of every student. This was the case under Soviet rule. Therefore, mothers, fathers, older brothers and sisters lyrically tell modern graduates about their farewell to school. For most of them, this was a real celebration, which they had been waiting for for many years and for which they had been carefully preparing for several months. Graduation marked not only farewell to school, but also the beginning of a new stage in life, independence...

But recently, there has been a clear trend of modern schoolchildren refusing to celebrate their prom. Has he really become a relic of the past for them and means nothing? We will try to find the answer to this question, and also find out whether there are alternative options for the traditional organization of this event.

Prom through the eyes of modern teenagers

On various forums, there are increasingly more messages from concerned parents who write that: “My child is finishing 11th grade and is preparing to enter a university. We all remember our school graduation day, farewell to school, teachers and childhood. This is a ritual. Therefore, I didn’t even have any doubts whether my child would want to celebrate his graduation or not. But then one day my son comes home and says that they consulted with the guys from the class and decided not to celebrate graduation. I am slightly shocked and confused, as is our class teacher, who urgently gathers parents for a meeting. You can guess the agenda without further ado.”

Psychologists explain this situation by the desire of adolescents to deny everything traditional and ordinary, as well as the desire to declare themselves and their independence. Modern schoolchildren are no longer the same as their parents and older brothers and sisters were. They live in another century - a century information technologies. Their interests and goals in life changed accordingly. Very often, emotions, lyrics, and spiritual qualities give way before determination and the desire to achieve high goals. At the same time, many quite consciously believe graduation celebration an outdated tradition that has long outlived its usefulness.

In this case, parents need to have a frank and heart-to-heart talk with the child, to find out what is in his soul. Quite often, a child argues for his refusal with reasons that allow him to find an alternative option. For example, sometimes reluctance to celebrate graduation is due to tense relationships in the class. In this case possible solution The problem will be inviting an outside party organizer (a specialist from an event organization agency), who will be able to offer an option that can unite all teenagers. Or perhaps children don’t need a pompous celebration, they just want to wander through the school corridors, sit in their classroom and have a fun chat with their classmates for the last time. In this situation, it is quite possible to get by with a formal part at school and a group trip, for example, to bowling.

Today, there is an opinion among schoolchildren that prom at school is boring and unfashionable: everyone will just eat, dance and go home. Even some parents believe that the significance of this holiday today is greatly exaggerated.

But the soul of the holiday is not in the assembly hall and restaurant, where graduates, their parents and teachers will gather, but in the special atmosphere of the event, positive emotions from communicating with friends, in the ritual farewell to school. In addition, holding the unofficial part of the graduation in a cafe or restaurant is far from the only option for holding the celebration. Let us note that even money plays a leading role in organizing a graduation party (although without it, nothing worthwhile can be organized). The main thing is the desire of graduates and their parents to organize the last meeting with the school in a beautiful and fun way.

Non-standard options for holding a prom

IN Soviet time there were not many opportunities for organizing original and memorable celebrations at school. And it was not customary at that time to stand out from total mass. Therefore, all proms took place according to a standard scenario: girls in ball gowns, boys in formal suits, a formal line-up, awarding certificates, presenting diplomas, a farewell waltz, dinner with dancing in the dining room, restaurant or cafe, and watching the sunrise on the embankment (or in the city center ).

Fortunately, in our time the situation has changed dramatically. Today there are practically no restrictions on organization celebrations at school(of course, within reason), and the abundance of shops and services open up unlimited possibilities for creating a bright and unusual holiday. We offer you several of the most popular alternative options for holding a prom among modern schoolchildren.

  • The formal part of the prom on the ship + restaurant.
  • A celebration in an ancient estate with dressing up, performances and competitions (for example, in Derzhavin’s mansion).
  • Graduation in Hollywood style with awards presentation, photo session, including against the backdrop of a press wall (a special background wall, like at conferences), filming of a video about the class and graduation.
  • A prom in the style of “Chicago” (the theme of Chicago of the 30s of the 20th century is played out) includes themed outfits. The concept of such holiday at school implies the division of celebrants into groups: parents, teachers - mafia, students - fighters against gangsters).
  • Celebration in the “Hipsters” format (a variant of a stylish party).
  • Celebration at the Russian Museum in the Benois Hall (the program includes dinner, entertainment and a boat trip).
  • Country quest game (for example, on the topic of finding a secret message).
  • Graduation in the format of the game "Mafia" (also includes a walk around the city in a beautiful retro car and a photo shoot).
  • A holiday with an adventure theme in a country format. The entertainment program includes not only dancing and music, but also a visit to the shooting range, horseback riding, ATV riding, funny Games, relay races.

It is important to understand that everyone puts their own meaning into the concept of “prom” (it’s not for nothing that they say “How many people, so many opinions”). That's why organization of a non-standard graduation it is better to entrust it to special agencies that not only have the experience and material and technical base for high-quality preparation of the holiday, but also know how to find compromise options that can satisfy the requirements and wishes of everyone. Having an activist-entertainer among the parents will be an additional advantage, since he will not only be able to offer interesting ideas, but also talk about the characteristics of the class and the relationships between children.

But in any case, no matter how you decide to organize the graduation, magnificently or modestly, original or traditionally, the last evening at school, with classmates who have been around for 11 years or just with friends, will definitely leave special memories in the soul of every student.

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