Complete horoscope for Virgo. Financial horoscope: money issue

The very beginning of the year will be successful for active and energetic Virgos. They will make useful contacts, receive lucrative job offers and earn good money. But you should be careful and not overwork, otherwise you may experience health problems in the spring. Being too busy at work can also lead to conflicts in the family, even serious quarrels. But, if you manage to avoid a breakup until the end of spring, everything will work out.

From the middle of the year, official affairs will again come first, as you will need to establish yourself in a new position. Diligence and qualifications will be properly appreciated. A calm and prosperous end to the year will be a reward for all your efforts.

Virgo Man: Horoscope for 2017

The Virgo man will have a lot of official responsibilities, sometimes it will seem that the whole company rests on him alone. But this is not true, and you should not try to take on too much. This can undermine your health and ruin your relationship with your loved one, but good advice and help from colleagues will only bring good results.

But hard work will help you forget about financial problems, because your work will be adequately rewarded.

It is advisable to control emotions and set life priorities correctly, so that you don’t lose track of what’s important in your everyday worries. In this case, all problems will be gradually resolved.

Virgo Woman: Horoscope for 2017

In all matters this year, intuition will be your assistant; you should listen to it. This will be especially useful for single girls waiting to meet their only man. Such a meeting will most likely happen in the summer, but even before that a lot of romantic adventures will happen. Therefore, intuition is required to distinguish the original from the fake.

At the same time, you should also be more careful in the area of ​​intimate health, otherwise there is a risk of getting into trouble.

Married Virgos will have to decide what to pay more attention to (home or work), otherwise they risk being torn in half. Households cannot be neglected. It is better to plan holiday activities in advance and spend it with the whole family.

Born in the year of the Rat (1960, 1972, 1984, 1996)

Virgo-Rats should be tame white mice at home, and wild, toothy rats at work. This will bring benefits on all fronts. The family will strive to surround you with care and even allow you to be a little capricious. Colleagues will understand that they are dealing with a serious person with whom it is better not to quarrel.

Born in the year of the Ox (1961, 1973, 1985, 1997)

Although this sounds strange, in the new year the undertakings of the Virgo-Oxen will meet with understanding and support from government officials. You can contact any support program - there will be benefits.

The best field of activity for such Virgos will be personal business. The companions with whom they meet will turn out to be honest and intelligent, so the business will go well and bring profit, and such that there will be a chance to improve their living conditions.

Born in the Year of the Tiger (1962, 1974, 1986, 1998)

In the new year, you need to rely not on claws, but on diplomacy and politeness. Those Virgos who can prove themselves to be masters of intrigue and compromise will definitely receive a promotion.

In the personal sphere there will be peace and quiet. An exception would be Virgos who have teenage children, but nothing can be done about it.

Born in the Year of the Rabbit (1963, 1975, 1987, 1999)

Virgos are, in principle, pedantic, and for Virgo-Cats in the new year this quality can reach the point of absurdity. You can and should be proud of the fact that you always arrive at a business meeting on time, but there is no need to be angry with a partner who is 10 seconds late. The same applies to personal life - a square centimeter of unwiped dust or a shirt hung backwards should not become a reason for a quarrel.

If you do everything in moderation, rewards will surely follow. Monetary – including.

Born in the Year of the Dragon (1964, 1976, 1988, 2000)

The year promises to be very successful in everything, and especially in business projects. It doesn’t matter what area it will be - everything will go like clockwork.

At the same time active work activity It will also help to unite the family, since close and distant relatives will unexpectedly turn out to be beneficial companions. They will discover many hitherto unknown talents, and they will learn a lot of interesting things about Virgos. As a result, close people will be able to become truly family, imbued with respect for each other.

Born in the year of the Snake (1965, 1977, 1989, 2001)

Envious people and competitors will moderate their ardor in the new year, so business affairs will go calmly and successfully. Virgos will find many new partners and enter into very promising deals and agreements. All their projects will be worthy of attention.

The house will become a real fortress, and the family will become reliable defense of the rear. In the new year, Virgos will be pleased to return home, and this is worth a lot.

Born in the year of the Horse (1966, 1978, 1990, 2002)

There will be a lot of work, but it will bring recognition, career growth and good money. Creative pursuits will be especially promising, which can even lead to real fame.

Reliable help will be faithful friends that they will not be lazy to provide all the achievements of the Virgo-Horses with worthy advertising.

Born in the Year of the Goat (1967, 1979, 1991, 2003)

A very successful year for a career - all competitors are busy with something else. So you can safely apply for a leadership position or a particularly lucrative position - everything should work out.

The sphere of personal life also promises a lot. There will be stunning novels, and real love. You shouldn't lose your head completely in order to be able to distinguish the first from the second.

Born in the Year of the Monkey (1968, 1980, 1992, 2004)

Education, qualifications and skills will be of particular importance. In order to advance in their careers, it is better for Virgo-Monkeys to show in all their glory their special skills and dexterity in doing business.

Friends will definitely help, and connections with the “right” people won’t hurt either, but this won’t be the main thing. Virgo-Monkeys will finally appreciate exactly what they deserve.

Born in the year of the Rooster (1969, 1981, 1993, 2005)

Representative will play a significant role in the new year appearance. It is better for Virgo-Roosters to carefully monitor their hairstyle and outfit both when they go to a business meeting and before a romantic date. It so happened that they will really be “meeted by their clothes”, and only then will their personal qualities be assessed. But it’s not too difficult to do this, and recognition will come.

Born in the Year of the Dog (1970, 1982, 1994, 2006)

Virgo-Dogs will be distinguished by their enormous ability to work, and this will bring them money, the desired position, and respect in the team. Their opinion will be listened to.

Personal life also promises pleasant surprises. This is especially true for free Virgos, who have every chance of going down the aisle in the new year.

Born in the year of the Pig (1971, 1983, 1995, 2007)

In the business sphere, Virgo-Pigs will be at the pinnacle of success. Even those who occupy a higher position will listen to their opinion, so promotion is guaranteed.

You have your own to thank for this highly qualified, as well as relatives and friends whose support helped us achieve success. Don't forget about your loved ones while getting carried away with your career.

For those who want to find out what awaits Virgo in the year of the Rooster 2017, you need to understand the most important thing - luck accompanies those who believe in it. Without this condition, the stars will be able to do very little. Help them make you happy. 😉

Calm and pedantic people born under the constellation Virgo will begin to receive pleasant surprises at the very beginning of the new year. New job offers, as well as new projects and acquaintances - all this awaits Virgo. And what’s most important is that they will succeed in all this with a bang. But, as always, in all things there are risks, which means that you should be more careful and not take on too much. The feeling of laziness, which no, no, yes arises, should be fought immediately, showing persistence.

Those who have a desire to get away from the hustle and bustle that the Year of the Rooster will bring them will be able to live for their own pleasure. Quite a lot of decisions will be made in the warm season - spring, summer. And they will be faithful! You need to rejoice, but without turning up your nose. Be grateful to the Universe for what you have been given, and then you will receive even more.

Someone close to you may need financial support, because, as the stars say, not many signs will be able to avoid financial problems, unlike Virgos. Don't be shy and don't be greedy - help. Then the boomerang will definitely return.

Love Horoscope

Emotionally restrained and poor in feelings, Virgos will undergo real tests in their personal lives in 2017. Following habits, disagreements are possible, because everyone around them lacks their love. Proposing or getting married this year will be a great decision. Those who already have a family should spend as much time as possible with their spouses, family and friends: family evenings and joint travel will come in handy.

The fire of passion will strike lonely Virgos at the end of spring - be prepared. Love will turn your head, and there will be more and more new people in your life, which can lead to relationships with two partners at once. Don't worry, everything will be decided in the fall.

Harmony in relationships will be achieved by being relaxed, talkative and open. You won’t have to wait long; your loved ones will notice such changes very soon.

It will not be possible to interfere with rivals, because people who are on this moment next to Virgos, they love them too much and will solve the issues that arise on their own.

Financial horoscope: money issue

Have a lot of things to do at the beginning of the year? - their immediate decision will benefit the earth sign. Don't forget about the big projects that are about to start appearing, and the bosses won't take their eyes off the exact deadlines for their completion. Therefore, it is worth pushing away the long drawers of things to do for the next year.

Initiative and hardworking – don’t be upset! These people will definitely be noticed, even if not right away. The proposals received from them will definitely be taken into account by colleagues and management.

You should be more attentive to your colleagues and their actions. There are quite a lot of envious people around who want to get the work done. Don't let provocateurs win. No one will do the job better than the Virgos themselves.

In the summer, the stars promise a promotion up the career ladder. Those who work correctly - as if according to instructions, are focused and concentrated - can prepare their wallets for bonuses. Those who have not yet received a job need to tune in, because during the same summer period they will also have one.

Free money can be invested in projects of loved ones, of course, after consulting with relatives and friends. Then there is a huge chance that in the second half of 2017 the financial situation will improve significantly and income will be very high.

About Virgo's health in 2017

There is no reason to worry. There is nothing to worry about, only timely diagnosis, which, in turn, will help prevent the occurrence of any diseases or health problems.

IN winter time You should pay attention to cleansing your body - do not eat large quantity fatty foods. You need to become more inclined towards fruits and vegetables, as well as healthy, healthy food. And with the onset of spring, focus on sports, because energy and activity will not hurt anyone, especially the representatives of this sign. You can start with walks in the fresh air, and then think about swimming in the pool, yoga and meditation, as well as your favorite gym.

Problems with hormones can be resolved on their own, because Virgo’s body is well adapted to this. No need to rush to the pharmacy for additional use medications, this can be fraught with hormonal imbalance.

Say goodbye to problems gastrointestinal tract in the year of the Rooster, meetings with a new doctor or a change of environment, for example, a trip to a sanatorium, will help. In one case or another, a diet will be selected in exact accordance with the needs of the body - the path to recovery is ensured. Those who have bad habits will find it extremely easy to leave them, no matter what kind of habit it is - excessive consumption of alcohol or fatty foods.

Attending spa treatments and various trainings that will motivate you to new achievements is a must-do autumn program. As many warm meetings and bright colors as possible - yellow, orange, red - will help protect you from the blues, having a beneficial effect on the nervous system.

Horoscope for Virgo woman for 2017 Year of the Rooster

Virgo in the year of the Rooster is a strict woman who firmly pursues her goal. But this same excessiveness and punctuality can play against serious workers. Cut yourself some slack, you can do it.

If a goal is set, it will be achieved. Questions regarding work and career will fade into the background, but surprises are still worth waiting for. It is possible to achieve success only if you manage to forget about frivolity and demonstrate your business qualities.

In love affairs, caring Virgos will learn to embrace sharp corners relationship and be open with your partner.

Horoscope for a Virgo man for the year of the Rooster

Others get the impression that he is an indecisive man, but this is far from the case. After all, the beginning of the year promises a significant start to improving the career ladder, and in the spring, extraordinary, but such correct decisions will be made.

In love affairs, the stars promise excessive activity in the spring, but you should not do anything stupid, because then there will be no strength left for the autumn period.

The issue of laziness must be resolved immediately so that you don’t have to persuade yourself to take any action all year long.

Now you know what awaits Virgo in the year of the Rooster 2017. Try to be positive and look confidently into the future. It's only light. 😉

It’s better for you to start 2017 by summing up the results of the past year, analyzing mistakes and making the right decisions. This will help form the basis for the entire next year, which, apparently, will be quite successful for you. You will become more sociable, improve relationships with bosses, colleagues and loved ones.

Your business qualities, such as punctuality, perseverance, and hard work, will be rated above all praise.

The best period for career advancement is the middle and second half of January. But in February you shouldn’t be overzealous: it should be a calm month, during which you will most likely improve relationships with your partner and work colleagues.

From the end of May until the beginning of August, you will begin an amazingly successful streak: you will develop spiritually, expand your social circle, make progress in business, and be very active. From September, the pace of life should be slowed down: try not to make important decisions, do not fuss. IN controversial issues try to think about everything calmly and alone with yourself. During this period, be also careful in your relationships with your superiors.

At the end of September, you will experience an unprecedented surge of energy and strength, which will have a beneficial effect on your performance. Perhaps you will be able to bring the most incredible ideas and plans to life. The level of your experience and professional knowledge will increase significantly. In the second half of November, try not to enter into conflicts and avoid sharp corners in communication.

Love horoscope 2017 Virgo

This year, Virgo’s personal relationships will develop quite unevenly. Most problems are expected in January and April - a period when relationships may cool down. This is especially true for those who regularly mix personal relationships, business and money. For families, 2017 also presented a challenge – difficulties with children. The stars predict that these troubles can turn into significant expenses. Some families will decide to purchase property, perhaps in another city or even country. By summer all these events will be resolved.

In the second half of 2017, many Virgos may experience trouble with relatives. Problems can take completely different forms. In one situation, the position of the relatives will completely contradict the interests of the Virgo, and in another, the relatives may need help, which will fall heavily on the shoulders of the Virgo.

Jupiter will add good luck to any endeavors of Virgo, and Uranus promises big number all sorts of love adventures that involve making unexpected choices.

From the very beginning of the year, Virgos can prepare for a love bacchanalia. Mars will contribute to the beginning of the year at the peak of emotions and passions. Sexual irresistibility will allow you to attract the attention of a special person. During this period, a person from the past may appear. Here you will need to think carefully, because the appearance of an old acquaintance will make your heart beat faster.

In April you will learn many unexpected things about yourself. Perhaps the path to happiness will be found. Old wounds will be healed in September with the emergence of new relationships. Despite the fact that your friends will be surprised by your choice, everything will turn out well.

The 2017 love horoscope for Virgos shows that it is possible to show passion for people who cross your path on the 8th and 26th of any month. Pay attention to those whose names begin with "X" and "N".

Career Horoscope for 2017 Virgo

Events in the professional life of Virgos at the beginning of 2017 can greatly fray the nerves of representatives of the sign. The state of affairs will be characterized by extreme instability; several completely unrelated problems may arise in the professional field at once, which will need to be urgently resolved. Do not be alarmed: everything that will happen during this period is aimed only at ensuring that you are convinced of your own performance and competence, understand that you are a strong personality and can continue your career growth with complete self-confidence. Go through all the tests, reluctantly, and learn valuable lessons from them.

In the spring, as if by magic, all troubles and problems will leave you. A great time will begin for career growth and self-realization as a professional. New useful business contacts, effective sponsorship, creative ideas and any professional benefits you can only dream of await you. Don’t be afraid to inflate prices for your work - it will be justified and will only bring you more income. Don’t be afraid to take part in some adventurous business project: you will not lose anything and, it is possible, you will even gain.

In the summer, your activities will still be as effective, but there will be discord in the team, which will be fraught with big troubles. Here it is very important not to take everything to heart and avoid sharp corners - it is quite possible that your colleagues simply do not have enough wisdom for this. It is possible that you will be deliberately provoked into conflict; You shouldn’t give in, but now is the time to draw conclusions about the people with whom you work in the same team. Try not to speak out unless absolutely necessary, avoid getting personal, and don’t be too eloquent either in personal conversations or at business meetings.

The end of 2017 will not be a very successful period for all zodiac signs except yours. During this period, everything works out for you, work brings pleasure, and success in business does not leave you. Moreover, one can only envy your morale and fortitude during this period: you are cheerful, energetic and ready for new achievements. The only thing that can slightly darken this wonderful period is relationships with colleagues who may still be limping. The advice is the same: do not enter into conflicts and carefully avoid sharp corners. By the New Year, any troubles should resolve themselves.

Health horoscope for 2017 Virgo

In the area of ​​health, 2017 will be a very prosperous period for Virgos. Usually very sensitive to weather changes and seasonal ailments, at the beginning of the year you will forget about feeling unwell and will enjoy life as an absolutely healthy person. With only one condition: you cannot allow yourself gastronomic excesses and bad habits. Representatives of the sign who, during the Christmas holidays, will overdo it with mayonnaise salads and alcoholic drinks, they risk suffering for a long time with some disease of the digestive tract. In this case, medical assistance will be necessary, even hospitalization is possible.

Virgos are hard workers by nature, but spring months It is strongly recommended to refrain from labor exploits. During this period, you need to put health first on the list of your values ​​and do everything possible to feel good. If you get very tired from work and feel unwell, you should just take a vacation. Pay more attention to your daily routine, nutrition and preventive procedures - this will make you healthier and more successful, respectively.

In the summer, the general condition of the representatives of the sign will be satisfactory, but the risk of developing neurosis or neuralgia increases. To avoid this, try not to take what is happening around you too close to your heart, tune into a contemplative mood and look for harmony of soul and body. This period will be the most fruitful for thinking about life, as well as creative projects for the future: you will think clearly, speak accurately and feel on top of your game.

In the fall, Virgos who did not spare their bodies during the spring-summer period will have to pay bills. You may lose your nerves: you will become very hot-tempered and, to put it mildly, unpleasant in communication. Will help you heal ethnoscience: herbal infusions instead of tea and coffee, raw vegetables and salads instead of heavy side dishes, soy and fish instead of meat. Don't forget about playing sports, but make sure that they bring you real pleasure - for Virgos the emotional component is very important. By the end of the year, you will be able to regain your strength and heal your nerves, but in the near future you will still have to take care of yourself.

Virgo - annual horoscope

“I picked up the tug, don’t say it’s not hefty” - this is exactly how the situation will turn out in 2017 according to the Virgo horoscope. But you are no stranger to it - almost always responsibility for many people, both in your immediate and distant surroundings, falls on you.

The Year of the Fire Rooster will be a year of diplomacy and cooperation for people born under the sign of Virgo. Jupiter in Libra suggests that in addition to your own interests, in order to succeed in all areas of life, you will have to take into account the interests of others. But the favorable location of the planets will allow Virgos to come to an agreement with other people, find a compromise solution and really become a real peacemaker this year. Many will even be able to make peace with old enemies or ill-wishers. Use this period to sign contracts, negotiate and get married. This year, thanks to your dazzling charm, you will be able to perform brilliantly in negotiations and conclude very profitable contracts. The main thing is not to react to provocations that may lurk at every turn.

With the onset of 2017, Virgo will feel an incredible surge of strength. At this time, there is a high probability of a change in beliefs and principles. The desire to become better will allow Virgo to expand her horizons - social, professional. Personal life will be more intense than ever, and may cause problems at work and school. This year, Virgo will be interested in psychology, philosophy, mysticism, religion - and will be able to successfully apply the knowledge gained in life. Also, many representatives of this sign will want to change their image, and to the delight of the bright Rooster, they will throw out all the simple and discreet things from their wardrobe. They will be replaced by sophisticated and sophisticated outfits. Virgos will want to attend exhibitions, go to fashion shows, and discuss film premieres. Don't be surprised if you develop an interest in art.

However, due to the unfavorable connection between Jupiter and Uranus, financial problems may arise and significant trips may be disrupted.

In 2017, people born under the sign of Virgo will find it incredibly difficult to pay attention to routine things - but this is where she can fail. It is important to show up to work on time, complete small responsibilities, and not focus solely on large-scale projects.

2017, the year of the Fire Rooster, will be the right time to discover some talent in yourself. Creative Virgos will be extremely lucky this year, because their potential will increase several times. In turn, this will lead to increased performance, which will not go unnoticed by others. Perhaps you will be able to organize a major event for your family or company - a performance, an exhibition, a corporate event. Even those Virgos who have not been touched by a ray of creativity will feel an incredible surge of creative energy at the beginning of the year. Many people will want to paint a picture, sew an exclusive item, or sing a funny song at the nearest karaoke bar. Don't resist your desires, because they will bring a lot of pleasure and positivity.

For Virgo women, the beginning of 2017 will bring wonderful luck and luck. The second half of the year should be devoted to your family, especially children. If a Virgo woman has sons aged 10-14 years, she should definitely become their friend, to whom they could entrust their secrets and experiences.

Virgo men are down-to-earth people, very attentive to details. And, the main thing that they must remember this year is that only strategic foresight, tactical determination and determination will bring success.

VIRGO horoscope for 2017 female and male.

In 2017, Virgos will want to “put their feet up”!!! After all, for some strange reason, when Virgos sit down at the computer, at the table, or even just on the sofa, you immediately want to lift your legs up! So in 2017, you will always have the desire to lift your legs! Because all next year you will be looking for a “comfort zone” for yourself! And if Virgo decided to find a “comfort zone” for themselves, then it’s better for everyone else to hide and not interfere!

As shown horoscope for 2017 for Virgo, next year you will be more active than ever. This is because 2017 will bring numerous opportunities for most Virgos.

Moreover, even despite the fact that obstacles and surprises await you throughout the year, by the end of 2017, on the train of life, you will arrive safe and sound, and with a satisfied look. The main thing is to remember a very convenient phrase - “I don’t want to offend anyone.” This phrase is very, very suitable for Virgos. But really, they said it - and offend whoever you want!

And although the 2017 horoscope for Virgo indicates that next year some representatives of your zodiac sign will face serious setbacks in relationships, most Virgos will be able to protect their interests both in Love and in relationships. The main thing is not to pull two strings of your partners at once. You know, like in a situation where a man is in a pet store. He sees a luxurious Parrot: a red thread is tied to his left leg, and a green one to his right. He became interested and the owner explained. If you pull the right one, he will speak Spanish. To the left - in German. Man: What if for both?? Parrot: “Are you an idiot?!” I’ll fall off my perch!” So for Virgos in relationships, next year the main thing is not to lose their “smell” and not to pull their partner’s two paws at the same time. Otherwise, Virgos sometimes lose control of themselves and can jerk their partner so that he (she) not only falls off the perch, but also runs away! Therefore, Virgos, manipulate people as before, pull the strings, the main thing is not two at the same time! Moreover, judging by the horoscope for 2017, the planet Mars will help you in any of your efforts during the year and will provide you with the necessary energy to achieve your goals. It’s just that, at the same time as energy, Mars will make you more conflicted, so don’t forget to pull yourself together sometimes. And since any Virgo is best calmed by the sound of an ATM dispensing money, in the most critical moments imagine how much a quarrel or conflict will cost you. This will definitely help you calm down faster.

Horoscope for 2017 Virgo. Planet Jupiter will maintain stability in your personal life and promote good interpersonal contacts. This means that next year you will not be able to move forward on your own and in isolation. To succeed in the year of the Red Fire Rooster, Virgos need to strengthen their relationships with their loved ones, with friends, with colleagues and with relatives.

At the beginning of the year, Virgos need to try to “sharpen” right away. Everything will be a little blurry for you, and you won't have the slightest idea where you are going, with whom, and why. Remember how it was there, at B.G. “To understand where to go, without hesitation...” So no 100 grams. Put the glass on the table - you've had enough New Year's holidays. At the beginning of the year, you need to quickly return to work, or to your normal life, in short, to emerge from Illusions and the Internet into real life. And although slight uncertainty about “tomorrow” will not go away, be firm and decisive - even when in the morning you want to kill the alarm clock and everyone around you. There is definitely light at the end of the tunnel. And the fact that it is not approaching quickly is very good - it means it is not a train. Yes, and most often the light at the end of the tunnel only shows that there is no light in the tunnel itself. This means you need to get out of it quickly.

It is the tunnel and the light at the end of the tunnel that 2017 will be most like for most Virgos. This is only for worms the light at the end of the tunnel - not for Good. But for everyone else, these are tempting prospects. These are exactly the tempting prospects that 2017 will open to most Virgos. So your task next year is simply not to miss them!

The horoscope for 2017 also advises Virgos to play the game “+100 points in karma” next year. In other words, next year, you should not forget about spiritual goals, good deeds, charitable organizations And social projects. On the one hand, it’s even a little wild to tell the most cynical of all zodiac signs about this, but on the other hand, this is exactly what will help bring the necessary harmony into your life. Therefore, next year the game “+100 points in karma” will be very important for you. Well, come up with the rules yourself... This is in a situation where old man Hottabych accidentally caught goldfish, finding a solution is difficult. After all, they are both silent, looking at each other - the situation is stalemate. And in life you can always find words for good deeds. And where there is a word, there are actions.

Judging by the horoscope, some Virgos will travel a lot next year. Some Virgos may have very long business trips. And for some, trips or travel will significantly affect their career or professional field. So pay special attention to travel issues next year.

So, Virgos, don’t sit with your feet up and wait for the “light at the end of the tunnel” to come closer to you, but get up and run towards it! And there is no need to continue to shock people with your questions from the series: “Well, why, when I propose to kill someone, does everyone take it as a joke???” Learn to at least sometimes control your natural sarcasm!

In 2017, Virgo will have a successful year in many ways, full of positive events. The topic of expanding the sphere of influence and the emergence of new resources on which to rely will be relevant. Representatives of this sign will begin to have a different attitude towards finances and various material benefits. They will become more important than usual, and Virgos will achieve success in strengthening their financial position. This process will be especially relevant in the first half of the year. Relationships with family and clan will begin to develop differently. Virgos will feel more mature and responsible for the well-being of their loved ones. At the same time, family ties will become a strong support for them and will prove useful in many matters.

The horoscope advises those born under this sign to pay attention to the retrograde periods of their ruling planet, Mercury. In 2017 it falls on April, September and December. At this time, it is better to avoid making fateful decisions and sorting out relationships with loved ones, and be careful with various papers and documents. The last ten days of the year will make Virgos much more sociable than usual. They will want to travel more, learn something new, and make new acquaintances. Towards the end of the year, it is better to avoid discussing financial issues with loved ones. Rely on your instincts and don't listen to other people's advice.

Horoscope for 2017 for Virgo: love, family

The personal life of representatives of this sign in the coming year will be mostly harmonious and calm. Virgos in a couple will find new points of contact with their lovers in the first half of the year. Possible financial aid from them, support in matters that will strengthen trust in their couples. For lonely Virgos, the horoscope promises an acquaintance with a high-status, wealthy person. In this relationship, they will finally feel like they are behind a stone wall. A meeting is most likely in entertainment venues and places related to art.

It should be noted that in the period from February to June, Virgos can rethink a lot in their criteria for choosing a partner. Your loved one may behave a little unconventionally during this period, and this is not something to be afraid of. The end of spring and summer will be dedicated to new emotions in intimate life. Here Virgos learn a lot about themselves. Starting from October, those born under this sign will want to spend time with their loved ones more often, communicate more, and learn something new together. The homebody mood that dominated Virgo couples last year will fade away.

Horoscope 2017 for Virgo: money, finances

As mentioned above, 2017 will be a turning point in terms of financial situation for many Virgos. They realize that their needs and demands have grown, which means they need more money than before. In addition, Virgos will learn to perceive the process of making money not as a boring duty, but as a pleasure that opens up many new opportunities for them. The most successful in this regard will be the beginning of the year, the first two months of winter. In March, on the contrary, you need to be more careful with finances, especially those of others. You should not take out debt, apply for loans and the like. The same applies last month of the year.

At the beginning of summer, the horoscope advises you to cast aside doubts and decide on a major purchase, which representatives of this sign have been putting off for a long time. In the fall, it is possible to receive an inheritance or a large gift from the family, which will greatly improve Virgo’s financial situation. In general, throughout the year they can count on financial support from family and partners.

Horoscope 2017 Virgo: career, work, business

The coming year does not prepare radical changes in the career field for those born under this sign. Everything will be quite stable and smooth. In the first ten days of 2017, a profitable business offer from one of your relatives is possible, which will not only contribute to career advancement, but will also be a good increase in income. Good time to start family business. Those Virgos who work in companies can improve their relationships with their superiors, which will have a positive impact on their salaries.

The beginning of summer is the right time to decide on some risky undertaking that Virgos have been putting off for a long time. Owners of their business can find new investors or sponsors. In August, a situation may arise at work that will allow you to achieve your goal not in the most honest way. But the Virgo horoscope advises them to be careful and not put their reputation on the line. In the last ten days of the year, representatives of this sign can find new ways to earn money related to the process of learning and processing information. Virgos will feel more ambitious than usual. In November, you should plan your budget more carefully, not get involved in gambling and not allow yourself to spend thoughtlessly.

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