Favorite number 13. What higher powers warn about if you are haunted by the number (13)

The number 13, the meaning of which is generally associated with black magic, does not always have a negative meaning. This is the personification of the human soul, which seeks to know love. In Christianity, it is a symbol of the Universe, which consists in the unity of the ten and the Trinity. There are other interpretations - let's look at them in more detail.

The number 13 has always been associated with terrible magical properties. The stereotype about “Friday the thirteenth,” an unlucky day, has become firmly entrenched in people’s minds and has distorted its true meaning.

The number 13 is believed to be:

  • The personification of terrible bad luck, a bad streak in life, hopelessness and despair
  • In combination with the “devilish six” - the personification of all the worst that can happen to a specific person and humanity as a whole
  • A symbol of evil spirits, which begins to actively operate on Friday, which falls on the thirteenth

In fact, everything is completely different:

  • The number thirteen in combination with six - activation of the material principle of Man, his actions at the limit of strength and capabilities
  • Thirteen is a symbol of love given by God. In this context, 13 is the union of two souls, destined by fate. This is a strong and strong union of two loving hearts

The interpretation of the number 13 largely depends on a person’s attitude towards it. If he believes in superstitions, 13 will only bring grief and become the cause of all the troubles that happen in life. If a person is sufficiently conscious of everything that happens around him, he will be able to comprehend the real secret of all the numbers surrounding him.

The true meaning of the number 13

In the language of numbers, thirteen is the personification of human positive energy, which is expressed in love. This love is not necessarily directed towards another person. On the contrary, it is love for all living things, including oneself. Only when this feeling always lives in a person does he gain the ability to truly love someone else.

The meaning of the number 13 will depend on what level of awareness a person is at - there are eleven such levels. Therefore, the most mysterious number has the same number of meanings.

Properties of the number 13

If you are under the influence of the number 13, it is recommended to follow these tips:

  • Imagine that you are a swimmer caught in the center of a giant funnel. What should you do in this case? Definitely don’t flounder around trying to get out - that way you’ll lose all your strength. It’s better to dive as deep as possible and then, at the depths, try to swim out. The funnel in this case is life’s problems, difficulties and events that have consumed you
  • You need to learn to be flexible, learn to react quickly to changing circumstances. Learn to adapt - you will not lose your individuality in this, but you will strengthen your character. And gain flexible thinking
  • Never try to fight the influence of the number 13 - there is no escape from it. Better take advantage
  • You should get rid of selfishness and anger if they are present in your character. Otherwise, the influence of the number 13 will gain enormous strength and may become fatal for you.

A person whose fate is inextricably linked with the number 13 is constantly at the mercy of insurmountable circumstances that cannot be fought so as not to harm himself. You need to learn to stoically accept all trials, learn from them and move on - then happiness will always accompany you, despite numerous difficulties.

Number 13. Meaning in floristry

It matters a lot how many flowers are in the bouquet that is given to you. If 13 colors were presented, this could mean the following:

  • Everything is fine. The person who decided to please you with a flower arrangement is clearly not indifferent to you. Hopes for reciprocity. You can expect other signs of attention
  • Most likely, the bouquet was presented, hoping to receive something in return. Be careful with your gentleman - he may demand your favor in exchange for courtship
  • If you give 13 white lilies, this is a symbol of chastity and pure, untainted love.
  • If thirteen roses were presented, then, on the contrary, this speaks of strong emotions and violent passion. The giver is extremely physically attracted to you
  • It is not a very favorable sign if you are presented with 13 daisies, gerberas or chrysanthemums. Soon you will find yourself drawn into a whirlpool of events that are not very pleasant for you. Behave wisely, think about every action so as not to harm your reputation

But it’s unlikely that too much importance should be attached to the gifted bouquet - few florists understand the meaning of numbers. Perhaps they just wanted to create a beautiful composition according to their client's wishes.

Number 13 people

The number 13 in Rus' was considered a symbol of holy fools. Moreover, this number could have nothing to do with their lives.

Very often, people number 13 are perceived as a little crazy and uncontrollable. In fact, they are simply extremely emotional, filled with creative energy. Often there is nowhere to throw out this energy if a person has not yet found his destiny, so he pulls those around him into a whirlpool of violent character.

Watch a video about the meaning of the number 13:

For a person whose fate is determined by the number 13, it is important to understand why he was born, find the meaning of life and find inspiration. Then all the energy with which he is endowed will be realized and go to a good cause. If this is not done, huge problems can arise in building personal relationships, creating love and raising children.

A person whose potential cannot be realized will become filled with anger, malice and selfishness with age. And this is scary - because of these qualities, he can ruin his own life or act to the detriment of others.

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The main meaning of the number 13 is the beginning of a new life stage, which comes with the death (completion) of the old and complete renewal. The inevitability of change different nations and religions were associated with death, which left its mark of gloom on the numerological interpretation of this number. In the modern world, the number 13 is considered a harbinger of misfortune for superstitious people and a happy omen for many others.


Positive meaning of number 13

The positive value of the number 13 is:

  • mercy;
  • the end of illusions;
  • courage.

In antiquity, the number 13 was considered divine for a number of reasons:

  1. In Ancient Greece, the pantheon of gods consisted of 12 main deities who lived on Olympus, and Hades, who was constantly in his underground kingdom.
  2. IN Ancient Rome There were also 12 higher deities and they obeyed the main one - Jupiter.
  3. In India, 13 Buddhas were worshiped, and the Christian son of God, Jesus Christ, had 12 main assistant apostles.

In many countries modern world It is believed that 13 attracts success in business and prosperity into the life of its owner. Numbers 1 and 3 carry a powerful energy charge, which gives a person self-confidence and strength to achieve goals.

In the video, numerologist Sergey Kuznetsov talks about the positive meaning of the number 13. Taken from the official channel.

Negative meaning

The negative meaning of the number 13 is not justified from the point of view of numerology and is due to a number of historical events:

  1. On Friday, October 13, 1307, the last master of the Knights Templar, Jacques de Molay, was executed.
  2. The Macedonian king Philip ordered his statue to be placed next to the 12 gods of the Greek pantheon. He died 2 days after fulfilling his will.
  3. The 13th arcana in Tarot cards means death.

What is the power of the number 13?

The power of the number thirteen is to attract a person's destiny positive energy which helps achieve good goals.

If a person is haunted by the number thirteen, this is a manifestation of the power of two numbers, which signals the beginning of change. The meaning of this sign is to warn about the movement of energy flows. In cases where it is heard, a person has every chance to change the current state of affairs in better side. If you remain passive, it will be difficult to cope with difficulties, and troubles may occur.

The meaning of 13 in a person's life

The number 13 affects a person’s life positive influence, endowing people with mental acuity and perseverance, while:

  • It is important not to dwell on negative thoughts;
  • do not set yourself negative attitudes (I can’t, it won’t work);
  • You definitely need to devote time to self-development and creativity;
  • with expressed emotionality, it is necessary to control the manifestations of feelings and not allow yourself to fall into anger.

Video about the influence of the number 13 in the date of birth on a person. Taken from the channel “SANJAR STUDIA”.

Individual characteristics

Being born on the 13th gives the individual luck, which allows him to easily get out of difficult situations. Such people have incredible intuition and can anticipate events. They want to make all humanity happy, but are often lonely.

Character strengths are:

  • leadership skills;
  • spirituality;
  • intelligence;
  • easy learning;
  • punctuality;
  • ambition;
  • reliability.

Negative character traits

Among the negative character traits of a person, the following should be highlighted:

  • pessimism;
  • love of risk;
  • excessive emotionality;
  • arrogance;
  • depression;
  • possessiveness;
  • complex;
  • tendency to become angry.

Lucky days

Lucky days for those born on the 13th:

  • Thursday;
  • Saturday;
  • Sunday.

Impact on marriage

For a marriage, painting on the 13th can symbolize mutual understanding and a happy life together. The union is based on spiritual and emotional connections. People overcome obstacles together, supporting each other in sorrow and joy.

People born on the 13th really want love and tend to idealize their partner. This leads to disappointment, lack of self-confidence, and regularly ends in separation. They often start platonic relationships, paying little attention to the sexual aspect.

Impact on the profession

These people can realize themselves in any profession and often reach heights in scientific and professorial activities. They can choose the path of a philosopher or religious scholar. They become excellent archaeologists. Often those born on the 13th have paranormal talents - clairvoyance, abilities in the occult sciences. Therefore, there are many psychics and healers among them.

Features of children born on the 13th

Children born on the thirteenth day often:

  • are extroverts;
  • love to be the center of attention;
  • easily find like-minded people;
  • have a cheerful disposition and a good sense of humor.

The meaning of the number 13 in numerology

In angelic numerology, 13 means a spirit striving for love. He will patronize positive and kind people, and harm evil ones.

In traditional numerology, it is customary to bring numbers to a digital value from 1 to 9 by addition. In this case, 1+3 adds up to 4, which is associated with consistency and reliability. One and three in the same number, on the contrary, indicate contradictory and gifted nature. Because of this, a person with 13 in his name or date of birth is often unhappy due to his inability to control his mood.


Characteristics of women:

  • have a lively, passionate and energetic nature;
  • may indulge in despondency and causeless melancholy;
  • tend to think about the mortality of humanity and fall into depression against the backdrop of these thoughts;
  • prone to self-sacrifice;
  • become interested in and achieve success in tantra and the technique of lucid dreaming;
  • often show irritability.

Such ladies need a cheerful partner who can dispel negativity and infect with their enthusiasm.


Men are not afraid of routine and strive for constant movement and learning new things. Sometimes this leads to problems with subsequent dramatization of the situation, but these people know how to benefit from failures. Having analyzed their mistakes, they face future troubles head on.

In their work, they are pursued by two extremes: they work and are not afraid to take responsibility, or they are lazy to work and shirk their direct responsibilities.

The strengths of men with the number 13 are:

  • rationality;
  • practicality;
  • loyalty;
  • caring.

In love, men strive to find their soul mate, whom they are ready to beautifully look after and strive for a serious relationship in every possible way. In marriage, they are looking for a haven to gain a sense of security from the outside world.

The science of numerology views the number 13 as “the human spirit striving for love.” In the Christian tradition, the number 13 is the ten and the Trinity, which together symbolize the Universe. For Jews, the number 13 also has a positive meaning and is a symbol of God.

Number 13

Popular rumor ascribes all sorts of terrible, inevitable things to the number 13. This is not entirely correct, although the mass subconscious (the source of popular rumor) is rarely mistaken. It’s just that a person is designed in such a way that while information travels from the subconscious to consciousness, it is greatly, sometimes beyond recognition, distorted.

Number 13 in numerology - symbolic meaning

This is exactly what happened with the number 13 - a fatal, irreversible distortion of meaning. Thirteen has become almost the curse of all numerology and a symbol of the most hopeless bad luck. Together with the “friend in misfortune” number 6, the number 13 formed a devilish combination of all the worst that can only happen in the sick imagination of humanity.

The result was the number 613, ranked in the magic of numbers special place. The number 613 is considered to be the natural embodiment of hell in the world of numbers. In fact, 613 means the active (to the limit of boundaries and possibilities) participation of the material principle of Man in the festival of Divine Love.

The number 13 is associated with all sorts of stories about evil spirits, crawling out of its ominous holes without fail on the 13th, preferably on Friday. Although who is stopping the “bloodthirsty evil spirits” from coming out on the 7th, and the 10th, and whatever else? Who doesn't give it to her? The hole is always open, and the number 13 has absolutely nothing to do with it!

However, our brain is designed in such a way that it looks for a “scapegoat” even at the level of numbers! If something doesn't work out, then someone is to blame. It doesn’t matter who: circumstances, nature, neighbor in the staircase. What, no one lives on the staircase except you? Well then, let's make the number 13 to blame, he doesn't care, he doesn't understand...

By the way, he understands! Numbers have consciousness - this is one of the most important postulates of spiritual numerology. Number consciousness is very different from human consciousness, but it is also consciousness. What is the difference between human consciousness and the consciousness of numbers?

The difference is that human consciousness is constantly changing, in a constant movement of self-knowledge. But the consciousness of numbers is unchanged! This is a unique, the only type of consciousness in the Universe that does not change.

The meaning of the number 13

Thirteen is translated from the language of numbers as “the human Spirit striving for love” or “energy striving for love.” The number 13 can also be translated as “will striving for love” or “desire to love.” All these options are absolutely equivalent. And the choice of option depends on the levels of being and consciousness in relation to which the number 13 is considered.

Taking into account the fact that each person lives simultaneously on eleven levels of existence and consciousness, the number 13 has as many as eleven meanings! However, don't be afraid of this large quantity meanings, since none of them contradicts the other. And no matter how we, for example, interpret the number 13, in any case it symbolizes a strong craving for Love (in all its manifestations).

The meaning of the number 13, like the meaning of any other number, is always the same. But from different “floors” of the universe it is seen differently. A person looking at a house from the side does not see the same thing as a person looking at a house from above. However, this is the same house in any case!

If we talk about the numerology of dates, then thirteen inside some important date in a person’s life is not only a powerful number, but also absolutely uncompromising. However, the uncompromising nature of the number 13 is easy to understand. After all, 13 is the highest boiling point of Love!

Remember yourself in love or in love. And then multiply your passion by a million so that it goes beyond all levels of madness. What kind of compromises are there!

Spooky number 13

Thirteen is truly a scary number. True, the number 13 is dangerous due to its enormous power, and not due to the “machinations of the devil” - according to poor medieval beliefs. The funny thing is that the number 13 can be more dangerous than any “devilish evil spirits”, since it is possible to come to an agreement with the latter. And it is impossible to agree with the number 13! Why is it impossible?

Yes, because you have nothing to offer the number 13 as an “item of trade or exchange.” Imagine a storm (and the craving for Love is akin to a storm). What will you offer her in exchange for the pleasure of demolishing your house? I don’t know about home, but for some people the number 13, at a minimum, “blows the roof off” if it fatally creeps into some important date or event.

The number 13 in spiritual numerology is the number of sacrificial, crazy love. And at the same time, thirteen is the number of ordinary crazy people. In fact, the number 13 is certainly not crazy. But for the limited human mind its manifestations are extremely illogical.

Illogicality is automatically perceived by us as a sign of madness, isn’t it? Once upon a time, “illogical” men and women were burned at the stake in the name of the “holy faith.” These were people of number 13. Not all of them practiced magic or healing. But they were all children of the beyond and the unknown.

Number 13 people

By the way, holy fools in Rus' are also people of the number 13. The most interesting thing is that they, being hostages of the number 13, did not necessarily have this number in their dates of birth and other significant dates their lives. In general, the date of birth indicates only the very top layer of human destiny. The inner layer of the meaning of human life cannot be seen with the eyes and cannot be calculated with the help of numbers.

That's why I say that real numerology is not mathematics, but an esoteric, spiritual and philosophical discipline. Numerology cannot “calculate” human destinies! Those who claim otherwise are deceiving either themselves or others, and more often, both themselves and others...

Numerology can help regulate and “simplify” human fate, but it cannot predict fate itself. After all, it is enough, for example, for the “crazy” number 13, the “uncontrollable” number 1, the “eccentric” number 5, or the “unpredictable” number 7 to interfere with the calculations - and the future of a person is instantly covered with a thick veil of fog. This does not mean the powerlessness of numerology as such, but only defines its boundaries.

You need to have a good idea of ​​what numerology can and cannot do. Spiritual numerology, for example, is able to determine how a person should behave better at one time or another, in one situation or another. Spiritual numerology can also determine suitable dates for key events in your life (which, however, does not relieve you of the need to make efforts to achieve success). M

And if we are already talking about the number 13, then as a date the number 13 does not necessarily bring bad luck (according to popular prejudices). Some people are even recommended to get married on the 13th!

So, we already know that people of number 13 are strong and sometimes, from a behavioral point of view, seem to others, to put it mildly, a little crazy. The life goals of such individuals are not always clear, especially from the angle of generally accepted morality and logic. Sudden, often inexplicable, outbursts of anger, which are sometimes attributed to the intervention of “dark forces.”

By the way, actually " dark forces“never interfere in our lives. We ourselves either attract or repel them. Like attracts like - one of the main principles of the spiritual world.

Why did I talk about spiritual world? Because it is “there” that all the REASONS for what is happening to us “here” lie, at the manifested physical level of Existence.

Yes, number 13 is characterized by sudden outbursts of anger. In general, anger always arises where human passions have been suppressed or limited for some time. For the physical level of Being and Consciousness, limitation of passions is a normal and even necessary phenomenon.

But people of number 13 are not created for such “normality”. And thank God! We should not be the same, as if written as a carbon copy.

Anger has a deep esoteric explanation. And human actions dictated by anger must be correctly understood if you really want to comprehend the meaning of numbers. Sometimes it is anger that saves the Soul, and kindness that destroys...

People of number 13 are hostages of the great power of the human spirit, thirsting for Love. Real love- beyond words, no matter how beautiful and promising they may seem.

Words express only a person’s dependence on love. Love itself cannot be expressed in words. And it’s good that it’s impossible! Otherwise, Love would depend on words, and then the world would turn into an ordinary negotiation point...

Properties of the number 13

The number 13 spins all the numbers adjacent to it into its giant funnel, leaving no chance for anyone. Actually, being under the influence of the number 13, a person should behave in the same way as is recommended for a swimmer caught in the center of a funnel. You just need to take a full lungful of air, dive deeper into the water (that is, into the current life circumstances) and try to swim away.

In life (as in deep water), you need to be flexible and able to quickly adapt to sudden changes. Don't be afraid, water (life) will not dissolve your individuality, but you will be saved. You understand that I am now speaking simultaneously in the physical and spiritual sense. This is volumetric thinking, which is used in spiritual numerology.

You can adapt to the number 13, but fighting the number 13 is useless and can cost your life (just as in the case of the funnel). However, don't be alarmed. If you are a cheerful person who sincerely strives for love, the number 13 will sweep away all obstacles for you, turning you into the happiest creature on the planet!

But for embittered people, and even complete egoists, the number 13 can sometimes even be fatal. Therefore, turn to Good and Love. This is taught not only by religion, but also by spiritual numerology. Spiritual numerology is also a religion, only in the language of numbers.

The meaning of the number 13 in Numerology

13 is a spirit striving for love. And although among the common people the number is loaded with dark mysticism and terrible things are attributed to it, in fact it has been unfairly slandered. We are sure that after reading this article, you will take the number 13 into your arsenal and begin to use its bright energy for your benefit.

But first things first.

Symbolism of the number 13 in Numerology

13 is truly a spiritually strong number. But popular rumor distorted its meaning, fearing the power that stood behind it. In Christianity, the number symbolizes love for God - the triune. This is the spiritual ten and God's Trinity. In the Jewish religion, the number is also God's and is interpreted as positive.

People consider 13 to be the number of devilish bad luck. This is a black cat, and salt spilled on the table, and food from a knife. These are all disasters and adversities that fall on a person’s head. Hopeless bad luck, fate, curse. The most black and ungrateful thing. Often the number is adjacent to another unlucky 6. Together these two numbers are the devilish combination of 613. One might say, hell in the world of numbers.

But in numerology everything is not like that. There 613 is a person’s participation in the holiday God's love. This is pure energy of love. The love of man for God and of God for man. And no matter how much a person slanders the innocent 13, it does not change, just as all numbers do not change, remaining at their unshakable level.

Meaning of 13 in numerology

13 is the desire to love. Desire of the spirit, or flesh. After all, it has 11 incarnations. This is a strong craving for love and all its manifestations. Under its influence, man and every living creature wants love and receives it from the source to which he strives. Obviously, Valentine's Day should not be February 14th at all, but should have the number 13 in its component.

If a person’s numerological horoscope contains 13, then he is under the influence of a powerful and uncompromising number. This is unbridled love and passion at the level of fantasy. To appreciate all its power, try to remember yourself at the peak of love - your first love. Love to the point of tears and insanity. And then feel free to multiply these feelings and emotions by a million. This may be a terrible number, but only because of its formidable power of Love. It is impossible to come to an agreement with him. Its power is greater than anything that can be offered for exchange or trade. It’s the same as giving up your house to a tornado as a ransom for your life. He will take everything, not being satisfied with just one building. So is 13. She will take what is hers and nothing will stop her.

There is no logic in 13, and therefore this number is considered the patron of madness, and not just love. Just as love does not listen to reason, so does an ordinary madman lack it. 13 - the number of witches whom the Holy Inquisition burned at the stake in the Dark Ages. These were indeed innocent children of 13. Unknown and transcendental love.

13 also protects holy fools. But this number in your birth and numerology horoscope will not bring bad luck. Don't be afraid of him. On the 13th you can get married, have children, enter into contracts, live on the 13th floor, and so on.

13 are not created for a “normal” life and, thank God. Normality promoted by society is a death sentence. People under the auspices of this number become vessels of great spiritual strength. They crave love. Real, without words, which is not really needed. For cheerful people, the number will become a real panacea for everything, it will save them, exalt them, and bring them the greatest happiness. Resisting him is useless and destructive. It gives flexibility and adaptability to life, gives three-dimensional thinking. While under the influence of 13, it is necessary to turn only to goodness and love, otherwise its power will become disastrous and fatal.

The number 13 - popular rumor ascribes all sorts of terrible, inevitable things to it. This is not entirely correct, although the mass subconscious (the source of popular rumor) is rarely mistaken. It’s just that a person is designed in such a way that while information travels from the subconscious to consciousness, it is greatly, sometimes beyond recognition, distorted.

This is exactly what happened with the number 13 - a fatal, irreversible distortion of meaning. Thirteen has become almost the curse of all numerology and a symbol of the most hopeless bad luck. Together with its “friend in misfortune,” the number 13 formed a diabolical combination of all the worst that can only happen in the sick imagination of humanity.

The result was the number 613, which took a special place. The number 613 is considered to be the natural embodiment of hell in the world of numbers. In fact, 613 means the active (to the limit of boundaries and possibilities) participation of the material principle of Man in the holiday of Love.

The number 13 is associated with all sorts of stories about evil spirits crawling out of their ominous holes on the 13th, preferably on Friday. Although who is stopping the “bloodthirsty evil spirits” from coming out on the 7th, and the 10th, and whatever else? Who doesn't give it to her? The hole is always open, and the number 13 has absolutely nothing to do with it!

However, our brain is designed in such a way that it looks for a “scapegoat” even at the level of numbers! If something doesn't work out, then someone is to blame. It doesn’t matter who: circumstances, nature, neighbor in the staircase. What, no one lives on the staircase except you? Well then, let's make the number 13 to blame, he doesn't care, he doesn't understand...

By the way, he understands! Numbers have consciousness - this is one of the most important postulates. Number consciousness is very different from human consciousness, but it is also consciousness. What is the difference between human consciousness and the consciousness of numbers?

The difference is that human consciousness is constantly changing, in a constant movement of self-knowledge. But the consciousness of numbers is unchanged! This is a unique, the only type of consciousness in the Universe that does not change.

The meaning of the number 13 in numerology

Thirteen s translates as “human Spirit striving for love” or “energy striving for love.” Another number 13 can be translated as “will striving for love” or “desire to love.” All these options are absolutely equivalent. And the choice of option depends on the levels of being and consciousness in relation to which the number 13 is considered.

Taking into account the fact that each person lives simultaneously on eleven levels of existence and consciousness, the number 13 has as many as eleven meanings! However, do not be alarmed by such a large number of meanings, since none of them contradicts the other. And no matter how we, for example, interpret the number 13, in any case it symbolizes a strong craving for Love (in all its manifestations).

The meaning of the number 13, like the meaning of any other number, is always the same. But from different “floors” of the universe it is seen differently. A person looking at a house from the side does not see the same thing as a person looking at a house from above. However, this is the same house in any case!

If we talk about the numerology of dates, then thirteen inside some important date in a person’s life is not only a powerful number, but also absolutely uncompromising. However, the uncompromising nature of the number 13 is easy to understand. After all, 13 is the highest boiling point of Love!

Remember yourself in love or in love. And then multiply your passion by a million so that it goes beyond all levels of madness. What kind of compromises are there!

Spooky number 13

Thirteen is truly a scary number. True, the number 13 is dangerous due to its enormous power, and not due to the “machinations of the devil” - according to poor medieval beliefs. The funny thing is that the number 13 can be more dangerous than any “devilish evil spirits”, since it is possible to come to an agreement with the latter. And it is impossible to agree with the number 13! Why is it impossible?

Yes, because you have nothing to offer the number 13 as an “item of trade or exchange.” Imagine a storm (and the craving for Love is akin to a storm). What will you offer her in exchange for the pleasure of demolishing your house? I don’t know about home, but for some people the number 13 at least “blows the roof off” if it fatally creeps into some important date or event.

The number 13 in spiritual numerology is the number of sacrificial, crazy love. And at the same time, thirteen is the number of ordinary crazy people. In fact, the number 13 is certainly not crazy. But for the limited human mind its manifestations are extremely illogical.

Illogicality is automatically perceived by us as a sign of madness, isn’t it? Once upon a time, “illogical” men and women were burned at the stake in the name of the “holy faith.” These were people of number 13. Not all of them practiced magic or healing. But they were all children of the beyond and the unknown.

Number 13 people

Fools in Rus' are also people of the number 13. The most interesting thing is that they, being hostages of the number 13, did not necessarily have this number in their dates of birth and other significant dates in their lives. In general, the date of birth indicates only the very top layer of human destiny. The inner layer of the meaning of human life cannot be seen with the eyes and cannot be calculated with the help of numbers.

That’s why I say that real numerology is not mathematics, but an esoteric, spiritual and philosophical discipline. Numerology cannot “calculate” human destinies! Those who claim otherwise are deceiving either themselves or others, and more often, both themselves and others...

Numerology can help regulate and “simplify” human destiny, but it cannot predict destiny itself. After all, it is enough, for example, for the “crazy” number 13, the “uncontrollable”, “eccentric”, or “unpredictable” to interfere with the calculations - as the future of a person is instantly covered with a thick veil of fog. This does not mean the powerlessness of numerology as such, but only defines its boundaries.

You need to have a good idea of ​​what numerology can and cannot do. Spiritual numerology, for example, is able to determine how a person should behave better at one time or another, in one situation or another. Spiritual numerology can also determine suitable dates for key events in your life (which, however, does not relieve you of the need to make efforts to achieve success).

And if we are already talking about the number 13, then as a date the number 13 does not necessarily bring bad luck (according to popular prejudices). Some people are even recommended to get married on the 13th!

So, we already know that people of number 13 are strong and sometimes, from a behavioral point of view, seem to others, to put it mildly, a little crazy. The life goals of such individuals are not always clear, especially from the angle of generally accepted morality and logic. Sudden, often inexplicable outbursts of anger, which are sometimes attributed to the intervention of “dark forces.”

By the way, in fact, “dark forces” never interfere in our lives. We ourselves either attract or repel them. Like attracts like is one of the main principles of the spiritual world.

Why did I talk about the spiritual world? Because it is “there” that all the REASONS for what is happening to us “here” lie, at the manifested physical level of Existence.

Yes, number 13 is characterized by sudden outbursts of anger. In general, anger always arises where human passions have been suppressed or limited for some time. For the physical level of Being and Consciousness, limitation of passions is a normal and even necessary phenomenon.

But people of number 13 are not created for such “normality”. And thank God! We should not be the same, as if written as a carbon copy.

Anger has a deep esoteric explanation. And human actions dictated by anger must be correctly understood if you really want to comprehend the meaning of numbers. Sometimes it is anger that saves the Soul, and kindness that destroys...

People of number 13 are hostages of the great power of the human spirit, thirsting for Love. True love is beyond words, no matter how beautiful and promising they may seem.

Words express only a person’s dependence on love. Love itself cannot be expressed in words. And it’s good that it’s impossible! Otherwise, Love would depend on words, and then the world would turn into an ordinary negotiation point...

Properties of the number 13

The number 13 spins all the numbers adjacent to it into its giant funnel, leaving no chance for anyone. Actually, being under the influence of the number 13, a person should behave in the same way as is recommended for a swimmer caught in the center of a funnel. You just need to take a full lungful of air, dive deeper into the water (that is, into the current life circumstances) and try to swim away.

In life (as in deep water), you need to be flexible and able to quickly adapt to sudden changes. Don't be afraid, water (life) will not dissolve your individuality, but you will be saved. You understand that I am now speaking simultaneously in the physical and spiritual sense. This is volumetric thinking, which is used in spiritual numerology.

You can adapt to the number 13, but fighting the number 13 is useless and can cost your life (just as in the case of the funnel). However, don't be alarmed. If you are a cheerful person who sincerely strives for love, the number 13 will sweep away all obstacles for you, turning you into the happiest creature on the planet!

But for embittered people, and even complete egoists, the number 13 can sometimes even be fatal. Therefore, turn to Good and Love. This is taught not only by religion, but also by spiritual numerology. Spiritual numerology is also a religion, only in the language of numbers.

13 - number of flowers in the bouquet

If the number of flowers in a bouquet is 13, this is always good, no matter what kind of flowers you give (or receive) as a gift. 13 flowers in a bouquet indicates that the person is not indifferent to you, and that he is presenting flowers not as a tribute to tradition, not as a routine gesture of “good will” or a veiled desire to receive something in return.

Of course, the meaning of the number 13 in different bouquets varies noticeably depending on the colors of their components. Take for example white lilies - a symbol of innocence, purity and chastity. The passionate, “crazy” number 13 in meaning does not really suit the divine candidum - the snow-white lily, with its royal restraint of feelings.

Thirteen white lilies in a bouquet are like a warning about future passions that threaten the innocence and chastity of the Soul.


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