The child drank expired kefir, what should I do? What happens if you drink expired kefir? Is it possible to get poisoned? What can you do about the delay?

Kefir is one of the healthiest foods. Many of its consumers are interested in whether it is possible to drink expired kefir and what the risks are.

This product contains a large number of lactic acid bacteria, which help improve the digestion process. Kefir does not undergo pasteurization, which makes it even more useful. Fermented milk products are indicated for people during the recovery period after illness or surgery.

Composition and benefits of kefir

The drink contains:

  1. Probiotics.
  2. Acids.
  3. Carbohydrates.
  4. Cholesterol.
  5. Fats.
  6. Squirrels.
  7. Vitamins.
  8. A large number of beneficial and irreplaceable microorganisms.

Regular consumption of this drink has the following effects:

  • relief from symptoms of chronic fatigue;
  • normalization of sleep;
  • regulation of the production of digestive juices;
  • normalization of nervous system functions;
  • cleansing the digestive tract of toxins and metabolic products;
  • regulation of the urinary system due to its mild diuretic effect.

Consumption of only 0.5 liters sour milk every day helps meet a significant part of the human body's protein needs.

Kefir comes in different fat contents and even low-fat. Different amounts of fat allow it to be used in dietary nutrition for different categories of patients. The probiotics it contains restore the balance of intestinal microflora and help improve digestion processes.

Regular consumption of kefir at night helps to get rid of irritable bowel syndrome, because it strengthens or weakens depending on the type of disorder.

Fermented milk drink helps people with lactose intolerance. This product will be very useful for them, because it contains all the beneficial substances of milk, but does not contain lactose. Finally, the use fermented milk products Helps normalize weight and fight obesity.

Kefir is widely used in cooking. It can be used for baking, preparing pies, pancakes, manna, pancakes and other dishes.


Oddly enough, such a “harmless” food product can cause harm to the human body. This applies to those cases when he has been practicing mono-diet with only one kefir for a long time. After such a diet, the functioning of the immune system is disrupted and signs of vitamin deficiency appear.

The product is prohibited for use by persons suffering from an allergic reaction to milk and dairy products. Ingestion of even a small amount of protein can cause severe reactions up to the development of anaphylactic shock. You should not drink it if you have an increased tendency to dyspepsia and other functional disorders of the digestive system.

Patients with ulcers and high acidity of gastric juice need to remember that long-term consumption of a significant amount of sour milk leads to irritation of the mucous membrane. So-called low-fat kefir is also harmful for them.

Consequences of consuming expired kefir

It should be noted that if it stood at room temperature just a few hours, it can cause enormous harm due to the proliferation of harmful microorganisms in it. Some people, after consuming even a small amount of a stale product, may experience bloating, a rumbling sensation in the stomach, and even diarrhea.

These symptoms most often occur after a person has drunk kefir, which has been left at room temperature for a long time. If it was stored in a refrigerator in a closed container, then a person will not feel unpleasant symptoms even after several days from the expiration date.

If you consume a drink that has expired a week ago or more, the person will develop characteristic symptoms. food poisoning. Many consumers are interested in what will happen if they drink expired kefir. Here are the most typical consequences of consuming stale fermented milk products:

  1. Feeling strong.
  2. , which does not bring relief.
  3. Repeated diarrhea.
  4. Feeling of general weakness, weakness, fatigue.
  5. Temperature increase.

How can I use an expired product?

Kefir that has expired does not need to be thrown away. You can use it to make tasty and healthy dishes(all of them must undergo temperature treatment). In cooking, it is permissible to use only kefir whose shelf life expired no more than a week ago. Otherwise, it will have to be thrown away, because it will cause severe poisoning of the entire body.

Many housewives are interested in what to make from expired kefir. It is used to prepare:

  • fried pies;
  • pancakes;
  • cupcakes;
  • crumpets;
  • pancakes;
  • fruit pies.

The recipes for these dishes are no different from those that use fresh product.

Expired kefir, which was used in the preparation of these dishes, is not dangerous, because all pathogenic microorganisms die under the influence of high temperature.

Treatment of intoxication

The consequences of use are treated in the same way as food intoxication. First aid for a poisoned person is to lavage the stomach. Using this procedure, you can artificially induce vomiting, which will cleanse the gastrointestinal tract of toxins.

On the first day, it is not advisable for the patient to eat food: this increases nausea and causes vomiting. And here mineral water will be useful, since it regulates the work gastrointestinal tract, prevents dehydration.

Co next day you can gradually expand the menu. And, of course, avoid consuming expired fermented milk products.

Video: what can be made from expired kefir - recipes.

Prevention of poisoning with kefir

To avoid consequences after consuming expired fermented milk products, you should follow these recommendations:

  1. Buy yogurt and other fermented milk products only at points of sale, and not in the market from a random buyer.
  2. Before purchasing kefir, you need to look at the expiration date.
  3. Children are given only foods that have been prepared in children's kitchens, taking into account dietary requirements.
  4. Try to purchase sour milk products only from well-known, trusted manufacturers.
  5. Open containers are stored in the refrigerator for no more than three days.

Consumption of stale fermented milk products is undesirable because it causes disorders of the digestive tract. Don't get too carried away with the fresh drink.

Kefir is one of the very healthy fermented milk products; it tones the body and improves digestion. It is prepared by fermenting skim or whole milk.

Benefit and danger

When producing kefir, more than 20 microorganisms beneficial to humans are added to milk. Among them are bifidobacteria, milk fungi, and lactobacilli. As a result of fermentation, they are supplemented and saturated with vitamins, various proteins and nuclides. The final product is a viscous, healthy drink.

Circumstances of toxemia

Intoxication with this fermented milk product can lead to the most severe symptoms. Dehydration and death are possible.

Under what circumstances is kefir poisoning possible?

Violation of storage conditions

It happens erroneous opinion that a fermented milk product cannot spoil in the heat, because it is already sour.

If a product has been in a warm place for a couple of hours, it can not only lose its beneficial qualities, but also cause harm to the body.

Expired date

In this regard, there is also a common misconception that the longer fermented milk products are stored, the more useful they become.

It is strictly forbidden to consume expired kefir.

The one-day drink is supplied for sale immediately after fermentation. This product contains less germs and alcohol. Therefore, it does not pose any danger.

Two-day kefir contains the optimal amount of beneficial bacteria

Two-day old kefir has an optimal percentage of enzymes and beneficial bacteria. Therefore, it is neutral for a living organism. The three-day one has the greatest content. For this reason, carbon dioxide is formed, which increases secretion production, gastric juice And of hydrochloric acid.

In such a drink, lumps and foaminess are observed. Drivers and people who cannot tolerate alcohol should not drink this kefir.

Once the ten-day expiration date expires, kefir is deprived of all useful qualities, because all microorganisms will die by this moment. But there will be enough harmful ones to provoke poisoning.

Packaging leakage

If the integrity of the container in which the drink is located is violated, favorable conditions are created for the proliferation of dangerous bacteria - streptococci, staphylococci, etc.

Therefore, to the question of whether it is possible to drink spoiled kefir, the answer is unequivocal - you cannot.

Poor quality raw materials

Quite often, unscrupulous manufacturers add preservatives, food additives that increase the shelf life of the product, and flavorings to milk.

Symptoms of intoxication

A person poisoned by kefir will experience similar symptoms as with any food poisoning. They are expressed:

  • Diarrhea. In this case, the stools are watery and foamy, with a foul odor.
  • Gag reflexes turning into debilitating vomiting.
  • Abdominal cramps and bloating. Due to increased gas formation, constant bubbling.
  • Colic.
  • Quite a high temperature, especially when toxemia is caused by pathogenic microorganisms.
  • Violation of the functioning of the cardiovascular system. A strong heartbeat and blood pressure surges begin.

In the case of severe forms, convulsions, loss of consciousness, loss of orientation in the surrounding space, and impaired breathing are possible.

Emergency help

A reasonable question, what to do, arises if you happen to be poisoned with kefir. Definitely, you need to call an ambulance, but you need to act before the doctors arrive.

Self help

It is necessary to follow the standard algorithm of actions:

  • Induce artificial vomiting. To do this, prepare a weak aqueous solution of potassium permanganate or table salt.
  • Give a cleansing enema. To do this, you can use ordinary water or jelly water. It can be replaced with chamomile decoction (if you have it on hand).
  • Drink any sorbent agent (activated carbon, polysorb, enterosgel, smecta).
  • Drink in small portions (20 grams every 10-15 minutes). For drinking you can use still water, decoctions, compotes.

There are still a few important points you need to know about.

You should not take medications whose action is aimed at stopping vomiting and diarrhea. You should not take antibiotics on your own, without the advice of a doctor.

Treatment in hospital

The treatment protocol in the clinic is as follows:

  • intravenous administration of glucose solution and saline;
  • antibacterial therapy according to bacterial culture indications;
  • forced diuresis;
  • symptomatic therapy to improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system and central nervous system.

Rehabilitation therapy

Provided that the patient’s physical condition is normal, a dietary diet is recommended. . On the first day, it is recommended to refuse food and only drink plenty of fluids.

Gradually, baked apples, ripened bananas, biscuits, crackers and viscous porridges can be introduced into the diet. Then supplement the main diet with broths with chopped lean meat, vegetables and pasteurized low-fat dairy products.

To restore microflora, take probiotics.

Avoid toxemia

You can avoid getting poisoned by following simple rules:

  • purchase products in specialized stores that have refrigeration units;
  • pay attention to the date and expiration date;
  • For children, purchase fermented milk products made in dairy kitchens or with labeling indicating a product for children;
  • do not store open containers for more than 3 days.

In other words, toxemia from this fermented milk product can be caused mainly by negligence.

Kefir occupies an important place in the diet of most people. This is an excellent fermented milk product that tones and improves digestion. It is prepared by fermentation from whole or skim milk. However, the ordinary consumer is faced with rational questions: what will happen if you drink expired kefir, what is its actual shelf life and what is the best way to store it?

Product benefits

During the production process, kefir is saturated with approximately 20 beneficial microorganisms. These are lacto- and bifidobacteria, milk mushrooms and other microorganisms beneficial to humans. The fermentation process contributes to the saturation of the source material with vitamins and proteins. The result is a viscous, palatable and healthy final product.

By the way, the best kefir is aged for two days.


It would seem, what harm can such a wonderful drink cause to the body and what will happen if you drink expired kefir? In fact, it is the expired product that carries great danger. After consuming an expired product, severe intoxication of the body may occur, accompanied by severe dehydration. There is even a possibility of death.

When can intoxication occur?

The main danger is not even that the expiration date has passed, but that the storage conditions were violated.

Many people mistakenly believe that a fermented product can no longer turn sour and spoil. However, even when stored in a warm room for at least 2 hours, bacteria begin to ferment again in the drink, and harmful microorganisms win in the “struggle for life.” In light of this, the described fermented milk product cannot be heated or stored on a warm radiator.

What happens if you drink expired kefir? The consequences of drinking an expired drink will not be long in coming. Most often, disorders appear in the gastrointestinal tract. Bloating, diarrhea, and flatulence may occur. In extreme cases, everything ends in poisoning.

At the same time, if the kefir is expired but was stored in the refrigerator, a strong stomach may not react at all. However, there will definitely be no benefit from such a drink.

To determine the expiration date, you can only pay attention to the composition of the drink. If there are lumps in it and it foams, it means that carbon dioxide has already formed in it, which provokes an increased production of hydrochloric acid and secretions. This kefir is no longer recommended for consumption.

What happens if you drink kefir that is 1 day expired? Most likely, nothing will happen, but if it is already expired by 10 days or more, then you should be wary of harmful microorganisms, which are the provocateurs of poisoning.

In what other cases is it better to stop drinking kefir?

First of all, never purchase a product if the seal of the packaging is broken. Even a small amount of air can become fertile ground for the appearance of streptococci or staphylococci.

Naturally, it will not be possible to determine by eye what else, in addition to the main components, the manufacturer put into the drink. However, the presence of preservatives, flavorings and food additives to increase shelf life will definitely not have a positive effect on health.

Symptoms of intoxication

Continuing the topic of what will happen if you drink expired kefir, it is worth mentioning what symptoms may indicate poisoning.

Most people who are poisoned experience diarrhea. In this case, the stool is foamy and watery, with a very unpleasant odor. Nausea may occur, which will later turn into vomiting. In the abdominal area there may be severe cramps, bloating, a feeling of constant seething may be tormented, and colic may occasionally appear.

If there were already pathogenic microorganisms in kefir, then the body may react with a high temperature. It is also possible to increase blood pressure and malfunction of the heart muscle.

In very severe cases, convulsions may occur with loss of consciousness, but fortunately this occurs extremely rarely.

The child drank expired kefir

What to do in cases where a child gets to the refrigerator and finds an expired product there, and even drinks it? Strictly speaking, the same thing as with an adult:

  • First of all, you should give your child sorbents. This can be ordinary activated carbon, Smecta or Enterosgel.
  • You can induce artificial vomiting. To do this, prepare a weak solution of potassium permanganate. You can use table salt instead.
  • If the symptoms are strong enough, then it is better to do a cleansing enema. This can be ordinary warm water, perhaps slightly acidified. If you have chamomile, then a decoction of it is ideal.
  • After preventive measures, if a child drinks expired kefir, he should be given water clean water or herbal decoctions, compote. Portions should be small, but you need to drink at least every 15 minutes. Under no circumstances should you give your child freshly squeezed juices or carbonated drinks. This rule also applies to adults.

In case of poisoning, under no circumstances should you use antibacterial agents or drink medicines, the action of which is aimed at stopping diarrhea or vomiting. On the contrary, it is necessary for the body to cleanse itself.

Treatment in a medical facility

Naturally, the likelihood of serious poisoning after a glass of kefir is very low, however, there have been situations when a person ended up in a hospital. The hospital has a special protocol that involves administering a glucose solution (with saline) in such cases. If the bacterial analysis gave positive results, then antibacterial agents are used for therapy.

In case of severe intoxication, the technique of forced diuresis is used, which accelerates the process of eliminating toxins. If necessary, symptomatic therapy is carried out.

Recovery after treatment

What to do if you drink expired kefir seems clear, but what to do after treatment and how to restore the intestinal microflora?

At first, in order to normalize intestinal function, a dietary table is recommended. And on the first day after eliminating the symptoms, it is better not to eat at all, but only drink a lot of clean and still water.

Gradually introduce neutral foods, bananas or baked apples, crackers, biscuits and porridges of viscous consistency. It is also recommended to introduce broths with lean meat and vegetables. At the same time, you can take probiotics.

How to prevent poisoning

First of all, you should not purchase expired products, but you should buy them exclusively in stores that have special refrigeration equipment.

For children, it is better to purchase fermented milk drinks with a shelf life of no more than 3 days. Under no circumstances should you store the drink in open form.

In truth, there is a very small chance that if you drink expired kefir, an adult or child will suffer from serious poisoning. Mostly, problems arise only due to negligence.

Kefir is one of the healthiest foods. Many of its consumers are interested in whether it is possible to drink expired kefir and what the risks are.

This product contains a large number of lactic acid bacteria, which help improve the digestion process. Kefir does not undergo pasteurization, which makes it even more useful. Fermented milk products are indicated for people during the recovery period after illness or surgery.

The drink contains:

  1. Probiotics.
  2. Acids.
  3. Carbohydrates.
  4. Cholesterol.
  5. Fats.
  6. Squirrels.
  7. Vitamins.
  8. A large number of beneficial and irreplaceable microorganisms.

Regular consumption of this drink has the following effects:

  • relief from symptoms of chronic fatigue;
  • normalization of sleep;
  • regulation of the production of digestive juices;
  • normalization of nervous system functions;
  • cleansing the digestive tract of toxins and metabolic products;
  • regulation of the urinary system due to its mild diuretic effect.

Consuming just 0.5 liters of sour milk every day helps meet a significant portion of the human body's protein needs.

Kefir comes in different fat contents and even low-fat. Different amounts of fat allow it to be used in dietary nutrition for different categories of patients. The probiotics it contains restore the balance of intestinal microflora and help improve digestion processes.

Regular consumption of kefir at night helps to get rid of irritable bowel syndrome, because it strengthens or weakens depending on the type of disorder.

Kefir is widely used in cooking. It can be used for baking, preparing pies, pancakes, manna, pancakes and other dishes.

Oddly enough, such a “harmless” food product can cause harm to the human body. This applies to those cases when he has been practicing mono-diet with only one kefir for a long time. After such a diet, the functioning of the immune system is disrupted and signs of vitamin deficiency appear.

The product is prohibited for use by persons suffering from an allergic reaction to milk and dairy products. Ingestion of even a small amount of protein can cause severe reactions, including the development of anaphylactic shock. You should not drink it if you have an increased tendency to dyspepsia and other functional disorders of the digestive system.

Patients with ulcers and high acidity of gastric juice need to remember that long-term consumption of a significant amount of sour milk leads to irritation of the mucous membrane. So-called low-fat kefir is also harmful for them.

You should pay attention to the fact that if it stands at room temperature for only a few hours, it can cause great harm due to the proliferation of harmful microorganisms in it. Some people, after consuming even a small amount of a stale product, may experience bloating, a rumbling sensation in the stomach, and even diarrhea.

If you consume a drink that has expired a week or more ago, the person will develop characteristic symptoms of food poisoning. Many consumers are interested in what will happen if they drink expired kefir. Here are the most typical consequences of consuming stale fermented milk products:

  1. Feeling of severe nausea.
  2. Vomiting without relief.
  3. Repeated diarrhea.
  4. Feeling of general weakness, weakness, fatigue.
  5. Temperature increase.

Kefir that has expired does not need to be thrown away. You can make tasty and healthy dishes from it (all of them must undergo heat treatment). In cooking, it is permissible to use only kefir whose shelf life expired no more than a week ago. Otherwise, it will have to be thrown away, because it will cause severe poisoning of the entire body.

Many housewives are interested in what to make from expired kefir. It is used to prepare:

  • fried pies;
  • pancakes;
  • cupcakes;
  • crumpets;
  • pancakes;
  • fruit pies.

The recipes for these dishes are no different from those that use fresh product.

The consequences of consuming expired sour milk are treated in the same way as food intoxication. First aid for a poisoned person is to lavage the stomach. Using this procedure, you can artificially induce vomiting, which will cleanse the gastrointestinal tract of toxins.

On the first day, it is not advisable for the patient to eat food: this increases nausea and causes vomiting. But mineral water will come in handy, as it regulates the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and prevents dehydration.

From the next day you can gradually expand the menu. And, of course, avoid consuming expired fermented milk products.

Video: what can be made from expired kefir - recipes.

To avoid consequences after consuming expired fermented milk products, you should follow these recommendations:

  1. Buy yogurt and other fermented milk products only at points of sale, and not in the market from a random buyer.
  2. Before purchasing kefir, you need to look at the expiration date.
  3. Children are given only foods that have been prepared in children's kitchens, taking into account dietary requirements.
  4. Try to purchase sour milk products only from well-known, trusted manufacturers.
  5. Open containers are stored in the refrigerator for no more than three days.

Consumption of stale fermented milk products is undesirable because it causes disorders of the digestive tract. Don't get too carried away with the fresh drink.

Product benefits

Kefir is a natural fermented milk product that does not undergo pasteurization. It contains many microorganisms beneficial to humans, which help improve digestion.. That is why doctors often recommend using these products for people after illness, as well as for young children. But it is worth remembering that only fresh fermented milk products are beneficial.

The product is available in different fat contents and even completely fat-free. Due to this, it can be consumed while following various diets aimed at normalizing weight.

If the drink stands for only a couple of hours at room temperature, then it will do more harm to a person than good.

What happens if you drink an expired product?

If a person accidentally drinks expired kefir, then there may be indigestion or nothing at all
will not be. Sometimes, after consuming expired food, the following unpleasant consequences occur:

  • bloating;
  • diarrhea;
  • flatulence.

But such symptoms most often occur if the fermented milk product has been stored warm and open for a long time. If kefir is expired by only a few days, but was stored in the refrigerator, then its taste and color will be no different from the fresh product.

There are widespread rumors that the longer the kefir drink sits, the healthier it becomes. This is nothing more than speculation.

Can expired kefir cause poisoning?

If kefir is expired by more than a week, a person may well get food poisoning
, which will cause many unpleasant minutes. The main signs of this disease will be:

  • feeling of nausea and repeated vomiting;
  • loose stools that occur many times a day;
  • general weakness;
  • the temperature usually rises to 38 degrees.

When health deterioration is observed after drinking an expired kefir drink, it is necessary to take any adsorbents as first aid. It can be polysorb, enterosgel or activated carbon. At the same time, a person must drink a lot so that toxic substances are eliminated from the body faster.

If the victim’s condition worsens every minute, you need to urgently call an ambulance.

What can you do about the delay?

To prevent expired fermented milk products from causing harm to health, you can use it to prepare some dishes that pass heat treatment
. But for this purpose, it is permissible to use only kefir that is no more than a week expired, otherwise it is better to discard the fermented milk product. From a dairy product you can prepare:

  • pancakes;
  • vegetable and fruit pies;
  • fried and baked pies;
  • crumpets;
  • cupcakes.

After baking or frying, dough with expired kefir drink does not pose a health hazard. Under influence high temperatures all pathogenic microorganisms die.

How to avoid poisoning

To avoid digestive upset after consuming fermented milk products, you must follow simple rules:

  1. Kefir can only be purchased at specialized points of sale where there are refrigerators.
  2. Before putting a package of fermented milk drink into the basket, you need to check the expiration date.
  3. Young children can only be given kefir that is made in a children's dairy kitchen, or products that are marked as intended for feeding children.
  4. It is advisable to buy fermented milk products only from well-known manufacturers.
  5. You can store an open bottle of fermented milk drink for no more than three days..

Kefir is undoubtedly useful product for both adults and children. But these products will only be beneficial if they are fresh. Drinking an expired drink can lead to indigestion or severe kefir food poisoning, so if you accidentally end up with expired fermented milk in the refrigerator, it is better to make delicious pancakes from it.

What happens if you drink expired kefir? Is it possible to get poisoned?

What will happen if you drink expired kefir or beer, especially for readers of “Popular about Health”, I will consider further. One of the useful fermented milk products is kefir as it contains many beneficial microorganisms. It is useful to drink both for healthy people and for people who have suffered serious illnesses, especially when the digestive tract is damaged. Since such a drink is rich in beneficial microflora, which normalizes intestinal function.

What happens when you eat expired kefir??

If a person decides to drink an expired product, he may experience indigestion, and sometimes nothing happens. However, it is worth knowing that if a person has consumed expired kefir, he may experience flatulence, diarrhea, and may also experience some pain in the abdomen, and sometimes vomiting may occur.

Can expired kefir cause poisoning? If the product has been expired for a week, then its consumption may well cause food poisoning; of course, such a condition will cause trouble for a person. At the same time, he will note nausea, which can turn into vomiting, multiple loose stools per day are noted, general weakness is characteristic, and sometimes the temperature rises to 38 degrees.

In such a situation, when poisoning has occurred, you should rinse the stomach and take adsorbents, for example, it could be activated carbon, polysorb or enterosgel. If necessary, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

What happens when you drink expired beer??

You need to know that spoiled beer and expired beer are not the same thing. Often, the shelf life of a drink is six months, but if the expiration date has expired by just a few days, then such a product can be consumed without fear for health, but, of course, it is worth assessing the bottle visually; there should be no deformations on it.

In addition, it is important to evaluate the smell of beer; if it is sharp with a sour tint, that is, very different from quality beer, then it is better not to take it. If the smell is normal, then you can drink beer.

During long-term storage, when the expiration date expires, pathogenic bacteria gradually begin to multiply in beer; they will interact with preservatives and, as a result, toxic compounds will be formed, which can negatively affect health.

It is worth knowing that when beer is stored for a long time, it comes into contact with the container where the drink is located; in particular, plastic containers can release toxic compounds, for example, dibutyl phthalac, which in high concentrations can even lead to death. Therefore, it is better not to drink expired beer from a plastic bottle.

As for the glass bottle, it is a fairly inert material that does not react with environment. When purchasing such beer, you need to pay attention to its cap; if it is in order, then such a drink can be consumed.

An aluminum can can provide maximum protection for your beer. Therefore, we can say with confidence that beer from such a container can be consumed and there will be no poisoning. But if the inner layer of the can is damaged, the drink may have a metallic taste. You should buy a straight can, but if there are noticeable deformations on it, then corrosion of the aluminum may begin, therefore, you should not drink such beer.

It should be concluded that beer in an aluminum can is the best, in terms of if you consume it out of date, it is important to pay attention to the bottle itself, and the taste of the drink should not give off a metallic aftertaste.

Supermarkets often have promotions when the price of beer is noticeably reduced due to its expiration date, so it costs less. Ultimately, whether to buy expired beer is up to the individual who wants to consume it.

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