How to learn to quickly touch-type on a keyboard - the basics of speed typing and its advantages. Keyboard trainer - touch and fast typing method How to learn to quickly type on the keyboard

Would you like to learn how to quickly type on a keyboard? Almost at the speed of thought? If the speed of your test typing lags significantly, then while you are finishing typing the next sentence, you may forget the next thought, or the idea for the next sentence, that has formed in your head. In addition, your thoughts will not be interrupted by thinking about where to find a specific key and you will be able to fully concentrate on the monitor and what you are typing.

To learn how to type quickly, you need to understand a few key points about the process before you can move forward. They are summarized in the following five points.

  1. First of all, you need to make sure that you are typing correctly, that is, using all the fingers on both hands, and not just the index fingers. If you type incorrectly, your typing speed will be 35 words per minute or less. For good performance, your typing speed should be at least 50 words per minute.
  2. In addition, an important point in achieving high typing speed is developing the ability to touch-type, that is, looking not at the keyboard keys you press, but at the computer screen or the text you are typing. If you can do this, you can eventually achieve a typing speed of 80 words per minute or more. This type of text is also called the ten-finger touch typing method.
  3. It may take you quite some time to unlearn bad typing habits, such as typing with two index fingers. But if you persevere and master touch typing, you will retain this skill for life and will type very quickly.
  4. Correctly positioned index, middle and ring fingers of the left hand should be located on the F, D, S buttons, respectively (in the Russian layout A, B, Y). The index, middle and ring fingers of the right hand should be on the J, K, L buttons (in the Russian layout O, L, D). By placing your fingers on the keyboard in the manner described above, you will feel small convex marks under your index fingers. They are designed to ensure that you can always place your fingers in the correct position on the keyboard without looking at it.
  5. Based on the position of the F and J keys indicated by convex stripes, or dots (the Russian A and O will correspond to them), in the process of practice your fingers will also develop a feeling for other keys. At a mechanical level, you will subconsciously press the necessary keys without looking at them, relying on the position of the key keys.

Exists big choice computer programs that teach high-speed printing techniques. Here are some of the representatives of these programs: Typing Reflex, VerseQ, Stamina and some others. Since the process of learning fast typing will take you a long time and will be quite boring and monotonous, you should choose the most convenient and comfortable program for you to learn.
The SOLO keyboard trainer, developed by V.V., became widely known and widespread. Shahidzhanyan. The “SOLO on the Keyboard” course is highly effective and is aimed at users just beginning to master high-speed typing techniques. Before starting classes, you will be asked to read an introductory course, which will teach you about the correct position of your fingers and their movements during the typing process. Many people in this program do not like the excessive rigor in the training. Until you complete the current task correctly, you will not be able to move on to the next one. Those who do not like this approach can pay attention to other programs mentioned above.
We really hope that this article helped you navigate the information and find the answer to the question: how to learn to type quickly on the keyboard? Well, whether you can master high-speed typing depends only on you, whether you have free time and patience for learning, and, above all, on your desire and perseverance.

Many office workers, bloggers, webmasters, accountants and copywriters are looking for ways to learn how to type quickly. High-speed typing makes it possible to significantly reduce the time spent on writing materials and reduce eye fatigue while working.

Studying this business is not difficult and does not take long, but to get results you must have one quality - willpower. Unfortunately, many people have the desire to learn how to speed dial, without having the strong will to force themselves to do special exercises for two or three weeks.

Typing keyboard. Learn to type faster

At the very beginning, you should choose a convenient and high-quality program that can help you master cursive writing on a computer. Such assistants can be the famous SOLO programs, Rapid Typing, Stamina and others, as well as online services. Each of these programs has its own strengths, and weak. To understand which one is better suited for learning, you should download them all to your computer and test them.

Advantages of fast touch typing

How can a person learn to type quickly? The simulator is an indispensable assistant that can provide additional opportunities for working with tests.

Main advantages:

When typing with all fingers, the number of errors is significantly reduced.

Typing occurs mechanically - each button has its own finger.

With the ability to write blindly, vision is preserved, since when typing you do not need to constantly move your gaze from the keyboard to the display, your eyes will not strain as much, and therefore the amount of work can be done more than usual.

When completing the training course, it is possible to achieve a result of 400-500 characters per minute, due to which the productivity of all work increases by 15-20%, and the quality of typing only improves.

Mastering this skill allows you to concentrate your attention not on typing characters, but on correctly expressing your thoughts.

How to quickly learn to type on the keyboard. Finger trainer

All of the above cursive writing programs have the same teaching methodology. First, the student learns a series of letters located in the middle of the keyboard, that is, from “F” to “E”. At the same time, he begins to learn to type letters randomly with certain fingers. Particular attention should be paid to the development of the little finger and ring finger.

After mastering the middle one, they move on to the upper and lower rows. Naturally, everything will not work out well right away, but the student, with patience, will learn to type quickly. Special simulators will help with this.

SOLO program

The most popular simulator for fast typing is the SOLO computer platform. And this is not just a training program, but a whole training course. It includes both typing and various recommendations, detailed instructions and various materials that help you complete the course, coping with the first manifestations of irritation and the desire to quit everything.

To master the entire SOLO course and learn how to learn to type quickly, you should complete about 100 exercises. If they are mastered, this guarantees that the person will now be able to type sentences blindly with all fingers. Each exercise consists of several tasks, often repeating previously covered material. For easy relaxation and lifting your spirits, the authors of the program included funny interesting stories and anecdotes, as well as opinions from people who have trained on this platform.

For each task, SOLO assigns a specific score from one to five.

Stamina trainer

This is a free keyboard program. She helped many people learn to quickly type on the keyboard. The simulator has a fun and pleasant interface. Training is carried out through step-by-step tasks, the complexity of which increases each time. All exercises are performed to a pleasant melody and funny sounds.

Rapid Typing program

This is a free application in which you can learn speed typing on both the Russian and English layouts. The simulator has a nice menu and activity statistics.

Speed ​​Typing School

This computer program was created to learn how to quickly type using a ten-finger touch method. The application has a variety of fun additions:

2. Touch typing - imitation of work printing press, which consolidates and strengthens cursive writing skills.

3. “Falling Letters” is a game that helps you get a little distracted and take a break from exercise.

4. Step-by-step instruction for learning the keyboard.

All of the above programs help you figure out how to learn how to quickly type on a keyboard; they are installed on your computer and work without an Internet connection. Next, we will talk about online simulators that show how to learn to type quickly.

SOLO on the Internet

The process of learning to type is almost no different from the main installed program, except that here you can compete with other students who have also visited the web page of this application.

Project "All 10"

A new service for those who want to know how to quickly type on the keyboard. After the initial introductory steps, the student will be asked to take a test in order to understand the speed of typing, and then the tasks will begin. The project has two versions of the training course - English and Russian. Also on the menu is detailed instructions and tips for performing all exercises.

Educational game "Klavagonki"

The rules of this online application are very simple. The game randomly selects some text or sentences, and the student, together with his competitors, tries to quickly type it without errors. Of course, all tasks are timed. At the end of the tasks, the winner is determined who typed the texts faster than others and made the fewest mistakes. Thanks to such an exciting competition, a person will learn what a high-speed typing keyboard is. Learning to type faster will be both easy and fun.

Online service Time Speed

This is a series of courses on teaching high-speed typing using the touch and ten-finger typing method.

No matter how good the speed typing training programs may be, you should still adhere to certain rules:

1. You can learn to touch-type words after you get rid of the habit of constantly looking at the keyboard. To do this, cover your hands with some kind of cloth while typing.

2. It is necessary to “train” your fingers to press exactly those letters and symbols to which they correspond.

3. You can’t rush while studying. Hurry is not the most basic requirement for a student who decides to learn how to learn to type quickly. All simulators are designed to teach a person to type letters and words without errors without looking at the keyboard, and speed will come on its own with experience.

4. You should study in a non-irritated, peaceful state, since if you start learning “on nerves”, then the exercises will not teach you anything, but will only sow even more discontent and anger.

5. If irritation nevertheless takes over, then it is necessary to stop classes until the desire to continue studying arises.

7. If a person understands how to quickly learn to type blindly, this does not mean that this skill cannot be lost. It is recommended to re-use keyboard simulators every six months to hone your capabilities.

8. For those who type a lot of text on a computer, a special ergonomic keyboard is suitable, where the keys are divided into two parts: for the left and right hands.


After training, the student must constantly practice typing quickly, not “rest on his laurels,” but work as often as possible, write something, and most importantly, correctly. After all, simulators help develop automatic typing, but writing coherent sentences that make sense in a narrative without looking at the keyboard can only be achieved through constant practice.

Such practical exercises include intensive communication on forums, in social networks, in chats and so on. Thanks to this, you will quickly develop the habit of writing quickly, but competently and accurately. And only then you can move on to the practice of writing large and complex texts. It is important to wean yourself from looking at the keyboard. If this is difficult to do, some users advise covering the keys with non-transparent tape, thereby provoking themselves to use the ten-finger touch typing technology.

You can learn how to quickly touch-type texts and messages in just a fraction of the time. short term. The main thing is to have desire and perseverance. It's like riding a bicycle - at first you don't succeed, you're nervous and worried, but with persistence you learn to ride on two wheels and keep your balance. So here, with daily short lessons on keyboard simulators, you develop a very useful skill of fast typing, which will not only save a lot of time, but will also help your eyes not get so tired when working on the computer.

It is difficult for a modern person to imagine his life without a computer. Despite the fact that users of all ages spend a significant part of their time on a laptop, few people have any idea how to correctly type on a keyboard with both hands. Typing speed is a useful skill that allows you to save time when working with text. Any user can master fast typing, and he will not need any super abilities or expensive courses. You just need to be patient and put in a little effort, and within a few weeks you will be able to quickly and error-free type text of any complexity.

Fast printing methods

Learning to type quickly

There are only two main methods of fast typing: visual and “blind” ten-finger typing. The first method is used by most people: looking at the keys, a person types the text with one or two fingers (usually the index or middle). The second method is more professional and involves the user typing with all fingers of both hands, without looking at the keyboard.

"Blind" printing method

Touch typing

This method assumes that certain letters are assigned to each finger. The main thing is to initially “place” your hands correctly and practice pressing certain keys. For example, the index finger of the left hand corresponds to the letters “A”, “P”, and the right - “O”, “P”, etc. By repeating the actions many times, over time, the work of your fingers will become so automatic that you will no longer need to look at the keys.


You can say that you have completely mastered the method if your consciousness does not control the movement of your fingers.

Rules for typing using the ten-finger method

To quickly master typing with ten fingers, it is recommended to follow these recommendations:

  1. The pressure must be sharp, without delays or pressure, otherwise fluency will not be achieved.
  2. You should not hit the keys too hard, otherwise you may develop joint disease.
  3. Strokes on the keyboard should be uniform and rhythmic.
  4. Make sure that there is no “bending” of the fingers.
  5. Correct fit- half the success. You need to sit on a chair calmly, relaxed, without tension in the spinal column, without slouching or leaning on the back.
  6. You need to start learning with the correct placement of your hands - the index fingers should be located on the letters “A” and “O”, the rest should be located on the middle line of the keyboard on the remaining three keys in order.
  7. Now is the time to develop mechanical skills. With the help of special training programs, you need to type certain words without looking at the keys.
  8. The more repetitions you do, the faster you will master the skill of touch typing.
  9. The text you type should be well lit and on the left side.

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One of the most important tasks of a blogger, webmaster, and even more so a copywriter or rewriter is learn to type quickly on the keyboard. High typing speed can significantly reduce the working day of a person who spends most of his time typing texts. The sooner you learn to quickly type on the keyboard, the sooner you will realize the beauty of touch typing.

The training, as a rule, does not last long, but in order to complete it you need to fully understand the need for fast typing and naturally “gather all your willpower into a fist”! But, as it turned out, not everyone succeeds in doing this. Therefore, if you are not ready to pull yourself together and spend a week or two on intense exercise, then you are better off not even starting, as you will be wasting your time.

What can help us in learning

To begin with, we recommend choosing the most convenient and effective program as an assistant. This could be the popular SOLO program (favorite of office workers), Stamina, TypingDr or VerseQ. Of course, there are other options including online services, however, we have listed the main ones. It is very important not to make a mistake in choosing a program, otherwise your desire to quickly type on the keyboard will fade away sooner than you learn the basics of touch typing letters and numbers. Objectively speaking, each program has its own advantages and disadvantages, so you need to download each of them, install it on your computer and try to work with it. But, as we have already said, not everyone has the patience to go through this path, much less start it all over again 4 times in order to be able to evaluate each of the proposed programs - there certainly isn’t enough strength. Therefore, we decided to do something different and immediately choose the VerseQ product, even if it is somewhat subjective, but most of the people who tried this program liked it and even many of them learned to quickly type on the keyboard, and for free!

We cannot recommend the famous “Solo”, since, in our personal opinion, it has already outlived its usefulness; today there are much more effective ways learn to type on a computer. The main disadvantage of this program regarding VerseQ, again in our opinion, is that it is mainly aimed at office workers who are literally required to learn the computer keyboard anyway. But for an ordinary user who just wants to quickly communicate on ICQ, Skype or on the VKontakte social network (for example), the program will be absolutely useless! The point is that training should take place in an easy and relaxed manner. It should not last for hours and should not drag on for months, as happens with classes at Solo.

VerseQ helps you memorize not individual letters on the keyboard, but entire chords (letter combinations), which makes it possible to apply skills immediately after the first lessons. You won't have to go crazy with multiple clicks of the same letters. In addition, the visual design of the program will help create a rather pleasant atmosphere when learning to type letters with all the fingers of both hands.

Operating principles of the simulator for fast blind typing

The essence of the VerseQ simulator is quite simple - a line of letters or letter combinations (chords) appears on the screen in front of you, which you need to repeat from the keyboard. By pressing the first letter or key, the program will begin to keep statistics, recording your typing speed, rhythm and the number of mistakes made.

After typing the entire line, you will be shown statistics (skill, tempo, rhythm and number of errors). Having studied it, you can continue to study further - type the next line. However, it will be different, since it is generated automatically, but takes into account your past mistakes, that is, if you make mistakes in certain letters or combinations, the system will arrange the letter series in such a way that you will learn well and be able to correct your own mistakes. When the shortcomings in your typing are eliminated, the program will continue to complicate the learning levels for you in accordance with the language characteristics.

Now let's move on to direct recommendations for speed typing on the keyboard.

What to do when you can’t learn to touch type on the keyboard?

Often, people trying to learn how to quickly type on a keyboard have a problem with the fact that they cannot learn anything from the training: they forget where to put their fingers, which keys are assigned to which finger, they get tired quickly and generally cannot withstand the minimum load from learning . If you have similar symptoms, and you consider yourself a relatively healthy person, with a good memory and no serious stressful situations in your life, then in this case you urgently need to pay attention to your sleep. Since it is he who is responsible for the efficiency of the brain, as well as (no less important) for the functioning of the nervous system.

Therefore, if you want to get quick effect from classes, then first of all you must enter into a normal daily routine, namely, sleep as much time as your body requires. It is best to go to bed between 21:00 and 23:00, since after this time biological rhythms enter into completely different phrases, and a person’s temperature drops by an average of 0.6 degrees, which is what the body needs for the deep sleep phase. If you miss this moment - going to bed later, you thereby do not have time to enter this phase, which provides the brain with nervous system better quality rest, which means your sleep will last longer and you will get worse sleep.

And if you think this is a joke, you are deeply mistaken! This tip can greatly not only help you learn to type on the keyboard faster, but also achieve success in other matters.

So, you yourself have already realized that there are no difficulties as such on the way to learning how to type quickly and blindly on the keyboard. It is enough to launch the virtual simulator several times a day and type according to the rules all those letters that the program shows us. But we would like to add that in addition to this, you will also need to remember to practice, because it is not enough just to type those letter combinations that the program offers, we also need to type entire sentences - with punctuation marks, capital letters, paragraphs, etc. . We, of course, could advise you to simply reprint any article from a newspaper into a Word document, but we will not do this, since we ourselves know that this is as boring as practicing day after day on any virtual simulator for fingers Instead, we recommend that you do something different: start communicating intensively on your favorite forums, ICQ, Skype, social networks, etc. In other words, combine business with pleasure. After all, communication, as a rule, consists of short messages that need to be written at an active pace. In this way, you will quickly develop the habit of writing faster, and, of course, correctly, otherwise you will not be understood.

At first, this practice will seem a little difficult to you, because writing quickly and according to the rules is difficult, but in the future you will be very grateful for this practice. We do not recommend practicing on documents or abstracts, where speed, absence of errors and time are really important.

Another way to practice is to participate in various services like Here you can organize virtual, group competitions in the form of speed typing letters using the blind method. However, instead of the character, a racing car appears, which moves at the same speed with which you can type. That is, on the one hand, it is a game, and on the other, it is a very effective online simulator that helps you learn to type letters very quickly.

If you cannot get rid of the habit of looking at the keyboard, then take opaque tape and cover all the keys on your keyboard; this situation will simply force you to remember all the rules and tips that you received from this article and on the virtual simulator.

So, after you learn how to quickly type on the keyboard, your work (if it is related to texts) will significantly move up, because now you will be able to do much larger volumes of typing, and therefore get much more money for them! By the way, I advise freelancers and webmasters to read our articles about “How to learn how to rewrite” and “for SDL”.

Now I would like to ask a question to blog readers: Can you type touch-type and quickly? If “Yes”, how did you learn this? Please share your “recipes” and tricks.

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