When the day of Angel Galina. Name day of Galina in the church calendar. Angel Day Galina. Reductantly mascara names

The name of Galina, from Greek - "calm, serene". From the early childhood, Galina grows with a father's daughter and prefers more to be friends with boys than with girls. She also not only loves to dress up, but also likes to turn in front of the mirror. In his youth, loves to read books, prefers historical novels and books about the path. This is a very active girl who not only loves to go hiking, but also loves to visit various circles and sections.

Enjoys a great authority of the guys. Galina is a real worker who has time everywhere. It always remains attractive and charming. In matters, this woman is always calculated, she knows his interest in advance and how to implement it. FROM necessary peopleShe is very friendly and helpful, but with unnecessary, it always turns into a cold-polite, even a somewhat rude woman. It is also worth noting that Galina can not only change the mood to change, but with him and attitude towards others. Husband Galina always chooses not only a beautiful, but also skillful and economic. In marriage, he is content with the position of the subordinate, such a position in the end is more profitable than the protracted war for power. Galina is most often born sons, not daughters.

Galina in his youth reads a lot of books

A woman with this name almost always lives a dream about great Love and sewing passion. Galina is an idealist that dreams of loyalty and devotion. Galina is not only freedom-loving, but also too independent, so its behavior in love is often unpredictable. The same extremes, its sexual behavior is different. Stormy, passionate attractions, lovely hotness, erotic feelings for a man, not at all inherent in this woman. For her sex, it is just a continuation of the kind. Galina often remains in good relations with those who have recently experienced an attraction and with whom consisted in intimate intimacy. Also, this woman causes severe sexual emotions from their partners, although herself quite rarely meets them the same. A woman with the name - Galina is - creative in kind, talented in everything that is associated with beauty, but often suppresses craving for creativity. She will never give up the invitation to the company where men will be, hoping to spend a pleasant evening. Often, its expectations are usually come true, and all because it can be able to turn her head to any man.

Name Day Galina

  • Name Galina by zodiac sign: Suitable rasm.
  • Talisman Galina: Garnet.
  • Holy Patrons of Galina: Galina Kirinfa, martyr.
  • Galina's compatibility: Relationships with names are favorable: Alexey, Boris, Valery, Victor, Vladimir, Vladislav, Georgy, Evgeny, Fedor, Felix, Edward, Yakov, Yaroslav.

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May 9, 2015.

Representatives of the beautiful half of humanity often can be found the name of Galina. The name is wonderful in that, appearing in ancient Greece, passing through many centuries, alone and popular these days. When the names of Galina are celebrated church calendarAnd in honor of which holy is the holiday installed?

The birth of the future saint

Holy Galina Corinthian, which is the heavenly patroness of our Galin, was born in the III century in the city of Karinfa. It was one of the largest cities of Ahai - the central part of Greece. For two hundred years before the birth of Holy here, the light of Christianity Apostle Paul was brought. But in those times, a speech, Corinth and the whole country still drowned in the darkness of paganism.

The fate of the future saint identified a meeting with a pious old man named Codrat. He opened the Christian teaching in front of it and turned her to faith in the Holy Trinity. Its value in the life of Holy Galina is so highly that it should be told separately.

Codrat - Spiritual Mentor of St. Galina

In the third century, the persecution of Christians was particularly intensified. At this time, one young Greek, very pious and confessed by the faith of Christ, was forced to hide in the mountains. Her son Codrat appeared on the light. Soon the woman died, but the Lord miraculously Preserved her life to her firstborn. Every day he enveloped a cloud that has been produced by sweet dew. She eats a child. He spent his whole childhood in the desert.

When the coder was matured, he met once a group of Christians who hid in the desert from persecution. They discovered the light of true faith and committed the sacrament of baptism. From them, the young man learned a diploma, and even comprehend the secrets of healing. He became a skilled healer and facilitated the flour of the suffering. However, his main occupation was prayer and fivest. For instructions in spiritual life, many people came to him. Some of them became his followers. So years have passed.

Holy Life of Galina Corinth

When the Willow of God, Holy Galina became one of the associates of the Code, her life completely changed. Now Galina's Day was filled with the work of enlightening their compatriots. She was everywhere where he could have preached the Holy Teaching. It was not so simple. Greeks, pragmatics in their warehouse, could not comprehend the religion of a crucified God. The idea of \u200b\u200bsacrifice did not fit in their minds. The greatness in their understanding, had a purely material outline.

In 251, the persecution of Christians in Greece took a particularly hard character. By ordering the Emperor-Gental of Decia to Corinth, the army was sent under the command of his approximate Iasson. He was distinguished by special intransigence of Christians. According to his order, they were enough for hundreds and threw in the dungeon. The same fate has suffered from the elder Code with its followers.

Observing a martyr's crown

Named to Galina in the church calendar is a kind of day of memory of those events. Jason ordered to give the Code and everyone who was with him to eat wild beasts, however, by the will of God, they did not harm them. Then the sword's sword strikes them. Before death, they asked only one thing - to give them time to pray to God again. Tradition suggests that Holy Galina had the opportunity to hide and avoid death, but voluntarily adopted a martyr's crown.

Now open the Orthodox calendar and let's see when the memory of this saint is celebrated. It is important for us to know not to forget to congratulate everyone who wears her name. Name Day at Galina on the church calendar is celebrated twice a year - March 23 and April 29. Usually, if the day of the saint's memory is celebrated several times a year, then for the celebration of the name of the Church recommends choosing the date that is closer to the date of birth. Here are some explanations.

The fact is that in the old days of the birthday and the day of the angel, as a rule, coincided. When the child was born, the parents opened the sacrolrs and watched which saints on this day are coming over the liturgy. From their list and chose the name of the newborn. As a result, the birthday became an angel day. Also received the name and each born in the Orthodox family Galina. Angel's Day, Name Day and her birthday were one day.

The meaning of Galina

It is curious to find out the meaning of Galina. To do this, turn to the ancient Greek language from which it happened. It turns out that translated into Russian it means "quiet, meek". In addition, Galina Angel's Day, nameman notes in spring daysAnd her name corresponds to such concepts as clear weather and calm at sea. The mythology of the ancient Greeks was so called the nymph, which patronized the sailors. She always carried with her calm and clear weather on the sea. The name of Galina in the Orthodox calendar and the Catholic does not coincide. Catholics celebrate them also twice a year, but only July 1 and August 24.

Human qualities associated with this name

It is believed that those who carry this name are often inherent in quite definite properties. As a child, Galya is more attached to his father than to mother. She prefers to his peers in the company of boys, and among the latter hears "his kid". With age, she, like most girls, loves outfits and cosmetics.

Do not mind and twist in front of the mirror. However, it is alien to female peres and gossip. It is noticed that Galins especially love children and often become teachers. They are hardworking and sometimes calculated. A lot is achieved in life, able to use the situation correctly. They are often inherent charm.

Name Day of Galina on the church calendar in the spring, and it is especially nice to give her a bouquet of the first spring colors on this day. Success in personal life most often she accompanies with men, whose names: Alexey, Boris, Valery, Victor, Vladimir, Vladislav, Georgy, Evgeny, Fedor, Felix, Edward, Yakov and Yaroslav. Less often, happiness brings unions with owned, Ignatius, Igor, Leonid and Nikolai.

And one more important remark. His Holiness Patriarch of Alexy II by its decree dated May 25, 2007 ordered the name of Galina in the Orthodox calendar, besides those two dates, which are also indicated above, and February 23. This can be obtained from materials published by the Moscow Patriarchate.

Name of Galina in the church calendar, as well as almost all the birthday women, several times a year. The day of the Angel of Galina on the church calendar can be celebrated on March 23, April 29, February 23. The guardian of this wonderful name is the Christian martyr Galina Corinthian, who deceased for the true faith in 258

Name Day Galina for the Church Calendar

January February March
1 8 15 22 29 1 8 15 22 29 1 8 15 22 29
2 9 16 23 30 2 6 16 2 9 16 30
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April May June
1 8 15 22 1 8 15 22 30 1 8 15 22 29
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July August September
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The origin of the name Galina and its meaning

The name Galina has a Greek origin, whose roots leave during the times of Greece and amazing scientific discoveries of antiquity. Translated from Greek means "calm", "peaceful", "quiet". It is noteworthy, such a name was one of the sea nymph, hence a somewhat different variation of translation - "maritime surface".

How will the name of Galina in different languages

In Spain and Italy, this name is consistent with another word "Gallina", the literal translation of which means "chicken", "chicken".
In Poland somewhat changed the name of the name, writes as "Halina", naturally, pronunciation and translation are somewhat modified.
On Danish and Slovenian languages \u200b\u200bare written, pronounced as "Galina". Pronunciation and translation have their own specifics associated with the specific features of each of the languages.

Galina - Phonetic meaning name

Phonetics named Galina, in the Greek pronunciation, is inherent in a certain hardness. However, in Russian-speaking sound it disappears. The reason for this is the change in the coarse combination of the first syllable, into the smallest sound of the second and last syllables. In the same way, its life position also plays, which is determined by the contradictory of its nature.

Galina meaning name, character and fate

The mistress of this name is very ambiguous people. They combine many good and negative qualities in themselves, in one word - they are peculiar.
Positive traits: obedience, adjacent, perfection, self-confidence, social activity, sociability, sociability.
Negative qualities: hot temper, pride, vanity,
The character of Galina is very ambiguous. It is very demanding of people, although herself checks out itself with the help of unbearable loads. Always achieves his goal, she is persistent, knows how to make useful dating, hardworking, calculating. Girl with the name of a born organizer, a very sociable man having a "suspended" language. At the same time, it is completely devoid of a very negative feature, characteristic of many women - essentiality. Throughout the life, Galina spends evenings for books from which she will learn about unknown things. At the same time, she is a big worker, he has time at work, family, and tinker in the garden. There are no problems with men, the girl chooses and, usually, chooses a hard-working, state man. Galina has an incredibly strong will and a sense of duty, she will always come to help faithful friends who have a lot of her.
In general, it is possible to say girls Galina peculiar individuals. They are hardworking, hot-tempered, faithful, vain, sociable and proud. In any case, the girl with the same name will not leave you in trouble, will always go to the meeting, will be true all life.

She was born in the most important city of Ahai - Corinth. Her life in Christ began with a meeting with the righteous older Code. It was he who told her about the essence of Christianity, about the basics of teaching. The Codrat himself healed the soul soul diseases and the human body only by the Word of God. His mother died at childbirth in the mountains, and the baby remained there alone. But the merciful Lord did not leave him. He commanded the clouds to descend so low so that the baby could drink. All the time he grew up, Codrate spent in a post and prayer.

Holy Galina, definitely shook life Path of this elder, like many other students. At that time, the ruler was Emperor Decia 2. It was he who commanded to grab the elder of the Code and his followers, including the Martyr Galina. The goal of the atheists was alone, to force to renounce Christ. They were subjected to severe torture, tied to the chariot feet and dragged around the city. People threw stones in them before arriving at the very place of execution. The martyrs themselves kept their heads under the sword to cut off. It was one part of the martyrs. Others gotten in a huge stone stary, drowned in the sea.

Holy Galina, along with other wives, also voluntarily went to martyrdom. They had the opportunity to hide, but they did not do this, as a result of which they were beheaded. This is all that is known about Martyr Galina Corinthian. (The names of the rest of the Corinth Martyrs are also preserved: an old man Kodrat, Cyprian, Dionysius, Anct, Pavel, Cristoin, Dionysius, Victorin, Victor, Nikifor, Claudius, Diodorus, Serafion, Papia, Leonid. Wives-Martyrs: Galina, Hariesis, Nuekhia , Kalisa (Calice), Vasiliss, Nika, Gali, Feodor).

When on the church calendar of the name of Galina: March 23, April 29 - Galina Corinthian, martyr.

Feature Birthday Galina:

From ancient Greek language - quiet, meek, calm. In particular - the calm sea, quiet weather. IN greek mythology - Nymph, which personifies the clean and calm sea, the patroness of the sailors.

Next to this name is also the name of Gallium (chicken, chicken) and Galya, which the old calendars are interpreted as a "cat", without pointing to its origin. Famous name Galya is not associated with them, as it is a diminutive on behalf of Gann.

This is daddy daughter. She generally prefers to be friends with the boys, in the circle of which will hear her guy. This, however, does not interfere with it to spin in front of the mirror, change the outfits. She loves and chat, but - harmless, female intrigues and pereses to her alien. Perhaps, therefore, the patron saint of her name is daw, and not forty. Her favorite reading is historical novels and travel books, in his youth, she adores tourist hiking. Galinovat is on everything - both on entertainment, and to work, and to the garden. She knows how to be friends with children and often chooses a pedagogical path. However, she will suit any creative profession. From the most difficult situation, she managed to leave thanks to hardworking, friendlyness and innovation. She persistently goes to the target target, but very impulsive and sensual. Her attitude towards people is often determined by the mood. In addition, it is inherent in her and calcality: with the right people, she is the charm itself, with those who seem unnecessary to her, becomes cold and even rude.

Congratulations on the name of Galina:

Do not forget to celebrate the name of Galina and congratulate Galina on the Angel Day.

Galina - a quiet wave,

Always calm and free

Send your stubborn running

Solve - where the ark is floating.

Mysterious sea surface!

You pour water mirror,

You look - you are not alone, you are two ...

And having fun with a wave wave.

So let them all the way

You will not be alone - together.

Beautiful name - Galina,

Calm you, serene,

In peace, your whole strength

Elegant, like the sea is boundless ...

And women wise, your gaze,

Like a water surface charming

Your charm, the world is all the same,

Men, beauty exciting ...

Cares to surround it

Only people, always cheerful,

Comfort in his house with the soul creates

Drawing fate in paints Rainbow ...

You have a birthday today!

Galina, Cute Galina!

I want to become an artist

So that your portrait draw.

And I would like to become a poet

I'll zerrift at the same time,

All this you will be presented

And again, happiness to find.

Oh, like you, Galya, good!

As a field bouquet, soul,

And there is no posture at all

Two roses bloom on the cheeks.

I wish you strive for the goal,

Achieve success in each business.

And so that you could have many years

Give friends heat and light.

I wish, in order to live

You were all on "excellent"!

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