Blue clay of the Black Sea application. What is blue clay and how to use it. How to check the quality of clay

Blue clay appeared on earth more than 500 million years ago. Of all the varieties, blue clay is the most valuable; it is famous for its most beneficial properties.

Properties of blue clay

Blue clay contains healing microelements and minerals that are urgently needed by cardiovascular, enzyme and endocrine system. Blue clay has a beneficial effect on intracellular processes: it normalizes and rejuvenates the cells of the body.

In addition, it absorbs toxins very well and absorbs harmful substances accumulated in the human body. Cambrian clay also helps to get rid of radionuclides and various harmful microbes.

Blue clay is capable of absorbing gaseous and liquid toxins, gases, and odors. Vegetables such as carrots, radishes, beets, and potatoes do not rot throughout the winter if you place them in water with the addition of blue clay for just a few seconds and then dry them well. Mice and rats are not poisoned by poisons if there is a layer of blue clay somewhere nearby. Washing your hair with water with the addition of blue clay promotes hair growth and the disappearance of dandruff.

Applications of blue clay

In order to remove tartar and get rid of bleeding gums, you need to dilute the clay with water, apply it to a cloth and rub your teeth. To quickly get rid of inflammatory processes in the eyeball and eyelids (conjunctivitis, stye), you need to rinse your eyes with water that has settled over a layer of blue clay.

Blue clay is also widely used in cosmetology, because... With its help you can thoroughly cleanse your facial skin and smooth out wrinkles.

Composition of blue clay

In addition, it contains the entire composition of microelements and mineral salts that are so necessary for humans.

These are: phosphate, silica, nitrogen, iron, as well as silver, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, manganese, zinc, aluminum, cobalt, copper, molybdenum, etc. Blue clay is especially suitable for caring for oily skin faces and heads.

Blue clay masks

Face mask with blue clay

In order to prepare a face mask, you need to dilute the blue clay to the consistency of thick sour cream and apply a thin layer to the skin of the face. After 20 minutes, wash your face first with warm water and then cold water. After this procedure, the skin takes on a healthy appearance, wrinkles become less noticeable, acne and pimples disappear. In addition, this mask lightens freckles.

To make the clay mask even more nutritious, you can add olive oil, tomato juice, cucumbers, lemon, cranberries, etc. to it.

Rejuvenating face mask based on blue clay

Let's give an example of a rejuvenating face mask based on blue clay. To do this you need to mix 2 teaspoons medicinal herbs: lavender, sage, chamomile, linden blossom and pour boiling water until the consistency of a thick mushy mass. Let stand for 10 minutes and then add 2 tbsp. blue clay. The consistency of the mask should resemble thick sour cream.

  • Divide the mixture into 2 parts, cool one in the refrigerator, and, on the contrary, heat the second in a water bath.
  • Apply two parts of the mask to the gauze like a sandwich.
  • Apply gauze to your face for 5-10 minutes, avoiding the eye area.
  • Place cotton swabs soaked in linden blossom infusion over the eyes.

For a rejuvenating effect, it is enough to carry out the procedure once a week for 1-2 months.

When using masks based on blue clay in people with various types The skin may experience uneven drying. It's connected with different levels the work of the sebaceous glands in different areas of the facial skin. Boiled or thermal water can be sprayed onto quickly drying areas.

Blue clay foot masks

The use of foot masks based on blue clay improves microcirculation of the skin, making it more elastic, and also relieves swelling and the “feeling of heaviness in the legs.” Due to the high adsorption capacity of clay, applying it to the feet 1-2 times a week for 20 minutes reduces foot sweating. In addition, foot masks based on blue clay are a good prevention of fungal diseases.

If you put the clay powder in a plate and leave it in the refrigerator for 2-4 hours, the clay will absorb all the unpleasant odors.

Many doctors advise using blue clay to treat skin diseases, in the form of pastes, powders, ointments for skin diseases such as ulcers, diaper rash, burns. For treatment gastrointestinal diseases(poisoning, enteritis, colitis) adults are recommended to take 20-30 g of blue clay orally at a time, but not more than 100 g per day.

Treatment with blue clay

Blue clay is widely used in folk medicine. It is used to treat: diarrhea, stomach ulcers, jaundice, bloating, asthma, liver cirrhosis, pulmonary tuberculosis, atherosclerosis, anemia, paralysis, metabolic disorders, epilepsy, cholelithiasis and urolithiasis, and even alcoholism. To do this, 20 g of clay must be diluted in 50 ml of warm water. The resulting infusion is taken 15-20 minutes before eating. The usual course of treatment lasts about 1-2 weeks. Then you need to take a break for 10 days, after which, if necessary, the course of treatment should be repeated for another week.

As an external remedy, blue clay is used to treat rheumatism, radiculitis, arthritis, gout, tendon and muscle diseases, goiter, painful menstruation, prostatitis, skin diseases (eczema, acne, psoriasis, abrasions, wounds) and various colds.

Leading Western pharmaceutical companies have long appreciated this wonderful gift of nature and actively use blue clay in many medicines and cosmetics.

Blue (Cambrian) clay or blue keel - fine-grained sedimentary rock of gray color.

If clay in water gives a pure turquoise-blue tint, most likely a dye has been added to it - copper chlorophyllin. Masks made from this “blue clay” color the skin pale green. Real clay does not dissolve in water, but settles at the bottom of the container.

Blue clay from mud springs and clay quarries contains radium. In very small quantities it is used to treat and prevent skin cancer, but in large doses radium is toxic.

When preparing clay mixtures, use plastic or ceramic dishes. In metal dishes, blue clay loses its beneficial properties.

Where did blue clay come from?

Blue clay appeared at the bottom of the Cambrian seas more than 500 million years ago. Under the influence of weather conditions, it was formed from the minerals kaolinite, spar, some varieties of mica, limestone and marble.

When temperature changes, microcracks appear in minerals. Water gets into them and, freezing, destroys the stones to the smallest dust. Over time, rock particles accumulate and become saturated with water, forming blue clay.

The history of the discovery of blue clay - from the Amazons to Cleopatra

Blue clay was first discovered on the island of Lesbos, in northern Greece, in the Aegean archipelago. In ancient times, the warlike Amazons living on the island used blue clay... as war paint. When the Greeks managed to capture the rebellious beauties and wash away the clay from their faces, they were amazed at the beauty of their captives. Many Amazons were sent to court as concubines, exchanged, or given as gifts to the rulers of neighboring countries. This is how the whole world learned about the secret of the beauty of indomitable warriors. Even Cleopatra herself made masks for her hair, face and body from blue clay.

Today blue clay is mined in the Crimea (Sapun - Gora), from Sevastopol to Simferopol and in Altai in quarries at least 20-25 m deep. Then the clay is washed and cleaned of impurities, dried and packaged.

Effect and use of blue clay

Blue clay is an excellent cleansing, disinfectant, regenerating and anti-inflammatory agent. Even ancient Greek doctors noticed that in clay pots, milk does not sour for up to 3 days, and meat sprinkled with clay crumbs does not spoil for a long time. Almost 4,000 years later, modern scientists have confirmed the ability of clay to neutralize microbes and toxins, prevent rotting and decomposition.

Face and hair masks, anti-cellulite wraps and facial compresses are made from blue clay. Blue clay is also used for clay baths. Penetrating into the middle layers of the skin (dermis), blue clay stimulates metabolism and skin regeneration. Blue clay is suitable for any skin type. Solutions from blue clay (1 teaspoon per glass of water) are drunk to cleanse the body. Blue clay has such healing properties due to its composition.

Chemical composition of blue clay:


100g blue clay

Importance in cosmetology

Silicon (Si) Strengthens nails and hair, promotes rapid healing of wounds
Calcium (Ca) Regulates metabolism in the skin
Aluminum (Al) Promotes scarring of seams, reduces pores, cleanses the skin of pimples and blackheads
Manganese (Mn) Anti-allergen, resolves bruises and swelling
Iron (Fe) Provides a beautiful blush
Sodium (Na) Tightens enlarged pores, mattifies the skin
Zinc (Zn) Controls the saturation of the skin with amino acids, strengthens nails and hair
Magnesium (Mg) Reduces allergies and stress, strengthens hair and nails
Potassium (K) Controls the amount of fluid in the skin
Nitrogen (N) Tones the walls of capillaries and blood vessels, gives a healthy complexion
Chromium (Cr) Removes excess fluid and prevents the development of cellulite
Phosphorus (R) Increases the body's resistance and makes the skin elastic
Molybdenum (Mo) Stimulates skin regeneration
Copper (Cu)
Nickel (Ni) Normalizes sebum secretion
Silver (Ag) Cleanses and activates the protective functions of the skin
Cobalt (Co) Promotes the absorption of calcium and phosphorus
Radium (Ra)

0.006-0.012 µg

As an alternative prevention for skin and breast cancer

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In Inal Bay there is a blue clay lake in which vacationers take mud baths.

It is this blue clay, huge layers of deposits of which reach out to the sea, that provides the amazingly beautiful color of the water in Inal Bay.

The mountains here are an unusual greenish-blue color. The fact is that this is not an ordinary stone, but blue limestone.

Spring and rainwater limestone is slowly eroded. And under one mountain on the shore there is a lake with blue clay, into which streams flow from the mountain.

Mountains in Inal Bay

It is very tiny and shallow. 7-8 meters long, less than a meter deep. After the rains, the lake becomes larger, as all the dried clay around the hollow simply dissolves.

Blue clay - natural medicine

The water in the blue clay lake of Inal Bay is so dense due to the saturated solution that the body is pushed to the surface. It is problematic to drown not only because of the shallow depth of the reservoir, but also for this reason. In general, a real small Dead Sea, only mud.

Blue clay is famous cosmetic product. It contains mineral salts, microelements beneficial to our body. It has antibactericidal, disinfectant, anti-inflammatory properties. Stimulates blood circulation, normalizes metabolism of the epidermis. Blue clay is believed to have a rejuvenating effect.

Visiting the lake is free. Although earlier in Inal Bay they took money from those who wanted to heal their joints and rejuvenate.

In summer the lake is full of people. Children frolic, adults smear themselves with blue clay from head to toe and look like real Avatars or space aliens.

To achieve the effect, you need to sit in this clay for about 15 minutes, then get out and let it dry until the skin begins to pull slightly (not until the blue clay cracks), and only then wash it off. This text was stolen from the Roads of the World website (site)!

Since the sea is literally five meters from the lake, people wash away the clay directly in the sea waves.

I really wanted to launch our children into the blue clay lake of Inal Bay and take spectacular photographs. But the weather in the last days of September this year was not conducive to swimming in the cold mud.

However, they say that no one has studied the properties of this particular blue clay. As is the microbiological composition of the lake. But it wouldn’t hurt, considering how many people can be there at the same time, and how many vacationers pass through the mud lake of Inal Bay during the holiday season.

However, you don’t even have to climb into the lake to experience the effect of clay. All along the shore there are pebbles of blue clay, rolled by the sea. It is easy to distinguish them from ordinary stones - they crack in the sun.

It's not just pebbles. Take a closer look, there are pebbles of blue clay here

We took several of these pebbles with us. Let's see what it is.

Blue clay - a gift from nature

The lake is located on the 3rd section. Coordinates of the blue clay lake of Inal Bay: N 44.329, E38.6275. Walk along Morskaya Street to the beach, and then turn left (from the center of the bay to the left about 600 meters along the beach), behind the Dolphinchik cafe.

How to get to the blue clay lake in Inal Bay. Schematic map based on maps

By using interactive map you'll definitely find it.

Have you used this gift of nature? And how is the effect?

All materials on the “Roads of the World” website are copyrighted. We kindly ask you not to take articles and photographs without permission from the author and the site administration.

© Galina Shefer, “Roads of the World” website, 2016. Copying text and photos is prohibited. All rights reserved.


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Clay is a unique substance made of quartz, mica, aluminum, silicon oxides, iron, potassium, magnesium, mineral salts, micro- and macroelements. It has an extensive list of features that were known back in ancient world. Clay has been used to treat various ailments for centuries, and now this tradition has not been forgotten. From our article you will learn how clay is useful and how it can be used to treat bruises, inflammations, and diseases internal organs.

Useful properties of clay

The list of properties that clay has is almost endless. The first healing property of clay is that it contains many salts and elements (calcium, silicon, magnesium, phosphate, potassium, iron, nitrogen). Silicon is needed to maintain the immune system, prevent atherosclerosis and heart attacks. Silicon helps calcium to be absorbed faster, which has positive influence on hair, nails and skin.

Contains radium. It absorbs toxins and heavy metals and is used as the main component for the manufacture of drugs for oncology therapy. This natural component is a good absorbent, it removes radionuclides and heavy metals.

The main properties of clay are its cleansing and antibacterial effect. Normalizes metabolism, removes excess acids and toxins and has a positive effect on activating blood circulation.

As you can see, the healing properties of clay are very diverse. Used to treat epilepsy, vascular, diabetes mellitus, blood diseases, atherosclerosis, arthrosis, arthrosis, hemorrhoids, cardiovascular system, treatment of spinal diseases, inflammation of the lymph nodes.

Types of clay

There are several varieties of this natural component. The benefits of clay directly depend on its color, which varies depending on the predominant salts in the composition:

  • Blue clay is the most popular and contains the most cobalt and cadmium. The benefit of such clay for humans lies in its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects. Blue clay is widely used to treat headaches, burns, respiratory diseases and even colds; it also has a rejuvenating effect by cleansing and saturating the skin with oxygen;
  • Red contains iron and potassium, which determines its color. The properties and use of red clay is to get rid of anemia and anemia. She treats joints, muscles and spine;
  • Green clay is rich in copper and ferrous iron. The beneficial properties of green clay have a particularly good effect on the condition of the skin and hair, and also have a positive effect on the functioning of the venous system, helping to get rid of varicose veins and swelling of the legs;
  • White contains zinc. It is a powerful antioxidant, the main benefit of white clay is its rejuvenating effect; in cosmetology, white clay is popular for treating hair, acne and cleansing the surface layers of the epidermis;
  • Yellow clay is rich in potassium. Used to treat radiculitis and arthritis. Useful property yellow clay - calming effect, effective against overwork and stress;
  • Gray is used mainly to rejuvenate and moisturize dehydrated skin.

Harm of clay

Despite the beneficial and healing properties of clay in the treatment of many ailments, there are also limitations in its use. Contraindicated in diseases of the kidneys, liver, osteoporosis, febrile conditions, bronchial asthma and open tuberculosis. You should consult your doctor if you have acute cardiovascular failure.

Clay may be harmful if you are allergic to this natural component. Do not overdose, as this may contribute to the removal of vitamins.

Preparation of medicinal clay

When used externally, clay can be used in different ways. We will tell you the basic cooking methods healing clay depending on the disease.

If you use it to draw out toxins or strengthen the body's strength, you need to make lotions from clay. Mix a teaspoon of powdered clay with 200 ml of boiled and filtered water. Mix with a wooden or glass spatula so that you get a uniform consistency in viscosity reminiscent of sour cream, leave for several hours under the influence of the sun in the fresh air. Then apply the mixture to the skin (the thickness should be several centimeters), secure with a bandage and leave for 1.5-3 hours. Do 2-3 lotions a day.

Clay can cure insomnia and headaches. Mix it with yogurt 1:1, make a compress on the forehead and hold for 15-20 minutes.

Clay for runny nose and sinusitis: mix it with water in a 1:1 ratio, mix until thick and heat to 40ºC. Apply a hot compress to both the sinus and sinus areas 4 times a day. 20 minutes is enough. You can do the same for treating otitis media with clay, just apply it behind the ear 3-4 times a day.

Clay for internal use

Restoration of various internal organs is actively carried out with the help of clay; diarrhea, stomach ulcers, urolithiasis and bloating respond well to treatment with clay. It must be clean, without foreign impurities. The maximum single dose is 30 grams, the daily dose is 100 grams for an adult.

If you are treated with edible clay, do not use it on an empty stomach, dilute it with cool water so that it does not lose its benefits, and after using this natural component internally, you need to rest and lie down for 15-30 minutes and do not overeat. Please note that you need to drink the clay in small sips.

Clay treatment for constipation: drink 50 grams of clay mixed with 200-250 ml of cold water 3 times a day after meals.

If you want to cleanse your body, then drink a glass of water with a teaspoon of blue clay mixed in for 2 weeks.

Treatment of gastrointestinal diseases: it is recommended to drink water with clay 3 times a day before meals. First mix 0.5 teaspoon of blue or white clay with a glass of water, but gradually increase the amount to 2 teaspoons. The duration of treatment is 21 days, take a break for 10 days and continue again.

Clay treatment for bruises

Clay for bruises is very effective, as it will prevent the development of a hematoma.

Preparing a clay mixture to treat bruises: mix 45 grams of this natural blue component, a spoonful of honey and a raw egg. First apply the resulting mixture onto a clean linen cloth, cover it with compression paper on top and secure the bandage with a bandage. Take it off when you feel warm. But do not rush to throw away the bandage, put it in the refrigerator and apply it again after a few minutes.

It is convenient to use wraps to treat bruises and sprains with clay. Soak the cloth in the clay mixture, apply it to the damaged area and cover with a woolen cloth. Remove the lotion after 2-3 hours.

Treatment of wounds and burns with clay

Clay is a unique natural component, as it literally pulls out all the bad things from our body. Treatment of wounds and burns with clay is an excellent replacement for many modern drugs; it will prevent germs and bacteria from multiplying and will clean even an open wound.

If you have a burn or wound, you need to make a clay lotion. It will take several lotions so that it can completely absorb all toxins and harmful substances.

First, treat the damaged area of ​​the skin with a damp cloth or warm water, then dilute the clay with cool water in a 1:1 ratio. Use only a wooden or glass spatula for mixing. Apply the resulting thick mixture to the wound or burn in layers of several centimeters, apply a bandage on top, but do not tighten it too tightly so as not to disrupt blood circulation.

Where to get healing clay

If you decide to use clay for medicinal purposes and not for cosmetic purposes, then pharmacy products will not suit you. You need to prepare this natural component yourself.

Cambrian blue oily clay is considered the best. The activity of deep clay is highly valued and can be taken from a quarry, near brick factories, or on the surface of the earth near lakes and rivers. Do not use the city one or the one located near industrial centers. Dig deeper and in nature; the purest clay is considered to be located over 15 meters underground. You should dig clay exclusively with a wooden shovel and store it in non-metallic containers.

Are you seriously thinking about undergoing treatment with clay? Then you need to stock up thoroughly. Prepare clay for treatment in the summer, make many small cakes from it. It needs to warm up in the sun, then it will appear more strongly. medicinal properties. 1-2 days in the sun is enough for it to fill up solar energy. After tanning, place the cakes in boxes or grind it into powder and sift through a sieve. Do not use metal to store it, as it degrades the properties of the clay; enameled, wooden or unfired clay vessels are ideal. Periodically expose them to the sun, then it will be stored for a long time.

How to check the quality of clay

If you find clay yourself, you need to check its quality before using it. Give her a simple check that can be done right on the spot.

Method one: take a small piece, dilute it with water and shake. If the clay is good, it will sink to the bottom quite slowly. Otherwise, this natural component is not suitable for treatment. The water should not separate into two layers, and the material good quality It will be a little oily and will settle into flakes.

Method two: make a small bagel by first moistening it with water. It will suit you if it has good plasticity, takes the desired shape and does not crumble. Then leave this donut in the sun; if stains appear on it, it begins to crack, then such material is not suitable for treatment and use for cosmetic purposes.

Method three: hang a ring, nut or any other weight on a thread and point it at a layer of clay. If the pendulum began to swing towards you, and then away from you, then this product is of excellent quality. If the weight swings left and right, then you should continue your search. This method helps determine the energetic strength of a natural component.

Using clay for cosmetic purposes

Facial masks and body baths with the addition of clay have a good effect. They can be used to prevent various inflammations and irritations on the skin, to improve the condition of the skin, as well as to treat acne and blackheads on the face.

Body wrap: Prepare a clay solution by mixing 3-4 tablespoons of clay powder with 1 liter of warm water. Place a warm blanket, oilcloth or polyethylene on it and a sheet soaked in the solution. The person must lie down on it, and he is wrapped in a sheet, oilcloth and blanket. The duration of the procedure is 1.5-2 hours.

Clay baths: add 5-6 tablespoons of clay powder to 1 liter of warm water. Add the resulting solution to a bath of water at a temperature of 40-45°C. The bath should only be half filled with water. The duration of the procedure is 20 minutes. After taking such a bath, do not rinse your body immediately; it is better to wrap yourself warmly and lie quietly. This helps strengthen the body and rejuvenate the skin.

Clay face mask: mix 2-3 tablespoons of clay powder with water so that the consistency resembles sour cream. Add 2-3 drops to it olive oil, a little estuary juice and one yolk. If desired, you can add one teaspoon of honey. Apply the clay mask to your face and leave for 20 minutes. Rinse off afterwards clean water and apply nourishing face cream.

Mask for blackheads: mix 2-3 tablespoons of clay from the pharmacy with ¼ glass of vodka and the juice of half a lemon. Apply the mask to problem areas of the face (nose wings, forehead, chin) and leave for 10-12 minutes, then rinse with clean water.

Natural, inexpensive, effective and easy to use - all this is about blue clay, which has been used for centuries to treat and prevent many diseases. Gray powder, diluted with water, is used as masks for the face and hair, as a healing drink and in the form of medicinal applications, compresses and baths. So what is blue clay and what are its medicinal properties?

What is blue clay: description, composition

Blue or Cambrian clay (kaolin) is a sedimentary volcanic rock that is more than half a billion years old. It was formed on the basis of minerals: mica, marble, limestone, spar and kaolinite. The main production regions are Crimea and Altai.

The natural product has the appearance of a fine powder of a dirty gray color, does not dissolve in liquids, and settles to the bottom in mixtures. When mixed with water, the natural green dye contained in it, the copper complex of chlorophyllins, gives the clay a bluish tint. On the skin, under the influence of oxygen, it changes color to gray-green.

Chemical composition of a product differs depending on where it was mined. The basis of the powdery substance is:

  • silicon oxide;
  • aluminosilicates;
  • zinc oxide;
  • Nitric oxide;
  • magnesium;
  • manganese;
  • molybdenum;
  • copper;
  • silver ions;
  • potassium;
  • iron;
  • calcium;
  • radium (in a minimal amount).

What are the benefits of blue clay?

Kaolin is a source of beneficial microelements, which determines its therapeutic effect on the human body. Healing properties powder of volcanic origin are presented in the table:

Effect Characteristic
Antiseptic Disinfects and heals wounds on the skin, kills bacteria
Immunomodulatory Increases local resistance to infections and viruses
Absorbent Absorbs and removes toxins, poisons, excess gland secretions
Stimulating Activates metabolic and restoration processes in cells
Antitumor Radium (a radioactive element) contained in the composition prevents the formation of cancer cells
Rejuvenating Due to silver ions, it increases the synthesis of natural elements of collagen and elastin
Lymphatic drainage Eliminates swelling of tissues, fights the accumulation of fatty tissue
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