How to get the girl you love. How to get a girl: we hit you in the heart! Signs that you won't be rejected when you try to kiss a girl

Although, in fact, they manage to do this quite rarely. The reason for this is the lack of knowledge about the nature of female desire and the inability to manage the balance of significance.

Are you sure that you know how to get the girl you love?

I will answer this question for you. But first, let's take a closer look at the mistakes guys make and figure out why, after all, the common ways to win the heart of a beauty are wrong.

"Terrible" mistakes guys make

Due to being surrounded by a large number of women, a guy's beliefs in the vast majority of cases become distorted. He believes that the:

  • you need to run after the girl
  • over-groom
  • speak tender words
  • give gifts
  • prove your love every day
  • and be the first to reconcile, even if she is wrong

And all of these are gross mistakes that... I would even say truly “terrible” mistakes.

The most interesting thing is that the female gender actively supports this point of view. They claim that they know exactly how to get the girl you love.

But no matter how hard they try to maintain such a point of view, they will never be able to deceive themselves.

Their instincts make them look for a strong male male.

Nature originally provided that a man more important than women. And when a man begins to make the mistakes I have listed (without even suspecting that these are, in fact, mistakes), he loses all his masculine attractiveness in her eyes.

It turns out that when you follow the advice of the girls themselves, you make a mistake.

Then how can you get the girl you love if your usual actions don’t work?

And now this exciting moment has come when I will answer your question.

How to get a girl: important rules

I want to tell you about such a concept as “ balance of significance" When you start communicating with a girl, your communication is like a tug of war. Only it has different, completely opposite laws.

The more effort you make, the more the balance of importance shifts in her direction. That is, for example, by starting to make frequent calls, give flowers and offer to meet, you are handing over control over the future relationship to your new partner. If this relationship even begins...

One bouquet of flowers, a couple of calls, a demonstration of your neediness and she is no longer interested in you. She, of course, will accept flowers from you and answer calls, but you can forget about sexual interest in you.

Moreover, this balance of significance begins to shift already at the moment when you show a little more interest than she does.

“How then can you achieve the woman you love, if any manifestations of interest shift this very balance in her direction? And how can I control these manifestations if my feelings for her are sincere and I cannot restrain them?” - you ask.

You need to completely exclude from your actions those moments that will show your excessive interest.

In general, you can show interest in a girl, but to do this you need to follow 3 rules:

  1. You don't have to show your interest right away. Do this after she at least tells you something about herself.
  2. She must understand that your interest is not eternal and she needs to try to maintain it.
  3. From time to time, take your interest back, putting the girl in an uncertain state when she is not exactly sure whether you like her or not.

If during the meeting you did not interest her in any way, and when talking on the phone you did not learn anything about her, then there is no point in inviting her to a meeting. Most likely you will be refused. Because she will understand that she is not interested in you, and did not even try to find out anything about her (= ready to date even a girl who is not suitable for you and waste time on her).

Oddly enough, to get a girl, you must first create interest. For this:

  • Don't be too quick to show interest
  • Ask as much as you can about her (but remember that too many questions is also bad) and, if possible, try to make her feel like you appreciate her.
  • Create a feeling of uncertainty in her. She must not understand for a minute that you are already in her hands.
  • Tease her to further create a feeling of uncertainty (yes, to woo a girl, you don’t need to be afraid to joke with her).

Also, do not forget that you cannot always treat her well. If you show her all the time that you like her and often take the initiative in meetings and communication, then this is not very good. Sometimes you need to “cool” towards her in order to make her want to take the initiative herself.

And the more beautiful a girl is, the less interest in her you need to show.

There is one interesting trick on how you can get the girl you love.

If you carefully and thoughtfully read the previous part of the article, you could conclude that showing excessive interest is not very good.

However, there is an exception: when you show her your interest and immediately remind her that you cannot meet now.

Example: “Hmm, it’s strange, but I still think about how we met. It’s a pity that we won’t be able to meet today.”

This is a kind of teasing when you show your interest, but on the other hand, you immediately remind them that there will be no meeting yet.

This feature works like real bomb.

You can try one more option: if you really can’t restrain your impulses to please her with a gift, then you can give it. But on one condition. After that, you should not invite her to a meeting for at least 7 days and call her often. And it’s better not to write or call at all, so that she is sincerely amazed by your action (a gift and silence on your part).

Those. on the one hand, you make her very nice, but on the other hand, you don’t expect anything in return, and don’t even try to get something.

(The mistake of other men is that they give gifts and do nice things to the girl only because they want to get something from the girls. This position is initially a losing one. And the trick that I just talked about obviously puts you at a disadvantage advantageous position than most men.)

How to get your ex-girlfriend?

Now let's talk about how you can woo your ex-girlfriend who you still love. The strategy here changes somewhat. However, you must still adhere to the general canons of male attractiveness.

First, you need to determine exactly what mistakes you made. It is these mistakes that lead to your girlfriend losing interest in you and the relationship falling apart.

Such errors include:

  1. Neediness (when you directly or indirectly show that you feel bad without her attention)
  2. A clear desire to gain her approval (most actions are aimed at this)
  3. Jealousy
  4. Overstating a girl's importance
  5. Investing a huge amount of time into it
  6. Constant display of initiative on the part of the guy and inability to make sure that the girl also shows initiative
  7. Full availability (slightly appears free time– immediately gives it to his partner or, even worse, sacrifices important things just to meet her).
  8. Unattractive behavior (lack of confidence in communicating with people, inability to say “no”, etc.)

How to get your ex-girlfriend if the behavior of a guy in love contains almost all of these mistakes? First of all, you must completely eradicate these mistakes from your behavior. Your task is to completely change your image at any cost. No matter how hard it is for you, you must completely eliminate these moments. Therefore, about:

  • she will like you
  • take the initiative once again
  • give a gift
  • get approval for some of your actions (for example, you can act in accordance with her preferences; in this case, you will lose her interest)

you can forget.

Also, to get your ex-girlfriend, you should: certain time stop going out (if you were still acting that way).

Let her miss you and begin to doubt her own value to you (unfortunately, this is often the only option to get her back).

Again, as in the case of a new partner, you should not immediately rush into her arms to win your ex-girlfriend. Even if she shows that she doesn't mind it. As you understand, throwing yourself into her arms is a figurative expression. What this all means is that you should not show excessive interest even when she shows interest in you.

Now you know how to woo a girl (including your ex) and, most importantly, do it right.

To get a girl’s attention, it is recommended to act confidently and purposefully, without making time-consuming plans. First you need to indicate what type of relationship the guy can offer. They can be both serious and non-committal. Also, a girl may consider a guy just a friend, but date someone else. You need to act confidently and always do something instead of silently observing the development of events.

Important! Today, taking care of yourself and having an attractive appearance at any age is very simple. How? Read the story carefully Marina Kozlova Read →

How can a guy get a girl?

If a young man wants to win the favor of a young lady, then he must take into account that feelings may not arise in her immediately, this will take time. It is necessary for the girl to get used to the presence of a new acquaintance in her life. Don't bother her with frequent dates and constant calls.

You only need to get the girl you like with the truth. It's better to be yourself and not pretend to be perfect. The truth will come out, the companion will consider herself deceived and will not want to continue communication. If you can’t get her interested, then you shouldn’t be upset about the one who couldn’t accept her boyfriend for who he is.

It is recommended to constantly give compliments. You need to praise your hairstyle, shoes or even manicure. Also, if a girl’s fan becomes someone who lifts her spirits and supports her, then it will be easier for her to fall in love. A shared positive attitude and laughter bring people together.

To achieve your partner’s favor, you need to give flowers more often and spend leisure time together. The guy is advised to be gallant, be patient, and become more caring. He can sometimes gently touch the girl’s hair or shoulder if she allows herself to be touched, and also look at her more often. But it is necessary to maintain the boundaries of decency. If a guy wants to touch, he doesn’t need to squeeze his companion’s hand; it’s quite easy to just rub it over the shoulder and straighten a curl.

Girls love to be surrounded by beauty. The guy is advised to take care of himself. This doesn't mean you should immediately change your wardrobe, but it is important to keep your nails, hair, skin and clothes clean.

It is recommended to find out all the girl’s wishes in advance. It is also important to be polite and gallant: open the door to the room for her, give her a sweater if she is cold, give her a hand when exiting a vehicle.

How to interest a girl

What's the best thing to do?

Sometimes it turns out that a girl does not want to date even after showing signs of attention. First you need to find out why she decided this way. Most often, the reasons are personal, and in order to get to the bottom of the truth, the guy can be advised to stop active courtship and become more of a friend with whom you can have a heart-to-heart talk. If during the dialogue it turns out that your reluctance to date is connected specifically with this guy, you shouldn’t go further than friendly relations. If he doesn’t want a relationship because of past negative experiences, then in this case the young man just needs to be patient.

If the girl doesn’t want to date yet, but wants to communicate, and the guy is willing to wait quite a long time, then he needs to become a friend who is able to listen and help. After a while, both will know each other better than some couples whose relationship began with love. It is recommended to spend the first meeting at the cinema or just for a walk. The main thing is that both feel comfortable. If the meeting where the guy and the girl are just friends goes well, then next time you can add a little romance.

How to get a girl

Is it necessary to pursue if she refused to meet?

It is important to understand: the companion refused because she does not want to meet with a specific young man, or this is a game during which she hopes to gain even more power.

Algorithm of behavior if a girl refuses to date:

  • It is necessary to analyze why the failure occurred.
  • Work on the cause.
  • Communicate less often with a girl if she has not substantiated the refusal in any way, but she likes constant attention young man. She will quickly get bored and begin to look for the admirer herself, because she is accustomed to round-the-clock attention.

Sooner or later, a man in love has a question about how to win the heart of the girl he likes. The situation can be further complicated by the fact that the chosen one is in no hurry to reciprocate or does not pay attention to the potential gentleman at all. Books on psychology reveal many secrets with the help of which even the most ordinary applicant in all respects will earn the favor of any beauty and hear the cherished “yes” in response. Astrology also does not lag behind in the study of cordial relationships. The horoscope will help you find the right approach to your beloved.

Important! Today, taking care of yourself and having an attractive appearance at any age is very simple. How? Read the story carefully Marina Kozlova Read →

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    Preparatory stage

    The process of winning the lady of your heart is not as simple and quick as it seems. Women are picky creatures and always give preference to those men who are willing to spend their time on them. Before moving directly to the “capture of an impregnable fortress,” it is necessary to carefully analyze the current situation on the “love front” and begin preparations.

    If everything is clear with the choice of a companion, you need to develop a clear action plan in order to draw the attention of a potential partner in your direction:

    1. 1. Become confident. Girls prefer guys with optimal self-esteem who do not doubt themselves and their actions. If self-esteem is overestimated or underestimated, it should be brought back to normal. A guy who doesn't look confident or, on the contrary, suffers from narcissism, is unlikely to please any woman. There are always exceptions to every rule, so I can’t speak for all ladies. But most still think in the standard way. In order to look like a confident man in the eyes of your beloved, you need to firmly accept the blows of fate, often leave your comfort zone and not hide from troubles.
    2. 2. Play sports. Women like men who are strong not only mentally, but also physically. Of course, you don’t need to become a boxing champion in one week, but it never hurts to slightly tighten your body and pump up your abs. Even if you don’t succeed in winning your beloved in the end, a beautiful body will not hurt at all when looking for a new darling. Besides physical exercise strengthen character, heal the body, develop willpower, which will help in achieving any goals.
    3. 3. Maintain neatness in appearance and clothing every day. According to most men, girls love their hair casual, and three-day stubble seems sexy to them. This is wrong. If on the way of a man he meets a worthy beautiful woman, then you need to match her in everything, including in appearance. Don't neglect simple rules hygiene and personal care. Clothes should be clean and ironed, tastefully selected, shoes should be polished. The smell of perfume and beautiful accessories, for example, will not be superfluous, expensive watch. Women always pay attention to elegant men.
    4. 4. Self-development. Any self-sufficient woman is unlikely to like a man who is not able to carry on a conversation, does not read books, and does not strive to gain any new knowledge. You need to diversify your life as much as possible - sign up for courses foreign languages, attend exhibitions, trainings, etc. A passionate and ambitious man with a goal has a much better chance than a bore who cannot put two words together.
    5. 5. Love yourself. This rule is as old as time. If a person does not love and respect himself, then other people will treat him the same way.
    6. 6. Understand your feelings. You need to understand for yourself what kind of relationship you want with a girl. This will help you clearly define your plans in the future and bring certainty to future relationships. Naturally, women prefer men with serious intentions.
    7. 7. Research your potential partner as much as possible. It is necessary to find out her preferences. What films does she watch, what does she read, does she like music, who does she communicate with, does she play sports, etc. At first glance, the task seems difficult, but in the age information technologies, where almost everyone has pages on in social networks, collecting information of this kind is not so difficult.
    8. 8. Tune in to a positive and favorable outcome. It is equally important to prepare yourself psychologically, how to positive result, and to failure.

    In the event of an unfavorable outcome, when it was not possible to achieve your beloved by all possible and impossible methods, you should not isolate yourself and label yourself a loser. A beloved woman is an independent person with her own tastes and preferences that must be respected. It is impossible to please absolutely everyone, and this must be calmly accepted.

    How to interest a girl

    How to get your beloved?

    If in old times It was possible to win a beloved woman with the help of knightly feats, but now few modern men are ready to do crazy things in the name of love. No one encourages a young man to put on armor and mount a horse, but he will still have to make every effort and spend personal time during the candy-bouquet period. Recommendations given by psychologists:

    • Be the first to take the initiative, and not expect it from your chosen one. First, you need to unobtrusively hint about your feelings towards the lady. Perhaps she has no idea that someone has been in love with her for a long time. You can give her a nice compliment or invite her to a movie, an exhibition, a theater or a restaurant, there are a lot of options.
    • Behave naturally and be a good conversationalist. If the first step has been taken and a closer acquaintance has begun, and perhaps a long-awaited date has already been scheduled with a girl you like, you need to try to behave appropriately. You shouldn’t try on other people’s roles, pretend cool guy, gesture and shout while talking, apply obscene language or remain silent. At the beginning of the courtship period, women take an observant position, they wait, study the man. Good manners and competent speech will definitely impress her.
    • Be sincere. If your loved one likes desperate guys, you shouldn’t ride a motorcycle or jump with a parachute. Or perhaps she loves classical music, then it is not at all necessary to learn to play the piano. It is enough to be yourself and not “put on” the image of her ideal. Every person is unique and inimitable; you cannot lose respect for yourself so much as to become someone else. All words that a man addresses to his chosen one should be sincere. Women are very sensitive to any falsehood and lies.
    • Become an extraordinary person for her and have a good sense of humor. Girls love men who are easy to talk to and with whom you can laugh heartily. Don’t be shy about joking and amusing your chosen one at the beginning of the courtship period. It’s not worth telling vulgar or stupid jokes, just like making fun of the girl’s shortcomings. This will offend her. It is also necessary to take into account that despite the craving for the cheerful disposition of a potential partner, most women are too ordinary men they are also not attracted much. You need to maintain a touch of mystery and emphasize your individuality. Here it is important to find that thin, barely perceptible line between excessive simplicity and excessive complexity, since many representatives of the fair sex will not like to solve very difficult riddles.
    • Ask more about her and don’t forget to tell about yourself. You need to be sincerely interested in her hobbies, family, and lifestyle. Be sure to give similar information and about yourself in order to create a feeling of trust in the girl.
    • Show attention and give compliments. Women are favorable to men who are romantic and capable of action. Bouquets, gifts, regular invitations to a restaurant or theater (depending on the preferences of the beloved), romantic SMS before bed or greetings with Good morning- all this on a subconscious level makes the girl feel special, interesting and needed. Compliments should not be banal; women hear them many times a day. You need to praise only what attracted you to her in the first place. Maybe she dances well or paints pictures, everyone loves when their skills are truly appreciated.
    • Don't be greedy. Stingy men who can't pay for a girl in a restaurant or a couple of movie tickets are not going to be liked by anyone. It is not necessary to present jewelry on first dates, but everyone is obliged to arrange at least one unforgettable evening for their chosen one. You can rent a yacht for excursions or an expensive car to drive around beautiful places cities. Women love such surprises.
    • Be gallant and sensitive. Giving your hand in time, covering her shoulders with your jacket if it’s cold is not that difficult. But the girl will appreciate such little things and feel protected. At the very first stage of courtship, you need to try not to spoil the achieved mutual understanding by sudden disappearance, rudeness, or inattention. Otherwise, the matter will be limited to a few dates.
    • Make more visual and tactile contacts, but staying at a distance. The main thing here is not to cross the line of decency. There is no need to pester a lady with obsessive kisses right away. It is enough to take her hand, look into her eyes during a conversation, and not judge her appearance by openly looking at her cleavage. After a pleasant evening, you can take the girl home and kiss her on the cheek or touch her hand with your lips. Such a harmless gesture will not be rejected.

    How to attract a girl's attention

    What to do if the chosen one does not want a relationship?

    It happens that the initial period of courtship does not bring the long-awaited results and the young lady changes the subject when it comes to further relationships. In this situation, you need to analyze what caused such a decision: maybe she doesn’t want to get involved with a specific man, or she doesn’t want any relationship because she once experienced a difficult breakup, or she has absolutely no free time (work late, study, family circumstances).

    In any case, do not be discouraged, you need to be patient and become a close friend who can listen in any difficult situation. It is necessary to show care and delicacy when discussing with her any personal circumstances of her life. Lend a shoulder in difficult times, help if she needs it. And do not violate her personal space, provide the opportunity to choose. Women really appreciate this kind of treatment from men. Most strong unions began with sincere friendship. If he considers you a friend, then he trusts you, and trust is the basis of any relationship. As soon as the girl gets used to constant communication, you can begin to unobtrusively invite her on dates or outings, gradually increasing the share of romance in them.

    A dangerous moment can be a situation when a girl sees in a man only a “vest” to cry on, and not a potential partner. In this case, you should directly and as carefully as possible convey to her that such an attitude is not interesting to anyone, even if it causes offense and indignation. Otherwise, you may one day receive enormous gratitude for your restored faith in men and an invitation to a wedding with another.

    Is it worth winning over a girl who refused?

    If a woman refuses further relationship, you need to decide for yourself whether you need to continue trying to gain her affection. First, it’s worth understanding whether this is really the one that is as necessary as air or whether it’s just a passing hobby, a slight crush.

    If you really need a girl, then under no circumstances should you give up and give up. It is necessary to find out the reasons for the refusal on her part; perhaps they are not so critical, and everything can be corrected:

    • Maybe she just didn't have enough attention. In this case, you should constantly present your chosen one with pleasant surprises, and the more original they are, the better. You can write a declaration of love on the asphalt in front of her windows or propose in a public place with a large crowd of people.
    • If she has received complaints about the lack of time that a man spends on her, then she should organize her schedule in such a way that she can spend most of the evening with her chosen one. In those moments when physical presence nearby is impossible, it is worth writing romantic SMS with declarations of love.
    • When the reason for refusal is a lack of feelings on her part, then it is necessary to prove to the chosen one that he is worthy of her. You can indicate the seriousness of your intentions, reliability and support in any situation. Let her see a support, a stone wall behind which she can hide from any of life’s adversities. Don't be afraid to take responsibility for her well-being and happiness. You definitely need to give her time to think and during this period not bother her with unnecessary questions, but calmly wait for an answer. Women rarely refuse such men.
    • If you fell in love with a girl who already has a boyfriend, then the reasons for the refusal are quite understandable. In this case, one should wonder why they have not yet legalized the relationship. They usually try to marry a woman whom a man loves before she falls into the heart of someone else. If she is still single, perhaps not everything is so smooth in their relationship. You shouldn’t count on quick results in this case, but you can make attempts to get closer to your chosen one’s friends so as not to lose sight of her, or relatives, for example, formally ask the girl’s parents for her hand in marriage. This will distinguish any man from his opponent.

    What not to do?

    In order not to miss the woman you love, you need to know how not to behave during the courtship period:

    • There is no need to constantly bother your chosen one with calls, SMS at any time of the day or night, or frequent invitations to dates. She'll simply get tired of it. You need to be persistent, not intrusive.
    • Don't show your jealousy or be too emotional during quarrels. Even if the chosen one communicates with other people of the opposite sex, there is no need to worry. Confident men are not afraid of competition, they know how to achieve their goals, no matter what, and that’s exactly what women like.
    • You cannot impose your views on certain things on a girl. If tastes do not coincide in some way, that's normal. You just need to find a compromise.
    • There is no need to point out to the girl any of her shortcomings (wrong speech or manner of dressing, etc.). She will consider such a man a bore.
    • You shouldn't be an owner. Every person needs personal space and freedom.
    • There is no need to discuss your ex-girlfriends with her. In this case, she will think that she is being compared to someone else.
    • You can’t put pressure on her, force her to make decisions in a hurry. It's off-putting.
    • When communicating, you should not show any negative character traits, for example, vindictiveness. The girl will be afraid to continue communication.

    Lover's zodiac sign

    Astrology, no worse than psychology, will help you win the favor of your beloved. A lot depends on what zodiac sign she corresponds to:

    • If a girl was born under the sign of Aries, she is very independent and capricious. She loves when people admire her, so she definitely needs to give compliments more often. If a man wants to win her, he needs to be ready for real actions. He must be confident, self-sufficient and romantic. In addition, the Aries woman does not like it when someone tries to limit her freedom.
    • The Taurus woman loves men who are practical, down to earth, but not devoid of imagination. To win her favor, you need to give her original surprises more often.
    • A Gemini girl is not so easy to keep. She is very fickle, changing not only numerous hobbies, but also partners. If a man takes the risk of building a relationship with her, then he should forget about jealousy forever. In addition, it is important to share with her all her hobbies, even those that are not so interesting.
    • Cancer is a very vulnerable sign. When born under it, you should not show coldness in relationships.
    • Lionesses are powerful and vain. They like expensive gifts, everyone's admiration and waiting for the real king. A man who wants to get a Leo girl must be generous and attentive.
    • Virgos have high criteria for selecting candidates for their hand and heart. A potential partner must be reliable, honest, faithful, smart, know how to dress with taste, and carry on a conversation. And there are a large number of such “shoulds” in her arsenal.
    • The Libra woman loves attention very much. She also appreciates her partner’s ability to listen to her advice for hours and follow it.
    • The Scorpio girl is very warlike, knows her worth and does not waste time on trifles. But it’s not easy to win her heart; she chooses a worthy partner herself.
    • Sagittarius is very afraid of being captured by household chores. To win such a girl, it is enough to promise her that after marriage she will not stand at the stove for hours and will not lose her favorite hobbies.
    • Capricorns dream of meeting a real man. If he does not have high life goals and ambitions, then such a woman will never look in his direction.
    • The Aquarius woman is very impulsive. Most of all, she values ​​her freedom and independence. To gain the favor of Aquarius, you should not invade her personal space.
    • Pisces are sensitive and suspicious. They constantly need to prove their feelings.

    And a little about secrets...

    I looked at my husband in fascination, and he did not take his admiring eyes off his mistress. He acted like a lovesick idiot...

    Absolutely every young man wants to please and be attractive to the fair half of the population, and, having met beautiful girl, everyone begins to think about how to make a good impression on her. Most often, in such situations, men use their own methods, which are based on personal experience and theories, but neither one nor the other gives any guarantee of success.

    Despite all the efforts and suffering of a man, a girl can remain completely indifferent to him. In this case, someone simply gives up and begins to search for “prey” more accommodatingly, and the rest wonder “ How to get a girl?" This article is the answer to this question. So…

    How to get a girl.

    If you really want get a girl, You need to understand for yourself that nothing is impossible in this world. No matter how beautiful, rich, successful and ambitious your beloved is, you still have every chance to melt her heart and become the only one for her. Believe in your strength and in yourself. Only under this condition will you be able to achieve your desired goal, regardless of your appearance and financial situation.

    You shouldn’t strive for mutual feelings and sympathy from the very first day. It is unlikely that anything will come of this. Do not rush into confessions and oaths of fidelity, as this will more likely push you away from her than bring you closer. At first, you should be just friends, without any pretensions to a close relationship. Try to position yourself in such a way that the girl understands that you are a reliable person who can be relied on in any situation. You need her to start trusting you. This is the first step towards achieving the desired reciprocity.

    Always take care of your appearance. You should always look your best. It's not about the cost of clothes, but about your neatness. A well-groomed appearance, clean ironed clothes, clean shoes - this is what any girl will pay attention to.

    Don't forget that any relationship is built on trust. If you want some reciprocity, be extremely sincere and honest with the girl. She will definitely appreciate this attitude towards herself and will respond in kind.

    A good sense of humor is what any girl appreciates in a man. Don't be afraid to seem funny. The smile on her face is what is really important, because it always means that she feels good and comfortable around you. Learn to cheer her up. This is incredibly important.

    “The eyes are the mirror of the soul.” Absolutely every person knows this expression. By just one glance you can understand what a person feels, what he thinks about, what he wants. Your view is powerful weapon. Don't miss the opportunity to use it. Look at the girl with admiration and love so that she feels how much you love her. Pay attention to how she looks at you. Perhaps you will see the same thing in her gaze, and the meeting of two loving glances, most often,... Of course, there is no need to rush things, but you shouldn’t miss this opportunity either.

    Any girl wants to be next to that man behind whom she would feel like behind a stone wall. Be brave too. Your lover should see you as a strong person who she can rely on. Responsibility and determination are your main trump card!

    Be romantic. Without this heart, a girl is almost impossible to achieve. Despite all your strength, you are a kind and affectionate person who surrounds your beloved girl with care and attention, repeating your feelings. Have romantic dinners, walk around the metropolis at night, give flowers and gifts, arrange surprises. All this will only benefit your relationship. However, don’t try to “buy” a girl with all this. It is in you, and not in your generosity. Relationships that last material benefits As a rule, relationships do not last long, and parting always pulls the rug out from under your feet.

    Find out her opinion and ask for her advice. In this way, you will let her know that you are interested in her, and it is very important to you what she thinks about any matter. However, you should not overdo it. If you consult her on everything, she may think of you that you do not know how to make decisions on your own and take responsibility for all the consequences. It is necessary to feel this fine line between healthy interest and weak character.

    If you are going to learn how to win, subdue and achieve a girl, make her choice of you, among the countless number of fans pursuing her, read 18 proven steps that you can start using right now.

    How to win a girl, woo her and conquer her

    Step 1. Stop purposefully trying

    Oddly enough, the first step to winning a girl is to stop trying to keep such a goal in mind. Instead, just start without asking for anything in return.

    You will be surprised how much easier everything will be for you if you stop being dependent on the result.

    Most men will do whatever it takes to please a girl with a goal in mind. However, guys who don't care about impressing a girl by any means look like a rose among the weeds.

    Women also love to be challenged, so if you're not afraid to show off your intelligence, don't fawn over girls, and can even express disagreement with them, you automatically become an attractive subject.

    Step 2. Make her notice you

    To win a girl, wear accessories that attract women. Who knows, maybe you should get the tattoo you've always wanted.

    Upgrading your appearance will work wonders, attracting a new wave of female attention.

    Step 3: Prepare

    If you decide, then before you approach a stranger, you should get rid of any excuses that could become an obstacle in your path. For example, you shouldn’t think that you won’t be able to, and in general it’s better not to think at the moment of approach.

    Such restrictions will not help you.

    Here's how you can change your negative attitudes with positive beliefs:
    1. "It's no use talking to her, I won't be interested in her" = "I should talk to her and cheer her up because she looks sad."
    2. “She's too good for me” = “I wonder if she's good enough for me to be interested in hanging out with her.”

    This will help you approach a girl with a positive attitude and you will naturally become an extremely attractive guy in her eyes.

    Step 4. Approach the girl with confidence

    If you want to know how to win a girl, when you approach and talk to her.

    Also, smile, be relaxed, and wipe the stern look off your face. Imagine that you are in a supermarket asking a store employee where the milk is.

    When you start a conversation, make sure that your voice does not take on a high timbre. In this case, you will feel like you are a beggar who wants to beg for something. No one can stand being hesitant from strangers.

    Instead, use a neutral or low-pitched voice. If you have a voice like Vin Diesel, then you're doing something right.

    When you talk to a girl, keep smiling and don't get too close or lean on her.

    Make eye contact and tell the girl why you decided to approach her.

    The best way to do this is to use a sincere compliment. Although…

    Step 5. Sincere compliment

    To give, use the first trait that comes to mind that caught your attention.

    Perhaps it's her pretty smile, her dimples, or her gorgeous locks of hair.

    Step 6. Irony

    Start using irony or teasing girls on a regular basis. This kind of behavior will definitely help you get a girl.

    If a girl says she likes cats, you might say, “Wait... So you're a catwoman? How many cats do you have? I hope no more than 9.”

    Her normal reaction will be to laugh, which may be accompanied by hitting you on the arm. Girls love cheerful, relaxed guys.

    This shows that you are not afraid of some confrontation. You are a relaxed guy, not a boring boy.

    The ability to joke and tease will develop naturally when you stick to your guns and stop always agreeing with girls to please them.

    Always pay attention to the girl's pleasant features (“What an attractive look you have”), what she says (“Wow, how smart you are”) or does (“Wow, what a light walk you have”) to point them out and highlight your friend’s individuality.

    Step 7 When talking, focus on the girl

    To win over a girl, listen to her carefully and make your interlocutor main theme your conversation.

    When the focus is on her, you leave much less space for mistakes on your part, plus this approach gives you plenty of things to talk about, as well as the opportunity to incorporate humor.

    1. “Why did you choose this establishment today? Oh, I know, you just saw that I was here!”
    2. “What brings you to the park? Are you really jogging in an evening dress!”
    3. “You say you like to admire yourself in the mirror? Make sure next time you don’t get blinded by your beauty.”

    If a girl becomes the center of conversation, she will think, “This guy is so exciting.” Although in fact, most of the time she will talk about herself on her own.

    Step 8 Get the girl's phone number

    When you feel that the conversation has reached its climax, apologize that you need to leave and get the girl’s phone number. Without her number, you are unlikely to win a girl.

    Even if you are in a bar and don’t plan to leave yet, but have a desire to join, take the girl’s phone number at this very opportune moment.

    If the girl starts to hesitate whether to leave her phone number or not, take your phone out of your pocket and say: “Give me the number, I’ll write it down.”

    When you take a phone number, do not forget to make a follow-up call to the girl in her presence, because lovely ladies sometimes have the habit of giving phone numbers that are not theirs.

    Step 9 Ask a girl out on a date
    Step 10 Where to invite a girl on a date
    1. You can find out where to go on a date with a girl by going to.
    2. Read where you can have a romantic date.
    Step 11 Praise the girl

    Women can spend hours choosing a dress, applying makeup, and styling their hair on a first date. She does all this for you, so be sure to show your appreciation with a sincere compliment.

    "Wow... You look amazing."

    Step 12 Topics to avoid

    How to win a girl? To do this, avoid the following topics of conversation on a date at all costs because they will dampen your mood and spark arguments instead of feelings.

    1. Talk about ex-girlfriends.
      If you are negative about your past relationships with girls, you will appear weak.
      Yours may sound like you continue to miss your previous girlfriend.
      It is possible that if you start remembering past girls, your companion will think that in absentia she has already been reclassified as an ex.
    2. Talk about your money.
      Only materialistic women want to know how many cars, houses and money you have in your bank accounts. Decent girls will see such conversations as boasting, which is a cheap way of ingratiating themselves with them.
      Instead of money and possessions, talk about your plans and goals in life.
    3. Complaints about your work.
      Any conversation about work is usually boring, and if you are also unhappy with your job... No one is really interested in it.
      And in general, complaining to a girl is strictly prohibited.
    4. Religion.
      Don't touch this topic unless your goal is to become a monk and take a vow of celibacy.
    5. Policy.
      Only bring up the topic of politics if you want to start an argument with a girl and turn her away from you.
    Step 13 Flirt with a girl physically

    Once you stop being dependent on the outcome of talking to girls, you will become relaxed and start to really have fun, causing the physical to come out naturally.

    If you're worried about a girl's reaction to your touch, start with these preparatory steps:

    1. Remove the speck from her hair, but purposefully grasp her neck with the back of your hand.
    2. If you're sitting next to her, place your hand next to her nearest leg and touch the outside of her thigh with your little finger.
    3. Playfully hit her on the arm or lightly push her away from you when she teases you.

    If her reaction is positive, you can increase the duration of the touch; if it is negative, pull away and try again later.

    You will know that she enjoys physical contact when she begins to reciprocate your feelings, for example, by leaning on your hand or grabbing it, playfully nudging you, etc. These are clear signs that she is attracted to you.

    Once you're confident that the girl is flirting, it's time to move on to the kiss.

    Step 14 Kiss the girl
    Signs that you won't be rejected when you try to kiss a girl:
    1. She plays with her hair when she talks to you.
    2. She continues to look at your lips.
    3. She laughs at all your jokes (even if they aren't funny).
    4. She leans towards you when you tell her something.

    It is better if the kiss occurs when there is a short pause in the conversation, and at this moment you both look into each other's eyes. You're both smiling, in close proximity to each other (maybe even touching each other), and her eyes quickly flicker from your eyes to your lips.

    Even if a girl refuses to kiss you the first time, she will respect you for your courage, and your advance will most likely have an effect the next time you try.

    A classic mistake many guys make is to slow down after the first failure.

    Surely the girl also wanted to kiss you, but was not ready at that moment, i.e. you caught her off guard or she's uncomfortable in public.

    Be that as it may, do not think that any clarity has arisen after the first unsuccessful attempt.

    Step 15 Don't make a second date right away

    At the end of the first date, kiss her on the cheek and say, “Tonight was fun, we should do it again sometime.”

    Let the girl be in excitement, not fully understanding what you meant by the word “somehow.”

    Women, like men, need intrigue and the presence of interest, so you shouldn’t reveal all your cards at once, especially in the early stages of dating, otherwise you will kill the thrill of the need to conquer, and the girl will quickly lose interest.

    Step 16 Keep things interesting between dates

    To win a girl, don't give yourself away and be a little unavailable, making her friend think about you more often.

    If you, like Chip and Dale, are always ready to help, your friend will conclude that besides her, nothing interesting is happening in your miserable life. And why does she need such a man?

    Although the girl may seem upset or angry with you, in reality, see a man nearby who has his own affairs and interests.

    Don’t answer questions directly, use humor: – “Hi. What are you doing?" - "Hello. I save the planet from destruction, and during the breaks I answer your messages.”

    The more you make a girl think about you, the more excited she will be when the second date comes around.

    Expressing your emotional attachment to a girl in the early stages of a relationship is a surefire way to end it.

    Women disappear from a man's life in the blink of an eye if they begin to feel that you are more emotionally attached to her than she is to you. Or in this case, they may start taking advantage of you without running away.

    The best way to show a girl how much you appreciate her without revealing your emotions or scaring her off is to show your sexual interest in her.

    1. I miss you. = I can't stop thinking about how you looked in your black dress.
    2. I can not stop thinking about you. = Today, in a traffic jam, the trunk of a Renault Megane loomed in front of me, and it made me remember how gorgeous you looked from behind last night.
    3. I want to see you again. = I want to see another gorgeous dress on you.
    Step 17 Keep a healthy distance

    When you start dating a girl you really like, it's easy to fall into the trap of wanting to exert control in the relationship.

    You develop deeper feelings for the girl and begin to develop affection, so you want to spend more time with her.

    You begin to worry about the relationship and worry about its further development, becoming somewhat obsessive.

    You try to find ways to control the relationship and make plans for the future, hinting about your feelings for her. You might even ask how the girl feels about you.

    This behavior is not attractive to any woman, although it may seem like a completely natural way to behave.

    So what's the solution? It's very simple. To win a girl, keep a healthy distance.

    When you spend time with a girl, you should focus on the pleasant moments that arise between you and get maximum pleasure, but you should not try to confirm or control anything.

    Put yourself in the shoes of your chosen one: if you experience only joy and pleasure, wouldn’t you really want to repeat it?

    However, if your other half is constantly nervous and tries to push you to spend more time together, this will lead to feelings of guilt and the feeling that you are some kind of thing that they want to take over. But, as you know, guilt has no friends.

    So just enjoy every moment of your relationship and focus on pleasant emotions by smiling at your girl when you are together.

    Don’t try to establish total control and keep a healthy distance. A girl is not your arm or leg, she is another person.

    After a few dates are over, your boyfriend and girlfriend status will arise naturally, so don't talk about it or beg for it.

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