Easter, Easter cakes and other Easter dishes that are worth preparing. Easter table menu: traditional dishes Traditional Easter dishes for baking Easter cakes

Important symbols of the main spring holiday have been known since childhood. Not many people wonder what eggs and Easter cakes symbolize? The celebration of Easter is associated with interesting traditions, behind each there is a story dedicated to a bright day.

  • Features of Easter symbols
  • Why dye eggs for Easter?

Features of Easter symbols

Holy Week is not only about remembering Jesus and his sacrifice to save humanity. It's time to prepare for Easter. Before Good Friday, housewives clean the home, tidy up the yard, finish household chores, but most importantly, bake Easter cakes and color eggs. The prepared Easter meal is traditionally taken to church for consecration on Holy Saturday.

Christians, after the end of Lent, eat blessed foods on Sunday morning. The consecration of food is an important stage; the meal will bring happiness, peace and strengthen health after breaking the fast.

Symbolism of Easter eggs and Easter cakes

Many are convinced that Easter cake remains the main symbol of Easter. But a painted egg is as important as Easter. It is a valuable symbol of the rebirth of life. At the end of the forty-day fast, a person eats an egg and then a cake.

Kulich is assigned the role of a symbol of the miraculous resurrection of the Savior. Have you ever wondered why Easter cottage cheese is made in the shape of a truncated pyramid? If you remember the evangelical story of Silent Saturday, it is not difficult to guess that this is connected with the tomb in which Jesus is buried.

Often a couple of letters “ХВ” are put on cottage cheese Easter cakes. There are many recipes for Easter cakes. According to Christian rites, simple Easter cakes are considered traditional. The simpler the basis, the closer an Orthodox person is to Jesus. It was this simple treat that Christ shared with his disciples during the last meal, the Supper, which marked the last day of the Savior’s earthly life.

Fact! Despite the tradition of preparing Easter cake according to simple recipe, in some regions dried fruits are added to the dough.

Why dye eggs for Easter?

If everything is clear with the symbolism of the egg, then you will have to figure out how to decorate it, “dressing” it in bright colors. There are several explanations.

1. The first is practical. During Lent, it was forbidden to eat eggs, but chickens laid eggs. Boiled eggs are easier to store, but they were confused with fresh ones. They solved the problem by staining boiled eggs.
2. The second explanation is more plausible for Orthodox Christians. According to the history of some evangelists, the first Easter egg was received by Emperor Tiberius, who was given the gift by Mary Magdalene. She gave away the egg for Easter with the usual words: “Christ is Risen!” Tiberius could not believe that Jesus had risen. He replied that no one could do this, it couldn’t happen, just like the fact that an egg could turn not white, but red. With these words, the egg turned scarlet, which shocked Tiberius.

Orthodox Christians traditionally began to color eggs red, associated with the blood of Christ shed for the sake of people. This option is common, but experimenting with colors is not prohibited.

Eggs are made from wood precious metals, chocolate, decorated with patterns or traditional letters “ХВ”. Not only dyes are used for coloring; in the old days, people made do with onion peels.

Eggs painted white symbolize spirituality and heaven. The red color, in addition to the blood of Jesus, speaks of his love for man. The regal shade is of great importance for the Orthodox world. Eggs painted in yellow shades resemble gold and symbolize material and spiritual wealth.

The color blue is often chosen for paints, the symbol of the Virgin Mary, the embodiment of hope, kindness and love for loved ones. A great option is green Easter eggs. This is a symbol of rebirth. The color black remains prohibited. It is not customary to mourn and cry on Easter.

It's amazing how traditions have survived to this day. Each dish for the Easter meal has a meaning, but colored eggs and Easter cakes have a special meaning.

Easter is a great holiday celebrated by all Orthodox people. This is the most important church celebration, when people rejoice at the resurrection of Jesus Christ and the liberation of the world from sins. Preparation for it lasts from Monday to Saturday, and on Sunday everyone congratulates each other and greets with the words “Christ is Risen.”

Holy Week

Each day of Holy Week before the holiday is dedicated to certain matters.

  1. On Monday, it is customary to clean the entire house and prepare it for the arrival of spring.
  2. Tuesday is reserved for putting clothes and linen in order. On this day, all things must be washed and ironed.
  3. On Wednesday, the house is completely cleared of garbage; during this period, they purchase food and eggs for making paints.
  4. Maundy Thursday is called that for a reason. On this day, it is customary to swim in cool water in the morning, since it is considered the most healing on this Thursday. This is the time to prepare eggs and cakes.

  5. Good Friday does not allow you to do any household chores; on this day you cannot have fun and have fun.
  6. Holy Saturday is the time of preparation for the Easter feast. Easter cakes are baked, Easter is made, eggs are painted.

Easter is an unusual holiday, so the table should be distinguished by splendor and richness, an abundance of dishes and elegant decoration. Naturally, Easter cakes are placed in the center of it, surrounded by painted eggs, of which there should be exactly twelve.

Previously, in wealthy families it was customary to put 48 different treats on the table. The number was not chosen by chance, this is exactly how many days it lasts Lent. At the same time, food was on the table all Sunday, so that anyone who came to visit could freely taste the treat. An invitation from the hosts was not required on this day.

A poorly decorated and meager table was considered the worst disgrace. The peculiarity of the Easter table was that there were no hot dishes on it. Therefore, no maintenance was required from the owners. They could freely celebrate and enjoy the wonderful day with the guests.

Must-have Easter dishes

Traditional, original Russian recipes are used to prepare food for Easter. Nowadays, painted eggs, Easter cakes and Easter are always on the table. Previously, on Saturday they go to church for consecration.

In the old days, meat dishes were also served on the table - baked hams and fried veal, numerous jellied meats and aspic, meat pates, rolls, vegetable and mushroom snacks, sweet and meat porridges, and game dishes.

A special feature of the Easter table was that it was customary to prepare a lot of sweets for it: tasty and fragrant buns, honey gingerbread cookies of various shapes.

Eggs on the Easter table are not only painted and painted. You need to be able to present them beautifully. To do this, you can make an Easter wreath.

How to make an edible wreath for Easter

For the test you will need:

  • 200 ml warmed milk;
  • 1 kg flour;
  • 1 pack of dry yeast;
  • 2 tbsp. l. granulated sugar;
  • 1 egg;
  • salt and vanillin to taste.

Step by step recipe:

Secrets of Easter cakes

The tradition of eating Easter cakes dates back to the time when Jesus ate bread with his disciples, so that they would believe in his resurrection. Therefore, on Easter it is customary to serve Easter cake to guests and family.

It was baked on Friday, and the dough was left overnight. On Saturday it was customary to wear it to church for consecration. Nowadays you can buy these baked goods in the store, but it is much nicer and more joyful to eat home-cooked food.

Interestingly, properly prepared Easter cake retains its softness and aroma for 40 days after this bright holiday. Baking Easter cake is a responsible and important task. In order to obtain a real product, you must follow many mandatory rules.

A problem that often arises is that the inside of the product is still raw, but the top begins to burn. The foil that covers the top of the cakes will help avoid this. Remove the foil before removing the pan from the oven. Readiness is checked using a stick that was previously inserted in the middle. It should be completely dry.

The molds for Easter cakes are tin, but if they are not at hand, aluminum saucepans are quite suitable. The container should have a volume of no more than 2 liters, this is enough to get a delicious baked Easter cake.

Finished products are decorated with glaze, nuts, and confectionery powders. At the top there must be the inscription “ХВ” and a cross.

Easter recipe

The third obligatory dish of the Easter table can be prepared in various ways. But most often Easter is made from cottage cheese. To prepare a delicious, sweet chocolate Easter you will need:

All products must be fresh!

Step-by-step instruction:

  • Easter has the shape of a truncated pyramid. If the housewife does not have a special container for preparing Easter, you can use a cardboard form. In this case, the walls should be covered with cling film.
  • The main component of this dish is cottage cheese. It must be fresh, with a delicate consistency and little moisture. Therefore, it is recommended to first rid it of excess whey. To do this, it is placed in a canvas or gauze bag on which the press is placed. Night is enough for excess liquid to drain.

An important component of Easter is eggs. Their choice should be taken very seriously. If you can’t buy fresh village eggs, you should definitely check the expiration date in the store.

This is very important, since eggs are placed raw during Easter; they do not undergo heat treatment. Before use, they are washed in warm water with the addition of soda. The eggs are broken one at a time into a separate cup, only then can they be placed in the cottage cheese.

Meat dishes

The traditional Easter table necessarily includes meat dishes. How tasty they turn out depends to a large extent on the skills of the housewife. For the festive table, you can use proven recipes for meat dishes. Moreover, many of those observing fasting have already missed meat.

To prepare this aromatic dish you will need:

Step-by-step instruction:

The meat according to this recipe is aromatic, juicy, tender and tasty!

It’s rare that a table can do without tasty and satisfying buckwheat porridge. Households and guests are unlikely to refuse this dish, and it is prepared as simply as possible.

You will need:

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. The meat is cut into small pieces and fried in vegetable oil in a frying pan until golden brown. At this time, grated carrots and diced onions are stewed in another frying pan.
  2. Water is poured into the fried meat and brought to a boil. It is necessary to boil the meat for about 15 minutes, after which the washed buckwheat. After adding the spices, cover the pan with a lid and cook the whole mass for another 15 minutes. Advice! To get a flavorful crumbly porridge, buckwheat should be fried in a dry frying pan before cooking.
  3. Next, frying, other spices and herbs are added to the buckwheat with meat. Over very low heat, cook the dish until cooked.

Snacks for the Easter table

What holiday would be complete without its own liqueur or homemade wine with a snack? For Easter 2016 you can prepare a very simple and crazy delicious salad"Easter wreath".

This colorful dish will decorate the table for Easter. To prepare it you need the following ingredients:

Prepare marinade for onions:

  • 250 ml of boiled warm water;
  • 3 tbsp. l. 6% vinegar (you can use apple cider vinegar);
  • 1 tsp. granulated sugar;
  • salt and pepper to taste.

For decoration, you can boil quail eggs.

Product preparation:

  1. Wash the potatoes and carrots thoroughly and pour cold water and boil until done. Clean after cooling.
  2. The eggs are boiled, cooled, and peeled. The whites are separated from the yolks.
  3. The onion is cut into cubes, scalded to remove bitterness and soaked in the marinade for half an hour.
  4. Chicken fillet is cut into small pieces, sprinkled generously with spices and salt. Then it must be fried in vegetable oil until cooked. Advice! You can cut the fillet after frying or boil it in broth with spices.

The salad is laid out in layers on the dish. An inverted glass is placed in the middle so that the salad takes the shape of a wreath. The prepared ingredients are laid out on a plate around the glass. The following layers are made:

You can mix potatoes and other ingredients with mayonnaise in a separate container, and then put them on a dish, then there will be no dry spots left. It is convenient to level the layers using a fork.

Drinks for the Easter table

Traditionally, jelly is prepared for Easter. You can brew an orange aromatic drink that will become your favorite drink this holiday for many years. To prepare it you will need:

  • 2 oranges;
  • 4 egg yolks;
  • 1 liter of milk;
  • 120 g sugar;
  • 50 g potato starch.

Step-by-step instruction:

You can prepare sugar orange slices for the jelly; for this, a peeled orange is cut into slices and generously sprinkled with sugar. In a cold place the slices freeze.

You can pamper your family with this delicious drink, like sbiten. It is also very simple to prepare; it is easy to cook even when unexpected guests are already on the doorstep.

For this you need:

  • 1 liter of water;
  • 150 g granulated sugar;
  • 150 g honey;
  • ginger, cardamom, cinnamon or cloves.

How to cook:

Is alcohol served on Easter?

Many people are interested in whether it is possible to display alcoholic drinks. The most commonly purchased traditional church drink is Cahors. It is used in different situations: at baptism and wedding, during communion and unction. This is the wine that is served on the bright day of Easter.

It is worth noting that Cahors was not chosen by chance. In church scriptures there are instructions for choosing wine. It must be pure, grape and undiluted. Kagor meets all these requirements. It resembles blood in color and consistency.

Previously, when Cahors was not yet known, people prepared mead or horseradish with the addition of honey for the holiday.

Celebrating a holiday with alcohol is not forbidden, since such a table simply cannot do without a bottle of good red wine. But it should be remembered that there must be moderation in everything.


The bright holiday of the Resurrection of Christ is on the threshold and we are all, without exception, preparing to celebrate it with our closest and dearest people. To prepare ritual dishes, you need special Easter dishes and molds for cottage cheese paskas and Easter cakes, a review of which we present to you. All Orthodox Christians try to adhere to traditions, prepare holiday treats and bake rich bread that cannot be confused with anything else.

Traditional Easter dishes for baking Easter cakes

Previously, even before the advent of metal molds for baking ritual pies for Easter, housewives baked Easter cakes in ceramic or clay pots of a special, cylindrical shape. Currently, you can purchase molds made of metal with a non-stick coating, detachable. It is very comfortable!

Silicone analogues are also convenient, which can be bought in almost any store - in different colors and sizes.

Cylindrical molds for Easter cakes can be replaced with mugs made of food-grade tin or steel, enameled with small tall saucepans. If you use such Easter dishes, then it is recommended to line the inside of it with baking parchment - both the bottom and the walls. In fact, for special dishes for baking ritual bread, you can use dishes made of any material that can withstand high temperature oven.

This is a relatively recent find for home baking. Such forms were produced mainly for the factory production of Easter baked goods, but now manufacturers have begun to produce sets for home baking. For the holiday, they are supplemented with ritual paraphernalia - paper ribbons or drawings and inscriptions on the theme of the Resurrection of Christ.

These special forms made of thick wax paper and with a corrugated bottom are an excellent option for baking Easter cakes, and they are decorated with magnificent paintings on the outside. The paper is oil-impregnated, which makes it easy to release the finished cake from the mold. They are environmentally friendly; they have a perforated cardboard structure, which ensures high-quality baking of the entire thickness of the cake without burning. The material allows you to reduce the baking and cooling time of the finished product.

Form for cottage cheese Easter - pasochnitsa

This is the most convenient, most often, detachable molding container for making curd Easter cakes. They can be produced with or without small holes. They look like truncated pyramids, symbolizing the Holy Sepulcher. To ensure uniform drainage of excess whey and ease of removal of the prepared dish, the bottom and walls of the pan are covered with gauze, the edges of which should cover the top of the curd mass and prevent it from drying out. This form for cottage cheese Easter can be purchased both in the retail network of hardware stores and in church shops.

To prepare Easter from cottage cheese, the Easter boxes can be made of any material. Currently, the most used material is food grade plastic. Previously, before the advent of progressive materials, molds for cottage cheese Easter were constructed from wooden planks, on the inside of which a cross, the letters “H.V.”, doves, flowers, etc. were carved. When Easter hardens, these indentations “draw” ritual symbols on the finished product. Modern plastic analogues are also equipped with the same symbols on the sides of the bean bag.


A poacher is a special dish in the form of a glass on a leg, with a semicircular bottom into which an egg is inserted. Poachers are designed for serving eggs boiled “in a bag”. Easter eggs do not need this, but they are actively used as an element of holiday table decor.

Egg cups are made of porcelain, ceramics, metal or glass. For the bright Resurrection of Christ, special series are produced - for serving the festive table.

This wonderful serving dish will greatly decorate your holiday table! The plate has special recesses for eggs around the circumference and in the center for Easter cake or cottage cheese. The dish can be completed various materials. Manufacturers offer clay and ceramic, earthenware and porcelain, plastic and even wooden analogues! The Easter decoration of this dish is simply amazing in its variety!

A simplified version of the Easter serving dish are small plates with only recesses for eggs.

Large porcelain manufacturers produce special series of tableware and serving dishes for the festive table on the bright Resurrection of Christ. In addition to plates and large dishes, such sets include various decorative elements: tureens, jugs, candy bowls, vases and sauce boats, plow bowls and figurines of bunnies and birds. Everything is in the same style and with Easter paraphernalia!

Easter baskets

Although baskets cannot be considered tableware, they are a necessary decorative item for the room where the family and its guests celebrate the bright day of the Resurrection of Christ. In addition to their decorative function, baskets serve as traditional luggage, where all ritual dishes are placed for consecration in the church. Usually baskets are woven from straw or willow vines. They are not only extremely comfortable, but also beautiful!

Traditionally, the Easter basket is prepared on Saturday evening and the entire contents are covered with an embroidered linen napkin. The products in the basket must include: Easter cake or Easter cake, dyed eggs, salt, butter and cheese, sausage or ham.

We hope that our review of Easter dishes and molds for Easter cottage cheese and Easter cakes will help you navigate the choice of the equipment you need and decorate this holiday of soul and flesh with the most fragrant products, beautiful and bright decorative elements!

Easter eggs - together with children: master class with photos. The bright holiday of Easter is approaching, it will soon be time to bake Easter cakes and paint Easter international. Easter was widely celebrated in Rus'. Recipes for Easter cake and Easter cottage cheese in many homes are passed down from...

Festive table for Easter: eggs in nests and Easter cakes... in eggs! Easter was widely celebrated in Rus'. Easter recipes are not only about Easter cakes and ways to color eggs. IN different countries There are traditions of Easter baking, and they are gradually penetrating to us.

Eggs for Easter: natural dyes, lace and decoupage. Print version. 3.3 5 (19 ratings) Rate this article. Combine the eggs and sugar in a small bowl and beat until the mixture is very light and stiff. Festive table for Easter: eggs in nests and Easter cakes... in...

Festive table for Easter: eggs in nests and Easter cakes... in eggs! Easter was widely celebrated in Rus'. Easter recipes with photos: delicious Easter cake with chocolate, Easter with candied fruits and Easter eggs. Nostalgia for the 90s: famous actors and the picture tells about one thing...

Easter eggs, painted in one color, without a pattern, were called krashenki (or Where did the tradition of baking Easter cakes come from? Easter cake is one of the oldest symbols. On Easter, on the festive table, the top of the cake was cut off horizontally, the cake was cut in circles or...

Festive table for Easter: eggs in nests and Easter cakes... in eggs! ...but the very name of Pysanka I would like a festive table for Easter: eggs in nests and Easter cakes in nests made of dough, Easter cakes in eggshells: two recipes for the festive table for Easter.

On the saucer it is written “Dear egg for a bright day”, I would probably have guessed that it was about Easter, then, probably, in the drawing after reading the inscription I would have seen an egg, but the name of Pysanka itself would have been to me Festive table for Easter: eggs in nests and Easter cakes... in eggs!

Festive table for Easter: eggs in nests and Easter cakes... in eggs! How to decorate your home? Today we will teach you how to weave an Easter wreath from hay, which will become a traditional decoration in your family. Easter cake, eggs, Easter, even willow branches on Soviet postcards...

Recipe for cottage cheese Easter... please share. « Easter cake, eggs and cottage cheese: 3 recipes. Lots of candied fruits and chocolate!” Easter eggs in dough nests, Easter cakes in eggshells: two recipes for the festive table for Easter. 3.6 5 (127 ratings) Rate this article.

Recipes for Easter: aspic in eggs and veal in the oven. Elegant Easter cakes in BERIOZKE will be decorated with icing, which is usually Glaze for Easter cakes Festive table for Easter: eggs... Easter cake step by step: recipe with photo from Oksana Putan.

Where should I put cracked eggs?(. Teach me how to cook!

Festive table for Easter: eggs in nests and Easter cakes... in eggs! The bright holiday of Easter is approaching, it will soon be time to bake Easter cakes, paint eggs and cook Easter. Come to KidBurg at the Grand Canyon and Peter's Rainbow to turn your holiday preparations into...

Festive table for Easter: eggs in nests and Easter cakes... in eggs! The famous confectioner Alexander Seleznev offers a bold solution. But a new item on the Easter table is chocolate cakes. Recipes with photos [link-1] of chocolate cake for Easter we are just...

I'm going to bake Easter cakes tomorrow. My recipe only uses egg yolks. Previously (before the bird flu), I beat the egg whites and brushed them on top of the Easter cakes, rolls and When the Easter cakes are almost ready, brush them with the beaten egg white and put them back in the hot, turned off oven.

With children, it’s good to decorate empty shells (pierce a raw egg vertically with a knitting needle and blow it out. Good idea! Last year we put eggs in a wicker plate, it also worked out well. “Do-it-yourself Easter eggs and crafts for Easter.

On the Easter table royal family The Romanovs in 1903 had the following dishes: “Easter. Easter cakes. Eggs. Sturgeon. Beluga. Salmon. Walleyes. Stellate sturgeon. Pheasants. K-uropaths. Black grouse. Ryabtsy. Ducks. Lambs. Ham. Languages. Beef on the bone. Yaroslavl veal. The pies are different. Wine. Homemade tincture. Kissel and sbiten." The emperor's festive feast was very rich, and it is unlikely to be repeated. But why not borrow at least a few dishes from the royal menu?

4 secrets of the right Easter cake

“It is believed that the taller and more beautiful the Easter cake is, the happier life will be in the family. Therefore, the preparation of Easter cakes in Russia has always been taken very seriously,” says pastry chef Vera Sokolova. - In order for the cake to turn out correctly, firstly, you need to knead the yeast dough with a large number of yolks and whole eggs.

Secondly, you need to put fillings in the baked goods. These can be nuts, candied fruits, raisins, dried fruits. The main thing is not to overload the cake with them, otherwise the yeast will not work well.

Thirdly, the prepared dough must be placed in a cylindrical bowl - the cake should turn out high. You can buy a special form in stores. If you don't find one, use a tall saucepan or a cylindrical 3-liter tin can. When, after a few hours of being warm, the dough has risen and there is at least 3 centimeters left to the edges of the pan, put it in the oven for 1-2 hours.

Fourthly, the finished Easter cake must be decorated with a glaze of whipped egg whites and written: “ХВ” - “Christ is Risen!” In ancient times, the main Easter baked goods were also decorated with flowers and sprinkled with nuts.

Easter cake with candied fruits and almonds

Alena Apina:

“Okroshka is on the menu”

In addition to Easter cake, Easter and colored eggs, it is customary in our house to prepare okroshka on Easter. In spring, when everything around you wakes up, you want to eat something light. Easter is a holiday of resurrection, and I associate okroshka with the revival of nature.


Kulich should be on the Easter table, but still the most important holiday dish is. Initially they were painted only red. According to one legend, after the resurrection of Jesus Christ, Mary Magdalene came with this news to the Roman Emperor Tiberius and brought him a gift of a symbol of life - an egg. The emperor just laughed: “Resurrection is as impossible as it is for your white egg to turn red.” But before he had time to finish his sentence, the egg in the hands of Mary Magdalene turned completely scarlet. Since then, in memory of this event, eggs began to be painted red, and then other colors. Now there are dyes and effective stickers on sale for these purposes. Nevertheless, many housewives are supporters of coloring without chemicals. For example, using onion peels. You need to collect more husks, add water to them and cook under the lid over low heat for at least half an hour to make the broth bright. Then you need to strain it, cool it and put eggs in it. The shells will not burst if the eggs are taken out of the refrigerator in advance so that they become room temperature, and add more salt to the broth. Cook over low heat. In this way you can color eggs from light yellow to intense red-brown. Finished eggs can be rubbed with vegetable oil to make them shine. In addition to onion peels, other rich infusions are also used for painting: beetroot, blueberry, blackberry, blackcurrant. If you don’t want to make the eggs one color, before boiling you can dip them in water and roll them in rice, and then put them in cheesecloth and tie them tightly in a bag. After boiling, such an egg will turn out marbled.

Jellied eggs

Jellied eggs Photo: Shutterstock.com


  • Eggs - 5 pieces
  • Chicken fillet - 1 pc.
  • Ham - 100 g
  • Green peas - 3-4 tbsp. l.
  • Corn - 3-4 tbsp. l.
  • Red Bell pepper- 1 PC.
  • Gelatin - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Parsley - bunch

How to cook:

  1. Boil chicken fillet, remove the meat, and dilute the gelatin in the broth in the proportion indicated on the package.
  2. Make a hole about 2 cm in diameter at the blunt end of the eggs and pour out the contents (you won’t need it).
  3. Soak the shells for a few minutes in warm water and baking soda to disinfect. After this, rinse with clean water.
  4. Ham, fillet and bell pepper cut into small cubes.
  5. Place meat and peppers in shells, add green peas and corn.
  6. Place the straightened parsley in the shell and pour in the broth with gelatin.
  7. Place the eggs in the refrigerator for several hours.
  8. Before serving, peel the shells and place the jellied eggs on a plate.

Salad with colored eggs


  • Tomatoes - 5 pcs.
  • Cucumbers - 3 pcs.
  • Green peas - 1/2 can
  • Soft cheese - 150 g
  • Painted Easter eggs - 5 pcs.

For the sauce:

  • Mayonnaise - 100 g
  • Horseradish - 1 tsp.

How to cook:

  1. Coarsely chop the tomatoes and cucumbers.
  2. Add green peas and crumble soft cheese on top.
  3. Mix mayonnaise with horseradish until smooth and put the finished sauce into plates or serve in a separate sauce boat.
  4. Let each guest, after breaking their Easter egg, peel it, cut it into pieces and add it to their salad plate.

Easter: white or chocolate?

Cottage cheese Easter is another important culinary masterpiece that must be present on the Easter table. In the past, Russian housewives prepared custard Easter. For her, the curd mass was heated over a fire until the first bubbles appeared, removed from the heat, cooled and placed in a mold. Nowadays the method without brewing is more common. Essentially, it is a sweet curd mass with raisins, candied fruits and nuts. The better the quality of the starting products, the tastier Easter will be. For example, it is better to buy real fat country grain cottage cheese on the market and rub it 1-2 times through a sieve to get a lush, homogeneous mass without grains. After this, you just need to add the remaining ingredients - sour cream, butter, raisins, chopped nuts, sugar (it is better to take the finest sugar or use powder). You can completely abandon the fillings, add cocoa to the mass - and then you get a chocolate Easter.

By the way, classic Easter should be in the form truncated pyramid- a symbol of the Holy Sepulcher, so to prepare it you need a special bean box (it sometimes goes on sale). If you don’t find the right shape, use any household utensils - a bowl, a bowl, a deep plate. In order for Easter to hold well, the mass must be compacted into a mold, pressed and placed in the refrigerator overnight. On the side walls you should put the letters “XB” or a cross. This is easy to do with cottage cheese using nuts, candied fruits, and raisins. It is better to prepare Easter on Saturday evening, so that it can be blessed in church at night and placed fresh on the Easter table on Sunday.

Cottage cheese Easter with raisins


  • Fat cottage cheese - 500 g
  • Butter - 150 g
  • Sugar - 1 glass
  • Fat sour cream - 2-3 tbsp. l.
  • Seedless raisins - a handful

How to cook:

  1. Rub the cottage cheese through a sieve.
  2. Grind the softened butter with sugar, add sour cream and mix.
  3. Combine the cottage cheese with butter and mix thoroughly to obtain a homogeneous mixture.
  4. Add pre-soaked and squeezed raisins to the mixture.
  5. Take a special cone-shaped shape for Easter or a regular bowl and put cellophane in it (it will help you easily get rid of the shape later). Place the mixture for Easter in a dish, compact it, cover the top with film and put it in the refrigerator overnight.
  6. Remove the dish from the refrigerator, remove the film, turn the Easter over onto a plate and remove the bowl along with the cellophane.
  7. Sprinkle the finished Easter with candied fruits.

Boris Korchevnikov:

"The most delicious day"

In my opinion, Easter is the most delicious day of the year. I usually celebrate it in the temple. The festive table, which is set in the refectory, is literally bursting with food. They always serve roasted suckling pig, chicken, Easter cakes of various sizes, eggs of all colors and shades, and Easter cottage cheese - for me personally, this is the most favorite dish of the holiday.

Lamb or chicken?

“For Easter, it is customary to prepare some kind of large dish: bake a whole fish, a pig, a duck. In many countries, roasted lamb is considered mandatory. If the above products are not available for financial or other reasons, you can cook Easter chicken. Both regular broilers and small gherkin chickens are suitable,” says Chef Alexey Markovsky.

Before baking, the bird must be washed, dried and marinated in olive oil, salts and mixtures of any aromatic herbs. The main thing is not to forget about paprika, which will help give the crust an appetizing orange tint. Place the prepared carcass on a baking sheet and bake for 1-2 hours at 200°C. To prevent the chicken from burning, you can put it in a baking sleeve or foil, and 10 minutes before it is ready, open the package and allow it to fry well.

Perfect jelly

For several centuries, jelly has remained a favorite Easter snack in Russia. For it you need to choose a good pork or beef bone - the second phalanx of the leg is best. Cook over low heat for at least 6 hours. Do not use the lid, otherwise the liquid will darken. If the broth does not turn out rich, you can add a little gelatin. Then you need to decorate the jelly in a festive manner. First, place beautifully chopped boiled carrots, lemon, and herbs on the dish. Then pour the hot broth over it all, let it harden a little, add the prepared minced meat separately and pour out the rest of the meat broth - in exactly that order. Then place the jelly in the refrigerator for several hours, let it harden, turn it over and serve. If you do the opposite and pour out the broth first and then add the vegetable decorations, the fat will float to the surface and cover them.

Easter lamb

Lamb Photo: Shutterstock.com


  • Leg of lamb - 1 pc.
  • Mustard - 2-3 tbsp. l.
  • Garlic - 1 large head
  • Mineral water- 1 liter
  • Salt, pepper - 1 tsp each.

How to cook:

  1. Divide the head of garlic into cloves and cut each into 2 parts. Stuff a leg of lamb with them.
  2. Season the meat with salt, pepper and mustard.
  3. Leave the meat to marinate for 2-3 hours.
  4. Place the leg of lamb in a large roasting pan or baking dish and pour in mineral water. Leave for 30 minutes.
  5. Close the dish with a lid and, without draining the water, put it in the oven, heated to 180°C for 3 hours. If after this time there is still liquid in the duckling pan, transfer the meat to a baking sheet; if not, simply open the lid and fry the leg of lamb for 30 minutes.

Honey woman


  • Flour - 1 kg
  • Honey - 0.5 kg
  • Yeast - 70 g
  • Cream - 1 glass
  • Sugar - 1.5 cups
  • Yolks - 10 pcs.
  • Butter - 400 g

How to cook:

  1. Boil honey, remove from heat, add cream and flour. Knead the dough as for pancakes and cool.
  2. Add yeast diluted in a small amount of cream, put the dough in a warm place. When it rises, add melted butter, beaten yolks with sugar, salt and the remaining flour.
  3. Stir everything, put it in a mold and bake for 1 hour at 180°C.
  4. Make syrup by mixing 2 tbsp. l. sugar, 1 tbsp. l. honey and 120 g of water, boil and cool. Pour sugar syrup over the baba.
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