Does Jennifer Lopez have children? Style of star children: children of Jennifer Lopez - Max and Emma. Childhood and adolescence

My creative career Jennifer Lopez started out as a dancer in films, but it was her vocal abilities that brought her worldwide popularity and fame. The girl dreamed of proving that she was talented in everything, including music, and she more than succeeded.

Today she has studio albums, dozens of films, a Golden Globe Award and many achievements in business.

Childhood and youth

Jennifer was born on July 24, 1969 in Castle Hill, New York. For her bright and atypical appearance for American women, the talented artist should thank her parents, who are of Puerto Rican origin. Her father, David, once worked the night shift at an insurance company before getting a job at a computer company. Guadalupe's mother was a housewife and raised Jennifer and her sisters.

The Lopez family lived modestly, 5 people huddled in a small apartment, which they managed to change to a house only a few years later. Guadalupe raised her daughters to be young ladies, instilling in them a sense of taste and refined manners. Girls were forbidden to walk outside for a long time, and after dark they had to be at home. The mother also tried to develop talents in her children.

When little Jennifer turned 5 years old, she was sent to singing and dancing lessons, which helped her in the future. To protect her daughter from the harmful influences of the outside world, the future actress and singer was sent to a Catholic school, where she continued to sing in the choir. Lopez happily participated in school plays and staged similar performances at home with her sisters.

The young singer also achieved considerable success in sports: she practiced gymnastics, competed in national running competitions and was a member of the school softball team. Alas, Lopez's family did not see her as a show business star at all. Her mother believed that Jennifer must definitely master the honorable and prestigious profession of a lawyer, connecting her life with jurisprudence.

In her senior year, Lopez was cast in the film “My Little Girl.” The film was not a success, but it gave the young artist a dream. From that moment on, Jennifer wanted to become famous actress, whose performance would be admired by the whole world. But, being the obedient daughter of her parents, she entered law college, leaving after a semester of study.

The girl tried to explain to her parents that she dreams of becoming an actress, but instead of approval she heard accusations of stupidity and the fact that no Latino had ever managed to become famous in Hollywood.

Jennifer did not agree with the family and even left home, renting an apartment in Manhattan. The girl got a job in a law office, and at night she worked as a dancer. In her youth, she participated in the musicals Jesus Christ Superstar and Oklahoma! There, the talented girl was noticed and invited to join the “Golden Musicals of Broadway” choir, which toured Europe for six months. However, her participation in it disappointed the singer: she was the only one of the entire choir who did not receive a solo part.


The first films with the participation of Jennifer Lopez could not boast of a serious plot or fame. All of them were associated with the artist’s dancing talents. Her first permanent job on television was the show “Bright Colors.” One of the dancers was unable to participate in the project, and Lopez was taken in her place. After 2 years of collaboration with the project, Jennifer announced her desire to pursue an acting career and left the show.

In 1993, the actress received her first invitation to film the film “Lost in the Wilderness,” which was released exclusively for home viewing. Nevertheless, for the artist this film became the next step towards her dream, and she finally moved away from music and dance projects, starring in a drama for the first time.

Lopez's debut in big cinema took place at the premiere of the film "My Family." She even received her first nomination for her role as young Maria.

But subsequent films with Jennifer’s participation turned out to be failures; their box office receipts only slightly exceeded the budget and did not interest the viewer.

The first success for the actress was the film “Selena”. Despite the fact that the film was directed by the same director who previously participated in the creation of My Family, the actress had to go through a tedious casting process. The film adaptation of the biography of singer Selena allowed the actress to fully demonstrate her stage talents, which deeply amazed critics who had previously been skeptical of the artist.

Jennifer Lopez in the movie "Selena"

High professionalism gave Jennifer her first Golden Globe nomination, which became a real recognition for the aspiring film actress. Lopez's career was rapidly rising, and her work was a success.

The film “Out of Sight,” where the artist played with a famous actor, gave her a fee of $1 million and the fame of the first Latin American actress who received such a large sum as payment.

With development musical career Jennifer became a frequent guest of lyrical comedies. In films, she invariably plays leading roles, because due to her popularity, Lopez’s name alone can make a project commercially successful. But in her filmography there is also a place for dramatic films, like “Eyes of an Angel”, “An Unfinished Life” and many others.

Particularly striking works include the artist’s tandem with the melodrama “Let’s Dance,” as well as the main role in the fantasy thriller “The Cage,” the costumes for which were created by the famous Japanese designer Eiko Ishioka, known for her collaboration with “Cirque du Soleil.”

Jennifer Lopez and Richard Gere in the movie "Let's Dance"

Among the celebrity’s works, viewers note the comedy “If the Mother-in-Law is a Monster,” where Lopez’s heroine has to share the love of one man with his mother, which she performed. But critics were less favorable to the Latina’s comedic talent and included her name in the list of nominees for the Golden Raspberry anti-award.

The criticism only contributed to the fact that the actress began to put more effort into her work on the set. Soon she appeared in the drama “Border Town,” which she produced herself, the comedy “What to Expect When You’re Expecting,” and the crime thriller “Parker,” where her partner was.

Jennifer Lopez and Jason Statham in the movie "Parker"

In 2015, the series “Shades of Blue” with Jennifer in the title role was released. She played a single mother who works in the police and comes to the FBI to fight corruption from the inside. For the actress, this is the first serious role in a serial film.


In 1999, Jennifer released her first single, “If You Had My Love,” which became an instant hit. The name of the actress, and already the singer, appeared on the top line of the popular American chart Billboard Hot 100. Surprisingly, only the singer had previously achieved such success with her debut composition.

Jennifer Lopez - "If You Had My Love"

Critics waited with bated breath for Lopez's full-length album, wondering why she needed to start a singing career. According to them, the unsuccessful record could have a negative impact on Jennifer’s acting profession. However, the album, entitled "On the 6", was met with resounding success from listeners, which came as a surprise to critics and forced them to recognize Lopez as "a woman of many talents."

Jennifer's music became so popular that by the end of 1999 it eclipsed her film career. Fans called the singer nothing less than J.Lo, and she without hesitation adopted this stage name, which also served as the title for Jennifer’s second album, “J.Lo,” which hit the shelves in 2001. The record again soared to the top positions of the American charts and sold out in huge numbers.

Jennifer Lopez - “Ain't Your Mama”

Jennifer dedicated her 4th album, “Rebirth,” to a boy named Patterson. In 2004, as part of her visit to a children's hospital, the singer met an 11-year-old boy, Page, who had cancer. Despite all the efforts of doctors, he died in November of the same year. This event came as a shock to Lopez, who realized the importance of taking action to help those in need.

Lopez soon turned her attention to the Spanish-speaking audience and released the disc “Como Ama una Mujer.” Despite the fact that all the songs in the collection were sounded in Spanish, the album turned out to be commercially successful in the United States.

Jennifer Lopez and Pitbull - "Dance Again"

The artist’s subsequent works did not bring the expected results, and she was forced to change the music label with which she had collaborated for many years. Her new record company was Island Records. The singer was not mistaken: another successful work followed - the album “Love?”, one of the singles of which was the song “Dance Again”, performed together with the rapper.

Personal life

Jennifer's personal life is no less eventful than her career. The singer first married in 1997 to Cuban waiter Ohani Noa. Their marriage was short-lived, as the couple separated a year later. But the guy was not averse to cashing in on popularity ex-wife and in 2006 tried to publish a book about their relationship.

Jennifer tried to dissuade him, citing that it would be a violation of their confidentiality agreement, but Ohani did not listen, and the case was taken to court. The judge ruled that Noah's work portrayed the singer in a bad light, banned publication, and also ordered the unsuccessful writer to pay compensation of $545 thousand.

From 1999 to 2002, Lopez dated Sean Combs, who got her involved in a nasty shooting incident. public place, and was also married to dancer Cris Judd.

The singer's next chosen one was an actor. The press instantly dubbed them “Bennifer” and called them nothing less than a “super couple.” The lovers even planned a wedding for September 2003, but the day before the event they canceled the ceremony without explanation.

In 2004, Lopez married a musician and gave birth to twins - son Max (Maximillian David) and daughter Emmy (Emma Maribel). Later, the artist admitted that she could not get pregnant for many years, so she already despaired of becoming a mother. She perceived the birth of children as a gift from above.

However, this relationship did not bring happiness to the singer. In 2011, she said she planned to separate from her husband due to "irreconcilable differences." The divorce was finally finalized only in 2014; by that time, Jennifer had been dating another man, dancer Casper Smart, for more than 2 years. The couple separated for some time, but already resumed their relationship in 2015, and rumors appeared in the press about an upcoming wedding, which were never confirmed.

In 2016, Lopez announced their final separation. Soon, the singer began to appear more and more often with the rapper, with whom, according to reporters, she began an affair.

In the spring of 2017, the star’s chosen one was baseball player Alex Rodriguez. For a couple of months, the lovers hid from the paparazzi, but then they increasingly began to appear on camera lenses.

In the spring of 2018, they got engaged. The lovers are still together today, in addition, Jennifer never tires of confessing her love to her chosen one and does it openly. In an interview, the singer explains that she and Rodriguez share the same views on life, raising children and creativity.

Together with Alex in the winter of 2019, Jennifer spent 10 days on a low-carbohydrate diet. The artist was sure that giving up sugar and flour would help her improve her already attractive figure.

The star has always impressed the public with her appearance: fans were delighted with the singer’s appearances in open dresses, with her photos in glossy magazines in a swimsuit or underwear. Now, with a height of 167 cm, the celebrity maintains her weight within 56 kg.

In addition, J.Lo monitors the condition of her skin, so she often demonstrates it in her personal "Instagram" photos without makeup in which she looks much younger than her age.

Jennifer Lopez now

Jennifer Lopez continues to be creative today. In the spring of 2018, the premiere of the video for the Spanish-language hit “El Anillo” took place, which received more than 3 million views in one day. In less than a year, this figure reached 250 million.

At the beginning of 2019, the screening of another lyrical comedy with the participation of J. Lo, “Start Over,” started in Russia. The main character of the story, Maya, gets a place in a prestigious company, where, thanks to her talent, she achieves great heights.


  • 1999 – On the 6
  • 2001 – J.Lo
  • 2002 – This Is Me...Then
  • 2005 – Rebirth
  • 2007 – Como Ama una Mujer
  • 2007 – Brave
  • 2011 – Love?
  • 2014 – A.K.A.


  • 1986 – “My little girl”
  • 1995 – “My Family”
  • 1997 – “Selena”
  • 2000 – “Cage”
  • 2002 – “Madame Maid”
  • 2004 – “Let's Dance”
  • 2005 – “If the mother-in-law is a monster”
  • 2013 – “Parker”
  • 2016-2018 – “Shades of Blue”
  • 2019 – “Start over”

Since the birth of her children, Jennifer Lopez's life has been divided into “before” and “after.” She had long dreamed of experiencing the feeling of motherhood, but was worried that this would never happen. The singer was worried about her age. Jennifer always bathed in male attention, but things didn’t go further than beautiful novels and short-term marriages. Admiration, courtship, surprises, gifts did not compensate for the absence of the baby.

For the first time, JLo walked down the aisle with Ohani Noah. There was no talk of having children together. The marriage lasted about a year.

After a high-profile divorce, the ex-husband planned to publish a book about life with a pop star. Jennifer Lopez was furious and sued Ohani. He was not allowed to disclose confidential information.

Jennifer did not lose hope of finding a devoted chosen one, creating strong family and have children. This led her to a relationship with Sean Combs. The romance was passionate, but after 3 years the union broke up.

After some time, she married the popular dancer Chris Judd. The stars did not align in temperament. The marriage was dissolved.

Jennifer did not have to suffer from loneliness for long. It was brightened up by actor Ben Affleck. The couple even starred in joint projects. Many predicted a long life for the artists, but the singer canceled the wedding the day before the union was registered.

The singer's close friend Mark Anthony became the new chosen one. J.Lo realized that she had found a man who would become a worthy father to her future children.

The couple was tormented by worries that they would not be able to have children, but Jennifer soon became pregnant. At 38, she became the mother of Emma Maribel and Maximilian David.

A few years later, Lopez and Anthony divorced. Dad still communicates with the twins. Jennifer doesn't stop this.

Emma Maribel and Maximilian David

Children changed the pop star's life in an instant. For the first time, Jennifer Lopez allowed herself to spend less time working. She became a homebody, trying to completely immerse herself in the process of raising twins. The nanny took on the function of an assistant only if the new mother was very tired.

Emma and Max were active from the first months of their lives. The kids started talking and walking early. They were restless. This characteristic is characteristic of them even now. Lopez's children spend a lot of time outdoors, running and playing. It’s hard to call these guys spoiled. They, like all children, allow themselves to be capricious, but this happens extremely rarely.

Mom for Emma and Max is not just the most dear person, best friend, but also a real idol. The twins realize that they are the children of a public figure. Both know all Jennifer Lopez's songs by heart and have repeatedly watched films with their mother. Proud of their parents' achievements, the brother and sister do not become arrogant. Mom doesn't tell me to do this. She often talks with children on this topic.

Emma and Maximilian's style

Lopez's children are far from glamorous. Mom prefers to dress them in comfortable clothes, giving preference to outfits made from natural fabrics. Most often, Emma and Max wear bright T-shirts, shorts or jeans, and comfortable sneakers.

The girl often chooses clothes of all shades of pink. She also dresses her many dolls.

The boy is a fan of blue color and all its interpretations. Sometimes brother and sister dress in the same style. Their wardrobe contains the same clothes and similar prints.

If this is a formal occasion, then Emma and Max dress up in a classic style. Their images are thought out not by stylists, but by their mother.


The Lopez family devotes a lot of time to education. In addition to studying at school and in creative groups, celebrity children study with teachers personally. Particular emphasis is placed on studying foreign languages. The boys' progress is good. In their class, Emma and Maximilian are among the best students.

JLo does not allow children to spend money thoughtlessly. It is often explained to twins that banknotes are not drawn, they are earned through hard work. Perhaps this is why Emma and Max have never been seen throwing tantrums in stores, demanding to buy this or that toy.

The grandmother plays a large role in matters of upbringing. Jennifer's mother, when the situation requires it, is strict with the twins. She strives to do everything possible so that Emma and Maximilian grow up as worthy people as their parents are.

Emma and Max's relationship with Alex Rodriguez

Jennifer Lopez's current boyfriend is baseball player Alex Rodriguez. He is 6 years younger than the performer, but this does not affect the couple’s relationship in any way.

Alex has two children from a previous marriage. He also gets along well with Emma and Max. They often spend time together, go on trips together, and go to Disneyland.

Rodriguez gets kids involved in sports. He sees great potential in them and intends to develop the twins’ abilities.

Recently, rumors have increasingly appeared in the press that Jennifer Lopez is planning a new pregnancy. If the information is confirmed, Emma and Maximilian will soon have a brother or sister. The guys are really looking forward to this and have already repeatedly admitted to journalists that they would like to take care of the kids.

Often, the children of celebrities become a topic of discussion among journalists and the tabloid press. Paparazzi are willing to give millions to take at least a couple of pictures, and editors of popular magazines are incredibly generous even for a couple of lines. However, not all stars show off their children. One of these is the famous American singer and actress, who was able to hide her twins for almost six years.

In 2008, a seemingly happy star couple Jennifer Lo and Marc Anthony gave birth to long-awaited opposite-sex twins Max and Emma. At that time, many labeled the singer as childless. Some continued to wonder if Jennifer Lopez has children. After all, the stunning star was able to give birth to children only at thirty-seven years old. In addition, Lopez established herself as sexy and passionate, which made it difficult to believe in the star’s long-term relationships with men in general, and there was no talk of marriage and family.

Unfortunately, the family of Jennifer Lopez and Marc Anthony lasted only six years, after which the couple announced their divorce. However, the singer did not deprive the father of her children of the right to see the twins.

Jennifer Lopez with children

Jennifer Lopez's children were very difficult for the star. Carrying and giving birth to twins is already a heroic act. And you also need to educate and grow. In addition, Max and Emma literally from birth declared themselves as true tomboys and fidgets. However, as J.Lo herself says, all the tears and nerves she spent in the first years after giving birth paid off with the unlimited amount of love and affection she received from her beloved children. Jennifer Lopez spends a lot of time with her children, despite her heavy filming workload.

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Often the twins accompany their mother on tour, although this information is often hidden from the paparazzi.

American singer and actress Jennifer Lopez is known in many other professional fields. In addition to a dizzying career in the world of show business, she is also a successful businesswoman. Jay has established her own clothing production and has also established herself well in the perfume business.

In addition to all this, Lopez is engaged in social activities: he supports universal vaccination and acts as a human rights activist.

Jennifer has been repeatedly named one of the richest and most influential women and has been awarded many prizes and awards as an actress and singer.

Height, weight, age. How old is Jennifer Lopez

The popular pop diva has become a style icon for many girls. They began to copy her clothing style and behavior. Most also found out her height, weight, and age. How old is Jennifer Lopez is also a pressing question.

Since Jay was born in 1969, she was forty-eight years old. For her age, she has excellent physical characteristics: height 168 centimeters and weight 56 ​​kilograms.

The actress tries to monitor her diet and exercises, visiting a cosmetologist.

Biography and personal life of Jennifer Lopez

The biography and personal life of Jennifer Lopez before her move took place on the outskirts of a poor area in New York. With her two sisters, she went to regular school. Additionally, I went in for sports.

While in my last year, I starred in a film. After that, she decided that she would become a famous actress.

In the early nineties, Jay began his ascent in the world of cinema. By the end of the nineties, Lopez had a very successful start as a singer. In total, she released five studio albums and recorded a huge number of videos.

Throughout her time, Jennifer has sold more than 75 million records. She constantly toured all over the world and gathered full houses of fans of her work.

Filmography: films starring Jennifer Lopez

Filmography: films starring Jennifer Lopez began to appear on screens like mushrooms after rain. The first roles were in “My Family” and “Money Train”. They were followed by a leading role in the film Silena, which brought Lopez her first award.

The comedy “The Wedding Planner” received many warm reviews, but the melodrama “Madame Maid” received less than flattering reviews from film critics, as did the film “If the Mother-in-Law is a Monster.”

The series “Shades of Blue” began filming in 2015. It received the approval of the audience, so the directors decided to make a sequel.

Family and children of Jennifer Lopez

Jennifer Lopez's family and children are constantly under the radar of vigilant paparazzi. They lie in wait for Jay in the most incredible places in order to find out who has become the singer's next boyfriend.

Jennifer already has several official and civil marriages behind her, and she is the mother of twins. The pop diva was never left for long without a loved one; someone was always with her.

On this moment Jennifer is officially single. However, last year the media started talking about her new romance with baseball player Alex Rodriguez. They had already managed to relax in Miami, where they did not part for a minute. However, Lopez is in no hurry to introduce her family to him, so as not to once again traumatize her children, who were very worried after her breakup with her previous boyfriend.

Jennifer Lopez's son Max

Jay was married many times, but became a mother for the first time only when she was thirty-eight years old. Jennifer Lopez's son, Max, was born a few minutes later than his twin sister Emma. The star hid her pregnancy until the very end, not wanting to share her joy with others. When the belly became noticeable, Jay simply confirmed the fact of pregnancy, which everyone had already seen.

Maximilian is the actress’s beloved man, for whom she is ready to leave any lover. The child reciprocates his mother’s feelings and is very worried if she wears too revealing outfits.

Jennifer Lopez's daughter Emma

As mentioned above, Jennifer Lopez's daughter Emma is a twin sister. The girl gets along with her brother Max and plays not only with dolls, but also with boyish games. The singer’s relatives note the amazing similarity between mother and daughter. If you look at Jennifer's childhood photos, you might mistakenly think that they show her daughter Emma.

Brother and sister were born in 2008, in one of the clinics in New York. It is unknown whether the children's father, Mark Anthony, was present at the birth. Nevertheless, he immediately told reporters that he was happy about the birth of two children at once.

After the couple's divorce, Mark continues to communicate with the children.

Jennifer Lopez's ex-husband - Ojani Noah

The singer decided to tie the knot for the first time, having met on her life path Ojani Noya. At the time we met, the guy was working as a waiter. Ojani and Jay registered their marriage a couple of months after they met.

The singer did everything to make her husband feel comfortable next to her: after the wedding, she appointed him as the manager of one of her establishments in order to quickly advance him up the career ladder. However, after six months, Ojani was fired without explanation.

And six months later it became known that their union had broken up. Jennifer Lopez's ex-husband Ojani Noah did not accept this and filed a lawsuit against the singer in the amount of five million dollars. He wanted that amount for a book about their life. This conflict could not be resolved amicably. Therefore, the actress’s lawyers argued in court that Noah’s actions were illegal. The marriage contract that the spouses entered into stipulated a ban on any publications or notes about the actress’s life outside the set. Lopez won the case by paying ex-lover only a small compensation.

Jennifer Lopez's ex-husband Sean Combs

The next contender for the role of husband was Sean Combs. They met while recording a video. Combs, a famous producer and rapper, immediately appreciated Jay’s beauty and talent and began to woo her. From the first days we met, Sean did things to the girl expensive gifts, which flattered her very much. They even planned a wedding day, but shortly before that everything was canceled.

The fact is that Jennifer Lopez's ex-husband Sean Combs became one of the participants in the shooting. It happened in a nightclub where the rapper was with Lopez. After his arrest, he was accused of illegally carrying weapons and stealing someone else's property. The singer’s innocence was proven, but this incident greatly damaged the singer’s reputation. It never came to the wedding.

Jennifer Lopez's ex-husband - Cris Judd

The singer did not grieve for long after her separation from Sean and began a romantic relationship with another millionaire rapper, Puff Daddy. He also did beautiful gifts to his girlfriend, buying her diamonds and fur coats. Their relationship lasted two years. The lovers broke up after Jennifer found out about Puff's infidelity with a stripper.

The second official husband of the singer was Chris Judd, a famous dancer and choreographer. A little less than two hundred guests were present at the wedding ceremony. These were mostly relatives and close friends of the newlyweds. However, this marriage lasted only eight months. As a result of the divorce, Jennifer Lopez's ex-husband, Cris Judd, will receive about fifteen million dollars from the singer. What caused the divorce this time - neither spouse comments.

Jennifer Lopez's ex-husband Marc Anthony

Almost immediately after the divorce, the singer began to build a relationship with Ben Affleck, an actor, screenwriter and director. In 2002, the lovers announced their engagement and set a wedding day. Fans called them the most beautiful couple in Hollywood and could not get enough of their relationship. However, just a couple of days before the celebration, the couple broke off their relationship.

In 2004, Lopez married again. This time her chosen one was Mark Anthony, a singer and composer. Their union turned out to be the longest - about seven years. During this time, two children were born.

But their relationship also came to an end. Jennifer Lopez's ex-husband Marc Anthony and the singer spoke about their intention to divorce in 2011, but officially filed the divorce only three years later.

Jennifer Lopez's ex-husband - Casper Smart

The most intriguing and unpredictable relationship was between the singer and Casper Smart, a young dancer. Jay started dating him back in 2011. Her friends did not believe in the sincerity of the guy’s feelings, due to the large age difference (he is 18 years younger than the actress). However, Lopez did not pay attention to the gossip, was preparing for the wedding, was happy and wanted to become a mother again. Three years later they civil marriage, Jennifer broke up with Casper, accusing him of cheating.

But after a while they began to be seen together again. Jennifer Lopez's ex-husband Casper Smart complained in one of his interviews about his companion: that she pays little attention to him. Jay, in turn, was unhappy with his indecisiveness. As a result, this union also fell apart.

Photo of Jennifer Lopez in Playboy magazine

The singer is forty-eight years old, but she still boasts a beautiful figure in front of the camera. During her performances, she had to try on revealing outfits more than once. However, Jay knows her worth and such images do not bother her at all.

Jennifer Lopez trusted two famous photographers to photograph herself with virtually no underwear: Mert Alas and Marcus Piggott. These guys coped with the task one hundred percent. The pictures give the impression that the singer is posing completely naked.

Jennifer loves to take part in various projects and feels free when the camera is on, but it’s hard to find photos without a swimsuit on the spreads of printed publications.

She agrees to many invitations, but the photo of Jennifer Lopez in Playboy magazine, no matter how strange it may seem, is not. Fans are sure that she has repeatedly received offers from the popular men's publication. But why the singer refused remains a mystery.

JLo, like other show business stars, sometimes shock the public with their extraordinary actions. Thus, fans learned that Jennifer Lopez’s butt (a photo of which is publicly available) was insured for a tidy sum.

Instagram and Wikipedia Jennifer Lopez

The singer and actress is always in the sight of fans. To find out as much information as possible about their idol, they subscribe to her page on Instagram and Wikipedia Jennifer Lopez.

In addition, you can follow J.Lo’s life on Twitter, where she also has her own account. The actress shares photos and videos of new clips with her multi-million subscribers.

Jennifer Lopez is a super popular American singer, actress and businesswoman. For a long time her many fans closely followed her whirlwind romances, similar to the Brazilian series. But the sexy Puerto Rican woman was destined to experience the happiness of motherhood only at the age of 38. Jennifer Lopez's children are twins Max and Emma (Maximillian David and Emma Maribel).

Children of Jennifer Lopez - photo

The father of Jennifer Lopez's children is musician Marc Anthony. She married him in 2004.

Their family existed until 2014, and back in 2011, Jennifer Lopez announced that she was breaking up with her husband due to insurmountable differences.

Lopez later admitted that she could not get pregnant for a very long time and was already thinking that perhaps she was not destined to become a mother. Jennifer Lopez perceives her children as a blessing from above and the greatest happiness that has befallen her. The actress claims that the birth of twins completely changed her life and outlook.

Jennifer Lopez rarely appears in public with her children. She is one of those stars who do not show off their precious children. She managed to hide them from the ubiquitous journalists for almost 6 years! Judging by the photographs that hit the press, Jennifer Lopez's children are very similar to their beautiful mother.

Lopez admitted that as children, Max and Emma grew up to be real tomboys and fidgets, causing her a lot of trouble. But the warmth and love they gave in return, of course, cannot be compared with anything else.

Recently, Jennifer Lopez and her children visited The Ellen DeGeneres Show. The twins are already 9 years old and star mom slowly began to bring them to the general public. On this program, Max demonstrated his restlessness and disobedience. Jennifer Lopez's son couldn't sit still and hid behind the sofa in the studio, while his sister sat calmly on her mother's lap.

The actress dreamed of having a child for too long and is very responsible about raising children. Jennifer Lopez wants them to grow up to be smart and smart about money. She often tells them about her childhood, in which there were not only no excesses, but often even the most necessary things. For example, Jennifer had to sleep with her sister in the same bed until she was 16; little Lopez never had her own room. Lopez tells children that they need to appreciate what they have and be grateful.

The personal life of the actress now

Now in the personal life of the famous actress Jennifer Lopez for several years now, there has been one man - baseball player Alex Rodriguez. They met in a restaurant. This is a famous womanizer who has broken the hearts of many beauties.

But they seem to be in a serious relationship; Jennifer has already introduced him to her mother and the twins. Her chosen one also has two children from a previous marriage.

JLo's fans have already noticed her in loose clothes and have drawn conclusions about the film star's possible pregnancy. In addition, she admitted more than once that she would be happy to have another child.

Jennifer Lopez is also successful in business. Her brand of perfume and clothing has become world famous. Her Cuban restaurant in Pasadena is no less popular. The actress’s mother and grandmother helped her create the menu.

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