IX. Western Europe in the IX-XI centuries. Education of the ancient Russian state in the 9th century

1 Events
1.1 The beginning of the century
1.2 middle a century
1.3 The end of the century

2 Persons
3 Opening


The ninth (IX) century lasted from 801 to 900 years old at the Gregorian calendar. Early Middle Ages reigns in Europe. Supporting the beginning of medieval warming.

1. Events

· Founded by Murom, Polotsk, Rostov, Smolensk, Uzhgorod, Zhytomyr

· Vikings pop up Faroe Islands

· Verden Treaty concluded

· Combining the kingdoms of Asturias and Galicia. Education of Aragon County.

· Decay Albania Caucasian to feudal principalities.

· Construction of the city of Pagan in Burma.

· Ghana is attacked Berber Lematuna.

1.1. The beginning of the century

· Hegemony Wessex in England.

· Transylvania attachment to Bulgaria.

· Christianization of Croats.

· Education of the Tao Clarktsky kingdom in the Choroi River basin and Kartli.

· Opening of the way "From Varyag in Greeks".

· Russian army fought in the Crimea from Sudak to Kerch.

· Prathara invaded the Daab (Jamna-Ganggie Meternrech) and mastered Kanavadge, and then distributed their power to the whole territory from Canaja to Benares.

· The emergence of Kashmir Shivaism.

1.2. Mid a century

· Capture of the Danes of Northeast England.

· Count Anjo Fulk I redhead, founder of the Anzhuy dynasty.

· The formation of Duchy Brittany.

· The emergence of new centers of the Christian attack on Muslims: Navarre and Aragon.

· Under the authority of the Samanidov, the entire Maverannova is united.

· Long wars between prathara and Bengal princes from the family fell.

· Shipping Java from Srivijiei.

· The third quarter of the century is the movement of Pavlikian.

1.3. End of century

· Ademar (EMMAR), the first Duke of Burbonsky.

· The struggle in Ireland between the Norwegians and Danes, which were from East England.

· Liberation of the entire Leone from Arabs by the king of Asturias Alfons III.

· On 1306 - the dynasty of Prezhdovichov in the Czech Republic.

· Tulunide dynasty subordinates Palestine and Syria.

· Pechenegs are moved from the Volga Valley to the Dnieper Valley.

· From the Khazar Kaganate, Alanya was allocated in the central part of the North Caucasus.

· Strengthening the Kiden Tribal Union in Western Mongolia and part of Manchuria.

· 890 - a certificate that the Chigile tribe was a state.

· Disintegration of Korea to Silla states in the northeast, "Second Pack" in the south-west and Tekbon in the north.

· The Mayan cities in the southern part of Yucatana ceased to exist.

2. Persons

· Prince Herbury Falimer, Krain's son.

· Karl Great - King of Franks and Langobards.

· Fothy I - Constantinople Patriarch.

· Nicholas I - Pope.

3. Opening

· Opening of Iceland Viking Gardar Svalson

· First windmills


1. Gumilev L. N. Ancient Rus and the Great Steppe. M.: Thought, 1989. p.685-755

A (y), offer. about the age, on the century; MN. century, s; m. 1. Time lapse in a hundred years; century. The twentieth century. In the last century. Passed a quarter of a century. In the depths of the centuries; From the depths of the centuries (about what originates in the distant past). Many folk ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

Husband. the life of a person or the shelf life of the subject; Continuation of earthly existence. Century ordinary day; Millennium oak century. | Life, being the Universe in the current order. Current century close. | Century. Now the nineteenth century on the birth. Xp | ... ... Explanatory dictionary of Daly

SUB., M., Upatr. Very often morphology: (no) what? century, what? century, (see) What? Century, what? A century, what? about the age and for the century; MN. what? century, (no) what? centuries, what? For centuries, (see) What? century, what? For centuries, what? About eyelids 1. A century is a time period ... ... Explanatory dictionary Dmitrieva

Century, century (century), about a century, for century, mn. century (eyelids statute), husband. 1. Life (acceleration). "Live and learn." (Ambassador) add century (lengthen life). In his century, he experienced a lot of adventures. For my age, I have enough work. "Evil, in girls a whole century." ... ... Explanatory Dictionary Ushakov

See the time, long, life in koi eyelids, forever of centuries, live a century, to ruin the eyelids, time immemorial, imaging of centuries, the time of the century, forever and ever, eternal, neither forever, from the century before the century, Century, Winning Age, Winning Age, Spokon ... ... Synonym dictionary

Century, and, about the age, on the age, MN. A, s, husband. 1. The period in a hundred years, conditionally calculated from the birth of Jesus Christ (Christ's Christmas). The third century BC. Twentieth century (period from January 1, 1901 until December 31, 2000). The beginning of the century (tenths ... ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

Age of hectic sun ... Wikipedia

Century Even

Age beet - century century. Age beet. Study. Expres 1. Long live; live life. So Alyona remained alone century (Bazhov. Ermakov swans). Well, brother, said Custolomes, the apartment you, of course, is unenviable, but you don't have a century here ... ... ... Fraseological dictionary of the Russian literary language

century - We take a time pastime ends, the subject, the end of the eyelids began, the subject, the beginning of the age of burning the end, the pastime has passed the action, the subject, the end of living the eyelid ending, ... ... Verbal combination of unforeseen names

The Age of Stupid Genre ... Wikipedia


  • Age Joyce, I. I. Garin. If you write a story as a history of culture of the spirit of the human spirit, then the XX century should receive the name of Joyce - Homer, Dante, Shakespeare, Dostoevsky to our time. Eliot compared his` Ulysses` with ...
  • The age of hopes and crashes, Oleg Volkov. Edition 1990. Safety is good. The main work in the collection of the "century of hopes and crashes" of one of the elders of the Russian literature Oleg Vasilyevich Volkov, published to his ...

FROM VIII. in. With abbasids, Arabs, seeking to expand their trade, penetrated Eastern Europe. They had two main ways: one on ships through the Caspian Sea from the North Territory of Persia, the other on camels from Ho-Varezma (Hiva) according to the current Kyrgyz steppes.

The other expensive they reached the Big State of the Khazar, who occupied the low-level Volga and Don and the Eastern Pre-Caucasus. Khazars, who presented the confusion of Finnish and Turkish tribes, were connected by life stray and settled; Residents of the capital and T and L I, located on both sides of the Volga (a little higher
Arab Dirgem (from Russian treasures).
the current Astrakhan), lived in urban homes only in winter, and in the spring and summer went to the steppes on the nomad. Khazara obeyed two ruler: Kagan, who took the divine honors, but also responded to the country's disasters, and b e g, who was a real ruler, commanded the troops, gathered grants, managed cities. Floating along the Volga Up, the Arab merchants came to the city b about l g a r a, not far from the sign of Kama, where they entered into trade relations with the people, relatives of Danube Bulgarians. The Most of the Slavs and Finns from the current Central and Northern Russia were brought to the Volga markets of the Arabs and Finns from the current Central and Northern Russia; Arab silver dirgems reached the Baltic Sea and penetrated Scandinavia.

The main product extended by Arabs from Eastern Europe was the skins of fur animals: Soboley, Gornostayev, Bobrov, Cunits, etc.; Of these, no fur was appreciated as black and brown fox. Arabic geographer and traveler Masidi tells: "Dark Fur Fur - the most fashionable in the East; From it there are caps, cafts, fur coats and capes of the kings and princes of Arab and Persian, interrupting each other with their luxury. One of the caliphs wanted to determine which fur is all warmer: for this he ordered in a cold winter night to wrap bottles with water in various skins; It turned out that the only water was not frozen under the Chernobura Liser. "

After moving from the Volga to the Don and then on the left tributaries of the Dnieper, the Arab merchants came to Kiev; Further to the West by intermediaries in the trade of furs and slaves were Jews who delivered fur items to Muslim Spain and in Ma-Grib (Northwestern Africa, now. Morocco and Algeria), and slaves from Bohemia to the market in ITIL. In c. Trade offices of Arabs began to cover the Christian countries to the old Roman Empire, Italy and Byzantium. Byzantium itself was at this time, thanks to heavy internal unrest and external failures, in disorder and weakness.

Following Nikifor who overturned the Board of Irina, three emperors, one by one, reached the power to the violent way, relying or on rebellious soldiers or the metropolitan population, among which masters of artistic re-mesals, who worked on the courtyard and churches, loovers, jewelers, were issued. Sculptors, icon painters, drapers, perfumers and especially manufacturers of silk matters, the main pride of Byzantium since the time of Justinian, who has minted the secret of silkward. In Constantinople, there were two extremes alongside: on the one hand, doubted the correctness of the decisions of the Divine power of the emperor was considered blasphemy, on the other hand, the Constantinople people and the army, following the example of the proletarians and the legions of the ancient Rome, were awarded Purpur to people of their election.

Proclaimed by the Pavlikian army, lion V. Armenian resumed war against icons. "You see - he spoke to his supporters - that all the state trucks who recognized the icons and have become killed, died or in exile, or in war. Only the iconoborets died by their death on the throne and buried with honor in the temple of the apostles. I also want to imitate them, so that after the long life of my son and my son, our kingdom has resulted before the fourth and fifth generation. " In his insistence, the cathedral 815 G. Revered to build a candle and smoke incense before the "soulless tree" and condemned "useless and disagreeable with the legends of the church" the production of icons. The pursuit of monks, defeat the churches began to sleep. However, the iconocution was kept only the threat that the heretical army was represented. As soon as soldiers were removed from the capital, Empress Theodore, which ruled into the youngster Mikhail III, in 843 G. Restored Remove Icons; The new cathedral has established a feast of Orthodoxy in memory of the deliverance from the iconoboric and all other heresies.

The dispute about icons was very weakened by Byzantium and lowered her mental life. While the iconoborets destroyed the works of art, the monks for their part, wanting to strengthen faith, destroyed the books and thickened the science for nourishing the spirit of doubts and critics. The most talented and bold defender Icons Fedor Studit (i.e. the monk of the Studiosky, strict hostel) urged Papa, stranged Vladyka: "Hear us, the apostolic head, a worst shepherd of Christian sheep, the key chenos of the sky, the cliff of faith, on which Catholic ( universal) church; You are Peter, decorating the throne of Peter. Conquer heretical beasts by the magic of the charming sounds of the Word of God. " After such appeals, Pope, really, began to interfere in the affairs of the Byzantine Church, and it would like independence.

From the outside of Byzantium suffered one failure after another. Spanish Saracens seized on the threshold of the Aegean Sea island Crete: his new name, Candy, comes from the Arab Handak, deep moat, which conquerors surrounded by them the fortress. At the same time, the attacks of Muslim sailors in Sicily and South Italy began. Byzantine trade in the Mediterranean has decline. From the north of the Empire also did not have peace. Bulgarian Khan Krum, the winner of the Emperor Niki-Fora, took away from the Byzantines with the A R D and to U (now. Sofia) and triggered to the capital, wanting to "lean the golden gate." Although this successor came up with the empire, but the border feature passed near Constantinople. On Severnowpade, Byzantium appeared a new enemy-r y with b: They were disturbed by Greek X. E R C O is in the Crimea, attacked the Maja Majara Coast of the Black Sea. IN 860 G. B. 200 Russian ships swam to Constantinople, plundered and burned out the suburb of the capital; With difficulty managed to repel this "Northern Terrible Thunderstorm", "Rough Barbaric People". As the Byzantines expressed.

21-y. XXI
20-y. XX
19-y. XIX.
18th XVIII
17-y. XVII
16th XVI
15th XV
14-y. XIV
13th XIII.
12-y. XII.
11-y. XI
10-y. X.
9-y. IX
8-y. VIII.
7-y. VII
6-y. VI
1-y. I.

Roman numbers, invented more than 2500 years ago, were used by Europeans for two thousand years, then were ousted by Arabic numbers. This happened because the Roman numbers will be written quite difficult, and any arithmetic action in the Roman system is much more complicated than in the Arabic calculus system. Despite the fact that today the Roman system is not often used, it does not mean that it became irrelevant. In most cases, centuries are denoted by the Roman numbers, but for years or accurate dates are taken to write Arabic figures.

Roman numbers are also used when writing sequence numbers of monarchs, encyclopedic volumes, valence of various chemical elements. On the dials of manual clocks, the figures of the Roman system of calculus are also often used.

Roman numbers are certain signs with which decimal discharges and their half are recorded. Use only seven capital letters of the Latin alphabet for this. The number 1 corresponds to the Roman digit i, 5 - V, 10 - x, 50 - L, 100 - C, 500 - D, 1000 - M. With the designation of natural numbers, these numbers are repeated. So 2 can be written using two times I, that is, 2 - II, 3 - three letters I, that is, 3 - III. If a smaller figure stands before more, then the principle of subtraction is used (the smaller figure is deducted from greater). So, the figure 4 is depicted as IV (that is, 5-1).

In the case where the big figure is ahead of the smaller, they are folded, for example, 6 is written in the Roman system as Vi (i.e. 5 + 1).

If you are used to write down the number of Arabic numbers, then some difficulties may arise in the case when you need to record centuries with Roman numbers, any number or date. Translate any number from the Arab system to the Roman system of calculus and, on the contrary, can be very easily and very quickly using a convenient converter on our website.

On the computer keyboard, it is enough to go to English so that you can easily burn any number of Roman numbers.

Apparently, the ancient Romans preferred direct lines, so all their numbers are straight and strict. However, Roman numbers are nothing like a simplified image of the fingers of the human hand. Figures from one to four resemble the elongated fingers, the figure five can be compared with the palm opened, where the thumb is outper. And the number ten reminds two crossed hands. In European countries, with the score, it is customary to blend fingers, but in Russia, on the contrary, bend.


During the VI - IX centuries. The Eastern Slavs had a process of formation and creating feudalism backgrounds. The territory on which the ancient Russian statehood began to develop, was located at the intersection of the paths, for which the migration of peoples and tribes were laid, nomadic routes ran. South Russian steppes were the arena of the endless struggle moving tribes and peoples. Often the Slavic tribes attacked the border regions of the Byzantine Empire.

In the VII century In the steppes between the Lower Volga, the Don and North Caucasus formed a Khazar state. Slavic tribes in the areas of Nizhny Don and Azov fell under his dominion, retaining, however, a certain autonomy. The territory of the Khazar kingdom spread to the Dnieper and the Black Sea. At the beginning of the VIII century. The Arabs caused a crushing defeat, and through the North Caucasus they were deeply invaded to the north, reaching Don. A large number of Slavs - Allies Khazar - was captured.

From the north in Russian lands penetrate Varyagi (Normans, Vikings). At the beginning of the VIII century. They substantiate around Yaroslavl, Rostov and Suzdal, establishing control over the territory from Novgorod to Smolensk. Part of the northern colonists penetrates southern Russia, where they are mixed with the Rus, taking their name. In Tmutarakan, the capital of the Russian-Varangian kaganate, which supposed to the Khazar rulers is formed. In their struggle, opponents apply to the Union to the Constantinople Emperor.

In such a complex Oyotanovka, there was a consolidation of Slavic tribes into political unions, which became the embrying of the design of the Unified East Slavic statehood.

In IX century As a result of the centuries-old development of the Eastern Slavic Society, the early refortel state Rus with the center in Kiev was formed. Gradually, all Eastern Slavic tribes united in Kievan Rus.

The topic of the history of Kievan Rus, considered in the work, is not only interesting, but also very relevant. Recent years passed under the sign of change in many areas of the life of Russians. The lifestyle of many people has changed, the system of life values \u200b\u200bhas changed. Knowledge of the history of Russia, the spiritual traditions of the Russian people, is very important to increase the national self-consciousness of Russians. A sign of the revival of the nation is and increasing interest in the historical past of the Russian people, to its spiritual values.

Education of the ancient Russian state in the 9th century

Time from vi to IX century .-- This is the last stage of the primitive-free system, the time of class and invisible, at first glance, but the steady growth of the prerequisites of feudalism. The most valuable monument containing information about the beginning of the Russian state is the chronicle of "Tale of the Week, from where the Russian land comes from, and who in Kiev began the first to pronomize and from where the Russian land became", composed by the Kiev monk Nestor, about 1113

Starting your story, like all medieval historians, with a worldwide flood, Nestor tells about the resettlement in the antiquity of the Western and Eastern Slavs in Europe. He divides the East Slavic tribes into two groups, the level of development of which, according to its description, was unequal. Some of them lived, according to his expression, "Zvorinsky way", while maintaining the features of the generic system: blood revenge, the remnants of the matriarchy, the absence of marriage prohibitions, "scalation" (abduction) of wives, etc. This tribes Nestor opposes pollasts, in the land of which Kiev was built. Polyana is "meaningful men", they already established a patriarchal monogamous family and, obviously, blood revenge was taken (they "differ in the meek and quiet temper") History of Russia from ancient times until the end of the XVII century. / A.P. Novoseltsev, A.N. Sakharov, V.I. Buganov, V.D.Nazarov; dummy. A.N. Sakharov, A.P.Noseltsev. - LLC "Publishing House AST-LTD", 1997.c.216 ..

Next, Nestor tells how the city of Kiev was created. The prince of Kiye, by the story of Nesor, came to Constantinople to visit the emperor of Byzantium, who accepted him with big honors. Returning from Constantinople, Kiy built a city on the banks of the Danube, suggesting to settle here for a long time. But the locals were hostile to him, and cue returned to the shores of Dnieper.

The first historical event on the way of creating an Old Russian states, Nesor considered the formation of the principality of pollas in the middle of the Dnieper. The legend of Kii and his two brothers spread far to the south, and was listed even in Armenia.

The same picture draw the Byzantic writers VI in. In the reign of Justinian, the huge masses of the Slavs have advanced to the northern frontiers of the Byzantine Empire. Byzantine historians are colorfully described by the invasion of the Empire of the Slavic troops who focused prisoners and who took the rich prey, the settlement of the empire by the Slavic colonists. The appearance on the territory of Byzantium Slavs, who dominated community relations, contributed to the conversion of the slave-ownership orders and the development of Byzantium along the way from the slave-ownership to feudalism.

The success of Slavs in the fight against powerful Byzantium testify relatively high for that time the level of development of Slavic society: there were already material prerequisites for the equipment of significant military expeditions, and the system of military democracy made it possible to unite the major masses of the Slavs. The distant trips contributed to the strengthening of the power of the princes and in the indigenous Slavic lands, where tribal renovations were created.

Archaeological data fully confirm the words of Nestor that the core of the future Kiev Rus began to develop on the banks of the Dnieper when the Slavic princes made hiking in Byzantium and on the Danube, during the time preceding the Khazar attacks (VII century).

The creation of a significant breeding union in the southern forest-steppe areas facilitated the promotion of Slavic colonists not only in the south-west (on the Balkans), but also in the southeast direction. True, the steppes were occupied by various nomads: Bulgarians, Avara, Khazari, but the Slavs of the Middle Dnieper (Russian Earth) managed, obviously, and protect their possessions from their invasions, and penetrate into the depth of fertile black earth steppes. In VII - IX centuries. Slavs lived in the eastern part of the Khazar lands, somewhere in the Azov region, participated together with the Khazars in military campaigns, hired to serve Kagan (the Khazar ruler). In the south, Slavs lived, obviously, islands among other tribes, gradually assimilating them, but at the same time perceiving the elements of their culture.

For VI - IX centuries. The productive forces grew, the birthbroken institutions were modified, the class of class formation was. As the most important phenomena in the life of Eastern Slavs during the VI - IX centuries. It should be noted the development of pastry agriculture and selection of crafts; the disintegration of the generic community as a labor collective and the allocation of individual peasant farms, forming a neighboring community; Growth of private land ownership and formation of classes; the transformation of tribal troops with its defensive functions into a squad that dominates the tribesmen; Capture by princes and know the tribal land in personal hereditary property.

To IX century Everywhere on the territory of the settlement of the eastern Slavs, a significant area of \u200b\u200barable land separated from the forest was formed, testifying to the further development of productive forces in feudalism. Union of small generic communities for which the famous unity of culture was characteristic of version Slavic tribe. Each of these tribes was collected by the National Assembly (veche) Gradually increased the power of tribal princes. The development of intergovernmental ties, defensive and offensive unions, the organization of joint trips and, finally, the subordination of strong tribes of their weaker neighbors - all this led to the integrity of the tribes, to combining them into more significant groups.

Describing the time when the transition from Russian relations to the state was happening, Nestor notes that in various Eastern Slavic regions were "their own reigns." This is confirmed by the data of archeology.

Education of the early referral state, gradually subdued to itself all the Eastern Slavic tribes, it became possible only when the differences between the south and the north were somewhat smoked in terms of agricultural conditions, when and in the north there was a sufficient number of plowed land and the need for severe collective work on the subsection And the village of Forest has significantly decreased. As a result, there was a selection of a peasant family as a new production team from the patriarchal community.

The decomposition of the primitive bureau in the Eastern Slavs occurred at the time when the slave-owned system was already outlined in a world-historical scale. In the process of class formation, Rus came to feudalism, bypassing the slave formation.

In the IX - X centuries. The antagonistic classes of the feudal society are formed. The number of warriors is increasing everywhere, their differentiation increases, it is highlighted from their environment known - boyars and princes.

An important thing in the history of feudalism is the question of the time of the appearance of cities in Russia. In the conditions of a tribal system, there were certain centers where the tribal peshe were gathered, the prince was gathered, trade was taken, divided, courtes were performed, the victims were solved by the gods and the most important dates of the year were noted. Sometimes such a center became the focus of the most important types of production. Most of these ancient centers turned later in medieval cities.

In the IX - X centuries. Feudals created a number of new cities that served both the goals of defense from nomads and the goals of domination over the mortgageous population. In the cities concentrated and craft production. The old name "Grad", "City", which denoted the strengthening, was already applied to the real feudal city with the Kremlin (Fortress) in the center and extensive craft dressing.

With all the graduality and slowness of the process of feudalization, you can still specify a certain facet, starting with which there are reason to talk about feudalities in Russia. This face is the IX century, when the feudal state has already formed the Eastern Slavs.

The Eastern Slavic tribes combined into a single state of Earth received the name of Russia. The arguments of historians "Normanists", who were trying to declare the creators of the Old Russian state of Normannov, who was then called Varyags, are unconvincing. These historians declared that the annals implied Varyagov. But as it was already shown, the prerequisites for the formation of states in the Slavs were developed for many centuries and to the IX century. They gave a noticeable result not only in the Western Slavic lands, where Normans never penetrated and where the Velikoyeravskaya Power originated, but in the lands of East Slavic (in Kievan Rus), where Normans appeared, robbed, destroyed representatives of local princely dynasties and sometimes became princes themselves. Obviously, Normans could neither promote or seriously interfere with the feudalization process. The name of Russia began to be used in sources in relation to the part of the Slavs 300 years before the appearance of Varyags.

For the first time mention of the people rOS. It is found in the middle of the VI century, when Syria has already reached the information about him. Polyana, called, according to the chronicler, Rusy, become the basis of the future Old Russian nationality, and their land - the core of the territory of the future state - Kievan Rus.

Among the news belonging to Northar, one passage survived, which describes Russia before the appearance of the Varyags. "These are the Slavic oblasts," Nestor writes, - which are part of Russia - Polyana, Drevlyan, Dregovichi, Polokhan, Novgorod Slovenia, Northerners ... "Readings on the history of Russia: in 4 tons, - . 1. From ancient times to the XVII century. / Sost: I. V. Babich, V. N. Zakharov, I. E. Ukolova .-- M.: Miros - International. Relationship, 1994. p. 121. This list includes only half of East Slavic regions. In the composition of Russia, therefore, at that time, the curviti, radmichi, vetchi, Croats, Oitli and Tivers were not yet included. In the center of the new state education was the Holy Tribe. The ancient Russian state became a kind of tribal federation, in his form it was the early refortel monarchy Isaev I.A. The history of the state and the rights of Russia: a full course of lectures. - 2nd ed. Pererab. and add. - M.: Lawyer, 1998.c.14 ..

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