What is the name of the new wine? Advantages and disadvantages

Connoisseurs of wine culture are people with different tastes, which, in order to develop, require more experimentation. A new stage in such searches may be the search for not only a new recipe, but also a different technology. An interesting option that includes both of these requirements is young wine, whose originality is underestimated by many due to the lack of information about this drink. It's time to understand this issue, because new knowledge expands the range of actions.

What is what

Young or new wine is considered to be grape must that has not completely fermented.

His taste qualities They are distinguished by greater sweetness and, accordingly, lower alcohol content (up to 10°), since it is sugar that is transformed into degrees during fermentation, and the interrupted process leaves the strength of the drink at the desired level.

From the world by thread

Some countries even produce young wine specifically, giving the drink original names:

  • Germany – federweisser;
  • Austria - assault;
  • The Czech Republic is a burchak.

The most popular young wine is the French wine Beaujolais Nouveau, which received its name from the producing region of Burgundy. This dry drink with the color of ruby ​​and a delicate fruity aroma is even dedicated to a festival every year on one of the November days.

Special characteristics of Beaujolais Nouveau:

  • tart flavors of wild berries, raspberries, blackberries, currants;
  • ease of tasting;
  • degrees that quickly hit your head.

This wine gives you the feeling of walking through Paris at night: it clearly impresses and leaves unforgettable memories.

Burgundy technology

To prepare such wine, you need to follow some rules:

  1. Harvest the huge September grape harvest with your own hands, preserving the integrity of each berry.
  2. The entire mass of grapes (bunches) is crushed under its own weight in a huge vat, where it begins to ferment, indulging in additional pressing.
  3. By the end of September, the completely unfermented wine is considered the standard of Beaujolais Nouveau and is bottled, although it sits for about another month - until the start of November sales.

It is recommended to taste such a masterpiece chilled to 13 °C along with cheese or cold cuts. It is important to remember that young wine cannot be stored for a long time: maximum until March of the next season.

Advantages and disadvantages

Like any masterpiece, the new wine is a carrier of opposite meanings: science knows both the beneficial and harmful properties of the drink.

The benefits of young wine include the following effects:

  • cleansing blood vessels from cholesterol;
  • removal of toxins;
  • increased appetite;
  • prevention of colds.

The new wine will be harmful for allergy sufferers, as well as for people with liver diseases.


The repositories of winemaking art are still full of technologies that have not been discovered by many enthusiasts, so plunging headlong into various cultures, you can learn about even the most unexpected methods and techniques. The words that everything in the world has already been discovered and tried - clean water deception, because every forgotten recipe, adapted to the realities of our time, can be revived in new forms.

Young wine is brighter than others alcoholic drinks combines benefits and harms for the human body. Therefore, in the works of ancient sages there are often references to these and other qualities. ABOUT beneficial properties ah says the Apostle Paul, noting that to treat stomach and ailments you need to drink not only water, but also wine. The great and wisest Hippocrates, whose principles are unquestioningly recognized by all modern doctors, used wine to dissolve a number of drugs, and as a sedative, diuretic and antiseptic. Avicenna noted that, depending on the dose and other circumstances, young wine can be a medicine or poison for a person.

Harm of young wine:

Modern research is carried out in market conditions. The direction of the research most often determines the source of its funding. Applied science is financed by the manufacturers of the goods whose properties it studies. Producers of young wine are most interested in researching its beneficial properties, which will increase production volumes and the sales market. Harmful properties They are concerned about medicine, which is financed on a residual basis and cannot compete in funding scientific research with highly profitable wine-making structures. Therefore it is not surprising that modern science is widely represented by pseudoscientific statements about the benefits of young wine and rare scientific research its harm.

The benefits of young wine.

Modern researchers claim that young wine, especially dry red wine, when consumed regularly, flushes and dilates blood vessels, removes bad cholesterol, thus counteracting the occurrence of atherosclerosis. Tannins contained in young red wine remove toxins from the gastrointestinal tract. Young wine drunk with meals increases appetite, normalizes metabolism and acidity gastric juice. 1-2 glasses of young red wine per day saturate the body with the necessary amount of iron, which improves blood formation. Young wine relieves stress and insomnia, saturates the body with vitamins, amino acids and microelements. Including young wine in hot drinks, like sslgid.com for the site, reduces the risk colds. A large number of antioxidants in young wine reduces the risk of developing cancer.

At least some of these conclusions of modern researchers are questionable, for example, the possibility of regularly drinking 2 glasses of wine per day. It is necessary to take into account contraindications to drinking wine in the following cases:

In case of allergies, drinking young wine releases histamine, the accumulation of which leads to inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract, the appearance of dermatitis, urticaria, and migraines;
for liver diseases, and especially for hepatitis C, young wine is contraindicated even in minimal doses, because promotes the destruction of liver cells;
with a predisposition to alcoholism, wine therapy (enotherapy) is out of the question.

True wine connoisseurs prefer to drink young varieties in friendly company, but not too often. This drink serves to maintain vigor and improve well-being. The product, made exclusively from fresh grapes, can cleanse the blood and even rejuvenate the skin.

Unpleasant weather and gray clouds lift few people’s spirits; on such days you want to see a bright holiday and enjoy the cheerful atmosphere. The best way out The situation will involve a trip to one of the countries where they produce and also hold special celebrations in honor of this drink. Unfortunately, not every person has the opportunity to visit any country, so you can arrange a holiday on your own. To do this, you will need a bottle of young wine and pleasant company. But first you need to know more detailed information o and choose an option that suits your taste, which can bring extremely positive emotions and will be remembered for a long time.

Varieties of wines

Young red wine is made from grapes that have gone through a period of fermentation. There are not so many varieties of wines, although deciding on a specific option is often difficult. The drink is classified according to several main criteria: production method, quality, color, aging.

Among the variety of wines, the following groups can be distinguished:

  1. Natural.
  2. Special.
  3. Carbonated.
  4. Flavored.
  5. Young.
  6. Aged.
  7. No endurance.
  8. Vintage.
  9. Collectible.
  10. Sparkling.
  11. Champagnes.
  12. Original.

The benefits and harms of young wine

Dry red wines (young) are beneficial for the human body, which has been proven more than once by doctors. This drink will help with many diseases and improve the functioning of some organs. For example, it is useful:

  • for the heart - young wine dilates blood vessels and lowers cholesterol levels in the blood; with regular consumption, the blood vessels will cleanse and remove unnecessary cholesterol;
  • for the stomach - the drink rids the body of toxins, improves appetite and normalizes metabolism;
  • for blood - problems with hemoglobin will go away if you drink a couple of glasses a day during meals, which will also replenish your iron supply;
  • for nerves - a low-alcohol anti-stress remedy will relieve depression and improve sleep, but you should not regularly drown problems with alcohol;
  • for vitamin deficiency - young white wine is a source of microelements and B vitamins necessary for the body;
  • for colds - mulled wine perfectly relieves illness if consumed in a calm and warm environment.

Only natural wine can help with illnesses, but you shouldn’t immediately go out and buy an expensive bottle. First, you need to know the factors under which drinking wine for the purpose of treatment is prohibited. This list includes:

  • excessive desire to drink alcoholic beverages;
  • liver problems;
  • frequent allergic reactions.

Caring for young wine

One of the important events in many countries is the festival of young wine. But in order for the product to reach it, it is necessary to properly care for it, taking into account all the subtleties. After all, in fact, there are as many nuances of care as there are names of wines.

It is almost impossible to find an exact care guide, but here are some tips from professionals to help in this difficult matter:

  • as soon as the fermentation process is completed, you need to remove the product from contact with air, otherwise oxidation will occur and you won’t get a full-fledged wine;
  • During the clarification period, the drink is tasted and its further temperature norm(with high acidity, the ideal storage temperature is + 17 degrees, and with low acidity - 10 degrees less);
  • A good storage place is jars (3 liters), which are sealed in an airtight manner and a thin film is placed between the drink and the lid.

Where are the best drinks made?

The list of popular countries producing low-alcohol drinks includes:

  1. Georgia and Moldova. The products of these countries can satisfy absolutely any person. The assortment includes drinks for every taste.
  2. Hungary. Traditional wine not only has a pleasant aroma, but also an attractive color. Sweet types are the most profitable products that are preferred by foreign countries.
  3. France. Table and local wines have their own characteristics. Every person should try them to understand the taste of real wine.
  4. Germany. The best ones can be found on the shelves of the capital and in some other cities. The different flavors will surprise even the most experienced tasters.
  5. Italy. This country has the widest range. And to maintain high quality, the government has issued several laws regarding winemaking.
  6. New and Old World. Natural and climatic conditions contribute to good production and quite tasty results. According to the recommendations of world sommeliers, these wines are best consumed during the holidays.

How to read a label

When purchasing young wines, buyers rarely look at the label, so you can get a fake for a lot of money. To save your nerves and finances, you should learn to read the label correctly. It must contain the following information: state, product name and information about the enterprise, the exact date of the spill, sugar and alcohol content.

A manufacturer with a high level of production will not hide this data in any way, as he strives for recognition.

Aging and harvest year should be on separate labels. If they are not there, then the product can no longer be called original. The fact of absence means the use of a concentrate or the addition of chemical elements.

Celebrations for gourmets

True gourmets are of the opinion that to maintain a healthy appearance and good spirits, you need to drink new wine once a year. Surely everyone will be interested in the festival of young wine, which is held in countries where the most the best varieties. You can only try this drink and enjoy its fresh aroma at a special celebration once a year, so missing out on such an event is not a good idea.

French masterpiece

"Beaujolais Nouveau" is a popular fresh young wine. France has been presenting it to gourmets since the eighties of the last century. It was during this period that production began to flourish in the field of winemaking in France. There people grow a grape called Gamay, which doesn't last very long. Therefore, the producers decided that “perishable” wine should be drunk as quickly as possible.

In Nouveau, local residents create a festive atmosphere where visiting people can relax. From the very beginning, this day was invented solely for profit, but then it became an integral tradition. To this day, it is celebrated on the third Thursday of November, and exactly a week before on Posters telling about the event are hung all over the city.

Novello in Italy

Italian young wine is no less popular. What is its name and what is its history - arouses interest among many tasters. As you know, traditions date back to the depths of centuries. For example, “Novello” (Italian experienced its heyday and peak of popularity back in the 17th century, although the current holiday is not even 50 years old. In the old days, the holiday was celebrated on November 11, and in modern times local residents of Italy and tourists celebrate it on November 6.

Gala tastings regularly take place in areas such as Tuscany, Marche, Veneto, as well as on the islands of Sardinia and Sicily. Here you can enjoy not only the taste and aroma of wine, but also music and fun competitions.

Unlike the French version, this type made from various grape varieties. The only condition is that the wine must be red; everything else is done at the discretion of the producers. Therefore, in different regions you can find unique and inimitable tastes.

What makes Central and Eastern Europe happy

European countries began to engage in such activities only recently, although they deserve no less attention and respect. The main advantage is the fact that here you can try not only red wine, as is done in France and Italy, but also white.

Austrian drinks are marketed under the Junger Osterreicher brand. They are officially produced in Styria, people from all over the region come to the tasting and, according to tradition, they wear hunting hats decorated with a feather on their heads. The main holiday takes place in Vienna at the very beginning of November.

The second event is the Heuriger festival, which begins on November 11th. An ancient custom states that its owner is only allowed to sell wine made from the harvest of his own vineyard. The demand for this type is quite good, and therefore the price is appropriate.

Holidays in the Czech Republic show the real taste of young wine. These events take place in small settlements, where not only local residents and tourists come, but also all the nobility from other wine-producing countries. Songs, dances, festivities are an integral part of a cheerful holiday. In addition, visitors can try original snacks that further decorate the already delicious drink.

Spanish wine

Spanish wine "Nuevo" is in slightly less demand. It has a good taste, but due to local traditions it was not very popular. For a long time, it has been customary to keep a low-alcohol drink in special oak barrels for as long as it takes to evaporate the fruity aroma and freshness.

Since 1990, the product began to appear on the shelves of various stores, and then took pride of place at major holidays in Spain. Today, not a single major tasting takes place without Nuevo.

From grapes of special valuable varieties with sufficiently sweet (18-20 percent sugar) berries, the wine will be resistant to disease and ripen normally. If the grapes are unripe and sour, the wine turns out weak, sickly, and does not develop its aroma and taste. Therefore, it is popular among people to add sugar when using table grapes that are of little use for wine. And this is correct, but you just shouldn’t get carried away with large doses of sugaring: the wine becomes heavy in taste and loses its naturalness. Only from ripe, naturally sweet grapes of valuable wine varieties (Aligote, Riesling, Cabernet, Rkatsiteli, etc.) are amazingly bright, subtle and noble natural table wines obtained.

Caring for them is akin to art. How many young wines there are, so many care nuances. And it is impossible to give any standard advice and recipes for caring for young wine. Like flowers, like any living creature, wine always responds to the care and attention, to the love of the person making it.

A few common and most important advice for caring for young wine:

— after fermentation of the wort is complete, it is necessary to protect the young wine from oxidation. To do this, the containers are filled to full volume, the remainder is poured into small containers and tightly sealed so that the surface of the wine does not come into contact with air;

- these operations continue in winter, but less often than in autumn;

— in November, young wine, as a rule, has already become clearer and can be removed from the sediment by pouring from one container to another using a hose, without shaking the sediment. At the same time, it is useful for the wine to be well “ventilated” - it is poured with a spray of jets in a clean air space. Sometimes, if a young wine has “suffocated”, it is poured and aerated two or even three times. Air oxygen dosed during transfusion is beneficial for young, healthy wine, and getting rid of excess carbon dioxide is simply necessary;

— in December the open transfusion is repeated. In this case, each time the storage container must be “smoked” with sulfur dioxide, after burning sulfur paper wicks in it. This protects table wine from diseases and promotes good clarification.

Immediately after fermentation, and then during the clarification period, the young wine is constantly tasted and its condition is determined according to taste, and temperature regime storage If the wine has high acidity, then it is stored at a temperature of + 16-18 ° C so that malolactic acid decreases. In this case, strong malic acid is converted into soft lactic acid. With a decrease in acidity to good taste the wine is transferred to the coldest room (+2-6°C); after a week, they are poured and stored in normal basement conditions, that is, at a temperature of + 10-12 ° C.

For home winemaking I can recommend an unusual, but very real way of storing young wine, suggested to me 25 years ago by V. Adonyev, a resident of Sevastopol. The wine is poured into three-liter jars and sealed hermetically, placing a thin plastic film between the wine and the lid. Then they are buried in the empty garden (on the site) to a depth of 50-60 cm, marking the burial with stakes. With this storage, it is not only perfectly preserved, but also processed by cold in natural conditions. By spring, with warming and soil preparation, the wine is ready to drink. It is removed from the sediment and transferred to storage in a regular basement. This is, in my opinion, tried and true folk way.


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12 Responses to

    If the grapes are unripe and sour, the wine turns out weak, sickly, and does not develop its aroma and taste.

    Of course, caring for young wine is a very difficult matter, experience and patience are needed, it is necessary to constantly monitor the various processes of transition of wine from one state to another, this requires enormous experience, and if you have such, then young wine will turn out simply amazing wines!

    Yes, I completely agree with you that young wine is very harmful to health, but I also want to note that there are a lot of people who prefer young wine. Winemakers also claim that the taste of young wine is not pleasant to everyone; it’s just that the longer the wine sits, the more taste buds are added. Which in the future make the wine much tasty and of high quality. But young wine requires much more attention than old wine that sits on the shelf and reaches perfection.

    According to winemakers, caring for young wines is a job similar to art. As many varieties of young wines as there are, there are so many nuances of care.

    Yes, caring for young wine is an art! A long and tedious process! And it’s fun to drink - you don’t get drunk, but your legs won’t move!

    The grapes, of course, are better ripened and have gained sweetness, but there is a danger of losing the grapes; wasps eat them.

    My father and I are engaged in home winemaking. Wine is a real art. It is advisable to use glass containers. The must (wine material) must not be added to the container so that there is enough space for fermentation. Do not malt a lot so that the wine does not become “heavy”. Cover the vessel with a cloth and leave in a cool place for a day (to start fermentation). And after a day we close the bottle with a glove and poke a few holes. After a month, fermentation ends and it is necessary to drain it from the sediment. And then check to taste and add sugar. The transparency and sparkle of the wine indicates its readiness.

    All his life he grew grapes and made wine at his dacha. I drank young wine, 1-2 glasses at lunch; when I read about the properties of young wine, I was surprised, because some sources talk about its benefits, while others talk about its harm. The site correctly describes how to monitor young wine, I follow these rules, but I didn’t use sulfur dioxide. Tell me what are its pros and cons?

    You can get rid of excess acidity in wine by adding chalk. You just need to take the clean one, which is sold for children, because a child can eat it. Construction grade is not suitable; there will be a cement taste in the finished wine. Crush the chalk in a mortar and pour into the wort, only gradually. If the grapes are sour, the reaction will be violent. Do not add soda. Chalk does not spoil the taste of wine, but soda does. And when adding soda to sour wort, half will go to the floor.

    Making good wine is an art. You can’t count all the nuances: ripened grapes with a sugar content of at least 20% are required, the requirements for the material and sterility of the container are high, contact with air and the sun is undesirable for young wine. For wine stability, sugar is added: 100 grams per 10 liters. And you also need to put your soul into the business. You will get a wonderful sunny drink with unique healing properties. You just need to know when to use it in moderation.

    Caring for grapes requires a careful approach from winemaking workers and deserves high trust and gratitude from the people.

Preparation of moonshine and alcohol for personal use
absolutely legal!

After the collapse of the USSR, the new government stopped the fight against moonshine. Criminal liability and fines were abolished, and the article banning the production of alcohol-containing products at home was removed from the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. To this day, there is not a single law that prohibits you and me from engaging in our favorite hobby - preparing alcohol at home. This is evidenced by the Federal Law of July 8, 1999 No. 143-FZ “On Administrative Responsibility legal entities(organizations) and individual entrepreneurs for offenses in the field of production and circulation of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products" (Collected Legislation Russian Federation, 1999, N 28, art. 3476).

Extract from the Federal Law of the Russian Federation:

“The effect of this Federal Law does not apply to the activities of citizens (individuals) producing products containing ethyl alcohol for purposes other than sale.”

Moonshining in other countries:

In Kazakhstan in accordance with the Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan on Administrative Offenses dated January 30, 2001 N 155, the following liability is provided. Thus, according to Article 335 “Manufacture and sale of home-made alcoholic beverages”, illegal production of moonshine, chacha, mulberry vodka, mash and other alcoholic beverages for the purpose of sale, as well as the sale of these alcoholic beverages, entails a fine in the amount of thirty monthly calculation indices with confiscation of alcoholic beverages , apparatus, raw materials and equipment for their manufacture, as well as money and other valuables received from their sale. However, the law does not prohibit the preparation of alcohol for personal use.

In Ukraine and Belarus things are different. Articles No. 176 and No. 177 of the Code of Ukraine on Administrative Offenses provide for the imposition of fines in the amount of three to ten tax-free minimum wages for the production and storage of moonshine without the purpose of sale, for the storage of devices* for its production without the purpose of sale.

Article 12.43 repeats this information almost word for word. “Production or acquisition of strong alcoholic beverages (moonshine), semi-finished products for their production (mash), storage of apparatus for their production” in the Code of the Republic of Belarus on Administrative Offenses. Point No. 1 states: “Manufacturing individuals strong alcoholic drinks (moonshine), semi-finished products for their production (mash), as well as storage of devices* used for their production - entail a warning or a fine of up to five basic units with confiscation of these drinks, semi-finished products and devices.”

*Purchase moonshine stills for home use is still possible, since their second purpose is to distill water and obtain components for natural cosmetics and perfumes.

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