Snacks when losing weight by 100-200 kcal. grams of lean beef

On average, one apple has 92 calories, a banana has 107, and a pear has 86. This snack is convenient to eat on the run: you don’t need to cut it or peel it with a knife. It contains a lot of vitamins, fiber, as well as micro- and macroelements. Absolutely all fruits are rich in enzymes - enzymes that take part in almost all functions of the body, charging the body with energy. As an alternative, you can choose vegetables that have an equally attractive composition.

Hard boiled egg

Typically, a hard-boiled egg contains about 75 calories. You can eat it with salt or a little of your favorite sauce, complementing the healthy snack with a few slices of cucumber or bell pepper. Chicken eggs rich in vitamins A, B2, B5, B6, B9, B12, D, K, H and PP, as well as calcium, magnesium, zinc and other beneficial substances.

Half an avocado or guacamole

Typically, half an avocado contains approximately 80-100 calories. We recommend cutting the fruit into slices, seasoning it with spices and a drop of olive oil. Or replace such a snack with several crackers with guacamole. Avocado is rich in vitamins B, E, A, C, K, as well as many minerals.


There are about 100 calories in 100-150 grams of oatmeal. Steam it with boiling water for 2-3 minutes, and then add a few berries or slices seasonal fruit. Oatmeal in water it is useful for vitamins B1, B2, E, H and PP, as well as potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium, zinc, iron and phosphorus. And the dietary fiber contained in this cereal stabilizes the work gastrointestinal tract.


In most cases, a standard cup of yogurt contains less than 100 calories. Take classic version(to avoid sugar) and add fresh berries, fruit or jam to it. A large amount of vitamins B12, B3 and A in such a fermented milk snack can provide energy to the body and normalize work nervous system, regulate blood cholesterol levels, and fight infections.

  • 1. Chocolate tangerines
  • 2. Baked apple
  • 3. Dried cranberries
  • 4. Cup of grapes
  • 5. Shrimp
  • 6. Oatmeal with cinnamon
  • 7. Edamame
  • 8. Hard-boiled egg
  • 9. Pistachios
  • 10. Frozen mango cubes
  • 11. Peanut Butter Apple
  • 12. Strawberry-banana smoothie
  • 13. Yogurt with seeds
  • 14. Cottage cheese and cucumbers
  • 15. Hummus with vegetables
  • 16. Cottage cheese and melon
  • 17. Blueberry smoothie
  • 18. Banana popsicle
  • 19. Almonds
  • 20. Cup of tomato soup
  • 21. Oranges
  • 22. Smoked salmon roll
  • 23. Crackers with cheese
  • 24. Low-fat Greek yogurt with honey
  • 25. Baked Potatoes with Salsa

Those who have begun a journey to the land of slimness at least once in their lives know that in almost any diet the first step is reducing the calorie intake and creating a meal plan for the day. When you feel hungry in the middle of the day, be sure to have a snack. But instead of reaching for another piece of candy or going to the neighborhood bakery for donuts, choose low-calorie snacks. Many of them are not only delicious, but will also keep you going until your next meal. Here are the best snack options, each of which contains about 100 kcal or even less.

1. Chocolate tangerines

Many people cannot deny themselves the pleasure of occasionally enjoying chocolate. Now think of it as a tempting wrapper for something fruity - it's a great way to satisfy our taste buds and inner sweet tooth. Ideal for children and adults.

Per serving: 99 calories per 100g.

By the way!

These can be not only tangerines, but also other fruits, such as bananas. Cut a peeled banana into 8 pieces, thread them onto regular toothpicks, dip each piece in melted dark chocolate (you will need about 4 teaspoons) and place in the refrigerator to freeze. Each fruit candy will give you approximately 95 calories.

2. Baked apple

Apples are rich in vitamins and fiber, and they don't have many calories. Try baking them with cinnamon - it's not only delicious, but also a very healthy low-calorie snack.

Per serving: about 80 calories

3. Dried cranberries

Dried fruits are rich in sugar and in large quantities are a real disaster for the diet. But as long as you don't exceed a quarter-cup serving, this treat will be a nice treat to help soothe your inner sweet tooth. Try to find less sweet varieties, this will also help control your blood sugar levels.

Per serving: About 93 calories per 1⁄4 cup.

By the way!

Dried figs are another ideal snack for those with a sweet tooth, with two medium figs containing about 75 calories (based on 257 kcal per 100 grams). Dried fruit is rich in vitamins and fiber, thanks to which we not only quickly feel full, but also satisfy the feeling of hunger for a long time.

Fresh figs are also very healthy - they contain more iron than apples, and in terms of potassium content they are second only to nuts. Among other things, these bright fruits contain magnesium, calcium and copper. Compared to its dried counterpart, fresh figs are lower in calories and already contain about 50 kcal per 100 g, but still eat no more than 2-3 pieces per snack. The fact is that despite the obvious advantages, figs, both fresh and dried, have one significant drawback - their high sugar content. As for diabetics, figs are completely contraindicated for them.

Snacking is healthy and tasty, and also with low calorie consumption? Is this real? Yes! You just need to know what is there.

Finally, forget about these harmful and high-calorie chips and similar snacks, start eating right and, most importantly, having a healthy and healthy snack. Healthy eating doesn’t mean you have to give up your favorite flavors. Sometimes we just can’t get enough to eat - this is because we stuff ourselves with all sorts of food additives and dextrose, and our brain just doesn't know when to stop. We offer you 10 healthy and delicious (!) snacks that will help you stay happy, full and full of energy.

(Total 10 photos)

1. Baked potato

It's about specifically about one potato, because it contains about 100 calories. And if you eat it with the peel, it turns into dietary product. One baked potato provides 12% of an adult woman's daily fiber intake and 8% of an adult man's daily fiber intake. As you know, dietary fiber is essential for good digestion and efficient absorption of nutrients. Moreover, 225 g of baked potatoes contain 1000 mg of potassium, which blunts the harmful effects of sodium and normalizes blood pressure.

2. One can of sardines

Canned sardines contain protein, lipids or fats, calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium and zinc. Vitamins in sardines include thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin B6, folate, vitamin B12, A, D, E and vitamin K. Sardines also contain saturated fat, monosaturated fat, polyunsaturated fat and cholesterol. What more could you ask for?

3. Five dried figs

If you're not a fig fan, now is the time to become one, because these fruits are high in fructose, minerals, and soluble dietary fiber. Figs are rich in minerals, including potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron and copper. They are also an excellent source of antioxidant vitamins A, E and K, which contribute to our health and well-being. Figs are often recommended for cleansing and toning the intestines, and they also act as a natural laxative due to their high fiber content.

4. Thirteen shrimp – boiled or steamed

Shrimp is a source of an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory nutrient called astaxanthin. 110 grams of shrimp can contain up to 4 mg of astaxanthin. By the way, astaxanthin is a carotenoid that Lately has received special attention from medical scientists, mainly due to its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.

5. Seven to eight cashews

Not only are cashews low in fat compared to other nuts, but 82% of their fat is unsaturated, and 66% of these unsaturated fats are heart-healthy monosaturated fats. Studies conducted on diabetics have shown that monosaturated fats, when added to a low-fat diet, can help reduce high triglyceride levels, which can ultimately save the patient from a heart attack.

6. Twenty sun-dried tomatoes

A cup of sun-dried tomatoes (even more than 20) contains 39% of the daily recommended potassium, which is very beneficial for muscle contraction and nerve impulse transmission. Men get 82% and women 27% of the recommended daily intake of iron. The same serving contains 23% of the daily dose of thiamine and riboflavin, as well as 31% of niacin. These B vitamins are essential for converting food into energy, maintaining normal nervous system function, and healthy skin. You'll also get 19% of your daily dose of vitamin K, which is essential for blood clotting and regulating bone mineralization.

7. One hundred raspberries

Raspberries contain a large number of minerals such as potassium, manganese, copper, iron and magnesium. Potassium is an important component of cells and fluids in the body and also helps control heart rate and blood pressure. Manganese serves as a cofactor for the antioxidant enzyme superoxide dismutase. Copper is essential in the production of red blood cells. Raspberries are also rich in B vitamins and vitamin K. These berries contain a lot of vitamin B-6, niacin, riboflavin and folic acid. These vitamins function as co-factors and help the body in the metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins and fats.

8. One hundred radishes

Radishes are very beneficial for the liver and stomach, and they are also a powerful detoxifier. This means that radishes cleanse the blood and remove toxins and waste. Radish is very useful in treating bile spills because it removes bilirubin and also keeps bile production at a stable level. Radishes also reduce the destruction of red blood cells that occurs in people suffering from bile spillage - it increases the supply of fresh oxygen to the blood.

9. Popcorn

A recent study found that the amount of polyphenols in popcorn is up to 300 mg per serving, compared to 114 mg per serving in sweet corn and 160 mg per serving in any fruit. Additionally, one serving of popcorn can provide you with 13% of your average daily intake of polyphenols per person. Polyphenols may fight deadly diseases like cancer and heart disease, but all of the good stuff in popcorn is hidden in the kernel, not the white puffed kernels. So start chewing, gentlemen.

10. 35 grapes

Grapes make a great snack, fresh or frozen, but if you choose frozen, their effects last much longer. Snack on one cup of grapes (about 28 pieces). Want something unusual? Use it like popsicles in a tall glass of water so you're fueling your body with water as well as food.

Instead of eating a chocolate bar with a feeling of shame, teach yourself to eat the right snacks - they will saturate your body with vitamins and help you avoid extra calories.

Pistachios: 20 nuts, 80 kcal

If you really want to snack on something, but don’t even have 10 minutes to cook, just buy a bag of pistachios. 20 nuts contain only 80 kcal, proteins and fiber. It's much better than eating a couple of candies!

Banana, 90 kcal

The healthiest and easiest snack option is a regular banana. It contains only 90 kcal, and also potassium, which is good for the brain and cardiovascular system. But the most important thing is that bananas can lift your spirits because they promote the release of endorphins in the body - the hormones of joy.

Tomato soup, 74 kcal

A small bowl of tomato soup will definitely not harm your figure and is perfect for a snack. Mix tomatoes and olive oil in a blender, add salt and pepper to taste and enjoy gazpacho, which is good for digestion and completely safe for those who are losing weight.

Cereals without milk, 70 kcal

If you feel like nibbling on something during the day, don’t even think about buying chips! It’s better to replace them with cereal flakes without sugar and honey - you will satisfy the desire to chew and at the same time you will definitely not gain weight from such a snack. True, we are talking about a small portion - about 100 grams.

Milk blueberry smoothie, 93 kcal

You can prepare a delicious and healthy dessert in no time and without harming your figure. Mix 150 grams of low-fat yogurt and a handful of blueberries in a blender. This cocktail is a source of vitamins B and C, as well as antioxidants, so it definitely won’t bother your conscience.

Frozen yogurt, 84 kcal

If you really want ice cream, but you think this treat is too fatty, just eat frozen yogurt. Whisk 200 grams of low-fat yogurt with any berry - blueberries, strawberries, raspberries... And put in the freezer for 2-3 hours. Ready!

Cottage cheese and melon, 100 kcal

Another simple snack can be made from 100 grams of cottage cheese and a few pieces of melon. You get protein, fiber, and vitamins, but no extra calories. Dream! In addition, after such a dessert you will feel full for quite a long time.

Almonds, 15 nuts, 100 kcal

15 almonds work wonders - they contain a lot of vitamin E and unsaturated fatty acids, and the calorie content is high enough to saturate the body and allow you to “live” to a full meal.

Baked apple with honey and cinnamon, 95 kcal

A real salvation for those with a sweet tooth who are losing weight - baked apples. Cut out the core of the fruit, add a spoonful of honey and sprinkle with cinnamon, then pop this beauty into the oven. Such a snack will definitely not harm your waistline.

Carrots with hummus, 100 kcal

2-3 tablespoons of hummus and pieces of carrots (you don’t have to spare them) is an original snack option. Chickpea puree is rich in protein, and carrots contain beta-carotene, as well as vitamins C and E. In short, it couldn’t be better.

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