The conditioner with the portable block of the characteristic. Characteristics of split system air conditioners. Cooling class or cooling capacity

And here we will talk about the functions and characteristics of air conditioners of the most common type - wall-mounted split systems. Note that most of the characteristics described are applicable to other types of domestic and industrial air conditioners.

Power consumed by the air conditioner

The power consumed by the air conditioner is about three times less than the cooling power.

Power consumption is sometimes confused with cooling power. In fact, the power consumed by the air conditioner is about three times less than the cooling power, that is, a 2.5 kW air conditioner consumes only about 800 W - less than an iron or an electric kettle. Therefore, household air conditioners, as a rule, can be plugged into a regular outlet without fear of "knocked out" plugs. There is no paradox here, since the air conditioner is a refrigeration machine that does not “produce” cold, but “takes” it from the outside air and transfers it to the room.

The ratio of cooling power to power consumption is the main indicator of the energy efficiency of the air conditioner, which is indicated in the technical catalogs by the coefficient ERR(Energy Efficiency Ratio). Another option is COP(Coefficient of Performance - thermal coefficient) is equal to the ratio of heating power to power consumption. The ERR ratio of residential split systems is usually in the range from 2.5 to 3.5, and the COP is from 2.8 to 4.0. You can see that the value of COP is higher than ERR. This is due to the fact that during operation the compressor heats up and transfers additional heat to freon. That is why air conditioners always produce more heat than cold. This fact is often used by unscrupulous manufacturers, indicating in advertising to confirm the high energy efficiency of their air conditioners, the COP coefficient instead of ERR. To indicate energy efficiency household appliances There are seven categories, denoted by letters from A (best) to G (worst). Category A air conditioners have COP > 3.6 and ERR > 3.2, and category G - COP< 2.4 и ERR < 2.2.

It should be noted that power consumption and cooling capacity are usually measured according to ISO 5151 (indoor temperature 27°C, outside 35°C). If these conditions change, the power and efficiency of the air conditioner will be less (for example, at an outdoor temperature of minus 20 ° C, the air conditioner's power will be only 30% of the nominal value).

What is a "warm" air conditioner or the possibility of heating the air

There are air conditioners that can only cool the air, called only cold and air conditioners with the possibility of heating the air, called warm - cold, Heat pump, reversible air conditioner or simply " warm" air conditioner. Models with the ability to heat the air are 100 - 200 dollars more expensive, but in the off-season (autumn and spring) they can replace the heater.

A "warm" air conditioner generates 3-4 times more heat than it consumes electricity, but cannot work in winter.

Name Heat pump given not by chance. It shows that the air conditioner does not heat the air with an electric coil or heating element, like an electric heater, but with heat taken from the outside air (heat is transferred from the street to the room). Thus, in the heating mode, the same process occurs as in the cooling mode, only the outdoor and indoor units of the air conditioner seem to change places. Accordingly, in the heating mode, as well as in the cooling mode, the power consumption is 3-4 times less than the heating power, that is, for 1 kW of energy consumed, the air conditioner emits 3-4 kW of heat.

Please note that all heat pump air conditioners can only work effectively at positive outside temperatures, so it is problematic to warm up with an air conditioner in winter (more on this below).

inverter air conditioner

Any properly selected air conditioner can maintain the indoor temperature at 20 - 22°C at an outdoor temperature of 30 - 35°C. If it is not too hot outside, the capacity of the air conditioner will be excessive, but it cannot be changed, because the compressor of a conventional (non-inverter) air conditioner has a fixed capacity. At the same time, in order to accurately maintain the set temperature, the air conditioner must have a variable cooling capacity. This problem is solved simply. When the air conditioner is turned on, its sensor constantly monitors the air temperature in the room and when it drops by 1 - 2 ° C below the set value, the compressor turns off. The indoor unit fan continues to operate, so the compressor shutdown is not noticeable and only manifests itself in a gradual increase in temperature. When it rises by 1 - 2 ° C above the set value, the compressor turns on and the whole cycle repeats. The disadvantage of this technology is the strong fluctuations in the temperature inside the room, since in order to maintain it more accurately, it would be necessary to turn the compressor on and off too often, and this would lead to its rapid wear. Another disadvantage is that when the compressor is turned on, very cold air begins to blow from the indoor unit - when passing through the evaporator, it cools by 13 - 15 ° C. For example, if the current air temperature in the room is 24°C, then the air flow created by the air conditioner will have a temperature of 9 - 11°C, regardless of what temperature is set on the control panel. Being under a direct stream of such cold air is not only uncomfortable, but also dangerous to health.

It was possible to eliminate all these shortcomings only in 1981, when the first inverter air conditioners having variable cooling (heating) power. The inverter unit in these air conditioners converts the AC supply voltage to DC (this process is called invert), which allows you to smoothly change the speed of the compressor and thereby adjust the power of the air conditioner. During the operation of the inverter air conditioner, there are no constant on / off cycles of the compressor, so the inverter split systems more accurately maintain the set temperature and, as a rule, are less noisy. The catalogs for inverter split systems indicate not one power value, but the range in which it can change. The wider this range, the more accurately the inverter air conditioner will be able to maintain the set temperature. Therefore, when choosing an inverter split system, you should pay attention not only to the rated power, but also to the ratio of the maximum power to the minimum - the larger this value, the better.

Air conditioner noise level

If you are going to install an air conditioner in the bedroom, or if there is a window of nervous neighbors next to the outdoor unit, then you should pay attention to the noise level of the air conditioner you are purchasing. Noise level is measured in decibels(dB) - a relative unit showing how many times one sound is louder than another. The threshold of audibility is taken as 0 dB (note that sounds with a level of less than 25 dB are actually inaudible). The whisper level is 25 - 30 dB, the noise in the office, like the volume of a normal conversation, corresponds to 35 - 45 dB, and the noise of a busy street or a loud conversation is 50 - 70 dB.

For most household air conditioners, the noise level of the indoor unit lies in the range of 26 - 36 dB, the outdoor unit - 38 - 54 dB. It can be seen that the noise of the operating indoor unit does not exceed the noise level of the office space. Therefore, it makes sense to pay attention to the noise level of the air conditioner if you plan to install it in a quiet room (bedroom, private office, etc.).

It would seem that now it is enough to choose an air conditioner with the lowest noise level, and comfort is guaranteed. But not everything is so simple: it may turn out that an air conditioner with a noise level of 26 dB in practice will work louder than an air conditioner with a level of 32 dB. Moreover, there is no deception here, and all measurements were carried out correctly. And here's the thing. Any air conditioner can operate in several dozen modes, and each mode has its own noise level. Since the main noise source of the indoor unit is the air flow through the fan, radiator and distribution louvers, it is logical to measure the noise level at the lowest fan speed and keep this speed as low as possible. The problem is that in this mode, the air conditioner will not produce the declared power and in hot weather it will either automatically switch to a higher speed (with increased noise) or will not be able to maintain the set temperature. AT full description air conditioner, as a rule, the noise level is given for all fan operation modes, or at least the maximum and minimum values. At the same time, the typical noise level of the indoor unit of a premium air conditioner is 27 - 31 - 34 dB for a three-speed fan. In an advertising booklet, only the smallest figure of 27 dB can be given, and not a more correct one. maximum noise value of 34 dB.

Quietest indoor and outdoor units inverter air conditioners upper price group.

It should be noted that air conditioners can be a source of not only the monotonous noise created by the air flow, but also some other sounds - crackles, hisses, gurgles, clicks. Usually these noises are noticeable only in complete silence, but they can interfere with restful sleep, since sudden sounds are much more annoying than monotonous noise. These sounds are of different nature. Cracks occur when parts of a plastic case expand and contract due to temperature changes. Freon can gurgle and hiss when the compressor is turned on and off. And clicks occur when switching relays that control the operation of the fan, compressor and other components of the air conditioner. Of all these noises, the most annoying is the crackling of the case - such sounds can even wake you up in the middle of the night. You can recognize a “crackling” indoor unit by cheap plastic, which appearance and to the touch is significantly different from the plastic from which premium air conditioners are made. Inverter air conditioners usually produce less extraneous noise, because they do not experience sudden changes in temperature associated with the periodic switching on and off of the compressor.

If you really need a "quiet" air conditioner, before buying, you can be advised to go around several companies that have showrooms with working samples of air conditioners, touch the indoor units, listen to how they work in various modes. In general, as a rule, the most “advanced” and expensive air conditioners are also the quietest.

A few words about the outdoor unit. With the windows closed, otherwise it is not allowed to operate the air conditioner, the noise of the outdoor unit is practically inaudible. But this noise is clearly audible to your neighbors if they themselves do not have air conditioning installed and all windows are open. Although the noise of the outdoor unit of a serviceable household air conditioner never exceeds the level allowed for a residential area, this noise can still greatly disturb residents, especially at night. Note that the difference in the noise level of the outdoor units of air conditioners of the upper and lower price groups is significantly higher than the difference in the noise level of the indoor units. Some Daikin split systems even have a "Quiet outdoor unit" function, which, when turned on, reduces the noise level of the outdoor unit by half.

Possibility of ventilation (inflow of fresh air)

Household split systems cannot supply fresh air to the room. This requires a separate ventilation system.

There is a misconception that any air conditioner can not only cool, but also ventilate the air in the room. However, the function of supplying fresh air can only be fully implemented in ducted air conditioners. Ordinary wall-mounted split systems can only cool or heat the air inside the room, and the “ventilation” mode, which is written in the instructions for the air conditioner, means that only the fan of the indoor unit works in this mode, without turning on the compressor.

The main consumer functions of the air conditioner

To control all modern air conditioners, an infrared remote control with a liquid crystal display is used, which allows you to set the operating mode of the split system, the desired air temperature, program the timer to turn the air conditioner on / off, etc. As a rule, in terms of the number of functions, economy class air conditioners differ little from models of the upper price category. The reason for this unification is that for the implementation of additional features it is not necessary to change or complicate the design of the air conditioner, it is enough just to reprogram the microcontroller that controls the operation of the air conditioner and add buttons to the remote control.

Thanks to this, manufacturers can add new modes of operation or additional functions to air conditioners at low cost and successfully build their advertising campaigns based on them. As a result, in terms of consumer options, there is often no difference between air conditioners of different price groups. Less often there are functions that really lead to an increase in the cost of the air conditioner, since their implementation requires a change in its design. For example, the built-in motion sensor allows you to save energy, and the temperature sensor in the control panel allows you to maintain the set temperature not in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe indoor unit, but where the remote control is located. How much these functions are necessary and whether it is worth overpaying for the air conditioner for them is up to you.

The main modes and functions of air conditioners:

  • Cooling and Heating(for "warm" models). The main operating modes of the air conditioner used for air conditioning and space heating.
  • Ventilation. An operation mode in which only the indoor unit fan operates, without turning on the compressor. It is used to evenly distribute air throughout the room and can be used, for example, in winter, when warm air from heaters and central heating radiators accumulates under the ceiling, and the floor remains cold.
  • Auto mode. In this mode, the air conditioner itself controls the selection of the operation mode (Cooling, Heating or Ventilation) to maintain a comfortable temperature.
  • dehumidification. In dry mode, the air conditioner reduces the air humidity. Generally speaking, air dehumidification always accompanies its cooling. Warm air comes into contact with the cold heat exchanger (radiator) of the indoor unit, as a result, moisture condenses on the heat exchanger and is discharged through the drain hose. All modern dehumidifiers work on the same principle. Therefore, in the dehumidification mode, the air conditioner operates in the same way as in the cooling mode, only the room temperature drops by no more than 1°C.
  • Air cleaning. To clean the air, one or more filters are installed in front of the heat exchanger of the indoor unit. The main filter of the air conditioner is designed to purify the air from coarse dust (the so-called coarse filter). This filter is an ordinary fine mesh and protects not so much the inhabitants of the air-conditioned room as the inside of the air conditioner. To clean this filter, just rinse it in warm water. Additional filters (so-called fine filters) are designed to clean the air from fine dust particles, smoke, plant pollen. Split systems can be equipped with different fine filters - coal(eliminates unpleasant odors) electrostatic(detains small particles) and others.
  • Temperature setting. For Cooling and Heating modes, you can control the air temperature with an accuracy of 1°C in the range from 16 - 18 to 30°C. Typically, the temperature sensor is installed in the indoor unit of the air conditioner, but some models have an additional sensor built into the remote control. In this case, the user himself chooses at which point the temperature will be measured.
  • Fan speed. The indoor unit fan can rotate at different speeds to change the amount of air passing through the indoor unit accordingly (this parameter is called air performance or " pumping» air conditioner and is measured in cubic meters per hour). Usually the fan has 3 to 5 fixed speeds plus automatic mode. In automatic mode, the fan speed is selected based on the current and set temperature - the more the current temperature differs from the set temperature, the higher the fan speed.
  • Airflow direction. The direction of the air flow generated by the indoor unit can be adjusted vertically using horizontal plates (blinds) with 5 to 7 fixed positions. In cooling mode, the flow is usually directed horizontally along the ceiling so that cold air does not hit people. In the heating mode, the air flow is directed downwards, since hot air is lighter than cold air and rises. In addition, the blinds can automatically swing up and down, evenly distributing the air flow throughout the room. Some models of air conditioners with a capacity of more than 5 kW have automatic vertical louvers that regulate the air flow in a horizontal direction.
  • Timer for turning on and off. With the 24-hour timer, you can set the time for the air conditioner to turn on and off automatically, for example, you can turn on the air conditioner one hour before returning from work.
  • Night mode. After turning on this mode, the air conditioner sets the minimum fan speed (to reduce noise) and gradually raises (in cooling mode) or lowers (in heating mode) the temperature by 2-3 degrees for several hours. It is believed that such temperature conditions are optimal for sleep. 7 hours after turning on this mode, the air conditioner turns off.

Air conditioner protection systems

Most economy class air conditioners do not have protection systems against misuse.

If the consumer functions of all air conditioners are the same, then the functions of protection against improper operation or adverse external conditions on the contrary, differ significantly. A complete air conditioning monitoring and control system involves the installation a large number sensors and additional devices in the outdoor and indoor units, which increases the cost of equipment by 20-30%. At the same time, it will not be possible to effectively advertise, say, the presence of a low pressure switch, and, accordingly, it will not be possible to get a quick return on investment. Therefore, in budget air conditioners, control and protection systems are practically absent. Even in the first group, many air conditioners have only partial protection against misuse.

Main control and protection systems:

  • Restart. This function allows the air conditioner to turn on after a power failure. Moreover, the air conditioner will turn on in the same mode in which it worked before the failure. This simplest function is implemented at the firmware level and therefore is present in almost all air conditioners.
  • Monitoring the condition of filters. If the filters of the indoor unit of the air conditioner are not cleaned, then in a few months such a layer of dust will grow on them that the performance of the air conditioner will decrease several times. As a result, the normal operation of the refrigeration system will be disrupted and liquid freon will enter the compressor inlet instead of gaseous freon, which will most likely lead to compressor jamming. But even if the compressor does not fail, then over time the dust will stick to the radiator plates of the indoor unit, get into the drainage system and the indoor unit will have to be taken to a service center. That is, the consequences of operating an air conditioner with dirty filters can be the most serious. To protect against these consequences, a filter cleanliness monitoring system is built into the air conditioner - when the filters are dirty, the corresponding indicator lights up.
  • Freon leak control. In any split system, the amount of freon decreases over time due to normalized leakage. This is not dangerous for a person, since freon is an inert gas, but an air conditioner can only “live” for 2-3 years without refueling. The fact is that the air conditioning compressor is cooled by freon and, if it is lacking, it can overheat and fail. Previously, a low pressure switch was used to turn off the compressor with a lack of freon - when the pressure in the system dropped, this switch turned off the compressor. Now, most manufacturers are switching to electronic control systems that measure the temperature at key points in the system and / or the compressor current, and based on these data, all operating parameters of the refrigeration system, including freon pressure, are calculated.
  • Current protection. Compressor current can be used to determine a number of refrigeration system faults. A low current indicates that the compressor is running without load, which means freon has leaked out. An increased current indicates that not gaseous, but liquid freon is supplied to the compressor inlet, which can be caused either by too low outdoor temperature or dirty filters of the indoor unit. Thus, the compressor current sensor can significantly improve the reliability of the air conditioner.
  • Automatic defrost. When the outside air temperature is below +5°C, the outdoor unit of the air conditioner may become covered with a layer of frost or ice, which will lead to a deterioration in heat transfer, and sometimes even to breakage of the fan from hitting the blades on the ice. To prevent this from happening, the air conditioner control system monitors its operating conditions and, if there is a risk of icing, periodically turns on the auto-defrost system (the air conditioner operates for 5-10 minutes in cooling mode without turning on the indoor unit fan, while the outdoor unit heat exchanger heats up and thaws).
  • Low temperature protection. It is strongly not recommended to turn on an unadapted air conditioner at negative outdoor temperatures. To prevent breakdowns, some models of air conditioners automatically turn off if the outside temperature drops below a certain level (usually minus 5 - 10 ° C).

    Of course listed systems air conditioner protection is not limited, but we have considered those systems, the presence of which is very desirable in order for the air conditioner to take care of you, and not you about the air conditioner.

freon type

Freon is a refrigerant, that is, a substance that transfers heat from the indoor unit of the split system to the outdoor unit (more on this process is written in the section How the air conditioner works). Freons (their other name is chlorofluorocarbons) is a mixture of methane and ethane, in which hydrogen atoms are replaced by fluorine and chlorine atoms. All refrigerants used in household appliances are non-flammable and harmless to humans. There are several types of freon that differ in chemical formulas and physical properties. In air conditioners and refrigerators, freons R-12, R-22, R-134a, R-407C, R-410A and some others are most often used.

Previously, almost all household air conditioners supplied from Russia worked on R-22 freon, which was distinguished by a low price ($ 5 per 1 kg) and was easy to use. However, in 2000-2003, most European countries Legislation restricting the use of R-22 freon came into force. This was caused by the fact that many freons, including R-22, destroy the ozone layer. To measure the "harmfulness" of freons, a scale was introduced in which the ozone-depleting potential of freon R-13, which most old refrigerators operate on, was taken as a unit. The potential of freon R-22 is 0.05, and the new ozone-friendly freon R-407C and R-410A is zero. Therefore, by now, most manufacturers oriented to the European market have been forced to switch to the production of air conditioners using ozone-friendly freons R-407C and R-410A.

For consumers, such a transition meant an increase in both the cost of equipment and prices for installation and service work. This was due to the fact that the new freons differ in their properties from the usual R-22:

  • New freons have more high pressure condensation - up to 26 atmospheres versus 16 atmospheres for R-22 freon, that is, all elements of the refrigeration circuit of the air conditioner must be more durable, and therefore more expensive.
  • Ozone-friendly freons are not homogeneous, that is, they consist of a mixture of several simple freons. For example, R-407C consists of three components - R-32, R-134a and R-125. This leads to the fact that even with a slight leak from freon, lighter components first evaporate, changing its composition and physical properties. After that, you have to drain all the freon that has become substandard and refill the air conditioner. In this regard, R-410A freon is more preferable, since it is conditionally isotropic, that is, all its components evaporate at approximately the same rate, and with a slight leak, the air conditioner can simply be refueled.
  • Compressor oil, which circulates in the refrigeration circuit along with freon, should not be mineral, as is the case with R-22 freon, but polyester. Such oil has one significant drawback - high hygroscopicity, that is, it quickly absorbs moisture from atmospheric air. And the water that has entered the refrigeration circuit leads to corrosion of its elements and a change in the properties of freon, so it is more difficult to work with such oil.
  • And most importantly, the cost of new freons is $ 30-35 per 1 kg, which is 6-7 times more expensive than R-22 freon.

Currently, in Moscow you can buy air conditioners using both new, ozone-friendly freons, and the "classic" R-22. However, all new models of well-known brands use ozone-friendly freons.

Distance between the outdoor and indoor units of the air conditioner

When placing split-system units, it is desirable that the length of inter-unit communications does not exceed 5 - 6 meters, otherwise the cost of installation will increase and the power of the air conditioner will decrease.

Interblock distance has great importance, both for the cost of installing an air conditioner and for its lifespan. This distance is determined by the length of interconnections - copper pipes and cable. The standard installation usually includes a 5-meter track - in most cases this is quite enough. In principle, the maximum length of the route for household air conditioners is 15 - 20 meters (depending on the model of the split system), however, using a route of this length is not recommended for a number of reasons. Firstly, the cost of installing an air conditioner increases significantly - by 500 - 700 rubles for each additional meter of communications, and if wall chasing is required, then the total cost of each additional meter can increase to 1200 - 1800 rubles. Secondly, with an increase in the length of the route, the power of the air conditioner drops and the load on the compressor increases. When placing split system units, it is also necessary to take into account the restrictions on the height difference between the indoor and outdoor unit (usually 7 - 10 meters).

Oddly enough, but too short a track can also lead to problems. Freon pipes connecting the indoor and outdoor units of the split system are an element of the refrigeration circuit, so any deviation in the length of communications from the calculated 5 meters will lead to a change in the parameters of the refrigeration cycle. Even if the split system units are located only 1 meter apart, the length of the route should be about 5 meters (its excess is folded into a ring that hides behind the outdoor unit). Note that budget air conditioners are more sensitive to the deviation of the route length from the optimal value, since they have a simplified control and management system.

If the length of the route exceeds 15 - 20 meters, then you will have to use not a household, but a semi-industrial air conditioner. For example, a semi-industrial series of wall-mounted split systems FDKN Mitsubishi Heavy designed for a track length of up to 30 meters with a height difference of up to 20 meters. And multi-zone VRV systems allow you to spread blocks by 150 meters with a 50-meter height difference.

The influence of temperature on the operation of the air conditioner

A properly sized air conditioner is able to install and maintain comfortable temperature indoor air - usually from +18°С to +28°С. Outside temperature is more difficult.

For cooling mode: the lower limit is from -5°С to +18°С for various models, the upper limit is about +43°С.

For heating mode: the lower limit is from -5°С to +5°С for various models, the upper limit is about +21°С.

A significant spread in the lower temperature limit is explained by the fact that to ensure the normal operation of the air conditioner in a wide temperature range, it is necessary to install additional sensors and complicate the air conditioner circuit, and this increases its cost. If you plan to turn on the air conditioner for cooling when the outside air temperature is below +15°C, then we advise you to pay attention to the operating range of the selected model. The operating temperature range is always indicated in the technical catalogs or in the user manual. Operation of the air conditioner at a temperature below the permissible temperature will cause unstable operation and freezing of the radiator of the indoor unit, as a result of which water may drip from the air conditioner.

The difference between the air conditioners of the first and third groups is manifested in the operating range of outdoor temperatures - stable operation at temperatures from -5°C to +40°C is possible only with a high-quality and expensive control system. Most air conditioners are not designed to operate at outdoor temperatures below -5°C.

If the outside temperature drops below -5°C, then it is strongly not recommended to turn on the air conditioner. At low temperatures the physical properties of freon and compressor oil change. As a result, at start-up, a cold compressor may jam and have to be replaced. But even in the case of a successful start-up, the wear of the compressor will be significantly higher than the permissible one. Therefore, the operation of the air conditioner in the winter will inevitably lead to the failure of the compressor within 2-3 years. In addition, at low temperatures, the drain hole of the drain hose freezes and during cooling operation, all condensate begins to flow into the room.

However, not everything is so bad. Many manufacturers have air conditioners adapted to the conditions winter work. About how these split systems differ from their non-adapted counterparts - in the next paragraph.

Additional devices

All season block

An all-weather unit allows the air conditioner to operate at an outdoor temperature of up to minus 20 - 30 ° C, but the cost of the air conditioner increases by $ 150 - 200.

In order for the air conditioner to work in winter, an additional device is built into it - all season block or winter set, which heats the drain and compressor crankcase, and controls the operation of the outdoor unit fan. In this case, the air conditioner can operate at low outdoor temperatures (usually down to -15°C ... -30°C). It should be borne in mind that even with an adapted air conditioner, when the temperature drops, the efficiency and cooling / heating power decrease. At -20°C, the efficiency of the air conditioner drops by about three times compared to the nominal value. Therefore, in winter it is better to use heaters for heating, which are also ten times cheaper than an air conditioner. You can use an unadapted air conditioner for heating only in the off-season - in autumn and spring, when the heating has not yet been turned on or has already been turned off.

Air conditioning with a winter kit can be useful in two cases. First, to improve the reliability of the air conditioner. In this case, you can adapt almost any split system. Adaptation will allow you to turn on the air conditioner at any time of the year, without fear of puddles on the floor and failure of the compressor. Secondly, a “winter air conditioner” will be simply necessary in rooms with a large amount of heat-generating equipment, for example, in server rooms, for cooling not only in summer, but also in winter time. Since there is little moisture in the cold outdoor air, the cooling of such a room by the “window” method reduces the humidity of the air to 20–30% (with an optimal value of 55%), which negatively affects not only people, but also complex electronic equipment. Therefore, the only option for air conditioning the server room is to use an adapted air conditioner. As an air conditioner for a server room, an air conditioner with factory adaptation of the first reliability group is best suited.

Drainage pump

During the operation of any air conditioner, water forms on the surface of the evaporator (radiator of the indoor unit). It condenses when the air passing through the evaporator is cooled and flows into a tray located under the evaporator. From the sump, water is removed from the air conditioner through the drain hose. Usually, the drainage hose is led out into the street through a hole in the outer wall, less often the drain is led into the sewer. In any case, the drain hole must be below the level of the sump so that water can flow freely from the air conditioner by gravity.

However, there are times when the drain must be located above the level of the sump, for example, when installing an air conditioner in the basement. In such a situation, it is necessary to use a drainage pump that can raise water to a certain height. Structurally, the pump is made in the form of a small rectangular block, in which the pump and a miniature tank with a water sensor are located. When the tank is filled with water, the sensor turns on the pump, the water is pumped out, after which the pump turns off and the cycle repeats again. Installing a pump leads not only to an increase in the cost of the air conditioner, but also to a noticeable increase in the noise level. Therefore, it is advisable to install air conditioning in apartments so that you do not have to use a drainage pump.

Protective visor

Sometimes, when installing the outdoor unit of a split system, a metal visor is installed above it. The main task of the visor is to protect the outdoor unit from falling icicles and snow while cleaning the roof. However, when installing an air conditioner with a visor, you will most likely have to use the services of an industrial climber. In this case, the outdoor unit will have to be lowered 25 - 30 centimeters lower than usual and it will become impossible to mount it from the window. For the same reason, as a rule, it is impossible to install a canopy over an already mounted unit without dismantling / mounting it.

Protective box (grille)

A protective box or grille is installed to protect the outdoor unit from vandalism or theft. This box is a rectangular frame, covered with a large-mesh metal mesh and covering the outdoor unit from all sides except the bottom one (access from below is necessary for service). Such protection is used in cases where the outdoor unit is installed in an easily accessible place - at a low height, on the roof, etc.

Which air conditioner to choose?

  • The power of the air conditioner is determined on the basis of the calculation and does not depend on our desires and preferences. An attempt to save money and buy an air conditioner of less power can be justified only with a small (10 - 15%) deviation from the calculated value.
  • By choosing an air conditioner with the ability to heat the air and spending an additional $ 100 - 150, you can warm up in the fall and spring, while saving 65% of electricity. However, remember that for the same money you can buy a good heater that can also heat in winter. According to statistics, “warm” air conditioners are bought several times more than “cold” ones.
  • An air conditioner based on ozone-friendly freon has a price 10-15% higher compared to a similar model based on R-22 freon, and the cost of installing such an air conditioner increases by 20-30%. At the same time, the use of ozone-safe freon does not affect the consumer properties of the air conditioner.
  • The inverter air conditioner saves energy, more accurately maintains the set temperature and is less noisy. At the same time, it is much more difficult to manufacture. Therefore, we do not recommend buying inverters of "popular" brands. It is better to buy an ordinary air conditioner of the first or second group for the same money - it will be more reliable.
  • Since domestic air conditioners do not have the possibility of air ventilation, a system is needed to create comfortable conditions in air-conditioned rooms. supply ventilation. Otherwise, you will have to periodically open the window to ventilate the room.
  • Consumer functions of all air conditioners are approximately the same, therefore, when choosing an air conditioner, it is better to pay attention to its reliability and the presence of protection systems against improper operation and adverse external conditions.
  • Modern household air conditioners have enough low level noise, so that in most cases not to pay attention to this parameter. If you still need the quietest air conditioner, choose a well-known Japanese brand (Daikin, Mitsubishi, Fujitsu, Panasonic). In this case, you will be guaranteed a minimum noise level for both indoor and outdoor units.
  • Restrictions on the temperature range of outdoor air, inherent in all inexpensive air conditioners, do not play a big role in domestic conditions, since the air conditioner is used in cooling mode only if the temperature outside the window exceeds 20 ° C. If you need stable operation of the air conditioner in a wide range of temperatures, then it is better to choose a model specially adapted to winter conditions.
  • When planning the placement of split system units, try to minimize the length of interunit communications. AT standard version installation of an air conditioner (outdoor unit under the window, indoor unit not far from the window), the length of the route does not exceed 5 meters. If the length of the route is more than 7 meters, then it is advisable not to use "budget" air conditioners (LG, Samsung, Midea and similar).

To unequivocally answer these questions, it should be borne in mind that any device has a certain number of characteristics that indicate the scope of its application. They can be divided into main - determining the rationality of use, and additional - introducing opportunities that do not affect the performance of the main task.

The main (defining) ones include specifications, which are mandatory for most of the presented models. So, the scheme describing the classical implementation of split systems involves the division of the air conditioning system into two parts: internal (located inside the room) and outdoor (placed outside the room).

In turn, each of them has its own functional features. Therefore, before buying an air conditioner, you should carefully read its characteristics, which will reduce the likelihood of a wrong choice.

The main technical characteristics of modern household air conditioners belonging to the category of wall-mounted split systems:

  • Estimated working area, m²: 20 - 100
  • Operation mode: ventilation, cooling, heating, dehumidification, auto selection
  • Cooling (power consumption, Btu / h): 2050-10600
  • Heating (power consumption, BTU / hour): 2200-11100
  • Energy efficiency class: preferably A
  • Compressor type: inverter, non-inverter
  • Noise level (internal unit of the air conditioner), dB: 19-48
  • Refrigerant type: R410, R22, R410A
  • Location of the indoor unit: wall-mounted (horizontal, vertical, corner installation), floor

Having the main characteristics of a particular device, you can determine its effectiveness, which is an indicator of the appropriateness of acquiring this unit.

Functions peculiar to a particular brand of air conditioners

Each manufacturer tries to attract the buyer with special, specific only for its products, opportunities. The following are features that are specific to the most popular brands of air conditioners.

Mitsubishi Air conditioners

"I FEEL" - based on a number of parameters obtained during a special room scan, the function provides an independent decision to turn on the cooling, dehumidification or heating mode. User interaction is expected to refine the comfort level.

"Dual Plasma" efficient system filtration, which allows to capture the smallest particles in the air, decompose formaldehyde and eliminate unpleasant odors.

"I save" - ​​indispensable for the option when the air conditioner is installed in the bedroom. Selecting this function puts the device into low power mode for the sleep period. Reselect - returns to the previous state.

"Econo Cool" - this function is based on the fact that a temperature increase of only 2°C saves about one-fifth of the nominal energy consumption. In this mode, air is supplied alternately in different planes, at certain intervals (the frequency depends on the heating of the room). The result: a household air conditioner provides the required level of comfort with reduced energy consumption.

Carrier air conditioners

A special filtration system - Nano Photo Copper (filter with zinc) and Nano Silver (filter with ginseng) provide effective air purification from unpleasant odors, bacteria and other contaminants.

Anti-Ice Protection - The use of a hydrophilic coated evaporator prevents ice formation and improves heat transfer, making air conditioner maintenance much easier.

Compensation for temperature difference in height (for split systems QCL and QCR). The presence of a special sensor allows you to determine the air temperature near the ceiling (usually it is 2 ° C higher than near the floor) and carry out the appropriate correction.

Adaptation to winter conditions (series 42NQV_M). Guarantees the performance of the Carrier air conditioner at negative temperatures: up to -10°С - cooling, up to -15°С - heating.

Night light is a unique feature that provides illumination at night.

Panasonic air conditioners

"Nanoe-G" is a filtration system that can effectively eliminate mold (spores), bacteria and viruses.
"E-ion APS" - fine air purification function. A special filter with a positive charge attracts negatively charged dust particles.
The accelerated heating "Powerful". Shifting to full power, the indoor unit of the air conditioner creates a strong air flow, quickly providing the required comfortable conditions in the room.
"Soft Dry" - Panasonic air conditioner removes excess moisture from the room without changing the temperature.
Mild Dry Cooling. Used to quickly reduce air humidity. The device keeps its level slightly higher than in normal cooling mode. It can come in handy while sleeping with the air conditioner on.
"AUTOCOMFORT" and "ECONAVI". Functions for determining heat sources (people, household appliances) based on an ultra-sensitive sensor. The goal is to create the most optimal microclimate.
Patrol Sensor. Determining the level of air pollution, regardless of the state of the domestic air conditioner (active / inactive). The cleaning mode is automatically activated if the contamination exceeds the set threshold.

Which air conditioner to choose: additional options

The following features are common to most manufacturers' products, but they are neither specific nor mandatory:

  1. Airflow management
  2. Eliminate bad odors
  3. Performing self-diagnosis (does not replace the repair of air conditioners, but allows you to localize the problem)
  4. Removable front panel (washable)
  5. Auto restart
  6. Night mode ("Comfortable sleep", "Quiet", etc.)
  7. The presence of a timer

Additional and specific options mainly determine the ease of use, the degree of which for each domestic air conditioner is selected only on an individual basis.

In the age of global warming, household air conditioners are not a whim, but a vital necessity. The equipment not only cools in the heat, but also moisturizes, disinfects or works for heating. When choosing an air conditioner, you should understand in detail the principles of operation and the characteristics of the equipment.

Kindsdomestic air conditioners: from the USSR to the present

Depending on the method of installation of household air conditioners and design solutions, they are divided into:

  • window;
  • mobile;
  • monoblock;
  • split systems and multi-split;
  • channel types;
  • cassette.

Window air conditioners - a kind of equipment, which is a monoblock for mounting on a window or in a specially made through opening - in a wall or under the ceiling. Air conditioners of the Baku plant (USSR) became the prototype of the equipment. The advantages of the products are ease of installation, the most affordable price.

Mobile (or floor) appliances features compactness and mobility. They have the ability to move within the radius of the output of warm air to the street - often at a distance of up to 2 meters. Not mounted. The disadvantage of such equipment is their high price, unlike a split system, noise in operation and power limitation to 3-4 kW.

Monoblock (or wall-mounted) air conditioners Mounted on the wall with two fasteners, easy to maintain, durable. The system includes one climate control unit. The only drawback of monoblock air conditioners is their rather high price.

The most popular. Consists of external and internal parts. The external part provides for a fan, compressor, throttle in the design. The interior is usually wall mounted and contains a fan with an evaporator. Multi-split systems are distinguished by additional indoor units with different operating parameters, which ensures high functionality of the equipment and focuses it on solving a variety of tasks.

Duct air conditioners are mounted behind the false ceiling level, which completely covers the interior of the equipment. Engineering networks of duct systems are distributed along the perimeter of the ceiling and provide cooling and ventilation at any point. Power is 11-25 kW. This is a good cooling of offices or 4 room apartments. Advantages: fresh air supply, maintenance of several rooms. Disadvantages: you need a ventilation system project and power calculation.

Cassette air conditioners are also mounted on a false ceiling, but compared to the channel type, they are more accurate and cool only the outer lattice part of the equipment. Invisible, suitable for large rooms.

Ratings in different categories

Based on customer reviews and reviews last year it is possible to note a number of impeccable in terms of functionality, price and performance of models. Each category has its own leaders.

The top three home air conditioners for small spaces and bedrooms are:

  • Panasonic CS-E7RKDW/CU-E7RKD
  • Daikin FTXG20L
  • Shivaki SSH-P076DC

Optimal universal splits:

Most suitable for allergy sufferers

  • Toshiba RAS-10SKVP2-E
  • Mitsubishi Heavy Industries SRK-25ZM-S
  • LG CS09AWK.

Inexpensive and high-quality air conditioners - products of world famous brands:

  • Pioneer
  • Hisense
  • Royal Clima

Specifications and selection criteria for residential air conditioners

For comfort and reliable operation of climate control equipment, it is necessary to correctly select the following parameters:

  • power;
  • energy efficiency;
  • noise level at work;
  • additional parameters (filters, ionization).

Ordinary household air conditioner has a power of up to 8 kW and is designed for a room up to 100 m2. For an individual calculation, in addition to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room, it is necessary to take into account the configuration, natural heating by the sun, the presence of additional equipment or panoramic windows.

For a standard room up to 2.5-3 m high, 1 kW of power should be taken per 10 m2. On the additional factors 20% power added.

The choice of equipment over the calculated one is irrational and can lead not only to extra costs electricity, but also to the breakdown of the air conditioner.

For economical energy consumption, you should pay attention to the level of energy efficiency. The lowest is D and the highest is A+++. Since 2013, manufacturers have introduced the following concepts:

  • cooling efficiency index - SEER;
  • heating efficiency index - SCOP.

For office space with a level of 35-45 dB, noise is not the main factor, but for children's bedrooms it is important. The noise emitted by the indoor unit fluctuates around 25-36 dB, the external unit 30-54 dB. For example, quiet speech is 50-60 dB.

And this determines some features of the choice. So, when creating comfort, it is recommended to focus on the noise emitted during the main operating modes of the device. And the intensity of the sound on the additional function is not taken into account. Then an air conditioner with a level of 30 dB prescribed in the documents may turn out to be quieter than with 25 dB.

Additional features: economy and comfort

Expensive models of climate technology are equipped with features such as multi-stage air washing, virus cleaning or ionization. Some models have a built-in metering of electricity consumed during heating or cooling. Innovative models can be controlled by a mobile phone or a smart home system.

Today we will look at the main functions and technical characteristics of an air conditioner for domestic use that the user needs to know. This material will be useful to those who are going to buy an air conditioner, even if you do not install it yourself.

Air conditioner power

Power is the most important parameter of the device. There are three directions that are indicated by the manufacturer. These are cooling, heating and power consumption.

Cooling capacity (Cooling capacity)

Cooling capacity is the most important characteristic, which is expressed in kW or BTU. If everything is clear with power in kW, then BTU is a British thermal unit. It was in them that the power of the air conditioner was measured earlier.
The area that it can cool in normal operating mode depends on the power of the device. Under the normal mode is meant the operation of the device, without constant high loads on the compressor, which arise as a result of incorrectly calculated power of the device and the size of the room.
Thus, if you put a split system designed to cool a room of 20 square meters in a room of 30 square meters, then due to lack of power, the device will always work at increased loads in order to ensure the set temperature, which leads to rapid wear of spare parts, and as a result, the early failure of the device.

When independently calculating the power of an air conditioner for a room, it should be calculated that 1 kW (3412 BTU / h) of the cooling capacity of the air conditioner is able to provide 10 sq. m. area of ​​​​the room with a standard height to the ceiling (2.5-3 m.). Thus6 for a room measuring 25 sq.m - the required power is 2.5 kW (approximately 9000 BTU).

Also, for self-calculation of the air conditioner capacity, you can use this table:

Heating power (Heating capacity)

Heating power is a similar characteristic of cooling capacity. It is measured and calculated in a completely similar way, but only for those devices that have such a function. Today, this is the majority of household split systems, but there are also those models that do not support the heating function.

Power consumption

This parameter is often confused with cooling capacity or heating capacity, since it is also measured in kW. But this is a little different.
The power consumption of the air conditioner is a characteristic that expresses the amount of electricity consumed by the device. It can also be different (minimum, maximum, nominal) - and as a rule, the cooling capacity is several times lower. Thus, with a cooling power of 2.5 kW, the air conditioner consumes approximately 0.8 kW - less than an iron, an electric kettle and many other household appliances.

energy efficiency

The energy efficiency of the air conditioner is a parameter that contains two previous parameters. In fact, this is the ratio between them. This indicator is a technical characteristic of all modern electrical appliances and displays energy efficiency (COP).

If we talk about energy efficiency within the air conditioner, then it is expressed in the ratio of the produced power (cooling or heating) to the consumed power of electricity. If we consider an example, then we take a device with a cooling capacity of 2.2 kW, and a power consumption of 0.6 kW. The energy efficiency coefficient will be 3.67.

In modern electrical appliances, it is customary to divide energy efficiency into groups, from A to G, the higher the class, the more economical the device is considered to be in terms of power consumption. In our example, this is 3.67 - which belongs to the class "A" (the most economical devices). Accordingly, class B devices are more energy-consuming than A, class C is more energy-consuming than B, etc.

Sound pressure value

It is also one of the most important parameters, which essentially displays the noise level of the device and is expressed in dB. The manufacturer usually lists the noise level of the outdoor unit, since the indoor unit often has multiple speeds, depending on which the noise level changes. In addition, the indoor unit is always quieter than the outdoor unit.
It should be noted that the noise level of the outdoor unit also depends on its type and size. Let's say the "seven" block, of the "on / off" type - has a noise level of approximately 45-55 dB. But another type of air conditioners, inverter, does not have a constant noise level - but a maximum one. Since this type of air conditioner is designed in such a way that its performance is constantly changing during operation, its noise level is also dynamic. Therefore, it is customary to indicate only the maximum value.

Permissible operating temperature

The permissible outdoor operating temperature is a recommendation that indicates at what temperature it is safe to use the device. Operation of the air conditioner at a temperature that is higher or lower than the permissible one is fraught with a rapid failure of the device.

For most domestic split systems that are not equipped with a heating function, the lower threshold for outdoor temperature is 5°C. It is unlikely that you will want coolness when the temperature is outside the window, but this is an important parameter. The fact is that at this temperature, physical processes begin to change the structure of freon and compressor oil, which is why, immediately after starting, your compressor may jam. In addition, the drain hole of the drainage hose freezes over - and all the condensate from the air conditioner will flow back into the room.

Distance between the outdoor and indoor units of the air conditioner

This is the communication distance between the indoor and outdoor units. This characteristic is often overlooked, but in vain. The fact is that if you reduce the length of the route from the recommended 5 meters (in most cases, exactly 5 meters is the recommended distance) to 1-2 meters, then the parameters of the refrigeration cycle will change, which will lead to an early failure of the device. In such cases, the route is often twisted in a ring behind the outdoor unit. Inexperienced craftsmen cut the track to the required length.

In addition to the minimum length, there is also the maximum length of the communication route. For household appliances, this is usually 15-20 meters, everything above is already within the power of only industrial air conditioners. The longer the track, the lower the efficiency of the device. The load on the compressor block increases, heat losses increase.

Popular Features

Possibility of ventilation (inflow of fresh air)

In fact, only the channel air conditioner has the possibility of ventilation of the room, in view of its technical features. But most household air conditioners operate in this mode simply as a “Fan”. The fan of the indoor unit turns on, but the compressor in this mode simply does not turn on. It is used for smooth distribution of air around the perimeter of the room, for example in winter, when warm air accumulates near the radiators and near the ceiling.

Although some modern models are still equipped with such a function that actually takes fresh air from the street and lets it into the room, these are quite expensive and rare models that cost quite a lot and have complicated installation.

Air dehumidification

In dry mode, the air conditioner reduces the amount of moisture in the air. Recommended for regions with high humidity.
It should be noted that the air dehumidification mode accompanies its cooling. This is due to the principle of its work. Warm air comes into contact with a cold heat exchanger, as a result of which condensate is released from the air, which goes into the drain hose of the device. Thus, there is less moisture in the air.

Air cleaning

Air purification often comes as an additional function to the air conditioner, although in fact it is already in every device, but to a different extent. To clean the air, a filter is placed in front of the heat exchanger, in the air supply channel. Thus, all debris (fluff, hair, wool and other large particles) settles there. In air conditioners with an air purification function, an additional fine filter is installed, which purifies the air of such small particles as dust, pollen and even some harmful microorganisms.

Night mode

In night mode, the device, to reduce noise, switches to a reduced fan speed mode, and slowly raises the air temperature by several degrees. Thus, creating more comfortable conditions for sleep.

Other characteristics

This is where a number of characteristics that are important and may be of interest to ordinary users ends. Of course, there are a number of other characteristics that will be useful for installation specialists, such as:

  • overall dimensions and weight of blocks;
  • tube diameters;
  • maximum height difference;
  • type of refrigerant;
  • section of the power and interconnect cable;
  • and etc.

But this will be enough for us.

It is important to make a choice in favor of a particular unit according to technical characteristics. The air conditioner should provide the maximum level of comfort at the minimum cost of its maintenance.

Air conditioner cooling capacity

To choose the right air conditioner, calculate the optimal cooling capacity for your room. First of all, it is necessary to build on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room, based on the fact that for every 10 sq.m. 1 kW of power is required. Then it is worth considering the area of ​​window systems, because with a window area of ​​​​2 sq.m. the air conditioner will need an additional kilowatt of power. Plus, each piece of office equipment generates heat during operation, which will require an additional 0.5 kW for each computer or printer. All these calculations are applicable for rooms with a ceiling height of up to 3 meters.
Some people mistakenly believe that by buying an air conditioner with less power than necessary, they will be able to save money. Their calculations are based on the fact that the unit will provide the required temperature, albeit for a slightly longer time. But at the same time, the air conditioner will not only consume additional electricity, this will also lead to rapid wear of parts. And especially hot weather the air conditioner will constantly operate at maximum speed, while creating noise.
When we choose an air conditioner with too much power, we not only risk getting sick from a strong flow of cold air, even if it is directed in the other direction. The interval between turning on/off the air conditioning compressor will be short due to the rapid air blowing up to the set temperature. The consequence of this will be a quick failure of the compressor. Plus, more powerful air conditioners are more expensive.
A small note about the cooling capacity. It is she who is a characteristic of the useful action of the air conditioner. Do not confuse cooling power with compressor power, which is approximately three times less.

inverter air conditioner

The inverter air conditioner features automatic power adjustment depending on the indoor temperature. With a large difference between the set temperature and the existing temperature, the compressor operates at full capacity. As this difference decreases, the compressor speed gradually decreases. After reaching the required temperature, the compressor does not turn off, but continues to operate in economy mode. Thus, the air conditioner maintains the set temperature and saves energy (up to 40%). In addition, such a system has a number of other advantages. Most of the time, the air flow comes out with a lower intensity, i.e. becomes almost invisible. The fan, operating at lower speeds, creates less noise, which also affects the level of comfort. The service life of the compressor is much longer, as the on/off cycle is more exhausting than constant low speed operation. The only disadvantage of inverter air conditioners is sensitivity to voltage transfers. In addition, split systems with an inverter are much more expensive.

Refueling the air conditioner

The air conditioner is charged with refrigerant gas (most often it is freon), which circulates through the pipes of the refrigeration circuit, taking heat from the air. During depressurization, the gas evaporates, and, as a result, the properties of the cooling composition change and the operation of the air conditioner deteriorates.
Most air conditioners run on R-22 freon, but taking into account its harmfulness to the ozone layer, manufacturers have switched to using ozone-friendly R-407C and R-410A freons in their units. Such a change led to an increase in the price of air conditioners, because new freons require equipment with more durable circuit parts. When using R-407C freon, refilling the air conditioner requires prior removal of the old composition, since its components evaporate at different rates. Freon R-410A is more practical in operation because all components evaporate at the same rate, and, therefore, the air conditioner can be charged with the missing amount of refrigerant.
The calculation of the cost of refueling the air conditioner is based on the following figures. To refuel a 7 kW air conditioner, you will need approximately 2 kg of freon. The cost of R-22 freon today is about 6 USD, while the price of R-407C and R-410A freons can reach 35 USD. for 1kg. Thus, for refueling a household air conditioner with a cooling capacity of 7 kW, operating on ozone-friendly freon, you will need up to 70 USD. Naturally, refueling will cost you less (provided you use R-410A).

air conditioner noise

The noise level of the air conditioner, and, consequently, the comfort depends on the fans and compressors used in the production of a particular model. Therefore, it is desirable to use low-noise fans. In addition, good sound insulation of air conditioner components plays an important role.
The noise level of household air conditioners is different for each model: from 25 to 37 dB for the indoor unit, from 38 to 55 dB for the outdoor unit. For comparison, we can say that a sound of 20 dB is comparable to a whispered conversation. With an increase in the noise level by 2-3 dB, a person feels a doubling of the volume. Therefore, sometimes you can switch the air conditioner to a low fan speed mode, thereby reducing the noise level.
But when choosing an air conditioner, it is not enough to be guided by the noise level indicated in the price list or catalog. The question is, in which operating mode the noise level of the selected air conditioner is indicated. Some indicate the figure in the operating mode, which is characterized by a low fan speed, and, of course, a low noise level. But under certain conditions, the air conditioner will not be able to provide the required temperature, and you cannot do without a high speed mode. Therefore, it will be more correct to take into account the maximum noise level during intensive operation with full load. The technical characteristics of the air conditioner must indicate the entire range of noise levels under various operating modes.
As for the noise level of the outdoor unit, it is practically inaudible when the windows are closed. Air conditioning can only interfere with neighbors, but even in this case, the noise level does not exceed the permissible standards for residential areas.

Installation (installation) of air conditioner

The service life of the air conditioner largely depends on the correct installation (installation) of the air conditioner. The standard solution is to install an outdoor unit directly below the window. But, if this is possible, it is better to install it in a place where the noise from the unit during operation will be felt as little as possible. The air conditioner must also be available for service. In addition, the outdoor unit must be firmly fixed on special supports that absorb vibration. To protect the outdoor unit from falling icicles, it is necessary to install a canopy over it. The block itself is attached 20-30 cm lower.
The installation of the indoor unit is carried out in any convenient place in the room at a certain distance from the ceiling on special brackets. The unit must be installed away from heaters, doorways, and not have obstacles in front of it. In no case is it recommended to mount it opposite a desk or bed, where you can be blown through. indoor unit it is imperative to fix it strictly on a horizontal level, this is done in order to avoid leakage of condensate from the drainage system to the floor.
When installing piping with refrigerants, it is desirable to avoid creating bends. And also place the indoor and outdoor units as close as possible so that the length of the pipes between them is minimal (70-100 cm). Then a full vacuum is created in the pipes.
Most often, the freon pipeline, drainage hose and indoor wiring are laid in a box. The drain hose is led from the outdoor unit to the outside through the nearest wall at an angle, or it is led to the sewer.

When choosing an air conditioner, pay attention to all its technical characteristics, because each of them will determine how comfortable you will feel. The most popular air conditioners are produced by such companies as LG, Samsung, Daikin, Mitsubishi, Gree, Haier, AEG and many others. The main thing is to give preference to firms that monitor the quality of their goods and do not assemble in China.
Among the many models offered, based on the above information, it will be easier for you to make the right choice. Good luck with your purchase and good climate in the house!

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