Staffing format. Staffing table or staffing sheet. Who makes the staffing schedule?

In the organization of production of a workshop, a turnout composition of production workers and workshop personnel is produced, servicing technological equipment and performing production operations.

Production workers include all persons directly employed in technological process. The shop personnel consists of the shop manager, senior and shift foremen, and junior service personnel (cleaners).

The selection of serviced workplaces should ensure uninterrupted stable operation of the equipment with the production of products of the required quality.

At enterprises producing cellular concrete, a brigade form of labor organization of workers has been adopted with the distribution of responsibilities between team members according to technological posts.

If, in the designed production, operations performed manually with or without mechanized devices and tools are unavoidable, then the number of workers at these jobs is determined by a special calculation using the formula

where Р с is the number of workers per shift to perform this operation;

P s – volume of work (workshop productivity) for this operation per shift;

N v.z – shift production rate per worker unit;

Rz – number of workers in the unit.

If the work is performed not by a team, but by each worker individually, then the formula takes the form

where N in is the shift production rate per person.

The volume of work is taken from the calculation of the material balance of production. This value must be expressed in the same dimension as the production rate for this operation. The production rate is taken from special reference books for a given industry or factory practice data.

Table 18

Shop staff list

Name of professions or types of work

Number of employees

Shift duration, h

Salary RUR/month

Salary RUR/year


Ch. accountant

Ch. engineer

Head of Quality Control Department

Concrete mix preparation operator

Block press operator

Operator for receipt and preparation of raw materials

Loader driver

4.5. The enterprise's need for energy resources

Energy resources include fuel, steam, electricity and compressed air consumed to perform technological operations.

The main materials for obtaining the necessary data are the technological design standards of enterprises in a given industry, standard or reused economical designs and indicators obtained at leading enterprises producing similar products.

In the approximate calculation of the workshop's electricity needs, the power load factor reflects the use of engine power installed with this equipment; it is related to the use of equipment over time. The value of this coefficient can be conditionally taken according to the formula

where K zm is the engine power load factor;

K vn – equipment utilization rate over time;

 – coefficient depending on the degree of equipment load.

So, with K in = 0.20–0.30  = 1.30;

K in =0.40–0.50 =1.20;

K in =0.60–0.70 =1.20;

K in = 0.80–0.90  = 1.00.

The engine utilization factor over time characterizes the ratio of the time of actual operation of the equipment per shift to the duration of the shift and is determined by calculation:, where P f and P t are the actual and technical productivity of the equipment, respectively.

In cases where calculating the equipment utilization factor over time is difficult, its value can be taken by equipment groups (when working during a shift):

    for continuously operating technological equipment (ball mills, crushers, belt presses, rotary kilns, fans, etc.) – 0.80–0.90;

    for continuously operating transport equipment (elevators, conveyors, augers) – 0.80–0.90;

    for equipment for transport and load-lifting intermittent operation (cranes and crane beams, winches, skip hoists, etc.) – 0.30–0.40.

The power consumption is obtained by multiplying the power of each electric motor separately for each machine by the load and utilization factors over time. Power consumption is numerically equal to the hourly electricity consumption to perform technological and transport operations.

After calculations of the power consumed by each electric motor, the total installed power of the electric motors of technological and transport equipment in the workshop and the power consumption of all electric motors, taking into account the load factor, are found. Using the data obtained, they establish the energy consumption per shift, day and year, as well as the specific energy consumption, which is calculated using the formula

where E y is the specific energy consumption per commodity unit of product;

E r – annual electricity consumption (the final result of the last column of Table 20);

The results obtained based on calculations of the need for energy resources (fuel, steam, electricity, compressed air) during individual periods of the workshop are presented in the form of a summary table. 19.

Table 19

Calculation of energy resource requirements

Name of equipment with electric motor

Number of equipment units

Electric motor power, kW

Equipment Utilization Rate by Time K HV

Power load factor K ZN

Electricity consumption taking into account K HV and K ZN

Concrete mixer



Cement silo

Table 20

Calculation of energy requirements

Hello! Have you ever heard of such a document as the “Staffing Schedule of an Organization”? But this is a document on the basis of which wages are calculated, as well as employees are hired and fired. Now we will try to talk in detail about what functions the SR performs and how to compose it correctly.

What is “Staffing Schedule”

Each of you has been to the HR department of some enterprise at least once in your life. You've probably seen countless folders and personal files of employees. Surely many were interested in how the employees of this department collect and remember information about all positions, employees, etc.

And everything is quite simple. They have a document like staffing table.

Staffing table (SH)- this is a regulatory document that provides information about all positions of the enterprise, the number of full-time employees, the size of their tariff rates and the amount of allowances.

In other words, this is a document that contains generalized information about the number of employees of the enterprise and available positions. In addition, the staffing table indicates the size wages for each position, taking into account all applicable allowances.
Very often, this document helps enterprise managers during legal proceedings. For example, due to a forced reduction in staff, a worker was fired and he filed for former leaders to court. In this case, the ShR is direct evidence of the legality of the defendant’s actions.

Due to the importance of this document, all pages are numbered, laced and sealed.

  • Download a sample order for approval of the staffing table
  • Download Staffing Form N T-3

Staffing functions

Like any document, the ShR performs a number of functions. The main ones are:

  • Possibility of organizing staff working hours;
  • Calculation of monthly salaries for employees;
  • Official registration of newly hired employees;
  • Remaining the rules of the internal daily routine;
  • Transfer of registered employees from one position to another, etc.

Staffing table is a mandatory document

Every enterprise has a large number of documentation. There are documents that are maintained in mandatory, and there are those that are created out of necessity. To the question “Is the ShR a mandatory document?” it is impossible to give a definite answer.

This is due to the fact that the labor code does not require the presence of a labor force at an enterprise. But if we consider this issue based on the requirements of Roskomstat, it turns out that this document is necessary, because it is the primary documentation for accounting for wage payments.

Although the legislation does not stipulate clear rules anywhere, most organizations conduct this type documentation. After all, the main part of government inspections begins with the study of SR.

In fact, the presence of this document makes life easier not only for inspectors, but also for managers, human resources and accounting departments.

What is the validity period of the staffing table?

No official document indicates the exact validity period of the ShR. The manager himself has the right to indicate the period at which this document is drawn up. Most often, it is redone every year and put into effect on January 1. When drawing up the ShR, the date of its validity is indicated. But if you do not specify a date, then the document is considered unlimited and does not need to be redone.

How much and where is the staffing table stored?

Based on the decree of the Federal Archive, ShR, after expiration, must be stored at the enterprise for 3 years. And the shelf life of staff arrangements is 75 years.

Staffing arrangement– an optional document for each enterprise, which is created on the basis of the staffing table. He is mobile version ShR and includes more detailed information about the company’s employees (indicate the full name of the workers, disability group, etc.).

Who makes up

Before starting to create a document, the manager issues an order to change the staffing table, where he appoints an employee who will draw it up.

This can be absolutely any employee of the organization. But most often such work is entrusted to employees of the personnel department, accounting department or labor standards engineer.

How many copies of ShR should be in production?

When compiling a SR, one copy is made. Thus, the original and a copy must be kept in the HR and accounting department.

Change of staffing

Sometimes it is necessary to make changes to the existing SR. This is done in several cases:

  1. If there is a reorganization of the company;
  2. If it is necessary to optimize and improve the work activity of the management apparatus;
  3. If changes made to legislation require mandatory amendments to the ShR;
  4. In case of changes in staffing positions ;
  5. Changes in position in the staffing table;
  6. Changes in salary in the staffing table.

If the changes are minor and do not require the creation of a new HR, then the manager issues an order to amend the staffing table. After which the responsible employee makes amendments to the current document.

When making changes to the staffing table, management is not required to notify employees in writing.

The second way to make amendments is to create a new ShR.

For any changes to the SR, amendments must be made to the work books and personal cards of employees. Before doing this, you must obtain written permission for this action from employees.

For example, if the wording of a job title changes slightly, the employee must be notified in writing. Only after this are changes made to his work book.

If changes concern the amount of salaries, in this case the employee is notified in writing 2 months in advance. These amendments are simultaneously made to the employment contract.

Is there a mandatory staffing form?

To compile the SR, the unified one is most often used. It is a form - a table into which you need to enter data.

Most organizations take the T-3 form as a basis and “customize” it to fit their enterprise. This is permitted, i.e. the unified form of this document is not mandatory.

In cases where the enterprise has a state form of management, then the staffing table is drawn up according to all the rules.

Structure of the organization's staffing table

The SR consists of a “header”, a table and data of the people who signed this document.

The first part of the documents contains the following information:

  • Name of the organization, according to the constituent documents;
  • The start date of the ShR, its number and validity period. Numbering can be assigned arbitrarily.
  • Date and number of the order approving the staffing table;
  • Total staff.

The second part is a collection of data for all positions. We'll look at it a little later.

The third part contains the names and positions of the people who signed this document. Most often this is the head of the personnel department and the chief accountant.

How to create a staffing schedule

We hope that no one had any questions when filling out the “header”, so let’s move on to filling out the table itself.

1 column . Name of the structural unit. They should be listed in order of subordination. For example, administration, secretariat, financial department, accounting, etc.;

2 counts. Department code. We number the divisions from top to bottom (01,02,03, etc.);

3 counts. Job title. Data must be entered in the nominative case without abbreviations, in the singular, guided by qualification and tariff directories;

4 counts . Number of staff units. This column indicates how many people of one position the enterprise needs. This value can be either an integer or a fraction. For example, 2.5 could mean that 2 employees will work full time and one part time;

5th Earl . The amount of salary, tariff rate or bonuses. Indicated in rubles for each position. If, for example, there are 2 accountants working, but the manager pays them different salaries, then a single salary is indicated in the staffing table, and additional payments are indicated in the allowance column. That is, the salary of workers in the same position should be the same;

6, 7, 8 columns . Allowances for special working conditions. They may not exist, then dashes are placed in the columns. But if the employee works at night, holidays, cleans the bathroom. knots, etc., then by law he must be paid certain compensation;

9th Earl. In just a month. The data in columns 5,6,7,8 is summed up, and then multiplied by the number of staff units for each position;

10th Earl . Note. A local regulatory act may be indicated on the basis of which wages are paid;

After entering the data, you need to summarize the results 4 And 9 column. Thus, we find out the number of staff units in the staffing table and the monthly wage fund.

Approval of staffing

According to the rules for approving the staffing table, after compiling and checking all the data, the HR is signed by the manager, chief accountant and head of the personnel department. After which the head of the enterprise issues an order to put this document into effect.


SR is not mandatory, but a very important document for any organization. Based on it, you can either accept a new one. In addition, with its help, wages are calculated for the company’s employees.

This document is not strictly regulated, so it can be “customized” for each organization and altered if necessary. This is a lifesaver for a manager during inspections by government agencies.

Staffing is local corporate document, which defines and formalizes the staffing structure of the organization, which is often not taken into account by novice entrepreneurs, because Russian legislation is supposedly loyal to this document and the issue of its preparation.

However, this is nothing more than a myth. In this article we will look at all the legislative issues related to the staffing table in the Russian Federation, consider the types and subtypes of this type of document, examples of filling it out, and also learn the most basic thing: how to draw up a staffing table correctly?

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Subtypes of staffing


The staffing table for organizations is filled out according to unified form No. T-3 regardless of whether it is a manufacturing enterprise, a design organization or a store:

Column 1: “structural divisions”. These include branches, branches, etc.

Typically, this section is filled out from departments that perform unified management, then perhaps the accounting department, public relations department, financial department, etc. then production, etc.

Sometimes the name of the department can influence to provide the employee with established benefits(for example, if there is a possibility of dirty poisoning during production) - then it must be taken from specific industry groups.

Column 2 “division code” is necessary to classify divisions into a group, using which it is possible to determine their location in the structure of the organization. Small companies do not require such code.

Column 3 “position (profession, specialty), series, type (group) of employee qualifications.” To correctly name a position in the staffing table, you must use the Classification Directory of Occupations.

If there are any restrictions on the quality of some type of work, position, or profession, or some privileges or compensation are taken into account, then their name must accurately correspond to the above classifiers.

The job title must be entered in its entirety, abbreviations such as dir. or deputy not allowed.

Column 4 “Number of staff units.” The number of units pre-installed in the company for the appropriate position is indicated.

When filling out the form, problems may arise regarding the fourth column, where you need to indicate the number of staff units.

Then, if the enterprise contains part-time rates, in the corresponding column, the number of specific units must be indicated in fractions separated by commas, for example 0.5 (based on specific Instructions for the use and completion of forms of primary accounting documents, approved by Order of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation dated January 5, 2004 No. 1).

Column 5 “Tariff rate, etc.” The content of this column depends on the payment concept labor activity existing in the company. The accepted amount of salary or tariff rate is transmitted.

Columns 6-8 “Allowances”. Allowances, additional payments and other incentive charges are formed by the functioning legislation (for example: for work in extremely low temperature conditions at far north), or personally by the employer for any reason.

The amount of bonuses can be determined as a single amount, or as a percentage increase to your own salary.

Column 9 “total”– the section must be filled out by adding sections 5 and 8, but only if all the information in them is entered in rubles. In the case where the salary is determined in rubles, and the bonus is in percent, a blank is set in the ninth column.

An example of a staffing table for a manufacturing enterprise.

(The picture is clickable, click to enlarge)

For a budget organization

Budgetary organizations are able to implement their own activities, resorting to several financial sources, for example, government subsidies and cash from contract work.

Thus, payment for the labor activity of workers in certain specialties can be made, in fact, from both financial sources, or from only one. In practical application, the formation of 2, and in some cases, 3 staffing schedules has become widely used.

Budgetary organizations belong to the category of government institutions. The concept of payment for the work of such institutions is formed taking into account regulations established by the Federal Commission regulating public and labor relations between trade union organizations and employers.

(The picture is clickable, click to enlarge)

Thus, paragraph 19 of the “recommendations” describes that the staffing table is ratified by the management of the organization and contains all positions and specialties of the employees of this organization. Similar conditions are specified in clause 10 of the regulations approved by order of the Federal Government of August 5, 2008 N583.

Since the current legislation does not take into account the division of the schedule into shares depending on the options for sources of remuneration, the organization should create a single schedule for all employees.

For an individual entrepreneur

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation contains clear instructions that the employer (it does not matter whether it is an individual entrepreneur, a private organization, or a budgetary one), who has signed an agreement with an employee, must draw up a staffing table. AND there are no specific requirements for this for individual entrepreneurs, Unlike budgetary institutions and LLC.

Therefore, many accountants advise to draw up this document anyway, in any case, while others advise to draw it up only if there are 3-4+ employees.

(The picture is clickable, click to enlarge)

Some experts in the legislative field believe that the use of this form itself should be mandatory for employers, while attempts to draw up a schedule in any form will lead to problems with accounting both within the organization and with external regulatory authorities.

Sample store staffing table not in T-3 form.

(The picture is clickable, click to enlarge)

The question of the lack of alternative to form No. T-3 “Staffing table” arose in the basis Article nine of the Federal Law dated November 21, 1996 No. 129-FZ. According to this article, basic accounting documentation is taken into account only if it is drawn up in accordance with the configuration of unified forms.

Only certain options and sections of documentation that are not provided for in this section can be drawn up in free form, but they must certainly include all, without exception, the details noted in Article 9 of the Law “On Accounting”.

By Federal Decree No. 835 of July 8, 1997, the creation and confirmation of albums of unified forms of basic accounting documents was imposed on Goskomstat Russian Federation (now – Federal State Statistics Service).

From this we can conclude that if this committee has adopted one or another form or configuration, then it becomes standard without fail.

However, important information is missed here - after all, Goskomstat was given powers create unified forms of primary documentation. But what is such documentation?

A primary document is considered only such a document, with the help of which one or another business procedure of the company is drawn up, which finds a response in accounting.

However, the staffing table is not a document documenting any such actions. The staffing table is not used as a tool for accounting operations. That is, the employer has the right to draw up the staffing table in any form, and use the mandatory unified form only as a recommended sample.

When filling out the form in any form, the person does not violate any laws and is not subject to fines or sanctions.

Who makes the staffing schedule?

After the organization has made a decision about the need to create a document (if it has not been drawn up previously), it appears new problem– who exactly is responsible for creating this act of professional accounting?

There are no direct provisions in the legislation, however, in accordance with the qualification directory of positions of managers, specialists and other employees, confirmed By Order of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of August 21, 1998 No. 37, the preparation of this category of documents is considered part of the responsibilities of a labor economist.

Management can also draw up a document that shifts the obligation to register to a specific employee of the organization, or this obligation can be fixed in a work agreement or official instructions to employees. In other words, it depends on the policy of the company itself.

In small organizations, scheduling is carried out mainly by personnel or accounting workers, and in more rare cases, by legal workers. In large organizations, this is done by planning and financial departments, or departments of labor and wage organization.

If this is not an organization, but an individual entrepreneur, then in this case such work can be undertaken by a personnel specialist, an accountant, or the entrepreneur himself.

Staffing structure and validity period

The current federal legislation does not provide direct instructions on how often the staffing schedule should be drawn up and when it should be approved. next year. However, taking into account the fact that the staffing table is a planning document, it should be assumed that it should be drawn up annually, at the end of the reporting period, along with other accounting documentation.

However, the staffing table can also be drawn up once and remain a valid document in the future.

The staffing table is drawn up on a certain date, ratified as a rule every year on January 1 and included in the work process by decree of the company's senior management; the document can be edited and corrected in the future.

There is no need to re-issue and re-approve the document for the coming year if it has been edited too insignificantly (in this situation you should only draw up a list of changes), or if no changes have been made to the schedule at all this year.

This document includes a list of structural divisions of the organization, data on the personal staff of the enterprise, the total number of staff, as well as data on financial accounting, salaries and salary increases for employees of the organization.

Where to start - registration procedure

To draw up and approve the staffing table, the following will be done:

Rules and instructions for filling out

For this purpose, standard form No. T-3 of the album of unified forms of primary accounting documents in the labor sphere, approved By order of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation dated January 5, 2004 No. 1.

It must be borne in mind that such standard forms cannot be reduced (all configurations, without exception, are saved in their original form), but they can be edited in some sense, supplementing them.

If a particular item on the form is not of value to you or your company, then a specific column or column in the form can be ignored when filling out.

The sequence of distribution and further position of internal divisions and positions is determined by the decision of the company's management. Any department must include full-time positions according to their status: from senior to junior.

Data on the number of staff units included in the schedule must meet the indicators for calculating the number of staff members for the fund wages preset in the final estimate, which must first be calculated.

The names of local departments and positions are written in the nominative case, after careful checks of the lists of employee positions and working specialties, prescribed in special reference and information materials.

Of particular interest when filling out are the names of employees engaged in serious work activities, working in production with harmful, unsafe for life and other specific and difficult criteria for working conditions.

That is, we are talking about a preferential pension group, so when filling these positions you should be especially careful.

The staffing table must be stitched, labeled, secured with the company seal and signed by senior management. It must be signed by the chief accountant and the heads of internal departments of the organization.

If the personnel of an organization is too large and the document covers many sheets, then the accountant, at his own discretion, has the right to sign each individual sheet or Sign only once, on the last sheet of the document.

After all these procedures, the document is signed by the top management of the enterprise, or a person with appropriate authority, and already comes into force.

Find out the nuances of drawing up staffing in the video:

The list of replacement positions in the staffing table can be an application or an element. It is needed to introduce new positions while simultaneously abolishing old ones.


Two ways to replace positions in the staffing table

The staffing table can be changed in two ways:

  1. You can enter a new staffing table that differs from the old one.
  2. You can issue an order on the main activity indicating the required changes. Then the title of the document may sound like “Order to amend the staffing table.”

In the first option, the ShR registration number should be the next one. At the same time, it is necessary to support it with an order registered in the journal of orders of the main activities of the institution.

As a basis, it records, for example, the improvement of the activities of a structural unit or the elimination of duplication of functions of individual employees. The manager has the right to choose the basis himself, the main thing is that it is strong enough. You can attach economic planning calculations from the HR department.

Legal basis

The statement is used in the healthcare sector and is regulated by Order of the Ministry of Health No. 999, which was issued on October 11, 1982, and also released in a new edition on October 16, 2001. Despite its “age,” the legality of the document has not lost its force and relevance.

Important! At the top of the list of replacement positions in the staffing table, a link to this order must be placed.

When replacing, it is recommended to refer to Order of the Ministry of Health No. 1183n dated December 20, 2012 with additions in 2014. It is called “Order on approval of the Nomenclature of Positions of Medical Workers and Pharmaceutical Workers.” The appendix to it lists all the wording of the names of all available positions for healthcare workers.

Can it be certified by the heads of divisions (departments)

Personnel accounting, the introduction and abolition of positions can be carried out either directly by the employer or by the head of a separate department. But for such a decentralized form of personnel records, you will need paper that clearly states that the head of the department has the right to act on behalf of the employer. To do this, there must be a Regulation on the branch and a power of attorney or other forms of documents certifying this right.

About limits

If an institution needs to replace positions due to production needs or other compelling reasons, the head of the organization has the right to publish a list of replacement positions in the staffing table. But there are fundamentally important points:

  • all rearrangements and replacements should not go beyond the approved amounts in the workers' compensation fund (this important condition, new positions should not be introduced just like that; this will require numerous justifications);
  • newly introduced positions must be listed and described in the nomenclature of positions (it would be useful to check the nomenclature and the required salaries when filling out the document);
  • positions that were added to the staffing table exactly according to the work being done cannot be replaced.


The document can come into force no more than once every 1 year. The procedure for accepting paper in the appropriate manner can be made annual, if necessary. Although this is considered a temporary measure until full changes are made to the staffing table or a new one is signed with established list actually used positions.

Although orders for the main activities are kept throughout the operation of the institution, statements have a “shelf life” of 12 months and are periodically reissued. This happens before each new edition of the staffing table is released.

What is contained in the document

The statement consists of a header with the following data:

  • prescribed by order;
  • an indication of which application number to the staffing table it is;
  • date;
  • full name of the organization.

After the introductory part there is a simple table of three columns with the following content:

  1. Serial number.
  2. The names of positions that are included in the staffing standards, but which are not in the staffing table.
  3. Information about positions that are in the staffing table (but not provided for by regulations).

At the end of the paper, the signature of the head of the organization or individual division is placed (if he has the right to do so).

Examples of permutations

In order for the wage fund to remain unchanged, when replacing positions, it is necessary to take into account their salary and compare the resulting figure with the previous one. If a document is generated in any program, then these calculations are performed automatically.

Important! If the position being replaced is vacant at the time of drawing up the document, then no preparation is required.

If it is occupied, then in accordance with the law, the employee who performs the duties of this position must be notified in writing about upcoming changes at least 2 months in advance.
The employee must express written consent to the actions of management. If he resigns, then severance pay must be paid and all aspects of this procedure are observed.

If the stipulated salary of the position being replaced is not high, then the choice of positions for which it can be replaced is also reduced.

But there are situations when, for example, two positions of a nurse are “merged” into one position of a general practitioner. Such personnel changes are also possible.

The main thing is that it is expedient and consistent with the management’s opinion on this matter (the main initiative with the “transformation” should come from it).

Interestingly, the situation with replacing positions is only possible in the healthcare sector. At enterprises in other areas, a complete revision of the staffing table, separate abolition and the introduction of new positions by special orders on changes in the staffing table seems more appropriate.

The standard arrangement is called type of working documentation, created by heads of organizations for convenient conduct of business.

It is also sometimes called full-time replacement. It contains detailed information on the personnel of the enterprise, along with high positions.

What it is

In the staffing table, information is generated on the occupied positions approved by the staffing table, including the surnames, first names and patronymics of employees, as well as their exact salaries.

This document also has the following names: staff replacements and lists. The law does not require mandatory accounting, which must be maintained by the human resources department.

The staffing arrangement is in a convenient way personnel records. The head of the organization has the right not to create the document in question; he is not punished for this.

According to regulations, there is no approved form of the staff list; therefore, it is developed by the organization itself. When creating it, they usually use form T-3.

It is used when drawing up the staffing table, but only for the first document the presence of additional columns is provided. These columns record information about employees holding certain positions.

These sections include last names, first names, patronymics, categories of employees that affect the amount of wages, the presence of a disabled group, information about leave and other information.

The category of workers is important indicator when calculating wages, for example, for a pensioner and a student, it will differ significantly. The characteristics listed above help in drawing up reports sent to the manager or maintaining statistics on significant topics.

This information may be needed by the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, the military registration and enlistment office, insurance companies and other departments. Regular replacement provides prompt transfer of data upon request by certain organizations.

But the main function of the document in question is the possible tracking of vacant positions, determining the enterprise’s need for additional labor, and calculating the staffing of the company’s employees. This also includes hiring new workers into the organization, including part-time employment.

Formation of staffing is most suitable for organizations where staff is constantly changing. Such a list serves as an excellent mechanism in establishing a personnel system in an enterprise.

If there is a vacancy, the employee responsible for personnel-related issues uses information from the staffing table to determine employees capable of performing job duties in the vacated position.

Legislative norms do not provide for registration of staff replacement, including the rules for filling it out, but employers, when creating this document, must adhere to certain regulations.

Order of Rostechnadzor No. 372 dated May 30, 2008 contains recommendations regarding the rules for drawing up and filling out staffing arrangements. The above paragraphs, where you can also learn about the main subsections, list necessary information, including positions of employees suitable to perform replacement duties.

Order of the Ministry of Culture of Russia No. 558, adopted on August 25, 2010, contains information on staffing arrangements and approved standard management documentation that allows economic activity a certain organization.

Direct instructions for filling out the staffing list legislation does not install. The head of the enterprise, if necessary, himself approves the methods for generating this list based on the needs for the list of information about employees or in accordance with industry regulations, subject to their creation.

Need for use

Typically, the staffing table contains only the names of positions and the number of employees, in contrast to the arrangement, which is formed from the very beginning according to the names of the working personnel.

Therefore, in this document it becomes possible, in the form of a table, to enter large amount of information, which means completing the corresponding tasks. Possible tasks to be performed include:

  • calculation of available vacancies;
  • determining the frequency of updating the working personnel;
  • identification of part-time positions;
  • calculation of employees who are on disability or pension for reporting to the manager, as well as the Pension Fund.

Using the staff list, you can see a detailed picture of the salary levels of all employees. This allows simplify your payroll task, if the employee has a certain rank, class, additional incentives for any achievements in the service, special conditions for performing work activities.

Another staffing table allows you to record information regarding vacations, paying attention to their availability, because certain employees are entitled to vacation several times a year. This applies to workers with irregular work hours and hazardous work conditions.

According to the staff replacement, employers can quite easily and in a short time provide data on the workforce, including its actual number, available vacancies, preferential categories of employees, and salaries. An important purpose of the staff list is to enough quick creation reports for the tax authority, Pension Fund or Employment Center.

Differences in their content are acceptable in the staffing table and list. Thanks to the staffing arrangement, the manager has the ability to control almost all of the company’s activities.

The schedule is called optional document created to maintain work routine. It is formed in any form and compiled official HR department. Regular replacement is executed in accordance with the established form and directly by an authorized employee.

Despite the fact that the Labor Act of the Russian Federation does not regulate mandatory requirements for compiling a staff list, this document is important, when the work responsibilities of personnel are distributed by position, and not by the names of the work performed.

Purposes of compilation

Despite the fact that staff replacement and the enterprise schedule are similar to each other, they still differ in purpose:

  1. The role of the schedule is to approve the number of employees, according to the volume of work tasks, and disband them according to the developed hierarchical scheme.
  2. The arrangement is informational in nature and serves as a simplification in the development of planned reports, including tracking changes in personnel or the presence at the enterprise of workers who belong to the preferential category.

Differences in examples

The staffing consists of 10 standard speakers, expressing essential data about employees, starting with job titles and ending with the amount of remuneration.

The arrangement, compared to the previous document, consists of several or more columns, where you can see information about the personal information of employees, orders for the provision of maternity leave, transfer to another part-time position and other data.

The document for entering staffing in 1C is presented in the instructions.

Features for 2018

From 2018, the staffing structure will continue to be created according to the schedule, taking into account some nuances for additional subsections in which the relevant data about employees is entered.

A mandatory requirement will be to indicate in this document the names of departments, positions and names of employees, as well as vacancies. It will be possible to note in the notes type of employment of workers: permanent, temporary, main or part-time.

Formed staff replacement is allowed as in in paper form, and on electronic media in the form of a file.

Typically, the preparation of this document is the responsibility of HR inspector. It is this employee who must have the necessary information regarding the acceptance and movement of the enterprise’s working funds.

Signature, approval, shelf life

If the storage of regular replacement is carried out on electronic media, no signature required. Therefore, the approval of this document is also not necessary.

The staffing arrangement is created for internal accounting in the organization. It allows you to clearly present a complete picture of the working personnel, including the availability of vacant positions.

According to Order of the Ministry of Culture of Russia No. 558, archival management documents generated for the work process at enterprises, including staffing arrangements, must be stored for 75 years.

Thus, the main importance of staff replacement is the prompt calculation of the number of available vacancies, the current list of employed employees, as well as the analysis of approved salaries.

How to arrange staffing? The answer to the question is in the video.

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