Rat Libra. Finance horoscope for Rats. Rat – Taurus

It can be said with clear confidence that in the coming period of time, most of the life circumstances will depend only on the representatives of the sign themselves. The representative of this star constellation belongs to the calculating and cunning people; of course, it is filled and negative qualities, but in general, you can confidently rely on the category of such people. As he assureseastern horoscope for 2019, Ratcapable of becoming the center of everyone's attention if she so desires. If the surrounding people’s views are directed towards this person, then the latter can successfully realize her many ideas into reality.

The Pig, the faithful ruler of the coming time period, will not always patronize the representative of the zodiac constellation; quite often he will present him with large and small trials. For the Rat, a period of excitement and grandiose experiences is expected, but most of them will be contrived by the representative of the zodiac himself. The period is good for acquaintance and positive communication. You should not reject those who fiercely strive to join the society of the Rat. If you behave correctly and prudently, then with the help of new acquaintances you can significantly improve your current life situation.

In order not to worsen the existing situation, a representative of Star Trek is not recommended to actively strive for changes in his own life. Of course, many Rats just want to fix something, but now there is no clear certainty that any changes will necessarily lead to positive result. If possible, the year-long period should be spent calmly. If the opportunity for a long rest is given, then you certainly should not refuse it. But it is important to remember that in order to organize the most ideal vacation, you need to work hard before it.

Many Rats will have to think about what they did in past periods of their lives. They probably made some mistakes for which they now have to pay. The year is a perfect opportunity to ask for sincere forgiveness from those who were offended by the Rats. If someone also comes to the Rat with words of forgiveness, then you definitely cannot reject the person asking.

Closer to the middle of this year, representatives of the zodiac constellation may have a love affair. At the same time, such life circumstances may concern both unfree and single representatives. If for lonely Rats such a life situation will become an interesting revolution in their personal life, then for family representatives of the constellation even the slightest flirting can break strong family ties. It is important to constantly treat everything that happens nearby with great attention; you cannot trust people who have shown themselves to be very unscrupulous. During the entire duration of the year of the Pig's reign, the star sign should be extremely careful. It is required to be alone more often, especially if the Rat’s environment consists of negative and incomprehensible individuals.

For many representatives of the star sign, this period in time can be quite successful. Of course, there will be negative moments in their lives, butRat woman horoscope for 2019assures that real luck lies in the clutches of the zodiac representative herself.

Throughout this year, it is important for ladies to take a closer look at their own surroundings. As soon as gossipers or ill-wishers appear in your environment, it is important to immediately avoid their company, as well as communication. It is also necessary to be wary of fans who immediately show material interest in women.

Rat Man

For all Rat men, the coming period of time will become as loving as possible. They will become so pleasant in appearance that they will attract the views of fans on a colossal scale. Such circumstances in life can become dangerous for family representatives of the zodiac. How their future family and personal life will turn out depends only on their own behavior.

Horoscope of the Rat man for 2019reminds that men cannot engage only in love interests; it is important to remember the professional achievements that they can now achieve with great success.

Horoscope for the Rat for January 2019

To achieve positive and obvious results, Rats will have to make a lot of their own efforts. Despite the New Year holidays, they will have to work hard and actively implement previously conceived plans. It is also important to prepare for the fact that everything will not go entirely smoothly this month, but various problems and significant difficulties will only strengthen the characteristic qualities of the representative of the star constellation and give him self-confidence.

Rat horoscope for February 2019

It's interesting to understand at the end of the winter season? Right now, many representatives of the zodiac can calm down and spend almost the entire month of February in peace. At this moment, they will not need to strive for anything or actively implement anything. Material problems will also recede, and all because Rats will finally learn to save.

The month is great for practicing your own appearance; ladies can visit a fitness club, and men can sign up for a course of exercises on weight machines.

Horoscope for the Rat for March 2019

With the arrival of the spring season, a lot will change in the soul of the representative of the star constellation. Many Rats will have to face their own past and understand whether they need it for their future lives. You shouldn’t be too afraid of heart-to-heart conversations; they will help the star sign understand itself.

This period of time is excellent for outlining future plans for your destiny. Now it is important to eliminate from life everything that definitely interferes with Rats. It is necessary to let happiness into the fate of the representative of the sign.

Rat Horoscope for April 2019

A huge amount of nostalgia and passive mood will appear in the soul of the representative of the sign. Despite the most important circumstance that everything around is blooming and smelling, Rats want to be completely alone. If such urges appear in the soul, then you should not resist them. For your own peace of mind, it is quite possible to take a vacation from work and go on a short but interesting trip.

It is important to remember about relatives, especially if the Rats have not seen each other or have not communicated with all of them for a sufficiently long period of time.

Horoscope for the Rat for May 2019

As statedchinese horoscope for the Rat for 2019 , with the beginning of May, a lot can change in the fate of the zodiac representative. But this requires the open desire of the Rat itself. It is important to start changes in your own destiny from the very beginning. important aspects. If Rats do not have personal happiness, then you can start active search satellite for family life. If something does not suit the Rats in terms of their career, then active actions need to be taken in this area.

Rat Horoscope for June 2019

Representatives of the zodiac experienced quite a busy time. The time has come to think about your own well-being, as well as about strengthening the body's defenses. This month it is important to calm down and temporarily leave behind all active actions towards changing your own destiny.

It will be great to spend the whole June visiting your dear and loved ones. If you have the opportunity to go to the Black Sea coast, then you definitely shouldn’t refuse it.

Horoscope for the Rat for July 2019

This summer month dangerous due to conflicts and manifestations of negativity from either colleagues or loved ones. Time is also dangerous in terms of deception. It is important for the Rat not to engage in risky operations and to avoid negative situations in his destiny as much as possible.

Now you shouldn’t confidently change anything in your own professional life, as there is a probable risk of getting negative consequences. During the same period, representatives of the star constellation may experience an acute shortage of material resources.

Rat horoscope for August 2019

Towards the end of the summer season, it is time for all representatives of the zodiac constellation to think only about themselves. It would be a good idea to devote this month entirely to changes in your own lifestyle. You can start with proper nutrition. Some Rats have a special love for bad habits, it is precisely them that are important to give up at this summer moment.

Subsequently, it is necessary to begin an active lifestyle, and after that, it will be possible to begin procedures that harden the body.

Horoscope for the Rat for September 2019

A month of problems and worries comes again. Firstly, representatives of the star zodiac will encounter financial difficulties; they need to be resolved in a timely manner, otherwise the Rats will get bogged down in debt and material dependence. The second thing that will sadden the representative of the zodiac is personal problems. Rats can show incompetence towards their own soul mate, which will cause great strife in the family.

Rat horoscope for October 2019

A not very favorable time for representatives of the zodiac continues, but the latter have already become accustomed to difficult situations in their lives. Time can be completely spent on completing previously started tasks. In terms of career, no special changes are expected, but the Rat’s financial condition will begin to improve.

But personal life is still in a critical state. Only the Rats themselves can correct the current situation. And you need to start, first of all, with yourself and with a change in attitude towards your loved ones and very dear ones.

Horoscope for the Rat for November 2019

RealEastern (Chinese) horoscope for 2019 for the Ratindicates that the time of sadness and negativity is slowly passing. Thanks to their own efforts, representatives of the star sign will begin to improve all their negative aspects in their life.

For lonely Rats, the moment can be very successful, of course, if they want to change their own personal situation in life. There is no need to resist meeting people and new communication, and then happiness will quickly find itself.

Rat horoscope for December 2019

On the eve of the festive onset of New Year's celebrations, representatives of the star constellation will have pleasant chores. They will need to find gifts for their dear relatives, as well as loved ones, so most of their free time will be occupied by pleasant searches.

In the final week of this year, it would be good for the Rat to think about everything that was not completed during the duration of this year. If something important is left behind, then there is still time to turn everything you want into reality.

The coming year will be very fruitful for representatives of this sign, and fruitfulness is not a guarantee of stability.

Unfortunately, the lack of level ground underfoot will accompany the Rat throughout the year.

But this does not mean that 2017 will be a year of complete disappointment.

Brief characteristics of the Rat sign

Everyone loves representatives of the Rat sign, because they are very interesting and kind people. In addition, they have the following qualities:

  • Intelligence.
  • Mercy.
  • Philanthropy.
  • Resourcefulness.
  • Friendliness.

Yes, rats are great intellectuals. Among them are many people who devoted their lives to science.

But, at the same time, like everyone else, Rats have their drawbacks. These are very greedy and vindictive people. The Rat never forgets insults and does not give up attempts to take revenge. The feeling of retribution is extremely important to them.

Sometimes, representatives of this sign show cowardice. Also, these are very cunning and selfish people, looking for profit in almost everything.

Many people dislike Rats because of their tendency to spread rumors and gossip. These are the real intriguers. In addition, these are very gambling people, so they often get into trouble.

A rat may act this way due to boredom and lack of emotion. This does not characterize them as bad people, it’s just that gossip is their peculiar way of not falling into depression.

If the Rat is not offended, it will be very loyal and gentle. The Rat Man will never offend someone who loves him.

What awaits the Rat in the Year of the Rooster 2017

For representatives of the Rat sign, 2017 is a great time to reduce their activity and just go with the flow.

This year, as mentioned above, will not bring stability, and your actions and attempts to influence the situation will only get worse. Therefore, you just need to hide for a while, waiting for stable times.

Another important advice The advice that astrologers give to Rats is silence. Remember the old saying: “Silence is golden”? So this is for you.

Moderate your communication talents and devote time to relaxation and solitude. The Fire Rooster will certainly condemn you if you decide to gossip and spread rumors about anything. This is especially true for people you don't know. If you find out that you have new neighbors, do not rush to run to them and complain about your common neighbor who sings songs in the morning. This will bring you a lot of trouble next year.

Therefore, 2017 is a great time for the Rat to get rid of this habit.

This year, all conditions have been created for you to be alone with your loved ones. Try to spend more time with your family and meet with friends more often. Remember that you are surrounded by faithful and loving people. Therefore, if the day before you had a quarrel with someone, then be sure to take the first step towards reconciliation. Don't forget that your loved ones often need your help and seek your support. Try to get as close as possible to them this year, and then the Fire Rooster will bring you a lot of luck and spiritual harmony.

There is one more important recommendation for Rats - in 2017 you must complete all the things you start. In an unstable year, it is very important to create stability at least at the micro level. Always strive to win, even when preparing dinner for your family. The Rooster will appreciate your efforts and reward you to the fullest!

Rats, due to their craving for easy money, face the risk of complete failure and collapse. If you come across new, previously unknown to you, financial schemes, do not rush to confuse yourself in these networks. Next year, the likelihood of deception for Rats is very high, therefore, be vigilant and do not let yourself be deceived. Don't forget that you have close people who you can always ask for advice.

What can Rat men expect in 2017?

Rat men are much more calculating than Rat women. In the year of the Rooster, prudence can play a cruel joke on them.

However, you can quite realistically hit the money jackpot by first weighing everything and making the right decision.

Astrologers recommend that male Rats approach things as rationally as possible. money matters. Yes, the probability that you will be lucky is high, but do not forget that there is always a risk of failure. Therefore, before agreeing to change jobs, think a hundred times whether you need it.

Rats will not have to wait for stability, which means that throughout the year their mood will often deteriorate due to excessive nervousness. Therefore, learn to relax. Start meditating or reading fiction before bed.

The year will be very favorable for those Rats who want to invest their financial resources in their own business. In this case, the instability of the year is explained by monetary growth, accompanied by joy and jubilation.

The Year of the Fire Rooster for male rats can be both a huge long-awaited victory and a complete failure. Everything depends on you.

What to expect for Rat women in 2017?

The year of the fiery Rooster will not bring any hardships to female Rats, and, moreover, they do not need to be afraid of grief. Rats are characterized by fear over all sorts of trifles, and even more so in female Rats. In fact, 2017 will be very eventful with pleasant and interesting events. There is no need to expect trickery and betrayal from people.

There is good news for working representatives of this sign - you can count on a promotion or a large increase in salary.

The Year of the Fire Rooster gives to the Rat ladies financial well-being. But don't forget about the risks that can bring you a lot of trouble. Astrologers strongly discourage you from investing money in any projects that you are encountering for the first time. It is better to entrust financial investments to men in 2017.

Another important piece of advice from astrologers: no gossip! Especially at work. Otherwise, you may be in danger of being fired or you will make enemies for yourself.

Dear Libra should not worry and be sad that the Monkey will gallop away and leave them without his care - while running away, she left the Cockerel a huge poster with recommendations about what Libra likes and doesn’t like, and what exactly Venus’s wards need to be happy.

The Fiery Red Rooster will get down to business from the first day of his reign, and already at the beginning of February Libra will be convinced that they are under the reliable protection of a generous and noble bird.

Also read: Horoscope for 2018 Libra

The financial situation was not bad last year, and in 2017 you will not have problems with capital at all - you can even engage in charity, such expenses will be invisible to you. Just don’t give away your money left and right, help those who really need your support.

At the beginning of spring, restless Libra will find themselves in creative activity - routine and sedentary work will be left behind, and you will delight others with your masterpieces. Any person with even a little knowledge of art will pay a tidy sum for your creations. So go ahead, conquer the world with your talents and put some money away in your treasured chest.

Personal life in the spring will also please the wards of the air - the Cockerel has already signed a contract with Cupid, and a cheerful boy is waiting for you, sitting on the nearest tree. There will be many meetings, but you will feel your soulmate right away. Don't delay getting married - the year of the Rooster is ideal for starting a family.

For Libras who are proud of the stamp in their passport, the Red Rooster will give you many surprises - from March to May you can expect visits from distant relatives and meetings with old friends. Children in the spring of 2017 will also delight you - their successes and achievements will pleasantly surprise you.
If Libra has already planned a vacation for the summer, then an unforgettable trip awaits you. It doesn’t matter where in the world you bought tickets - both in Altai and Sakhalin you will have a great time relaxing. True, the bosses will not want to let you go, and will stand on the platform for a long time, waving a handkerchief wet from tears after you - bring magnets and souvenirs to the boss, he will be delighted and this will definitely affect your promotion.

In the fall, Libra will be good in everything related to culture or politics - trust your intuition and make a choice. The Cockerel will give clues in any case, and believe the horoscope - all the doors have long been wide open, and helpful doormen and crowds of smiling staff with bouquets in their hands are already waiting for you.

In November, some misunderstandings are possible in communication with management, no wonder, because the boss has already stopped sleeping for fear that you are aiming for his place. Reassure your boss and explain that if you want to take the director's chair, you will do it with ease, but not at your current job.

In December 2017, you can take stock - you will be pleased with the results you will achieve this year. The savings will be great, you can even go to New Year V exotic country, just don’t forget to take your Christmas tree with you.

In your personal life, everything will be fine, your household will be delighted with everything you say and do, even your neighbors will consult you on every minor matter, and shout compliments and good wishes after you. You can see off the Red Fire Rooster in an original way - decorate the yard, take the table outside, and have a great party with your family and beloved neighbors.

Love horoscope for Libra for 2017

In the year of the Rooster, you will be the most charming sign of the zodiac. Use your charm more boldly, just don’t forget to plug your ears at night - serenades from fans will be quite frequent.

Libra 1st decade (24.09-3.10). Hundreds of amazing meetings and dates await you. The Rooster is not against your romances, and will do everything to make you feel comfortable. But try to refrain from relationships with married partners - you will only waste your nerves, both for yourself and your lover. You will have more than enough single admirers - so hurry to the beauty salon and impress your suitors with a new look.

Libra 2nd decade (4.10-13.10). In the year of the Libra Rooster in the second decade, many surprises await you; some will receive marriage proposals from fairly respectable fans. Don’t rush to agree, break down a little - your coldness will make your future partner worry and he will move mountains and get the moon for you, so come up with more original wishes.

Libra 3rd decade (10/14-10/23). In 2017, you will be drawn to adventure, so the Cockerel will help you find variety in life. The owner of the year has already agreed with several of your admirers - they are already poring over poems in your honor and coming up with romantic surprises. Just don’t be alarmed if fans accidentally come to visit you in a crowd - improvise and don’t allow a fight.

Business horoscope for Libra for 2017

In the year of the Red Rooster, Libra can succeed in areas where others fail. Your interest in everything unusual will help you achieve financial success - just learn to count money.

Libra 1st decade (24.09-3.10). Try yourself in the role of a leader - Cockerel has just found a couple of reputable places for you. But do not forget that being a boss is not only prestige and respect, but also headache, and increased responsibility. Ready? - then go ahead, and don’t forget to grab a couple of friends, let them be a support group.

Libra 2nd decade (4.10-13.10). Although you won’t be particularly concerned about money in the year of the Rooster, there will still be a lot of it. You will attract enough capital to yourself to feel like a kind of padishah - both the worship and respect of the local rich is guaranteed to you. But just don’t be surprised when a crowd of respectable guys with fans in their hands jumps out from around the corner one day.

Libra 3rd decade (10/14-10/23). In 2017, you will be better able to do work that involves creativity. Hurry to the art supply store, or to the “Everything for Creativity” salon. Draw, embroider, weave baskets - everything you do will definitely turn out to be necessary and in demand. Already now look for premises with cheaper rent, and Cockerel will definitely bring you a crowd of buyers.

Family horoscope for Libra for 2017

Try on the role of the head of the family - you will like it. Household members will be happy to shift some of the responsibilities onto you, just make sure that your beloved relatives do not sit on your neck.

Libra 1st decade (24.09-3.10). In the year of the Rooster, you will have a desire to make the atmosphere in your home even more comfortable and harmonious. Sign up, for example, for a cooking course - pamper your family with pies and homemade dumplings. You can update your apartment - who said that purple walls make you sad?! Try, experiment, and your household will be happy to join you. What if you all start your own design business together?

Libra 2nd decade (4.10-13.10). Try to leave work problems at home, because your relatives already think that your boss is a family member, so often you talk about him. In the Year of the Rooster, it is useful to get the whole family out into nature - your favorite dacha awaits you every weekend, and even working in the garden beds will not be a burden. It’s not a bad idea to come up with holidays for your household - use your imagination, and there will be many reasons to have fun.

Libra 3rd decade (10/14-10/23). Try to show your tender feelings more often, even in public - your household will like it. Don’t be afraid to overpraise your children, because who else but you will say that they are the smartest and most beautiful in the world. In the Year of the Rooster, it also wouldn’t hurt to show more care to your older relatives - buy your grandma and grandpa vouchers to a sanatorium, let them take a break from the hustle and bustle of home and improve their health at the same time.

Health horoscope for Libra for 2017

Well-being in the year of the Rooster will not cause any special problems, but sometimes it is useful to remember old ailments, even if they do not bother you. Don’t be lazy to get examined, the Cockerel is asking very much.

Libra 1st decade (24.09-3.10). Do not mislead yourself and do not trust articles from the Internet about this or that disease - your local doctor knows more than thousands of your friends from the World Wide Web. In the year of the Rooster, Libra benefits from frequent outdoor recreation - why take pills for depression if you can just take a walk in the forest, or sit with friends on the river bank?

Libra 2nd decade (4.10-13.10). In 2017, the Rooster will appreciate the efforts of those Libra who will seriously take care of their figure. All diets will turn out to be effective, and if you decide to jog in the morning, the Rooster’s delight will know no bounds - he himself will be happy to become your trainer. Just don’t forget about moderation - you don’t need to torture yourself, you’ll become the ideal of beauty in a couple of weeks.

Libra 3rd decade (10/14-10/23). In the year of the Red Rooster, you will be susceptible to colds, but forewarned means forearmed - just dress for the weather and don’t forget about vitamins. Then any flu and the most tricky cold will be nothing to you - you won’t even have to swallow pills. Remember about useful additions to tea - steam some rose hips with Cockerel, and it won’t hurt to dry raspberry and currant leaves.

Children's horoscope for Libra for 2017

Little fidgets will surprise you - they will not take a step without careful preparation. Even going to the store with your children will become a test - the little ones will bombard you with questions, so read the encyclopedias.

Children of Libra 1st decade (24.09-3.10). Your baby will become unusually inquisitive. You will receive thousands of questions from him per second, so get ready - if you don’t answer, the baby will figure out what’s what, but will you like it? Little Libra will have a lot of energy, you will probably have to hang a beacon on the restless child’s clothes - a second ago the child was standing next to you, and here you are - he is already climbing the fence near the store.

Libra children 2 decades (4.10-13.10). If your little deaf child begins to play pranks, then an effective punishment for him will be a promise to behave with him like a baby. Libra will never tolerate this and will immediately become silky and obedient. Do not give in to the provocations of the cunning little guy - the baby knows your weak sides and can make full use of them. Keep your restless busy with something that requires concentration - at least you will have a couple of hours for your needs.

Fidgety Libra 3rd decade (10/14-10/23). Your little capricious child will love noisy games and entertainment. Buy a drum for a restless battery - the neighbors will beg him to go with them to the cinema or to the zoo. True, if you entrust your child to someone you know, be prepared that within an hour they will bring you the baby and even pay you extra in order to escape faster. In 2017, your child will surprise you with extraordinary kindness and justice - no one next to your knight will dare to offend a cat or puppy.

Horoscope for Libra 2017 by year of birth

Horoscope for 2017 Libra-Rat

In the year of the Rooster, you will definitely be lucky in the field of finance, because you love comfort and coziness so much that you will do everything to not deny yourself anything. The Fire Cockerel will help Libra, just promise the owner of the year that you will not succumb to apathy, and in any situation you will be cheerful and cheerful. Your wisdom will help in family life - even neighbors will make an appointment with you just to get a couple of tips.

Horoscope for 2017 Libra-Ox

In 2017, you can hide your horns - there will be no one to butt heads with, all the enemies fled as soon as they saw the red wings of the Cockerel. The owner of the year will be next to you all the time - he simply decided to protect you. Every day of 2017 will be filled with variety, and you won’t be bored even on weekends: you can close yourself, turn off your phone and hide in the bathroom - something interesting will still happen, for example, a mermaid will jump out of the sink.

Horoscope for 2017 Libra-Tiger

Even the Fire Rooster will not be able to resist your magnetism in 2017, and will do everything to keep you from being nervous and worried. He will start by presenting you with an excellent position, with career growth and a remarkably large salary. Don't forget to thank the generous bird - buy millet for the year ahead. In your personal life, charm will also be useful to you - your significant other will fulfill any desire, and the rest of the household will be happy to fulfill all your requests.

Horoscope for 2017 Libra-Cat (Rabbit)

Curl up comfortably on your armchair and purr all year long - the Cockerel will do everything for you. Of course, sometimes you have to get up and check how things are going at work, and no one will go to the store for you - after all, your desires change every second. Don’t overdo it - one day your household might even force you to catch mice, but do you need it?! In the year of the Rooster, outdoor activities are useful; become a gardener or landscape designer - you will easily succeed and achieve fame.

Horoscope for 2017 Libra-Dragon

In the year of the Rooster, you can become a good little dragon - no one is eager to fight you, and no one needs to conquer your possessions. So relax and enjoy life, especially since the Cockerel likes your good disposition. Your love of life can be useful in business - all the sharks and piranhas of the business world will run away in panic as soon as they see your happy and contented smile.

Horoscope for 2017 Libra-Snake

The saying about those born to crawl is not for you in the year of the Rooster - you will have to fly often. Many business trips, mostly foreign, will force you to become a frequent visitor to airports. Don't worry, you will not only see the world, but also make very useful connections. And many years later he will tell his grandchildren how he once swam in the pool with an Arab sheikh, or chatted over a cup of coffee with a Buddhist monk.

Horoscope for 2017 Libra-Horse

In the Year of the Rooster, you will have to clean the stables to a shine - visits from relatives and influential acquaintances are expected. There will be legends about your craving for cleanliness, just be careful - don’t force guests to walk around the apartment in shoe covers. In the service, things will turn out surprisingly easily - your superiors will happily take on part of your work, just to hear another brilliant idea from you. Hurry up to open a savings account - money has already begun to fall from the sky.

Horoscope for 2017 Libra-Goat (Sheep)

From the very beginning of the Year of the Rooster, look more often at the night stars and make wishes - your dreams will definitely come true. The fiery owner of the year has decided to indulge you in everything - do not waste your time on trifles and dream of something significant. New flat is already waiting for the housewarming, and your long-awaited soul mate has been sitting on the bench opposite your work for a week now.

Horoscope for 2017 Libra-Monkey

Monkeys can forget about the word “difficulty” in the year of the Rooster - everything will work out by itself. You will only have to work in the area of ​​personal relationships - the household will never be able to get used to the luxurious financial situation, and you will have to teach your relatives how to squander money. Organize shopping trips together, travel more often, life in 2017 will be varied, everything will depend only on your imagination.

Horoscope for 2017 Libra-Rooster

Make friends with the owner of the year, and he will definitely reciprocate. Roosters will receive many lucrative offers from partners, but there will be a problem - you physically cannot cope with all promising matters. Look for partners among your friends, expand your business, then everything will go with a bang. Personal life in 2017 will be cloudless, although a couple of clouds may be thrown in by distant relatives who will make frequent visits. Don't be sad, there is enough money to rent a hotel room.

Horoscope for 2017 Libra-Dog

Being a selfless person is not bad, but in the year of the Rooster, try to seek benefits for yourself, especially in the service. At least, if you are offered a lucrative business trip, you don’t have to call your colleagues and ask who dreamed about it more than you. The Rooster will take care of your family while you conquer foreign partners with your professionalism - so agree and run to pack your suitcase.

Horoscope for 2017 Libra-Pig (Boar)

Your cheerful disposition in the year of the Rooster will help you avoid many problems. And who would quarrel with a person who smiles and jokes in any situation? In 2017, it’s a good idea to buy a money counting machine; you don’t want calluses on your fingers, do you? Yes, yes, the financial situation will be ideal, even the tax office will bypass you a kilometer away - after all, every document is in order, and no matter how hard you try, they won’t be able to undermine you.

Horoscope for each month of 2017 for Libra

With the onset of 2017, Rats may experience incredible excitement, the source of which they are unlikely to be able to determine. Constant trials and obstacles await you at each site life path, so start accumulating patience and endurance now.

During this period, it is better to refuse innovations and changes altogether, because any change can radically change your destiny. The best strategy in 2017 for Rats will be strengthening existing ties and preserving what they have already achieved over the past years.

You must learn to be lenient not only with others, but also with yourself. You should at least occasionally make small concessions and breaks so as not to completely overwork yourself. Representatives of this sign may find themselves in an unpleasant position due to their inability to keep their mouth shut.

Your incontinence will play a cruel joke not only at work, but also in personal relationships. Be attentive to your loved ones and colleagues, and then you will have confidence that they will not betray you, but, on the contrary, will always support you.

Astrologers assure that for all their eccentricity, Rats will be able to achieve heights in each of the areas. The main thing is to persistently pursue your goal and not turn into uncharted “paths”. The second half of 2017 will pose a particular danger for people born under this star.

You may be asked to make important decisions quickly for which you are not prepared. The stars advise Rats to trust their inner voice - it should not let them down.

Horoscope for a woman - Rats

By nature, Rat women are strategists and analysts. The approaching year of the Fire Rooster will require maximum concentration from them on one thing or another. They will learn to find a way out of the most confusing situations without harming themselves and others. Fragility is not inherent in the ladies of this sign, so their every action will be confident and planned in advance.

Perhaps in 2017 you will meet “the one” you have long dreamed of. Just don't get too caught up in this new love, otherwise there is a risk of being deceived and used. Try to weigh your every action and word that you say to your chosen one.

Horoscope for the Rat man

In the coming year of the Fire Rooster, male rats will make new friends thanks to their sociability. Although you must remember that not every new acquaintance may turn out to be exactly the person you can rely on. Some individuals are able to carefully hide their true nature and mislead you.

Do not tell your secrets right away, so as not to “blush” in front of your friends and relatives. It may happen that one day Rats will need help with work or other matters. Feel free to contact your friends - they will help, completely, unselfishly.

As for family life, try to show more attention to your soulmate, do not quarrel over trifles, so as not to spoil everything that you have established with great difficulty.

Love horoscope for 2017 for the Rat

Each of the representatives of the Rat sign in 2017 will be strongly influenced by the aggressive planet Mars. This means that the personal life of Rats will be filled with unprecedented passion and love.

There is a possibility of betrayal, although these people are loyal and always think about their family. But there will still be people who want to destroy your strong union for the sake of momentary pleasure. Be careful and do not succumb to this influence. Remember that once you cheat, you will not regain the trust of your loved one.

Career Horoscope for Rats

The professional sector promises to be one of the most successful areas in 2017. Rats will be incredibly lucky, and every idea they make will bring good results in the future. The thing is that the Rooster will act as a patron for each of the representatives of this sign.

At the beginning of the year, you may receive an offer to complete a difficult task. Once you do it perfectly, you will receive your long-awaited promotion in mid-2017. The only, and probably the main problem for Rats in the coming year will be their relationship with colleagues.

Finance horoscope for Rats

Until about mid-autumn, practically all representatives of this sign will maintain a stable financial position. Most likely, you will begin to be thrifty and frugal with your savings; you will begin to make all purchases thoughtfully and only what is really necessary.

He advises you not to get involved with loans until you are sure that you can repay them on time. At the end of 2017, some difficulties may arise for your relatives, so Rats will give their savings for the benefit of a loved one.

Health horoscope for Rats

It is likely that in winter months 2017 Rats will suffer from various viral diseases, such as influenza or pneumonia. To avoid health problems, try to strengthen your body every day. Rats often forget about their own safety, so they often suffer from this.

In 2017, try to pay more attention to your health to avoid complications and the emergence of chronic diseases. Be careful when traveling or flying - follow safety precautions and do not ignore any rules. If possible, go on a trip in the summer or fall. Rest will help you relax and restore strength for future achievements.

Horoscope according to the signs of the zodiac circle

Rat – Aries

The stars promise Rats born incredible luck and big profits in 2017. True, to achieve some benefits you still have to work a little. But this work will certainly bring generous fruits, which you can use at your discretion. Everything will be fine and rosy in their career: most likely, Rats will receive a long-awaited promotion.

Rat – Taurus

All Taurus are accustomed to working hard for their own benefit, as well as for the benefit of the family. In 2017, you will also do this with pleasure. But such ability to work will pay off with the necessary financial surprises, as well as the pleasant feeling that you are an irreplaceable worker.

Rat - Gemini

The most important area for Gemini in 2017 will be family. People close to you will be in dire need of your support and advice, so try not to ignore such requests. It may happen that family matters begin to interfere with Gemini's career growth, but this should not stop them. In the near future, perhaps a more advantageous offer will arrive, which will turn out to be a “gold mine” for you and your loved ones.

Rat – Cancer

Representatives of this sign are likely to encounter a lot of intrigue, gossip and lies. Due to circumstances beyond your control, you will be drawn into various conflicts that can quarrel even with your closest friends. You will have to make a lot of effort to resolve such situations: have time to tell yourself “stop” in time so that the situation does not worsen further. If you manage to keep your emotions in check, then 2017 will be quite successful and prosperous.

Rat – Leo

In 2017, all Leo representatives will feel an incredible surge of strength and energy. Your sixth sense will become sharper beyond recognition, so in all important matters, trust your intuition - it will not let you down. Moreover, envious people will constantly set cunning traps everywhere. When making new acquaintances, do not tell all your secrets at once, but first take a closer look at this person.

Rat – Virgo

You will have to travel a lot in 2017, and each trip will be beneficial. After all, impressions, experience and new acquaintances will be useful to Virgos in the future - they will allow them to discover new horizons for themselves. You may have to be selfish, but this is even better - by pampering yourself in some areas, you will be charged with positive energy, which you will direct towards new achievements.

Rat – Libra

The most important task that needs to be accomplished in 2017 will be to establish old connections. Enlist the support of your loved ones and friends and then everything will work out for you. In the love sphere, Libra is expected to experience a slight lull, but not for long. Already in the middle of the year, a pleasant meeting with a wonderful person is possible.


2017 for Scorpios will be held under the auspices of creativity. You will want to craft, draw, rearrange your apartment or change the design. Do not deny your desires and then you will see that any changes will benefit you. Pay attention to your own health - sign up for a fitness center, gym or swimming pool.

Rat – Sagittarius

The stars warn that Sagittarius's financial situation may be shaken in 2017 due to thoughtless spending. Plan your budget carefully and then you will see that you can save a good amount, and then use it in a profitable direction. If the need arises, seek advice from your loved ones - they will be able to help you and have the right influence.

Rat - Capricorn

The keys to success for representatives of this sign will be restraint and self-control. Try not to show excessive aggression towards your family, and also restrain your impulse at work. If you do not follow these rules, then in the near future all your endeavors will fail, and relationships with loved ones will deteriorate.

Rat – Aquarius

During the period under review, Aquarians will stop showing excessive energy and “settle down” at home. On the one hand, this is wonderful, because you will feel family warmth and stability, but on the other hand, there is a possibility of missing out on many interesting business offers. Therefore, banish passivity and forward - “to the embrasure”!

Rat – Pisces

In 2017, Pisces will have to make a lot of efforts to win the favor of their superiors. But such zeal is compensated by long-awaited promotions and raises. wages. In such a race, you can forget about your loved ones, and they will begin to be offended, so (at least occasionally) pay attention to them.

Video horoscope

With the onset of 2017, representatives of this sign eastern horoscope they will experience a feeling of anxiety, many obstacles will arise on their way, so it is worth stocking up on endurance. Forecast for Rats for 2017 advises not to start new projects or try to change your life, it is best to work on improving what has already been achieved and consolidate your position in life. Continue on the path that brings good results and success.

You should be patient and make concessions to others and yourself. Excessive demands and constant torment will lead to a loss of strength. With colleagues and friends, it is important to be restrained and not say anything unnecessary, especially if you are emotional, so as not to provoke a conflict situation, and, even worse, not to lose their support. Therefore, sometimes it is better to keep your mouth shut.

The astrological forecast for 2017 promises enormous success for Rats in almost all matters; the main thing is to stick to the designated path and not try to make any innovations. The second half of the year will not be easy and will require endurance and speed in making important decisions; there will be no time to think, so you will have to rely on your intuition.


Thanks to your sociability, you will be able to make new useful connections and friends. At the same time, one must not lose vigilance, because not everyone will turn out to be what they want to appear to be. Therefore, do not rush to open up, much less introduce new acquaintances to your plans and give away secrets - this can put you in an awkward position and disrupt the plans that you have been making for so long. But you can safely turn to old, trusted friends for help; they will always support you. As for family life, be more lenient and spend more time with your family.


Confident strategists - this is how you can describe women of this sign. It is thanks to these qualities that Rat women, according to the forecast, in 2017 will make firm decisions in which they will be completely confident. Fragility and weakness are not inherent in them, and therefore they can easily find a way out of even the most difficult situation, without harming themselves and others. As for your personal life, the stars will give you the opportunity to find your soulmate. But you cannot blindly and completely immerse yourself in relationships: everyone should have their own space!

Love horoscope for the Rat 2017, career, finance, health

As mentioned earlier, representatives of this sign must necessarily strengthen past achievements, because in new achievements luck is unlikely to be on their side. The same applies to the love sphere. Thus, the Rat love horoscope 2017 advises to preserve the family hearth and not succumb to momentary weaknesses, because the affair will lead to a divorce, which you will have to regret, but it will be too late to fix something...


Although representatives of this sign are distinguished by their loyalty and value family life, they love horoscope In 2017, the Rat warns them against betrayal, because some may give in. On the way, you may meet a person who will try to destroy your happiness, without having any serious intentions. Therefore, avoid communicating with such people. After all, betrayal will lead to a loss of trust or even a break in the relationship. Take care of what you have. Singles are unlikely to be able to start a serious relationship this year. But those who have been dating for a long time should decide to take a serious step and under no circumstances lose their soulmate; it is unlikely that you will be able to meet someone better. Therefore, the most important advice for Rats regarding the forecast of love in 2017 is to store and take care of what you already have!


In the work field, everything will turn out as well as possible. There will be an opportunity to complete a complex project that will bring a long-awaited career advancement. The main thing is to be persistent and go strictly towards the intended goal, despite the obstacles. Remember: you can handle everything! The only thing where it will really be difficult is relationships with colleagues. Exercise maximum restraint so as not to make enemies among them.


The first half of the year will be quite stable in financial terms. After all, you will approach spending as economically as possible and make exceptionally well-thought-out purchases. The stars recommend taking on credit obligations only if you are completely confident that you will be able to make payments on time and this will not complicate your financial situation too much. It is quite possible that a close relative will need financial support; be prepared to provide it.

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