Characteristics of the winter months senior group. Summary of a cognitive lesson on the topic “Characteristics of the winter months. January and February" (senior group). task: word game “Say a word”

Lesson topic: Lute

Program content: Continue to introduce children to the phenomena of inanimate nature: February is the month of lute. To develop curiosity, attention, fine motor skills, and imagination in preschoolers. Strengthen knowledge about the signs of the seasons. Foster friendly relationships, mutual assistance, and a culture of behavior.

Material: Lull circles according to the seasons (three circles: the sun, vegetation, adult activities and children's games). Pencils, paper. Clock "Seasons".

Progress of the lesson

The teacher invites the children to go to the window and look at the weather outside.

When we look at the weather outside, what should we notice and describe? (sun, clouds, wind, trees, people’s clothes)

Held didactic game“Review and post!”

Children must identify and lay out the main signs of the season on the table.

What season should I set on our “Seasons” clock? (on the clock you need to set the hand to the season - winter, blue part of the clock).

Andrey, what time of year do the signs outside the window indicate to us? (signs outside the window indicate to us that the season is winter)

Marina, what signs of winter have you posted on your table? (The sun is not in the sky, it is hidden behind a cloud. Heavy snow is coming from the cloud. There is snow on the trees and the ground. There is a strong wind outside. People put on fur coats, hats, scarves and mittens.)

Winter came. Outside, the snow is falling quietly.

How can this phenomenon be called differently? (snowfall)

When it snows, is there wind or not? (when it snows, there is no wind. That’s why they say snow falls ~ snowfall)

And if a strong wind blows and snow swirls in the air, what can you call such a natural phenomenon? (blizzard)

And if the wind that swirls the snow is very, very strong, how can you call such a natural phenomenon? (snow blizzard)

Take pencils and try to draw a snowfall on a sheet of paper at the top, a blizzard at the bottom, and a snow blizzard in the middle of the sheet.

Is there snowfall, blizzard or blizzard outside our window right now? (children's answers are discussed)

What time of year will come to us after winter? (spring)

How many of you know what it's called? last month winter? (February)

In ancient times, our grandparents noticed everything, and put these signs into words. Listen to this proverb: “Blizzards and blizzards flew away in February!”

Why do you think they said that in Rus'? (there are always blizzards and blizzards this month)

In Rus', when the month of February comes, they usually say this: “February has come! How are you wearing shoes?

Why do you think they said that in Rus'? (the children’s answers are discussed and lead to the fact that in winter the most important thing is to keep your feet warm, i.e. you need to dress warmly)

How do you understand the word fierce? (prickly, angry, scary, strong, etc.)

February is a very angry month of winter. This month is the hungriest for all forest and domestic animals. After all, they also don’t really like it when there is a strong wind, a lot of snow, and little food.

But in mid-February an amazing meeting takes place. This day, February 15, is called the meeting. On this day, spring is trying to see if Mother Winter is strong, or maybe not anymore?

Who do you think is dating whom in mid-February? (winter meets spring)

Winter and spring meet and begin to show their strength to each other.

Which of them is stronger, do you think? (children's answers are discussed)

Everyone is preparing for this meeting. The red spring asks for the red sun:

Bell sun,

Look out, shine a light.

Welcome the red spring!

Drive away the fierce winter!

Who guessed why spring calls the sun to help it? (children's answers are discussed)

Do you think mother winter wants to give way to spring? (children's answers are discussed)

Of course, winter does not want to give way to spring, so it comes up with various miracles:

It will be swept away by a blizzard;

It will pretend to be a quiet winter, but snowy - it will turn into snowfall;

Otherwise it will howl, howl, and start to scare everyone: I will sweep it, I will carry it, I will startle it.

How many of you guessed who winter will call as its assistants in order to sweep it up, frustrate it and prevent the spring from coming? (wind).

But in Rus' they say: “No matter how scary winter is, it’s still melting!”, “No matter how angry you are, February, no matter how frowny you are, spring is still here,” “February is strong with a blizzard, and March with a drop!” »

What seasons are these proverbs talking about? (about winter and spring)

Held didactic game “When does this happen?”

Children are given Llull circles with story cards for the seasons. Children should pick up story cards for the seasons in all circles and tell:

On the smallest circle, the state of the sun: the sun with rays, behind a cloud, without rays, etc.

On the second circle there are trees and plants according to the seasons: with leaves, with yellow leaves, snow-covered trees, etc.

In the third circle, activities for adults and children at different times of the year: swimming in the river, sledding, picking vegetables in the garden, etc.

This time of year is summer. Because the sun is shining brightly. There are green leaves on the trees and flowers are blooming. People sunbathe and swim in the river.

This time of year is spring. Green leaves appear on the trees. Streams run along the paths. The sun is shining, but the rays are still small. People took off their warm clothes and put on jackets and rubber boots. Etc.

At the end of the lesson, the children look out the window again and note what kind of February it is outside, is it fierce or not? Has winter met spring?

Summary of a lesson on speech development for children senior group
Topic: “How winter meets spring”
Author of the work: Khokhlova Valentina Nesterovna, teacher of the State Budgetary Educational Institution " Kindergarten No. 90", Sevastopol
Description of work: The lesson is intended for kindergarten teachers. During the lesson, children consolidate their knowledge of the signs of winter and spring, get acquainted with the peculiarities of winter in their region, and their vocabulary is enriched. The lesson uses poems, riddles, and proverbs. Introduces the national holiday Candlemas.
Program content: Teach children to compare the seasons: winter and spring, characterize them,
using adjectives. Learn to come up with sentences with a given object, an image in a picture. Reinforce knowledge about the properties of water. Develop coherent speech, cultivate interest in national holidays, signs, nature of the native land.
Material: Two dolls: one is dressed as the Snow Maiden - the image of Winter, the other is dressed as Spring in a green dress, with a wreath on her head and with a bouquet of spring flowers in her hand; subject pictures for each child depicting winter clothing, winter sports items; tape recorder, recordings of birdsong; drawings depicting smiles.
Progress of the lesson
Educator: Guys, listen to a riddle.
Auntie is cool
White and gray
Carrying the cold in a bag,
The cold is shaking on the ground.
It sweeps up snowdrifts,
Covers the ground with a carpet. (Winter)
Educator: Children, what is this?
Children: Winter.
(The teacher shows the doll in the image of Winter)
Educator: That's right, kids, it's winter. Let's remember how many months there are in each season?
Children: Three.
Educator: What months are these in winter?
Children: December, January and February.
Educator: Well done, absolutely right. What month is it now?
Children: February.
Educator: That's right, February is the last winter month. Guys, let’s imagine winter in the form of such a doll and tell you what Winter is like. (Children's answers).
Educator: That's right, guys, what kind of winter is it like in Crimea?
Children: Capricious, changeable.
Educator: And why?
Children: We live in Crimea and our city of Sevastopol is located on the shores of the warm Black Sea.
Educator: Please remember, did we have snow this winter?
Children: Yes!
Educator: What is he like?
Children: White, fluffy, wet, cold, shining in the sun.
Educator: Well done. Do you remember we learned a poem about a snowflake?
Children: Yes.
Educator: Maybe someone will tell it. (Children or child tell)
Educator: Children, why didn’t she fall like a snowball, but spin around?
Children: Because it's light.
Educator: Why did she melt?
Children: Because the palm is warm.
Educator: So what is snow?
Children: Frozen water.
Educator: Guys, you have cards on your tables, turn them over and listen to the task. Please come up with a sentence with the word winter and that it is related to what is shown on the card. (I'll give you time to think) - (Children's answers)

Educator: We taught you proverbs about winter, let's remember them. (Children's answers)
"Whiter winter - greener summer"
“Winter without snow - summer without bread”
“Winter, no matter how warm it is, is still winter”
“The earth rests in winter to bloom in summer”
Educator: And now we will learn another proverb about winter. Listen to her.
“Winter begins with frosts and ends in drops” (I read 2 times, interview the children).
Educator: Children, what do you think the word frost means?
Educator: Frosts are small, light frosts that occur at night in early winter.
- What does the word drops mean?

Educator: This, children, is when the spring sun begins to warm up, the snow melts and water drips from the roofs. This phenomenon is called drops. Well, we talked about winter, we said that the last winter month is coming and another season will come soon. Which one?
Children: Spring.
Educator: Right. “She was white and gray-haired - a young green one came” (I turn on music with singing, chirping birds)
Educator: Listen, children, spring is already on its way. Let's play the game "Shine, Shine Clear." Stand in a circle.
(The game is played 2-3 times. After the game, sit down.)
Educator: Children, recently, on February 15, winter met spring. This day is popularly called Candlemas. Here it is spring - red. (I show the doll in the image of spring). What can you, children, say about spring? (Children's answers).
Educator: What do you think Winter and Spring said to each other when they met? (Children's answers).
Educator: Well, let's wait a little longer for the Red Spring. What will she bring us? (Children's answers).
Educator: And it will also bring us joy, a good mood, and when there is a good, joyful mood, then everyone is happy and everyone smiles, and that’s why I want to give smiles to everyone: both our children and guests, so that you look at them and smile.

“Winter Phenomena” - The mystery of the birth of snowflakes. What is ice? On a visit to winter. What is present. What is snowfall? Project activities. Winter phenomena in inanimate nature. Stars. Cognitive skills. Phenomena. Frost. Life brown bear. What is a blizzard?

“Winter Months” - The skates are shining on the skating rink, the skating rink is sparkling, the fluffy snow is sparkling. Plants rejoice in the snow - it covers them with a warm blanket until spring. February. The coldest month. January is the first month of the year. Snowflakes curl and swirl and rush into my room. Everything around is white and blue, everything is in a thin lace of shadows. Last month of the year.

“Hello, winter-winter” - Name the heroes. Snowdrifts. Poems about winter. Riddles about winter. Heroes. Winter sorceress. Santa Claus. White birch. Per Noel. Winter-winter. Freezing. Father Frost's birthday. Dedko Morozko. Yolupukki. What do you know about Grandfather Frost. Month. Calendar. Weihnachtsmann. Name the characters and the cartoon.

“White Winter” - How many snowflakes are there. Colored circle. Draw the answer. How many identical snowflakes were there? What you shouldn't do on the street. Dress Tanya. Finger gymnastics. Snowflakes. Guess a riddle. Sequence of pictures. How many identical snowflakes are there? What items are needed for winter fun? Winter. Snowman.

“The month of December” - Nature in the first half of December. Amount of snow. Bad Wolf. Nature in the second half of December. December. The days are getting brighter and lighter. Snow is falling more and more often. Sun. Holidays in December. Father Frost. Forest in December. Squirrels are gnawing on cones. Rivers and lakes. The first month of winter. The brightest holiday of the year.

“It’s winter time” - We close our eyes, our eyes rest. No bucket, no brush, no hands, But it will whitewash all the roofs around. In winter, the entire earth is covered with soft, fluffy snow. Write a story about winter according to plan: What changes occur in inanimate nature in winter? How does the sun shine in winter? Snowflakes flew to the right, The children looked to the right.

There are a total of 24 presentations in the topic

Topic: “February is the last month of winter.”

Target: clarify and systematize children’s knowledge about winter.


educational: to consolidate in children the ability to identify the essential signs of the winter period, the features of February, to correlate changes in nature with the life of animals and birds, and their methods of adaptation;

educational: develop evidence-based speech, logical thinking, imagination; continue to develop learning skills: the ability to listen carefully, answer questions, complement.

Correctional and developmental: correction of attention, memory, fine motor skills.

educational: cultivate interest in natural world, the desire to understand it, the desire to take care of nature.

Progress of the lesson.

White fluffy snow

Spinning in the air

And the ground is quiet

Falls, lies down.

And in the morning snow

The field turned white

Like a veil

Everything dressed him...

Guys, what time of year did I read a poem to you about?

How did you guess that the poem is about winter?

*What time of year is it now?

*What winter month is it now?

The first month is December, popularly called “gloomy” - a gloomy, sunless month, the days are short, the nights are long.

*What is the second month of winter?

The second month is January - the cold is fierce, the frost is crackling, and the snow is solid under your feet. People call January “fierce”.

*What is the name of the third month?

The last winter month is a pity,

The shortest one is...


The third month is February - the last month of winter. Blizzards and blizzards sweep up high snowdrifts, strong winds driving drifting snow along the ground. In the old days, February was called “snowman”.

Are the days getting longer in February? What do you know about this month? It is the last month of winter. It is the shortest of the year. It has 28 or 29 days.

And at this time there are more often snowstorms and blizzards.

What are blizzards and blizzards? Watch video.

Snowstorms and blizzards are winter natural phenomena.

What word do you think the words “blizzard” and “blizzard” could come from? Blizzard and blizzard were formed from the words “revenge” and “to curl.” The wind can sweep snow along roads or fields (blizzard), or it can lift it and curl it into snow whirlwinds (blizzard).

Severe snowstorm called a blizzard or blizzard.

Game "Wind". Breathing exercises

Task 1: “Wear clothes for a walk”

Guys, what do you need to wear to go out? winter walk?

Clothes, shoes.

-Name the items of winter clothing.

Down jacket.


Warm pants.

Woolen socks.


Knitted jacket.

Mittens, gloves.

- Well done. And now I ask you to name the winter shoes.



Getting to know old shoes - felt boots.

-Amazing. Name winter headwear.

Fur hat, scarf, beret, knitted hat.

Display of a down scarf.

Task 2: word game “Say a word”

Guys, come and look out the window. (Children stand up). I woke up early in the morning, looked out the window and was surprised. Winter-winter, what have you done?

Winter came with frosts and that’s it... - (frozen).

The snowstorm covered all the paths with chalk.

The river was covered with ice and everything... - (frozen over).

Winter called a blizzard and that’s it... - (it started blizzarding).

The snow powder on the paths is all... (powdered).

Task 3: “Mimic exercise”

We have a poster hanging in our reception area that shows children in different moods.

“Behold, winter, the sorceress dressed the trees and bushes in white clothes, strewn the ground with sparkles and silver. Breathe easily and well. (Joy),

“But the angry winter - the old woman froze the birds, people and animals, bound the rivers with ice. (Sadness).

Even though winter has frozen and covered everything, we are not afraid of it and will go for a walk together.

Task 4:Game "Find out by touch"

Close your eyes and extend your hand forward.

What object is in your palm? (snow)

What does it feel like? (cold, wet, soft, crispy, sticky)

Have you ever caught a snowflake on your hand or mitten?

Catch snowflakes. (Snowflakes are cut out of white paper)

Look at the snowflakes and remember those snowflakes that we looked at during our walk. What are they like? (On the stars)

Let's describe a snowflake. What is she like? Finding feature words. (White, beautiful, carved, fragile, cold, silver, sparkling, amazing, prickly in the cold, fluffy, large, small)

Task 5: Game “Snowball”

The teacher rolls a snowball to each child in turn and asks:

What snowball? (Fragile)

What snowflake? (White, fluffy, airy, fabulous, tender, prickly, carved)

What kind of snowdrift? (Big)

What's winter like? (Beautiful, cold, silver)

What kind of snowstorm? (Blizzard)

What kind of icicle? (Cold, transparent)

What kind of frost? (Shiny, silver)

What kind of snow woman? (Big)

What kind of snow? (Light, creaky, white, cold, soft, fluffy)

What snowball? (Round, soft)

What can you do with snowballs? (Snowdrift)

Task 6: Game “Say a word.”

In winter, everything around is covered with white fluffy snow.

Let's play with the word "snow".

(the teacher reads a poem, and the children add words related to the word “snow”. The children sit on the carpet under the developing “tulle-snow.”)

“Quiet, quiet, like in a dream,

Falls to the ground... (Snow.)

Fuzzes are still sliding from the sky -

Silver... (Snowflakes.)

On the paths, on the meadow

Everything is decreasing... (Snowball.)

Here's some fun for the guys -

More and more... (Snowfall.)

Everyone is running in a race

Everyone wants to play... (Snowballs.)

Like wearing a white down jacket

Dressed up... (Snowman.)

Nearby there is a snow figure -

This girl is... (Snow Maiden.)

In the snow, look -

With a red breast... (Bullfinches.)

Like in a fairy tale, like in a dream,

Decorated the whole earth... (Snow.)"


Task 7: Pure saying “Winter”

Ok-ok-ok - a little white snow fell,

Eg-eg-eg - everything was covered with white snow.

Ki-ki-ki - we love to play snowballs.

Ry-ry-ry - I'm sledding down the mountain.

Lu-lu-lu - I love snowy winter.

Task 8: “How animals hibernate in winter”

Winter also attacked the animals, but they were not afraid: some had warm fur coats, a bear was sucking a paw in a den, a squirrel was gnawing nuts in a hollow. Yes, here they are, they will tell about themselves.

Bear: I'm in the winter under a blizzard howl

I sleep in a snow hut.

Let me dream about honey.

I'll wake up when spring comes.

Hedgehog: Listen to me, kids.

In winter, I also sleep like Mishka.

I hunted over the summer:

I looked for mushrooms and caught mice.

I need to rest for this,

I was tired, exhausted.

Squirrel: I, the squirrel, tried to prepare for winter:

I changed my fur coat and stocked up,

I insulated the hollow with leaves,

So that I can be warm in winter.

Bunny: By winter, I, Bunny, have shed my hair.

And the color of the fur coat changed.

I can't be gray in winter

They'll spot me in the snow.

Wolf: I - Gray wolf. I walk in a pack.

So as not to be evil, not to starve -

I search, I hunt, I never get tired,

In winter it is difficult for me to get food.

Fox: I am a cunning fox.

My fur is fluffy, beautiful and warm.

To profit from winter cold

I wander through the forest past villages.

*Which animal sleeps in winter?

*What does a hedgehog eat?

*What do you call a bear that doesn't sleep in winter?

(Animals that sleep in winter sit down on chairs)

*Children, count how many animals are left?

*Which of the animals stands first and last?

*If the squirrel leaves, how many animals will remain?

*Who changes their fur coat from orange to gray?

*Why does a squirrel need a tail?

*Who is the biggest animal?

*Which animal roams in packs?

*Who are the hare's enemies?

*Which animals have an easier life, wild or domestic? Why?

5 signs of being alive.

9. task: “Name the cubs”

Children find babies using reference pictures:

Fox - fox cubs

Wolf - wolf cubs

Squirrel - baby squirrels

Hare - bunnies

Bear - cubs

10. task. Game - imitation “Who moves how?”

Hare - jumping

Bear - waddles

Fox - sneaking

Squirrel - jumping

The wolf is on the prowl.

11. task: “Whose house?”

Working with magnets

12.task: “Find the differences among the snowmen”

(There are 2 snowmen on the magnetic board)

Guys, let's find the differences between them.


Working with a notebook

*What does it take to get sick?

(first of all, compliance with safety rules in winter time)

*do not unbutton clothes;

*do not take off your hat;

*do not eat snow;

*do not put icicles in your mouth;

*do not sit on snow and ice;

*do not apply the tongue to metal;

*you need to walk in the middle of the sidewalk;

*you cannot ride a sled while standing;

*throwing snow in the face is prohibited.

Guys, this was the last leaf, the birch tree thanks you for your help. She left a gift for you. So that you and I can get to the holiday faster.

*What winter holidays do you know?

(31th of December - New Year, January 7 - Bright Feast of the Nativity of Christ, February 23 - Defender of the Fatherland Day.) At the end of February, people say goodbye to winter and prepare to welcome spring.


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