Bulgarian women: the brighter the better! If you really want to go live in Bulgaria for permanent residence Bulgarian girls appearance

A few years ago I wrote an article about the beauty of Bulgarian women for a glossy magazine. I recently found it, re-read it, laughed, but still decided to publish it. I think this is interesting not only in terms of Bulgarian beauty, although there is a lot left unsaid here, but also as a memory of my copywriting past. Like a piece of portfolio :)

Beauty in Bulgarian

Most men in the world consider Bulgarians beautiful women. Moreover, representatives of this small nation live in all corners of our planet, because in search of prosperity they are not afraid to leave their sunny homeland. An unquenchable thirst for life drives Bulgarian women in everything: the desire to be the most beautiful, happy and prosperous, to build a better career and family.

Contrary to popular belief, no more than half of the women in Bulgaria are dark-skinned and black-haired; blue-eyed brown-haired women and natural blondes are quite common here. From residents Western Europe Our heroines are distinguished only by their short stature and slenderness. It is not easy to see fat women on the streets of Bulgarian cities; most likely they will be elderly or obviously suffering from a serious illness. It is difficult to say what contributes to such luck: the scorching sun, coffee, an active lifestyle or the predominance of plant and dairy foods in the diet, however, the first thing a tourist sees in Sofia or Varna is chic ladies’ busts, with rather thin waists.

Fitness fashion in Bulgaria is gaining momentum. “Going to fitness” is as popular as going to beauty salons and spa treatments. If nature has not endowed you with large breasts, this can be corrected with plastic surgery.

Most Popular plastic surgery in Bulgaria these are breast and lip augmentation operations. Many Bulgarians consider plump lips, a full bust and flowing long hair to be the standard of beauty. Bulgarian banks actively issue loans for plastic surgery - according to statistics, 50% of owners of artificial busts and lips “purchased” them on credit.

And if plastic surgery Although not accessible to everyone, shiny and thick hair is given to Bulgarian ladies by nature. This can also be considered a distinctive feature; short haircuts are popular only with older women, and even then not with everyone. Most girls and young women wear long hair, and the volume at the roots is very important here, which is achieved with the help of a special corrugated curling iron, and the length, on the contrary, is straightened with an iron.

The most popular services in hair salons are hair extensions and straightening. Mostly only grandmothers are interested in perms. If the color is, then most often it is a warm blonde - platinum blondes are still rare in Bulgaria. Not only long straight hair is popular, but also various hairstyles of long hair with elements of artistic disorder. The most common professional hair care products are L'Oreal and Vella.

Good tone first of all!

Many Bulgarian women, having quite bright external characteristics, do not use decorative cosmetics at all - only skincare. However, if we talk about preferences in makeup, then foundation comes first, then shadows, mascara and lipstick.

Bulgaria produces a lot of skincare cosmetics and a little decorative cosmetics, but the stores offer the widest range of all world cosmetic brands. And here women’s preferences depend only on their financial capabilities. If we talk about specific Bulgarian cosmetic products, then natural tonics come first - rose water, lavender water and other similar products produced by almost every Bulgarian cosmetic factory.

Bulgarians are happy to support the domestic manufacturer, using Bilka, Deva, Refan, Aroma, Biotrade and Talloderma creams. Store shelves are full of sunscreen and skin whitening products, but it cannot be said that Bulgarians use them very actively - tanning here is still big fashion, but if you need to lighten your face a little, then a foundation comes to the rescue again. Almost all girls use foundation, even on the beach.

Tanning is required

By the way, it is customary to go to the beach already tanned. That's what solariums are for. Artificial tanning, the second most popular procedure in beauty salons after sugaring, is hair removal. In Bulgarian it is called cola mask. Smooth tanned skin is no less important than beautiful breasts and lips. Therefore, a cola mask is a necessary beauty procedure for every Bulgarian beauty. A cola mask must be done in the bikini area. By the way, topless sunbathing is not forbidden in Bulgarian resorts; you can especially often find naked girls on the spacious beaches south of Sozopol. There are no large and crowded resorts like Sunny Beach or Golden Sands and you can afford to be alone with nature.

Higher heels - longer legs

As for clothing, Bulgarian girls are no different from their European counterparts: jeans and tops, UGG boots and sneakers also dominate their wardrobe. Women prefer dark colors: black, brown, blue. In Bulgaria now you can buy clothes from any famous designer in Europe and America, but even when buying outfits from Jean-Paul Gaultier, ladies prefer discreet colors. High-heeled and stiletto shoes are the constant favorite of Bulgarians of all ages. They are used at any time of the year, regardless of the paving stones. Thus, short Bulgarian women want to visually lengthen their legs and appear taller.

Get everything done without rushing

Bulgarian women are distinguished by their kind and cheerful character, they are very energetic and purposeful. From the outside it may seem that they are very slow and do nothing, but it only seems so! They work a lot, but at the same time they always have time to sit with friends in a cafe over a cup of coffee, take a walk in the park with their children, visit a hairdresser several times a month, plus a beauty salon and, of course, some training courses. After all, beauty is beauty, and you also need to make a career! And despite this, family values ​​come first.
Every girl, in the end, dreams of getting married successfully and definitely having two or three children. Bulgarian women are very child-loving. Getting married successfully means marrying a wealthy man, or even better, a foreigner. Unfortunately, your own men are not valuable in this market. It is believed that Bulgarians are too passive and undemanding in life, while their women strive to get everything from life.
Perhaps this is the influence of the recent past, when Bulgaria was a country of the former socialist camp and many things were inaccessible or even prohibited, or maybe this is the result of the propaganda of glamor as a success in life, which is poured onto society by the Bulgarian media.
Sexually, Bulgarian women are quite liberated and believe that it is not at all necessary to marry virgins, which, however, does not prevent them from being very picky in relationships.

The most expensive day

Bulgaria is an Orthodox country and all religious holidays here are public holidays; these days are always days off. However, perhaps the most grandiose and important holiday in the life of Bulgarians is considered the most social event - prom. In Bulgarian, entrant. This is a very important event in the life of every family, meaning that the child has grown up and is entering an independent life.
They finish school here at the age of 18-19, and graduates look just like adults. It is especially interesting to look at the chic evening dresses of graduates. A prom dress, like a wedding dress, only happens once in the life of a Bulgarian girl, so it should be as chic and expensive as possible.
Huge amounts of money are spent here to celebrate the end of school; not only unique outfits are sewn, but also expensive restaurants are rented. But the most interesting detail in this holiday is the driving around the city of motorcades of expensive cars, on the roofs of which newly minted graduates sit and count to 12 - the number of years spent at school! Nobody stops these motorcades; they give way and honk their horns approvingly. The more expensive cars in the motorcade, the better; sometimes limousines are hired for this.

Water is a source of beauty

Perhaps the most important role in the health and beauty of Bulgarian women is played by water. There are many thermal and mineral springs in Bulgaria, around which all kinds of health resorts, sanatoriums and SPA hotels have been built, and all this can be found both on the coast and in the mountains. Thermal resorts differ only in the composition of the water and popularity. Let's say that many people know the sea balneological resort of Pomorie, but not everyone has heard about the balneological health resorts in Narechen in the Rhodope Mountains.
Almost every weekend Bulgarians take the opportunity to go to the waters. SPA hotels offer a very wide range of beauty treatments. The most popular are Turkish baths, body wraps, mud therapy, chocolate masks, and thalassotherapy.
Even in winter you can swim in the hot thermal baths near Bansko or in Varna, where there are pools with healing thermal water right on the snow-covered beach. The most famous Bulgarian thermal resort is Sandanski - not far from it in Petrich Vanga once lived and received visitors. On the territory of the monastery she built there are hot lakes, the water into which comes from the dormant Kozhukh volcano.

Lactobacillus bulgaricus

The mild Bulgarian climate and fertile soils, as well as the proximity of Greece and Turkey, allow Bulgarians all year round eat fresh vegetables and fruits. But the most important and universal product in the diet of Bulgarians is the famous Bulgarian yogurt, which is made using a special lactic acid bacterium “Lactobacillus bulgaricus”. For those who haven’t guessed, in Russia it is called “Mechnikov’s yogurt” and is considered an excellent means of preventing cardiovascular diseases.
Bulgarian yogurt is usually called “kiselo mlyako”. Soups and drinks are prepared from it, all kinds of salads are seasoned with it and even washed down alcoholic drinks, such as mastic - an analogue of the Greek Ouzo.
Not a single day of a local woman is complete without sour mush and a bottle. mineral water. National cold soup Even a child can cook tarator in Bulgaria. It is enough to take sour milk, finely grated fresh cucumber, garlic, walnuts and a spoonful of any vegetable oil. Everyone adds salt, spices and herbs to their own taste. The soup perfectly satisfies hunger, saves you from the summer heat and tones you up.

Red wine for health

Another secret of Bulgarian beauty and health is red wine. Bulgarians believe that a glass of red wine with dinner is very beneficial for the body: wine dilates blood vessels, relieves stress, normalizes blood pressure and reduces the risk of heart attack. Red wine in moderation cleanses the body, burns fat and acts as an antioxidant. Red wine is also an important ingredient in a popular spa procedure – wine therapy.

I hope everyone understands that this is a complimentary article in a foreign magazine (for Bulgarians it is foreign). I couldn’t write here about Chalgodiv and other local “outrages” :)

Natalya Glukhova

If you really want to go live in Bulgaria for permanent residence

23/05 2017

Hello friends!

Today our task is to figure out what kind of Bulgarian women they are. Going to live in Bulgaria for permanent residence with your beloved is a feasible task. But should you trust black-eyed Balkan beauties, can you marry them, and what will your life together be like?

From this article you will learn:

Bulgarian: a native of Bulgaria, not an instrument

In this country, no one lacks cheerfulness, especially women. Their beauty cannot always be called standard. This is such a special South Slavic appearance. Some say they look like gypsies.

Although time passes, people from different countries. Active migration slightly blurs the unique features of nationality. Over the years, the appearance of the new generation is increasingly acquiring something European. It’s a pity, because real Bulgarians have always been famous for their southern, bright beauty.
Men from Russia note that women here:

  1. have a good figure (especially curvy hips attract attention);
  2. refined fingers;
  3. luxurious wavy hair (from dark brown to black);
  4. dark skin.

What did I notice?

Men always notice things that a woman might not always think of noticing. I looked at women from Bulgaria from a more practical side.

  1. They love to dye their hair blonde. Yes, you want to curl straight hair, and straighten curly hair immediately. But so good dark hair It’s just a sin to torment with perhydrol. This is a common love among Southern women, have you noticed? Don't be surprised by the abundance of blondes. They had to try really hard.
  2. They are slim. It's some kind of magic. With such an abundance of delicious national food, they remain slim for many years. There are fat women, but there are very few of them.
  3. Good skin. Here the girl from the nail salon explained to me: good climate, lots of sun, fruits and vegetables. And also, low prices for cosmetic procedures.

To make it clearer to you what I mean, I’ll show you a few photos of famous women:
The famous Nina Dobrev from the series “The Vampire Diaries”:

Nina Dobrev

And here is fashion model Nikoleta Lozanova:

Nikoleta Lozanova

Singer Deborah Ivanova:

Deborah Ivanova

Different cities - different girls

By the way, a small selection of general impressions about girls and women from different cities.


There are a lot of visitors. People come here to study, in search of better life. Please note that many girls do not really like Russian men. Their task is to study and find a job. They are very career focused. Another option is to get married successfully. So, they definitely have no time for novels for 1 week. Their life is not easy, they have no time for all sorts of nonsense.


They say they are more modest than in the capital. And some say it’s much prettier. There is Sun, life is more relaxed. More trusting, perhaps.


There is an opportunity to get a job here. The port alone is worth it - a huge enterprise where there are jobs. Burgas is a smaller city than Sofia, but here you can build a career, take out a loan. Serious girls. But the local clubs are known to everyone for their atmosphere of unbridled fun.


We sorted out the appearance. Now - the soul. I don’t know if you read my article about? So, among them there are quite a few lovers of holiday romances. Girls are not very inclined to meet newcomers and maintain an easy holiday romance.

Of course, you can always meet a local girl in a club or bar, but they are not really keen on such a one-night stand. This is especially true for women in large cities. If men look at week-long love simply and with humor, then women do not at all strive for an easy relationship.

The Balkans are all about strong traditions, family values ​​and moral principles. Yes, the country is becoming more and more modern, European. But, at some level, there is still a commitment to the old traditions.

Family and career

Women here are active, eager to study, work or earn extra money. They love children here, they try to have 2-3 children. Again, it all depends on the location and budget.
Large cities are capable of providing good education. Connection with the EU provides an opportunity to continue studying and internships in Europe. Often girls adopt the European way of life - until the age of 30, I study and build a career, and then I can think about a family.

The older generation is not very willing to accept this trend. So, if your mother annoyed you with the phrase “Son, when will there be grandchildren?”, then you can fight against this together with your modern Bulgarian careerist.

If there is an opportunity to stay at home with the children, a true Bulgarian woman will rarely miss it. The table is set with delicious southern dishes, the house is tidy, the children are happy, and the husband is happy. This is how it should be in a good Bulgarian family.

National Bulgarian costume

Unfortunately, the country has a high unemployment rate. The path is open for young girls to enter the tourism industry. In the summer at sea you will see a lot of female guides, waitresses, and bartenders.

Bulgarian men themselves treat their women with respect.

By the way, here, however, women are treated with respect. Ours and others. The desire to protect and help has remained since ancient times, because Bulgaria was often attacked by enemies from the Hungarians and Turks to the Crusaders. Of course, I do not advocate walking alone at night along dark alleys. But for women it is many times safer here than in Russia.

Is it worth marrying a Bulgarian?

And now, the main question is - is it possible to marry a woman from Bulgaria? Of course, not only women are looking for such a way to register, because after marriage it is easy to do this. Men less often, but still move to live in Bulgaria. Traditionally, a woman goes to live with a man.
But we believe in love without barriers, right?

Also, don't forget. Every real Bulgarian woman has her own real Bulgarian dad and maybe brothers.

I’m just sure that such a woman will be able to make her lover happy. In addition to beauty, these are also very economical women. You tried National dishes Bulgaria? I highly recommend it.
I'll give you a couple of tips for your happy life together:

  • Respect Bulgaria. Local residents, regardless of gender and age, are very proud of their country. I also advise you to respect everything Bulgarian - from rose oil to some kind of kavarma in a pot (national dish).
  • Learn the language! At first, you can communicate in English, but then your chosen one will want to introduce you to a crowd of grandmothers, aunts, and cousins. And in general, it will be useful for life.
  • Treat her family with respect, because family is the most important thing!
  • Find out about her attitude towards. Many people here were and remain deeply religious. So the wedding in the church, fasting, church holidays are taken seriously.

Proposals for fictitious marriage

We already talked about this in one of the articles. Many enterprising girls are ready to offer marriage for a passport and a certain amount of money. But, after this, receiving

Bulgarian women have always been distinguished by their attractive appearance, activity, and love of life. They are worthy, along with other Slavic peoples, to take part in world-class beauty contests. Girls and women of Bulgaria have distinctive features - shape, facial features. We’ll figure out which ones exactly in this article.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder

The typical figure of Bulgarian women is quite attractive, its contour resembles a guitar - girls usually have a thin waist, a beautiful bust, wide hips. Most often, Bulgarians are thin-boned, with long arms. Compared to other Slavs, these girls are more sophisticated and graceful. Among the representatives of the nation there are many petite, fragile girls; it is rare to find overweight or overweight girls.

All this is achieved due to the fact that the residents of the resort country adhere to a marine diet - they mainly eat fish, fruits and vegetables. For this reason, beauties do not need plastic surgery or any other interventions in the body.

Hair color

Bulgarian girls for the most part have dark hair - chestnut, dark blond, although sometimes you can also meet owners of blonde hair. Nevertheless, even fair-haired women are characterized by dark skin and brown eyes. Bulgaria has a favorable climate; high humidity prevails in most of the territory, which has a beneficial effect on the skin. For many, it looks fresh, healthy, smooth.

Modern Bulgarian women are attentive to their appearance, use good cosmetics, play sports, and do not overuse tanning.

Beautiful Bulgarian women

1. One of the most attractive and world-famous Bulgarians is 30-year-old actress Nina Dobrev (in the main photo). She began building her career in modeling, then moved to Canada, and then to Hollywood. Nina played in 20 films and TV series. In an interview, she admits that she is proud of her Slavic origin and speaks exclusively in her native language in the family.

2. Silvia Ranguelova - 36-year-old Bulgarian model and actress.

3. Nikoleta Bozhinova Lozanova is a 32-year-old Bulgarian model who won a beauty pageant in 2006. The girl starred for FHM and Maxim magazines. Playboy.

4. Diliana Popova - actress and model from Bulgaria. In 2010, she starred for Playboy, appeared in the film Love.net, and plays in TV series, mostly romantic ones.

5. Nikol Stankulova - 31-year-old TV presenter, model.

6. Romina Andonova is a model who won the Miss Bulgaria title in 2010. She represented the country at the Miss World competition.

7. Silvia Dimitrova is a model who lives and works in Italy. Silvia was born in 1984 in Stara Zagora.

8. Gabriela Vasilyeva - model who became Miss Bulgaria in 2012. At the same time she represented the country at the Miss World competition.

Bulgaria for women. Features of behavior

When you go on a trip, you not only need to collect all the necessary things, you also need to learn as much as possible about the national characteristics and specifics of the country in which you are planning to spend your long-awaited vacation. In many countries, women are treated differently. In some places they can serve in the army, but in others they are not allowed to leave the house for a walk. In Bulgaria, there are a number of peculiarities in relation to the female sex that you need to be aware of. Here are some of them.

Despite the fact that all over the world, except perhaps in Muslim countries, women are becoming more and more independent, in Bulgaria this process is not so active. Formally, men and women in Bulgaria have equal rights, but in reality everything happens completely differently. There is discrimination against the weaker sex in many ways. Often women even have lower salaries than men. Thus, for work of the same complexity, men and women receive different salaries; in Russia, the right to equal pay for work is enshrined in the constitution. In addition, taking care of the home lies on women's shoulders.

Women in Bulgaria are not prohibited from working outside the home. In rural areas this is, of course, rare, but in the city women value their work very much. After all, this is almost the only opportunity to show your independence, to prove to the men around you that a woman is capable of much. This is also an opportunity to gain satisfaction from the work done.

In Bulgaria, businesswomen are treated very well, if, of course, they are foreigners.

If you want to invite a Bulgarian to dinner, then you need to know some specifics before doing so. For example, if you want to invite an elderly Bulgarian to a restaurant, then invite him to join you for a business lunch. An invitation to dinner would be considered indecent. Besides, he will pay and don’t try to talk him out of it. But if you still want to pay for yourself, then first discuss this point with the service staff.

Absolutely all Bulgarian men are polite. Therefore, get ready for someone to hand you a fur coat, open the door for you, and pull out a chair to help you sit down. In this case, you will only need attention and respect for such signs of attention. If such attention is undesirable for you, then wear a wedding ring, this will somewhat cool the ardor of Bulgarian men. Also in such situations, the phrase “I’m married” will help you. Regardless of whether you are married or not, a Bulgarian man will be very attentive to you at dinner and as gallant as possible.

In fact, traveling around Bulgaria for a single woman will not cause any harm. The main thing to remember is common sense. After all, vulgar behavior will not be appreciated in any country in the world.

Since patriarchal traditions are very strong in this country, women should behave as modestly as possible. Clothing should be discreet and not very revealing, otherwise you may be considered at least not well-mannered. Also in Bulgaria there are special relations between men and women. After all, in most cases, a Bulgarian woman is a housewife. In restaurants you will very rarely find a female waitress, and hotel staff are predominantly men. You can meet women as guides or as room cleaners.

Therefore, when you arrive in Bulgaria, try to follow the rules of decency so that you do not encounter any unpleasant situations that could harm your vacation. And let your holiday become a charge of vivacity and energy for the whole coming year. Have a good trip.

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