Steppe Harrier - description, habitat, interesting facts. Steppe Harrier (Circus macrourus)Eng. Pale, Pallid Harrier What does the steppe harrier eat?

Area. Steppe strip of southeastern Europe, in the west to Dobrudzha, Podolia and Belarus (Pripyat basin); in Asia to the east to Dzungaria, Altai, southwestern Transbaikalia; the northern border runs approximately to Moscow, Tula, Ryazan, Kazan, Kirov (nesting grounds have not been proven there), then near Ufa, then near Sverdlovsk, but is noted in the summer near Arkhangelsk, in Siberia near Tyumen, Omsk, Krasnoyarsk; south to the Crimea and the Caucasus, Iran (northwestern Iran, Khorassan, perhaps Kerman and Kugistan), in Turkestan. More or less random finds of the steppe harrier are also known from other areas: from Sweden, Germany, and here in the Baltic states; at least some of these finds are undoubtedly nesting ones. Recorded on migration in northwestern Mongolia. Winters in India (up to Ceylon) and Burma, Mesopotamia and Iran; in Africa, wherever there are no thick tropical forests, but mainly in sub-Saharan Africa. Flights to China. Single individuals winter in the southern zone of the USSR: in the Crimea (Senitsky), on northwestern Caucasus(Nasnmovich and Averin, 1938), in the lower reaches of the Volga (Vorobiev, 1938), in the Aral-Caspian steppes (Bostanzhoglo, 1911).

Habitat. The steppe harrier prefers open terrain that is drier than that where the meadow harrier is typically found. Dry steppes are especially characteristic, although the steppe harrier can also be found in river valleys, along the outskirts of steppe ravines, etc. During nesting time on the plain or low in the mountains: in the Caucasus up to 1725 m (Armenia), in Altai up to 1000 m, V Central Asia up to approximately 1350 m (Severtsov according to Menzbir, 1891). Outside the nesting period it rises even higher - in Altai up to 2300 m, in the Pamirs up to 2750 m (Lake Shorkul, Tugarinov, 1930), in Africa up to 3300 m.

Number. A common bird in suitable biotopes (dry steppe), but in other landscapes - forest-steppe, wet steppe, cultural zone - it is found more or less sporadically. Deforestation and plowing of land apparently contribute to the expansion of the steppe harrier to the north in the middle zone (Moscow, Tula regions). In some years in Western Europe, a mass appearance of the steppe harrier in the fall was noted during migration, which is to a certain extent invasive in nature.

Reproduction. The steppe harrier is found in pairs already on spring migration. The cycle begins two weeks earlier than that of the meadow harrier. The mating flight and games begin with arrival, at the end of April; the birds fly into the air, turn over, the male “chases” the female; after the start of laying, the mating “curly” flight is continued by one male. The nest is a very simple device, small in size (about 50 cm in diameter with a tray diameter of 15-20 cm) with a shallow tray, sometimes it is just a hole surrounded by dry grass; often it is located on a hummock or a small hill among weeds, thickets of chiliga or bean grass, etc., less often among grains or in wet meadow, even swampy, areas with sedge, meadowsweet, etc. (Baraba, Zverev, 1930). Laying occurs at different times in May, in the south from the end of April (Syr Darya, Spangenberg, 1936); It is possible that the timing of laying depends on the latitude of the area. The number of eggs in a clutch is 3-6, usually 3-5. The eggs are white, occasionally with small brown spots. Dimensions (80) 40.1-50x32.6-37, average 44.77x34.77 mm (Witherby, 1939). In case of death of the masonry, there is a second, additional one (Naurzum, Osmolovskaya). Incubation begins with the laying of the first egg (chicks of different ages), only the female incubates (Karamzin, 1900). The incubation period is about a month.

Chicks hatch in late June-early July; flying chicks appear in mid-July, broods stay together until August. The duration of the nesting period is therefore about 40-45 days. During the first period of their life (when they are in their first downy plumage), the incubating female and chicks are fed by the male, and later the female also begins to hunt.

Shedding. Like the meadow harrier - full annual. The sequence of changing flywheels is from 10th to 1st; helmsmen - from the middle of the tail to the edge. Heavily moulting young in the first annual plumage are also found in summer (possibly single individuals). The sequence of changing outfits is the same as that of the meadow harrier.

Nutrition. The steppe harrier, like other harriers, hunts for prey that is moving or sitting on the ground. The main place in its feeding regime is occupied by small mammals, but when there are few mice, it switches to feeding on lizards, birds nesting on the ground, etc. Various mice and voles, in particular, are indicated as food for the steppe harrier in the USSR Stenocranius gregalis, S. slowzowi, Microtus arvalis, M. oeconomus, Micromys minutus, Arvicola terrestris, Apodemus sylvaticus; pestle Lagurus lagurus, hamster Cricetus cricetus, gophers, among them Citellus erythrogenys And S. pygmaeus, shrew Sorex araneus; of birds - steppe pipit, larks and their chicks, warblers, quail, grouse, short-eared owl, waders, shoveler, ducklings; in Altai, young white partridges and lizards; different large insects- beetles, locusts, grasshoppers, dragonflies, etc.

Circus macrourus (S. G. Gmelin, 1771)
Bird Class - Aves
Order Falconiformes
Accipitridae family - Accipitridae
Category and status: IV - a species poorly studied in the territory.
Red Book of the Russian Federation: 2 - species with declining numbers.
IUCN Red List 96; CITES Appendix 2;
Annex 2 of the Bonn Convention; Appendix 2
Berne Convention; Annex to the agreement concluded between Russia and India on the protection of migratory birds. SPEC-3.

Description of the adult stage and its differences from related species The steppe harrier is a medium-sized predator, noticeably larger than a crow. The male is light gray with narrow black “wedges” at the very ends of the wings. The chest and belly are pure white, the rump is light. The female and young are red in color. The male is clearly distinguished from all other predators by its characteristic coloring; the female and young are similar to females and young Hen Harriers, but the stripe on the rump is no longer pure white.
Information about biology and ecology The steppe harrier inhabits Various types flat and hilly landscapes. The distribution of nesting sites is associated with areas of increased numbers of mouse-like rodents. Usually nests in flooded areas of floodplains. The clutch is laid in late April-May and consists of 4-6 white or bluish eggs, usually with brown markings. The diet is dominated by mice, gophers, as well as small and medium-sized birds.
Distribution and occurrence Steppes, forest-steppes, semi-deserts of Eurasia; the south of the forest zone in Europe and the northern deserts of Kazakhstan, as well as the Northern and Western Europe. Russia has predominantly steppe and forest-steppe zones from Moldova to the Baikal region, the south is a forest zone. Winters in South-West Asia and partly in Africa. According to available data, in the territory Belgorod region The steppe harrier is found in Borisovsky, Gubkinsky, Novooskolsky and Rovensky. The last find dates back to 2000.
Limiting Factors Reduction of places suitable for settlement. Progressive deterioration of nesting and feeding conditions associated with the transformation of its main nesting and feeding biotopes (destruction of thickets of steppe shrubs, reduction of mesophilic vegetation of forb-shrub hollows, meadow depressions, floodplains of steppe streams, etc.). The natural enemies of the steppe harrier are the imperial eagle and the steppe eagle.
Necessary security measures Conservation of identified habitats. Search for areas with a consistently high nesting population of predators with the prospect of organizing protected areas on their territory.
Security measures taken The species is protected in the protected areas “Forest on Vorskla”, “Yamskaya Steppe”, “Bald Mountains” and “Stenki-Izgorye” of the State Nature Reserve “Belogorye” (

Unfortunately, an endangered species of birds of prey has emerged in the hawk family. This is a steppe harrier, with which residents of Russia and a number of Asian countries are well familiar.

The bird looks quite original, especially in terms of color. Moreover, males and females differ significantly from each other. The color of males is not uniform. The top of their body is ash-gray. Closer to the shoulders it becomes darker. As for the chest and belly, they are almost white. Light plumage is also present in the eye area. The tips of the wings also have a white edge.

Females look slightly different. Most of their plumage is brown. The tips of the wings are red, and their lower part has a beige tint. White color is present only in the area of ​​the forehead, eyes, and tip of the tail.

The beak of the steppe harrier is black. The paws are colored yellow. Medium sized bird. The body length of an adult reaches 45 centimeters.

Currently, the steppe harrier is an endangered bird species. Its population has survived only in the southeastern part of the European continent. You can meet the harrier in Transbaikalia in the Altai Territory, in the Crimea. They are found in Iran, Turkestan, Mongolia and a number of other countries. In summer, birds migrate to the area of ​​Arkhangelsk, Krasnoyarsk and Omsk, and with the onset of autumn cold weather they fly to India and Burma. Some of them prefer to winter in Africa.

The steppe harrier prefers steppe regions and semi-deserts. It is easier for him to hunt in open areas. Smoothly hovering over the plain, it looks out for prey, which it then attacks. It feeds on small rodents, lizards, mammals, other birds, and insects. Hunts in a certain territory, the boundaries of which it never violates.

The mating season occurs in spring. It is at this time that one can observe the peculiar mating dances of males. Trying to please the female, they perform complex pirouettes in the air, making loud rattling sounds.

The bird builds its nests directly on the ground, mainly on hills. This is a small depression, the bottom of which is lined with dry grass. The female lays the first clutch, consisting of three to five eggs, in early May. The incubation period lasts about a month, and incubation of the eggs is the prerogative of the female. At the end of June, the eggs hatch and the chicks begin to fly within a month.

The male is responsible for feeding the female sitting on the eggs, as well as the newly hatched chicks. About a week later, the female also joins him. By this time, the chicks will be strong enough and can be left alone for some time. The average lifespan of the steppe harrier is 20 years.

The bird's natural enemy is the steppe eagle, which hunts it. A lot of problems for the steppe harrier are caused by people who unceremoniously invade its natural habitat. In particular, he plows up huge areas of the steppes, depriving him of the opportunity to hunt and reproduce. And although the steppe harrier is listed in the Red Book, this does not change the situation in any way. Its population continues to decline.

Circus macrourus(S.G. Gmelin, 1771)

Order Falconiformes

Accipitridae family - Accipitridae

Short description. The male steppe harrier is very light, light-gray in color and has a cross-striped rump with faint stripes. There is no color contrast between the head, crop, chest and belly. The black color on the tips of the primary flight feathers is less developed than in other species of light harriers. Therefore, the black tip of the wing has a clearly wedge-shaped shape. The female steppe harrier is very similar to the females of other species of “small harriers”. It is distinguished by a lighter build, a clear pattern on the head and less distribution of white on the rump.

Habitats and biology. Nests in steppe zone, but does not enter the Baikal region, although it was previously widespread in the steppes Krasnoyarsk Territory. Currently, its numbers here have sharply decreased. In Northwestern Mongolia, from where it is most likely to enter the Southern Cis-Baikal region, it is also an extremely rare and possibly vagrant species. When there is an abundance of rodents, it occupies various habitats. Selects the most humid and even swampy areas of the steppe with good protective conditions. It makes a small nest on flat ground, a hummock or a pile of reeds. The clutch contains 3-7, usually 4-5 eggs, white or bluish in color, clean or with small, dim reddish spots. The female incubates the clutch for 28-30 days. The development of the chicks lasts 38-45 days. It feeds on small rodents, and when they are scarce, on birds.

Spreading. According to T.N. Gagina, previously found in the Angara valley. Materials collected in the second half of the 20th century - beginning of XXI centuries, confirm this opinion, although its nesting here has not yet been established. In the Upper Angara region, only vagrant individuals are found. It was first observed in this region (Ziminsk-Kuitun forest-steppe) on April 30, 1963. At the mouth of the river Irkut during the autumn migration was recorded in the mid-80s. of the past century. Later met here on May 13, 1995. It is characteristic that the appearance of the steppe harrier in the Upper Angara region occurs during a period of mass eviction of many bird species to the northern border of the range as a result of severe droughts in Central Asia. During such periods it can even nest in the forest-tundra. In the 21st century, no one celebrated it here.

Number. Random arrivals of individual pairs and individuals during periods of severe drought in the territory of the main range.

Limiting factors. Not found on the territory of Cisbaikalia. Limitation of numbers is possible only in the nesting and wintering areas, as well as on the main migration routes.

Security measures taken and required. No special protection measures were taken and they are not required for this species in the Cis-Baikal region. However, extensive educational work is needed among the population, which traditionally has a negative attitude towards birds of prey. The publication of special booklets is required to accurately identify the steppe harrier in the wild, both for hunters and bird lovers.

Information sources: 1 - Gagina, 1961; 2 - Melnikov, 1999a; 3 - Melnikov, Durnev, 1999; 4 - Melnikov, Melnikova, 1995; 5 - Rogacheva, 1988; 6 - Ryabtsev, Fefelov, 1997; 7 - Ryabitsev, 2008; 8-Stepanyan, 1990;9-Fefelov, 1998; 10-Fomin, Bold, 1991.

Compiled by: Yu.I. Melnikov.

Artist: D.V. Gumpylova.

Ivan Nikitin wrote: “As white as a harrier, with wrinkles on his forehead, with a worn-out face, he has seen a lot of sadness in his life.” By comparing the hero to a steppe bird, the 19th-century Russian poet meant that the man is grey.

You can't call a white harrier a white harrier. The back of the bird and the top of the wings are gray. However, there is “gray hair” here too, and the overall tone is not dark. The animal's belly and neck are completely white. A close relative of the Hen Harrier has a color that is several tones darker. There are also meadow individuals. Those have red feathers.

Description and features of the steppe harrier

In the 19th century steppe harrier was distributed. That’s why the association with a bird came to Ivan Nikitin’s mind. In the 21st century, such a comparison would probably only be written by an ornithologist poet who has at hand Red Book. Steppe Harrier it is listed as endangered.

Yastrebiny is included in both the all-Russian publication and a number of regional ones. In particular, the hero of the article is included in the list of rare animals Krasnodar region.

The steppe harrier differs from other harriers in its lighter plumage

In the 1930s, the steppe species was noted as typical throughout the western Caucasus. By the 1990s, sightings of the harrier were already isolated. The animal leads a secretive lifestyle. There are a maximum of 5,000 pairs throughout Russia. For the whole South Region there are no more than 100. Globally, there are approximately 20,000 pairs of harriers.

Lifestyle and habitat

The extent of distribution across Russia reaches from the western borders to Mongolia. It is adjacent to the southwest of Transbaikalia. Birds fly to the East as far as the Yenisei. Birds are also found to the west of the Ural Range. Description of the steppe harrier given by residents of the Minusinsk Basin at the junction of the Krasnoyarsk Territory and Khakassia.

On the southwestern borders of the country, harriers have chosen the northern coast of the Black Sea, Transcaucasia. Here, as in other habitats, hawks choose arid steppes for living.

The love for them is reflected in the name of the species. However, there are exceptions. In the Stavropol region, for example, the bird is found in the Podgorny and Andropovsky regions. They are swampy.

There are exceptions in terms of bird behavior. Being secretive steppe harrier bird sometimes attacks kittens, domestic pigeons and caged birds brought into the yards by their owners. However, this kind of hooliganism can be explained by the lack of food supply for the harrier.

Due to human activity, suitable habitats for hawks are becoming less and less. The food supply is also decreasing.

Steppe Harrier on photo always in the sky or on the ground. The hero of the article does not have the habit of sitting on trees, even when, as an exception, he settles in the forest-steppe zone.

In the sky, the harrier, like all hawks, is graceful and unhurried. The bird's flight is slightly swaying. The exception is spring period. This is the time of reproduction. The mating dance is a series of sharp rises to heights and rapid dives. Females also make “jumps,” but less pronounced.

Having raised their offspring, steppe birds fly away. Most migrate to Africa. Returning to Russia in early spring, as soon as clearings appear. This is where the mating games begin.

Feeding of the steppe harrier

The steppe harrier is a predator. The bird's deviation from its usual habitat is associated with a passion for meat. The bird can climb into the forest or onto, if there are more rodents there. They are the basis of the harrier's food base.

If you look into it how in particular steppe harrier feeding, I remember voles, . All of them are pests of agricultural land. It turns out that the harrier is an assistant to farmers.

The hero of the article hunts during the day. It is easier to spot small prey in the fields in the light of the sun. Sometimes, instead of rodents, the predator catches lizards. On the fly, the harrier is able to grab small birds. This is how it gets satiated.

Seeing prey, the steppe harrier quickly dives, stretching its paws forward. With them the bird grabs its prey in the grass. The hero of the article has long paws. This helps to obtain food even in high vegetation. The harrier spreads its tail in front of the ground. The predator uses it to slow down after a high-speed dive.

Hunting grounds are distributed among birds. Each harrier has his own patrimony. It is small in area. A specific route has been laid out. Flying around the area, the predator follows it. Therefore, as a rule, you can see the harrier in the same places.

Reproduction and lifespan

Not liking to perch on trees, the steppe harrier does not build nests on them. The eggs hatch on the ground, in its depressions, between stones, and sometimes in reeds. There is no nest in the usual sense. The eggs are laid in a hole lined with grass around the perimeter.

Female harriers lay from 3 to 7 eggs. Standard – 5 pieces. They hatch for 30-35 days. The same amount of time is spent raising the chicks to fly. A month and a half after birth, they are ready to fly to warmer climes for the winter.

Nest of a steppe harrier with chicks

When hatching and raising chicks, steppe harriers are aggressive. Hawks attack any enemies, regardless of their mood or size. Representatives of the steppe species are not inclined to abandon their clutches, saving their own “skins”.

By the age of 3, the bird of prey is ready to breed. Reproductive age ends at 17-18 years. Steppe harriers live 20-22 years. In captivity, hawks can extend their lifespan to 25 years.

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