3rd house cusp in Mars. Your most effective way to learn. Mars in Taurus

>> Mars in the 3rd house

The person who was born in Mars in the 3rd house, has an impulsive and restless disposition, knows how to convince others that he is right. Always knows what to say and when to say it. If someone offends his family members or friends, become a brave defender and support. Likes to think and rant on various topics.

He is overly curious and does not hesitate to ask people for any information that interests him. He can be called tactless and impatient, inclined to criticize everyone and find fault. His brain is capable of generating the most amazing ideas, but due to its irritability and multitasking, it often misses important details, because of which it is not possible to fully implement the plan.

Communication with a person with Mars in the 3rd house

If the planet is damaged, he grows up alone in the family, and lacks sisterly or brotherly complicity. As a child, he experiences many good and terrible moments. His manner of expressing his thoughts can be called aggressive. The mind is constantly busy inventing new concepts and solving pressing problems. To find the root of the problem, he only needs a few tiny clues. In emergency situations, he is distinguished by his quick reaction and correct actions.

He is used to speaking directly about what he thinks, and likes to make sarcastic jokes. Gravitates towards constant and continuous exchange of news.

There may be a predisposition to journalism, commerce or politics. He often finds himself in publishing or in the transport business and communications.

All actions are immediate; this person does not accept postponing things “until tomorrow” or until a more opportune time. Prefers dynamic work, filled with business trips and new acquaintances. If energy is directed in the wrong direction, then a person will constantly “walk on the razor’s edge.” This applies to both personal safety issues and communication with superiors.

Character of a person with Mars in the 3rd house

He believes that he does everything exclusively correctly and meaningfully. Does not accept comments about his intelligence. Denies his addiction to gambling. It is very difficult for him to understand his own wrongness, he does not know how to ask for forgiveness in time. Trying to defend himself in a verbal skirmish, he does not hesitate to use caustic and harsh phrases.

When going on a trip, you are likely to get into trouble. He knows how to manipulate people and convince them that he is right. Quickly ceases to need parental care. Wonderful developed intelligence allows you to build an excellent career as a teacher, or become a well-known writer.

In the event that the planet is damaged, he may think about committing suicide or causing irreparable harm to the health of a stranger. Such a person has the nature of an inventor. They say about such people that he was gifted by nature itself.

As stated earlier, from the very early childhood strive to gain complete independence. He is distinguished by his high efficiency and determination, although he is very selfish in his views. Due to his impatience and restlessness, he may suffer losses by signing the wrong document or agreement without reading the terms.

Mars in the birth chart shows how aggressive instincts will manifest themselves in a person's external behavior and influence his image.

Mars principle: strength, courage, aggression, sexuality.

When working on your own image, you should always know exactly how your Martian energies manifest themselves. Know your strengths and weaknesses in situations where you will have to defend your beliefs, fight, defend your interests, or sublimate your militant impulses into creative activity.

“If you are casually chatting with a friend about various trifles, then both of you have active Mercury. But the topic of the conversation has changed a little, and you begin to explain something to him that he doesn’t understand well, it’s difficult for him - his face expresses deep suffering - a sure sign that his Mars has turned on. If, on the contrary, it is difficult for you to clearly formulate and express your thoughts, you tense up, try to remember something, frantically search for the right words and get tired of the conversation before your eyes - it means that Mars has turned on for you. (...) When you convince, persuade, agitate, ask, simply speak energetically - in all these cases Mars is active, and Mercury performs the modest duties of a translator.” (Absalom the Underwater).

For a successful image of a business person, it is very important that the Mars principle is sufficiently developed. You can hire a professional stylist to take care of your appearance, every time making it flawless before you go out. You can learn cultural demeanor - basic politeness skills in standard social situations. But if you don’t know how to find the exact appropriate words when conveying your thoughts, say them with eyes glowing with inspiration, and also can’t cope with your strong emotional states (excitement, for example), you won’t be able to impress as a professional in your field, an expert in in their field, on people who themselves know how to accurately express thoughts and are professionals in their field. If you don't speak persuasively, your speech won't carry weight and you'll have a hard time making yourself heard and understood. This can cause strong self-doubt and fear of taking initiative. If you do not know how to act accurately and adequately, it is difficult for you to stand up for yourself, protect your values, or take the risk of starting something fundamentally new, then your Mars principle is poorly developed. Therefore, when creating your image, it is necessary to cultivate your Mars. Otherwise, the label of “a wolf in sheep’s clothing” or “a tradesman in the nobility” will be firmly stuck to you in society. There are many colorful definitions in the language for those whose level of external attractiveness sharply contrasts with the level of barbaric manifestation of the principle of aggression of Mars: “from rags to riches”, “with a cloth snout in a Kalash row”, “an elephant in a china shop”, “guru, not having achieved insight."

A person whose chart has Mars in a stronger position than the other planets, at first glance gives the impression of being strong, courageous, and a master of his craft. He looks physically strong, even if in reality he is in rather poor health. He enjoys playing sports and physical work. Moreover, his strength only increases from this. If Mars is severely affected, there will be constant aggression, battles, and fights inside and around the person. A person with a strong Mars must be very careful in any of his practical actions, otherwise he faces injury, accidents, losses, and troubles. For example, a square of Mars in Leo from the 11th house to the Sun in Libra in 2: inappropriate actions aimed at friends and like-minded people rob a person of money, personal property and undermine health as a resource. Opposition of Mars in Leo in the 11th house to Saturn in Aquarius in the 5th: inadequate activity in a team contradicts the duty to one’s own creative self-expression, to children, and interferes with a pleasant time with loved ones. And it causes restrictions in these areas of life, depression.

A man with a strong Mars will be very attractive to women.

A woman with a strong Mars does not necessarily have to have a masculine appearance (her femininity is determined by the position of the Moon and Venus). But it will be strong: strong uncontrollable feelings; strong feelings suppressed by the will; powerful feelings controlled by thought; precise, adequate activity that gives off a feeling of strength.

In general, it is difficult for a person with strong Mars to submit to pressure from above.

The sign in which Mars is located will show how a person behaves in a situation where he has to defend his rightness, defend himself, fight. And also the style in which he works as a professional and master of his craft.

Mars in Aries: Acts strongly, boldly, decisively. Implements decisions creatively and with self-confidence. Subconsciously he strives to act beautifully and harmoniously, he realizes that he lacks a sense of proportion, tact, and culture. Therefore, he can consciously hone his practical skills and abilities, improve his skills, develop taste and style. He lacks patience, self-discipline, wisdom, organization, strategy, and neglects real danger. It is difficult for him to immerse himself in order to understand his value system and find the reasons for his dissatisfaction. Therefore, he can be depressed for a long time, simply waiting out difficult times. The tendency to vent one’s aggression in physical force or in conflicts.

Young man: frantic. Strong, brave, sharp, always excited aggressor, active, self-confident, brave conqueror. Eternal hunter, hero and pioneer. A seeker of dangerous adventures and a fighter. He is straightforward, reacts to everything instantly and hot-tempered. Ready to act even in the most risky situation.

Shadow: cruel.

Relieving aggression: through boxing, football (as a striker), shooting, fast driving.

How he fights: “full speed ahead”, with a direct attack, crushes and breaks; violent onslaught, but short-lived.

Sexuality is spontaneous, commanding, hot, hasty, stormy, self-centered, often similar to conquest.

Mars in Taurus: he acts beautifully, carefully, in a peasant-like, economical and thrifty manner, without unnecessary movements, using his strength in doses. Hardy, imposing and slow, like an ox. Lazy. Likes to act in comfortable conditions. Aggression increases slowly. It is difficult to stir up his activity. But then it is no less difficult to stop. The tension accumulates for a long time and is discharged with a sudden explosion of outstanding power. It is very difficult to anger him, but if he succeeds, he becomes wildly furious. Subconsciously he knows that he lacks power. Therefore, he can make conscious efforts to increase his strength, develop the ability to hypnotically influence people, and increase his power with regard to sexuality and professional skills. The biggest challenge is to act in an inventive, original way, so that the lack of creativity is not expressed by an outburst of wild rage that destroys what has already been done. Can consciously master advanced methods of practical activity, use the achievements of scientific and technological progress in his skills.

Young man: master, owner. A balanced, peace-loving man, for whom the main thing is material well-being. He loves his farm, estate, property and takes tender care of them.

Shadow: greedy.

Relieving aggression: practical activities that require powerful sharp blows, such as tennis, squash, playing percussion, chopping wood, beating carpets. In football, his place is as a goalkeeper or defender.

How he fights: he remains on the defensive, but he holds on very firmly, stubbornly and until the end. As an opponent, he is stubborn and very dangerous. The pressure on his part will increase slowly but surely every day. He never gives up, because he is persistent and flexible, like clay.

Sexuality: powerful sexual energy, strong sensuality and a developed instinct of ownership. Sweet and gentle at first, then he becomes passionate. He remembers grievances and failures for a long time.

Mars in Gemini: acts wisely. Fast, accurate, logical, prudent and knowledgeable. All pursued goals for him are relative and can be modified over time or with the emergence of new interests. As a result, his plans and intentions often remain on paper and do not receive practical implementation. We get excited easily. Excited by variety, movement, new knowledge and impressions. Often, undertakings lack global vision, breadth of consciousness, education, and optimism. He usually expresses his aggression verbally. Sharp-tongued, never at a loss for words, smart, cunning, dexterous and resourceful fighter. Can pursue several goals simultaneously. An unsurpassed tactician.

Young man: convincing. A smart and very fickle lover. He is witty, sociable, has great erudition, easy-going, but also does not consider himself obligated to observe any moral principles and laws that disgust him. Eternal youth.

Shadow: talkative and troublemaker.

Relief of aggression: sports that require quick mental and physical reactions - sprint, squash, fencing, chess.

How he fights: builds mental structures, attack patterns, develops tactics. Acts intelligently and accurately, using his intellectual advantage. As a good tactician, he will always be able to bypass the enemy in order to strike him with a precisely calculated blow, the most ruthless and cynical. For him, this is a sport that excites the blood, as well as an opportunity not only to win, but to finish off a stupid opponent. First, outwit, and then finish off with a sharp word.

Sexuality: he does not recognize instincts and does not obey them, his interest in sex is mental, he loves “verbal” sex, verbal sex more than physical, but he is curious and is always ready for sex with a smart partner. The partner chooses an educated, witty, intelligent interlocutor, active, easy-going and “refined”.

Mars in Cancer: acts emotionally, with fantasy, in his mood, often hysterically, overestimating his capabilities and exaggerating the strength and seriousness of the enemy. His activity is restrained by sensitivity, empathy, the instinct to maintain life, the need for comfort, coziness, and security. He is ready to act when the rear is secured, the conditions are comfortable and there are ample opportunities behind him, the prospect of great expansion and high patrons. In situations of action, he lacks wisdom, patience, discipline, firmness, reliability, and constancy of effort. Posconsciously knowing this, he strives to develop all these missing qualities in himself, to act strategically wisely and economize his strength. The most difficult task is to act adequately to the situation and even decide to start acting. He lacks strength, courage, and practical skills. Knowing this, he consciously develops strength and courage, trains, honing his skills.

Young man: romantic, minnesinger. A sensitive, dreamy admirer, full of fantasies. The ideal of a gentle, sensitive, romantic, caring and kind-hearted man.

Shadow: a person of mood.

Relieving aggression: through dance, music (listening or playing), crafts, needlework.

How he fights: Master of flanking maneuvers. Rich imagination, developed empathy, good intuition. Pursues its interests, adapting to conditions, maneuvering, adapting, like water, finding the most comfortable passage. Unusually sensitive in situations of struggle, vulnerable and not bloodthirsty. He will come to victory with little blood, and will be compassionate and generous towards his opponent. He pays little attention to the fact that in this situation the public and unspoken laws of society prescribe, he acts at the behest of his own moral code and his own emotions. Boxers Vladimir Klitschko and Alexander Povetkin have Mars in Cancer.

Sexuality: timid at first, but in an atmosphere of comfort, peace and security, very sensual, gentle, generous, noble, magnanimous, optimistic and full of fantasies.

Mars in Leo: acts creatively, self-confidently, powerfully, brightly, proudly, demonstratively, life-affirmingly. I am confident of success. The brilliance and competence of a conquering king, respect for the struggle and for the power seized in the struggle. HIS will guides his practical activities. Mighty. Failures cause fits of rage. Subconsciously he knows that in the fight he lacks ingenuity, engineering, and creativity. Therefore, he can consciously develop his ability to invent, master advanced achievements of science and technology, and apply avant-garde scientific methods. What really irritates him and poses the greatest problem in his struggle and practical efforts is any criticism. In situations of struggle and mastery, he lacks logic, sobriety of thinking, and a rational approach. Therefore, he can consciously develop his mind, improve the quality of thinking, and learn.

Young man: triumphant, "star". A person accustomed to acting openly, creatively, brightly, theatrically, demonstratively. Confident, brilliant lover, active, kind, generous, noble and complete vitality.

Shadow: breeding bull.

Relief of aggression: car, elite sports.

How he fights: “head-on”, playfully, having fun, having fun, enjoying the process of fighting, because he is confident in his competence, in himself, in his rightness and in victory. Can put on a dramatic performance by pranking an opponent. He loves to show himself in all the splendor of his skill, suppress his opponent with his authority (especially if he has one), and mercilessly “trample” him with his power.

Sexuality: he is confident in himself, he has great potency, and he also knows how to play bed games, although he often does this for a specific purpose, pursuing outstanding benefits.

Mars in Virgo: acts rationally, logically, accurately, only after carefully checking everything. Moreover, he acts competently, skillfully, with precisely measured efforts. Actions are always prepared and systematized in advance. There are no trifles in the work, he attaches importance to everything. May underestimate the meaning of his actions. Aggression is controlled by the mind and rarely spills out. Subconsciously he knows that he lacks breadth of consciousness and education. Therefore, he is consciously able to master a large course curricula, travel to improve skills, get acquainted with the achievements of others.

Young man: professional. A person accustomed to acting cleanly, subtly, and intellectually.

Shadow: boring.

How he fights: develops a subtle tactical system, uses various subtle tools as weapons, the strength and skill of his comrades (colleagues), servants, and pets. Collects impeccable facts that he can use against his opponent. Expresses a system of sharp, often caustic criticism, which has nothing to oppose. The problem in the fight is that it takes too long to collect incriminating evidence and concentrates too much on little things at a time when the elements that make up victory are already enough to make a generalization and win. He can grumble or lecture for a long time, like a boring teacher. A picky pedant (bureaucrat syndrome).

Sexuality: the sexual instinct is not too strong and is always under the control of the mind. More careful than passionate. There are also scrupulous touchy people. Disgust.

Mars in Libra: acts culturally, refined, refined, with intellectual methods, implements strategic plan over a long distance. It works beautifully. He achieves his goal with the help of charm and charisma, social relationships, the art of diplomacy, and lawyering skills. A subtle strategist who plans everything many moves ahead. In a situation of struggle and mastery, he shows wisdom, discipline, patience, firmness, reliability, and stability. Subconsciously he knows that he lacks strength, courage, determination to act on his own, and aggressiveness. Therefore, he can consciously train his strength, courage, and hone his skills. The biggest problem in situations of struggle and mastery is a lack of self-confidence, competence, willpower, authority, and leadership qualities. Therefore, he can consciously develop in himself these properties necessary in struggle and work.

Young man: gallant gentleman. Charming, elegant lover with delicate taste. He is well-mannered, attentive, well-groomed and knows how to charm a woman.

Shadow: "haberdashery" suitor.

Relieving aggression: dancing, fencing.

How he fights: subtly.

Sexuality: he is very attentive to his partner, not too passionate, but well-mannered, elegant, well-groomed and subtle in his manners. Reliable, patient, disciplined, stable. Non-aggressive. Not confident enough.

Mars in Scorpio: an unforgettable lover. Acts only after deeply exploring the situation and waiting for the most opportune moment to strike. In situations of struggle and mastery, he is capable of flashes of brilliant insights, is inventive, and uses advanced achievements of science and technology. His actions are outstanding, original, and in the uninitiated person they evoke a feeling of magic, magic. Capable of extreme measures. The ability to remain in a state of aggression for a long time, not allowing it to manifest itself for a long time, sitting in ambush for years and decades. Aggression is destructive. Aggression manifests itself unnoticed, often with the intention of wounding as deeply as possible or even killing. He is vindictive and can wait a long time for his time, but in a state of passion he is capable of outbursts of anger. Capable of exerting colossal mental strength to achieve a goal. Easily uses prohibited methods of struggle: blackmail, threats, positional pressure. Having taken up some business, he will not let it go until he waits for one end or another. When angry, he acts destructively, including on himself.

Young man: irresistible, black knight. Passionate, mysteriously impenetrable, unpredictable and very erotic lover, “hunter”, often very dangerous. They serve him faithfully, because he has the ability to magically influence others, creating their dependence.

Shadow: sadist, executioner.

Reset aggression: throwing knives, archery, swimming and hunting with scuba and harpoon, sex.

How he fights: he is a dangerous opponent, always fighting to the end, not disdaining any means, even meanness and betrayal. “Shoots with poisoned arrows,” causing pain and long-term suffering.

Sexuality: the sexual attraction is very strong, this is a passionate lover who does not recognize any taboos.

Mars in Sagittarius: Acts actively, guided by his ideas about morality, law, and justice. If they concern high goals, noble feelings or the restoration of justice, and their correctness is confirmed by life, then the actions of this person cannot be stopped - he will overcome any obstacles passionately, fanatically, with great optimism and faith in his strength. Activity is inspired by an ideal. Aggression can be caused by sacred anger or obvious injustice, non-compliance with the law. Driven by sacred anger, a person expresses his indignation and condemnation, trying to morally destroy the enemy. Passion for adventure, long-distance travel, higher education, philosophy, issues of religion and worldview. Tendency to underestimate rivals and opponents and overestimate one's own strength and skill. Subconsciously he knows that he lacks logic, rational thinking, awareness, and knowledge of certain details. And he can consciously develop these qualities in himself, study, read, communicate, get acquainted. This increases his chances of winning.

Young man: noble knight. As a lover, he is magnificent, generous, and generous. This is a man of broad views, respected by others and serving as a model for them, for whom love and sex are always something extraordinary, perhaps even sacred.

Shadow: self-confident ignoramus.

Reset aggression: hunting, horse riding, golf. Loves elite sports and fair competition.

How he fights: driven by sacred anger, he expresses his indignation and condemnation, trying to morally destroy the enemy using legal methods.

Sexuality: attraction that arises suddenly and is accompanied by the kindest and noblest motives, although sometimes excessive.

Mars in Capricorn: acts patiently, structuredly, reliably, firmly, purposefully, disciplined. Composure, focus, endurance. Doesn't let feelings take over. The ability to patiently and persistently go towards the goal. Defensive reactions are highly aggressive. Aggression is always under control, even if this control is difficult. It is difficult to piss him off, but then he reacts very strongly, completely cold-bloodedly, vindictively and irreconcilably. In battle, he lacks empathy, so he can be completely ruthless and cold-blooded. Subconsciously aware of his lack of ability to adapt and maintain life, he can consciously develop his sensitivity, emotionality, and intuition. He needs this in order to be able to stop in time in the struggle and mastery, in order to rest, relax, satisfy his emotional needs, without which sooner or later he will fall off his feet and will not be able to continue the struggle. The most difficult task in struggle is to look at the world broadly and optimistically. He realizes that he lacks breadth of consciousness, education, a philosophical view of things and the ideal of Man. Therefore, he can consciously make efforts to broaden his horizons, understand truths that are difficult to understand, get a higher education, learn to generalize and believe in victory. When faced with resistance, its strength only increases. Having set a goal for himself, he moves towards it persistently and steadily. His life force is constantly renewed. Tends to waste his strength ruthlessly and recklessly. Dull stubbornness, stiffness or fixation are possible. It is impossible to convince him.

Young man: unyielding. A faithful lover with great potency. Has a sense of duty and self-control, reliable.

Shadow: "fighter for regalia."

Relieving aggression: cycling, mountaineering, marathon running or long-distance skiing, hockey, survival school.

How he fights: he has a stayer's breathing and very great endurance and stamina. When angry, he is cold-blooded and merciless.

Sexuality: "long-lasting." His instincts are strong, but he tolerates long periods of abstinence easily and can always control himself. Here he is also a marathon runner and a “fighter for regalia.”

Mars in Aquarius: works in original ways. The implementation of decisions is rather theoretical, because it rarely comes to practice: he himself is not interested in bringing his ideas to life. Dislike of competitions, reluctance to waste energy on achieving personal power. Hence: the struggle for abstract ideals, wars of independence, active work to protect human rights. Ideological adventures. Activity must be “spurred on”: in order to continue the struggle, visible goals are needed. It is difficult to offend or anger him, and even then this tension quickly disappears from him. In wrestling and skill, he is very rational, logical, knowledgeable, and educated. He lacks personal willpower and self-confidence. Subconsciously knowing this, he can consciously develop leadership qualities in himself, work on revealing his creativity, and develop willpower and self-esteem. The biggest challenge in wrestling and skill is recognizing the limits of your power and weakness. Therefore, he can consciously try to explore the depths of his own subconscious in order to become more powerful. Having set a goal for himself, he finds an unexpected and very non-trivial approach to it. Sometimes this approach remains a theoretical abstraction that has not been implemented in practice. He acts in a very unique way, independently and “not according to the rules.” His approach to everything is not just unexpected, but most revolutionary, even crazy, but he stubbornly and uncompromisingly acts in his own way, imposing this approach on others.

Young man: individual. An original, inventive and independent person, in a partnership he is more of a comrade than a lover. He has a developed intellect and is always full of ideas, often completely fantastic. He usually avoids long-term connections and obligations because he subconsciously feels a lack of responsibility, willpower, and competence. He fears that he does not have enough capacity for long-term sexual relationships.

Shadow: loner.

How he fights: he carefully thinks through everything, finds a non-trivial rational approach and then carries out his plan in cold blood and arrogance.

Sexuality: he does not experience strong attractions, it is rather a theoretical interest plus the opportunity to experiment. Loves any unusual sex.

Mars in Pisces: Anarchic, chaotic activity, driven by a state of high, euphoria. Acts on a whim, easily obeying a deep inner attraction caused by sublime dreams and fantastic visions. Aggression is almost absent until there is a very strong attack from the outside. Aggression is usually expressed only indirectly, although under the influence of alcohol it can give an explosive reaction. You win by understanding the subtle meaning behind the visible phenomena of the material world. In the struggle, his ability to deeply understand the psychology of people is manifested, to use knowledge of mythology, the history of civilizations, cultural studies, and art. It works beautifully, creating an illusion in front of the enemy, in which he loses ground under his feet. A master of deception, hoaxes, false digressions and incredible, hard-to-believe practical skills and techniques. In wrestling, he does not neglect the opportunity to use alcohol and various stimulants of physical activity. Subconsciously he feels a lack of logic, sobriety of thinking, rational approach to struggle and skill. Therefore, he can consciously develop his intellectual abilities, improve the quality of his intellect, study, read, communicate, and make acquaintances.

Young man: fairy prince. Mysterious, a little mysterious and a very soft lover who excites the imagination. A charming man with a thousand faces, ready to accept any role offered to him. The narthex.

Relieving aggression: through swimming, especially scuba diving, dancing, music, and generally through art.

How he fights: he creates chaos and general confusion. He likes to pretend to be helpless in order to awaken remorse in another: “How could you do this to me?”

Sexuality: looking for unearthly love. You experience strong attractions, especially in a state of trance (tantra, meditation, alcohol), you are very sensual and willingly allow yourself to be carried away.

House where Mars is located , indicates the area of ​​life to which a person gives or must give the bulk of his strength and activity. This is his promised land, which he must discover and master. His is the field of battle and labor, where he must defeat his rivals, where he is capable of performing incomparable feats and achieving a high level of professionalism, but he may also suffer defeat, which will deprive him of all previously won positions. The position of Mars in the houses indicates in what area of ​​life a person will show or feel his instinct of action - or aggression.

Mars in 1st house: fighting qualities will appear in a person when he defends his personal interests, his views on life, and talks about himself. The first time he finds himself in an unfamiliar place. The impression is mostly yang (masculine).

Image: a direct, impulsive person, always ready to challenge another to a duel. Dynamic behavior, a strong desire to assert oneself, and it is more important to do this right away, rather than gradually later. There is an element of aggressiveness: the harmony of the individual depends on the direction in which aggressiveness is directed, how it was possible to “put it into action” (sports, a profession that requires significant expenditure of energy, etc.).

Mars in the 2nd house: fighting qualities will manifest themselves in a person when he earns his own living, protects his values ​​and property, and puts his talents and abilities into practice. Fighter for gold. Breadwinner. A fighter, a hard worker, not afraid of conflicts, but at the same time relying in everything only on his muscular, monetary or other strength, which can one day become dangerous. He always works for ten people, ensuring the well-being of the company and his own, which brings him success - at least that which can be achieved by force or money. Only he manages the money himself. Tends to bet, putting everything on the line. Often allows himself to risk his own and other people's money. Gets involved in risky speculation, usually losing on it. He is capable of donating or investing a huge amount in a completely hopeless business, which can lead him to ruin.

Handling money is spontaneous, depending on the situation. Strength is aimed at conquest, at growth material well-being. Financial activities. Excessively harsh actions in property management.

Mars in the 3rd house: fighting qualities will manifest themselves in situations of everyday communication, writing, studying, dating, and short-term movements. Sharp tongue. Oral and written speech is sharp, bright, and convincing. His speeches are usually critical, revealing the vices, shortcomings or absurdities of the world around him. He never hides his opinion and his attitude towards others, even when he suspects that he may be mistaken. He studies zealously. He has the amazing gift of being completely unbearable. His speech is full of sarcasm and criticism. Often seeks quarrels. He makes mistakes without noticing it.

The style of speech is offensive, defiant, harsh.

Mars in the 4th house: fighting qualities will appear when it is necessary to carry out some specific actions in the home, in the family, in the homeland, in relation to parents, ancestors, national culture and traditions. Guardian of the citadel. Always on the alert, always ready to fight when something threatens his home, family or parents. The desire for independence develops very early and manifests itself clearly. Rebel. Since childhood, he has objected to his parents and argued with them, especially with his father. Any punishments, restrictions and humiliations will only force him to leave parents' house at the first opportunity. Aggression that does not find a way out and anger that has been accumulated or suppressed for a long time creates a feeling of internal anxiety and tension, which can then be very difficult to channel into a constructive direction. Conflicts with household members or relatives are possible. Work from home.

The image of the father: a strong, brave, decisive master, or aggressive and hot-tempered.

Mars in the 5th house: fighting qualities will appear in situations of personal creativity, games, hobbies, entertainment, communication with children, in financial scams and love affairs. Shining winner. A conqueror eager for battle, a passionate lover. Participates in various games and competitions, especially at high stakes, demonstrating that he is “the coolest” of all. In all the roles that he happens to play in life, he strives to defend the right to play by his own rules, to achieve the opportunity to act at his own discretion. In love, the game for him is only at the highest stakes. Cheerful, stormy, fiery nature, passionate and aggressive in sex. Natural ability to inspire self-respect. Always ready to take risks and put everything on the line. Prone to immoderation, intemperate, passionate gambler, lover of bets and arguments, cannot stand losing, so he usually starts a scandal. In erotica he is very ambitious, prone to narcissism, sadomasochism, violence, very jealous, always striving to command. Energy finds its way into love relationships or in creativity. The manifestation of feelings is very strong, sharp, somewhat rude, generated sexual attraction. Authoritarianism in relationships with children, quarrels, scandals. In a woman’s chart, there is a risk of unplanned birth (“love child”) or the likelihood of a miscarriage (with tense aspects).

Attitude towards children: encourages sports.

Mars in the 6th house: Activity and aggressiveness are focused on everyday work. Oytsov's qualities will manifest themselves when he engages in daily routine work, hired work, maintaining health, and service. In relationships with subordinates and colleagues at work, with servants, with pets. Strong master, worker. He likes to “measure his strength” with professional colleagues, showing how much better, faster or more efficiently he can work. It works really skillfully, with full dedication and high quality. He is active, decisive, constantly develops his skills and abilities, actively studies, is not afraid to conflict and take risks. Capable of taking reckless risks. He contradicts his superiors, quarrels with equals and tyrannies his subordinates. Conflict or tension at work results in illness. The diseases are severe, acute, health suffers from manifestations of indiscretion; minor incidents, illnesses that Mars symbolizes: injuries, burns, inflammations, acute infections, especially of the eyes, nose, ears, headaches.

Working style: strong, active, sharp, risky.

Mars in the 7th house: fighting qualities will manifest themselves in the sphere of partnership, marriage, cooperation, confrontation in court, in the sphere of open hostility. Relationships with a partner are always tense and restless. Any disagreements are immediately discussed until everything is fully clarified. An active spirit, always ready for battle - either for a partner or against him. Argues and makes peace regularly. An alliance with him cannot be called boring, but sometimes it becomes tiring. He sees his partner as a rival, whom he must definitely defeat. He does not know how to adapt to a partnership and does not want to. Over time, relationships become more and more aggressive and destructive. Reacts abruptly without thinking. Tries to take a dominant position, driving his partner into a corner. Cruelty, ruthlessness, despotism, distrust, mutual insults. Consciously or unconsciously, a person directs his aggressiveness towards other people and endlessly gets involved in struggle. No matter what he achieves in life, he makes enemies for himself.

Ideas about marriage: competition. In marriage - a relationship of rivalry with the spouse.

Mars in the 8th house: A person will show fighting qualities in borderline situations, on the verge of life and death. And also in situations of overcoming a crisis, during war, surgery, psychoanalysis, in intimate friendships, when handling other people's money and property, when accumulating wealth, during investigations. With participation in corruption processes, in the mafia, in criminal structures, in shadow economy schemes. Death is not scary. He is not afraid to take risks and perform dangerous tasks. Sets as his task the fight against death, even if ultimately hopeless (doctor, rescuer). Activities in areas related to death in one way or another: insurance, medicine, etc. Conflicts related to death: inheritance, replacement in office. With tense aspects, there is an increased risk of death for a person and his loved ones from an accident or as a result of violence.

Attitude towards death: death is the enemy.

Mars in the 9th house: a person will show fighting qualities in situations related to the formation of a worldview, personal philosophy, religion, lawmaking, jurisprudence, long trips and travel, interaction with foreigners, in the field of publishing business and higher education. Knight. Civil courage. Resolutely and fearlessly defends his ideals and beliefs, openly exposes lies. He invests energy and effort into giving people knowledge about the social order, philosophy, and religion. Sets himself high and distant ideals. Uncompromising struggle for an idea. Exploring distant countries: travel or bold, risky exploration.

Concept of God: a warlike, vengeful God.

Mars in the 10th house: will show fighting qualities in the sphere of career, social status, honor, reputation. When will you move towards your goal? I am ready to take unpopular measures and swim against the tide. A strong desire to be first. He does not avoid conflicts; he puts a lot of effort into things. Likes to bring clarity to business relationship and fight against competitors. “Only those who do nothing have no enemies.” The life and behavior of a person in society is imprinted by the constant need for conquests and victories, and therefore struggle and competition become its usual atmosphere. The reason for success is, as a rule, activity, not luck. Needs active activity and an energetic lifestyle.

The image of the mother: tough, formidable, aggressive.

Mars in the 11th house: will demonstrate fighting qualities in the field of scientific developments, experiments, and engineering. And also in collective activities, in friendship, in interaction with like-minded people. Loves male and military friendship. Ready to fight for everything he considers progressive. Looking for friendship in sports societies. In the group he defends the right to act at his own discretion. Does not know how to adapt and adapt to the group. Very sensitive to antipathy. Rivals and competes in a group. Friendly relationships are characterized by openness, directness, and nobility. Friendship is sometimes hot, but short-lived - not everyone can withstand his harshness and aggressiveness. The need to fight for the object of your love and for your children.

Role in the group: provocateur.

Mars in the 12th house: fighting qualities will appear in situations of voluntary or forced solitude: secretive lifestyle, secret work, intelligence, agent of influence, secret adviser, psychologist, scientist in the field of mythology, cultural studies, history of civilizations, in the field of art, or work far from the homeland. Activity in areas that are “under the jurisdiction” of the 12th house (for example, hospitals, psychiatric hospitals, nursing homes, prisons, Alcoholics Anonymous groups, victims of violence, rehabilitation groups, groups of victims of repression, persecution, emigrants). Impulsivity and aggressiveness, inappropriate actions are fraught with difficult trials. Risk of surgery, hospitalization, possibly due to accidents.

In solitude, one gains courage, firmness, determination and perseverance.

If Mars is in the Gauquelin zone (at a distance of +/- 12 degrees from one of the four cardinal points of the horoscope), it acquires the status of a dominant planet, unless there are indications of other dominant planets.

12 Lipnya 2009

The third house in astrology corresponds to the zodiac sign Gemini, and the symbolic ruler of this house is Mercury. This house is responsible for our brothers and sisters, neighbors, rumors, gossip. In addition, the Third House is responsible for school and the period of study in it in general. For example, if the Third House contains “malicious” planets, namely Saturn and Pluto, then the native did not really like school. It could have been an emotionally difficult period. Of course, this rule works if both the Ruler of the Third House and the planets located inside this house are affected. Also, with this position of the planets, difficulties and troubles may arise with a brother or sister. If Saturn is in the Third House, and if the native is the only child in the family, then most likely he will remain so, that is, the person may not have a brother or sister at all, because this planet reduces and limits everything. Or the relative will be much older in age.

My Third House cusp is located in Capricorn - my brother is 12 years older than me. If Pluto is in the Third House, then the brother or sister will behave quite domineeringly towards the native. They can manipulate and suppress him. In general, a native with this position of Pluto may experience a lot of stress because of his relatives.

Among other things, the Third House is considered the house of contacts, communications, some kind of travel or business trips. However, if the Ninth House is responsible for long-distance travel, say to another country, then “third-house” trips are usually within one country or one city. And in terms of duration, they are clearly inferior to “nine-home” trips.

In general, if a person has expressed in natal chart This house, that is, there are several personal planets and luminaries there, then definitely, this person loves to talk and contacts and conversations with people around him are important to him. I have a guy I know with an Ascendant in Scorpio. So, his senior ruler, Pluto, is in the Twelfth House, and the junior Mars is in the Third. In addition to Mars, there was also the Moon in the Third House. I was always amazed at how sociable this person is. If he called me, then I could simply cross out the next hour and a half of my life, because there was no opportunity to insert a phrase into the conversation that I was busy. It would seem that he is the first Ruler in the solitude-loving Twelfth House, but for this guy, Pluto’s presence in this house resulted in a slightly different direction. He was very fond of topics about karma, the meaning of life, philosophy, psychology. But solitude - never.

By the way, Mars, as a planet of activity, being in some house, shows where a person invests his energy. And if this planet is in the Third House, then it turns out that a person directs his will and energy into communication, communication, and travel. Since Mars is also responsible for aggression, being in the “school” house, he can start some fights at school, and it is not a fact that the native himself starts the fights. It may well be that it is he who acts as the victim and it is he who is beaten. Such a Mars can do several things at the same time, but whether he will finish what he started is the question.

By asserting themselves in the environment (usually through their words, opinions, knowledge or expression of points of view), people with Mars in the 3rd house assert their strength, vitality and existence. Although many of us are afraid to express our real thoughts, people with Mars in the 3rd house should do so - if possible, with tact, of course, as this is the universal antidote to the bad side of Mars expression.

Some may be afraid that being straight and pure will make them too rude or stupid. As a result, instead of saying what they really want to say, they often throw out a bunch of hints and often sigh loudly. Unfortunately, any house that Mars is in must be a type of fuel tank that can only accumulate a certain amount of unexpressed thoughts, feelings or actions before it all breaks out and makes a huge mess. After all, with Mars at 3, it's better to say what he thinks and feels than to suppress it for too long.
The mind is usually active, eager and quick. A penetrating intellect, a strong vocabulary or clear verbal ability may be in reserve, serving as a direct weapon with which he gets what he wants. Although people with Mars in the 3rd house can sometimes force their thoughts down another's throat, their words also have the ability to move others to action. They may spend a lot of time fighting with others. They can attack any topic of interest with enthusiasm: there is a real desire to talk or write about what really concerns them. Some people can let off steam by expressing their thoughts and feelings on paper. A great form of self-therapy is to write a letter to someone who is annoying you, and then tear up the letter.

People with Mars in the 3rd house find their own initiatives and learn how to assert themselves by arranging power games with others in close (in childhood) surroundings. Therefore, this is one of the primary indications of conflicts with brothers, sisters, teachers and neighbors. These people may say “my brother did this, it wasn’t me!”

Because there is anxiety and high exhaustion nervous system, these people should strive to develop some degree of control and caution, especially when traveling and moving around. So Mars in the 3rd house should give an outlet to excess energy through sports or exercise. Some people relax when they dig under the hood of their car, however, any work with machinery and tools should be relaxing.

The old saying is that “thoughts have wings.” Mars in the 3rd house is strong on the mental plane; Any strongly expressed or shown thought can greatly influence the environment. His mind is a precise instrument that can be very effective, that can cut through any difficulty, but if it is used incorrectly, it can be dangerous and destructive, both to himself and to others. Regardless of the aspects of Mars, a person himself chooses whether to serve good or evil.

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Kuja – Mars

In Indian astrology, Mars is considered the greatest malefic. Its destructive properties include aggressiveness, violence, impulsiveness, accidents and tension. However, it also gives energy, mobility, determination and the ability to subordinate personal desires to a higher goal. If Mars is weakened or affected in the horoscope, then the person will not be active and ambitious enough, success will always elude him.

Mars also rules courage, bravery and all military functions. Therefore, generals, commanders and anyone who has the desire to rule or be a leader have Mars strong or placed in a significant position. Since this is the planet of passions and desires, it can give greater sexual activity. The next function of Mars is mechanical and technical ability. Under his control are surgeons, engineers, mechanics and those skilled in manual work.

In Indian astrology, unlike Western astrology, Mars is an indicator of brothers and sisters (exclusively the younger ones) and an indicator of land ownership. It should also be remembered that Mars brings troubles, conflicts and misfortunes everywhere except the four upachaya or rising houses (3rd, 6th, 10th, 11th) where malefics produce good effects.

Mars is masculine, dry and fiery. Its best placement is in the 10th house where it receives dik bala or guiding force. It works best in Capricorn - the sign of its exaltation, worst of all in Cancer - the sign of its fall. Also his functions are good in Aries and Scorpio - the signs of his rule. The stone to be worn when Mars is weakened or afflicted is red coral. Friends of Mars - those planets that welcome him in their signs - are the Sun, Moon and Jupiter. Mercury is an enemy while Saturn and Venus are neutral to it.

Ancient scriptures state that Mars represents the five senses. Another Indian name for Mars is Mangal.

Mars indicators: brothers and sisters (exclusively younger ones), courage, bravery, heroism, exploits, sports, property, mechanical or technical abilities, builders, designers, engineers, surgeons, mechanics, military, soldiers, policemen, generals, commanders, rulers, accidents, violence, fires, wars, cuts, burns, bruises, ambition, desires, activity, physical strength, will, character, conflicts, battles, weapons, guns, explosives, energy, aggressiveness, passion, sexuality, medical operations, blood, muscles , bone marrow, Tuesday, south direction, red coral.

Material from the book Ancient Indian astrology for modern astrologers. James Braha


Mars- a “male” planet associated with the element of fire, symbolizing the energy of a living being and its direction. Mars is the karaka (indicator) of energy, competitiveness, sports, electricity or fire. Cars, electronic equipment, as well as restaurant owners, chefs, soldiers, etc. * they are all associated with Mars. Mars also represents real estate, construction business, everything related to property, determination and courage, military affairs, strength, affection, and sexual power and passion. Questions related to brothers this person, are found out by studying the position of Mars (and the third house) in the horoscope. When the influence of Mars is strong, a person is energetic, prone to creativity, and promotes goodness. If Mars is weakened, this will be expressed in absent-mindedness, in wasting energy on useless things. By its nature, Mars is a malefic planet, and if poorly placed in the horoscope, it can be a sign of violence and destruction.


Mars in Aries

Mars is the ruler, lord of the sign of Aries and thus here it is in its own sign and therefore quite strong. Here he points to an energetic, competitive person, an #ideatrix, a pioneer. These are enterprising people; they travel, play sports; act recklessly and rashly; strongly attached to sex. They are capable of feats, their spirit is militant, they are very sociable. They own pets and property; such people often suffer from accidents, injustice or fire.

Mars in Taurus

For Mars, this sign is neutral, and Mars has a medium influence here. The person's character is stubborn and determined, but shy. Such people are easily influenced by members of the opposite sex; they love sports and music, and dress well. They are talkative, emotional and sensitive, but self-absorbed and can be cruel.

Mars in Gemini

This sign is inimical to Mars, so it can be foreseen that the influence of Mars will be negative. These people speak sarcasticly and have few close friends. They lack focus, may not complete their work, may have incomplete education, and may be stingy. Their positive traits- intelligence, ingenuity, attractive appearance, skillful hands.

Mars in the sign of Cancer

For Mars, this sign is the weakest. These people misuse their energy and overestimate themselves. They often live in other people's houses or are at the mercy of others. They are independent in nature and have problems in family relationships. They can be irritable, disobedient, and undisciplined. They travel a lot and are capable of being intelligent and grateful.

Mars in Leo

Mars here is in its friendly sign and receives energy. Therefore, this person may be physically strong, fearless, ambitious and proactive. They love travel, exercise, love being outdoors, and are interested in politics. They have a noble heart, they are generous and have a large supply of vitality. They may love mathematics, astrology or the occult sciences. They may become anxious and angry; they are prone to heart disease and romantic conflicts.

Mars in Virgo

Here Mars is placed in an inimical sign and is a sign of a fearful character, strong sexual urges and unwise spending of money. These people may have an aptitude for mechanics, science, singing, they may have the ability to preach, they may be good at making money. Classical texts note that such people will be prone to luxury, self-righteous, pretentious, prone to deceit and lacking insight, but they may have good children.

Mars in Libra

This sign is neutral in relation to Mars. This placement indicates an attractive appearance, a strong body, and a passionate nature. These people are receptive, have ability in commercial activities, they are good athletes, skilled in disputes, and have a refined, refined taste. They make friends with educated people, but suffer from disorder in relationships with the opposite sex. They are kind, talkative, have good foresight, but easily get angry.

Mars in Scorpio

Mars is the lord of this sign, so here it is in its own sign and is strong. These people have a strong mind, considerable determination and hold a respected position and can become property owners. They are proud, vindictive and critical. Abilities for occult sciences may appear, and there may be success in secret, secret work. These are energetic, confident people, they suffer as a result of insults inflicted on them, from fire and from battles.

Mars in Sagittarius

Here Mars is in a good position as this sign is friendly towards it. However, in fact, each of the seven major planets is well located if it is in the sign of Sagittarius; from here we can understand how favorable this sign is. Sagittarius is ruled by the godly planet Jupiter; this is a holy sign. Those planets that are located in this sign will noticeably show their qualities in the life of a given person. Therefore, a person with Mars in this sign will fight for a good cause, he will direct his energy to uplift the material or spiritual life of society. Classical texts state that this person will be respected by wise men, he will be good at some craft, he will be a boss, a doctor, he will be rich, he will have excellent mental abilities. May also appear good opportunities birth of children, the ability to inspire others to action, sometimes a powerful, commanding nature.

Mars in Capricorn

In this sign Mars is exalted, this placement is the best for Mars. I know many people who have this combination in their horoscopes, and they are all energetic, dedicated people who can work selflessly for long hours. These people can do important, difficult work, they have good friends; there are periods of chaos in their family affairs. According to Dr. B.V. Raman, the famous Indian astrologer, such people will “love luxury, will be educated, famous, will have great ardor.” These people work for the benefit of some good cause, they are invariably useful to their relatives. In their previous lives, these people practiced sacrifices, observed celibacy and performed spiritual service.

It is necessary to respect this position of Mars (as well as any other exaltation of the planet) in the horoscope. We may also note opportunities related to real estate, machinery, mathematics, surgery, sports, warfare and other qualities of Mars.

Mars in Aquarius

For Mars this sign is neutral. This contributes to the emergence of a person prone to competition and disputes, who has a certain strength. There is a slight shadow on their good name; they are the object of envy. They tend to perceive things logically, but often they accumulate too much in their minds. a large number of energy. That's why they often get angry. They may be concerned about problems related to the heart and circulation. They are surrounded by a certain pleasant, attractive energy. They love to wander, are inclined to meditate, and fall into poverty at different periods of their lives. They can be rude and use intoxicants. Classic texts mention "few children, quick forgiveness, sincerity, and knowledge of various languages ​​and sciences." Mars is a malefic planet by nature and Saturn, the lord of Aquarius, is also malefic by nature and therefore this combination may lead a person born with Mars in this sign to commit acts unworthy of his level of knowledge. These people are prone to complaints: it often seems to them that they are deprived of luck and deceived by fate.

Mars in Pisces

Here Mars is located in a friendly sign and is in favorable conditions. A person born under this influence will direct his energies to the service of others, will be compassionate, will love pious ceremonies, will be respected. They will find good fortune far from the place where they were born, will be involved in philosophical disputes, and due to their amorous nature and tender nature will be involved in conflicts. The sign of Pisces is symbolically represented by two fish swimming in opposite directions; and these people will sometimes commit themselves to taking action in two or more directions and may be at a loss as to which path to take. Their mood may fluctuate between optimism and depression.


Mars in the 1st house

This is a sign of an enterprising, competitive, energetic or athletic character. These people love to argue and often have problems family life. They are ambitious and will do anything to achieve their goals. They own property and have mechanical aptitude. They are brave and independent, suffer from fire and accidents, and make good brothers and collaborators or soldiers in defense of some conquest.

Mars in the 2nd house

This placement indicates talkative people who love arguments. They are skilled in mathematics, make money through real estate, are interested in politics and speak frankly what they think. They sing or have radio talent. They usually leave their parents in their youth, or their parents separate. They are characterized by the trait of adultery; they go through periods of poverty but become richer at a later stage in life. They are also characterized by dental diseases, a tendency to smoke, a huge appetite and a critical nature.

Mars in the 3rd house

Classic texts mention courage, chance or accidents in travel, the loss of brothers, and the ability to work hard for money. These people are good speakers and can handle machines well. One can also note the ability to fight the disease and the spirit of the pioneer, the pioneer. They acquire property through inheritance or through their own efforts. May be success in the field Agriculture.

Mars in the 4th house

These are passionate people and it is difficult to maintain close relationships with them. They are strong in the field of sex, have a sympathetic but competitive heart, they own property and are respected in their circle. There is a loss of money invested in a risky enterprise. This placement is called Kuja dosha, “the malefic influence of Mars**, often leading to divorce or double marriage.

Mars in the 5th house

Those born with Mars in the 5th house are powerful and serve in leadership positions. The location has some disadvantage in relation to children and these people should be satisfied with even the smallest number of them. They have a favorable position in the field of education and are skilled in strategy, warfare, sports, etc. They suffer from grievances. They lack sensitivity, lose their high position, and may manifest peptic ulcer, gas in the stomach.

Mars in the 6th house

These people are decisive and able to take responsibility. They are beautiful, sexually strong, good at debate, good at sports, good at litigation. They are demanding or domineering and commanding. They achieve success far from the place where they were born; enjoy being in a rustic setting.

Mars in the 7th house

These are well-known, persistent and energetic people. They should expect to get a passionate, controversial marriage partner. They are good commission agents, traders, and work well in public service. They are athletic, they own property, their spouses usually predecease them, and they travel a lot.

Mars in the 8th house

The 8th house is malefic and the presence of Mars here usually leads to problems in marriage, useless travel and involvement in dangerous or destructive work. This placement may be unfavorable for life expectancy, and there will be disputes leading to litigation. On the other, positive side, it should be noted that these people have strong feelings, inherit significant property and speak convincingly. They are cunning or engaged in dubious business.

Mars in the 9th house

This person can spend a lot of energy supporting a cause or movement. Such people are tormented by anger, they are worried about the state apparatus, they unproductively invest money in property, cars or other things symbolized by Mars. They take great interest in philosophical issues, but impose their society on others. It should also be noted their tendency to violence and lack of closeness with their father.

Mars in the 10th house

This is a perky, strong character with the qualities of a researcher, a pioneer; These people are skilled in performing their work and are successful in the fields of mechanics, real estate, machinery management, agriculture, transportation industries, etc. They love controversy, are energetic, and suffer from insults or persecution. They are highly regarded for their dutiful service, they are impulsive and can be treacherous. They love animals physical exercise and disputes; can be rude and competitive.

Mars in the 11th house

He is a determined person, of good character, in control of his feelings, and believing in universal brotherhood. Such people, however, are unsociable and have few close friends. Their influence increases over time, they acquire property, people appear who serve them. They usually have few children. They are brave, their wishes come true.

Mars in the 12th house

Loss of a marriage partner, inclination to adultery, dental disease and unreasonable expenses are very likely when Mars is placed in this sinful house. These people have difficulty keeping promises, have trouble sleeping and, if women, have problems giving birth or getting pregnant. They often get bored and change partners or their surroundings in search of new experiences. There is a difficult time in their life when they need to save money. They may expend considerable effort in serving others or in charitable activities.

Material from the book Vedic astrology. Tom Hopke

Mars (Mangala) in Vedic astrology

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