What is a person’s personal karma. What is human karma and how to clear it. Secrets of “weak” points

Look back at your past: how many troubles happened in it. Close friends disappeared, new enemies appeared in their place, there were material problems, and health failed. Remember all your difficulties, sorrows and even minor frustrations. Where does all this come from? Have you thought about this? The sages used to call this karma. Surely this word is familiar to everyone, but what does it mean? Do you want to know?

Origin of the concept "karma"

This mysterious concept originated in ancient Indian philosophy, whose school considered the relationship between everything that is in this world. Many esoteric currents of our time fully and completely support this idea, laying it at the basis of our worldview. There is nothing on this planet that exists separately. Everything is connected.

The sages were convinced that all a person’s intentions, thoughts and actions can be summed up and do not disappear without a trace. They lead to certain consequences that await us in the future. They gave a simple and understandable explanation of what the law of karma is. All nationalities have analogues of the wonderful saying: “what goes around comes around.” Each person receives what he generated earlier.

Types of karma

If the reasoning of ancient Indian thinkers is not close to you, you can turn to modern interpretations, which are based on energy-information fields and structures. This will make it easier to define what karma means. In modern times, interpretations of karma cannot do without such a concept as the Akashic chronicles. They represent a kind of “information repository” in which records about a person’s past, present and future are collected.

Thanks to this, we can conclude that karma is responsibility for what was done earlier. In this aspect, it is customary to consider the field component of each personality, that is, the human soul. It created problems, tangled certain events into knots, and now the time has come to unravel them. It is noteworthy that the karmas of some people form a kind of association. Thus, one family may have a common egregor (or ancestral karma), and each member of this cell may be held responsible for the sins of their relatives. This is another law of karma. The so-called ancestral karma chose many victims, since even entire nations had to answer for the terrible deeds of their predecessors.

What is human karma

It is quite difficult for an ordinary person not involved in philosophy and similar teachings to understand what karma is. Let's understand this complex concept with a simple example. Schoolchildren attend classes and acquire a certain level of knowledge. The set of this knowledge is fixed, and all children are in equally equal conditions. But some students are diligent and take education seriously, while others are distracted by more interesting things and do not listen to their teachers. Ahead awaits them test. Which of them will have a higher score? This is clear without explanation.

Person's karma by date of birth

We appear in this world for a reason. Everything is important: date of birth, social status families and even the personalities of parents. We find ourselves in the family that will contribute to solving previously created problems (in our past incarnations) most successfully. The child is raised, the necessary personal foundation is laid in him, and all this will affect his life.

Astrology also intrudes into the study of a person’s karma by date of birth. Experienced astrologers can calculate events awaiting a person based on the stars. Non-believers are very often opposed to their conclusions due to the inaccuracy of the information, but the factual reliability is very high. That is, we can determine the specific tasks that lie ahead of us, but it is impossible to predict important nuances. A person himself comprehends this during his life.

Is it possible to influence karma?

Almost everyone who has expressed curiosity about the questions of karma, and also found clear answers to them, falls into despair. How to change what is written in some unknown chronicles? After all, this is something that you can’t cut out with an ax, no matter how much you might want to. Astrologers are also adding fuel to the fire, accustomed to echoing that the only way out of this situation is complete humility. Don't be discouraged. Karma sends us not only grandiose tasks, but also the strength to solve them. This is important to realize.

In recent centuries, people around the world have been trying to convince them that man is a weak and dependent creature. Thoughts about “little people” are tirelessly propagated, and where will the necessary forces for an unshakable decision to achieve their goal come from? There is universal human karma at work here. The awareness of a powerful and free personality comes to us only with time, but this is also the fruit of tremendous efforts, which is given only to those who are not afraid to take the path of struggle.

How to work with karma

This issue does not lose its relevance in certain circles. And the answer to it can influence the creation of a new civilization. The general way to correct a person’s karma will allow you to create completely different personalities - strong and self-confident.

For any global changes, it is necessary to understand how to recognize a person’s karma. As already mentioned, one of the most effective tools Astrology is used to identify karma. But there are other techniques, such as hypnosis and lucid dreaming. Some people first of all want to figure out why this or that test was given to them, but this is a waste of time. It is much more important to understand exactly how to get rid of your problem.

Another unacceptable mistake is a person’s desire to simply get rid of the problem here and now, calling it the phrase “change your karma.” In fact, this phrase means searching for a solution to an exciting issue. No one has the opportunity to go back to their past and correct a mistake, even if it is identified and obvious. The only chance to cleanse karma is to process the pressing problem with the soul, in the present time.

Clearing karma is possible by realizing one’s guilt, but not by shifting it onto loved ones, God or the power of the Universe. With the approach “It’s my fault, but I’ll fix everything,” the question of changing karma will seem childish and frivolous.

Laughter is a gift from above

Can you guess what our a common problem at moments of awareness of the concept of “karma”? In fear. We are truly frightened when it comes to the theories and mechanisms of this mysterious phenomenon. And it is also a sin that puts additional pressure. It is not enough to take the bare facts into account to judge the issues related to this topic. Partial knowledge of karma will never help solve your problems, but will only aggravate them.

Here it is time to once again mention the ancient Indian thinkers who considered karma holistically. This means that theory cannot exist without a practical component. And where we're talking about about the mechanisms of karma, the topic of the possibilities of working with it is always raised. If you have already begun the path of realizing karma, it is worth going through it to the end. For rational actions, it is necessary to perceive karma as a kind of game, and not a misfortune.

For example, a two-year-old child encountering a complex construction set for the first time may become desperate and disappointed in his skills. However, without giving up, over time, he will learn to play with it. We face difficulties and new “bars” at any age, but why is there not the same persistence in resolving the issue now as before? This is a challenge that must be accepted. Isn't it interesting?

Working with karma is not that difficult if you use the right tools. Treat your difficulties with a sense of humor, and then you will understand how easy it is to deal with them. Change negative thinking to positive.

Let's look at an example

Each of us has faced betrayal at least once. Relationships between people are different, but all this is an important element in the development of our soul. You can get a knife in the back from a friend, relative or loved one, so this difficult experience is given to almost everyone. And what's the point of delving into memories to understand who and when you hurt? You should work with karma differently.

If you happen to encounter a traitor, try to look at this person from the outside. Essentially, he did what you asked him to do, but at the same time did not realize it. Once upon a time this karmic knot was tied. It was he who influenced the appearance of a person in your life with such an unpleasant task - to betray. But do not forget that at that moment the karmic knot was untied, and this is necessary for feeling happy man. But betrayal has different consequences.

Perhaps you will forgive your offender as you gain wisdom. Or maybe let him go and learn to cope with the suffocating pain and emotions. Having dispelled the negativity, you can come to a simple conclusion: problems and trials are a gift to a thinking person. Thanks to difficulties, he becomes confident, strong and wise.

Karma of humanity

Each nation is responsible for its own thoughts and actions of its predecessors. If inexplicable chaos, crisis, or even war reigns in a country, it means that the worldview of the population has changed its direction in the wrong direction. There are countless karmic sins, which is why completely innocent people often suffer.

The most terrible problems for humanity begin at the moment when darkness obscures the light in their souls. Surprisingly, the fate of the planet really depends on each of us, so it is vital to work with your karma and not be indifferent.

Karma is your soul's desire to achieve balance in your life experiences. You should not perceive karma as some kind of punishment for the known or secret actions of your current or past life. There is no divine being “up there” who can keep an eye on you, recording your current performance. Karma is independent and self-sufficient. Each soul grows and develops, living its life in a new way, viewing it from the perspective of its next incarnation.

How can karma affect your current life?

The main reason why we continue to appear on Earth in more and more new incarnations immediately after death is that, finding ourselves in a world full of trials prepared for us by fate, we do not understand that we are the creators of our reality.

Karma is not created to deprive us of strength and opportunity. Karma is meant to be our guiding star. Every time we face a problem, we appeal to our own karma, but we do not notice it and do not understand all the power and strength that it can give us.

How can we work with karmic energy?

Karmic patterns are meant to tell you that you have deviated from your core, divine and soul essence. Whenever you are faced with serious problems in life or cannot move forward, examine your karmic patterns by allowing the knowledge of your soul essence to fill your mind. You can gain this knowledge using past life regression or any other healing technique that is more familiar to you. Then you can find balance with your true essence. Karma is designed to give you that life-giving force that will help you understand your problems, heal them and continue your soul growth, allowing your divine essence to fill every moment of your daily life.

By what signs can one determine the presence of a karmic connection with other people? What should you do to detect these signs?

The paths of our souls always pass close by, passing through many incarnations. Feelings of instant love, amazing devotion or sudden hostility are sure signs that you have met the owner of a soul that you loved or hated fiercely in your past life.

Why are we inextricably entangled in karmic connections? What role do they play in our lives?

Before moving on to our new incarnation, we independently plan what problems and questions we want to face. In addition, we choose souls who can help us gain deeper insight into the problem or give us the strength needed to solve it.

It turns out that we are forever united with the souls with whom we have karmic connections? In other words, will we meet the same souls in each new life, or are they only called upon to help us solve existing problems?

To answer this question more accurately, let me tell you about my understanding of fate and free will.

I perceive fate as a set of themes and lessons that we prepare for ourselves before plunging into the world of a new reincarnation. We are creating a set of challenges that will allow us to achieve mastery and move to the next level. Such life lessons are aimed at self-development. Such lessons have no specific goals, other than our personal growth and achievement of mastery, which will expand our ability to create a new reality for ourselves. That is why even the process of creating our own destiny is entirely based on free will.

After we enter the world of our new reincarnation, we continue to exercise free will. We get the opportunity to use any method available to us to work with a set of pre-selected topics and problems. Some of us show amazing zeal in this process, passionately following the light at the end of the tunnel, choosing a path full of challenges for ourselves. Others prefer not to deal with the challenges of a new life, refusing any competition due to fears that do not allow us to move on.

Even before birth on Earth, we can choose the people who will meet on our new life path, however, the free will inherent in each of us forces us to choose completely different life paths. That is why our original plan is undergoing serious adjustments. As we immerse ourselves in our dreams, we constantly communicate with our higher self, our guardians, angels and the souls of other people, constantly changing the course of our lives to gain as much knowledge as possible that is provided to us in this world.

If karmic connections can have Negative influence on our current life, then how can we break this vicious circle and avoid repeating negative situations in the next life?

We can do this by fully learning life's lesson, forgiving such souls, and generously letting them go. If you try to simply run away from the problem without learning forgiveness and generosity, then another soul will appear in your life who will try to teach you a similar lesson. Sooner or later we will be able to recognize the existence of a karmic pattern that needs to be resolved. We will be able to dedicate ourselves to solving such a pattern and restoring balance with our true essence.

Finally, do you have a specific technique that you can recommend to our readers for dealing with their negative karmic connections?

Below are a few steps you can follow:

  1. Try to perceive karma as real opportunity, which will allow you to achieve balance with your natural, divine and true essence.
  2. Study your karmic pattern. Understanding the problem is the first step towards solving it.
  3. Open your notebook and write down the answer to the following question: What information about this problem do I think is clear and unambiguous? Your beliefs are your own understanding of the reality in which you live through several incarnations. Your beliefs allow you to create and improve this reality.
  4. Use past life regression technique. You can use one of mine step by step instructions, which you can find on the website or contact me to organize a personal meeting. Regression will allow you to understand the problem deeper and more fully and find ways to heal such negative karmic patterns.
  5. Open your list of beliefs and create a new list full of positive and encouraging things about the issue. Try to strengthen your beliefs using every possible means, putting them into your actions, thoughts and words.
  6. Constantly remind yourself of the following - you create every piece of your reality. Only you have the power needed to achieve a happy, fun and fulfilling life.

Download your free meditation gift at www.mirakelley.com/gift .

Myra Kelly is a world-renowned past life expert and author of the bestselling book Beyond Past Lives and the acclaimed CD recordings Healing Through Past Life Regression and Beyond. She conducts seminars, one-on-one sessions and meetings around the world, sharing how you can heal and the possibilities that can be found through past life immersion. Stories from Mira's workshops are included in Wishes Fulfilled by Dyer Wayne and Miracles Happen by Brian L. Weiss; they are also featured on Oprah.com. Find out more about Mira and how to contact her at www.mirakelley.com .

This is probably one of the most popular words among esotericists... We often hear: “I have bad karma, so I’m unlucky,” “This came to me through karma,” “This is a karmic relationship,” and the like. But few people understand the very essence of this process and the essence of the term “KARMA”.

Karma- this is a program introduced into our planetary consciousness during the era of Lemurian civilization, created by the Gods-designers of our density together with the Lemurian priests. And the original word for this program was different - SANKARA (it is worth noting that the Russian language is not able to convey all the phonetic features of the Lemurian language, so this spelling is only slightly similar to the original word).

Why was SANKARA invented?

The fact is that at a certain stage of our evolution, the Higher Essences had a need to weed out souls ready for the transition to higher dimensions from souls that are not yet evolutionarily suitable for this. Indeed, on the Higher Planes, the Creative Power of each Essence is immeasurably greater, which means that if you let a soul there that has not yet learned certain laws of the universe, does not understand the Unity of All That Exists, then it can cause chaos and destruction in the well-functioning mechanism of our Creation.

For some reason, when a person says that the Gods see everything, then an image is drawn in his head that he is being watched by the Great Invisible Eye, which sees his every action and every thought, writes it all down, and it is impossible to hide anything from it All Seeing Eye... Yes, all the intelligence services in the world would dream of this. But in reality, the Higher Essences do not have organs of perception of the material plane, that is, they do not see “pictures” as we do with our physical eyes. For them, everything is energy and information. That is, they perceive every action/thought as an energy process. Moreover, on the Higher planes there is no duality (this is only a property of our 3rd density), that is, the Higher Essences do not separate good and evil. For example, the Gods do not see that Petya was angry with Vasya and killed him in a fit of anger. No, they simply read it as an energy flash.

Therefore, they, together with the Lemurian priests (and they were very strong channelers and could interact with the Gods on such issues directly), created the SANKARA program, which spelled out rules that would help souls evolve, learn cause-and-effect relationships and distinguish constructive from destructive . And every soul incarnating on Earth accepted these rules.

But in the era of Lemuria we lived much longer (living 1000 years was considered the norm), that is, initial stage the soul could commit “bad” deeds, but then, according to the laws of SANKARA, situations were returned to it that taught it, showed the cause-and-effect relationships of the committed acts. And the soul became wiser with age, could work off its karmic debts, and then live a blissful life, and after that it was its choice: to stay and experience further in the physical world, or to move to other dimensions. That is, previously the process of evolution and formation of the soul could take 1-2 incarnations. However, we now live on average 70 years. Remember, old people on their deathbeds often say that now they are wiser and would live their lives differently if they had such an opportunity. But the body dies, and no one has canceled the SANKARA program, all thoughts and actions are recorded by it, and then the soul has to work it out. But here we are incarnated into a new body... and we forget about everything, and the past wisdom is gone. And say hello to the Wheel of Samsara! Now souls can no longer just leave this circle of reincarnations, having incarnated here hundreds and thousands of times.

What can I do to work off my karma faster?

First, express your intention to God/Universe/Higher Powers that you are ready for accelerated evolution and working out karma. Yes, situations will come your way, and not always good ones, but this is necessary for the spiritual evolution of the soul.

Secondly, everything is an energy exchange and everything counts – your every action and even thought. That is, be aware and consciously choose the path of constructivism and goodness. If you are preparing food for your relatives, prepare it with love and the intention that through this you bring good energies to the world. When you give alms, do it with the intention that by doing so you are helping that soul. That is, your every action should turn into conscious steps on the Path of spiritual evolution.

Life is full of surprises. There are no two identical destinies: some are happy, others have to deal with troubles. Why does this happen? Anyone who was interested in this inevitably came across the concepts: “karma”, “diagnosis of karma”. What do they mean? How to work with them to make life easier?

What is karma?

This concept originated in India. Ancient philosophers believed that karma is a law of the universe, according to which a person’s actions determine him future fate. Parapsychologist Sergei Lazarev developed this idea and demonstrated the practical implementation of karmic theory in his own interpretation. The books “Diagnostics of Karma” and others written by him are devoted to a detailed study of the interaction of universal processes, their influence on the fate of a particular person. The author tries to explain why a person sometimes has such a hard time in life and what to do about it. It should be assumed that every person is immortal. The body dies, but a clot of energy, more important than the physical component of a person, continues to live. He goes to other worlds, and after a certain process of purification returns again in a different shell. This knowledge will help you understand what karma is. Diagnosis of karma is the process of identifying the debts of the soul, the lessons that it must go through in its current incarnation. Any thought is material - it is reflected in the Universe, imprinted there. In addition, mental negativity harms the person it is directed at. That is, karmic debts arise not only due to destructive actions. Even thoughts cause harm and, from the point of view of the Cosmos, one has to bear responsibility for each.

Fate according to schedule

You should not assume that only sins are taken into account. No, information about all thoughts, actions, and feelings is preserved so that the soul can process this energy and turn it into goodness and love. She can do this only in her earthly incarnation. Before each arrival into our world, the soul independently programs its destiny. She analyzes the totality of actions of past incarnations, takes into account points that require adjustment, and plans her future field of activity. This process is described in some detail by S. Lazarev (“Diagnostics of Karma - 2”). Fate contains mainly tasks intended for the current incarnation. Some of them are perceived by people as troubles or serious problems. In fact, this is just a lesson that the spiritual entity planned to learn. It is interesting that she looks at earthly existence somewhat differently: for our immortal component, such actions are an opportunity for development, growth, and increased energy filling. The soul incarnates in order to transform the negative into a positive substance. The totality of debts for past earthly comings is karma. Diagnosing karma is nothing more than the ability to understand exactly what task is currently facing the soul. It seems that everything is quite simple in theory, but in practice these actions are much more difficult to implement. Each individual has his own lessons and there are no repetitions. Even identifying any typical elements is problematic. Take, for example, personal relationships. How to figure it out: are you in unhappy love or working off a spiritual karmic debt? Let's take a closer look.

Problems in personal life

The soul comes into the world in order to transform energy into a state with higher vibrations. S. Lazarev wrote about this in detail (“Diagnostics of Karma - 1”). In fact, the method of earthly existence is not so important; the chosen activity and the Soul in any case creates the conditions for the previously accumulated negativity to be transformed into nodes and blocks located in the casual body, respectively, they can be detected by people who have developed When these energy formations are fixed in the anterior hemisphere of the aura - this indicates that karma is active. Under its influence, a person finds himself in a situation in which he is forced to undergo a spiritual lesson. Therefore, we often fall in love with problematic individuals who test our patience, are unfaithful, or torment us with whims. That is, personal life is a tool for the development of the soul, striving to reach a higher level, using the earthly plane for this. In another way, the immortal component of man wants to become God, from an energetic point of view. Each step of an individual is its movement along the chosen path, and its vector depends on the person’s behavior. If he accepts everything with love and does not experience negative emotions, the lesson has been completed successfully, and you can move on to the next one. Otherwise, karma will be aggravated by another problem. Sergei Lazarev (“Diagnostics of Karma”) dwells on this in some detail. It should be understood that a person comes to earth in order to learn how to transform everything with which he interacts into positive energy.

What are karmic knots and blocks?

This issue is also discussed in the book “Diagnostics of Karma - 1”. We interact with others and every word or action causes a response. If it turns out to be negative, for example, people are at enmity or take the life of another being, then an inextricable connection is formed between souls. It is not destroyed when individuals leave this world - they are obliged to return to earth and go through this lesson again. This type of connection is called a karmic knot. Souls will come into the world together until they can correctly untie the knot and overcome the block. As S.N. Lazarev says (“Diagnostics of Karma”), we need to learn to accept negative manifestations from another person. If a person is offended, it is necessary for his development, and not for the enemy to assert himself. If betrayal occurs, then it should be perceived as working off karmic debts and moving the individual in the right direction. The block is a memory of negative events from past incarnations. It remains in place until it is activated, and has a certain influence on the fate of a person and the decisions he makes.

Soul contract

Another postulate underlying the karmic theory is that the world is one. Duality reigns on earth: there is positive and negative, enemies and friends. In the subtle worlds, spiritual entities form a single whole, not divided into factions and camps. In another world, souls love each other and try to help in development. There is no hatred, selfishness, enmity there. Therefore, upon returning from earth, souls analyze their behavior and interactions, identify mistakes and miscalculations. When the time comes for reincarnation, they agree to meet in the physical world and go through the lesson again. This information is partially available only to psychics. Ordinary people are left to guess why everything in their lives is so difficult.

How to identify problems?

Sergei Nikolaevich Lazarev, a karma diagnostician, in his books deals in detail with the diagnosis of karma. There are various methods:

  1. A hypnotic dream performed by a specialist returns the person to a past incarnation and demonstrates the situation in which the problem arose.
  2. Clairvoyants can talk about the karmic load, explaining in detail the task for the current incarnation.
  3. Working with the subconscious leads to similar results. Information about karmic problems is revealed in dreams.

The fact is that the results of these methods have to be taken on faith, and this is not suitable for everyone. The problem is the inability to see or touch what is designated by the concept of “karma”. Diagnosing karma is a process that lies beyond physical world. At the same time, we all feel the burden, we realize that certain people come into our lives for a reason. However, it is difficult to say for sure whether this is so. The diagnostic method should be selected based on the personal beliefs of the parapsychologist. If a person does not believe in clairvoyance, then no specialist will be able to convince him that he should do this or that way. Everything is based on unconditional trust.

A simple way to determine karmic nodes

There is another way. S. Lazarev also talks about him (“Diagnostics of Karma”). It is desirable for man, as an earthly being, to reduce the level of dangers and troubles in this incarnation. This is what we should proceed from. It is necessary to analyze the main aspects of life. To do this you need to do the following:

  1. Write down on a piece of paper all the areas of your life that cause you anxiety or, conversely, make you happy.
  2. Rate your progress in these areas.
  3. Record the names of people who are constantly nearby and influence the course of your life (relatives, friends, colleagues).
  4. Assess their impact, taking into account its nature, degree and intensity.

The basis of the argument should be this: we come here to find complete happiness and peace. All points that deviate from this standard should be recorded as “suspicious”. Not everyone, of course, is karmic. But they need to be identified as much as possible in order to delve deeper into the problems. It is recommended to sort your troubles by topic. For example, everything related to relationships is in one group, with well-being - in another, with health - in a third, with creativity - in a fourth.

Diagnostic results

When a detailed list of personal troubles has been compiled, you need to analyze it. At the same time, keep in mind that a karmic problem is perceived very emotionally. After all, it appears so that a person learns to transform negativity into love, to increase the vibrations of his own spiritual embodiment. From the list you should highlight those situations that caused pain. Most likely, these are karmic problems. For example, a girl is constantly haunted by failures in her personal life and her relationships don’t work out. This means she needs to learn:

  • forgive sincerely;
  • trust your intuition;
  • to love truly, without conditions and obligations.

Having analyzed any situation, exactly what a particular person needs to learn will be the result of diagnosing karma. S. N. Lazarev, by the way, is criticized by many for his work. They are considered incomprehensible to ordinary person. In fact, theoretically everything is quite simple and interconnected; you just need to devote some time to this issue, acquire patience and be armed with the desire to achieve the goal.

Why do we need knowledge about karma?

The book “Diagnostics of Karma” gained popularity not as a theoretical treatise. First of all, people with multiple chronic diseases found out about it and began to use it. After all, illness is also part of karma. He comes to those who in a previous incarnation were arrogant, hated or humiliated others, killed, robbed, and so on. The abundance of accumulated sins leads to the fact that in the next incarnation a person is constantly sick. This limits his physical activity, and, therefore, pushes him to a deeper understanding of life priorities. Karma is studied in order to work it out more correctly, since souls come to this world precisely for this.

How to work with karma?

Gratitude for lessons, problems, grievances and betrayal is the only clear and simple way to get rid of a heavy burden. More than one book by Lazarev, “Diagnostics of Karma,” is dedicated to this current problem. The author analyzes the situations in some detail in order to instill a simple thought: give thanks for everything. This is the mechanism for increasing the vibrations of the soul. Take any event - both bad and beautiful - as a lesson planned by the soul before incarnation. If you are happy, then thank and share this state with the world. When trouble knocks on the door, you need to say thank you for the experience provided and this lesson. We must learn to sincerely love those around us, because humanity is one close-knit team working to make the earth even more beautiful and cleaner.

Is it possible to get rid of karma?

People do this all the time. If in past centuries the process of working off karma was delayed, sins had to be worked off in the next incarnation, now everything happens more dynamically: you thought badly about something in the evening, and in the morning you already have a sore throat - payback for anger has come. Or, they were offended by a fair remark in the morning, and by the evening the money was missing from their wallet. This is karmic punishment for the erroneous manifestation of negativity. Events are moving quickly. The souls of children will no longer have to answer for our sins, as was the case before. Now everyone works for themselves, and within one incarnation. Therefore, getting rid of karmic burden is not an easy matter, depending on the degree of understanding and awareness of the problem. The main thing is that everyone needs to work on their own sins and then the world will become cleaner. There are lucky people who got rid of karmic burden early in life. They are considered people who are especially zealously protected by angels, but in fact this is just the correct work of the soul. Every person has the opportunity to act in this way, so it is necessary not to produce new sins, but to correct accumulated ones.

Is it necessary to work off karma through troubles and experiences?

Agree, I don’t really want to suffer if there are other ways. And they really are. You yourself, when you engage in self-improvement, will encounter them. When a person continuously thinks about some problem, it manifests itself in the astral world. And if he manages to change his internal attitudes, then the karmic knot will collapse, and during sleep. This method is considered the most painless. Its difficulty lies in the fact that it is impossible to lie in the astral plane. In a dream, a person proceeds from internal attitudes, sincerity rules there. If you were able to forgive the offender on a spiritual level, consider that one karmic knot has been eliminated. Unfortunately, in a dream, parapsychologists recommend working off sins only for those who are actively engaged in self-improvement and spiritual work. But in any case, first you need to forgive even those who offended you. This is the first significant step towards purifying the soul.


In one small article it is impossible to retell all the books of S.N. Lazarev. Yes, this is not necessary. They are created in such a way that each reader will find individual answers to their questions on the pages. Fates are unique, like karmic nodes, and they are created for spiritual work, so that, having learned all the lessons, the invisible substance achieves its goals and planned peaks.

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