Educational institutions for psychologists after 9. Exams for admission to psychologists. Pros and cons of being a psychologist

College of Psychology and Pedagogy - quality education in the field of psychology and pedagogy

Enter the College of Pedagogy and Psychology after 9th or 11th grade, transferring from another college.

The main questions that applicants and their parents have when choosing an educational institution.

Why is it better to go to college after 9th grade?

1. Opportunity to obtain a specialized specialty and education in 3 years.

2. for a shortened training program.

3. Possibility to combine work and study.

4. Deferment from the army.

Where to go to study after 9th grade in Moscow?

First of all, when choosing a college or technical school for admission, you need to make sure you have a valid license to conduct educational activities. Next, familiarize yourself with the accreditation of the educational institution and its annex. These legal documents are a guarantee of receiving a quality education.

Where and how to get an education in psychology and pedagogy?


Graduate qualification: "child educator" preschool age with developmental disabilities and with preserved development."

Qualification characteristics of the graduate. The graduate prepares to work as a teacher of preschool children with developmental disabilities and with intact development in special (correctional) educational institutions of various types. The following types of activities: Organization of events aimed at strengthening the health of the child and his physical development. Training and organization various types activities and communication of children with preserved development. Training and organization of various types of activities and communication for children with disabilities. Interaction with parents, their substitutes and employees of the educational institution. Methodological support of the educational process.

What form of study should I choose for admission?

The choice of form of study depends on the desires and capabilities of each individual applicant.

For admission to the College of Psychology and Pedagogy, we offer the following forms of training

full-time education(for applicants based on grades 9 or 11, transfer from another institution)

(for applicants based on grades 9 or 11, transfer from another institution) of any age.

After graduating from school, every boy and girl is faced with the question of choosing a profession. IN Lately The profession of a psychologist is becoming increasingly in demand. People take an active interest in psychology and use the services of psychologists. Psychologists work in kindergartens, schools, hospitals, social assistance centers, hotlines and many other organizations.

Today, the profession of a psychologist is very necessary, so many school graduates choose it for themselves. And they have a question: what subjects need to be taken when entering an educational institution? Let's look into this issue, and also find out what the profession of psychologist is and in which educational institutions it can be obtained.

Who is a psychologist?

A psychologist is a person who specializes in studying the inner world of a person, his psyche and personality. Psychologists work not with mentally ill people, but with healthy people who have various difficulties - problems in the family, in relationships with children, conflicts at work, dissatisfaction with themselves, age crises etc.

There are different areas of psychology: family, child, clinical, legal, sports and others. Each field has its own specialist. There are also general psychologists specializing in various problems. Some enterprises employ psychologists who help company employees and also engage in personnel selection.

The profession of psychologist is in great demand in preschool and school educational institutions. For the proper upbringing of children and the construction of the educational process, a specialist in this profile is indispensable.

In addition to government institutions, there are private psychological centers where anyone can receive qualified psychological help.

What subjects do I need to take to become a psychologist?

School graduates who have chosen the path of psychology are interested in: in which educational institution can they obtain this specialty?

Many humanitarian institutions and universities provide the opportunity to obtain this specialty. You can study to become a clinical psychologist at a medical school.

You can enter a university after 11th grade of school. As a rule, after 9th grade it is impossible to enter this specialty, but an applicant can graduate, for example, from a medical school, and then go to study to become a psychologist.

In order to be able to enroll, you must pass the Unified State Exam in the following subjects:

  • Russian language;
  • mathematics;
  • biology.

This common list, but it is best to clarify the list of subjects at the university where the applicant is going to enroll. Some educational institutions require passing an exam in natural science or additional dictations or essays.

First of all, you need to make a list of the most preferred universities, find out the conditions for admission, find out what departments the educational institution has, whether there are laboratories there, whether the university can graduate candidates and doctors of science. All this will help form an impression of the higher education institution. It doesn't hurt to get reviews from people who are already studying there so you know what to expect in advance.

You can study to become a psychologist through full-time, evening and correspondence courses. It is best for school graduates to choose a full-time course. They don’t work yet, so they can devote all their energy to studying. At first glance, it may seem that this specialty is very easy, but in fact there are many subtleties in it. Psychology is a deep and broad science, and to become a good specialist, you need to study many subjects, read complex literature, and perform tests and laboratory work.

What qualities should a psychologist have?

In order to get an education, you need to put in a lot of effort, but good academic performance is not the only factor that guarantees success in your chosen specialty. The candidate must have certain qualities that will help him in his professional activities.

Thus, we can conclude that the profession of a psychologist is very interesting and useful for society. Its representatives not only help others, but also constantly improve and develop themselves.

Institutes, universities, universities in Moscow with a specialty in Psychology

basic information

Standard training periods from 2 years 5 months to 5 years

Graduate qualification psychologist

Cost of education from 15,000 semester

Code of specialty "Psychology"

Forms of training full-time, part-time, remote

Admission after 11 classes, college, institute, transfer


Individual psychological counseling, counseling psychology, psychological support for families and family counseling, clinical psychology and health psychology, practical psychology in the social sphere, psychology of the virtual environment, counseling psychology, clinical psychology and health psychology, practical psychology in the social sphere, psychology of the virtual environment, practical psychology in education, practical psychology in organizations, pedagogical activities in preschool institutions, pedagogical activity at the primary stage of education, support for children with developmental disabilities, psychology and social pedagogy, practical psychology, psychological counseling, psychology, social Psychology children's development.

List educational institutions majoring in Psychology

Frequently asked questions regarding admission to the Psychology major

When can I submit documents for admission?

It all depends on the form and direction of training. Most institutes accept applicants throughout the year.

Is it possible to enroll in a shortened training program?

There is the possibility of studying according to an individual curriculum. It is calculated for each applicant individually.

Where to get a second higher education degree in Psychology in Moscow?

Many institutes offer admission to the Department of Psychology. Make sure you are state licensed and accredited. Most of the institutes are presented on our website in the Moscow institutes section -

What determines the cost of training?

The cost of studying at the institute depends on the choice of specialty and form of study. Full-time from 50,000 per semester, part-time from 25,000 per semester, remote from 15,000 per semester.

How can nonresident citizens enroll in college?

Nonresident citizens enter the institute on a general basis, according to the rules and conditions for admission to each specific university.

How to enter college without the Unified State Exam?

Unfortunately, to receive higher education on the basis of 11 grades, it is necessary to provide Unified State Examination results in specialized subjects (Russian language, mathematics, social studies, biology). Admission without the Unified State Exam is possible on the basis of a secondary vocational education or higher education diploma. Students who do not plan to take the Unified State Exam use the program and enter the institute without the Unified State Exam.

To be a psychologist, it is not enough to be able to comfort people beautifully and quickly.

Psychology specialty training

Students acquire knowledge from the field of medicine. The subject of anatomy examines the work of the central nervous system, the basics of clinical psychology and neurophysiology. Depending on the specialty, the set of “disciplines of the psychology specialty” includes:

Traditionally, practice takes place in counseling centers. Universities also offer retraining in the specialty of psychology, for those who want to try themselves in a new promising field.

Specialties at the Faculty of Psychology

Psychology specialty code: 03/37/01.

It is noteworthy that you can choose between several areas of psychology in order to maximize your talent in it in the future.

Specialty: pedagogy and psychology (educational psychology)

Psychology and social pedagogy specialty 19.00.07 is acquired by students with the study of the interaction of groups, classes, and their units in the process of development. There are 11 areas of her research.

The direction has other subtypes of specialties, for example, preschool pedagogy and psychology specialty can be chosen as the direction of training.

Specialty psychology of professional activities

Future graduates take courses in management, natural sciences, and humanities. In special subjects, the skills necessary for the vacancies that will open after graduation are developed. Among them:

  • psychology of communication and negotiations,
  • psychology of conflict,
  • safety psychology,
  • psychology of stress,
  • psychology of personnel management, etc.

A special subtype - the specialty of management psychology is suitable for future managers, personal assistants, and coaches.

Specialty military psychology

A military psychologist differs from civilians in the breadth of his profile - he is trained in many disciplines from different psychological fields of activity. For example, psychodiagnostics, psychological training, psychoprophylaxis and mental hygiene, psychological counteraction to the enemy, psychological rehabilitation of military personnel, etc. Specialists are doomed to constant lively, creative and interesting work.

Recently, professional retraining in the specialty of psychology is carried out preferably in this area, because it is most relevant in the modern situation in the world.

Social psychology specialty

In the process of mastering a specialty, students undergo various practical classes, trainings, and practice at the site of a possible future job. The highlight of the training is “master classes” from practicing psychologists and experienced professionals.

Specialty: practical psychology

A practical psychologist is, in essence, a lie detector. To become one, you have to learn different subjects “from cover to cover.” 1st year - history, physiology of the central nervous system, cultural studies, jurisprudence, pedagogy, etc. From the 3rd year - psychodiagnostics, history of psychology, age, experimental, pedagogical, etc.

Specialty Psychology - Universities

To get a job and to effectively fulfill your responsibilities, you must complete a master's degree in psychology. It is best to receive it from leading institutions that regularly update their programs, because the work of a psychologist is more practical. In addition, with each passing year, humanity is getting closer to lowering the “curtain” hiding the CPR. In this regard, new methods of interaction with the psyche are being developed. Of course, you can educate yourself, but what are you paying the university for then?

Moscow universities specializing in psychology:

  2. National Research University "Higher School of Economics";
  3. RSUH;
  6. MPGU;
  7. RGSU;
  8. MGPPU;
  9. MSPU;
  10. GAUGN.

Specialty psychology universities in St. Petersburg:

  1. St. Petersburg State University;
  2. IVESEP;
  3. NIUD;
  4. BIEPP;
  5. RHGA;
  6. SPbU Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation;
  7. SPbGIPSR;
  8. Leningrad State University named after A.S. Pushkin.

Specialty: psychology

The fascinating discipline “Fundamentals of Psychology” is studied in every pedagogical college, and universities with a specialty in psychology are more suitable for obtaining a profession.

Colleges majoring in psychology

Or rather, one college. You can get a bachelor's degree in psychology at the IGUMO College of Psychology (Moscow). You can also do this at the faculties of the various institutes mentioned above.

Work in Psychology

The position in demand is a psychologist-consultant. She needs to know and be able to do more than a bachelor can. Graduates are engaged research work as part of a team.

Some graduates want to devote their lives to psychology. But in order to become a good specialist, they have to pass a number of tests.

More and more young people want to acquire a profession that society needs. And then they pay attention to psychology. Such specialists are in demand, receive a good salary and are not familiar with the routine of the workplace.

Profession psychologist

A psychologist is a specialist who helps people solve problems through conversations.

People who have received this specialty will have to understand the intricacies of the human psyche, learn to be an attentive listener and sometimes help make fateful decisions.

Family psychologists help restore harmony in relationships and avoid separation. Such specialists will need to listen to both sides at once in order to help make the right decision.

Child psychologists are very popular. They will have to understand the most complex psyche - the child's psyche.

Such a specialist is needed to help get rid of the problem when it is still in its infancy.

Pros and cons of studying at the faculty

Like any other profession, psychology has its pros and cons. To begin with, we can say that studying to become a psychologist is not easy, but very interesting.

In addition, you can find the following advantages in the profession:

But there are a number of disadvantages that you also need to pay attention to when applying:

  • the psychologist has a great responsibility when he helps make a decision;
  • a psychologist must definitely understand the situation and give advice, a specialist does not know the right to avoid helping in solving a problem;
  • at first it will not be easy to come to terms with the fact that other people think differently and no one has the right to condemn them for this;
  • Most psychologists pass through every human tragedy through themselves.

After 11th grade

For 11th grade graduates, a list of subjects for passing the Unified State Exam looks like that:

  • Russian language;
  • mathematics;
  • social science;
  • biology.

But it is worth checking the list at the university to which the graduate plans to apply. Some educational institutions allow you to take only biology as an elective.

After 9th grade

Becoming a good psychologist is not easy. That's why there's so little educational institutions who are ready to give this specialty to 9th grade graduates. It is much easier to first study to become a nurse or nurse, and then continue studying at the Faculty of Psychology.

In order to enter Medical College, you need to pass the following exams in the GIA form:

  • Russian language;
  • mathematics;
  • chemistry;
  • biology.

Important qualities

In order to enroll as a psychologist, it is enough to pass the exams well. But this is not enough to become a good specialist. Psychologists must have special character traits that will help them work with people.

These features are:

  • respect for the individual;
  • tolerance;
  • desire to learn throughout life;
  • listening skills;
  • the ability to empathize;
  • goodwill;
  • responsibility;
  • determination.

A psychologist is a responsible and interesting profession that gives you the opportunity to develop throughout your life. By choosing psychology, future students can be sure that people will need them.

Video: Psychologist. Introduction to the profession

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