International Relations 70 90 E GG. International relations in the second half of the XX - early XXI century. Book: Lecture Abstract World History of the twentieth century


Recently global community It is before the dilemma - it needs a nuclear weapon or not. Some believe that yes. These include representatives of totalitarian regimes in Iraq, North Korea. In addition, there are nuclear weapons in India and Pakistan. There is an acute problem around the Kashmir crisis. On the other hand, supporters of partial preservation of nuclear arsenals are US and Russia. But here the question is posed otherwise. Unlike the above states, in the foundation of the angle of the assembly principle, Russia and the United States are trying to remain among the "arbitrators".

There are also supporters of the absolute destroy of all nuclear missiles. It is first of all narrow social groupsopposing the threat of "nuclear winter" and in general against any violence. They arrange demonstrations and protests.

Nuclear weapons from the moment of their appearance on Earth represented and represents a threat to the existence of humanity. Therefore, the world community is necessary to completely destroy the remaining warheads until some authoritarian ruler pressed a critical moment on the nuclear button. What it can turn into, everyone knows.

Remember even the Caribbean crisis, an accident at the Chernobyl NPP, Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Nuclear graves are a huge danger. Therefore, scientists of many countries came to the conclusion about the feasibility of use for this cosmos. Meaning space trash. This concept went into use lately. But this is an expensive event. Therefore, it is not often resorted to it. In addition, it is not known than the operation turns into the future.

Nuclear weapons, which is available in Russia and the United States, despite the reduction of recent years, can destroy not only 2 states, but all of humanity. This gives a special nature of their interaction, as despite the cessation of the "Cold War", the model of mutual nuclear deterrence in Russian-American relations continues to operate.

The object of study of this work is 2 powers - the USSR and the USA, the subject of the study - nuclear disarmament in the 60s.

The purpose of the study is primarily the consideration of the evolution of the problem of disarmament, which has acquired a huge scale after the Caribbean crisis.

The threat of nuclear destruction of the planet justifies and explains the fact that states will be closed in their territories. She also explains the omnipotence of state interests.

    International relations in the 60s.

The main directions of international policies of the 60s were determined by the problems of disarmament, prohibition atomic weapons And his tests, termination of a number of regional conflicts and hostilities that took place in different regions, primarily in Indochite and the Middle East. The overall condition of the relations between countries had a certain influence factors related to technical progress, such as the development of the outer space and the development of nuclear technologies, including for military purposes.

The 60s began with negotiations in Geneva between the USSR , The United States and England on the termination of tests of nuclear weapons. The continued tests were increasingly disturbed by the world community, as they appreciated terrible, and sometimes irreparable harm to the environment. This forced to speed up the search for their restriction, and even better to complete cessation.

At the turn of the 50s and 1960s, and especially in the 60s, positive shifts in the negotiations between the USSR and the United States began to be viewed. And in the American position there were certain changes, and the Soviet government began to show greater flexibility.

US President J. Kennedy, in which the re-equipment program began to be implemented, managed to rise above the global American ambitions, which, in particular, showed the Caribbean crisis. It is with it that diplomatic methods in the foreign policy program began to be used much more than before. Even a short stay of Kennedy in the White House allows you to conclude that he understood the need to search for ways to establish contacts with disarmament partners.

Negotiations between representatives of the USSR, the United States and the United Kingdom on the cessation of nuclear weapons were difficult to discontinue several years. Against the conclusion of such an agreement for various reasons performed France and China. The United States and England were not ready to go on full prohibition of tests. Nevertheless, in the early 60s, the negotiation participants slowly, step by step, with a loaf, but still moved to the clearing of the cooling of the "Cold War". In November 1962, the XVII Session of the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution with a call to nuclear powers Stop not later than January 1, 1968. Tests of nuclear weapons, regardless of the move of negotiations in Geneva.

By the summer of 1963, it became completely clear that Western countries would not go to the complete ban test of nuclear weapons. Under these conditions, the Soviet government decided to allocate from the draft contract, those questions on which one can come to a general opinion. On July 2, 1963, it proposed to conclude an agreement on the prohibition of tests in three areas: in the atmosphere, in outer space and under water - based on the use of national means of control. The negotiations of the three powers began on July 15, 1963 in Moscow and ended on August 5, the paraffinations of the contract proposed by the Soviet Society. It said that the USSR, the United Kingdom and the United States pledged to not carry out any tests of nuclear weapons and nuclear explosions in three areas, and was hoped to achieve an agreement on universal and complete disarmament under international control and termination of all nuclear tests, including underground. The Moscow Agreement entered into force after ratification on October 10, 1963, it was opened for signing by all countries.

Although the contract did not prohibit all the tests, but it showed that with mutual desire, you can achieve agreements acceptable to all.

The first years of the sixth decade were contradictory. On the one hand, the conclusion of the Moscow treaty, the first flight of a person in space, on the other - the landing of Cuban counter-revolutionaries on Playa Chiron and the international political crisis in the area Caribbeanwho put humanity before the real threat of war.

The Soviet Union continued to develop measures to disarmament and conclude an agreement on non-proliferation of nuclear weapons. The fact is that the number of nuclear powers increased, and consequently, and increased the threat to the use of nuclear weapons. In the 60s, there were negotiations on the reduction of ordinary weapons. Appeared I. new problemassociated with the development of outer space. The main thing in it was the question of the ban on the use of outer space for military purposes and the withdrawal of nuclear weapons. The USSR and other socialist countries took steps to prevent the emergence of atomic weapons in Germany and Japan.

The Soviet Union raised these questions at the XVIII session of the UN General Assembly.

The consistent struggle of the SSSR, other socialist countries led to the refusal to create nuclear forces with the participation of Germany.

The extension of nuclear arsenals and the increase in the destructive strength of new types of nuclear weapons could not but disturb the most far-sighted politicians and specialists. Therefore, the negotiations held in the 60s were facing the attention of the world community. By the middle of this decade, nuclear reactors of research type acted in 38 countries. In addition to nuclear powers, plutonium producing reactors in 1968 possessed 13 states.

The UN General Assembly called on its members to take the necessary steps for the fastest preparation of the contract, which would be a link in the universal and complete disarmament chain.

The resolution of her XX session ordered the Committee of 18 states to urgently consider the issue of non-proliferation of nuclear weapons.

In this regard great importance He had an announcement of individual regions by nuclear-free zones. So, OAU in the summer of 1964 at the conference in Cairo adopted a special declaration, in which Africa was announced by the nuclear-free zone.

Under the influence of world events, the mood of people who occupied important posts in their countries. Such changes in the second half of the 60s could be noted in the ruling circles of England, the United States and a number of other countries. In France, the view was strengthened that within the framework of the UN, it is necessary to develop a document on non-proliferation of nuclear weapons.

Thus, it is possible to conclude that in the second half of the 60s, the opinion of the need to prohibit the spread of nuclear weapons became universal.

Consider in detail 2 of the main documents of the 60th anniversary of the prohibition of nuclear weapons testing in the atmosphere, in outer space and under water and the Nuclear Weapon Treaty and the prehistory of their occurrence.

2. Treaty on the prohibition of testing nuclear weapons in the atmosphere, in outer space and under water.

The story is rich in examples of the fact that the policies of the stubborn settling of the old, who has learned, which American professors politely refer to "inability to adapt to a rapidly changing world," ultimately ended bankruptcy, and Dictate's policy, as a rule, is a war. Moreover, the report of world and local wars showed that the forces of aggression and in modern conditions could not determine a stable victory. They are waiting for defeat. According to one of the American publicists, there is no reason to believe that the story will make for the United States at least the slightest exception.

Disarmament agreements affect the most important factors for ensuring the safety of most states. Therefore, violation of the terms of the Agreement by any State party will inevitably pose the security of other participants. In addition, in the area of \u200b\u200bdisarmament, it is impossible to exclude the possibility of hidden violations, especially if we take into account the desire of imperialist circles to the achievement of military superiority and the imposition of their will to peoples with military force. This implies the need to develop during negotiations on disarmament of a system of such provisions that would ensure the effective implementation of relevant agreements in each particular case.

This task can be solved only comprehensively - subject to a number of conditions. The first priority in terms of ensuring the reality of one or another agreement has, to what extent its position is not only at the time of the conclusion, but in the future, it corresponds to the fundamental principle of disarmament, providing damage to the safety of the parties.

Control in disarmament process, i.e. Providing and obtaining relevant information about Sun, Arms, economic activity, etc., is not an end in itself. His appointment is to promote state confidence in compliance with one or another agreement by all its participants. Control is only one tool, although it is very important, ensuring the effectiveness of agreements. Moreover, control is not an absolutely necessary element of any agreement on the restriction of weapons. For some measures in this area, the creation of a control system is not necessary. It is difficult to imagine control over the implementation of the Nuclear Weapon Agreement.

In June 1950, the war broke out in Korea, which lasted three years. For the eight post-war years, France led War in Indochier. In the autumn of 1956, the United Kingdom, France and Israel made aggression against Egypt. In 1958, the United States undertook an armed intervention to Lebanon, and the United Kingdom to Jordan. The most dangerous international crisis originated in the fall of 1962 due to the situation around Cuba.

Berlin crisis 1958-1961. By the end of the 50s. The discharge of international tensions went to the decline. The leaders of the East and the West could not agree on disarmament and creation of a collective security system in Europe. Two German states became participants in opposing military-political blocks. Since the border between Eastern and Western Berlin remained open, the country was left 2.6 million citizens. N. Khrushchev In November 1958, the Note (Ultimatum Khrushchev) was sent to the US Government and France, which contained a peace treaty with two German states within six months. In case of refusal of Western governments, the Soviet leadership threatened to conclude a separate peace treaty with the GDR. As for the most western Berlin, Khrushchev offered to turn him into a "free demilitarized city". The process of exchanging views on diplomatic channels has begun, during which complete unacceptability turned out. Khrushchev and realized that for US leaders, the adoption of his proposals would mean the surrender in the German issue.

In June 1961, Khrushchev meeting with the new US president took place in Vienna John Kennedy . The Soviet leader tried to put pressure on the young American president. In fact, the Soviet leadership was not ready for a serious conflict with the West. On August 3, 1961, a meeting of the Political Advisory Committee of the Warsaw Treaty was held. B. The secret decision was implemented on the night of August 13, 1961. Construction workers of the GDR under the protection of the police and servicemen began to build a wall at the border between East and Western Berlin. Thus, the existence of two German states (FRG and GDR) was enshrined. In fact, the construction of the Berlin Wall in one degree or another suited all participants in the crisis. Berlin crisis once again demonstrated the desire of participants cold War Avoid provoking a big hot war.

War in Vietnam.

After the war (1946-1954), France was forced to recognize the independence of Vietnam and withdraw their troops. The decisive event of the war occurred under the place of Dieenbienf, where the Vietnamese People's Army in March 1954 made the main forces of the French Expeditionary Corps capitulate. In the north of Vietnam, the government was established led by communist Ho Shi Min ( Democratic Republic Vietnam), and in the south - pro-American forces.

US provided assistance to the South Vietnam, but his regime was at risk of collapse, because it turned out soon partisan trafficSupported by DRV, China and the USSR. In 1964, the United States began the bombing of Northern Vietnam, and in 1965 they landed their troops in South Vietnam. The United States was used the tactics of "scorched land. Protests against war around the world, including in the United States, along with military failures forced the United States to go to peace negotiations. In 1973, US troops were derived from Vietnam.

The Caribbean crisis of 1962 was caused by aggressive actions of American imperialism against Cuba. The victory of the Cuban revolution 1959 met a sharply hostile attitude from the ruling circles of the United States. By the end of October 1962, the naval blockade of Cuba was established and concentrated in the Caribbean area, large forces of the Navy. The Soviet government took a number of foreign policy measures aimed at eliminating the threat of invasion of Cuba. In response, as an adequate measure in Cuba were posted soviet rockets medium range. US President John Kennedy proposed to the Soviet Union to dismantle the established rockets in exchange for US guarantees not to attack Cuba and not to overthrow Fidel Castro. But October 27th came " black Saturday "Cuban crisiswhen only a miracle flashed new world War. In those days over Cuba, a squadron of American aircraft rushed in the aim of frightening twice a day. And on October 27, Soviet troops in Cuba shot down one of the US intelligence aircraft with an anti-aircraft missile. His pilot Anderson died. The situation has begun to the limit, the President of the United States decided to start the bombardment of Soviet missile databases and military attack on the island in two days. However, on Sunday, October 28, the Soviet leadership decided to take American conditions.

The 50-60s were marked by unprecedented arms racing. Huge material, intellectual and other resources were gathered for the development and production of all new means of warfare. In 1960, the USSR proposed to consider the main provisions of the Treaty on universal and complete disarmament of states under strict international control. In August 1963, the United Kingdom, the USSR and the United States signed an agreement in Moscow for the prohibition of nuclear tests in the atmosphere, in outer space and under water.

In 1958, Sh. De Gaulle undertakes to discuss the United States to establish a tripartite NATO Directorate as part of the United States, France and Great Britain. After his proposal did not find a response, the general announced the exit of France from the North Atlantic Union. In 1966, France officially separated from NATO military block.

: 1957 - Test of the ICBM (Intercantina Ballistic Rocket) of the USSR, 1958 - USA

Specific features of the period: aggravation of relations in blocks, deployment of decolonization, the appearance of the "third force" - the movement of non-aligned, the danger of the US Open Military Conflict and the USSR

Suez crisis. Caused by the actual nationalization of the Suez Canal Egypt in 1956. The trial Anglo-Franco-Israeli aggression against Egypt began in response. The USSR provided military-technical assistance to Egypt, and when the situation was finally aggravated, made a statement (TASS) that the Soviet government would not impede the arrival of Soviet volunteers in Egypt. Allies in aggression
They were stuck, the military latches stopped, and the troops were brought. The sake of fairness should be mentioned that the United States also opposed a triple military intervention, because Suzniki did not consult Washington, carrying out an attack.

Treaty on the prohibition of tests of nuclear weapons in the atmosphere, outer space and under water(Also known as the Moscow Treaty) was signed August 5, 1963. years in Moscow. The parties to the contract were the USSR, the USA and the United Kingdom. Currently, the contract participants are 131 state.

Cosmos Treaty is the basis of international space law. The contract was signed by the United States of America, United Kingdom and the Soviet Union January 27, 1967. of the year. 100 countries.

Treaty on the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons (NPT) -At developed by the UN Disarmament Committee in order to put a solid barrier on the way to expand the range of countries with nuclear weapons to ensure the necessary international monitoring of the fulfillment by States of the obligations assumed under the contract in order to limit the possibility of armed conflict with the application such weapons. 12 June 1968 .

map "for 2014

6. Organization of publications of preprints and monographs on the priority results of NPR studies in Russian and English Islam languages \u200b\u200bin the European East. Encyclopedic Dictionary in English. 200 000.00 Translation and publication of the monograph "Formation of a system of Muslim education in Russia in 1990-2000." on the english language 150 000.00 MONOGRAPY ENATIONAL "Formation of the Muslim Education System in Russia in 1990-2000." In Russian, 100 000.00 Development of the preprint of the course "Actual problems of international and regional security" by the team of authors in Russian and English 600,000.00 7. Preparation and publication of textbooks in English in modern areas of training students Developing a textbook "Actual international problems and regional security "by the team of authors in Russian and English 600,000.00 Preparation and publication of textbooks Y.Ya. Grishin in English in modern areas of training students "Internal and foreign policy Eastern European countries (Kon.80-kh. XX century - 2010) "in 2 volumes. 250,000.00 8. Development and implementation of programs to attract persons from leading universities and research centers of researchers with high values \u200b\u200bof scientical indexes in The invitation of professors from foreign universities of Israeli and German partner universities to teaching Magister programs 300 000.00 9. Organization of the participation of the NPR KFU in international programs of academic exchanges. NPR participation in the 4th person of the Department of International Relations in International Conferences Partners Top-100. 600 000.00 10. Organizational and financial support from researchers participating in regular international conferences and other scientific events participating NPRs as part of the 5th-person branch of international relations in regular international conferences and other scientific events. 500,000.00

Book: Lecture Abstract World History of the twentieth century

79. International relations in the late 50s - 60s

Weakening of international tensions. In the early 50s, there were changes in the US Guidelines and the USSR, which was reflected in the foreign policy of these countries.

In 1953, the USSR refused the requirements for Turkey against the Black Sea Straits. Relations with Greece and Yugoslavia were normalized, torn in 1948 after the conflict between Tito and Stalin, an agreement was reached on the termination of the war in Korea. IN

1954 In Geneva, an agreement was signed on the termination of the war in Indochika, which is put to the end of the France adventure to restore colonial possessions in Southeast Asia. Significant changes occurred in relations between the USSR and the West. In 1955, representatives of the USSR, the USA, England and France signed a state treaty with Austria. It was proclaimed independent and neutral, occupying troops were displayed from its territory.

In 1959, the first visit of the head of the Soviet government in the United States took place.

At the same years, the process of rethinking soviet leadership Problems of interaction with national liberation movements in colonial and affiliates.

During the Stalin rule, the advantage was given to the Chinese version of the national liberation, when it was headed by the Communists. However, anywhere else, except for China itself, North Korea and Northern Vietnam, could not be implemented this option. In most countries that were released, the Communists did not come to power. New leaders did not cause confidence in Stalin.

Khrushchev offered to consider the national liberation movement as an ally of socialism in its struggle against imperialism. Thus, ideological obstacles to the development of military-political and economic cooperation with countries were released. So, in 1956, the USSR supported the Nationalist in Egypt, Gamal Abdel Nasser in the fight against the aggression of Israel, France and England.

There were shifts in relations between socialist countries. The USSR recognized the neutrality of Yugoslavia; China has become an almost equal partner of the USSR. Relations with Eastern European countries were granted a view of equal.

Non-aligned movement. 29 of Asia and Africa, which was released, in April 1955 in Bandung (Indonesia) convened the conference, which approved the principles of peaceful coexistence and cooperation of states with various social buildings. The conference expressed the determination of the peoples of Asia and Africa completely and permanently ending with colonialism, condemned aggressive blocks, set the requirements for banning nuclear weapons.

The participating countries of the Conference developed the following basic principles of their policies:

1. Independent from superpowers policies.

2. Support national liberation movements.

3. Unlock status.

Later the support of these principles also stated other countries liberated.

At the initiative of the Prime Minister of India J.Neru, President of Yugoslavia and. Barz Tito, President of Egypt G.A. Nasser and others in September 1961 in Belgrade held a conference of 25 chapters of governments, which laid the beginning of the Non-Aligned Movement. Movement participants, most of whom believed that the United States and the USSR bear equal responsibility for international tensions and the arms race, proclaimed non-aligned to military-political blocs, supported the struggle against colonialism, for independence, for the elimination of economic inequality in the world, for peaceful coexistence.

Non-aligned movement has become an important independent factor in world politics. Since 1973, non-aligned monitoring conferences are held regularly every three years.

Instability of the weakening of international tension. In Western Europe in the 50s, the idea of \u200b\u200bEuropean unity is becoming the formation. The European Economic Community (UES) is created.

The thaw allowed to unlock the UN activities - 16 new countries were taken to its composition.

These changes led to some weakening of the bipolarity of the world. At the same time, they did not break the logic of the "Cold War" and military-block thinking. Despite the flexibility of Soviet diplomacy, the Soviet Union could not achieve agreements with the West on some important issues. So, agreements were raised against Germany and Japan, despite the fact that in 1955 the USSR announced the cessation of the state of the war with Germany, and in 1956, with Japan, normal diplomatic relations and economic ties were established with them, however Peace treaties have not been concluded.

The United States and their allies are accustomed to the hard style of Soviet diplomacy, and therefore did not seriously perceived new proposals of the USSR. The West continued the policy of "discarding communism." In 1953, the CIA and IFTELEntly Service ( english intelligence) I made a coup in Iran, and in 1954 in Guatemala. The cause of the coup was that the governments of these countries have limited the rights of American and English monopolies. In 1955, the FRG was included in NATO.

This caused the USSR response. On May 14, 1955, the Soviet Union and its allies signed the Warsaw Agreement and thus created a military-political organization in the east of Europe.

XX Congress of the CPSU opened a new page in the history of the USSR. The country began "thaw", including in foreign policy. In the period 1955-1960 The USSR put forward a number of peace initiatives to stop the arms race and reduce the military potentials of the countries of the world. Unilaterally, the Soviet Union has reduced the Armed Forces for 3980 thousand people. and military budget. Military bases were eliminated in Port Arthur and Plokkala UDD.

The results of these actions were limited. The signing of agreements rested into the question of control. The arms race did not stop, but on the contrary intensified. Intercontinental ballistic missiles and bombers, nuclear submarines appeared. Short-term warming has gross into sharp international crises: 1956 - Middle East, Hungary, 1957 - Syria, 1958 - Lebanon, Taiwan, 1961 - Berlin crisis, 1962 - Caribbean crisis, etc.

Renewing confrontation. The first reason for the resumption of confrontation is associated with the subjective factor - personal features of the leader of the USSR Khrushchev as a political figure. Khrushchev was a man too emotional and painfully reacted when his efforts to improve international situation Did not meet understanding and supporting the opposite side. Khrushchevsky Diplomacy style annoyed West when advanced Soviet Union Proposals suddenly replaced by others. Such actions of the USSR were regarded by the West no more than propaganda. A negative role in relations with the West played a statement of Khrushchev that he would bury capitalism.

The second reason was the emergence of missile weapons in the USSR, which threatened US security, since the possibility of force pressure on the United States appeared in the Soviet leaders.

The third reason for the renewal of confrontation was in the fairly successful economic development of the USSR in the 50s, which served as the basis for the opinion that the level of industrial production - the USSR will exceed the level of production in the United States and the nearest and the time capitalism will disappear as such.

The fourth reason: in 1960, at a meeting, the Communist Party of the CPSU was proclaimed by the Avangard of the World communist Movement. Thus, she secured the right to determine the "correctness" or "incontiniteness" of the course of communist governments, immediately; He led to confrontation with Yugoslavia and China.

The fifth cause was the active decay in the 50s and 1960s of the colonial system under the blows of national liberation movements, supported by the Soviet Union. They were signed 20 launches with young states on cooperation and granting Cre Ditiv. This led to counteraction from Western countries. Support for the Soviet Union of national liberation movements was regarded in the West, as an attempt to distribute soviet system Unions per 1 whole world and thereby tear off the West from raw material sources. The NATO Block J in these conditions began to strengthen the pressure on the USSR. In 1956, the "Doctrine of Interdependence" was adopted, and in December 1957, the presentation of nuclear weapons in Europe. The United States and their allies began the power of weapons to oppose changes in countries that have not yet been in the zone of Soviet influence and attempts to overthrow the governments that conducted a line for cooperation with the USSR. So, at the beginning of the 60s, the Republic of Congo has become a counteraction.

Berlin and Caribbean crises. Relations between the USSR and the United States have escalated significantly due to the problem of Western Berlin. Western Berlin was an open enclave of capitalism in the middle of the Socialist GDR. It caused irritation of the GDR Governments and the USSR. Since 1958, Khrushchev began to seek change in the status of the city,) threatening one-sided effects. In May 1960, the Conference of US representatives, the USSR, England and France was convened in Paris. On the eve of this event, the Soviet facilities of the air defense station were shot down from the Urals American intelligence aircraft U-2. At the Khrushchev conference ultimitively demanded to stop flying over the territory of the USSR. US President Eisenhuer rejected this requirement. The conference was torn. Eisenhower's visit did not take place in the USSR. At a meeting with the new American president John F. Kennedy in April 1961 in Vienna Khrushchev in an ultimative form demanded a change in the status of Berlin. The threat of Berlin's blockade appeared again. Americans

in this case, even prepared a plan for a limited nuclear strike on Soviet troops in the GDR.

On August 19, 1961, a barrier was built along the entire border of Western Berlin, and then Moore, who became a symbol of the Cold War. Since the blockades were not, the United States was limited to a minor demonstration of force. The leadership of the USSR saw his undoubted success in this and easily went to the next step, which caused a serious threat to the nuclear war (the Caribbean crisis).

In 1959, the USSR recognized the government of Fidel Castro, who came to power as a result of a revolution in Cuba, overthrowing the dictatorship of General Batista. In 1960-1961 Actively developed trade and economic relations between the USSR and Cuba. The Penetration of the USSR to the American Continent and the Soviet orientation of the Castro regime caused concern to the US government, which organized an armed intervention to Cuba. However, the interventories were divided into Playa Chiron Bay. The USSR provided Cuba assisting weapons. Fearing direct aggression from the United States on the "Island of Freedom", the USSR and Cuba agreed to accommodate on the island of ballistic missiles with nuclear warheadswho had to become the guarantor of the world in the region. The placement of missiles led to the crisis of Soviet-American relations. The United States established the sea blockade of Cuba to prevent further delivery of the island by Soviet weapons. On October 23, 1962, the Soviet government regarded the actions of the United States as aggressive and stated that he would bring a retaliatory strike in case of unleashing war. The statement was calculated that the United States would retreat. Americans were not interested in the war from the USSR. The conflict went too far to his decision D. Kennedy and N. Khrushchev needed to show political wisdom and foresight.

On October 26-28, 1962, agreements were reached between the leaders of the USSR and the United States, according to which the Soviet Union took its missiles and IL-28 bombers from Cuba, and the United States had to remove the blockade and guarantee non-interference in the internal affairs of Cuba.

US should bring out nuclear rockets from Turkey. Later, in case of the need for contact between the Kremlin and the White House, a direct dial telephone was installed, the so-called "hotline".

The Caribbean crisis has shown the performance of politics from the position of the force and the fact that the increase in the danger of a nuclear war can lead to a catastrophe. The USSR began to conduct a more moderate policy to support revolutionary movements in the "Third World" countries and no longer threatened with the use of nuclear weapons in crisis moments.

The Caribbean crisis made the superpowers take measures to make the rockety-nuclear weapons racing more manageable, and therefore more secure. In 1963 between the United States, England, the USSR was concluded on the prohibition of nuclear weapons tests in the atmosphere, space and under water. During the negotiations, it was lost the opportunity to agree on banning the tests of nuclear weapons under the ground. The parties did not agree on the control. The USSR regarded control as a form of espionage.

In 1967, an agreement was concluded on the prohibition of nuclear weapons in outer space.

These treaties were an end to international relations in which military-political methods of conflict resolution between great powers prevailed. However, the rivalry between them did not stop and the progress did not occur in relationships. The rivalry only moved to the periphery and acquired the forms of regional conflicts that the peace process was long blocked for a long time.

1. Lecture Abstract World History of the twentieth century
2. 2. First World War
3. 3. Revolutionary events in the Russian Empire in 1917. Bolshevik coup
4. 4. Revolutionary movement in Europe in 1918-1923.
5. 5. Establishment of the Bolshevik dictatorship. National and liberation movement and civil war in Russia
6. 6. The formation of the foundations of the post-war world. Versailles-Washington System
7. 7. Attempts to revise post-war treaties in the 20s
8. 8. The main ideological and political flows of the first half of the XX centuries.
9. 9. National Liberation Movements
10. 10. Stabilization and "prosperity" in Europe and the USA in the 20s
11. 11. World Economic Crisis (1929-1933)
12. 12. "New course" F. Fr.
13. 13. United Kingdom in the 30s. Economic crisis. "National Government"
14. 14. "Folk Front" in France
15. 15. Establishing the Nazi dictatorship in Germany. A.Gitler
16. 16. Fascist dictatorship b. Mussolini in Italy
17. 17. Revolution of 1931 in Spain.
18. 18. Czechoslovakia in the 20s-30s
19. 19. Countries of Eastern and Southeast Europe in the 20s-30s
20. 20. Proclamation of the USSR and the establishment of the Stalinist regime
21. 21. Soviet Modernization of the USSR
22. 22. Japan between the two world wars
23. 23. National Revolution in China. Chan Kaishi. Domestic and Foreign Policy of the Romintang
24. 24. Civil War in China. Proclamation of the PRC
25. 25. India in the 20-30s
26. 26. National movements and revolutions in Arab countries, Turkey, Iran, Afghanistan. Narget Palestinian problem. K. Tatürk, Reisachan
27. 27. National movements in the countries of Shewdenco-East Asia (Burma, Indochina, Indonesia)
28. 28. Africa between the two world wars
29. 29. Development of Latin American countries in the 20s-30s
30. 30. Education, science and technology
31. 31. Development of literature of the 20-30s
32. 32. Art 20-30s
33. 33. The formation of foci of the Second World War. Creating Berlin-Rome Tokyo Block
34. 34. The policy of "pacification" of the aggressor
35. 35. USSR in the system of international relations
36. 36. Causes, character, periodization of World War II
37. 37. German attack on Poland and the beginning of World War II. Martial steps in Europe in 1939-1941.
38. 38. The attack of fascist Germany in the USSR. Defensive battles in the summer - autumn 1941. Battle for Moscow
39. 39. Military actions on the Eastern Front in 1942-1943. The root fracture during World War II. Liberation of the territory of the USSR
40. 40. Education of the antihytler coalition. International relations during World War II
41. 41. The situation in the warring and occupied countries. Resistance movement in Europe and Asia during World War II
42. 42. The main events of World War II in Africa, in the Pacific Basin (1940-1945)
43. 43. Liberation of the countries of Central and Eastern Europe (1944-1945)
44. 44. The landing of the Allied troops in Normandy. Liberation of Western Europe. Capitulation of Germany and Japan
45. 45. Results of World War II
46. 46. \u200b\u200bCreation of United Nations
47. 47. Signing peace treaties. Occupational policy of Germany and Japan. Nuremberg and Tokyo lawsuits

International relations - a phenomenon in which it is reflected historical epoch. In the XIX century They were not like in the XVIII century, and in the second half of the XX century. Not as in his beginning. Features of international relations of the second half of the XX century. Determined by a number of circumstances, including the split of the world for two systems that opposed each other; the creation of atomic and other types of weapons that can instantly destroy all humanity; The globalization of international conflicts, etc. This caused, on the one hand, increased tensions in the world and, on the other hand, the desire of thousands of people to protect themselves from the threat of destruction. Most of the period under consideration passed under the sign of two tendencies: confrontation and (or) peaceful coexistence. The first trend was related "Cold War", the arms race, the creation of a network of military bases, regional conflicts and war, etc.; With the second - the rationale for the programs of peaceful coexistence, the struggle for disarmament, the world, the safety and cooperation of peoples. In some decades, it took the top one, then the other of these trends. So, for example, the 1950s became the time of the greatest deployment of the "Cold War", and the 1970s - a period of discharge of international tensions. As for the 1990s, they are connected with the general change in the geopolitical situation in Europe and the world.

On many events of international relations the second half of the XX century. We spoke in previous paragraphs. You already know about the beginning of the "Cold War", the post-war settlement in Europe and the German problem, conflicts and wars in Southeast Asia, the Middle East and Caribbean crises, etc. On the basis of these events, it is possible to make a specific idea of \u200b\u200bwho and how internationally implemented Policy, why arose and what those or other conflicts were completed, etc.

However, it is important to consider the issues of international relations of this period as a whole, as it allows you to see the overall picture of the world policy of this period - the balance of strength and the nature of relations between individual states and groups of countries; changes in the international climate from exacerbation to the "warming" of relations and vice versa; Activity international organizations and movements, etc.

"" Began on the outcome of the 40s. XX century When did it end? Some tried to talk about the completion of this state in international relations in the 70s, when there was a band of the discharge of international tension. But Afghan events followed, the coming to the power of neoconservatives with their rigid foreign policy positions, began a new round of arms racing. The confrontation continued. Another border was called the mid-80s. When the Soviet leadership substantiated the principles of new thinking in international relations. The third frontier is the beginning of the 90s, when the USSR collapsed and the "Eastern Block", and with them and one of the components of the bipolar world. But after that, in international relations, some phenomena are continued, characteristic of the Cold War period. Consider the main stages of the Cold War.

The decisive decade in the deployment of the "Cold War" was the 50s, when in the United States, and atomic and thermonuclear weapons were created in the USSR, and later - intercontinental ballistic missiles, which could deliver it to the goal. The arms race launched between the two leaders. Establishing military power was accompanied by the creation of a certain public sentiment in opposed to each other. It was a feeling of constant external threat, intimidating the enemy by force. In the USSR, in the postwar years, the concept of two camps, hostile circle approved. In the US, the Doctrine of President Truman was built on the original thesis on "communist danger." One of the ideologues of the "Cold War" J. Dulles, who was then the US Secretary of State, said: "To force the country to bear the burden, with which the content of powerful armed forces is connected, it is necessary to create an emotional atmosphere, a relative psychological situation of wartime. It is necessary to create an idea of \u200b\u200bthe threat from the outside. "

The desire to strengthen its position on the world stage led to the creation of a network of military-political blocs in different regions. The championship in this belonged to the United States.

The confrontation, which began in Europe, turned into a wider scale and rigid forms in other regions of the world, primarily where the peoples freed from the colonial and semi-colonial dependence were on the path of independent development. These were the states of Southeast Asia and the Middle East.

The Middle Eastern conflict began in 1948 also attracted the attention of the great powers. The USSR spoke in support of Arab countries. The United States fell on the side of Israel. In 1956, a Suez crisis occurred. The reasons for him became the nationalization of the Suez Canal by the Government of Egypt. In response to this troops of Israel, Great Britain and France invaded Egypt. The USSR declared his readiness to assist Egypt. Country-aggressors were forced to bring their troops.

1949 - Created block NATO.

1951 - anSyus block formed (Australia, New Zealand, USA).

1954 - Ceated SEATO (USA, United Kingdom, France, Australia, New Zealand, Pakistan, Thailand, Philippines).

1955 - concluded Baghdad Pact (United Kingdom, Turkey, Iraq, Pakistan, Iran). After Iraq's exit, the organization received the name of Sato.

1955 - the organization of the Warsaw Treaty was formed.

Events in Southeast Asia

1946-1954 - War of the Vietnamese people against French colonizers.

1950-1953 - Korean war.

1964-1973 - US participation in the Vietnamese War.

For peace and security

People belonged to generations passed through the war did not want her repetition. As the arms race unfolded, military conflicts broke out in different parts of the world, the desire to protect the world increased. In 1949, the World Congress of Peace supporters took place in Paris and Prague. Most of the organizers of this movement were people of left beliefs, communists. In the situation of the international confrontation, this was a wary of attitude towards them in the West countries. The base of the movement of the state of the socialist block.

In 1955, a conference 29 of Asia and Africa, who adopted a declaration of assistance took place in Bandung (Indonesia) universal Mire. and cooperation.

In the Bandung Declaration, the following principles were proposed for which international relations in modern world:

1) respect for the basic human rights, as well as the objectives and principles of the UN Charter.

2) respect for the territorial integrity of all countries.

3) recognition of equality of all races and equality of all nations, large and small.

4) abstinence from intervention and interference in the internal affairs of another country.

5) Respect for the right of each country to individual or collective defense in accordance with the UN Charter.

6) a) abstinence from the use of an agreement on collective defense in the private interests of any of the great powers;

b) the abstinence of any country from the provision of pressure to other countries.

7) Abstinence from acts or threats of aggression or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of another country.

8) Settlement of all international disputes by peaceful means, such as negotiations, reconciliation, arbitration, or in court, as well as other peaceful means of choosing countries in accordance with the UN Charter.

9) promoting mutual interests and cooperation.
10) Respect for justice and international obligations.

In 1961, the liberated countries founded the non-aligned movement, which included about 100 states.

In the 70s. XX century Anti-war activities received new development in Europe within the framework of the "Green" movement. Initially, it was the movement of "civil initiatives" in defense ambient. Protecting nature and man from the threat of destruction, "green" included in the anti-nuclear movement, launched a protest action against the arms race, conflicts and wars.

Problems disarmament

In 1959, the USSR made a program of phased universal and complete disarmament. The importance of the disarmament issue was recognized as the UN General Assembly resolution. The International Disarmament Committee was established. However, the practical solution of the issues raised turned out to be difficult. One of the achievements on this path was the signing on August 5, 1963 in Moscow, the Soviet Union, the United States and the United Kingdom of the Treaty of Termination of Nuclear Weapons in three environments - an atmosphere, outer space and under water. Later, over 100 states joined the contract. In 1972, the signing of an international convention on the prohibition of the development, production and accumulation of reserves of bacteriological (biological) weapons and toxins and their destruction began.

Turn to the discharge of international tension

The discharge of international tensions began in the same place where this tension arose, in Europe. Its starting point was the settlement of relations around Germany. The next important step was the Soviet-American negotiations at the highest level, which took place in 1972-1974. They adopted a document on the basics of relationship between the USSR and the United States. Two states also concluded an agreement on the restriction of missile defense systems (Pro) and a temporary agreement on some measures in the field of restricting strategic offensive armaments (ASS-1). Agreements on such important issues as the German problem and Soviet-American relations became prerequisites for the development of pan-European cooperation. In order to come to these agreements, each of the parties needed to make serious efforts, overcome political and psychological barriers. It attached a special weight achieved.

Kissinger, US Secretary of State in 1973-1977, wrote in his memoirs: "It is important to remind what was and what was not discharged. Richard Nixon came to power with a honestly deserved reputation of an anti-communist ... Nixon never trusted the Soviet Union, he firmly believed in negotiations from the standpoint of power. Briefly speaking, he was the classic Warrior of the Cold War. Nevertheless, after four turbulent years, he, who, not like a peaceful in the opinion of the Mirolarub in the opinion of the presentation of intellectuals, no matter how paradoxically, for the first time in 25 years he conducted negotiations from the USSR for a wide range of issues related to relations between the West and East ... Paradox, however , not essentially, but externally. We did not consider the weakening of the tension of the USSR concession. We had our own reasons for this. We did not give up the ideological struggle, but, as it was, it was difficult, we opposed it with national Interests" (How do you think that R. Nixon prompted to negotiate from the USSR?)

On July 30 - August 1, 1975, a meeting and cooperation meeting was held in Helsinki (CSCE). The final act of the meeting, signed by the heads of 33 European countries, the United States and Canada, contained provisions on the principles of relationships, content and forms of cooperation between the participants of the CSCE. So it was found to be the beginning of the Helsinki process, the meetings of the heads of the participants in the CSE began to be held regularly.

10 principles of interstate relations adopted in the Final Act of CSCE (Helsinki, 1975):

sovereign equality and respect for the rights inherent in sovereignty, including the right to freely choose and develop their political, economic and cultural systems; non-use of strength or threat to force; irrevomination of borders; territorial integrity of states; Peaceful settlement of disputes; non-interference in internal affairs; respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms; Equality and the right of peoples to dispose of their fate; cooperation between states; Combating fulfillment of obligations under international law.

By the end of the 70s. The tension in Asia has decreased. The world was established in Vietnam. Military political blocks of SeaTo and Sato broke.

Changes 80-90s

At the turn of the 70s and 80s. The international situation aggravated. In response to replacing the Soviet Union, medium-range nuclear missiles more perfect US and NATO decided to place American nuclear missiles on the territory of the Western European states aimed at the USSR and its allies on the ATS. A sharply negative reaction in many countries caused the input of Soviet troops to Afghanistan. Conservative leaders who came to power in the Western countries were supporters of tightening relations with the Eastern Block. In 1983, US President R. Reagan made a "strategic defense initiative" (soy), which provided for the deployment of a powerful US missile defense with elements of cosmic basement. Soo, without reason, called the program of "Space Wars". During these years, the US military presence in many regions of the world has increased significantly. The objects of the American intervention are the states of the Middle East and Central America.

The change in the international climate began with the mid-80s. After joining the USSR leadership, M. S. Gorbachev, who proposed the concept of new political thinking in international relations. The principal position of the new concept was that the global problem in the modern world is the problem of the survival of mankind, this should determine the nature of international relations. Soviet leader managed to establish contacts with leading leaders western World. A turning role in Soviet-American relations played meetings and negotiations at the highest level (M. S. Gorbachev, R. Reagan, J. Bush-senior), conducted in 1985-1991. They ended with the signing of bilateral treaties on the elimination of medium and low-distance missiles (1987) and the restriction and reduction of strategic offensive arms (START-1).

A significant range of international problems arose in Europe as a result of the events of the late 80s - early 90s. The center of attention was the German issue again. This time it was associated with the merger of two German states.

The final settlement agreement against Germany was signed on September 12, 1990 in Moscow by representatives of the two German states, as well as the United Kingdom, the USSR, the USA and France. The USSR brought his troops from Germany and agreed to enter the United German State in NATO.

The proclamation of new Eastern European states was accompanied by the exacerbation of national contradictions, and in some cases - the emergence of interstate conflicts. The peaceful settlement in the Balkans has become one of the main tasks of international diplomacy in the 90s. This and many others international problems XX century Switched in the XXI century.

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