In memory of the royal family: Church on the Blood in Yekaterinburg. "This is a special place": the Japanese princess visited the Temple-Monument on the Blood

It happens - 90 years pass and at the scene of the crime of some others build a structure, which for many becomes a shrine. In Russia, this is definitely not the case.

The Church-Monument on Blood in the Name of All Saints Who Shone in the Land of Russia appeared exactly in the very place of Yekaterinburg, where on the night of July 16-17, 1918, the last Russian emperor Nicholas II and his family were shot. From that moment on, the place has attracted and attracts many. An old house, ruins, a pit for a temple and now a fully functioning religious building.

For some reason, I am sure that anyone who has been in Ekaterinburg after 2003 has seen the temple and knows at least a minimum of information about it. When I saw him, I immediately googled info, read the introductory text and went closer and closer. As a result, I walked nearby, looked inside, talked with the minister and almost went to the museum of the Romanov family, which is located a couple of meters from the temple.

There is something to show, but there are some difficulties with the informational component. Therefore, I will allow myself to supplement the photos of the temple with official information from Wikipedia. Please do not judge me for this, I just want to tell the history of the shrine and not make a mistake anywhere. If we agreed, then it's time to start the excursion:

1. It all started like this: In 1917, after the February Revolution and the abdication of the throne, the former Russian Emperor Nicholas II and his family were exiled to Tobolsk by the decision of the Provisional Government. After the Bolsheviks came to power and the beginning of the civil war, in April 1918, permission was obtained from the Presidium (All-Russian Central Executive Committee) of the fourth convocation to transfer the Romanovs to Yekaterinburg, in order to deliver them from there to Moscow in order to conduct a trial over them.

In Yekaterinburg, a large stone mansion confiscated from the engineer Nikolai Ipatiev was chosen as the place of imprisonment of Nicholas II and his family. On the night of July 17, 1918, in the basement of this house, Emperor Nicholas II, together with his wife Alexandra Feodorovna, children and close persons were shot, and after that their bodies were taken to the abandoned mine of Ganina Yama. The temple stands exactly on the site of the mansion.

2. The photo shows the place where the famous, in many ways, house was located: - WITHThe structure was a two-story stone mansion on Voznesenskaya Gorka in Yekaterinburg. Since 1908, the house has been owned by the civil engineer Nikolai Ipatiev. In April 1918, while Ipatiev was away, his house was confiscated by the Bolsheviks, and, starting on April 30, 1918, the Tsar's family was imprisoned in it, and on the night of July 17, the Tsar's family, along with his closest entourage, was shot.

After the October Revolution, this house at different times was occupied by various high-ranking officials and government agencies, but this did not cease to be a kind of landmark of the city and constantly attracted the attention of people, right up to its destruction.

During the day, official party delegations were brought here, and at night quite often people approached the house, interested in the fate of the last tsar. Boris N. Yeltsin, who headed the Sverdlovsk Regional Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union in the mid-1970s, described the situation around the Ipatiev house in his book of memoirs "Confessions on a Given Topic" as follows:

“... One of the dates related to the life of the last Russian tsar was approaching. In the West, new studies appeared in newspapers and magazines, some of these materials were broadcast by Western radio stations in Russian. This spurred interest in the Ipatiev house, even people from other cities came to see it ... "

It was this attention that led to the fact that in 1977, on the recommendation of the chairman of the KGB, Yu. V. Andropov, the Central Committee of the CPSU adopted a resolution to demolish the house. The official justification was the need to expand the Karl Liebknecht street adjacent to the house. On September 22, 1977, at the direction of Boris N. Yeltsin, the house was destroyed. Yeltsin would later write in his memoirs:

“… Sooner or later all of us will be ashamed of this barbarism. It will be a shame, but nothing can be fixed ... "

3. Do you think the decision of Andropov, Yeltsin and the KGB changed the situation? Whatever it is: Even after the destruction of the Ipatiev house, the idea of ​​a pilgrimage to the sacred place did not disappear. After the beginning of Perestroika, believers began gathering more and more in the wasteland where the Ipatiev house once stood. The very first, still spontaneous, meetings were dispersed by the police, but this was carried out rather by inertia. On August 18, 1990, the first wooden cross was erected on the mournful place, and two weeks later it was desecrated by intruders. A second appeared, then a third, already metallic. On September 20, 1990, the Presidium of the Sverdlovsk City Council and the Executive Committee decided to allocate a land plot to the Sverdlovsk Diocesan Administration of the Russian Orthodox Church and permit the installation of a commemorative symbol in the place where the house of engineer Ipatiev had previously stood. An open competition was announced for the development of a project for a memorial church on the site of the former Ipatiev house and the development of the adjacent territory.

4. Naturally, the movement towards the construction of the temple began after the collapse of the Union: In connection with the August events of 1991, the holding of competitive events has shifted, although the first sketches have already appeared, and some were even evaluated by the jury. At the same time, the organizers introduced additional competitive conditions, including the international status of the event. Due to the complication of the tasks of the competition, objective assessments of its scale, especially with the participation of foreign competitors, the deadlines for the submission of works and, as a result, the jury's conclusions on them were constantly postponed. First, the deadline for the announcement of the results was set for December 15, 1991, then was postponed to March 15, 1992, and finally, finally approved for June 25, 1992. The Kurgan architect Konstantin Efremov was named the winner of the competition

5. Three months later, on September 23, 1992, the first stone was laid at the construction of the temple by the Archbishop of Verkhotursky and Yekaterinburg Melchizedek. The network publications also widely disseminated information about September 21, 1991, as the day of laying the first stone. Simultaneously with the laying of the first church stone, the rite of consecration of the previously built wooden chapel in the name of the Monk Martyr Elizabeth Feodorovna was performed.

However, the construction of the cathedral according to the project of Efremov was not destined to happen, since almost immediately after the laying of the first symbolic stone, construction stopped. The reason for the freezing of construction was the difficult economic situation in the country and, as a result, the lack of funds from the diocese, which oversaw the construction work.

6. New life of the project and well-fed 2000s: Only in 2000, after the glorification of Nicholas II and his family at the Bishops' Council of the Russian Orthodox Church, the construction of the church began at the site of the execution. On September 23, 2000, who arrived at the consecration of the construction of the temple, Patriarch Alexy II laid a capsule with a commemorative letter about the consecration in the foundation of the temple.

The new project, the authors of which were architects V.P. Morozov, V. Yu. Grachev and the chief architect of the region G.V. Mazaev, was approved by the city planning council of Yekaterinburg and the diocese. According to the official version, the reason for the rejection of K. Efremov's project was the author's unwillingness to take into account the comments of the town planning council and make changes to his work.

7. About how everything was built: The construction of the temple was carried out at a rapid pace. It was supposed to complete the construction and consecrate the cathedral on the 85th anniversary of the death of the Romanov family. Therefore, up to 300 people worked daily at the construction site in two shifts.

On October 17, 2002, 11 bells were erected on the belfry of the church. Funds for their production were raised as a result of the "Bells of Repentance" charity event with the direct participation of the famous poet and composer Alexander Novikov.

On November 27, 2002, the laying of the first stone took place at the construction of the Patriarch's courtyard at the church.

On February 21, 2003, Boris Yeltsin visited the walls of the church under construction during a three-day visit to the Urals.

On May 15, 2003, the largest bell weighing 5 tons was erected on the belfry of the church. It was cast in early May of the same year in Kamensk-Uralsky. Cast from a special bell bronze, the bell was named after St. Andrew the First-Called. Among the 14 bells of the temple, this bell has the lowest voice.

8. And the important thing about the view: When designing, the plan of the future temple was superimposed on the plan of the demolished house of Ipatiev in such a way as to create an analogue of the room where the Tsar's family was shot. At the lower level of the temple, a symbolic place for this execution was envisaged.

The temple is a five-domed structure with a height of 60 meters and a total area of ​​3000 m². The architecture of the building is designed in the Russian-Byzantine style. The vast majority of churches were built in this style during the reign of Nicholas II. As conceived by the architects, it should symbolize the connection of times, the revival of the Orthodox tradition. The complex includes two temples: lower and upper.

The upper temple in the name of all Saints - the golden-domed cathedral - symbolizes an unquenchable lamp lit in memory of the tragic events that took place at this place. The upper temple is a very spacious part of the structure with an abundance of windows around the perimeter. Taking into account the geographical elevation of the place where the temple is located, on clear days the premises of the temple are abundantly illuminated by sunlight. Inside there is an iconostasis made of a rare variety of white marble, 30 meters long and 13 meters high

9. The funeral lower church on the Blood in memory of the Romanovs, made in a very austere calm style, is located in the basement.
It includes, among other things, the execution room with the original remains of the structure of the Ipatiev House present, and its altar is located next to the immediate place of execution of the Tsar's family. There is also a museum with exhibits dedicated to the last days of the life of the Romanov family, as well as an auditorium for 160 seats.

Between the upper and lower temples, there is a double-height penetrating space. A tent rises up from the execution room, which leads to the iconostasis of the upper church, where an opening is made through which you can see the place of the death of the Romanovs from above.

10. The facades of the building of the temple up to nine meters are finished with red and burgundy granite. This detail is a kind of reminder of the blood spilled here. On the façade around the perimeter there are forty-eight bronze icons of the most revered Russian saints. The arched parts of the facades are adorned on all sides with excerpts from the Psalter - on the north side: “The death of His saints is honest before the Lord”, on the east side: “For thee sake we are killed all day”, on the south side: “The righteous as the phoenix will flourish”, on the west side : "Shedding their blood like water around."

Perhaps this is the minimum of photos and information that I wanted to convey to those who read this line, reaching the end of the post. Thank you for not closing it and learning a little more about the place that the Orthodox world reveres.

This is where the series of posts from Yekaterinburg ends, but I can continue. If someone missed the first three.

On June 23, 2018, the Yekaterinburg Church on the Blood and the Tsarsky spiritual and educational center was visited by Princess Hisako Takamado of Japan, according to the press service of the Yekaterinburg diocese.

Her Highness was given a tour of the church, where they told the story of the Royal family and the stay of the members of the House of Romanov in the Urals in the last days of their lives. Mrs. Takamado saw the renewed "Tsar's Room" - the altar of the chapel in honor of the Royal Passion-Bearers, built on the site of the murder of Tsar Nicholas II and his family members. Particular attention was drawn to the unique mosaic panel in the central part of the altar, depicting the Holy Royal Passion-Bearers and loyal subjects who suffered with them: Emperor Nicholas Alexandrovich, Empress Alexandra Feodorovna, Tsarevich Alexy, Grand Duchesses Olga, Tatyana, Maria, Anastasia, Saint Eugene Bottera, doctor, doctor Troupe, cook Ivan Kharitonov and room girl Anna Demidova. The altar is decorated to commemorate the centenary of the feat of the Royal family with the blessing of Metropolitan Kirill of Yekaterinburg and Verkhoturye.

After examining in the museum gallery of the Temple-on-the-Blood the exhibition dedicated to the Royal Passion-bearers and their loyal subjects, as well as the Alapaevsk martyrs - Saints Elizabeth Feodorovna and the nun Barbara, Her Highness visited the upper church in the name of All the saints who shone in the Russian land. Here Mrs. Takamado, delighted with the decoration and decoration of the cathedral, took up the camera, taking pictures of the vault and frescoes, which depict scenes from the life of the Passion-Bearer Tsar and his family.

In the Tsarsky center, the princess got acquainted with the exposition of the Museum of the Holy Royal Family, visited the Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, the Synodal Hall, visited an exhibition of Ural artists Alexei Efremov and Alexander Remezov, touched the keyboard of the legendary Tsar's grand piano, which was in exile with the emperor's family ...

At the end of the visit, Mrs. Takamado left a comment in the Visitors' Book, thanking for the inspiring journey through Russian history and noting the great importance of the Ural shrines for the preservation of heritage.

Having thanked the representatives of the Yekaterinburg diocese for the warm welcome, leaving the Tsarsky center, the Japanese princess spoke with special cordiality in Russian: "This is a special place."

Note that the princess of Japan Hisako Takamado arrived in the Ural capital on the eve of June 22. She plans to attend the Japan-Senegal soccer match tomorrow, June 24th. Hisako Takamado became a princess in 1984 when she married Prince Norihito Takamodo. The prince passed away in 2002 and they have three daughters who also hold imperial titles.

It was not by chance that Mrs. Takamodo began her acquaintance with the capital of the Urals with the Temple-Monument on Blood, which became one of the most visited objects by fans during the World Cup. The Church on the Blood in the name of all the saints who shone in the Russian land was built on the site of the house of engineer Ipatiev, where the last Russian emperor Nicholas II, his family and four servants were held under arrest and martyred on the night of July 17, 1918 ...

During the World Cup, the objects of the Yekaterinburg Tsarskoe Route became one of the most visited places in the Ural capital. Thousands of foreign tourists since the beginning of the championship have visited the Church on the Blood, the Tsarsky spiritual and educational center, the Monastery of the Holy Royal Passion-Bearers in the Ganina Yama tract, and the Alexander Nevsky Novo-Tikhvin Monastery.

The Yekaterinburg Church-on-the-Blood in the name of All the saints who shone in the land of Russia is one of the main attractions of the city. The Voznesenskaya Gorka area has become infamous throughout the world. It was here that until 1977 the house of the engineer Nikolai Nikolayevich Ipatiev stood, in which the last Russian emperor Nikolai II with his family and servants were shot.

Because of this event, which took place on the night of July 16-17, 1918, the temple received such a name. Church on the Blood is visited not only by believing parishioners, but also by tourist groups. Most often, it is he who is included in the sightseeing tour of the city. It is considered one of the most popular temples in the country. Yekaterinburg Temple became the third "temple-on-blood" after Uglich and St. Petersburg.

The architectural complex includes a five-domed main church, Elizabeth's chapel and the Patriarch's courtyard. Together with several other churches, it forms the "Holy Quarter". It includes the Ascension Church and the Temple of Nicholas the Wonderworker.

History of the Church on the Blood in Yekaterinburg

After the murder of the Romanov family, believers began to come to the house, despite all the prohibitions. This continued in secret even after its demolition in 1977. In the late 1980s, people began to gather openly on the Ipatievsky wasteland and pray. Soon, first a wooden and then an iron cross was installed. The latter still stands near the new stone building.

In 1992, the foundation stone of the future church was laid, and two years later the first Divine Liturgy was held at this place under a small temporary canopy. Archaeological excavations at the site of the former house of Ipatiev took place in 2000. A large number of people provided assistance to scientists on a voluntary basis. Thanks to their efforts, tons of earth were sifted at the site of the "bloody" basement.

The project of the Yekaterinburg temple was developed by architects Grachev M. Yu., Morozov V. P. and Mazayev G. V. It was planned to erect a building in the Russian-Byzantine style, which was divided into the lower temple of memory of the Romanovs on the site of the basement where they were shot and the upper cathedral. For some time the construction had to be frozen due to the economic situation, so the consecration of the new church took place only on July 16, 2003.

The total area of ​​the Church on the Blood in Yekaterinburg is 3000 sq. meters, and the height is 60 meters.

Every year, on the night of July 17, a memorial liturgy is served in the Church on the Blood, after which a 25-kilometer procession begins to Ganina Yama, where the bodies were thrown after the execution.

Opening hours and schedule of services

You can visit the Church on the Blood in Yekaterinburg any day from 07:30 to 23:00. Services are held here daily in the morning and evening.

On weekdays: in the morning at 08:00 and in the evening at 17:00. Three Divine Liturgies are celebrated on Sundays at 06:40, 08:00 and 09:00.

How to get to the Church on the Blood in Yekaterinburg

Church on the Blood is located in the center of Yekaterinburg. The nearest major road passing nearby is Karl Liebknecht Street. There are ground public transport stops on it. The entrance to the building is from Tsarskaya Street. There are several other attractions not far from the temple: the Kosmos cinema, the Literary Quarter and the City Pond.

Organized excursions to the Church on the Blood are offered by guides in Yekaterinburg, registered on the portal.


The metro is not the most convenient way to get to the temple. The nearest stop is 750 meters away - Dynamo station. Coming to the surface, you need to go through the square next to the KKT "Cosmos". This type of transport is suitable if you need to get from the South Bus Station.


Ground transportation stops are located almost next to the temple. The nearest one is "TYUZ". Municipal bus routes are suitable for it:

  • No. 13а (route Uraltekhgaz - Ploshchad 1905 Goda);
  • No. 018 (route Avangard - 17th Mekhkolonna);
  • No. 48 (route Gorbolnitsa No. 7 - Shirokaya Rechka).

From the Yekaterinburg Railway Station it is possible to get there on the routes: 1, 21, 23, 53.

From the Northern Bus Station by buses: No. 13, 15, 57, 57a.


Trolleybuses of the following routes approach the same stop "TYUZ":

  • No. 1 (route Railway station - Himmash);
  • No. 3 (route Kommunisticheskaya - Kraulya);
  • No. 5 (route Kommunisticheskaya - Central Park of Culture and Leisure);
  • No. 9 (route Railway station - Alvis tobacco factory);
  • No. 11 (route Railway station - Onufrieva);
  • No. 15 (route of the Palace of Culture of Railwaymen - Botanicheskaya);
  • No. 17 (route area of ​​the First Five-Year Plan - Central Hotel);
  • No. 18 (Akademicheskaya route).

Route taxis

There are much fewer suitable fixed-route taxis:

  • No. 021 (route Sem Klyuchey village - Shartash station);
  • No. 052 (route Avangard - Onufrieva);
  • No. 056 (route Uralobuv - Sosnovy Bor).

You should get off at the stop "TYUZ".


It is convenient to get around Yekaterinburg by taxi, using applications: Yandex. Taxi, Uber, Gett, Maxim.

The Church-Monument on the Blood was erected on the site of the martyrdom of Emperor Nicholas II, his August Family, their faithful companions and friends.

By God's providence, the place of the martyrdom of the Royal Family became the place that our ancestors prayed for a long time. In the 1760s. a wooden church was built here in honor of the Ascension of the Lord. In 1789, the pious parishioners of the temple wished to build a new stone two-story church on the top of the hill, where the commander's house of Vasily Nikitich Tatishchev used to be. In 1792, a stone church in honor of the Ascension of the Lord was laid, and in 1818 it was consecrated. The wooden church was moved to Nizhne-Isetsk.

On the site of the Old Ascension Church, a residential wooden house was built, in the 1870s. - a stone two-story mansion, and on the site of the altar, a chapel was erected in honor of the prophet of God Elijah. The murder of the Emperor, his Family and servants was committed in the basement of the southern wing of this house, on the site where the temple in honor of the Ascension of the Lord used to stand.

In 1908 this house No. 49/9, located at the corner of Voznesensky Prospekt and Voznesensky Lane, was bought by the military civil engineer N.N. Ipatiev.

April 27, 1918 N.N. Ipatiev was offered to vacate the house at 48 hours due to the housing problem in the city. The house was surrounded by a double fence, higher in height than the windows of the second floor, with a single gate, in front of which a sentry was constantly on duty. There were two security posts between the double fence, and eight outside. Machine guns were installed in the attics of neighboring buildings. So the house was prepared for the arrival of the Royal family.

On April 30, 1918, Empress Alexandra Feodorovna and Grand Duchess Maria Nikolaevna were brought to the House of Special Purpose in Yekaterinburg under the escort of Emperor Nicholas II. On May 23, 1918, the Grand Duchesses Olga, Tatiana, Anastasia and the Heir Tsarevich Alexei arrived from Tobolsk.

On July 14, 1918, the priest of the Catherine Cathedral, Archpriest John Storozhev and Deacon Vasily Buimirov served the last church service.

On the night of 4 (Old Style) / 17 (New Style) July 1918, a terrible atrocity took place in the basement room of the Ipatiev House, which turned the course of world history. The Anointed of God was tortured and killed - Emperor Nicholas II, Sovereign Empress Alexandra Feodorovna, Heir Tsarevich Alexei, Tsarevnas Olga, Tatiana, Maria, Anastasia and loyal tsarist companions and friends: Dr. Evgeny Sergeevich Botkin, room girl Anna Stepanovna Demidova, footman Alexei Yegorovich Trup and cook Ivan Mikhailovich Kharitonov.

In 1919, the Ipatiev house was municipalized and transferred to the ownership of the Republic. Over the years, the building housed: an army headquarters, a hostel and apartments for senior military ranks, an archival department dealing with the history of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks, the Ural Museum of the Revolution, an anti-religious museum and the Regional Council of Atheists. The relics of the holy righteous Simeon of Verkhoturye, especially revered by the Royal family, were kept here.

In the 1920s. demolished the chapel of the Holy Prophet Elijah that stood in front of the house.

During the Great Patriotic War, the house housed exhibits from the Hermitage collection, which were evacuated from Leningrad. In the seventies, the building housed the Training Center for Cultural Workers and the city agency "Soyuzpechat".

In September 1977 the house was demolished.

The first open prayer for the murdered Royal family was held on July 16, 1989, twelve years after the demolition of the Ipatiev House.

On September 20, 1990, the City Council decided to transfer the land plot on Voznesenskaya Gorka to the Yekaterinburg diocese. In October 1990, the Tsar's Cross was installed at the site of the murder of the Tsar's family.

In 1991, in the days of the memory of the August Martyrs ("Tsarist days" - as they began to be called among the people), for the first time after 1919, a religious procession was held in the city from the Church of the Ascension to the Tsar's place, where Archbishop Melchizedek of Sverdlovsk and Kurgan served a great requiem for innocently killed.

In the summer of 1992, next to the place where the Ipatiev House stood, a chapel was built in the name of the Great Martyr Grand Duchess Elizabeth. In the spring of 1992, the Russian Orthodox Church canonized Elizabeth Feodorovna and the nun Varvara as holy martyrs. In 2000 they were included in the Council of New Martyrs and Confessors of the Russian Church.

On September 23, 1992, at the site of the future Temple on the Blood, Vladyka Melchizedek made a solemn laying of a stone with a particle of the holy relics of the righteous Simeon of Verkhoturye.

On December 28, 1993, the Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church under the chairmanship of His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II testified: "Our people, passing through the trials imposed by God for the sins of apostasy, regicide and civil strife, and repenting of these sins, need a visible sign of repentance" and blessed the construction in Yekaterinburg of the Temple-Monument on Blood in the name of All Saints Who Shone in the Russian Land.

In 1994, the first Divine Liturgy was celebrated in a temporary church.

In August 2000, at the Jubilee Council of Bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church, held in Moscow, the glorification of the holy royal martyrs took place in the Council of New Martyrs and Confessors of Russia.

On September 23, 2000, during his visit to the Yekaterinburg diocese, His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II of Moscow and All Russia made the solemn laying of a capsule with a commemorative letter on the consecration of the construction site to the foundation of the church.

On June 3, 2001, His Holiness the Patriarch blessed the project for the construction of a spiritual and educational center at the Church of the Monument on the Blood.

On July 16, 2003, the consecration of the Upper Church in the name of All the Saints Who Shone in the Land of Russia took place.

On October 12, the Cancer of the Monk Seraphim of Sarov with a particle of his relics from the Seraphim-Diveyevo monastery arrived at the Church-Monument on the Blood. It is noteworthy that the Temple-Monument on the Blood was consecrated exactly one hundred years after the canonization of the Monk Seraphim of Sarov, who said: "The Emperor who will glorify me, I will also glorify him."

Before the start of the Divine Liturgy, Olga Nikolaevna Kulikovskaya-Romanova solemnly handed over to the church the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos "Three Hands", before which the Royal Family prayed in the Ipatiev House.

On the night of July 16-17, 2003, the Divine Liturgy was held in the Church-Monument on the Blood, after which, by the procession of the Cross, all the participants in the service went to Ganina Yama - the place where the bodies of the Royal Passion-Bearers and their faithful companions were destroyed.

On April 18, 2010 His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia performed the great consecration of the lower church in honor of the new martyrs and confessors of the Russian Church.

On July 15, 2013, Metropolitan Kirill, ruling bishop of the Yekaterinburg diocese, consecrated the altar of the holy royal martyrs at the site of the murder of the holy Royal Family.

On February 7, 2016, the glorification of Yevgeny Sergeevich Botkin, the doctor of the Royal family, who was killed in Yekaterinburg, was performed in the Face of Saints, in the place where the Temple-Monument on the Blood now stands.

Today the Temple-Monument on the Blood is a place of pilgrimage for believers not only from Russia, but also from all over the world.

Photo: Temple-Monument on Blood in the Name of All Saints Who Shone in the Land of Russia

Photo and description

The Church-Monument on Blood in the Name of All Saints Who Shone in the Land of Russia is one of the largest Orthodox churches in Russia. The temple is located on the site of the famous house of engineer Nikolai Ipatiev. In the basement of this house, members of the royal family were killed - along with the last Russian Tsar Nicholas II, his wife, five children and servants were killed.

The Ipatiev house was demolished in September 1977. After the beginning of Perestroika, believers began to gather more and more often on the site where the engineer’s house was once located. In August 1990, a wooden cross was erected here. In September 1990, the executive committee of the Sverdlovsk city council decided to allocate a land plot to the Sverdlovsk Diocesan administration of the Russian Orthodox Church and allowed to install a memorial symbol on the site of the engineer Ipatiev's house.

In September 1992, Archbishop Melchizedek of Verkhotursky and Yekaterinburg laid the foundation stone for the future church. Vladyka also consecrated a wooden chapel built in honor of the Martyr Elizabeth Feodorovna. Unfortunately, the construction of the temple soon stopped due to lack of funds. The construction of the church was completed only in 2003.

The five-domed church is made in the Russian-Byzantine style. Structurally, it is divided into lower and upper parts. At the top is a public temple where services are held. In the lower part there is a memorial church with a execution room and a museum. The total height of the church is 60 meters. The temple has 14 bells, the largest of which weighs five tons. The facade is decorated with 48 sculptures of saints.

The solemn consecration of the Church on the Blood took place in July 2003. After the ceremony of consecration, the first Divine Liturgy was performed in the newly erected church.

The church has a children's Sunday parish school. Near the church there is the Patriarch's courtyard, which includes a library, a house church in the name of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, exhibition areas and a concert hall.

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