Military thought. Military thought, magazine Read the magazine military thought

Magazine "Military Thought"

The only military scientific journal of its kind, a special organ of the General (People's Commissariat) Staff, “Military Thought” began its existence back in 1918 on June 1 of the last century. At that time, the magazine “Military Thought” was published by the editorial board of “Litizdat PUR”, was published weekly and was considered the most popular military printed media.

On thin yellowish pages, “Military Thought” talked about military affairs, the situation in the country, and the activities of the General Staff. At that time, the magazine “Military Thought” could be read by everyone; it was actually the only periodical publication in the state. The magazine remained in this status until 1920, and its wide circle of readers, among whom the largest percentage were representatives of the political and command staff of the Red Army, witnessed the degeneration of the Military Thought magazine into the Military Scientific Journal of the Red Army.

According to historical reports, the rebirth occurred in 1920 and a year later led to the following changes. The following years became the most unstable for the magazine “Military Thought”. Changes were made every year until at the end of 1936 the periodical received its usual name “Military Thought”.

It is believed that it was not given to the magazine by chance. History knows the analogue (predecessor) of the magazine “Military Thought”, which was published in 1858 and was called “Military Collection”. Nowadays, in the 21st century, the magazine “Military Thought” is still read. It is considered the only military-theoretical publication of the Russian Ministry of Defense, which recently crossed the 85-year mark. And fans of the periodical can read the magazine “Military Thought” on the Internet.

The magazine "Military Thought", both 85 years ago and now, sets itself certain tasks. His responsibilities include explaining government activities affecting issues of military affairs, highlighting problems of military practice and theory, application foreign experience and so on. However, the modern magazine “Military Thought,” the issues of which can be downloaded on the Internet, is popular for its unique sections. And their “Military Thought” has covered a lot over the years of its existence:

· Geopolitics. The magazine “Military Thought” carried this section with it through the years. Here, “Military Thought” covers the issues of redistribution of the main spheres of influence of states, control of territory, talks about patterns and issues.

· Safety. The most relevant section, because of which the magazine “Military Thought” is sought to be read by people who are not related to military affairs. This section covers all security issues and analyzes development programs military equipment and so on.

· Military science. The most extensive section of “Military Thought”, you can download and view it online. Here concepts are revealed, theory is explained, and examples are given. “Military Thought” perfectly describes and analyzes the experience of past wars and conflicts. This is a column that the Military Thought magazine can be proud of.

· Military theoretical heritage. A column about the past, about famous commanders, about tactical battles, valor and history. This section was compiled by the magazine “Military Thought” for all those interested and interested in military affairs.

· Ideology. This is not a section, but what “Military Thought” presents to the reader. By studying the materials of the pages of the magazine “Military Thought”, the reader forms his own point of view on current issues, delves into the situation.

Today, the Military Thought magazine is not a black and white, but a color publication, which is based on the faith and enthusiasm of veterans. They allow fans of the Military Thought magazine to download online, keep abreast of military affairs and receive first-hand information, just like 85 years ago.

Magazine "Military Thought" - knowledge and skill are power!

№ 289

The magazine “Military Thought” in its content does not meet the tasks assigned to it in developing issues of military theory and ideology, improving the military knowledge of officers and generals of the Red Army.

The magazine “Military Thought” does not sufficiently develop issues related to the conduct of war, strategy and operational art, the military-theoretical and practical heritage of outstanding Russian commanders, i.e., precisely those issues that should be the main ones for this magazine are missed.

The foreign department in the journal is either absent altogether, or presents readers with articles by foreign authors without criticizing the incorrect and even harmful provisions found in them.

The journal does not have a department of criticism and bibliography.

The editorial board of the magazine “Military Thought” cannot cope with the tasks assigned to it, especially since a number of its members are at the fronts and essentially do not work in the editorial office.

The editorial board of the magazine did not provide proper management of the magazine and did not organize a team of authors capable of creating an authoritative governing magazine of the Red Army.

The magazine “Military Bulletin” does not pay enough attention to issues of theory and practice modern combat based on the experience of the Great Patriotic War. The magazine “Military Bulletin” covers little issues of tactics and technology foreign armies.

In order to improve the content of the magazines “Military Thought” and “Military Herald”, increase their role in the development of military theory, improve military knowledge and educate the officers of the Red Army, -

I order:

1. Issue the magazine “Military Thought” as an organ People's Commissariat defense of the USSR once a month, volume of 6 printed sheets, circulation of 15,000 copies.

The general management of the magazine is entrusted to the Chief of the General Staff.

The main objectives of the journal “Military Thought” are:

development of issues of military theory and ideology;

development* of the main problems of war, the development of armed* forces, strategy and operational art;

development of issues of interaction between military branches and training of combined arms commanders;

development of the theoretical and practical legacy of outstanding Russian commanders and military figures;

coverage* and criticism of the views of foreign military authorities;

study of foreign armies and their combat experience.

The magazine has permanent sections: military history, foreign military information, criticism and bibliography.

2. The magazine “Military Bulletin” should be published as a general military magazine of the People’s Commissariat of Defense of the USSR, 2 times a month, in a volume of 3 printed pages, with a circulation of 50,000 copies.

The general management of the magazine is entrusted to the chief inspector of the Red Army infantry.

The main objectives of the magazine “Military Herald” are:

* In paragraph 1 (paragraph 3) I. Stalin replaced the words: “research” with “development”, as well as “study” with “coverage”.

coverage, based on the experience of the Great Patriotic War, of the theory and practice of modern combat, interaction of military branches, tactical and fire training and issues of military education;

familiarization with the organization, tactics, technology and combat experience of foreign armies.

The magazine should have permanent sections: criticism and bibliography, culture and life of officers, references and consultations.

14,000 rub. up to 35,000 rubles, the magazine “Military Herald” from 5,500 rubles. before

15,000 rub. and a fee for registration for an issue of the magazine “Military Thought” from 2000 rubles. up to 5000 rub. and the magazine “Military Herald” from 700 rubles. up to 1500 rub. For editing and consultation of materials, provide 10,000 rubles for the magazine “Military Thought”. and for the magazine “Military Herald” 7,000 rubles. per month. From the indicated amounts, pay fees to members of the editorial boards for editing materials.

4. Lieutenant General Eternal P.P., as having failed in his duties, should be released from editing the magazine “Military Thought”.

Appoint Major General N.A. Talensky as the executive editor of the Military Thought magazine, relieving him from his post as editor of the Krasnaya Zvezda newspaper.

5. Appoint Major General K. T. Goncharuk as the executive editor of the “Military Bulletin” magazine.

6. The editors of the magazines and the head of the Military Publishing House of the USSR NPO, Major General Kopylov, should improve the design of both magazines and reduce the time it takes them to go through production.

People's Commissar of Defense of the USSR Marshal Soviet Union I. STALIN

F. 4, op. 12, d. 111, l. 194-196. Script.

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