What is a jewelry carat? What is a carat? The influence of weight on the value of a diamond. What is a carat and what does it mean in a diamond?

Good afternoon to all connoisseurs of jewelry and everything connected with it. Today we will talk about how much 1 carat of diamond weighs in grams. You will learn the ratio of the mass of a processed stone to its size, as well as how various precious materials were weighed in the old days. You will definitely enjoy stories related to diamonds. We wish you pleasant reading!

The history of measuring the weight of minerals and precious metals and what is the cost of one carat

Today we are accustomed to measuring various bulk and solids in grams and kilograms. However, several thousand years BC, people used completely different units to measure weight. And to determine the weight of a diamond or other gem, equal-arm scales were used.

Weights made of ordinary stone or ivory (from rich merchants) were placed on these scales. For the people of Israel, the Mosaic Law even stated that merchants were required to have precise weights corresponding to a certain weight. Failure to comply with the Law carried with it punishment, which could be expressed in administrative penalties.

The most common units of weight in Israel were the shekel (11.4 grams) and the talent (34.2 kilograms). However, when foreign merchants began to import diamonds into the country, it became necessary to introduce a smaller measure to weigh small stones. Then such a unit of measurement as the hera appeared.

What was one hera equal to? It corresponded to fifty-seven hundredths of a gram or approximately three carats. Of course, not all stones were of this size, but still the ger made it possible to measure rough diamonds more accurately. The importation of precious materials into the country peaked between 1030 and 970 BC, when the nation of Israel was ruled by King Solomon and then his son. At that time, the annual income of the royal treasury amounted to over fifty billion dollars in modern monetary equivalent. Even an ordinary resident could have precious gems and gold in his everyday life.

In Persia, a darik was used to check mass, which weighed 5.6 grams. It satisfied the needs of the body kit of almost all materials. Closer to the first century AD, the Roman Empire began to rise on the world stage. In its monetary circulation there was a measure of weight called a denarius, which was 3.85 grams. Interestingly, Greek culture was dominant at that time, and the Greek language was common throughout the empire. However, the monetary measurement of the mass of jewelry was exclusively Roman.

It is worth noting that one carat, as a unit of measurement, already existed during the times of the Greek and Roman Empires. However, it was popular only in Asian countries. What is a carat? Carat was the name given to the seeds of the pod tree, which were always the same in weight. Since they were always at hand, they were easy to use on the road. Merchants who traded gems always had these seeds.

The cost of 1 carat greatly depends on the quality of the stone, its color and size.

What were the carats?

Surprisingly, this unit of measurement for the mass of a precious crystal is different countries was different. Sometimes it was even used to measure volume or area. This is what the carat was like in the old days in different countries:

  • Great Britain. In this country, his weight was 205.87 mg.
  • Austria. Carat weight 205.3 mg.
  • France – 206 mg.
  • Central Asia – 223 mg.
  • Egypt – 195 mg.

At first glance, it may seem that the difference is insignificant. However, do not forget that the cost of the mineral is very high, and can reach tens of thousands of dollars per gram.

For example, one gram of a fancy red diamond can cost three hundred or more thousand dollars. Therefore, even the smallest inaccuracies in the metric system could lead to serious financial losses on the part of the seller or buyer. That is why in 1907 a single metric system was introduced to determine carat weight. According to it, the weight of 1 carat was equal to 0.2 grams. This has greatly simplified the procedure for evaluating precious gems. This metric is used in jewelry production to this day.

In the European metric system, the unit of measurement for the mass of a mineral is designated by the symbols ct, and in the Russian car. The troy ounce is also popular if we're talking about about precious metals. At one time, the smallest unit of weight was a grain, which corresponded to 62 mg or one third of a carat. For a long time it was used in pharmacies and jewelry houses. Over time, they got rid of it and only a troy ounce remained.

Diameter to weight ratio

But is it possible to determine the mass of a stone based only on its diameter? If this applies to round stones, then yes. Thanks to their shape, you can determine their weight in grams by measuring their diameter. There is a special table that shows all the data regarding the weight of the stone and the specific size. We will provide only some information on this issue. For round stones there is the following weight estimate:

  • One millimeter is five thousandths of a karat.
  • Two millimeters – three hundredths of a car.
  • Three millimeters is one tenth of a carat.
  • Four millimeters – twenty-five hundredths of a karat.
  • Five millimeters is half a car.
  • Six millimeters – eight tenths of a carat.
  • Six and a half millimeters - one carat.

As the diameter of the girdle increases, its weight will naturally increase. Although the weight depends on the diameter, with different cuts it will be different for the same type of gemstone. Thus, with a “princess” or “oval” cut, the consumption of waste material will be less than with a round cut, so they are more profitable from a material point of view. It also requires less effort from the jeweler.

Calculation of gem weight relative to cut

  • Round diamond. The mass of the sample in this case will be equal to the diameter of the girdle squared multiplied by the height of the crystal and multiplied by a factor of 0.0061. Why isn’t it calculated using the usual ball formula? The fact is that the stone does not have an ideal round shape, but fifty-seven faces, which is why we multiply by a coefficient. For stones with one hundred and two sides, the coefficient will be slightly different.
  • Diamond "Princess". Here the weight of the sample can be found using the following formula: the height of the pebble, multiplied by the width and length, and multiplied by a factor of 0.0083. As you can see, this type of cutting preserves more material, so this type of cutting is more profitable.
  • Oval cut. Here the calculation is similar to that for round cutting. The height of the mineral must be multiplied by the diameter squared and by a factor of 0.0062. Not to say that cutting is very economical, but still more material is saved than with a round cut.

So, 1 carat is approximately equal to 200 mg.

The largest diamonds in history

The size of a stone is valued as highly as its weight. We present to you, our readers, a list of the largest stones that amaze not only with their magnificence, but also with their impressive size:

  1. Cullinan I was one of those jewels that came into existence through the cutting of a piece of the same name. Each part received a number marking. The weight of the first Cullinan was 3.1 thousand carats. Its peculiarity was the absence of bubbles and cracks. After the Asskor brothers crushed the diamond into pieces, 105 stones of different sizes were obtained, the largest weighing 530.2 carats. He became known as the "Star of Africa".

  2. Product yellow color The 110.3-carat pear-shaped Sun Drop was formed about 3 billion years ago but was discovered in South Africa in 2010. The amazing color is due to nitrogen atoms, which are part of the product's mesh.
  3. What makes Card Noir unique is not only that it is 88 carats, but also its black color. The insurance price of the stone is $37 million.

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Carat is a term used in Britain and the United States to describe the fineness of gold and other precious metals. In simple words, this value shows the amount of pure gold in the product, with the highest standard in carats being 24K ( which corresponds to 999 in the metric system).

What is the difference between carats of gold and gemstones?

Before we begin to talk about all the details of the carat system for measuring the purity of precious metals, we should put an end to the confusion of terms. The fact is that the term “carat” is used not only as a gold standard, but also to indicate the weight of precious stones. In fact, this is not even one term, but two completely different words, with different meanings. Here the translation from in English into Russian. In reality the picture looks like this:

  • Karat is a unit of gold in the purity of the alloy.
  • Carat is a unit of mass used to measure the weight of gemstones and pearls. 1 carat = 200 mg.

Why is a gold sample needed?

The karat system is necessary to inform the buyer about the purity of gold, since it is almost never used without impurities. Typically, gold is mixed with other metals to create an alloy from which jewelry is made. The value of the number of carats gives a person the opportunity to find out how much gold he is acquiring when buying a particular product.

Why is high gold purity not always a good choice?

It should be noted that the high content of pure gold in an item does not mean that the jewelry will be better, brighter or more beautiful. To explain this concept, you need to understand why I mix gold with other metals in the first place. The fact is that gold is an unusually soft metal. It is so soft that it can be molded almost by hand. Because of this property, products with a high content of pure gold do not withstand practical and everyday use. Such jewelry is very susceptible to various deformations and scratches. It is for these reasons that jewelers in most cases use various gold-containing alloys, which are designed to increase the stability of products.

How to convert carats to our metric standards?

This information will help us in this matter:

  • 6 carats is 25% pure gold;
  • 8 carats- This 333 sample and accordingly contains 33.3% pure gold;
  • 9 carats- This 375 fineness – 37.5% pure gold;
  • 10 carats is 41.7% pure gold;
  • 12 carat- This 500 sample – 50% pure gold;
  • 14 carat- This 585 fineness – 58.5% pure gold;
  • 18 carat- This 750 sample – 75% pure gold;
  • 22 carats is 91.6% pure gold;
  • 24 carats- This 999 sample – 100% gold.

How to distinguish a real gold product from a fake?

  • First of all, you should pay attention to the hallmark of the jewelry. If it is illegible or too worn out, this may give rise to doubts.
  • Pay attention to the weight. Gold is a very heavy metal, and if the item seems too light to you, then there is a chance that it is just gilded.
  • Another factor worth considering is price. Remember that the price of the product must be within the market price. If you are offered something too cheap, you should take a closer look to find the catch.
  • Also take into account the softness of gold. There is always the opportunity to check the product for deformation.
  • The best way to check is the acid test. The fact is that gold does not react to nitric acid. Other metals foam or dissolve when they come into contact with acid.
  • Well, or if you are an avid pirate, you can try your gold doubloons “by the tooth” - if a dent remains, then it is gold of the highest standard. Well, or they slipped you chocolate in colored foil, but then you are no longer a real pirate.

One of the first attempts to create a universal unit of weight was the seeds of the carob tree - Caratina silikva. Its fruits at any time of the day from any tree always weigh 200 milligrams. And the weight of the stone depended on their number on the scales. Today the word "carat" is used to measure the weight of a gemstone. (ct), as well as to determine the purity of the metal (Kt). Let's tell you more about each of them.

Carat - stone weight (ct)

As a unit of measurement for the mass of a gemstone, the carat was officially registered in Paris in 1907. In Russia (then USSR) similar changes occurred only in 1922. However, in all countries for a long time The carat did not have a single weight. The Indian, English and French units of weight were different from each other. And only since 1913 the weight of 1 carat was equal to 0.2 grams.

Since precious and semi-precious stones have different densities, it is a mistake to assume that a 1-carat diamond and a sapphire will be the same size. It is worth remembering that to determine the cost of a stone, in addition to its weight, the purity of the mineral is also taken into account. So, for example, 2 sapphires of 5 carats each will have different prices if one of them has a purer, more saturated color. However, you can roughly estimate the carat weight of a stone based on its size. Let's look at this using the example of a classic-cut diamond.

Karat - metal purity (Kt)

The term "karat" is also used to measure the purity of gold, although it is worth noting that it is mainly used in the West. In Russia, the concept of “sample” is most often used. Number of carats (or carat) maybe 6, 9, 10, 14, 18, 22. 24-karat gold is also possible, but in reality this is almost impossible to achieve - there is always a minimum percentage of impurities. That is, when we talk about measuring gold in carats, it means the level of impurities in the metal. Ultimately, it is these impurities that determine the color of the metal: whether it will be or, for example, .

How is the number of carats calculated?

If 24 carat metal is taken as the standard (999 sample), then 18-karat gold contains 18 parts of precious metal, and 6 parts are various impurities. If we divide 18 by 24, the result is 0.75. That is, 18-karat gold corresponds to 750 purity. Accordingly 14 karat gold (14/24) is equal to the 585 sample, despite the fact that the division result is 0.58333333333.

Ligature in precious metal

A ligature, that is, an impurity that is added to a precious metal, is used to improve the properties of the product. Basically, the following additives are used:

  • Platinum. Adding it improves appearance products, adding whiteness to the metal and increasing its value.
  • Nickel. Increases wear resistance and castability. The final product has a pale yellow tint.
  • Copper. Increases the malleability of the metal, and the product acquires a reddish tint.
  • Palladium. Like platinum, it improves the appearance and significantly increases the cost of the product.
  • Silver. Helps improve the malleability and ductility of the metal, reduces the melting point and changes the color range.

When asked what a carat is, most will answer that it is a measure of weight for diamonds. More knowledgeable people will also think about gold. They are right.

This is a unit of measurement. Used by jewelers and other specialists dealing with precious stones, pearls, and gold.

Origin and variety of the term

The name comes from the carob tree - ceratonia, the fruits of which resemble a horn (keratone from Greek - horn). The ancient Romans, appreciating the “uniformity” of the seeds, made their weight a unit of measurement; it was equal to 0.189 g. Only the Roman Empire thought so.

How much one carat weighs, everyone decided in their own way: English - 205.3, Florentine - 197.2, canonized Arabic - 223.2 mg. The northern states tried to introduce their own unit - gran, equal to the mass of a barley grain. But this figure was also different for different countries.

The global jewelry trade was in a frenzy. This could not go on for long; the question had to be solved precisely: how many grams is 1 carat? The answer was given by the international Paris conference. In 1907, it established a single measure of carats - 200 mg. By 1913, most countries agreed with this, and since 1923, the Soviet Union.

It can be used to measure both the weight of stones and the purity of gold. Therefore, there are several types:

Weight in all respects

Let's look at how to convert carats to grams and vice versa.

One carat is equal to 0.2 g, so 1 g is five carats. The translation is simple:

  • carat weight is the weight in grams multiplied by five;
  • gram weight is carat weight divided by five.

For example, how many grams is 20 carat? The weight of such a stone is 4 g (20÷5=4). A 100g stone is 500 carats.

To find out how much gold a bar of a certain weight and carat contains, you need to divide its total weight by 24, and then multiply by the carat number. For example, 240g of a 20-karat bar contains 200g of gold (240÷24x20=200).

How many centimeters are in one carat? The question may seem incorrect, because carats are mass, and centimeters are distance. However, the weight of pearls or a round-cut diamond, from 0.2 to 15 carats, can be found out without removing them from the frame, using special tables. But natural gemstones are extremely rarely valued in centimeters (cm); more often they talk about millimeters (mm).

For example, if a diamond has a diameter of 11 mm, its weight will be five carats, and if it is 16 mm, then 15. To take into account every millimeter, you will need calipers. Different gems with the same mass differ in size. After all, each mineral has its own density; it can fluctuate even for specimens of the same species, but from different deposits. An emerald will be larger than a diamond of the same mass, and a diamond will have a volume greater than that of a ruby, since the density of an emerald is the least of them, and that of a ruby ​​is the greatest.

For connoisseurs, special detailed tables have been compiled that compare the size, cut, and weight of different stones. Their accuracy is relative and applies primarily to factory-made products. Hand-cut masterpieces are always unique, so their weight may deviate from the standard.

More about purity and moderation

Why were samples needed at all, what else should you pay attention to when evaluating a gemstone? Pure gold is not used for jewelry because it is soft: it wears out too quickly.

To give strength and diversify shades, it is “strengthened” with other metals. Red is obtained by adding copper, white - by adding platinum or silver. But the percentage of impurities is limited. Thus, the UK considers gold jewelry to be at least 9K, the USA – 10K. To indicate the amount of other metals, the carat or standard was introduced.

The weight of semi-precious, semi-precious or untreated stones is measured in grams, in Europe - sometimes in ounces. Accuracy is determined to the second digit after the decimal point, that is, to a hundredth of a gram.

Jewelers use the term estimated weight. It means determining the size of a stone by eye, by estimating the diameter.

But the processing style, for example, can be misleading. A stone with a fine cut is visually larger than an equal stone, but more solid. It is worth sorting out your wealth from the box. You may appreciate their meaning in a whole new way.

Carat as a unit of mass measurement

  1. Metric carat. Established by the 4th General Conference on Weights and Measures (Paris, 1907) and adopted in the USSR in 1922, it is equal to 200 mg (0.2 grams). Abbreviation: Russian car, international ct. It is used in jewelry to determine the weight of precious stones and pearls.
  2. English carat- 205 mg.
  3. Arabic carat(qirat) is an outdated measure of weight in Muslim countries, approximately equal to 223 mg.

Carat as a unit of volume

Egyptian carat(qirat) - Egyptian unit of volume, equal to 1/32 qadah = 0.064 liters.

Carat as a unit of area

Egyptian carat(qirat) - Egyptian surface measure = 1/24 faddana = 3 habbs = 6 daniqs = 24 sahma = 175.035 m².

Carat as a unit of measurement of the purity of a substance (sample)

British carat- a non-metric unit for assessing the purity of a substance, equal to 1/24 of the mass of a pure substance in total mass. Denoted by the capital English letter "K".

Most often used to mark the purity of gold, in which case it is called "British gold karat".

Most popular in former USSR samples correspond

583rd hallmark - 14K gold

375th hallmark - 9K gold

Other samples legalized in the USSR:

585 - 14,041K, replaced the older and more traditional 583

999.9 - 24K - “Pure” gold

9K gold constitutes the minimum standard for gold purity in most countries. The exception is Germany - since 1884, it has established a minimum standard of 8K (333rd sample).

From the table above it is easy to see that the list of hallmarks legalized in the USSR, despite the metric system used, goes back to the traditional British measurement of gold purity in 1/24 parts of the mass.

When converting metric purity, expressed in ppm, into carats, deviations of up to a percentage are allowed.

Used in Switzerland and English-speaking countries.

see also



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