Reiki light. An important rule of reiki. What will happen instead

1. SILVER CLOAK. Personal protection channel. A silver cloak with a hood is worn once per initiation. Protects against negative influences of any form. You can open the channel towards yourself with the setting: let the cloak cover me at any negative impact, negative information any form (will work for up to 3 months). The raincoat needs to be worn for a week. After a week, the cloak grows into thin bodies and starts working automatically. Protects against entities. Information channel.
The silver cloak can also be opened on other people in the event of an energy attack on them. In this case, the protective cloak is put on for 1 hour and then removed; if more protection is required, open the channel on the person again. Working as a channel with other people has no restrictions. Do not use for a long time.
The silver cloak protects all chakras and subtle fields. When the entity comes into contact with the cloak, it gets burned and the person becomes uninteresting to it. When the cloak is closed, a person becomes invisible to dark forces. If a sorcerer works with you, there is protection and mirror reflection, i.e. return the negative back.
Maximum confidence in protection!!!

2. SILVER SICKLE. The channel works for cleaning premises (apartment, house, etc.). After opening, it works automatically until the space is completely cleansed. The Silver Sickle can be opened remotely to any space and object. It mows down all the evil spirits, all the negativity, the “energy weed.” Has a protective function. Blocks hepatogenic zones. The purpose is to transform the energy space of the entire Earth.
Removes necrotic attachments, negative attachments from the past and from the future. Works to destroy any energy entities (terrestrial, cosmic).
Masters (Masters) of cosmoenergetics, after initiation into cosmic signs, receive additional protection in the form of a wax ball made from candles, which is used for personal protection and during exorcism. This protection can be cleared of entities with the Silver Sickle.

3. SILVER DOCTOR. Medicinal. Treats almost all diseases (except stage 4 cancer). Cleanses, heals and activates the 3 lower chakras (3 arcs are placed), from the 4th to 7th chakras it only cleanses.
Compatible with the Silver Sickle channel. Restores hormonal levels.
When cleansing the head, give instructions for cleansing and treatment. When working with a diseased organ, we lay hands and skip the channel, we work until the information comes that enough is enough. The channel is not opened often. It is allowed to be used after operations, for rapid recovery of the body, in case of loss of consciousness, fainting, or in case of a heart attack. For outpatient treatment we work 2 times a week. For severe illnesses, sessions can be performed every day, but not more than 40 minutes. Open a channel together with the Silver Sickle channel. Silver Sickle (cleanses), Silver Healer (heals). Don't forget to thank the channels for their work!
The channel itself diagnoses a person, finds problem areas and treats them! You can open yourself up to diagnose and treat the diseases found. The channel will automatically work. Do not overuse the organ, you may get burned.

4. SILVER CROSS. The channel is not for everyone; its initiation requires permission from above. Accelerates evolutionary development several times. Works with the planet. Gives access to the galaxy. Works for protection through mental imagery, against any diseases of the head, spine, skeleton.

5. SILVER HEART. “I give you life” - raises a person who is near death. Evolutionary leap. Working with the galactic council. Complete internal renewal of all organs. Treats hypertension. We send love and life into our hearts. Igniting a silver heart in a person’s soul. Strength, wisdom, knowledge of the Great Gods. Develops human superpowers. There are worlds, from there comes love, knowledge, which helps a person bring perfect love into his life. Knowledge of the Absolute leads to the Silver Key.

6. SILVER LIFE. Construction of a house (my life). Life Path, way of life, restoration of family relationships. Housing.

7. SILVER RAY. Burning and activating the chakras. We send the Silver Ray from our hands and eyes. Cleaning the premises. Opening of the 3rd eye, restoration of vision. (through a mental image - washing the eyes with silver). Those who wore glasses will walk without them. Heals adhesions in the body, removes scars. Gives life on earth.

8. SILVER SQUARE. Teleportation channel. We put the patient in a silver square and he is treated in other dimensions. Allows you to travel into the future.

9. SILVER BALL. Healing the karma of the Earth. Planetary channel. Works with the Planetary and Karmic Council. Gives multidimensional knowledge about the planets, about the Earth immediately, and about other planets with permission (10 levels without permission).

10. SILVER BELT. Works with pregnant women. Works on obesity (tightening). Tummy tuck. Healing from a hernia. Working with the Earth's equator. Disasters are being resolved and mitigated. Allows you to interact with the spirits of nature. Works for the harvest. Travel assistance (removes life obstacles that interfere with travel).

11. SILVER DOMES. (Divine Love, Dome of Life). Frequency of the Creator. Clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairaudience, self-knowledge. Knowledge of the worlds, the Absolute, a channel of knowledge. Reveals the laws of eternity from the Book of Things.

12. SILVER BOOK. All the laws of existence.

13. SILVER HAIR. Protective, including from planetary evil. Requires work. Treats vegetative-vascular dystonia, skin, hair (including gray hair), eyes, “erysipelas.”

14. SILVER DROP (drop of life). Virology. Everything heals through water.

15. SILVER CRYSTAL (crystal of eternity, crystal of life). Elderly people, children. You can open to the city.

17. SILVER DOOR. Opens up the possibility of entering other dimensions. Rebuilds human energy for a new format of other dimensions.

18. SILVER HELP. Helping a person who is in a coma, near death, in agony. We place our right hand on the heart chakra (imagine a silver ball in the center of the patient’s chest) and work with the channel. We say to ourselves: I want to help you get back on your feet. As soon as the hand moves away, everything will be fine.
19. SILVER HANDS. The channel is blessed, monetary, multifunctional. It works on the principle that what goes around comes around. A channel for fulfilling desires, miraculous, like the hands of Jesus Christ. Channel of healing love. I give you good luck, have a good trip. Materialization from the physical plane to the energy plane. The power of intention (he wanted to give a thing or something good and through his hands he passed a contact channel to the person). Increasing grace.

20. SILVER FIRE. Hearth in the house. Brings goodness to the heart, joy, compassion. Ignite love in a person and transfer it to another. Works to heal the heart, lungs, liver, lung cancer, stomach, uterine cancer, diabetes. Diseases of the genital organs, bile ducts (stones). 1, 4 chakras.

21. SILVER BOWL. Helps those who pray to the Mother of God. Charges water and fills it with silver ions.

22. SILVER POWER. Wise knowledge. Filling the body vital energy after illness and rapid recovery.

23. SILVER BIRD. Bird of happiness, good luck.

24. SILVER WINGS. Carries feminine energy. Use when there is a lack of feminine energy and love energy. . He gives happiness and prosperity to Mother Earth, and man receives the same.

25. SILVER SIGN. Gives information on signs. Revealing the vision. Earthly wisdom (writing prophecies, etc.). Activation of memory in past incarnations, from other civilizations. Unexplored hidden knowledge is revealed, including those hidden in the genotype.

26. SILVER WORD. Prophetic word. With a word you can do anything. Work only for good! Strengthens the work of other channels. Requires work.

27. SILVER LINE. Life path person. Fate. Helps find a way out of a deadlock situation. The path to God, to perfection. Knowing yourself, how to live correctly. Channel of the Prophets.

28. SILVER APPLE. Works for love (analogue of the Toka-Ton channel). Strengthening the union. Harmonization. Brings people together or separates them if a person does not want a relationship. Visualization: an apple rolling on a plate.

29. SILVER PILLAR. Treatment of the spine, musculoskeletal system.

30. SILVER WATERFALL. (Waterfall of God's Love). Harmonization of family relationships. The birth of a child, the birth of a new race. Work with pregnant women and the elderly (when there is not enough feminine energy).

31. SILVER SUIT. Works from demonic influences. The spacesuit is given after...

32. SILVER FLAME. Medicinal. Eternity Channel. Supports life. The flame gives everything. Gives energy to humanity, the race, and subtle bodies.
33. SILVER POWDER. Cures all diseases. Clears problems on Earth (fields, rivers, portals, etc.). Sprinkle in silver powder.

34. SILVER JUG. Jug of life. Help in searching for deposits of coal, gold, places of power. Life core. Awakening of Kundalini. Treatment of all diseases related to bones, strengthening of bones.

35. SILVER BOW. Love. Family relationships. Strengthening family ties. Love for people. Heart (motility), heart valves. Compatible with the Silver Heart channel. Teachers channel.

36. SILVER CARD. Map of life. Using this channel you can change the entire human anatomy. Changes a person's path. Shows the Life Plan. Through the map you can find the best place to live. Multidimensional channel. Shock. Can be used for various purposes.

37. SILVER PROTECTION. Provides protection on the mental plane from various plasmoids, humanoids, etc. Requires work. Reflects attacks in any civilizations. Can be opened as temporary protection for children (for example, when traveling). Provides protection against floods and earthquakes.

38. SILVER THRONE. A person achieves success, happiness, benefits, a way out of lack of money. Develops qualities: confidence, leadership. Gives masculine energy.

39. SILVER SPEAR. Protective channel. Warrior of the soul. Soul protection. We present a silver spear, while protection is formed around the person (egg, ball).

40. SILVER BANNER. A multiple increase in strength in intention when achieving a goal helps to move forward. Leader, Boss.

41. SILVER THREAD. Anesthesia. If your finger hurts, tie it with a silver thread, if your tooth hurts, tie it with a silver thread, etc.

42. SILVER LOTUS. Works like a silver heart channel.

43. SILVER VEIN. Money channel (how to make a rich man out of a beggar).

44. SILVER TREASURE. For personal use. Works to improve the health of everything.

45. SILVER DREAM. Astral travel. Working with the astral plane.

46. ​​SILVER HAMMER. In case of dark spots in the energy system, in the presence of entities, it hits with a hammer, breaks through chondrosis.

47. SILVER THUNDER. Works with the 3rd chakra.

48. SILVER PALM. Lad. Get along. Friendship. World.

49. SILVER SPIRIT. Merging with the Higher Self.

50. SILVER TEMPLE. (Temple of the Soul) Meditative channel, relaxation. Revealing the mysteries. Calming the nerves.

51. SILVER INGOT. Well-being in the home. Everything a person wants to implement in a house will be received. Works on the 3rd and 6th chakras.

52. SILVER RAIN. Cleaning. You can work on cleansing both with a person and with premises, portals, etc. It cleans everything. After this channel is cleaned, information may go to open the next stronger cleaning channel - the Silver Shower, and then the Silver Stream.

53. SILVER STREAM. Medicinal. Heals blood and old diseases.

54. SILVER FLEECE. Medicinal. Head (7th chakra).

55. SILVER WATER. A very powerful channel. Medicinal. Gives life on Earth and in space. Multidimensional.

56. SILVER BELL. Cleaning channel (functions like the Shaon channel).

57. SILVER VAR. Everything related to herbs. Gain medicinal properties herbs Shock.

58. SILVER FLUTE. Merging all the knowledge of Chinese teachers (functions of the Lei-Hun channel). Channel of wisdom.

59. SILVER VOICE. Working out karma in all worlds. Access to any planetary councils. Knowledge of all worlds allows us to understand everything in them. Frequency of prophets and teachers. At the level of the physical body, it treats: tonsils, everything related to the larynx, blood pressure, cervical chondrosis, stuttering. Allows you to communicate with animals, trees, etc.

60. SILVER SWORD. Protection due to the manifestation of a powerful energy wall. Stronger than the Silver Shield channel. It is revealed through the visualization of an image, when a sword turns into an arrow, this image is sent to a person coupled with a message of love.

This article addresses the next obstacle - fear of harm.

In general, there is no point in being afraid of Reiki, but in order to really be calm for yourself and your loved ones, you need to understand just one very important thing...

Lesson from life
Story No. 1 – Katya

This story happened 14 years ago, when I had just started practicing Reiki. My Reiki Master called me in the evening and asked me to treat her friend together, who had been suffering from pneumonia for 3 weeks.

She called many people to more people, pooling their strength together, helped the woman.

For some reason I didn’t want to give a session, and no one would have known if I hadn’t... but it was inconvenient to refuse, so I still sat down to treat her for about 10 minutes.

The next day I woke up in a terrible state with severe pain in my chest and throat, it was as if I had been seriously ill for several weeks.

Around noon, my Master called again, thanked me for my help and said that my friend had recovered. I woke up this morning as if nothing had happened...

Nightmare!? Yes, sure. But let's figure it out. What is the most important thing in history?

What was the mistake?

The main thing in this story is that I didn’t want to do a session.

The reasons for this, of course, may be different, but, as the result showed, it was clearly not a matter of fatigue or the presence of other important things to do.

Later I realized that this reaction of mine meant that doing the session in this moment for some reason it is not appropriate.

Mechanism of action of Reiki

Time and time again we return to a topic that everyone forgets about.

Reiki is smart energy, not electricity in the kitchen. You don't control it. You can only participate in its implementation.

If for some reason its influence is not appropriate, it simply will not go.

What will happen instead?

Very simple. By doing everything the same, instead of the endless ocean of Reiki, you are wasting your energy, of which you already have little.

This is not something supernatural. We are all connected to each other as parts of a whole. We all influence each other energetically, even if we don’t think about it.

It is on this principle that the healing of the “old school” operates.

Story No. 2 – Roma:

I've seen things like this since childhood. That's what my mom does.

She is a chiropractor, but in order for her work to be truly high-quality, she works not only physically, but also energetically, taking on various blocks. The next day she always lies in bed, broken, “reworking”...

The main thing you need to understand is that this is not Reiki.

In reiki, if it is true reiki, this cannot happen.

You don't have to become exhausted. You shouldn't feel bad.

Even if you are very tired, after a session another person, even a very sick person, should feel better. After all, Reiki works with you at the same time.

What to do?

Many Masters do not know or do not talk about this.

Always listen to yourself before starting any session with another person.

Energy is always ready to communicate with you and the easiest way to do this is through your own thoughts and emotions.

The best thing to do is to consciously ask yourself directly:

“Can I send energy to... (person's name)? “

Roma: I usually ask simply “Can I? “This takes 5-20 seconds.

If you hear the answer “Yes” or simply nothing happens: everything is quiet and your soul is calm – act.

You will definitely notice the answer “No” and will not confuse it.

Attention! We ask the one who cannot be healed!!! His request or consent to a session does not guarantee that it is you who can treat him at that particular moment.

Of course, for the session to be effective, the person must be open and it is better to ask him too.

But for safety reasons, we ask Higher power, The soul of a person, his Higher Self, Reiki Guides, in Kundalini Reiki you can ask Teacher Kuthumi.

Convenient to refuse

As you may have noticed in the story, Katya would not have gotten sick herself if she had refused the Master or simply listened to herself and not done the session.

When people find out that you can do something, many begin to ask you to help them, and you need to be aware of what you are doing.

People never get sick for no reason. Everything that happens to us has a reason.

Many people learn different life lessons through body illnesses. Your untimely intervention may interfere with this process.

Since you now know the mechanics, saying no should become easy. You can simply answer that the flow did not come for the person today, that for some reason it is better for you not to interfere today.

No other protections required

This approach allows you to avoid other unnecessary rituals.

For example, if you do Kundalini Reiki, but received attunements from other masters, you were probably given a manual by Paul Crick.

It says that after each session, another person needs to make a “Break” - cut the energy connections between you and the person being healed.

If you really use Reiki without mixing your energy, no attachments will form.

By the way, you really need to get rid of attachments, but this applies to problems in relationships with loved ones and does not apply to Reiki.

We wish you a pleasant practice. Remember Reiki is always completely safe!

In contact with

Appeal to Reiki Masters and Masters of other directions of spiritual search and path
(received via channeling from Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba and Archangel Metatron - 02/09/2011)

Conditions have been created for you on Earth today that require the inclusion of your Soul in the process of life activity and life creation.
But many of you, for some reason, do not listen to your Soul, but are guided by your mind and logic. They are guided by what arouses interest among others - new and misunderstood words, sayings and truths (in quotes) are in great demand today...
You don’t want to understand the simple Truth - which is really simple!
God is Love, and God will never give a person truths that can cause harm to a person.
We can talk about many well-known authors today who supposedly know the truths of God and give these truths under beautiful, but not always understandable, definitions.
There is a lot of information on Earth today about various cataclysms, transitions, apocalypses and so on... People are frightened and, causing fear, the energy of fear intensifies, which feeds all base energies, preventing humanity and the Earth from being filled with the Love of God the Father. The masters who bring this fear to people will themselves be responsible for their actions, even if they do not quite understand what they are bringing to the WORLD.
A lot of information today is given from the lower worlds, because the lower world does not want to lose Man and the Earth.
But God gave man Freedom of Choice, and not only his future, but also the future of all Mankind depends on how a person walks.
There are many people going to the Light today, or at least trying to go to the Light.
But the dark ones knock you down as you go.
They confuse you with their beautiful stories about new life supposedly coming from heaven.
Shouldn't come from heaven new life, but from the Heart and Soul of every person.
Only a person can change life on Earth, only a person can change himself. The gods only guide and advise.
A lot of information is given today in hidden form.
At first glance it seems correct.
But if a person opens his Soul, he will immediately feel the lie and falsehood.
Those who understand this lie but continue to spread it are servants of darkness. It is you, the people, who must end them yourself. This will be your choice.
The transition about which so much is written and spoken to you from various sources, various spirits or messengers; a transition that frightens you endlessly and makes you afraid; the transition that is coming with cataclysms and earthly destruction - it will not happen... And it should not happen.
The transition must occur in yourself, in your consciousness, in your perception of reality, in your replacement of aggression and fear with Love and Mercy.
It is you yourself who must make this leap in your consciousness and become a rational being, rational from the point of view of God.
Look how much information is being written on Earth today - a huge number of people today supposedly accept truths from the Light...
But not always, and not with everyone can God or His Helpers speak. And it’s not about chosenness or holiness here we're talking about- but about how pure a person’s Soul and thoughts are.
Only bright thoughts and bright deeds can help a person who accepts the Truth from God to understand and accept it correctly.
The channel is open both up - to God, and down - to the devil.
We call this conditionally - top and bottom.
In the Universe there is not, and cannot be, up and down; there are high Light energies and low dark energies.
So both of these principles are present in a person.
And whatever beginning a person chooses, that’s how he will be.
Even if this choice is made out of ignorance or unconsciously.
Why is this appeal to Reiki Masters and those walking the spiritual path?
To make you think about what information you use in your schools or centers. Where did this information come from? From Light or darkness?
Students follow you, for whom you are an authority, a teacher, a master.
Your word and your outlook on life place certain programs on the views of students.
Remember one immutable rule when walking - do not harm another.
And if you, without even realizing it, instill in a student false worldviews, you are not just blocking his path to the Light, you yourself are sending him into the darkness of ignorance, lies, obscurantism, and you do this consciously, since this is your worldview.
It makes no sense to talk about any sources separately - there are many of them...
A person himself must determine where the Truth is and where the lie is.
Or where Truth is intertwined with lies.
Many who receive information accept it from both God and the devil, since there is only one channel of acceptance. And a person sometimes cannot distinguish Truth from lies. Everything has the right to be... Remember only one thing - God is One, Indivisible, Irreproducible, Irreducible.
God cannot and does not want evil for man.
God does not live on any of the Planets.
The planet is the material world.
God is the WORLD OF LOVE!

This system (Reiki Joy of the Source of Light Elohim) has Divine Protection built into it, and this Protection cannot be seen or felt by someone who does not understand this - who does not know.
We remind those masters who did not receive this system from us (co-authors of the RISE Reiki system) - the RISE Reiki System and all RISE Reiki Portals have a Certificate of Copyright.
There are no additions to the system by such authors as Kryon, Melchizedek, Marciniak, Prophet and other authors, as well as Sirius and other messages.
Messages going to the System are only those that are given or have already been given through Anna Vasilievna Laikova and Svetlana Igorevna Yakhina. If you want to understand the Truths of God more broadly, please read the works of Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba - from whose unspoken Blessing this system came. Read the messages that are presented on our website. With each reading, the Truths of God will be revealed to you in a new way, a true understanding of the Truth of God will come to you!

Reminder to Masters from the Ascended Master Maitreya.
(received via channeling channel 04/08/2009)

Usui Reiki is the beginning of knowledge, Reiki RISE is the middle, and the Spirit of Life - the Crown of Knowledge - is raising the energy vibrations of the Masters of Light Elohim to the vibrations of the Elohim Gods.
The RISE Reiki system can only be received by those who prove their devotion to Elohim in practice. This is a very serious work that requires both the student and the Master to have unconditional faith in Elohim and the Creator of the entire Universe.
This is a co-creative work that brings the Master of Light Elohim to the vibrations and level of the Elohim Gods.
According to each level of mastery gained, the power and strength of the Master increases. Master Co-Creator is similar to the Elohim Gods and can work to heal the entire Universe as a whole. This is an expansion of the energetic and creative potential of the Reiki Master RISE.
But the Masters who follow this Path bear enormous responsibility for everything they do. This is a great responsibility for the whole World, for all humanity, and for all life on Planet Earth.
It's like nuclear potential, which can either make life on Earth comfortable and enjoyable, or, in inept hands, simply destroy Planet Earth. Previously, in ancient times, this has already happened - these are the civilizations of Lemuria, Hyperborea and Atlantis that destroyed themselves.
And you, Masters of Light Elohim, today have to prove that the lessons of the ancients have been learned and that humanity is ready to take the Path of Good and Light, the Path of Love and Peace, and not the path of aggression and power.
You, Masters of Light Elohim, today need to bring people Light and Love, Good and Truth from your hearts to the hearts of all humanity.
It is you, the Masters of Light Elohim, who will have to help Planet Earth bring all of humanity and the Planet itself to a new energy level in the new fifth dimension of Elohim.
We, your elder brothers and sisters Elohim are with you.
We help and tell you how you can do this.
Follow us, follow the call of your Soul, and remember, it is You who are the Co-Creators of Elohim, a new dimension of Love, Goodness, Truth and Light.
I - Maitreya - ask you - Master of Light Elohim.
I - Maitreya - I bow to you - Masters of Light Elohim, and I say to you:
“You and I are the Masters of Light Elohim - this is the Unity of Elohim. And you have been given this opportunity to change the World in which you were born and in which you live now.”

God the Father reminds:
. As soon as a person becomes loose in his thoughts, words and actions, disasters begin;
. As a man's thoughts are, so is he;
. A person must learn to analyze all thoughts that come, and correct his mistakes himself - this is the most important thing;
. Gratitude is divine, and ingratitude is demonic in nature;
. Evil is a lie and a crime before God, Conscience and the Law;
. Lies are the beginning of all human misfortunes;
. A lie deprives the mind of reason (the ability to distinguish between good and evil), makes it useless and empty, replacing the Divine nature with the demonic;
. The reason for lying is fear;
. Envy gives birth to all vices;
. Envy hurts, first of all, the one who envyes;
. Envy and anger are twins, born of abomination - human selfishness;
. Evil eyes are busy looking for evil in others;
. The eyes should not look for evil, evil should not come from the mouth, the ears should not listen to evil, the mind should not understand evil, the mind is given by God to recognize lies, the heart should not believe evil;
. Everyone must understand that all feelings given to man are initially illuminated by the nature of Divinity;
. The beast has instincts, but man is gifted with Reason and Will in order to cope with the egoism of the Heart;
. Conceit is a sign of a narrow mind, it is a person’s desire for fame and praise;
. Gossip, gossip, criticism are nothing more than verbiage of the mind and theft of life's time;
. Instead of looking for other people's shortcomings, look for your own;
. Ambition is for the insane;
. With a word you can heal, or you can wound and kill;
. When a person commits his actions and thinks that no one is watching him, first he lies to himself, God is the witness, and the Law is the judge;
. Know! Divine Law is the Law of Love!
- You can’t do evil - the law of karma.
- There is retribution for evil deeds.
- For sins - the answer.
- For deception - hell and torment.

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