World bounty hunters thugs part 10. Headhunters: power to the police, at your expense. Modern bounty hunters

Description of flash game

Headhunters - Act 1

Sift Heads Cartels - Act 1

Vinnie is a character who is professionally involved in searching for and capturing criminals and bad guys. During his next mission to hunt gangsters, Vinny was seriously injured. But he did not complete the important task of punishing the drug cartel. Help him complete the boss's tasks by aiming a gun at the mafioso and get to the leader. If you have not played in a similar genre, select the game type in the menu item: easy, medium or difficult.
Each type is filled with a unique plot and specific missions. As a rule, events unfold in a dark room. Control the rifle through the sight which makes it clear where you are and where your enemies are. The main rule is to shoot in the head. The shooter "Headhunters - Act 1" is another series of games from the Stickman category. Stickman is a simple character that resembles a stick, but has certain abilities. Specifically in this game, he appears before us in the guise of a ninja punisher, in dark clothes and a courageous look. He is not afraid of death and is not afraid of enemies. Help him successfully complete this level so that Vinny does not lose his status as the “Best Bounty Hunter”.

Headhunters is a 2011 crime thriller film directed by Norwegian director Morten Tyldum. At the core storyline the film lies Detective novel about successful office manager Roger Brown, who carried out money scams in order to maintain a relationship with his beautiful wife. The main role in the film is played by the popular Scandinavian actor Axel Hennie, who won the prestigious Amanda film award.

At the beginning of the film, the main character Roger Brown appears before the audience in the image of a successful businessman, general manager of personnel selection for large global companies. Special insight and extreme charm allow Brown to successfully select the right candidates for any position, successfully manipulating the consciousness and actions of other people. He has everything - a gorgeous woman, a well-paid job and a good reputation among other workers. But, unfortunately, Brown's financial stability is in a very precarious position, which is why his relationship with his wife is subject to quarrels and misunderstandings. In order to improve the situation and somehow keep his wife near him, the main character decides to carry out small currency fraud related to the theft of expensive paintings.

But not everything is as smooth as Roger himself would like. Soon the ill-fated manager meets the Dutch entrepreneur Claes Graaf, played by Nikolaj Coster-Waldau (known to us from the fantasy series Game of Thrones). A failed plan to rob the Dutchman threatens Brown's continued existence.

In its shooting style and artistic design, the film Headhunters may be similar to Niels Arden Oplev's acclaimed detective thriller The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. The cold equanimity of the characters and the unusually constructed plot will make viewers feel the special tension that permeates both films until the very end. It's worth watching Headhunters online if you're a fan of detective cinema and are also interested in delightful Scandinavian literature in the style of Stieg Larsson.

There is only one conclusion - it is definitely a high-quality movie, containing elements of cynical humor and an intricate plot. Therefore, watching Bounty Hunters in HD is a must. At least in order to fully enjoy the amazing creation of the Norwegian Tyldum and get real pleasure from watching this crime thriller.

Headhunters is a 2011 crime thriller film directed by Norwegian director Morten Tyldum. The plot of the film is based on a detective novel about a successful office manager, Roger Brown, who carried out money scams in order to maintain a relationship with his beautiful wife. The main role in the film is played by the popular Scandinavian actor Axel Hennie, who was noted for the prestigious film

And now we find ourselves again in the section where murders are committed. If you are used to shedding virtual blood, you can safely take on the job of a hired killer. You will become a free artist of death, a master of fear, the madness of the doomed. You are approached with exclusive orders, and you are not to be trifled with. They try not to offend or anger such people, because they know their business and for the sake of the offender they are ready to make an exception - to refuse the fee and take his life for free.

But you will not be an ordinary killer, of which there are many - you have a completely unique handwriting. Typically, those who order murders are satisfied with the killer's word that the job has been completed. Clients come to you who value scope and want to have a piece of a person they hate in their collection. To get it, you need a special performer, a pianist in his field, a virtuoso of horror. So you will become a key figure in this whole story by playing Bounty Hunter games.

Your calling is a bounty hunter.

Don't ask us how people become such hunters. We are just offering one way to have fun virtually, we will provide you with this opportunity and make your first order.

  • First, the photo of the ordered victim must be assembled from pieces. This is a kind of puzzle, and such a mini-game precedes the beginning of the adventure, and makes the process varied.
  • Next, track down the person from the photo by finding him in one of the windows of the house.
  • Having identified him, immediately and accurately shoot in order to put him dead.
  • This would be the end of the game about a killer, but not in our case. You need to use a cable to get to his apartment so as not to be detected.
  • In the finale, the most important thing is to cut off the head using the mouse.

So you have become a professional killer of a special category. Congratulations on your first task and we are ready to offer the next one. All Sift Heads games are repeated, and the scenarios are similar - at the end you must cut off your head, because this condition is set by the customer. But sometimes your target is not one person, but several. This already looks like a massacre, but the opponents are not ordinary citizens, but mostly the leaders of gangster groups, dangerous politicians and the military.

Not everyone can become a bounty hunter

Let's not hide that we recruit only boys over twelve years old to become hunters. These games are not for the fragile psyche, and therefore you will have to be patient if you have not yet reached that age. Without exception, we take the rest into the main group and are ready to provide them with victims.

When starting the gameplay, be prepared for difficulties. The tasks are not always the same, and often involve serious danger. Each mafioso has his own security, and they will resist. Shoot back at them, cutting off their heads, and then assemble a collection of them. You'll have to jump on platforms, open containers, climb skyscrapers and go down into dungeons.

Scientific laboratories guard their secrets and post security, but if you are given the task of stealing an important discovery, you have to prove that you are paid crazy money for a reason. In your gear modern weapons and equipment. Even the boots are equipped with jet engines to help you take off or descend smoothly. Well, are you ready to harvest the heads?

On December 25, Quentin Tarantino releases The Hateful Eight, and someone is already seriously interested in Star Wars: Battlefront. How are these events connected? Elementary! One of the heroes of Battlefront is the legendary adventurer Boba Fett, and in Eight, Samuel Jackson played a bounty hunter. There is no better reason to talk about this wonderful profession. Turning to this topic, we found out that the craft is thriving, it has a rich and interesting story, as well as a dim but potentially fascinating future.

Thomas Tate Tobin is one of the most famous bounty hunters in history.

The work of a bounty hunter comes down to a simple formula: there is a reward for catching a certain person (that same “Wanted dead or alive” poster), which means you can catch him and even make it your permanent profession. Found the criminal without breaking the law - get your money, that's the whole story. That is why we were unable to find large studies on the topic, only a lot of fragmentary facts. But what kind!

There are many nuances here, especially in our time, when the institution of bounty hunters is still relevant, but is associated with a lot of technologies of the coming future. What will happen when these two worlds finally find each other and come together in a happy union is, at a minimum, a topic for a PhD thesis.

Headhunting, beginning

Headhunters have always existed in one form or another and have been represented in every culture; not only in the literal sense, of course, although cannibals collecting skulls are also interesting topic. On a historical scale, the state justice system is a recent, young invention. The police, as we know it, have not existed for even two hundred years - and the rest of the time, someone needed to maintain order and punish criminals.

The lowest level are the so-called watchmen, as in the comics, in fact - city vigilantes. If at the turn of the eighties and nineties your dad worked at a factory, then most likely, on a voluntary-compulsory basis, he had to patrol the streets with the same unfortunates as a vigilante and, as it were, stand guard over security. In London, until the 19th century, such a responsibility lay with every citizen, but, of course, for most it was too dangerous and unpleasant, and then the residents of some quarter pooled their money to hire stronger guys who did all the work and could catch the criminal right on the spot. In the latter case, such a warrior could receive a guinea in gratitude - excellent money at that time, the salary of an average hard worker for a whole month.

The man with a lantern shouting at the young rake is that same vigilante watchman.

But watchmen are the lowest echelon; the real professionals were the head hunters. The Anglo-Saxon justice system, in principle, relied on them: the victim of a crime or even the state announced a reward for the capture of the attacker, and who would bring him to court (yes, directly to the court, there were no police) was the tenth matter.

In Britain these guys were called thief-takers, that is, “those who seize thieves,” and in the American colonies and then the United States - actually, “bounty hunters.” It is clear that the victim of the robbery was already tight with money, but in this case there was insurance against criminals, so most often the bounty hunters were hired not so much by the victims as by insurance companies who did not want to lose large sums of money, and were simply happy were to maintain their prestige by outweighing a couple of robbers.

In the early States, the system was complicated by the fact that there were also sheriffs and federal marshals, and simply truly people's lynching courts. Marshals were something like police with unclear powers and responsibilities, and lynching in the United States has always made its own amendments to justice.

In addition, a separate caste of headhunters took root - slave catchers, who, for obvious reasons, differed in their specificity, methods of work and weapons. The bounty hunter had every right to shoot the attacker, cut off his head as evidence (seriously, he couldn’t take a photo of the corpse then) and calmly gallop to the customer.

Hunters for runaway slaves did not have such luxury, and their weapons were not Colts and Winchesters, but lasso, whips, hunting dogs and chains. Such professionals received a more stable and even large income. By the peculiar standards of the times, manhunters maintained law and order, and in the minds of the average man in the street they seemed like good guys.

Ticket to watch the hanging of Jonathan Wild. His only portrait.

The most telling example of what adventurers and even scoundrels bounty hunters were was the life of Jonathan Wild, the greatest bounty hunter and swindler in 18th-century England.

Capturing bandits has always been associated with the need to move in the criminal world, and Wilde decided to combine both crafts. Realizing that selling stolen goods was even more difficult than stealing, he stole, and then hired himself out to the victims, returning the stolen items and money to them for a reward.

The scheme turned out to be so effective that over time, Wilde organized a large office, took over an entire sector of the London underworld, and honestly caught thieves who did not work for him and brought them to justice. Of course, government officials also took part, so Wild became those years. Tellingly, he also could not be convicted of real crimes and, as a result, was hanged for assisting in the theft of a skein of yarn - a real irony when we're talking about about a man who stole so much that he sold the stolen goods in whole ships.

Modern bounty hunters

In the United States, the institution of bounty hunters is still relevant - as an archaic echo of the Wild West and the early Anglo-Saxon judicial system. Apart from America, this is now completely legal and fully officially practiced only in the Philippines. Real bounty hunters exist just like in the old days, except that they no longer kill, but simply deliver the criminal to court or the police station.

The essence of the work has been preserved, but its form has changed significantly. Now almost all of these guys are called “bail bond agents” and they operate a little differently than before.

In the United States, a system of release on bail has been developed, so that a person does not have to wait for a court decision in prison, but does it at home, subject to the requirement to appear in court for a hearing. For obvious reasons, many of those who ransomed immediately escape, and this is where the hunters come into play - they receive money from the deposit left by the villain and set out in pursuit.

This is what an ad for bounty hunters looks like these days.

It may seem strange and even implausible, but bounty hunters end up tracking and catching more than 90% of all escapees as standard. What is especially surprising is that they are, as a rule, prohibited from using firearms, and in general they are constrained by the law more than the police. Therefore, many of the modern bounty hunters are not the fastest shooters in the West, as in old times, and former wrestlers, boxers and wrestlers.

Skiptrace is another side of modern bounty hunting. These terms are usually confused and used as synonyms, which is not entirely true. Skiptracing is more about tracking down people and collecting information about them for one reason or another. As a rule, we are talking about collecting data about non-payment of alimony or taxes, or about a competitor in a business and its environment. IN modern conditions the need to search through databases, social networks, plus classic surveillance make this area something more hacker-detective than bumpy-western. Perhaps in the future such work will become something like the cutting edge of cyberpunk reality, who knows.

Real bounty hunters and pop culture

Bounty hunters are almost as much a treasure trove of stories as comic book heroes, especially since they can always be combined together - as is the case with Deadpool. Besides him, Boba Fett and other famous characters, there are quite a few pop culture personalities. Number one on the list is Duane Chapman, a real-life bounty hunter who served time for the murder of a pimp and drug dealer, and while he was serving time, he learned that his wife had left him for his best friend.

After his release, he became very skilled at catching criminals evading trial and even brought several relatives into the business. Naturally, Chapman has a lot of cool stories up his sleeve, including his 2008 autobiography, You Can Run but You Can't Hide. In addition, Chapman made his own show with pathos and cool guys. This is how the whole world learned about modern bounty hunting and Chapman’s pathological craving for black glasses, Redneck hairstyles and beads in his hair.

Duane Chapman.

Another example of a truly entertaining story is the story of Domino Harvey, a femme fatale and bounty hunter. Since childhood, the girl dreamed of becoming a fashion model, but first she had to make a living by catching criminals. It turned out that her talents in this area were much more significant and numerous, so as a result she was called the “Queen of Bounty Hunters.”

At some point, the huntress began appearing in films and eventually played a cameo role in the biographical film Domino, where she was played by Keira Knightley. Harvey died of an opioid overdose at age 35, and this is a consistent end to her career: she liked being a star less than being a bounty hunter, and new life made her feel deathly sad.

Domino Harvey.

Besides the obvious real prototypes, bounty hunters are deeply entrenched in modern culture: the heroes of Clint Eastwood, main character from Blade Runner, Django, after all. These characters are typically cool, relatable, and often subject to satire—but now you know that reality is even cooler, funnier, and sometimes ironically even more joke-like than the movies or games.

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