How to speed up on a hydra in GTA. How to fly a Hydra jet in San Andreas. Airplanes in GTA "San Andreas"


Playing San Andreas, do you constantly crash on the Hydra plane? Rest assured, you can improve your piloting skills, and it's easy to do on your desktop, laptop, Xbox or PS2. If things get sticky, there are several Hydra-related cheat codes that you can use to your advantage. Once you get the hang of it, you'll be able to pilot the Hydra with ease!


1 Playstation 2 and Xbox

  1. 1 Find Hydra.
    • On an aircraft carrier in San Fierro.
  2. 2 Enter the plane by pressing Δ:Y.
  3. 3 Lift the Hydra into the air.
    • Hold your finger on the X:A button.
    • To control the Hydra, use the left analog stick.
    • Climb to a height where there are no obstacles.
  4. 4 Fly forward. Press R3 to raise the landing gear and slowly tilt the right stick forward. And the Hydra will fly forward.
  5. 5 Land. To land you must do everything in reverse order. Pull the right stick towards you to turn the thrusters down, or in hover mode, press Square to slow down the Hydra and R3 to lower the landing gear.
  6. 6 Shoot at the targets.
    • Press R1/RT to lock onto a target.
    • To fire, press the alternative shooting button.

2 On desktop

  1. 1 Find Hydra. Depending on your progress in the game, they appear in the following locations:
    • On an aircraft carrier in San Fierro.
    • In the "Forbidden Zone" in Las Venturas.
    • On an abandoned airstrip north of the Restricted Zone after completing the mission "Vertical Bird".
  2. 2 Login to Hydra by pressing Enter.
  3. 3 Fly the plane.
    • Press 8 on the number pad (right) to turn the thrusters into normal flight mode.
    • Press 2 on the number pad (right) to turn the thrusters into hover mode.
    • Press and hold W to fly and S to slow down.
    • Press A/D to roll the plane
    • To raise or lower the landing gear, press the + key on the number pad (right) or 2 (left).
  4. 4 Shoot at the targets.

3 On a laptop

  1. 1 Find Hydra. Depending on your progress in the game, they appear in the following locations:
    • On an aircraft carrier in San Fierro.
    • In the "Forbidden Zone" in Las Venturas.
    • On an abandoned airstrip north of the Restricted Zone after completing the mission "Vertical Bird".
    • Or, to make it appear, type “jumpjet” on your keyboard.
  2. 2 Enter it by pressing Enter or F.
  3. 3 Fly the plane.
    • Press 8 to turn the engines to normal flight mode.
    • Press 2 to turn the motors to hover mode.
    • Press and hold W to fly and S to slow down.
    • Press Q/E to turn the plane left and right.
    • Press A/D to roll the plane.
    • Press the up/down arrows to tilt the nose of the plane up and down.
    • To raise or lower the chassis, press the + or 2 key (top left)
  4. 4 Shoot at the targets.
    • Press Spacebar to lock onto a target.
    • Press Left Alt to fire a machine gun.
    • Press Left Ctrl to fire rockets.

4 Hydra related cheat codes

  1. 1 Playstation 2: Triangle, Triangle, Square, Circle, X, L1, L1, Down, Up.
  2. 2 Xbox: Y(2), X, B, A, L(2), down, up
  3. 3 Computer: Type "jumpjet" without quotes.
  • Call it by typing "jumpjet" on the PC.
  • The Hydra is based on a real-life Harrier, while the air intake and nose are based on the F-16.
  • The Hydra can hover, take off vertically, and fly faster than any other aircraft in GTA:SA.
  • Area 69/Fort DeMorgan/Restricted Zone (Las Venturas) and Easter Bay Naval Station (San Fierro) have anti-aircraft missile systems. Stay away from these places or you will get shot! However, you do have thermal decoys that are quite effective.
  • You can use real-life techniques to evade missiles fired by other Hydras or surface-to-air systems, such as performing barrel rolls. A simple sharp turn can throw almost all missiles off course.
  • Hydra has an automatic repair system. Most of the time, Hydra can repair itself. However, be careful, the wings cannot be repaired.
  • When your wanted level reaches 4 stars, hydras will be sent after you if you are in air transport, even in a helicopter.
  • After completing the mission "Vertical Bird", anti-aircraft missile system in the Eastern Basin Naval Station located in San Fierro will be permanently disabled, however you will still receive five wanted stars when infiltrating the base.
  • Hydra can only climb greater height above the highest clouds.
  • The Hydra can also take off like a regular plane. With the engines positioned horizontally (right stick for Xbox and PS2, number 8 for PC), pressing the boost button will cause the plane to move forward. If the thrusters are pointed backwards upon landing, the Hydra can be landed in the traditional manner. (Keep in mind: This usually requires a clear stretch of road or runway.)

The game "GTA: San Andreas" is perhaps the most popular game in the series; it was released back in October 2004, and immediately gained popularity. Games at that time could not provide an open world, many types of activities, exciting gameplay and much more, but GTA: San Andreas could.

Among all the abundance of types of entertainment in the game, players can sit at the controls of various aircraft. However, as you might guess, their controls are different from those found in cars. Because of this, many players got lost at first and crashed their aircraft more than once. In the article we will talk about how to fly a plane in GTA: San Andreas. This instruction will help everyone easily master the basics of managing all aircraft in Game.

Where to find the plane

But before we talk about how to fly a plane in GTA: San Andreas, it’s worth talking about where you can find and how to get that very plane.

In order not to rant for a long time, it’s worth going straight to the point. You can find the plane at city airports. But the catch is that many may not know where these airports are. It doesn’t matter, in this case you can use a little trick - cheat codes. This is perhaps the easiest way to find a plane in the game. More precisely, you won’t even look for him, he will appear in front of you.

So, to get the plane, you need to use one of the following cheat codes: JUMPJET or URKQSRK. The first code will materialize in front of you a military fighter, on board which are placed rocket launchers and special traps to deflect enemy missiles. The second code will give you a small airplane - a biplane with a piston engine. He does not have any weapons, but he is more agile.

Unfortunately, cheat codes will not allow you to get the largest plane in GTA: San Andreas; you will need to find this “bird” yourself. And it is located at the airport in the city of Las Venturas.

Airplane control methods

After we figured out where you can find planes in the game, we can talk about how to fly a plane in GTA: San Andreas.

Fortunately, almost all devices are controlled the same way, with the exception of just one - a military fighter. But more on that a little later. Now let's look at the passenger plane in GTA: San Andreas, which can be found at Los Santos International Airport, it is located at the very bottom of the map.

So, having climbed into the plane, you will need to initially drive it onto the runway in order to accelerate. To do this, use the W and S buttons. With W you will move forward, and by holding S you can go backwards. Also, to adjust your direction, use the Q and E keys, turning the nose of the plane left and right, respectively.

So, you are standing on the runway and are ready to take to the skies - nothing could be simpler. To do this, hold down the W key and gradually gain speed, as soon as you accelerate to the limit, hold down the down arrow button (↓) and the plane will begin to gain altitude. You can now control the elevators by pressing down (↓) or up (). To turn left or right you can use the same Q and E, but to make a quick turn, turn the wings to a vertical position using the A or D keys, depending on where you are going to turn, and hold down the down (↓) key. It will be inconvenient at first, and you may break the device a couple of times, but over time you will learn everything.

How to fly a military fighter

So you have learned how to control a plane in GTA: San Andreas, but we have dismantled a regular passenger plane, now let's talk about a military fighter, since its controls are a little different.

The difference is insignificant: the fact is that it takes off vertically, using jet turbines for this. That is, when you sit in the device and hold down W, you will not gain speed, you will simply fly up. To get into normal flight mode, so to speak, you need to align the turbines horizontally.

To do this, initially dial the desired height, and then hold down the 8 key on Num-Pud for about three seconds. That's it, now the plane is controlled in the same way as a passenger one. By the way, you can land in the same way or by moving the turbines to a vertical position and relieving thrust - it’s up to you to decide.

Now you have finally learned how to fly a plane in GTA: San Andreas.

Everything about fighters in GTA 5 and Online - where to find them and how to fly?

The world of GTA 5, both single-player and multiplayer, is full of different vehicles, including not only sports cars, the notorious hatchbacks and motorcycles, but also marine equipment, helicopters, airplanes and much more. In this material, we would like to help you figure out how to hijack a fighter in GTA 5. Many people want to get their hands on such equipment, since it is not only the fastest means of transportation, but is also equipped with weapons.

Types of fighters

In total, in the latest part of the franchise there are three types of military fighters:

How to hijack a fighter jet?

First, let's look at how to steal the Laser P-996 and Western Besra (if you are not playing on PS3 or Xbox 360 - there Bersa is free and can be called up through the interaction menu directly from the hangar), because stealing a Hydra is impossible. Since this equipment is military, it will only be possible to get hold of it at a military base, since the developers did not provide a wide range of such objects; our path lies in Fort Zancudo. There are several options for how to get a plane the first time, because if the first attempt fails, then the base is rebuilt and it becomes much more difficult to hijack a fighter. The only difference in the theft of these models is that Lazer is usually located in a hangar, and Bersa is located near it.

It must be remembered that not every method can work due to the player’s previous interference in the affairs of the entire alma mater military equipment Los Santos and Blaine County. Also keep in mind that Laser is always at the base when it is almost impossible to guarantee that there will be any other equipment there, since it is subject to some kind of randomization (random placement). In other words, Bersa may or may not be there.

  • We order a taxi to the military base and hit the road. Upon arrival at the place, we steal a taxi and drive into the base, accompanying this action by turning left, towards the hangars, and killing the soldier standing in your way. Next, we get into the fighter and fly away. Since you most likely won't have to shoot, the only difficulty with this method is escaping from the Fort. You can try to wiggle left and right, up and down, the main thing is that you don’t get hit by a rocket or get shot down from a tank.
  • We land from a helicopter and dive to the hangars, there we again climb into the plane and fly away.
  • Around Fort Zancudo there are natural jumps, at least four of them, with which you can jump over the fence, for example, if you move from the south on the highway, pass the bridge and tunnel, and then turn around, the natural jump will be to the right of the tunnel. You need to keep in mind that even with this method of penetration, you will still have 4 wanted stars.

Now here are some tips on how to break away from the chase:

  1. In online mode, after the invasion of the base, while you are not attacked, call Lester and ask for help, so for $5,000 you will get rid of unnecessary attention and can calmly walk around the base without fear of attacks. Even when you board a fighter, you should not be attacked.
  2. After the hijacking, take off and fly without looking back, literally, because if you do not constantly watch the planes pursuing you, then there is a chance that they will disappear. Due to unknown circumstances, for the trick to work, you need to fly upward. However, such a maneuver has a high risk of being shot down by air defense systems.
  3. If the previous option did not help, then use a “shaving” flight, that is, fly as low as possible, and try to very quickly hide from the location where people are military uniform or the last time law enforcement saw you.

How to buy a fighter?

In single-player mode, the player can purchase only the Western Besra; it is sold on the website for $658,000, and in multiplayer the same aircraft can be obtained on the same website, but for a rounder sum, namely $1,150,000.

The Mammoth Hydra fighter can only be purchased at Grand Theft Auto Online and only after preparation for the third robbery, called " Human Raid-EMP." If the above condition is met, then go to the website and scroll down the page, there you will find a “Hydra” worth 3 million dollars.

Unfortunately, the developers did not give you the opportunity to buy the Lazer P-996, so you will have to be content with the above aircraft options or steal it.

Cheat code for fighter: As a rule, at the end of such articles we indicate the code to get what you want faster, however, the developers did not provide this combination for the fighter and there is no such option in GTA 5.

How to control a fighter in GTA 5?

Questions about controlling fighter jets in gta5 are not uncommon; we note that it is practically no different from piloting an airplane, with the exception of a few points.

  • W
  • S
  • A-Turn the body to the left.
  • D- Rotate the body to the right.
  • Button 4 on the number pad- Tilt to the left.
  • Button 6 on the number pad- Tilt to the right.
  • Button 5 on the number pad- Tilt back.
  • Button 8 on the number pad- Lean forward.
  • G
  • Right mouse button/spacebar- Fire.
  • Button 7 on the number pad- Aim to the left.
  • Button 9 on the number pad- Aim to the right.
  • E
  • Insert- On off. weapon camera.

For Xbox One:

  • Left Trigger (LT)- Reduce the draft of air transport.
  • Left Bumper (LB)- Turn the body to the left.
  • Right Trigger (RT)- Increase the traction of air transport.
  • Right bumper (RB)- Rotate the body to the right.
  • Left stick- Tilt left or right.
  • Right stick- Camera rotation/aim.
  • Left Stick Button (L)- Switch landing equipment (gear).
  • Right Stick Button (R)- Look back.
  • Y button- Take/leave the vehicle.
  • Button A
  • D-pad right- Vertical take-off (change of engine position for Hydra).
  • L2 button- Reduce the draft of air transport.
  • L1 button- Turn the body to the left.
  • R2 button- Increase traction.
  • R1 button- Rotate the body to the right.
  • Left stick- Tilt left or right, forward, backward.
  • Right stick- Rotate the camera.
  • L3 button- Lower or retract the landing gear.
  • R3 button- Look back.
  • Triangle button- Get into a plane, get out or eject (in the air).
  • Cross button- Shooting from aircraft weapons.
  • Right button- Vertical take-off (change of engine position for Hydra).

Mod includes:

When pre-explosive, the message says "critical damage" (jump the fuck out if you hear it!)
- if they shoot at you from small arms(bullets) says the message “bullet damage” (sometimes you may not notice in the bustle that a hydra is being fired from a weapon, so the message will warn about this. It does not detect slow weapons well - pistols and other single-shot weapons. It notifies well when you are hit by a rapid-fire weapon - Uzi machine guns, etc. )

Use the following features:

Enabling night vision SHIFT+N (turns on a green screen in Hydra. Vision does not affect other players. Used for night flights, you can see better than during the day)
- thermal vision SHIFT+H (the same lilac crap for detecting peds in the dark)
they are turned off by pressing SHIFT+S (turning on and off is announced by voice)
- autopilot on the marker SHIFT+P (disable SHIFT+END) (the hydra flies to a pre-set marker. If the marker is not set, the hydra flies to the zero point and circles there. It is recommended to turn it on above trees, houses and hills. A bug with nozzles has been fixed, now the hydra flies normally than in a similar autopilot)
- auto-landing on an aircraft carrier SHIFT+L (disable SHIFT+END) (the hydra automatically sets course and begins to land on the aircraft carrier) (it is recommended to use it in more open areas. In case of a glitch, which can be rare, cancel the landing SHIFT+END and restart turn on. when you touch the aircraft carrier, the hydra becomes controllable, but you can wait and not touch the keys; it will stop on its own. There is a rare bug where the game crashes when leaving the hydra. Also, the hydra can slightly scratch the deck with its belly; this also rarely happens).

Works in SA:MP and is suitable for our server

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