Detailed lunar horoscope for Pisces. Pisces family horoscope

Date of birth: from 19.02 to 20.03

Horoscope 2017 Pisces woman
Female zodiac horoscope for Pisces for 2017

Horoscope 2017 Pisces woman

Horoscope 2017 Pisces woman

The aquatic inhabitants of the zodiac in 2017 will radiate a sea of ​​positivity. The owner of the year, the Rooster, will endow them with irrepressible energy, which Pisces will have to share with others. But the most pleasant thing is that fate has prepared many gifts for the ladies of this sign.


A surprise awaits Pisces at work - a patron will appear who will help improve their career in every possible way. And most importantly, the help will be absolutely selfless. The stars do not advise refusing such help. But you yourself should not rely only on patronage. You should not stop developing creatively, acquiring new knowledge and mastering relevant skills.



Last year for many Pisces became a time of breaking up with their partner. Therefore, single ladies can expect a new acquaintance, which will turn out to be successful. A meeting with your future spouse is most likely at the end of March or at the beginning of April. Those who are expecting a proposal from their lover will have to experience a joyful event - marriage. The stars recommend formalizing the relationship in June or September. And those who meet an interesting man in October can expect a long and strong friendship with him, and then a wedding. But the wedding will take place no earlier than mid-2018.


In the year of the Rooster, Pisces will not have any problems with finances. And those who are inclined to hoarding and saving will be able to afford to purchase an apartment, car or country house at the end of the year. New connections acquired this year will prove profitable and bring new sources of income. There is no need to be afraid of deception on the part of your business partners; you will only meet decent people on your way.


Health will not let you down in 2017 either. You will be cheerful and full of energy. The only thing that the heavenly bodies do not recommend is carrying weights. Excessive load on the skeleton can lead to dysfunction of the skeletal system.

Zodiac horoscope for women for 2017

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It will not be difficult for Pisces to accept the Fire Rooster into their open arms. They got along well with the Monkey, so they will greet the rightful owner of 2017 just as friendly and calmly. The Rooster will not offend the Pisces, but will take care of them and protect them from all sorts of troubles. The 2017 horoscope for Pisces predicts a sea of ​​happiness, mutual love, peace of mind and prosperity in life.

Already in February 2017, Pisces will be able to settle their financial situation. Many people don’t want to sit in an office, so they will find an interesting job that will bring not only profit, but also moral satisfaction. If Pisces have a desire to become entrepreneurs and open their own business, then they will be lucky in this field too. Creative people will express themselves fully in the year of the Rooster and will be able to demonstrate talent in the fields of art, music and literature. In March, Pisces, who have the makings of an artist, will be able to surprise themselves and those around them with bright canvases. Their arsenal includes portraits, oil and watercolor painting, as predicted by the horoscope for 2017 for Pisces.

As for love, Fortune will not bypass Pisces here either. Romantic acquaintances, fateful meetings and unforgettable dates are expected. The main thing is not to live only by feelings, but more often to listen to the voice of reason, as the 2017 horoscope for Pisces recommends. If annoying admirers appear on the way, then Pisces needs to beautifully sail away to their harbor of boundless happiness. If Pisces has a family, then in the year of the Rooster they will be able to strengthen their relationship with their spouse, thanks to a common hobby. The horoscope for 2017 advises Pisces to take up cooking, gardening and even fishing. On their plot, Pisces will grow a new variety of tomato, or raise chickens and geese. Neptune will tell Pisces what time is best to make repairs, as well as remodel their housing. Not only your neighbors, but also journalists will be interested in your ideas for home improvement, so get ready to become a world celebrity in the field of housekeeping.
Family horoscope for 2017 Pisces

The 2017 horoscope for Pisces promises many exciting journeys. If you have scheduled a vacation for a specific month, then feel free to contact your superiors with a statement. At work, Pisces are valued, so they will meet them halfway. It is best to go on vacation where there is water. It can be not only the ocean, but also a small river with wonderful nature around. In the year of the Rooster, you need to gain strength and energy in order to work productively and remember your vacation. Places with historical sites are also ideal for relaxation.

At the beginning of autumn 2017, the Rooster will especially patronize those Pisces who do not sit still, are engaged in commerce and are full of grandiose ideas. The money situation will improve in September, but for this you will need a lot of effort and hard work. Although, there will be some unexpected surprises! Pisces can win a decent amount in the lottery, and in addition, old debts will be returned to them.

In the autumn period, the horoscope for 2017 predicts Pisces to reap the fruits of their labors, as well as to calmly contemplate the surrounding reality. Good luck is with you, but don’t frighten it off with your suspiciousness and passion for change. At the end of the year, the Rooster will again please Pisces and give them a real holiday. All your wishes will come true, and your plans will come true without any problems.

If Pisces wants to go somewhere in December 2017, then go ahead. Buy a ticket and feel free to hit the road! You can even attract love into your life exactly the kind you have dreamed of all these years. The 2017 horoscope for Pisces predicts a promising job and profession that is fundamentally different from the previous one. Just don’t forget to say a sincere “thank you” to the Rooster for everything he did for you in 2017.

Features of the horoscope for 2017 Pisces

The mental state of Pisces in 2017 will be very unstable. Representatives of this sign will either be too sentimental, or, on the contrary, too confident in their abilities, and will treat others and their reactions in the same way. Such an attitude can lead Pisces into a deep hole of pessimism and lack of faith in themselves and their own strengths, which can affect the poor results of any business they begin. Astrologers advise Pisces to look back and see what path has been taken to achieve their goal in order to be motivated for the future. This is how Pisces will be able to avoid false conclusions and incorrect understanding of the situation. Some planets will contribute to the excellent development of love and romantic relationships of Pisces. Representatives of this sign must understand that when entering into a relationship with someone, they must be prepared for the fact that their partner may disappoint or upset them. You shouldn’t believe all the promises and follow the lead. In 2017, Pisces will have the opportunity to dictate their terms.

Pisces man: horoscope for 2017

At the beginning of 2017, there will be many difficulties on the path of Pisces men. There may even be legal problems and proceedings, major disagreements with management, as well as huge scandals and conflicts in the Pisces family, and they will also have to endure very unpleasant quarrels.
The horoscope for 2017 advises Pisces not to refuse their loved ones if they ask for help. And also take care of your friends, as they will be able to come to the rescue in difficult times for Pisces.
However, at the end of the year, Pisces will be able to improve relationships in their family and consolidate their authority in front of management and colleagues.
Financially, this year will be wasteful for Pisces men, as the Fire Rooster will be the patron. Pisces should be more economical with their finances and not throw money away.

Pisces men born from February 20 to 28

At the beginning of the year, Pisces will find it difficult to give up what they love and value so much. But you still have to play by the rules of fate, and not build barricades. The horoscope for 2017 advises Pisces to protect themselves from communicating with people who have a negative effect on you. Save your energy for good causes and worthy people. In summer and autumn, Pisces will plunge into such euphoria of love that they will instantly forget about all the troubles.

Pisces men born from March 1 to March 10

The horoscope for 2017 for Pisces promises an amazing period in which there will be no place for grief and resentment. Everyone simply adores you for your restraint, friendliness and charming smile. In the spring, Pisces will have the opportunity to open their own business and find their niche in the seething ocean of business. In the fall, you can profitably invest money in a project, and at the end of the year you can receive decent interest.

Pisces men born from March 11 to March 20

The horoscope for 2017 recommends Pisces not to fuss, but to draw up a clear plan of action. Think positively, do noble deeds and then your life will sparkle with bright colors. In June, Pisces can meet their soulmate if they go on a long trip. Autumn and winter are a time for Pisces, who are used to working, and not lying on the couch from morning to evening.

Pisces woman: horoscope for 2017

In 2017, representatives of such a sign as Pisces will be able to literally bathe in the attention of the opposite sex. The interest of the opposite sex will surround both single Pisces and family representatives of the sign.

As the horoscope for September 2017 predicts, Pisces can confidently move forward in the development of their ideas and plans. The month will be a successful and fruitful period, and everything will proceed quite calmly, without hassle. You manage to maintain a balance between work and family. You enjoy what you love and get pleasure from everything. Feeling [...]

As the horoscope for August 2017 recommends, Pisces must conduct a serious reassessment of values. They will have a desire to change their life, try to live differently, try something that they could not decide on before. For the first time, representatives of the sign will put their interests first. Pisces now needs to unwind, pamper themselves, which is what they will do […]

As the horoscope for July 2017 promises, Pisces will finally gain faith in themselves and their strengths. You will be full of inspiration and strength. Thanks to your responsibility and ability to finish what you start, you will be able to achieve success. Reconsider your principles, outlook on life and priorities. When planning things, ask yourself if it will bring you closer […]

As the horoscope for June 2017 predicts, Pisces will want active life. The stars recommend not limiting yourself in your desires and listening to your intuition. If your inner voice tells you that you are ready to change your job or even your city of residence, you can listen to it and open a new page in your life. Your […]

As the horoscope for May 2017 recommends, Pisces must get down to business. The composure and determination of representatives of this sign is now more than enough to achieve the desired results. The time has come for your plans to come true, and for you to put all your efforts into this, concentrate on the desired goal, without being distracted by anything. […]

As the horoscope for April 2017 says, Pisces will reconsider their values ​​and outlook on life. Your attitude towards ordinary things will change and you will open yourself to change. Now Pisces, like revolutionaries, are ready to go against people and circumstances. They will take the initiative and stop going with the flow. But the composure and consciousness of the representatives […]

No matter how much you believe in magic and luck, in March it will haunt you at every step. There will not be a situation in which everything will go perfectly for the best due to completely unexpected luck. At the beginning of the month, Pisces will perceive March 2017 as a test of their strength on the one hand, and as […]

If Pisces in January could start from a new starting point, take a new important step, then the horoscope for February 2017 Pisces should be read as a book on the operation of what has been started. In February you must put all your strength into work, but we're talking about not about new projects and new places of work, but about [...]

For ease of perception, it would be correct to divide 2017 into 3 stages, each of which is characterized by certain qualities and trends in relation to your zodiac sign.

From the beginning of 2017 until the third ten days of March, a rather ambiguous period will begin for Pisces. On the one hand, this time will be characterized by confident, high-quality dynamics, which will allow you to achieve very significant results, both right now and in the future. In addition, at this stage, Pisces, acting thoughtfully and consistently, will be able to lay a solid foundation for projects that are not even in the plans yet. In short, despite the fairly high level of activity that will be required of you, you should not rush, trying to fully use only visible opportunities. If you are offered something new, even if it is quite adventurous, still do not refuse, at least not do it right away. No one is saying that now it makes sense to take risks at every step, and the probability of winning the lottery at this stage of life is no higher than usual. However, 2017, which in terms of its energy is antagonistic in relation to Pisces and the element of Water in general, simply will not allow you to achieve results with minimal effort. So this situation needs to be approached philosophically, especially when the issue concerns the love front, although during this time period no one area of ​​life will clearly dominate the other. In the first months of 2017, dear Pisces, you will most likely have to work for the future. The main thing for you during this period is to prevent the situation from getting worse.

From the first days of April until the end of the second ten days of August, many key trends will change significantly. The summer-spring period always seems to be a fairly active time, but this year it promises to be especially active and full of surprises in relation to your zodiac sign. Definitely, this stage of 2017 will become significant and very indicative, especially in terms of the sphere of personal relationships of Pisces. You will probably have many new contacts at this time, but the main thing is not to distance yourself from people, although deep down in your soul you will have precisely such desires, which are more typical of inveterate misanthropes. You will understand why this is necessary when the information obtained during a completely random conversation will literally save your life. You will be able to emerge victorious from some incredibly difficult situation, roughly speaking, due to chance. Such an event in itself can change your worldview, and do not doubt that the new priorities will be correct. More specifically, a relationship that ends one way or another at this stage will resume again, but much later, so there is no point in worrying about it. But some of the new contacts will turn out to be very short-lived and in this regard you should not be particularly upset. The most important thing is that you can achieve the positions you strive for. Although right now single Pisces are unlikely to find their soulmate, and having broken off or suspended relations with someone who was applying for this post, they will not be at all optimistic about the prospects of their personal life.

From September 2017 to February 15, 2018 (the end of the Year of the Rooster), it is logical for Pisces to focus on the work direction. Support for the professional sector of the horoscope at this time will be maximum, so let matters of the heart fade into the background, especially since current trends in this direction will not require any particularly active actions from you. And yet, with regard to your zodiac sign, not everything is so literal, for example, if you are a performer, then do not forget that now the initiative will be useful to you to a minimal extent. Rather, it is diligence and the ability to quickly adapt to changing conditions that will help. But it looks like a new position is just around the corner. Although on this moment It’s difficult to say for sure what needs to be done to get it. Representatives of the Pisces zodiac sign will have to act according to the situation, we can only assure that the stars will be on your side during this period of 2017. For the self-employed, entrepreneurs and managers at various levels, this will be a fairly specific and definitely successful time. You will be surprised to discover that you have much more opportunities than you thought, so increasing your dynamics, activity and vitality will come in handy. It is at this moment that the astrological situation will be as loyal to you, dear Pisces, which is why at this stage it is right to act assertively and boldly. True, as we have warned more than once in this forecast, everything should be dosed, in moderation, so as not to frighten off the “bird of luck.” By the end of 2017, you should approach not only a sense of accomplishment, but also with very definite, specific plans, the implementation of which will require significant effort. But that’s only later; now it’s important to understand that the near future brings only the most positive trends.

In general, for the Pisces zodiac sign, 2017 will be successful in all respects. It is unlikely that lonely Pisces, as already mentioned, will satisfy their emotional and spiritual quests. But, you will be able to improve your financial situation, make new friends and good (useful) acquaintances. Act according to circumstances and take responsibility only when necessary, do not get into trouble, now it will be a clear mistake. Give preference to risky, but promising and objectively real projects. Don't be afraid to take risks, but don't take risks unless you're prepared for the consequences. This simple rules that will help you in 2017. Happy 2017! Happiness and joy to you!

For Pisces, he assures that a constant change of scenery and flashing events will benefit this sign and bring a lot of interesting and exciting things into their lives. You will be filled with strange feelings: on the one hand, by spring you will want a break, and on the other hand, you will quickly get involved in such a rhythm and begin to be frankly bored when there is no urgent matter.

Horoscope for Pisces for 2017

January will be one of the busiest months of the year: many events and meetings that will take place this month will become the engine and prerequisite for further changes. You will be unusually active and proactive. According to the main horoscope forecast for the zodiac sign Pisces a large number of the energy accumulated over previous periods will require release, and representatives of the sign need to try to direct it in the right direction.

You will become a real generator of ideas, which is not new at all, but this year you will not only issue ideas like a machine-gun burst, but also implement them one after another. Of course, you won’t be able to do without failures, but you shouldn’t concentrate on them, it’s better to focus on what you really succeeded in.

At the beginning of spring, give in to the persuasion of your friends and go for walks, picnics, excursions and fashionable parties - you need company. Try to meet many people, among them there will be a lot of useful people. As summer approaches, you will feel an irresistible desire for change: start with yourself. You can not only change your image, but also engage in spiritual self-development. Study Buddhism, undergo personal growth training, work with a psychologist, and you will pleasantly surprise yourself.

Try to spend money only on necessary things. It’s better to invest additional funds in someone’s startup or new project; trust your intuition, and it will point you in the right direction.

Pisces horoscope: for men

You need to learn that you will only achieve success if you show rigor and self-control. First of all, this concerns you: more self-organization and self-confidence, and you will get what you want. However, the horoscope for men predicts quarrels with your colleagues and family if you begin to go too far and become overly emotional.

In general, try to keep your temper under control. Your passion for justice and the discovery of the truth will terrify lovers of intrigue, so they will try to quickly get rid of you. Don’t give in to coaxing from employees, strictly follow your plan and don’t get distracted by trifles - you won’t have time for extraneous distractions.

Single Pisces men will be able to arrange their personal lives only at the end of the year, when the flow of events in your career has subsided and you can go on vacation. There is a high probability of meeting a potential spouse somewhere at a resort or hotel. Maybe it's the girl from the next room? Take a close look at the beauties around you.

Pisces horoscope: for women

Your year will be productive and eventful, but it will mainly concern people of the opposite sex. People will be especially interested in you, so try to look brand new every day. The stars strongly recommend that you take care of your appearance.

It's time to stun others with changes in your image. The horoscope for women calls the year of the Rooster the most favorable for any changes in appearance - even plastic surgery. But you can start small: cut your hair, change your hair color, makeup and clothes. Both your spouse and colleagues will like your new look. Just remember that following a strict dress code at work is not a reason to change jobs if you decide not to wear pantsuits anymore.

Although you really want to change your occupation, real opportunity for this purpose will appear only towards the end of the year, when it is not recommended to make decisions on such an issue. In general, December should be spent analyzing the past year and summing up the results: determine what you succeeded and what you didn’t and try not to make similar mistakes. This will especially apply to finances and family.

Financial horoscope for Pisces for 2017

The hot and wasteful Rooster will constantly provoke you into unnecessary purchases and spending. Don’t give in and try to do exactly the opposite - save. The horoscope for 2017 promises profit only in the fall, and you still have to live until that time. In the spring, you will feel an irresistible urge to spend a large amount. You can only do this if you need the thing you have your eye on. A simple “I want” is not enough to make a purchase this year.

In the summer, when you are relaxed and a little distracted, scammers may take advantage of you and leave you with money. To avoid this, be on alert and immediately stop any attempts to extract money from you. But in the fall, you can surprise your family and buy equipment for your home: a new tablet or computer for the children, a TV for your parents and a dishwasher for your wife.

Your work will require diligence and perseverance. You will be burdened with the responsibilities of subcontractors who will be busy solving personal problems. Your bosses will notice your efforts, although this will not affect your salary. Be prepared for jealousy and envy from your colleagues. They won’t be able to harm you, but they will drink your blood. Get rid of behind-the-scenes games and mind your own business.

Representatives of creative professions will literally be pursued by success from the beginning of the year to the end. Feel free to organize an exhibition, publish a book and an album of photographs - the public will greet your work with delight.

Financial horoscope for men for 2017

You need to learn not only how to properly manage your time, but also how to separate the important and urgent from what can be resolved without your participation. Even if you do not hold a leadership position, some of your responsibilities can be delegated to colleagues. It is only important to explain to them the benefits of doing your work, and they themselves will happily take it on. Just don’t abuse this, your management will evaluate your level of interest and ability to work.

One of the tests of strength will be a blockage in work affairs, which will begin somewhere in the middle of spring and will last almost until the end of summer. Because of this, you better plan your vacation for last month winter. But the experience gained during this period will prove invaluable to you next year, when you will be promoted.

Money will not be given to you easily: no winnings or sudden bonuses are expected. Therefore, try to control your spending. If your spouse asks you for more money for her needs, explain to her that now is not the best time for new acquisitions. Especially trivial trinkets. Try to invest money in a new project on time - you will avoid the temptation to spend it, and you can earn good money.

Financial horoscope for women

Pisces women are advised to start the year by reconciling with colleagues. If you still have old conflicts, resolve them in January, otherwise during the year they may become a serious obstacle for you in the near future.

Show due diligence and attention to detail in your substantive work. Even a small thing can become important if management pays attention to it. From the beginning of spring you will be under close supervision, as the amount of work will increase significantly. Try not to become neurotic in this stressful situation and not take it out on your colleagues. A new position awaits you, so the support of other employees will be important.

Give up the idea of ​​winning money or getting it out of nothing. All your funds this year will be earned through hours of hard work, which is why it will be so difficult to part with them. Perhaps this is what will save you from thoughtless spending, which people are so prone to in the year of the Rooster.

Your best investment will be yourself: your appearance and education will be the best investment. Get a second diploma, go to a beauty salon, take courses landscape design– new knowledge will be very useful.

Love horoscope for Pisces for 2017

In business love horoscope For 2017, this does not bode well for the zodiac sign Pisces. Throughout the year, you will feel as if you are living on a powder keg: in constant anxiety. You will be haunted by the thought that your couple is deliberately looking for a reason for a scandal in order to make you angry and negative emotions. Be careful with your statements: carelessly spoken insults can cost you dearly. You may not be able to maintain the relationship for long.

Any romances started during this period will be short-lived and will become just another reason for disappointment in love. Try to spend some time alone, although it will be difficult - someone will always be hanging around you.

In the family, you need to prove yourself as the best diplomat in the world: the number of disputes, quarrels and feuds will break all records this year. Your emotionality and temper can cause a serious, protracted conflict. Attend a seminar on controlling strong emotions and anger, it will be useful to you.

  • Love horoscope for men favors those who intend to take the initiative. Put aside your business, turn off the computer and devote the evening to your family and children. Your loved ones will be very happy about the time spent together, and you yourself, feeling their gratitude, will experience real satisfaction. Take the initiative in your relationship with your wife: it’s high time you refreshed your intimate life. Left alone, surprise her with something special, something that you both have wanted to try for a long time, give her a gift, give her compliments. Your attention will return to you a hundredfold.

But unmarried Pisces men can count on the appearance of someone truly significant in their lives only in the fall. But this will actually be the same woman you have been waiting for. But do not think that she herself will come to you with an offer to marry her immediately, you will have to try very hard to win her. Be proactive and confident.

  • Love horoscope for women advises us to concentrate on family and children. And if your child does not require a lot of attention, then with your spouse everything is not so simple. At one time, you have already spoiled him with warmth and affection, and now, when you devote yourself more to children and work, he experiences some discomfort. Remind him that he is still your most beloved and important man in your life. It won’t require much effort from you, but the benefits will last for the whole year.

You can also devote yourself to arranging your family nest: renovations, new furniture, rearrangements or cute little things (photo frames with shared photographs, flowers in vases, fruit baskets) will make your home unusually cozy. Both my husband and children will want to return to it.

Free Pisces will have the opportunity to improve their personal life. This year you will meet your life partner. The main thing is not to get lost in the bustle of everyday life.

Children's horoscope for Pisces for 2017

If your Pisces child has not yet developed a talent for writing, this will happen this year. The wild imagination of little Pisces will find its way out in endless stories about adventures and travels.

The kids will be very active and sociable, they will make acquaintances with both their peers and adults. Try to explain to your child that it is impossible to communicate with other adults, but rather be nearby. Send your energetic child to a club or sports section, he will be interested, and you will be calm.

Your schoolchildren will begin to show their character especially actively and hide from you. You will need all your restraint and patience so as not to run out of the house after your child every time he goes on a new journey. Don't worry, your baby just needs some space. He will definitely tell you everything when the time comes.

Teenagers will suddenly discover a new talent and rush to develop it. Support your child’s undertaking, provide him with everything he needs and you can be calm about his future - this year the direction of your child’s life will be determined, because he will choose an occupation for the rest of his life. Be proud of your child, because he is destined to move mountains.

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