How brandy is made. How brandy is made: composition, types and preparation rules. Ginger brandy. Original men's recipe

Brandy is a whole group of strong alcoholic drinks, which are united by a common production technology. One of the main stages in the process of their preparation is distillation - distillation (single or double) of wine, fermented fruit juice or pulp. Depending on the starting raw materials, fermentation time, distillation characteristics, and infusion time of the finished product, various drinks are ultimately obtained: Calvados, rakia, grappa, chacha, Armagnac, plum brandy, framboise and others.

Brandy is always a distillation product, and the finished drink has a high strength - from 55% to 75% vol. The name, which unites such different drinks, appeared around the beginning of the 16th century, when Dutch merchants were forced to look for reliable way delivery of wine in barrels. Transporting ordinary wine during multi-day sea voyages resulted in large losses, and then it was decided to subject the wine to distillation, and only then transport it. “Distilled” or “burnt” wine (“brandewijn” in Dutch) gave its name to the whole group of similar drinks.

Brandy is made from a variety of raw materials. To obtain sherry brandy, cognac and armagnac, only fermented grape juice is distilled, after which the distilled product is aged.

The brandy recipe for chacha, raki, and grappa includes the distillation of marc - pulp, seeds, and grape seeds. If you need to get other types, take certain berries and fruits: for Calvados - apples, for plum brandy - plums, for framboise - raspberries.

There are famous brands: Metaxa, Bouton Vecchia Romagna, Ferreira, Osborne Magno and others, and each country has its own special brandy recipe. But if you wish, you can always prepare a strong drink at home, the main thing is to know the features of the technology and have the necessary raw materials. And we will help you with recipes!

Cognac recipe

Real cognac, which is made from certain grape varieties, is very difficult to prepare at home. Two-stage distillation of white wine, then long aging in oak barrels (mandatory element technological process), where the “aging” of cognac alcohol occurs, blending - it is not easy to do all this at home. Therefore, we invite you to make homemade cognac, the recipe of which anyone can do.


  • Bay leaf- 5 items
  • black peppercorns - 5 pieces
  • sugar - 3 tbsp. spoons
  • vanillin - a third of a teaspoon
  • dried lemon balm - 1 tbsp. spoon
  • hot red pepper - chop half a pod
  • Black tea ( premium) - 1 tbsp. spoon

Mix all the ingredients, fill with vodka (3 liters) and place in a dark place for 10 days. We filter the tincture twice, then pour it into bottles and seal tightly.

Armenian cognac

This strong alcoholic drink is produced only from grape varieties grown in Armenia. Winemaking in this country has a long history, and Armenian cognac is famous all over the world. During the production process, grapes with a special chocolate-vanilla flavor are used, which gives the drink an incomparable aroma.

It is not possible to make such cognac at home, but it is quite possible to make a homemade cognac drink.


  • 3 liters of moonshine
  • 10 black peppercorns
  • bay leaf (1 pc.)
  • peel of one orange
  • vanillin (one third of a teaspoon)
  • cinnamon (1 tbsp.)
  • dry black tea (1 tbsp)

Mix all components and place in a dark place for about 5-7 days. Then we filter the contents several times and bottle them.

Grappa recipe

Grappa (Italian vodka) is a drink belonging to the brandy group, which was first made many centuries ago by Italian winegrowers. It is prepared not from grape wine, but from extracts - pulp, seeds, peel.


  • 10 liters of grape marc
  • 5 kg granulated sugar
  • wine yeast - 100 g
  • 30 liters of boiled and cooled water

Place the grape marc in a container (wooden or glass), add sugar and yeast and water, mix and set to ferment for 5-7 days. During this entire period, stir the drink once or twice a day. Then we put the mash in a dark place for another two weeks. Next, we filter the contents and distill the mash using special devices.

After distillation, you can let the drink sit in a barrel (it’s good to use wooden containers made of oak or cherry) and then bottle it. The aging time of grappa is determined according to the principle “the longer, the better.”

Rakia recipe

Rakia is a national drink in Bulgaria and Montenegro, comparable in strength to traditional vodka, and tastes like brandy. To prepare rakia, a variety of fruits and berries are used: grapes, apples, plums, figs, pears, apricots, mulberries and others.

To prepare rakia you will need special apparatus, because, like all brandy drinks, during the preparation process you need to distill the mash. Feature - rakia should contain a minimum of sugar, normally it ranges from 18 to 25%.

First, we set the fruit juices for fermentation for several days at a temperature of at least +12ºС. Then we distill the mass twice, obtaining a drink with a strength of at least 40-50 degrees.

Properly made rakia is a very strong drink, and therefore it is recommended to drink it in small quantities and eat it well.

Calvados recipe

The birthplace of this type of drink is Normandy, where apple vodka or apple brandy was first made in the 16th century. The peculiarity of Calvados is that apple cider is used for preparation, which is initially distilled and then aged for at least two years in oak or chestnut barrels.

But Calvados, the recipe for which we offer you, is quite possible to prepare at home.


  • 1 kg of sweet apples, 1 kg of sour apples
  • 1 liter of vodka
  • 100 g sugar
  • 1 glass of water
  • 0.5 cups vanillin

Cut the apples into cubes, after removing the seeds. We put it in a three-liter jar, sprinkle each layer with vanilla, fill it with vodka and set it to ferment in a warm and dark place for 14 days. Stir the mixture occasionally. Next, strain the infusion, pour it into a saucepan and cook over low heat, stirring. Then prepare the sugar syrup and pour the finished syrup into the infusion, continuing to cook it for about another 15 minutes. Then we cool the drink and pour it into bottles.

Chacha from tangerines

Chacha is a strong alcoholic drink belonging to the brandy group, which has been prepared by peoples since ancient times North Caucasus. Chacha is often called Georgian vodka. Both grapes and other fruits are used for its preparation.

For tangerine chacha you will need:

  • tangerine squeezes (approximately 10 kg)
  • 5 liters of water (necessarily boiled)
  • 3-4 kg of sugar.

Mix all the ingredients in a container, cover with a lid and place in a warm place to ferment. After 5-7 days, we remove the pulp, pour the mass into a special apparatus and distill it. To obtain a higher quality drink, it is recommended to do double distillation.

Then we bottle the chacha and infuse it for 30-40 days.

Chacha from grapes

In the North Caucasus, chacha is prepared from various berries and fruits, but the most excellent and aromatic is made from the Rkatsiteli grape variety. Recipes for chacha made from grapes are passed down from generation to generation, while different nations The Caucasus has its own special secrets for preparing this strong alcoholic drink.

For grape chacha you will need:

  • 10 liters of grape pomace (pulp, seeds)
  • 30 liters of water
  • 100 g yeast
  • 5 kg sugar

Mix the juices in a container, add sugar, water, yeast, close loosely and place in a dark place to ferment. The period is approximately one and a half to two weeks.

After fermentation, we distill the composition in a still, pour it into a container and leave for about another month. You can add walnut shell barriers to the drink.

Then we distill it again and bottle it. Chacha is ready!


This alcoholic drink comes from the Balkan Peninsula; it is no coincidence that Serbia received a European patent for the production of Serbian plum brandy in 2007. Slivovitz is a fruit brandy, and as the name suggests, it is made from plums.


  • 10-12 kg fresh plums
  • 8 liters of boiled chilled water

We sort the plums (do not wash them), separate them from the pits, and chop them. If the resulting mass tastes sour, add a little sugar, then mix again. Place the container with the pulp in a warm place for a day. If foam appears, stir and add water.

Next, place the container in a warm, dark place for fermentation for 2-4 weeks. The mass should “ferment” and “release” bubbles. At the end of the specified period, we distill the drink through a moonshine still.


Palinka is a Hungarian strong alcoholic drink, also classified as brandy. It first appeared around the 14th century.

Prepared from a wide variety of fruits and berries - apricots, apples, plums, pears, grapes, they can also be used to obtain a specific taste and aroma various additives, for example, honey.

The technology is similar to making regular moonshine.


  • fruit seeds are crushed separately from the pulp and then added to the wort;
  • mandatory double distillation is carried out;
  • After distillation, the palinka must be left for at least three months.

Poire Williams (pear brandy)

Poire Williams is a special type of brandy made from Williams pears. Often on the shelves of branded stores you can see bottles of Poire Williams with a whole pear inside, for which winemakers have to work hard. At home, you can make brandy from any type of pear, the main thing is to take ripe fruits.


Mix all ingredients and place in a warm place to ferment. After 5-7 days, we pour the mass into a special apparatus and distill it. As in previous recipes, it is better to do double distillation.

Then we bottle the brandy and let it sit for 30-40 days.

Cherry brandy

Sherry Brandy is a cherry brandy, which in no case should be confused with Brandy de Jerez - sherry brandy, which is also often called Sherry Brandy.

Cherry brandy is essentially a fruit liqueur, based on grape brandy with cherries added to it.

At home, you can make cherry brandy by using cherry wort for distillation. Cooking technology - traditional, using moonshine still.

Sherry brandy

One of the most famous alcoholic drinks in the world is Spanish sherry brandy, the recipe of which is kept in the strictest confidence by manufacturers. It will not be possible to prepare such a drink at home, since it requires certain varieties of grapes growing in Andalusia. In addition, to obtain a drink with a specific taste and aroma, oak barrels are used in which sherry was previously stored, as well as a rather complex solera-criadera technology.

Another much more convenient option is to purchase real sherry brandy and make several cocktails with it.


You will need cold cocoa (2 parts), one part sherry brandy. Mix the ingredients, add a few ice cubes and serve immediately.

Cocktail “Good morning!”

  • anise tincture (1 part)
  • sherry brandy (3 parts)
  • lemon juice
  • half a liter of orange juice

Mix the ingredients, pour into a carafe, add a large number of ice cubes and serve the drink in short glasses.

As you can see, despite the fact that manufacturing companies offer us a huge number of different types of brandy, if you wish, you can always prepare a strong alcoholic drink at home. And we really hope that the recipes given will help you master the basics of distilling.

Common people often confuse brandy with cognac, since these drinks have similar characteristics to each other. But this is an incorrect opinion, since the group of brandy includes all alcohol with a strength of 40-60 degrees, obtained from mash based on fruit juices - pear, apple, grape, etc. Brandy can be obtained independently, knowing the basics of moonshine, but recipes for preparing such alcohol can hardly be called fast and simple. The preparation of any alcohol begins with studying the basics of the technology for their production.

The raw materials for producing brandy can be fermented grape juice, fruit cake and any other fruits - apples, pears and others. Brandy strength varies from 40 to 80%. To obtain brandy, they usually take any homemade wine. Even something that is not suitable for drinking - fermented, too young - will do. Brandy can only be prepared using a moonshine still. Fruit and berry raw materials are subjected to double distillation with intermediate purification using coal, egg white or potassium permanganate.

The first time grape or any fruit wine is distilled without separation into fractions. The second time, the raw materials are divided into fractions, cutting off harmful impurities. After distillation, the fruit distillate is infused with oak chips or in oak barrels. The first option is much easier and cheaper to put into practice.

There is an opinion that any moonshine made from fruit or juice mash can be classified as brandy. You can prepare brandy at home according to proven recipes using fruit, grape cake and wine.


Traditional recipe

The recipe for brandy from grape waste includes the use of the following components:

  • 5 kilograms of cake;
  • 15 liters of water;
  • 2.5 kilograms of sugar;
  • 50 grams of dry baker's yeast.

When choosing a container for fermentation, you need to take into account that at least a third of its volume will be foam, which will form as a result of fermentation of the wort. All ingredients for the recipe, except water, are placed in a bowl so that the top layer is represented by sugar and yeast. The water is heated to 35 degrees before adding. The brandy mash ferments for 2 weeks.

The fruit mash is easily separated from the sediment, so it is enough to strain it twice through a gauze filter. After double distillation, the brandy is poured into a glass container, the bottom of which is lined with oak chips. In this state, the drink is infused for six months or longer. The longer the brandy is aged, the higher the quality of its drink.


Apple brandy is called Calvados or cider, and this drink can be made at home with a little effort. To obtain Calvados take:

  • liter of double purification moonshine;
  • 2 kilograms of apples;
  • a glass of sugar;
  • glass of water;
  • 10 grams of vanilla sugar.

Remove the seeds from the apple pulp and cut it into cubes. Then the fruit is mixed with vanilla sugar, after which it is poured with moonshine. The resulting preparation is infused for 2 weeks in a dark place. After half a month, the future Calvados is filtered from the apples and the preparation of sugar syrup begins. Only chilled syrup is added to apple moonshine. The drink is infused for 2 days before drinking.

From peaches

Peach brandy has an excellent aroma and taste. This alcohol is obtained from 5 kilograms of fruit, to which you also need to add a glass of raspberries, a kilogram of sugar, 15 grams of yeast and 4 liters of water. The fruits, crushed into puree, are mixed with prepared and cooled sugar syrup. You need to infuse this preparation for 2 days in a warm place. After this time, the wort is stirred and a starter of sugar and raspberries is added to it. The mash made from berries and fruits ferments for 2 days, after which it is filtered and distilled 2 times.

Fruit brandy does not need to be infused with oak chips.

Definition of brandy and recipes for its preparation from moonshine. Brandy cocktails.

There are a huge number of drinks made from grapes. Nowadays, wine, cognac, and brandy are considered the most popular. In this article we will tell you what brandy is and how it is made.

Brandy is a product obtained by distilling wine material. Initially, this drink was obtained after the usual distillation of wine. Traders did this in order to reduce transportation costs and make the drink more concentrated. At the very beginning, it was planned to dilute brandy with water to obtain the strength of wine. But after tasting the drink, it was found that when stored in an oak barrel, it acquires a pleasant taste and unique aroma. Accordingly, after such an experiment, a new drink appeared.

Brandy is made from grapes. There are also recipes using fruits. This drink is also obtained by fermentation and distillation. This is not a specific drink, but the general name of a whole series and preparation technology.

Types of brandy:

  • Fruity
  • From the extracts
  • Vinogradnoye

Brandy strength: how many degrees?

The strength of this drink varies widely from 36 to 80 degrees. It all depends on the starting material and the quality of distillation. Brandy cannot be less than 36 degrees.

The stars indicate the aging period. Any brandy must be aged in barrels for at least 2 years. Three stars indicates aging for 2-3 years. If it’s five stars, then it’s aged for 5 years. Abroad, you cannot label a drink aged less than 2 years as brandy. Of course, in order to store supplies in the cellar and maintain the desired temperature, investments are necessary. Accordingly, the cost of such a drink will be higher.

They drink the drink from low semicircular glasses. The capacity of this glass is 165 ml. Before drinking, the glass is taken in the hand between the middle and ring fingers and clamped. Warm the drink with your palm for a few minutes. The glass is usually filled one third full. Sometimes the drink is heated with candles. This enhances the aroma.

The ideal serving temperature is 22-25 degrees. It is at this temperature that the aroma and taste appear. Some experts recommend cooling to 16 degrees. Ideally, brandy is not eaten with anything. But now few people drink strong alcoholic drinks like this, so you can add ice to the brandy or snack on chocolate or lemon. If you are at a tasting or dinner, brandy can be served in small glasses that only hold one sip.

There are many homemade options for making brandy. Of course, this drink is significantly different from the original.

Quick recipe

The drink is prepared instantly, no need to wait.


  • 3 liters of moonshine
  • 10 g dry black tea
  • A pinch of baking soda
  • 5 cloves
  • 10 g vanilla sugar
  • 5 bay leaves
  • 10 allspice peas
  • You need a jar of moonshine and an enamel pan
  • The strength of the initial drink must be at least 50 degrees
  • Pour the moonshine into the pan and heat it up to 75 degrees.
  • Add all ingredients and cover again
  • Turn off the heat and leave until cool, strain


It takes longer to prepare and requires 5 days of aging.


  • A handful of dried orange peels
  • A handful of walnut partitions
  • 3 liters of moonshine
  • 12 g tea
  • A pinch of potassium permanganate
  • 15 g vanilla sugar
  • 10 cloves
  • Place all ingredients in a jar
  • Close the lid and shake
  • Place the container in a dark place for 5 days
  • Avoid drafts, strain

There are many recipes; they can be prepared both for a noisy company and for modest gatherings at home.



  • 25 ml champagne
  • 110 ml brandy (strength 37-40%)
  • Burnt sugar
  • 3 drops bitters
  • Take granulated sugar into a glass and drop the tincture on it
  • Enter champagne and cognac
  • Leave until sugar is completely dissolved


An unusual and thick cocktail with notes of peach.


  • 20 ml medium strength brandy
  • 25 ml peach liqueur
  • 20 g banana
  • 45 ml cream with 10% fat content
  • A little chocolate
  • Peel the banana and place it in the blender
  • Pour in cream and alcoholic beverages
  • Turn on the machine and turn everything into a homogeneous puree
  • Pour into a triangular glass and sprinkle with grated chocolate


Prepared according to the principle of a milkshake.


  • 240 g ice cream
  • 120 ml milk
  • 25 ml brandy
  • 1 banana
  • Peel the tropical fruit and throw it into the blender
  • Puree it and add ice cream
  • Beat until foamy, add milk and brandy
  • Whisk again

As you can see, brandy is a well-known drink, which we call cognac. It can be made from moonshine. Using ordinary brandy, you get delicious cocktails.

VIDEO: Brandy

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Homemade cognac on oak bark

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26 05 2015

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24 05 2015

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24 05 2015

Homemade cognac recipes are much simpler than the technologies used by the producers of this elite drink. Preparing the drink at home is much faster and does not require several years of waiting, and you can use cheaper products as raw materials. In this section, we tried to collect all the known methods of preparing cognac, which are suitable not only for professionals, but also for amateurs.

All cognac recipes at home have detailed descriptions And useful tips, which may be useful to you. In addition to describing the process, from the recipes you will learn how to properly store and drink this elite drink. The homemade drink is ideal for making cocktails and confectionery. It is believed that optimal temperature drinking cognac is at room temperature - about 20 degrees. In fact, there are recipes for cognac liqueurs that can and should be drunk cold, and some even add pieces of ice.

Not a single family celebration is complete without drinking drinks, and homemade alcohol always takes one of the main places on the table. Strong alcohol, which can be purchased in a store, does not always meet the desired requirements, so housewives often use various recipes to prepare their own special signature drink.

The recipe for making cognac usually includes strong alcohol - vodka, alcohol and even moonshine. The basis must be good quality, and you must be sure of its origin. The final result will depend on the quality of the ingredients. Thanks to large selection recipes, you can choose several options for preparing this wonderful drink and settle on the one that seems most suitable to you. The section is constantly updated and you will always have the opportunity to cook something new and surprise your friends.

Many connoisseurs of quality alcoholic beverages are seriously wondering how to make brandy on their own, and how complicated is the recipe for making this alcohol? In fact, despite the original foreign name, many craftsmen have made this drink at home more than once, without even realizing it. There are several ways to prepare this alcohol.

In the article:

Types of brandy

There are three main “homemade” varieties of the drink, each of which can be prepared independently. They differ in the raw materials on which the recipe for preparing each of them is based:

  • Grape based brandy. In this case, the fermented grape juice is distilled and then aged in oak barrels. In this way, young grape wine is distilled.
  • Grape pomace brandy. After squeezing the grape juice, the remaining pomace (pulp, seeds, stems) is used as a basis for fermentation.
  • Fruit brandy. This drink is made based on fruits and berries. The recipe can be based on any fruit.

Features of preparing a quality drink

Each type of alcoholic drink was originally invented by preparing it at home. Monks, farmers, and pharmacists were involved in the production of alcoholic beverages. In the Middle Ages, many European countries had their own unique recipes for preparing certain strong alcoholic drinks, and the technology for preparing some of them was similar to the technology for preparing brandy.

As such? The word “brandy” itself implies precisely the technology for preparing the drink, and means “burnt wine” in translation. In this case, the strength of the drink is 30-80% depending on the base of the raw materials. The most famous types of this drink are prepared by distilling and aging high-quality young wine.

Drinks made from grape pomace are of decent quality. The strength of such alcohol is quite high, at the level of 60-80%. Industrial production uses raw materials as efficiently as possible, so such drinks based on cake are not uncommon. They are produced in various countries.

Brandies, the recipe of which is based on fruit mash, are also known in many countries. Such drinks are prepared both at home independently and in industrial production. As a rule, sweet fruits are used for cooking. Most often they use plums, cherries, apricots, pears, and various berries. The strength of such drinks is about 30-60%.

Brandy preparation technology

In general, the brandy preparation technology consists of three main stages:

  1. Initially, it is necessary to prepare the raw materials, which subsequently need to be distilled using a distiller. Can be used . For brandy, both a good young wine and a failed grape-based product are suitable. Also a good raw material would be grape pomace, which is left over after making wine. You can use fruit-based mash.
  2. The distillation process itself. It can be done either once or several times. The number of distillation times is determined by the strength of the mash and the desired result.
  3. The final stage is aging the drink. It is believed that the longer the aging of this alcohol, the better its quality. At the same time, there are well-known varieties of brandy that do not undergo the aging procedure. In case there is no oak barrels For aging, you can use oak chips. However, thanks to the wood chips, the taste improves, while the alcohol strength decreases.

Brandy production process

In general, the process of selling brandy at home is not difficult. This drink is prepared in various countries and has a huge number of varieties.

How to make brandy at home

Since there are a huge number of varieties of this drink, the composition of brandy is also different. The drink may also vary in strength of the finished product. Below are several ways to prepare this drink.

Brandy based on cake mash

The ingredients for this recipe will be as follows:

  • 5 kg of cake;
  • 15 liters of water;
  • 2.5 kg of sugar;
  • 50 g dry yeast.

In general, the procedure for preparing mash for both brandy and other alcoholic beverages will be identical. The grape pomace must be placed in a large container so that there is space for the fermentation process. Next you need to add sugar and yeast.

Heat the water slightly (up to 30-35 C, no more) and pour it into a container with cake, sugar and yeast. Mix the resulting mass thoroughly and leave to ferment for about 14 days. The mash must be stirred every few days.

After fermentation, you can move on to the second stage - distillation. The resulting mash is well filtered. Next, it is recommended to distill it twice. Moreover, the first distillation must be carried out slowly (you should not distill more than 3 liters within an hour).

After the first distillation, it is necessary to add water to the resulting product (to the original volume) and distill again.

The final stage will be aging the drink. To do this, you need to pour it into prepared oak barrels or in a glass container, the bottom of which is lined with oak chips. The aging period for brandy is 6 months. Moreover, with an increase in the aging period of the drink, its quality will only improve.

How to make brandy using whole grapes

To get a drink of the highest quality, you can use not the cake, but the grapes themselves. In this case, the cooking process will differ from the above recipe only in the stage of making the mash. Distillation and aging of the drink will be identical to the previous recipe.

You will need the following ingredients:

  • half a bucket of grapes (total volume about 4 liters);
  • 2.5 kg of sugar;
  • 10 liters of water (if necessary).

In this case, yeast for the mash is not required. The grapes must be placed in a large pan and crushed. It is best to choose enamel cookware. Next, you need to add about half the sugar and mix everything.

To prepare high-quality wine, later used as a base for brandy, it is recommended to install a water seal and leave the mash to ferment for about 2 weeks. The gas will be released through the water seal within a few hours; if this does not happen, you can add about 5 liters of water.

At the end of fermentation, it is necessary to strain the resulting young wine, add another 5 liters of water and the remaining half of sugar. After this, you need to pour the wine into bottles or jars, filling the containers only 2/3, leaving room for fermentation. The duration of “fermentation” is about 20 more days. After this, you can proceed to the distillation procedure.

To aroma and improve the taste of the product, you can supplement the recipe with cinnamon, vanilla, cloves or caramel. In this case, you should add the desired components to the resulting wine base and let it brew for a few more days, then strain.

A simple brandy recipe without distillation

For this recipe you can use any sweet fruit or berries. These can be peaches, plums, pears, etc. The cooking process is as follows:

  • It is necessary to prepare a suitable container. This can be a 3-liter glass jar or other tightly closing container. It is advisable to sterilize this container.
  • The next step is to prepare the fruit. They must be washed and peeled; cutting the fruit too finely and removing seeds from them is not recommended.
  • Place a layer of sugar on the bottom of the container. Approximately 1.5-2 cm.
  • Place a layer of fruit and cover with sugar again. It should cover the fruit thoroughly.
  • Alternate sugar and fruit layers until approximately 5 cm remains to the edge of the container; the final layer should be sugar.
  • Close the container and leave to ferment for 5-6 months. It is necessary to choose a dark and cool place for fermentation of brandy.

The result is a fruit-based brandy that is sweet and not too strong.

Today there are a huge number of different options for making brandy. This drink is quite easy to prepare at home using natural and high-quality ingredients. This brandy can be enjoyed both in a cozy family atmosphere and treated to guests during a festive feast.

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