Philippa koan. Jude Law was spotted walking with his girlfriend and children. Alec and Hilary Baldwin

Some time ago, information appeared in the press that British actor Jude Law, who can be seen in the films “Genius” and “The Young Pope,” will become a father once again. It was said that the celebrity’s 6th child should be given to him by his beloved, but, as it turned out today, all this turned out to be a lie.

Life&Style was the first to talk about Cohen’s pregnancy

Life&Style magazine, which specializes in gossip columns, published news on its pages 2 months ago with the following content:

“Philippa Cohen, Lowe’s 30-year-old lover, will give the actor a child this fall. This will be her first child, while for Jude the baby will be the sixth. Celebrities are in no hurry to tell the public about this wonderful event, because Philippa is very sensitive about her pregnancy. Now Cohen and Lowe are at the stage where they are telling their family and friends the news about the new addition to their union. Jude is very happy about this, because having children is a great joy for him.”

After this, the magazine wrote an update on how Philippa Cohen was feeling:

“For Lowe’s beloved, this condition is new and unusual. Every day she shares new sensations with friends and relatives, which she now has very often. Despite the joyful event and high spirits, Philippa experiences ailments, which include severe toxicosis and constant fatigue. The always cheerful girl more and more often asks Jude to stay at home with her and not go out to social events. Despite all this, Lowe is confident that soon the ailments will pass and Cohen will fully enjoy his interesting position.”
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Jude's rep denies pregnancy rumors

After the news about Lowe's 6th child appeared, other tabloids also decided to publish it, thereby causing an unprecedented stir among the celebrity's fans. In order to put an end to these ridiculous rumors, a media representative spoke to reporters yesterday, saying the following words about Cohen’s pregnancy:

“Just recently, I was contacted by reporters from Gossip Cop, which is dedicated to debunking various rumors and speculation. When they started asking me about Philippa's pregnancy, I was somewhat discouraged. On this moment Jude Law and his girlfriend have no plans to become parents. This is some kind of absurdity that has no basis. Despite the fact that the 45-year-old actor loves Philippa very much and is happy with her, they are not going to move to a new level in their relationship. Perhaps they will get married over time, but it will not be done this year.”

Jude Law is known for his flighty disposition and loving nature: after breaking up with his wife Sadie Frost, he entered into relationships several times, but all of them were short-lived. The actor’s last companion at the moment, 30-year-old doctor of psychological sciences Philippa Cone, as an example to others, stayed with him for a relatively long time - the couple has been dating for almost a year. Yesterday, April 12, they were spotted walking along the Venice Beach promenade in Los Angeles. Seeing the paparazzi, the lovers did not even think of hiding - rather, on the contrary, without hesitation, they showed their feelings for each other.

Click on the photo to view the gallery "Jude Law and other sapiosexuals"

The actor’s girlfriend graduated from three higher degrees at once educational institutions- University of Birmingham, City University London and University of Leeds. She is now an independent consultant with an emphasis on business psychology and environmental issues. According to the British press, confirmed bachelor Lowe takes Pippa very seriously:

He really likes that Pippa is so smart, and besides, he is pleased with the fact that she does not belong to the world of show business. She has won him over, Jude wants their relationship to develop step by step. Confirmation of these words can be found in photographs from yesterday’s walk. Together with Jude, his children - 13-year-old son Rudy and 15-year-old daughter Iris - took to the promenade. According to insiders, they get along well with Philippa and have known each other for a long time. By the way, Lowe introduced his girlfriend not only to his daughter and sons, but also to his ex-wife.

The couple spent all last summer and autumn in forced separation - Jude was busy filming the new series “The Young Pope” in Italy. And here recent months the couple almost never separated: they traveled together to Berlin for the film festival and celebrated Valentine's Day in London. By the way, in honor of the last event, Lowe presented his beloved with a generous gift - latest model Lexus car.

As you know, the romance between Hollywood handsome Jude Law and his current lover Philippa Coan began in the summer of 2015. The couple did not try to hide their relationship and after a couple of months the actor’s girlfriend came to visit him in Rome, where the filming of “The Young Pope” took place. Reporters did not let the lovers out of sight for a moment and even then noted that the relationship between Low and Koan was quite serious.

The same one

And two years later, this was confirmed by the actor’s intention to propose marriage to his beloved. Actor friends said that Philippa is exactly the girl Lowe needs and he wants to spend his whole life with her. Jude loves children very much and is ready to become a dad again. 32-year-old Koan gets along well with children, which is important for the actor himself, because he already has five children and he often calls himself a “crazy dad.” Let's remember that Sadie Frost gave birth to Lowe's three children, Samantha Burke gave birth to a daughter, and Catherine Harding gave another daughter to the actor.

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  • 30 celebrity photos that made us nostalgic
  • Jude Law's representative has denied rumors that the actor will become a father for the sixth time

Only mine and no one else's

Philippa Lowe was introduced by mutual friends and, according to Jude himself, he was struck not only by the beauty, but also by the intelligence of the beautiful girl. In addition to all her wonderful qualities, the actor noted in one of his interviews that he is very glad that his beloved is a non-public person:

“Society is accustomed to believing that all public figures belong to the people. I learned this lesson a long time ago, but Philippa is only mine. I am very glad that she is not in public. And I think that’s why everything is so great with us.”

Many stars prefer to start a relationship with someone from “their own”. It’s easier in many ways, because you don’t have to explain why you disappear around the clock on set, why paparazzi are watching everywhere, and the birth of children, weddings and other family joys become public knowledge. But some celebrities, on the contrary, decided to connect their lives with ordinary people, which are far from “living under the gun.” They are the ones who help their star lovers not to lose touch with the ordinary world and give them the opportunity to lead a quiet “earthly” life behind the scenes.

Alec and Hilary Baldwin

Alec and Hilary Baldwin

I met my wife in a restaurant. Hilary was sitting at the next table and, seeing her beloved, as she told Alec, an actor, she walked up to him without hesitation and introduced herself. The prominent Hollywood handsome man had a difficult divorce behind him, and the 27-year-old very brave beauty was in the right place at the right time.

Hilary worked as a yoga instructor. Now she “works” as a mother and wife - she is bearing her fourth child. Surprisingly, Hilary manages to maintain her slender figure, despite the fact that she gives birth one after another. The couple's first child was born in 2013 (daughter Carmen), son Rafael was born in 2015, and in 2016 Hilary gave birth to a second son, who was named Leonardo. Another Baldwin baby is due in 2018.

Matt Damon and Luciana Barroso

The story of how Matt Damon and Luciana Barroso met is similar to the story of Cinderella. Luciana worked as a bartender in Miami, where a Hollywood actor once visited. She recognized Matt, it turned out that she had watched many of his films and was almost a fan. This flattered Damon, and he wanted to meet the girl again. This is how their romance began, and two years later, in 2005, the lovers got married. In 2006, their daughter Isabella was born, and in 2008 their second daughter, Gia. The couple also have a daughter, Alexia, who was born in Luciana’s previous relationship.

Jude Law and Philippa Coan

Jude Law dated Sienna Miller, was married to actress Sadie Frost, had an affair with model Samantha Burke, but in the end he realized that he wanted to be with a “common” woman.

Psychologist Philippa Coan helped him realize this. She and Jude are seen together from time to time, but the lovers still prefer not to let anyone in on the details of their personal lives.

“People think that public figures belong to them. I am very happy and satisfied that my girlfriend is a private and non-public person. I think everything is so good with us for this very reason,” Jude explained the secret of their wonderful relationship.

George and Amal Clooney (Alamuddin)

George and Amal Clooney

Since 1993, he has been an avid bachelor. After his first marriage to actress Talia Balsam, which lasted only from 1989 to 1993, the actor preferred an open relationship, so he appeared with more and more girls - Celine Balitran, Lisa Snowdon, Renee Zellweger, Elizabeth Canalis and other prominent girls.

But George was not destined to remain as a childless bachelor.

In 2014, Clooney announced his romance with human rights activist Amal Alamuddin. In her field, her name was known; she defended Julian Assange, Yulia Tymoshenko and others.

Amal's parents were initially against her union with famous actor, were afraid that all the merits of their beloved daughter would be devalued, and everyone would consider her just Clooney’s wife. However, the actor appreciates all the merits of his beloved and has said more than once that she hooked him with her independence and erudition.

On June 6, 2017, their first children were born. Amal and George claim that they managed to conceive babies without medical help, and they had twins - son Alexander and daughter Ella.

Reese Witherspoon and Jim Toth

Reese Witherspoon and Jim Toth

Reese Witherspoon is beautiful and very successful, but this hasn’t helped her much in her personal life. The actress has two difficult novels behind her. The first is with Cruel Intentions co-star Ryan Phillippe. They even got married, and two beautiful children were born in the marriage - daughter Ava (who has now grown up to be a copy of her mother) and son Dick. But due to Ryan's constant quarrels and envy of his wife's success, their marriage collapsed.

Reese found solace in the arms of Jake Gyllenhaal, but this union did not turn out to be strong.

Reese despaired and admitted that she was afraid of being a single mother. But she still met her beloved, who did not compete with her in her career and quickly found mutual language with her children. Jim worked in casting, which made Reese very happy.

And their meeting is completely similar to the plot of the film. Witherspoon came to the party with one guy, but he drank too much alcohol and began to behave indecently. Jim turned out to be a friend of this guy and stood up for him, and that’s how he and Reese met. And then everything completely unexpectedly grew into a romance, and now into a strong marriage in which their common child- son of Tennessee.

The actor spoke about his relationship with his beloved, his children and how age affected his career

Photo: DR

Jude Law gave an interview to Modern Luxury, in which he spoke frankly about how age affected his career. In addition, footage has appeared from a new photo shoot of one of the most popular actors of our time.

Despite the fact that girls are ready to line up to get a portion of attention from him, he made his choice. 43-year-old Jude Law has been dating 30-year-old Philippa Cohen for a year.

“I don’t need anyone but her. I'm glad that Philippa is a non-public person. I think this is one of the factors that helps our relationship remain as strong as it is,” Jude said.

Lowe for a long time tried to protect his relationship with Philippa from prying eyes, but still the time came when everyone knew about the affair.

The actor has not yet spoken about children with his current girlfriend. And then, he already has five: sons Rafferty and Rudy and daughter Iris from ex-wife Sadie Frost, daughter Sophia with New Zealand model Samantha Burke and daughter with ex-girlfriend Catherine Harding. And Jude treats all his offspring with great love:

“I love being a dad. It’s very difficult emotionally, but at the same time it’s just wonderful.”

As for age, Lowe considers it an advantage. This year a series starring him was released.

“I like to see the impact my age has on my work. At 40, your career develops completely differently than at 20. I would never play Lenny (the Pope from The Young Pope - Approx. OK!) at 25, because this character has a certain experience that a 45-year-old an actor can understand and portray, but a 25-year-old cannot,” said Jude Law.

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