Glass pyramids at the bottom of the Bermuda Triangle. video. Pyramids at the bottom of the Bermuda Triangle: hypotheses multiply Underwater pyramids at the bottom of the Bermuda Triangle

Mysterious ships are not the only mystery of the Bermuda Triangle. In 1991, oceanographer Dr. W. Meyer, using sonars, discovered strange pyramid-like structures at a depth of approximately 2,000 feet. These structures were simply gigantic in size. They were 3 times higher in height than the Cheops Pyramid, which is the largest pyramid on land. The scientist conducted research, as a result of which he was able to establish that underwater pyramids made of a very smooth material, perhaps thick glass. In addition, Meyer believes that the age of the pyramids is approximately half a century, therefore, they could not have been built by past civilizations.

These mysterious pyramids are located in the very center of the Bermuda Triangle. According to the scientist, if you reveal the secrets associated with the strange pyramids, you will be able to get closer to solving the mysteries of the Bermuda Triangle itself.

The news created a real sensation. Meyer held a press conference in the Bahamas, where he introduced journalists to the exact coordinates of the pyramids, graphs of their images, photographs and echograms, as well as a report on their research. Thanks to sonars and computerized analyzers located on the ship, it was possible to obtain images of the pyramids, according to which they are perfectly smooth, there are no algae or the presence of other forms of ocean flora or fauna on their surface. There were no seams, cracks or joints in the material from which the mysterious pyramids were created; it was as if they were created from a single monolithic piece. Meyer pointed out that the technology used to build the underwater pyramids modern science unknown. According to the scientist, underwater study of the pyramids is necessary to obtain more accurate data.

However, after the Bahamas press conference in the media mass media Messages about mysterious underwater structures have practically stopped appearing. It’s as if someone is deliberately hiding information from the general public. This is most likely due to the fact that they often fly out of the water or quickly sink to the ocean floor. It is known that such flights are observed frequently, and intelligence agencies track them. Scientific experts and US intelligence officials believe that the underwater complex produces a colossal amount of energy, which is responsible for the anomalies in the Bermuda Triangle area. It is quite possible that glass pyramids are only part of a huge energy complex.

Despite Meyer's evidence of the existence of a pyramid on the ocean floor, it is difficult to find. For the second decade, Meyer's supporters have been trying to find a mysterious pyramid in the Atlantic Ocean. Thanks to serious calculations, it was possible to establish that the pyramid may be located near Puerto Rico. Researchers studying this issue believe that there is some mysterious connection between all the pyramids existing on Earth. Such pyramids are found not only in Egypt or Mexico; similar structures have been discovered in many places on our planet: Brazil, China, Russia, Japan, Australia, Ukraine. And these are not all the countries in which pyramids are found.

Most pyramids are on land. But there are also those that were discovered under water. In addition to the pyramids in the Bermuda Triangle, a step pyramid approximately 20 m high was recently found in China. It consists of stone slabs and is located at the bottom of a lake in the Chinese province of Yunnan. This is the largest and best preserved pyramid, but besides it, nine more structures of the same size and about two dozen more objects scattered throughout the bottom were discovered at the bottom of the lake. According to scientists, these structures were built ancient civilization and represent a sunken city. Pyramids at the bottom of a lake in China do not cause much controversy or questions, but pyramids in the bermuda triangle still remain shrouded in mystery.

It should be noted that W. Meyer was not the first to point out the existence of underwater pyramids in the Atlantic. Russian scientist S. Proskuryakov in 1977 mentioned in one of his works that the echo sounders of a fishing vessel sailing near the Bermuda Islands recorded a strange hill resembling a pyramid. This mention was the reason for the organization of an expedition to the Bermuda region by the famous American ufologist and atlantologist Charles Berlitz. According to members of the expedition, they actually managed to discover a strange mountain located at a depth of 400 m, which strongly resembled a pyramid. The height of the pyramid was approximately 150 m, the sides were of equal length

On this moment Many researchers are trying to unravel this phenomenon. People are interested in who, when and why built these strange pyramids. It is hoped that the answer to these questions will shed light on mysterious disappearances ships in the Bermuda Triangle area and explain the reasons for the anomalies occurring there.

Canadian researchers made a sensational discovery - they found an ancient sunken city at the bottom of the sea in the Bermuda Triangle area.

A team of scientists led by Canadian husband and wife team Paul Weinzweig and Pauline Zalitzky used a deep-sea robot to explore the ocean floor in the area of ​​the famous Bermuda Triangle, located in the Caribbean Sea, north and northeast of the island of Cuba.

Studying the resulting high-resolution sonar images, at a distance of 700 meters from the Cuban coast and at a depth of 180 meters, researchers discovered a giant sunken city with roads, tunnels, pyramids and other buildings.

One of the pyramids is made of glass, a sculpture in the form of a sphinx is visible, and engraved inscriptions are visible on the walls of the buildings.

According to scientists, the city resembles the cities of ancient Latin American cultures, in particular the culture of the disappeared Teotihucan civilization, which existed on the territory of modern Mexico and reached its peak in the first millennium. It is believed that the Aztec tribes that came later experienced strong influence this civilization. It is assumed that the sunken city was built one and a half to two thousand years ago.
At the beginning of this century, Canadians Paul Weinzweig and Pauline Zalitzky were invited by the Cuban government to map the ocean floor. One of the goals of these works was to search for sunken Spanish ships with treasures. During this work, the couple from Canada discovered at the bottom ancient city. This was followed by their historical research on this issue.

This sensational discovery has already spread all over the world. It seems that the mythical sunken continent described by Plato has finally been found, and it is in the Atlantic Ocean, not far from the coast of Cuba, in the very center of the mysterious Bermuda Triangle! Thanks to two scientist-enthusiasts Paul Weinzweig and Paulina Zalitsky global community received sensational photographs of an underwater mega-city, which clearly show giant pyramids, megalithic buildings, numerous structures with unknown inscriptions and even sphinxes. The research was carried out using deep-sea robotic submarines. Thanks to them, at least four pyramids and several sphinxes were discovered - exactly the same as in Egypt, but much larger in size than the pyramids in Giza. All buildings are located 600 feet below sea level. Under the layer of silt, numerous structures were also found - buildings, columns and sculptures, the purpose of which is not yet clear.

It turns out that the underwater giant city was discovered back in the 60s of the 20th century by submarines from the United States during the Cuban Missile Crisis. Access to it was immediately blocked so that this find would not fall into the hands of the USSR. 50 years later, scientists began exploring the underwater coast of Cuba in the hope of confirming the existence of a submerged city, and their efforts were crowned with success.
Researchers believe that the city was flooded as a result of a massive flood at the end of the last Ice Age. Needless to say, this discovery completely coincides with Plato’s stories about Atlantis, which were long considered a legend. At that time the water level was 400 feet lower. Rapidly melting glaciers have dramatically raised sea levels, especially in the Northern Hemisphere. Apparently, no Atlantean technology could save the city from this global catastrophe, just as they couldn’t save us now modern technologies. The topography of the land changed - islands and even entire island continents were flooded. This supposedly happened 12,900 years ago. All that remains of Atlantis is Cuba.

Evidence that Cuba is a remnant of a once powerful Atlantic civilization comes from writings and symbols discovered by Paulina Zalitsky in Cuba, which are identical to writings found on underwater structures. Scientists note that this ancient language We do not know, but some of the found symbols are similar to ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs. The blocks from which the underwater pyramids are built weigh several hundred tons. As in the Egyptian pyramids, they fit perfectly together and have a smooth polished surface. In addition, some of the buildings are similar to the famous Stonehenge, and the sphinxes are exactly the same as the famous egyptian sphinx, only larger in size.

Is the discovered city really the famous Atlantis? Experts note that the indigenous cultures that still exist on the Yucatan Peninsula and in the northern part of Central America, as well as the Olmec culture that preceded them, according to the legends existing among these peoples, originate from an island that sank as a result of the cataclysm. They still call this island Atlanticu. Paulina Zalitski also said that when they first published photographs of the findings, the Institute of Anthropology, which was conducting archaeological research on the ruins of the Olmec civilization, became interested in them. Archaeologists say they found many parallels and similar elements between these photographs and the Olmec buildings they examined, even down to similar symbols and patterns. Anthropologists were very surprised by this fact.

The Olmecs and other indigenous peoples have a language morphology that clearly points to their origins in the continent of Atlantis. They came from the direction of Cuba, and their continent sank as a result of a giant earthquake. The morphology of the aboriginal peoples suggests that they descended from three families that were rescued after the flood. The first family landed on the shores of Veracruz and presumably formed the Olmec civilization. The rest moved into central America, reached the shores of the Pacific Ocean, and formed the Indian American civilization as we know it today.

Independent diving teams from the USA and France also confirmed the existence of another giant pyramid, similar to a crystal. It was first discovered in 1960 and probably also has larger size than the Cheops pyramid.

The exploration of the underwater metropolis will continue as part of a project called Exploramar. Needless to say, these discoveries can change the entire human history?

While scientists analyze their discoveries, we invite you to get acquainted with the film ATLANTIS. ELITE IN SEARCH OF IMMORTALITY on the ALLATRA.TV channel to learn more about the times when the mysterious Atlantis existed. We also recommend reading A. Novykh’s book “Birds and Stone,” which will tell you about many mysteries of human civilization and help you take a fresh look at the history of the Earth. In the Sensei series of books you will find not only information about Atlantis, but also sensational knowledge that scientists have yet to discover. All books can be downloaded from our website completely free of charge using this link!

Also see more details about Atlantis invideo below:

In the 90s of the 20th century, a scientist studying the oceans, V. Mayer, explored the bottom of the Bermuda Triangle; highly sensitive equipment recorded pyramidal structures at a depth of about 400 meters. These mysterious pyramids were almost 500 meters high! This is much greater than, for example, the height of the Cheops pyramid. These pyramids at the bottom of the Bermuda Triangle are made of glass or a material very similar to it.

But what is very strange is that after the public statement of scientists about the discovery of the Bermuda pyramids, the US Navy immediately classified all research.

Why such secrecy? What did they find there?

Oceanologist V. Mayer claims that the age of these mysterious Bermuda pyramids is only about 500 years. This is very strange, because half a millennium is not that long by historical standards. Some information about the construction of these mysterious pyramids should have been preserved.

But why would anyone build glass structures, especially underwater? Most likely, this is not the creation of human hands. It has long been known that in other Egyptian pyramids, physical laws stop working. Water left in such a pyramid acquires healing properties"living" water; the aging process of the body ceases to operate; food does not spoil; Spending several hours in such a pyramidal structure gives you vigor and strength for several days ahead, etc.

Many craftsmen, knowing about these properties, while maintaining the proportions of the Egyptian pyramids, build exact, reduced copies of them in their backyards. Could it be that the anomalous properties of the pyramids that have not yet been studied give rise to mysterious incidents and phenomena? There are several versions about what is at the bottom of the Bermuda Triangle.

A theory has been put forward that the mysterious Bermuda pyramids at the bottom are an alien base. Indeed, many eyewitnesses often observe UFOs, luminous balls and cigar-shaped objects in this region. Perhaps ships and planes fail due to the actions of frequencies unknown to us, on which extraterrestrial devices operate. Or the aliens simply “remove” witnesses who come too close to their base. The mysterious properties of the pyramids can open “doors” to other dimensions.

And sometimes visitors to the Egyptian pyramids observe visions of some unknown places and events of distant eras. There is also a version that the Bermuda pyramids on the ocean floor are the habitat of the surviving Atlanteans, whose home continent died as a result of a man-made disaster.

Another hypothesis that exists is the opinion that the underwater pyramids at the bottom are a small part of a huge planetary network. These structures are precisely oriented to the cardinal points. If you draw lines on the globe to all the mysterious and colossal buildings (Stonehenge, Aztec pyramids, etc.), then a diamond-shaped web will form, enveloping the entire planet. What function this planetary network performs and by whom it was built is unknown.

The bottom topography in this area of ​​the ocean is well known. It is even known what is located here under the bottom at a depth of several kilometers. Numerous drilling and geophysical surveys have been conducted offshore Florida, the Bahamas and Bermuda. Currents, water temperature, salinity and movement air masses over the ocean - these are phenomena and processes about which thousands of pages have already been written. And in this regard, the Bermuda Triangle is one of the most explored parts of the World Ocean.

Indeed, many expeditions were sent to the Bermuda Triangle area, but not, however, as lovers of the mysterious are trying to convince us, to lift the veil over its secrets, but to study the Gulf Stream, the influence of ocean waters on weather conditions, to study the seabed and its mineral wealth, as well as the geological structure of the earth's crust deep below the ocean floor. Proponents of the Mysterious Triangle are right about one thing: this is a very complex area of ​​the ocean. It is home to huge shallows and deep-sea trenches, a complex system of sea currents and intricate atmospheric circulation. And we will be convinced of this later. Let's start with a description of the seabed, then move on to the sea surface and end with the atmosphere.

In the Bermuda Triangle we find the following forms of seabed relief: shelf with shallow banks, continental slope, marginal and median plateaus, deep straits, abyssal plains, deep-sea trenches. Rare diversity for such a relatively small area of ​​the World Ocean! We can, with a certain degree of approximation, indicate what part of the bottom is occupied by individual landforms:

abyssal plains35% shelf with shallow banks25% continental slope and foot18% marginal and median plateaus 15% deep-sea trenches 5% deep straits2% seamounts 0.3%

The proportion of each of these forms was determined by planimetry of a large-scale morphological map of the seafloor. Just look at the morphological map to see that the Bermuda triangle can be divided into two parts:

southern with the Florida shelf, the Bahamas banks, straits and the deep-sea trench of Puerto Rico. In this part, the topography of the seabed looks very rugged: extensive shallows alternate with straits and deep ocean depths; northern with a more uniform bottom topography. The wide shelf gives way to a spacious deep-sea plain, in the north and east of which there are seamounts and a fairly large Bermuda Plateau.

In the Bermuda Triangle, both in the eastern and northern parts, there are several seamounts. Some of them have names, others are nameless. Seamounts are cones of more or less regular shape. They rise above the bottom plane by at least 150-200 m and higher. The lower cones are called submarine mounds. In plan they have a round or elliptical shape, their diameter ranges from several kilometers to several tens of kilometers. The slopes of seamounts are steeper than the slopes of mountains on land, their slope is most often 10-30°. Forty-degree slopes are no exception.

Seamounts have regular, uniform slopes, sometimes complicated by several terraced steps. In the first case, the mountains look like simple cones, in the second they look like huge plinths, from which several smaller cones rise. The base of the large seamounts very smoothly transitions into the ocean floor. Some seamounts hide their peaks deep underwater, while others protrude above the surface in the form of islands. However, in this case, the definition of “seamount” is completely appropriate, because what rises above the ocean level represents only a small part of what is hidden under water. The islands, which give the entire Bermuda Triangle its name, are the tops of seamounts rising from the surface of the Bermuda Plateau. The material of seamounts, basalt, is hidden from our view because the mountains are covered with thick coral reefs. Some seamounts rise alone on the ocean floor, while others form groups. It should also be noted that in the Atlantic Ocean there are significantly fewer of them than in the Pacific, where their number is about 2000 (in the Atlantic Ocean there are only a few dozen of them). In the Bermuda Triangle itself, within its classical boundaries, there are no more than 5 seamounts.

Seamounts are certainly a very interesting phenomenon, but in our time they are no longer mysterious at all. They were formed in the same way as basalt mountains on land - as a result of volcanic activity. In places where a hot spot or some kind of crack appeared on the seabed, basalt began to pour out. Underwater, it quickly cooled, and the lava flows grew one on top of the other until mountains several kilometers high were formed.

On the seabed of the Bermuda Triangle there is also a deep-sea trench - the deepest part of the ocean floor. Based on the island with which it neighbors, it is called the Puerto Rico Trench (on the morphological map it looks like an oval black spot in the lower right corner of the triangle). The Puerto Rico Trench has the greatest depths in the entire Atlantic Ocean.

Its depth is 8742 m. This is at the same time the maximum depth of the Atlantic Ocean. Underwater, or deep-sea, trenches are long elongated depressions with an asymmetrical shape in diameter. The slope located closer to the island (in this case, Puerto Rico) is steeper, approximately 8-10°, the slope facing the ocean is flatter, its steepness is 3-5°. The Puerto Rico Trench is medium in size.

Its length is 1550 km (for comparison, the length of the longest on globe trench - Peruvian-Chilean 5900 km, and the deepest - Mariana - 2550 km). But the Puerto Rico trench is very wide - up to 120 km, and according to this indicator it is one of the “leaders”. Mariansky, for example, is twice as narrow. The total area of ​​the bottom of the Puerto Rico trench is 186 thousand km2.

The deepest parts of the oceans are always, in the imagination of science fiction writers, a refuge mysterious forces and unknown creatures. The Puerto Rican trough seems to be made for such fictions. However, there is nothing mysterious or supernatural at its bottom, only silts, volcanic ash, in places layers of fine-grained sand, and in and above the sediments there are special deep-sea organisms, such as sponges, sea cucumbers, and worms.

Well, in the water column there are deep-sea fish. It should also be added that Pacific Ocean holds the lead not only in the number of seamounts, but also in the number of deep-sea trenches. There are at least 20 of them, while in the Atlantic Ocean there are only 4.

Under the bottom of the Bermuda Triangle there are mainly sedimentary rocks - limestones, sandstones, clays. The thickness of their layer ranges from 1-2 km (Bermuda Plateau) to 5-6 km (Bahama banks and their surroundings). The average rate of sedimentation is approximately 6 mm per 150 years, i.e. we can say with confidence that over the past 120-130 million years, little has changed in the nature of the bottom of the triangle.

So, what can we say in conclusion? And the fact is that the area of ​​the Bermuda Triangle is very interesting from the point of view of geology and geography. Here, in a small area, many forms of relief of the seabed are concentrated, which is not found in almost any other place. Here are other striking features characteristic of the Bermuda Triangle:

1. The northernmost coral reefs in the world are found here

2. The limestone platform that forms the basis of the bottom of the triangle is a unique geological formation. An almost six-kilometer layer of limestone was deposited here, and for 100 million years the same natural conditions, which is currently the case.

3. The Puerto Rico Trench is the deepest in the Atlantic Ocean, and is located in close proximity to the Bahamas Banks, where the depth is on average only a few meters.

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