Why do cats lie in the ground? Reasons why a cat rides on its butt and rolls on its back. A short cat dictionary

“Oh, it seems our cat is broken,” this phrase is probably uttered by every owner of a furry predator sooner or later. Incredible tricks and stances that would be the envy of world champions in rhythmic gymnastics - this is about our pets. But, fortunately, most cat poses can still be classified and even develop into a kind of sign language!

So, what do the positions in which a cat sleeps say?

Tangle: I feel good and calm

This is the most common sleeping position for cats. It means that the pet feels calm and safe. The ball helps minimize heat loss, and cats usually sleep in this position very comfortably. However, if you have not previously noticed that your pet likes to sleep curled up in a ball, and now every now and then you see him in this position, then you should pay more attention to your pet and check his health.

Covering your nose with your paw: get ready for the cold

There is a sign: if a cat sleeps, covering its nose with its paw, it means that frost will soon hit. And it really does come true!

The fact is that cats immediately feel when the temperature in the room begins to drop - even if this is completely invisible to humans yet, explains the director of the Murzik cat cafe, Maria Tuvashkina.

On my back, stretched out with my stomach up: I'm happy!

A pose that opens the belly indicates maximum comfort for the cat. This means that nothing bothers him, he feels like a full-fledged owner and completely trusts all the people who are nearby.

Like many other animals, in cats the stomach is the most unprotected part of the body, and they usually try to protect it even during sleep. But if a cat sleeps on its back, with its paws spread wide, it means that it is 100% sure that its sleep will not be disturbed by a sudden threat from which it will have to defend itself, says cat breeder Irina Sokolova.

Sitting with my paws tucked under my body: I’m not feeling well

If a cat tries to sleep in this position, something is apparently bothering him - he is rather not sleeping, but dozing, trying to be alert in case of danger. In addition, this pose may indicate health problems.

If the cat is ruffled, his fur is bristling, and his sleep is sensitive and restless, most likely he is unhealthy, says veterinarian Alexey Filatov. – Take a closer look: if at the same time your pet’s appetite has worsened, or the animal has become less playful, immediately show it to the doctor!


Everything seems to be clear with sleep. How do you understand a wide-awake kitty?

The best indicator of a cat's mood is its tail. If the tail pointing upward, then this indicates a good mood, a desire to communicate with a person. Active wobble a cat's tail moving from side to side means dissatisfaction and irritation. If at the same time the cat begins to press its ears back, then it may even attack, so it is better to move away from the angry pet. And here twitching the very tip of the tail speaks of curiosity and readiness to play. Tail drooping and hanging calmly indicates a calm and peaceful state,” says Maria Tuvashkina.


If a cat lightly butts you with its head, it means it is asking for affection or wants to thank you for something. Trampling in one place can be regarded as a real declaration of love. And if the cat impatiently “dances”, slightly lifting its front paws off the floor (some cats like to do this at the scratching post), then it is greeting someone very long-awaited. A quick lick of a front paw or nose signifies excitement and indecisiveness, while vertically raised ears signify curiosity.


Meowing is also a full-fledged language! It’s not for nothing that cats use it primarily to talk with people, and much less often to communicate with each other. With the help of meowing, a cat communicates when it is hungry, wants affection, or asks to leave the room or the house. But to communicate with their relatives, cats usually use other sounds - for example, hissing or snorting, when the cat is irritated or afraid, preparing to attack or defend itself.

Moore - calm

Meow - greeting, request

Intermittent meowing - a response to a person’s call

Rumbling - dissatisfaction, warning of attack

Howling - anger

A short cry - fear

Hissing - readiness for defense

Why do cats roll on the ground?

Who among us has not seen (especially on a fine summer day) how a dazed cat, for no apparent reason, falls to the ground and begins to roll from side to side. It's funny to watch from the outside! It’s probably more difficult for the owners: they already have a clear idea of ​​how much not entirely useful stuff will be collected in the animal’s fur and subsequently brought home. But nothing can be done - the costs of cat behavior!

By the way, our regular readers will remember that we, together with our colleague AmiShojai, asked this question not so long ago. But the restless Amir decided to complement herself!

Let's see: in what cases does your cat exhibit this behavior? The fact is that not all animals are allowed outside! Stretch your memory, dear cat lovers, and try to imagine all the situations associated with “turning over” pets on their backs. Are you getting ready for work and your cat is rolling around on the floor? She just doesn't want you to leave, she asks you to stay and play with her if possible.

Does a cat ride on its back, as they say, out of context, that is, on its own? It's okay - she does a kind of self-massage, scratches her back.

Is something similar happening on the street? Yes, and this is also self-massage!

But cats don’t just “roll”, otherwise they would never be cats! At the same time, they mark the territory and indicate that the place is occupied.

True, it should be emphasized that cats lie on their backs, being, as a rule, in high spirits. Notice how the face of a rolling cat radiates calmness and contentment.

There is another one, this time physiological feature: Cats tend to lie on their backs before and after mating during an interesting period.

But, be that as it may, in ordinary, home conditions, having noticed a cat riding on its back, you can conclude to yourself that the animal wants to attract attention.

We are forced to warn not very experienced cat lovers: a cat lying on its back and showing off its fluffy belly is by no means inviting you to pet it! Do not give in to the temptation to pet the cat where she doesn’t really like, otherwise your pet’s good mood will quickly disappear! You're unlikely to get away with just scratches...

And cats should not be confused with dogs! A dog lying on its back, in the vast majority of cases, demonstrates complete submission and submission. And a cat, you know, is an animal that lives on its own!

The main reason why a cat rides on its butt or rolls on the floor on its back lies in the discomfort that the animal experiences. Of course, this can also attract the attention of the owner, but most often pets behave so strangely when they experience pain or itching that they cannot otherwise signal.

A step-by-step analysis of the situation and a method for eliminating the reasons that prompt the animal to such behavior will help you find the source of anxiety.

Why does a cat ride on its butt and what to do about it

Factors influencing the appearance of discomfort in the area anus cats, quite a lot:

It is best to seek the advice of a veterinarian and gradually rule out potential problems. As soon as you can find the cause that is bothering the cat, the irritant must be eliminated.

Why does a cat roll on the floor on its back?

Riding on its back is considered normal for a cat if it enjoys it. You should be wary when an animal does this constantly or rubs too much on the floor.

Most of the reasons that make your pet want to lie on its back are completely harmless, but you may encounter a problem that requires treatment.

Physiological needs of a cat

The most common reasons why a cat rolls on its back are:

  1. 1. The urge to scratch your back. The animal is not able to reach its back with its paws, so it has to periodically lie on its back to scratch itself.
  2. 2. Manifestation of instincts or just a game. In the cat family, unlike dogs, the dominant one in the pair falls on his back. From the outside it may seem that he is defeated, but in fact this is how the animal gets the opportunity to inflict a strong blow on the enemy with its hind legs. When a cat is playing and rolling on the floor on its back, you should not reach out to it, it will take it as a challenge and attack. Even if the pet is just playing, sharp claws can seriously hurt, so at such moments you need to be careful around the animal.
  3. 3. Sexual hunting. If the animal does not have breeding value, experts recommend sterilization. This is due to the torment that the pet experiences every time due to strong hormonal changes, and high risks diseases genitourinary system. It has been proven that sterilized cats live up to 3 years longer than those who regularly go into estrus, that is, do not become pregnant at the right time.
  4. 4. Relaxation and stress management. Some cats behave this way to calm down and may roll on their back after a slight fright or mild stress, getting rid of it in this way. This is considered normal if the pet does not experience significant discomfort and is not tense.
  5. 5. A foreign odor that the animal tries to eliminate with its own. Then the cat rubs its back not only against the floor, but also against various things and objects. As soon as the pet becomes satisfied with the result of its actions, it loses interest in this activity.

If your cat's piggyback ride is related to one of these options, there is nothing to worry about. This behavior does not require intervention, much less treatment. An exception can be considered sterilization, but this is not a mandatory method, but a recommendation from specialists. This way it will be calmer for all household members and the cat itself, because even if the animal does not meow loudly, it suffers.

  • 2. Matted fur causes a lot of inconvenience to the animal. Long-haired cat breeds suffer from this constantly, so regular brushing is essential. But pets with short hair do not always cope on their own, especially in the back area. To solve the problem, just choose the most suitable comb and regularly remove excess hair. With this care, the cat will swallow less hair, which will have a positive effect on its digestive system.
  • 3. Defeats various forms fungi can cause itching and rolling on your back. It is impossible to find out which type of infection has affected the animal without tests, so self-treatment in this case is unacceptable. Depending on the degree of development of the disease, local therapy or complex treatment is selected. The risk of fungal infection is high, even if the pet does not leave the house.
  • Each of possible reasons requires timely intervention to relieve the animal of discomfort as quickly as possible. If treatment is necessary, consultation with a veterinarian is mandatory. Choose the best cat effective drug at home is almost impossible, and treatment at random often causes various complications.

    The reproductive estrous cycle, or estrus, includes four stages: proestrus, estrus, metestrus and anestrus.

    The signs of one of them may overlap with the other. The duration of each stage is individual for each animal. Therefore, it is not always possible to determine the timing for coverage. Unlike dogs, cats do not bleed during heat. You can determine whether a cat is in heat by her behavior and slight swelling of the genital mucosa.


    The onset of estrus, or its first stage, lasts 1-2 days and can be noticed by the owner by the cat's more restless behavior. The most subtle indicator of this stage is the cat. You may notice that the cat has a slightly enlarged and moist vulva. Increased appetite and restlessness are also noted. She makes low, guttural cries and fawns on her owner more than usual. She is attractive to cats, but does not yet allow them to approach her.
    Proestrus is characterized by a period of courtship, during which the very presence of a cat nearby stimulates the activation of hormone secretions in the cat, which leads her to a real estrus.


    The second stage of the estrous cycle is estrus, or estrus itself, the stage of sexual receptivity. Breeders talk about it as a calling cry to a cat, or a hunt. It can last from one to twenty-one days, with an average duration of 5-7 days. The most favorable days for coverage are the 3rd and 5th days. Although this factor is very individual for each cat (some of them do not ovulate until the 9-10th day).
    Depending on the cat's temperament (most often determined by its breed), it demonstrates its condition in different ways. One cat becomes “noisy”, constantly meowing loudly; the other, presenting a pitiful sight, lies spread out - suffers in silence, only occasionally “quacking”, evoking universal sympathy with her unhappy appearance.

    Cat, March, heat

    But both of them become more intrusive and affectionate, rubbing against objects and clearly staring at all male representatives (cat, owner, guest). They roll around on the floor, and if you stroke the lumbosacral region of a cat with your hand, a contraction of the perianal region may occur, the cat falls on its front paws and, as it were, “tramples” with its hind paws, moves its tail to the side and rolls around on the floor. The animal's appetite is reduced or absent. There is frequent urination.

    At the peak of estrus, the cat often screams as if it is suffering from unbearable pain, this is the call that worries all the cats in the area.

    To determine if your cat is ready to be coated, gently hold her and run your hand along her back, from her neck to her tail. If yes, then she will raise her pelvis up, move her tail to the side and begin to stomp on one place with her hind legs.
    There is also a so-called “erased” estrus, which passes with invisible or muted signs. The same estrus that makes ordinary cat owners very happy and greatly upsets breeders planning to have purebred kittens.

    Interestrus (metestrus)

    The third stage of the reproductive cycle is metestrus.
    It lasts from 2 to 19 days, with an average of 8 days. During this period, the cat is no longer interested in the kitty. Now she aggressively drives the cat away when he tries to cover her.
    The further development of the cycle depends on whether fertilization has occurred. If ovulation has occurred, the cat's sexual instinct fades. If there was no mating, after 1-2 weeks the cat will enter a new cycle, starting with proestrus. If sexual intercourse causes ovulation, but fertilization does not occur, a false pregnancy may occur, lasting 35-45 days.

    If the outcome is favorable, fertilization of the egg occurs within 24-48 hours after coating. Some cats ovulate within 12 hours. In most cases, the ovaries release four eggs, but there have been cases of 12 kittens being born at once.

    After 58-74 days, the cat gives birth to cubs.
    However, if a cat loses all her kittens during childbirth, then estrus will occur much earlier, and sometimes it happens that the first sexual cycle can occur even on the second day of lactation. Estrus may return several times during a cat's pregnancy.

    Many owners do not see anything extreme in letting their pet into bed, especially if we are talking about a clean and affectionate cat. When this state of affairs is a long-established habit, there is no point in looking for a mysterious background in Murka’s behavior. But it happens that an animal suddenly changes its inclinations and stubbornly settles down where it had not been noticed before. With what it can be connected?

    Signs about a cat in bed

    In the old days, overly caring owners were warned: “Whoever sleeps in the same bed with a cat will get frogs in his head!” Of course, it is impossible to treat this sign without humor, and it was invented, most likely, only in order to instill in people at least some concept of hygiene. A mouse hunter freely roaming through courtyards and garbage dumps could bring into bed such an infection that would make frogs seem like a cute thing. But nowadays the problem of hygiene is not so acute, many pets are desperate homebodies, and therefore the question of whether to allow the animal to sleep in the bed depends only on you. It remains to find out how signs explain a cat’s choice of a place to sleep.

    At the owner's feet

    • Esotericists claim that negativity accumulates primarily in the lower part of the body. If an animal settles down to sleep at the feet, it cleanses the owner’s aura and removes the excess that has accumulated during the day.
    • Supporters of “mystical-realistic” explanations are sure: in this way the cat relieves fatigue or an incipient illness from the owner. If your beloved Murzik has made a habit of lying on your feet every evening, take the time to stop by the doctor. Varicose veins are such a common phenomenon these days that it doesn’t hurt to get checked once again.

    Around the head

    • Feline specialists (experts in cat psychology and habits) say that the animal’s choice of the head of the bed indicates its attachment to its owner. That is, a cat can settle down at the feet simply because it seems warmer there than on the floor. But if she chooses her head, it means she trusts you, loves you and wants to take care of you.
    • If we are talking about a woman, the animal could be attracted by the pleasant smell of the shampoo with which the owner washes her hair. It is difficult to please the tastes of a four-legged pet, since your cosmetics will definitely not contain the smell of valerian or sausage. But sometimes unexpected whims occur in cats too.
    • Finally, the cat may feel the onset of a migraine, pressure or fever and come to the rescue of the owner. Do not immediately dismiss the “ambulance”, even if you are not inclined to believe in the healing abilities of animals. But what if?..

    But it’s better not to let the cat on your face

    Some people believe that a cat climbs onto a person’s chest or rolls under a barrel when it senses its owner’s bad mood. If your pet settles down on your chest, do not rush to throw the animal onto the floor with dissatisfaction. Perhaps they have come to conduct a psychotherapy session with you!

    On the stomach

    • The first reason is still the same: illness. It’s certainly too early to run to the doctor the next day after your cat takes a nap on your stomach. But if Murzik didn’t have such a habit before, and now he clings to you every now and then and doesn’t want to leave, you should take care of your health. Cats sense the slightest changes in temperature and love warmth very much - it’s not for nothing that they doze with such pleasure on sunny windowsills and working computers! If an inflammatory process has begun in the stomach, the body temperature will rise, and your pet will quickly notice this. At the very least, listen to your feelings so as not to miss a possible illness.
    • The second reason applies exclusively to women. It is in this unexpected way that cats react to their mistress’s pregnancy. Often even before the woman herself knows about her situation! There is no need to be afraid of this. If the animal is healthy, does not give you any unpleasant sensations, does not put pressure on your stomach, it will not cause trouble.

    Did you know that cats served as the very first pregnancy tests? To find out whether the long-awaited event had happened or whether the first-born would have to wait a long time, the young wife put the domestic cat on her stomach and watched how it behaved. If you curl up in a ball and doze off, you can begin to prepare for the baby's arrival.

    Affectionate purring calms both mother and baby in her belly

    Under the bed

    Picky cats are no match for obedient and unpretentious dogs. They sleep on rugs under the bed “out of their status.” If the capricious woman nevertheless chooses this particular place to sleep, it means that it is marked by strong energy flows. And this is where the differences in interpretation begin.

    • Some people warn to place the bed in the “cat’s bedroom” area. They say that what is only beneficial for the pet is pure harm for its owner, and therefore one should stay away from such places.
    • Others believe that the fluffy resident will work as a kind of filter: it will draw out and destroy all negative turbulence, and leave you to enjoy pure, uncomplicated energy for the benefit of your health and mood.

    You can judge for yourself who is right. All you need to do is sit down and remember how you feel after sleeping on this bed? If you are cheerful and full of energy, everything is fine. If you feel overwhelmed and tired, as if you are carrying sacks of grain at night, try rearranging your bedroom. And here's an additional reason to play designer: psychologists say that such changes are good for your mood.

    Other places where your four-legged pet sleeps

    The bed was sorted out. But our pets sometimes choose such strange places to sleep that it’s amazing! Why do they do this?

    The cat sleeps on the table

    • Mystical explanation. The purr “keeps” someone in the family, promising him illness or death. And if the table is in the kitchen, then the jealous young lady, through her actions, drives the man out of the house.
    • Realistic explanation. From a height, the animal has a better view and control of the territory, children won’t reach the cat on the table, and the nearby kitchen is also full of all sorts of tempting smells.

    There is no need to be afraid of signs. Remember: according to many beliefs, a cat can sacrifice itself in order to ward off trouble from the house. Well, will she click on her favorite owners? Of course not. However, you still need to wean your pet off the new habit. A table, especially a kitchen table, is a place that must be exceptionally clean. And a sign about a man can work if your husband has to eat food seasoned with cat hair every day.

    On the threshold

    Legends consider the home threshold to be the brownie's favorite hiding place. And cats are his constant interlocutors and faithful friends. Previously, in Rus' it was believed that the rodent exterminator dozing on the threshold was having a leisurely conversation with the house spirit, so there was no need to disturb them under any circumstances. This is in your own interests!

    The pet doesn’t just bask in the sun, it solves important issues!

    But people have nothing to do in this place. If you disturb the mysterious inhabitants of the invisible world, you will get yourself into trouble.


    • If the cat settles down to sleep on a travel bag or suitcase, the journey will be easy and favorable. If he tramples on an already assembled backpack, throws things out of it, or, what’s more, tries to urinate on them, it’s better to postpone the trip.
    • The cat sleeps by the radiator, fireplace or on the windowsill, exposing its back to the sun's rays - it will soon get colder, and this weather will last a long time.
    • Sleeping spread out in the middle of the room? Either the thaw is approaching, or she completely trusts you. Be proud, you are a great host!

    We have mentioned many times about the ability of cats to have a beneficial effect on human health. But sometimes it happens that it’s a furry animal that needs help. If your pet suddenly changes its habits, climbs on your arms and chest, and demands attention, its behavior may indicate that not everything is all right with the animal. Watch her more closely, and if your suspicions are confirmed, take Murka to the vet.

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