Internal and external intention. Clearing external intention. Outer Intention: A Mysterious and Powerful Force Outer Intention Examples

Why does a person need awareness?
“I cannot make someone aware just by listening to me.” A. Pint.

Forgotten is the person who does not need to accumulate knowledge and cram encyclopedias, who simply knows because he is the All. Whole, not cut into parts, because he is God.

Our planet Earth, belongs to the third generation of Cosmic Entities, is located in 12-quality space, therefore, is subject to the influence of twelve Masters - qualities. Currently, nine Qualities are working and 18 Zones of new density have been created. Now we can imagine quality as a flow, divided into consciously identifiable elements and arrange them as the density of matter increases. Having come to Earth and, as it were, reflected, man gave his stream of changed upper energies, qualitatively corresponding to the original ones, but in a denser form. As if continuing downwards, the niche of quality, repeating the meaning of the idea, but rearranging the form and making the energy heavier (Jacob’s Ladder.)

Jacob's Ladder

A person who has descended into the human body at least once, gone through all the layers and has a set of all bodies, including all the material, acquires karma. Including material from all layers, a person captures the entire set of qualities that he must master in his life experience, going through all 12 qualities through all phases of the cycle. This is his original karma, a natural necessity. He goes through all 12 phases of rays for each of the 12 qualities, united by zodiac signs or constellations of carriers of Pure Qualities. The speed of movement along the rays should be uniform, but a person, having free will, is capable of consciously accelerating this movement through his own labor. It all depends on the state of his soul: whether he strives for purity or hesitates for a long time in choosing between the attraction of animal programs and the call of the Spirit.
Most often, the quality that a person goes through coincides with his zodiac sign, in which the Sun is located relative to the Earth.

The process of passage usually lasts more than one life, and often takes place unconsciously. An individual works on the same quality from incarnation to incarnation until he is able to move on to the next one. The end of the passage of quality usually ends with leaving the physical body. It is important to understand to what extent people’s paths and their emanations are parodies of true qualities, how people changed them and drowned in them.
While a person perceives all situations encountered on the path unconsciously, that is, finds them random, he is not able to take the path of Truth himself. Not a single situation in life is accidental - we attract situations to ourselves with our emanations, our state. Coming to the physical plane, everyone is initially placed in those conditions in which it is easier for him to pass through the aspect of quality that he has not passed through. At any moment on our path, situations occur that we ourselves have attracted by the correspondence of energies, in which we can take the path of liberation or elevation, or fall even lower. Their forms are varied, but, in essence, they all belong to one of the 24 Zones of influence of qualities.
If a person “wakes up” and begins to consciously strive for speedy liberation from karmic knots, his path can be accelerated many times over, and more than one quality can be passed through in one life, up to the turning of the Wheel of Time. Having embarked on the path of returning to his original state, returning to the Father, he, as it were, starts his clock. This is often called the First Initiation. He is no longer subject to the usual flow of time for those around him, his consciousness is connected to a more general Whole - most likely to the level of his Birth Zone, where time moves slower relative to physical space, and faster on the physical plane. This is similar to the feeling of time in the highest states of a person, for example in meditation, when consciousness ( thin bodies) are included in a greater Whole, and the passing earthly hours seem like minutes. At this time, the processes taking place in the human body slow down, prolonging youth. Therefore, people who have reached high states of consciousness grow old and die calmly, having completed their path.
A person who has taken the reverse path according to qualities does not go through them sequentially, but in the order of ascending through the layers of consciousness, that is, he sequentially goes through the qualities that influence his subtle bodies: first astral, then tonic, mutable and further, spontaneously static and stably transcendental .
For each individual, the passage of a quality has its own coloring, a pattern unique to him, but there is something common that unites everyone who masters the same quality.
The task of any conscious human being is to go through the evolutionary path of development as quickly as possible, consciously freeing itself from karmic knots. For this purpose, a contextual field was created for each individual. To achieve the ultimate reality, ten basic illusions were created one from another. The illusory world was created to help us understand what we are not. For hundreds of lifetimes, a human being has tried to climb Jacob's ladder, but for most people the attempts are unsuccessful. Life happens to most people. Most often, living under the rule of animal instincts, we wander from life to life, from incarnation to incarnation, not seeing or hearing anything.

The lower the energies in which a person’s life passes, the shorter his time, and at a certain moment time “collapses” and death occurs. At this moment, a person comes into conflict with the Law and, accordingly, dies in order to start all over again in the next life. Low level consciousness does not allow us to understand that we are marking time. Only a high level of awareness of the life process on the physical plane will help us with this.

Mindfulness is the experience of awakened consciousness. A separate aspect of the All is aware of itself. He literally becomes self-aware. Then he gradually begins to realize all the other aspects, and then, the fact that others do not exist - Everything is One.
Words cannot describe everything. In short, how I understood it: Before incarnation on the physical plane, each individual analyzes his previous life path, draws conclusions and plans the process of its further development, taking into account the correction of errors. In the process of preparing for the next incarnation, the time, place, future parents and those who will go through this quality with us are selected. It is logical to assume that a chain is being built, which in any case leads to the result of the passage of Quality through the phases on Earth. Why is this being done? The fact is that at the moment of birth we lose our memory. This happens due to a sharp transition of our consciousness into our mind. All information remains at the subconscious level (soul). And who hears her? Only a few, intuitively, and a few, consciously. The subconscious and mind always, according to the law of external intention, coordinate their actions. So it turns out that we come from unknown where and go unknown where. All it takes is to hear your soul - extract the program from the subconscious and go through all 12 qualities through 12 properties - rays, each quality. Consciously acquire a sensory experience planned before incarnation.
Only a new Co-Knowledge will give a person the right to hope that the GATES OF HEAVEN will not close unexpectedly in front of him, for the new Co-Knowledge is the already changed Co-Knowledge of the CO-CREATOR, who accepts all the CANONS of Eternity and understands that the basis of the evolution of man and Space is eternal improvement !

The New Co-Knowledge is a completely different idea of ​​the role of man in the evolution of the Prime Creator, which means, in the Matrix of the Great Cosmos, and from this stems a completely different attitude of man towards the Manifested Plan, or towards life, already as a providence, the meaning of which is not Mammon, not life in vain, but a constant internal struggle for SELF-purification, without which a person cannot can live!
“The work of self-awareness leads to an increase in the vibrational frequency of your consciousness. Those who do not work to raise the vibration of their consciousness remain in the old matrix and continue to receive the old experiences." A. Pint.

Currently, we must learn to understand the issues of our consciousness, the universe, illusions, ultimate reality and reality with truth. On the basis of which you can consciously create your ultimate reality and learn to manage it. What is necessary to gain the experience of Being and happy evolution on the physical plane here and now.
You live each new day not to discover what it contains for you, but to create it. You create your reality every minute, probably without even knowing it.

We must remember: Consciousness is everything, and it gives rise to your experience. Group consciousness is very powerful and creates consequences of indescribable beauty or vileness.
The choice is always yours.
Consciousness—that is, what you are actually aware of—is the basis of all truth, and therefore of all spirituality.

Once again about External Intention.

Intention is the penetrating force that gives us the ability to perceive. We are not aware through perception, but rather we perceive as a result of the pressure and interference of intention.
There is an immeasurable, indescribable force in the universe called intention. Absolutely everything that exists in the universe is connected to intention by a connecting link. People of knowledge (magicians) were trying to understand and use the connecting link. They especially cared about cleansing him from the influence of the everyday worries of ordinary life.
All that a person does on the path of knowledge is to convince himself of the presence of power hidden in his very being. Knowledge (magic) is a state of awareness, it is the ability to perceive something that is inaccessible to ordinary perception.
The ability to conserve energy will make it possible to master some of the energy fields that are inaccessible to you now. Once we master this power, it itself will begin to activate energy fields that are available to us, but not at our disposal. In this case, we begin to perceive something different, but not as imaginary, but as real and concrete. There is more to the world than we can see. We begin to know without words.
Natural knowledge of intention is available to everyone, but control of it belongs only to those who have explored it.
Part of learning to master awareness is practical knowledge. The goal of the training is to put the connecting link in order. To revive this link, an unshakable, fierce determination is required - a special state of mind called unbending intention.
Depending on the state and energy, a person is in one of the states of consciousness. States of consciousness were called differently, but the process of unfolding space in time by consciousness is the same. This is the Law. This is necessary for a person to acquire the ability to consciously choose the scenario of his life and implement it to gain sensory experience on the physical plane.
The subconscious mind remembers everything. Everything that was decided to be experienced in the physical body before incarnation. It instantly tunes in to the familiar option that flashed through its thoughts. The option that corresponds to the energy of thought and expectation is chosen. Thoughts and expectations - driving force changing options. The option itself is chosen by intention. A desire, like a thought, flashes through the consciousness and is transformed into an intention. Intention is the driving force that transfers the subject to the sector with the corresponding scenario. The mind, in the role of a passive observer, does not control the situation. If the mind realizes that the situation is under control, it takes everything for granted and forms a desire. The material realization of desire has inertia.
It is not the desire that is realized, but the intention. Desire in itself does not give anything. The stronger it is, the more active the opposition. Desire is aimed at a goal. Intention for the process of achieving this goal. Intention is realized in action. Intention does not judge whether a goal is achievable or not. The decision has been made, all that remains is to act. You do not reason or desire, but simply have and act.
Tuning into the target sector works most effectively when all aspirations are directed towards one specific goal, and not towards several unrelated ones. External intention selects the life line on which the desired is realized and makes the transition to this line. It simply takes its toll dispassionately and unconditionally. External intention is a thing born in improvisation, like an insight. The subconscious mind includes external intention through impulse. This can be a conscious positive state. For example: joy, love, sincere gratitude.
Control of external intention is possible only with complete freedom. Managing intentions involves acquiring the ability to consciously choose the scenario of your life depending on the aspirations of the soul.
The nature of mental energy aimed at achieving a goal manifests itself in three forms:
1. Desire.
2. Inner intention.
3. External intention.
Inner intention aims to influence the world on the same life line. It only affects human behavior. It makes sense to choose an outer intention. In this case, you choose your own destiny. If your radiation parameters match your choice, then you will get what you want. Choice is your determination to have and act. Reaction energy is spent on action. Desire and action are united in intention. When solving a problem, take action. Don't think, don't complicate, don't compare. The problem will be resolved.
Internal intention is directed towards the goal directly. External intention is aimed at the process of self-realization of the goal. No doubts, discussions or haste. External intention inexorably, cold-bloodedly, dispassionately and inexorably moves the goal towards realization. We cannot receive or do anything without intention, and there is no intention without faith. We could not take a single step if we did not believe that it was possible. In this case, there must be not just faith, but knowledge. Knowledge eliminates doubt.

Knowledge without words, faith without doubt, action without hesitation. Internal intention merges with external intention when consciousness merges with subconsciousness.

If the soul and mind agree on what is desired, external intention gives the green light for self-realization of the goal. To realize a goal on the physical plane, it takes time, which means patience, concentration and endurance. For inert realization to unwind, certain neural chains must be formed, the state of thoughts and consciousness must change. Each cell of the body must accept the parameters of their radiation. A state of unbending confidence appears. The choice has been made.
It is important to know that the coordination of consciousness and subconscious leads to a result, but whether it is desired or not does not matter to them. More often than not, the soul and mind are united in their rejection of anything.
In reality, what we fear is highly likely to come true. In this case, events develop in accordance with expectations, fears and ideas. Expectations and fears acquired by the soul and mind in real life are realized instantly. In order for this not to happen, you need to firmly know what you want, and not avoid it. Give up negativity. Complaints, requests, grievances, doubts and lamentations. They are useless and no one needs them. They simply lead to stagnation and loss of energy. At the same time, joy unconditional love, sincere gratitude is the radiation of creative energy.
Why do our desires sometimes not come true?
1. Excessive importance is attached to the event.
2. The inertia of implementation gives rise to vanity, impatience, and fear. Loss of confidence in the invisible. Lack of persistence in pursuit.
3. The desire of the mind to achieve everything at once. Several goals have been set that are not related to each other.
4. Simply and fundamentally, it is not the desire itself that leads to realization, but the attitude towards the desire.
Everything in this world is built on objective laws, and not on the desire to help someone. The laws of the Universe are absolutely dispassionate. To fulfill an external intention, you need to be: responsible, honest, gracious. In a conscious state, external intention does not contradict the will. The mind gives the subconscious freedom, and in return receives the consent of the subconscious. The unity of the mind and subconscious awakens external intention. The greatest of all powers of control over all human reality.

Do you want a lot, but get little?! A familiar problem. Everyone has plenty of desires, but not many are fulfilled. So it was with me. It feels like reality was somehow set in stone. Nothing has changed in life. But at one fine moment I realized how to correctly formulate desires so that the Universe would help me fulfill them. And that’s when the real miracles began. Now for me this is already a kind of norm, or you can say my own technique for fulfilling desires. But first things first!

Fulfillment of desires together with the Universe

Many people already have the experience of co-creation and fulfillment of desires together with the Universe. I have this experience too. So first I’ll tell you about the basic things you need to know.

First, be conscious of your choices.

The desire must be based on deep awareness and deep understanding. You need to understand why you need this or that desire fulfilled. What goals can be achieved with it? Will it be material or spiritual? Will it make you and other people happier? Doesn't it contradict the main ones? To do this, your consciousness must be at a high spiritual level. Simply playing “wish lists” with the Universe will not work.

Secondly, understand your true desires.

The Universe responds only to our true desires, which are constantly in our soul and are not momentary whims. Don’t think that the Universe will gather all its energy with a snap of its fingers and serve you. True desires are those that come from our heart. Those. Simply put, they are ours, and not imposed by parents, friends or society. Therefore, you should not pay attention to what anyone wants, it is better to turn your gaze inward. There you will find your true desires.

Thirdly, formulate your desire.

We are part of the Universe, and in the Universe itself there is everything for everyone. Any of our needs can be fulfilled. You just need to ask the Universe itself about it in time and correctly. It is not only our environment or a set of material objects. From the metaphysical side, the Universe is our friend who always comes to the rescue. Therefore, you should learn to ask. And for many, this is a difficult action, because everyone has been taught to be independent.

Fourth, you need to believe that your wish will come true

Each of us receives according to faith. It has long been noted that a person has what he believes in. The Bible says: “And whatever you ask in prayer in faith, you will receive” (Gospel of Matthew, Matthew 21:22). You can see that many people don’t even dream because they don’t believe that their desires will come true. Only unshakable faith that a wish will come true makes it a reality. When your request has already been sent to the Universe, you don’t need to doubt for a second the fulfillment of your order.

Fifth, take action.

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We need to interact with the Universe together. One should not shift all responsibility for the fulfillment of desires only to the Universe itself. You should also put effort into this: set goals, plan, act, analyze, and so on. The desired appears only in co-creation with the Universe. And to put it even easier, she creates through each of us. Those. we are in fact the real Creators!

How to correctly formulate a desire?

1. There must be one desire

I'm sure you have a lot of desires. You want a lot, but, as a rule, you have very little. For your wishes to come true, you need a certain amount of energy. When we want one thing, and a second, and a third, then we seem to scatter our energy, but it needs to be concentrated on one thing. Choose one of all your desires and think only about it.

2. The desire must be in the present tense

The fact is that in reality there is no time. This is an illusion that has been imposed on us. There is no past or future, but only the present. It is possible to engage in creative and constructive activities only in the moment “here and now”. Therefore, the formulation should not contain words such as “I want”, “I wish”, “will”. It is necessary to write or pronounce the phrase “I have”, as if the desire has already been fulfilled.

3. The desire must be described in detail

You need to formulate your desire as specifically as possible. You need to know what you really want. The Universe fulfills only exact orders. There is no need to use general words like “have an expensive car” or “an apartment in Voronezh.” It is necessary to describe all significant characteristics: cost, color, size, and so on. Personally, I have the cost of ordering 2 room apartment completely matched, although its original price was much higher. Thanks to the Universe!

4. Desire must evoke feelings.

A very important point, without which the fulfillment of desires does not work. The appearance of various objects in life works according to the principle of the Law of Attraction or the Law of Love. Love is the most powerful force that works like a magnet. Therefore, the ordered desire should evoke a feeling of love inside. This is possible if the desire is yours, and not imposed by someone close to you or society. But in general The best way activating love is a practice every day.

5. Desire should not have the particle “Not”

Universe and spiritual world does not perceive the particle “not” and other negative words. Therefore, you need to make sure that this is not in your desire. Many people say: “I don’t want to be poor.” And the Universe receives the message “I want to be poor.” And in general, we attract what we think about. Therefore, you need to think not about the presence of poverty, but about the wealth that is always available.

6. Desire should not be time-bound.

Many beginners who start working with their desires make a big mistake - they set a date for the fulfillment of their desire. Yes, we all want to get something in as soon as possible. But it is necessary to understand that the Universe fulfills the desire, not us. She will complete the order at the most optimal time, both for you and for everyone else. By setting a date, you are tied to a time frame, thereby creating a situation of waiting for the fulfillment itself.

7. Desire must be free

You may notice that desires that we no longer expect for some reason are more often fulfilled. First we want, then we forget and once again the wish comes true. Why is this happening? Because we need to let go of our desires, not hold on or cling to them, giving them freedom. Our desires need freedom to be realized. It is freedom from waiting for their implementation. Your task is to express the intention to have, to surrender everything to the will of the Universe, and to simply begin to move towards what you want without any doubt.

When you want something, the whole Universe will help make your wish come true

Paulo Coelho "The Alchemist"

The power of intention or why wishes don't come true

The desire to want something in itself has no power. Desire is just focusing attention on some goal. You can think about it as much as you like, but nothing will change. Desires are realized only with the help of the power of intention. Intention is the combination of desire and action. Vadim Zeland in his book defines intention itself as a firm determination to have. And it's very important thing which needs to be understood. Those. you need to not just want, but want to have and act.

Next you need to know the following. The power of intention itself is divided into two types: internal and external. Internal intention is when we focus on the process of achieving a goal. External intention is concentration on the fact that the goal has already been realized. Simply put, a goal is chosen by external intention, and achieved by internal intention. And many use either one or the other intention. Either there are a lot of actions, or a lot of ideas about what you want.

Based on our understanding of the power of intention, we can distinguish 3 forms of desires.

The first form is when your desire to want turns into a strong desire to have and act. This is the most correct form. With this approach, desires begin to come true, because there is no extra energy potential.

The second form is the usual inactive and languid desire to want, which creates excess potential. It just hangs in the energy field and uses up your energy. In the worst case, all sorts of troubles may begin to attract.

The third form is the most dangerous of all. This is when a strong desire becomes dependent on an object. High importance automatically creates a relationship of dependence, which generates large excess potential. Such desires are usually based on the following attitude: “If I..., then...”. For example, if I am, I will become a free and independent person.

Naturally, only the first form of desires is subject to fulfillment, when the desire itself turns into a pure intention to have and act. If with internal intention to act everything is more or less clear, then with external intention it is not very clear. To trigger this external intention, I personally use affirmations with visualization techniques.

I give an example of how to compose the correct affirmation using all the rules for formulating a desire.

I thank the Universe for the opportunity to have here and now new car Mercedes-Benz CLA 200 worth 1,500,000 rubles, white with a 200 turbo engine Horse power, automatic transmission gears and leather interior.

When pronouncing this affirmation, we use the visualization technique. If there are problems with this technique and the picture is unclear, then you can place a photo of the car on.

This is how the external intention to have is launched. All that remains is to act and move your feet towards what you want!

But sometimes it happens that we visualize every day and perform actions, but the desire is not fulfilled. There are several reasons for this and you definitely need to know them in order to understand what the problem is with not realizing what you want.

1. The desire to have everything at once, which ultimately leads to nothing.

2. The desire must be from the heart, and not imposed by society.

3. The desire should not cause a high degree of importance

4. A desire is not fulfilled instantly; it takes energy and time.

5. The desire is not supported by an external or internal intention to have and act.

Naturally, when I just started working with my desires, I remade all these mistakes. I think this little checklist will help you fulfill any of your desires. Good luck!

Do you know what external intention is? What about the fact that Reiki is an external force for the realization of intentions? Now I’ll show you an interesting pattern.

Exists erroneous opinion that inner intention- is to want something only for yourself, and external intention– when our desire will bring good and benefit to someone else.

How do you understand external intention?

There are other options.

For example, this:

Inner intention- These are attempts to implement your plans on your own. Achieving what you want through will, internal struggle with circumstances and with yourself. The imaginary need to overcome all kinds of obstacles and the endless race - “fighting windmills”

Outer Intent- this is movement in the flow of options and opportunities that the Universe “adjusts” for you when. This is an opportunity to achieve what you want in the simplest and most in a fast way. By using the external, you trust the Universe and know how to swim with the flow of options that it gives you.There is no struggle or resistance here, there is faith in the realization of what is planned and the knowledge that it will happen.

External intention and spiritual practices

It's not that simple here.

If we consider external intention within the framework of spiritual practices, then there are no such concepts as external and internal intention. That is, sometimes the realization of intentions comes from thoughts, and sometimes it comes from external force. In spiritual practices, external intention means that we do not act from the head, neither with the mind, nor with consciousness, but that some kind of force acts from the outside.

What does external force mean?

This means that you are resorting to the help of something that is beyond consciousness. You don’t concentrate on thoughts, don’t try to build pictures of the future in your head, don’t visualize.

If you want to learn how to create and manage your reality, you need to do more than just use your mind. Not only thoughts create reality. Reality is created by energy and our state, which includes thoughts, feelings and even the physiology of the body. And managing them using only the mind is very, very difficult.

For us, the external force is Reiki.

That is, it is a force that is beyond our consciousness. We use Reiki as an external force to realize our intentions (although when we dig much deeper, we find out that it is not really external)

Intention is the combination of desire and action. The intention to do something on your own is familiar to everyone - it is an internal intention. It is much more difficult to extend the effect of intention to the outside world. This is external intention. With its help you can control the world. More precisely, to choose a model of behavior of the surrounding world, to determine the scenario and scenery. The concept of external intention is inextricably linked to the options model. All manipulations with time, space and matter that defy logical explanation are usually attributed to magic or paranormal phenomena. These phenomena demonstrate the work of external intention - it is aimed at choosing a life line in the space of options.

Here is a pencil lying on the table. With the power of intention, you imagine that it begins to move. Your intention scans the sectors of space in which the pencil takes up new positions. If the mental radiation is strong enough, the pencil consistently materializes at new points in real space. In this case, a separate “pencil layer” moves, while the remaining layers, including the observer layer, remain motionless. It is not the object itself that moves, but its implementation in the space of options.

Everything that is connected with external intention is considered to be mysticism, magic, or, at best, inexplicable phenomena, evidence of which is successfully stacked on dusty shelves.

It is much more difficult to manage external intentions than internal ones. Imagine that you land on an island where you meet savages. Now life depends on how you behave. First option: you are a victim. You apologize, bring gifts, make excuses, flirt. In this case, your fate is to be eaten. Second option: you are a conqueror. You show aggressiveness, attack, try to subdue. Your fate is either to win or die. Third option: you present yourself as a master, a ruler. You stretch out your finger as one who has authority, and they obey you.

If you have no doubts about your own power, others will also think that it is impossible otherwise. Your mental radiation is tuned to the life line where you are the ruler.

The first two options relate to the work of internal intention, and the third option demonstrates the work of external intention. External intention simply selects the desired option.

Let's say you're sure you won't be able to find parking at the supermarket on Christmas Eve. The internal intention states: where will it come from if all people are now busy shopping. External intention clearly assumes that you are approaching a supermarket and at that moment a place becomes free for you. External intention does not even firmly and unshakably believe in such a possibility - it simply dispassionately and unconditionally takes its toll.

Pendulums are powered by the energy of internal intention. Control of external intention is possible only if there is complete freedom from pendulums. Absolute freedom from pendulums is the ability to control them and use them for personal purposes. To do this, you need to recognize it in time and take appropriate measures (in accordance with the principles of Transurfing), a constant state of awareness can help you with this, use your inner caretaker, let it not allow you to fall asleep, becoming manageable.

To distinguish where your internal intention works and where your external one, use approximately the following two-way comparisons: if you try to achieve something from this world, it itself gives you what you want; if you fight for a place in the sun, the world opens its arms to you; break into a locked door - the door itself swings open in front of you; you try to break through the wall - the wall opens up in front of you; If you try to bring about some events in your life, they will come on their own.

In general, with internal intent you are trying to move your implementation relative to the space of options, and with outer intent you are trying to move the space of options itself so that your implementation ends up where it needs to be. The result is the same, but the ways to achieve it are completely different.

The only way to gain a deeper understanding of the nature of external intention is through the practice of lucid dreaming.

In reality, instead of exercise, I can offer the practice of conscious living. This means not so much training as living by external intention. Reality differs from a dream only in the inertia of material realization in the space of options. Everything else is the same.

The essence of Transurfing is, on the contrary, to abandon internal intentions and use external ones.

In order to subordinate external intention to your will, it is necessary to achieve the consent of the soul and mind in positive aspirations and throw out everything negative from your thoughts.

You already know the harmful effects of a negative attitude in our lives. By expressing dissatisfaction and rejection, you are exposed to the action of equilibrium forces, become dependent on destructive pendulums and orient your mental radiation towards negative sectors of space. An external intention formed by negativity quickly translates it into reality.

In order for the action of external intention not to be harmful, one should not create potentials of importance and abandon negativity.

Maximum awareness with a constant WATCHER.

The magical power of intention

So, we have found out that our thoughts and desires direct our movement in the space of options.

Reasons why visualization does not bring results:

1. Excess potentials that we create when we strive to achieve what we want;

2. Inertia in the material implementation of options.

3. The desire to achieve everything at once.

There are no obstacles in the OS. And it's not even about the thoughts themselves. The secret is that “It is not the desire itself that leads to realization, but the attitude toward what is desired. It is not the thoughts themselves about what you want that work, but something else - something that is difficult to describe in words. This certain force stands behind the scenes of the stage on which the play of thoughts unfolds. And yet, this force has the final say. You, of course, guessed that we're talking about O intention. The mind never found a suitable definition for intention on its shelves of notations. We will roughly define intent as determination to have and act.

Thoughts themselves really don’t mean anything in the process of tuning into a sector of the space of options. Thoughts are just foam on the crest of a wave of intention. It is not the desire that is realized, but the intention.

So, desire in itself does not give anything. On the contrary, the stronger the desire, the more active the counteraction of the equilibrium forces. Please note: desire is aimed at the goal itself, and intention is aimed at the process of achieving this goal. Desire realizes itself in the creation of excess potential of the actual desire to achieve a goal. Intention realizes itself in action. Intention does not decide whether the goal is achievable or not. The decision has already been made, so all that remains is to act. If in a dream, wanting to take off, you think about whether it is possible or not, nothing will work out for you. To fly, you just need to lift yourself into the air with intention. The choice of any scenario in a dream is carried out not by desire, but by a firm determination to get what you want. You do not reason or desire, but simply have and act.

You truly choose your own destiny. If the parameters of your radiation correspond to your choice and the laws are not violated, then you get it. A choice is not a request, but your determination to have and act.

Intention does not create excess potential because the energy of the desire potential is spent on action. Desire and action are united in intention. Intention in action resolves the excess potential created by desire naturally, without the participation of equilibrium forces. When solving a problem, take action. By thinking about the complexity of a problem, you create excess potential and give energy to the pendulum. By acting, you realize the energy of intention. As you know, “the eyes are afraid, but the hands do.” When implementing your intention, trust the flow of options, and the problem will resolve itself.

Outer Intent

Intention is the combination of desire and action. The intention to do something on your own is familiar to everyone - it is an internal intention. It is much more difficult to extend the effect of intention to the outside world. This is external intention. With its help you can control the world. More precisely, to choose a model of behavior of the surrounding world, to determine the scenario and scenery.

The concept of external intention is inextricably linked to the options model. All manipulations with time, space and matter that defy logical explanation are usually attributed to magic or paranormal phenomena. These phenomena demonstrate the work of external intention - it is aimed at choosing a life line in the space of options.

The inner intention is powerless to turn the apple tree on the path into a pear. External intention also does not transform anything; it chooses a path with a pear instead of an apple tree in the space of options and makes the transition. So the apple tree is replaced by a pear tree. Nothing happens to the apple tree itself, a substitution is simply made: the material realization moves in the space of options from one line to another. No force is capable of truly transforming one object into another in some magical way - the internal intention is aimed at this, but its capabilities are very limited.

External intention is the case when “if Mohammed does not go to the mountain, then the mountain goes to Mohammed.”

Inner intention refers to any attempts to influence the world around us on the same life line. Everything that is possible within a single sector of the space of options is described by the known laws of natural science and fits into the framework of a materialistic worldview. External intention refers to attempts to choose a life line on which the desired will be realized.

Now it should be clear to you that flying through a closed window is an internal intention. The external intention is to move to the line of life where the window opens (using the example of a fly hitting the glass).

External intention does not even firmly and unshakably believe in such a possibility - it simply takes its toll dispassionately and unconditionally.

External intention is a thing born in improvisation, like an insight. It is useless to prepare for external intention. All magical rituals are aimed at evoking the actual external intention. But the ritual is only a preparation for magic, a theatrical prelude, a decoration. Imagine that in a dream you are flying down a cliff and, in order not to fall, you must create the intention to hang in the air. There is no time to prepare and cast spells. All you have to do is set your mind to fly, and you will succeed. Spells and magical attributes only help to awaken the power that every person has, but cannot use.

So, we have found out that the nature of mental energy aimed at achieving a goal manifests itself in three forms: desire, internal intention and external. Desire is the concentration of attention on the goal itself. As you can see, desire has no power. You can think about the goal as much as you like, desire it, but nothing will change. Internal intention is the concentration of attention on the process of one’s movement towards a goal. It already works, but it requires a lot of effort. External intention is the concentration of attention on how the goal itself is realized. External intention simply allows the goal to realize itself. This implies a firm conviction that an option for achieving the goal already exists and all that remains is to choose it. The goal is achieved with internal intention, and with external intention it is chosen.

Internal intention strives towards the goal directly, straight ahead. External intention is aimed at the process of independent goal realization. External intention is in no hurry to achieve the goal - it is already in your pocket. The fact that the goal will be achieved is not questioned or discussed at all. External intention inexorably, cold-bloodedly, dispassionately and inevitably moves the goal towards realization.

To distinguish where your internal intention works and where your external one, use approximately the following two-way comparisons: if you try to achieve something from this world, it itself gives you what you want; if you fight for a place in the sun, the world opens its arms to you; break into a locked door - the door itself swings open in front of you; you try to break through the wall - the wall opens up in front of you; If you try to bring about some events in your life, they will come on their own. In general, with internal intent you are trying to move your implementation relative to the space of options, and with outer intent you are trying to move the space of options itself so that your implementation ends up where it needs to be. Do you understand what the difference is? The result is the same, but the ways to achieve it are completely different.

You can also say that you yourself are not flying through space, but it is moving relative to you in accordance with the choice of your external intention.

In order to fly, you need to have unconditional faith that it can be done.

The only one the opportunity to better understand the nature of external intention is the practice of OS. In reality, instead of exercise, I can offer the practice of conscious living. This means not so much training as living by external intention. Reality differs from a dream only in the inertia of material realization in the space of options. Everything else is the same.

If the internal intention has a clear focus - to avoid the unwanted, then the external intention indicates not a direction, but a green light for the realization of what the soul and mind agree on. But they are agreed on one thing - in the assessment of the event. Whether it is desirable or not does not matter. Outer intention sees the unity of soul and mind and simply selects the appropriate sector in the space of options.

Game scenario

The mirror is an example of dynamic script adjustment. Only here the internal intention works, and in a dream the external one works in the same way. In reality, a person sees his reflection in the mirror and immediately, with inner intention, changes his facial expression in accordance with expectation. In a dream, a person sees a game, and his external intention, regardless of his will, chooses a scenario for the behavior of the world around him in accordance with the person’s experiences and expectations.

As you remember, inner intention is trying directly influence to the outside world, and external - allows the external world to be realized according to intention.

In a dream, events develop only according to the scenario that you can accept. Nothing will happen that doesn't fit in your head. This, in particular, explains the low criticality of everything that happens in a dream. A sleeping person takes even complete absurdities for granted, because he himself is the screenwriter and director of his dreams. It’s not that absurdities are the norm, but their potential is not excluded by the subconscious. After all, in a dream, the rational mind dozes, and the subconscious may well admit all sorts of incredible things.

Low criticality to what is happening in reality is the cause of such phenomena as hypnosis and enchantment. For example, gypsy hypnosis is based on three yeses. A person answers three questions in the affirmative three times, and he has the illusion that everything is going as it should.

Both in a lucid dream and in reality, to gain control over external intention, you need to wake up.

Play by your rules

To gain control both above the dream and above real life, necessary switch from the role of participant to the role of observer. At the same time, do not stop participating in role-playing game and still do your part. But your inner Caretaker is constantly working. It’s as if you are renting yourself out as an actor and at the same time watching your own and others’ performances from a distance from the audience. The caretaker is always on in the background. He does not interfere, but monitors what is happening and gives a sober report.

Remember how this happens when you are immersed in a problem. For example, a colleague comes up to you and tells you that such and such work needs to be done. If this is a problem for you to some extent, the first reaction is concern, if not depression.

Now imagine another scenario. A person with a problem approaches you. At this moment, wake up and tell yourself that you are not dreaming and you can decide for yourself whether the first push of the pendulum will turn into a problem for you or not. This is the first condition for control over the situation. It remains to fulfill the second condition: intend to fail this pendulum.

To be detached in this case does not at all mean to be absent-minded. Every complex problem has a simple solution. This decision lies on the “vaudeville” line of life. To move to this line, all you need is the intention to imagine that it will be exactly like this.

Remember, you only have the right to choose, not change. Make yourself at home, but don't forget that you are a guest. You should also remember: when renting yourself out, you need to act impeccably. The “vaudeville” attitude towards a problem is not laxity and carelessness, but a sober assessment of its importance.

Mindfulness is not control, but observation . Control is aimed only at not wallowing in negativity, but at imagining a favorable scenario and letting it into your life, accepting it with all your heart. Do not impose your scenario on the world, but allow its possibility, allow the option to be realized, and allow yourself to have it. You will stop fighting the world and will be able to allow yourself to choose only if your soul and mind come to unity.

The higher the degree of your awareness in reality, the more effectively you are able to control your destiny.

Responsibility for your destiny is not a burden, but freedom.

Mindfulness also helps bring intuitive information out of the subconscious. This can be done if you catch yourself thinking: “Why did I suddenly want to do this?” The voice of the soul sounds quietly, barely audible. The mind yells in response: “Shut up, I myself know what I want and what I should do!” You need to develop the habit of constantly listening to the rustling of the morning stars. In a semi-conscious state, it is almost impossible to remember in time to notice what the inner voice is saying. Even if you gave yourself a firm intention in the morning to listen to the voice of your soul, at the right moment you will not be able to remember this if you are asleep.

Maximum awareness is achieved when the Watcher is constantly present in your consciousness.

Clearing Intent

Outer intention is an incomprehensible and enormous force. And at the same time, you became convinced of how unsteady and elusive it is. This is both control and at the same time refusal of control, the will to act and refusal of forceful pressure, determination to have and refusal of the desire to achieve. For the mind this is something new and unusual. Man is used to achieving everything with inner intention. You influence the world directly, directly, and it immediately reacts. Everything is simple and clear. But he doesn’t give in so easily; you need to make an effort, insist on your own, fight, break through. And here it is proposed to abandon the active offensive, they say, the world itself will open its arms. Obviously, such a non-trivial approach baffles the mind.

How to achieve balance and combine the determination to have with the refusal of direct influence? The answer suggests itself: it is necessary to maintain a balance of intention. It means wanting without wanting, caring without worrying, striving without getting carried away, acting without insisting. The balance is disturbed by potentials of importance. As you know, the more important the goal, the more difficult it is to achieve it.

Desire is also different from intention in that it does not exclude the possibility of non-fulfillment. If we want something and it is difficult to get, then we want even more. Desire always creates excess potential. Desire itself is already potential by definition. This is when something is missing somewhere, but there is mental energy aimed at attracting this something there. Intention does not believe or desire, but simply acts.

Pure intention never creates excess potential. The mental energy of desire is directed towards the goal, and the energy of intention is directed towards the process of achieving it. When a person wants something, he creates a disturbance in the energy picture of the surrounding world, which entails the action of equilibrium forces. And when he just stomps to the kiosk to buy a newspaper, there is no longer any heterogeneity.

Desire affects the picture of life lines like this: I want to get it, but I’m afraid that I won’t get it, so I think about failure (after all, this is important to me!) and emit energy at the frequency of the line of failure. Intention acts quite the opposite: I know that I will get what I need, for me this issue has already been resolved, so I emit energy at the frequency of the lines where I already have what I want.

So, two excess potentials hinder the achievement of a goal: desire and faith. More precisely, a passionate desire to achieve a goal at any cost and the struggle with doubts about the possibility of achieving it. The more desirable the goal, the greater the weight of doubt about a successful outcome. Doubt, in turn, further increases the value of what is desired. We have already found out that desire does not help, but only hinders. The secret of fulfilling a desire is that you need to give up the desire, and in return take intention, that is, the determination to have and act.

External intention is the force that carries out Transurfing itself - the transition along the lines of life or, in other words, the movement of material realization across sectors in the space of options.

If internal intention is the determination to act, then external intention is rather the determination to have.

The process of purifying intention from desire can be carried out according to the following algorithm. You are thinking about achieving your goal. As soon as doubts arise, it means you have a desire. To reduce the importance, there is one simple and effective remedy: to accept defeat in advance. Without doing this, you will not get rid of desire.

When clearing intention from desire, do not lose the intention itself. Commit to achieving your goal and accept failure in advance. Scroll through the scenario of defeat several times in your head, think about what you will do in case of failure, find alternate routes, insurance. After all, life won’t end there?

Just don’t return to the scenario of defeat again and again. This is only a single act that frees you from the need to absolutely achieve the goal exactly as you intended. In fact, it is not given to you to know how the goal can be achieved.

Having accepted defeat, no longer think about either defeat or success, but simply go towards the goal. Move towards the goal, like going to a kiosk for a newspaper.

Surrendering oneself into the hands of external intention does not mean completely abandoning the internal one and sitting with arms folded, waiting for the consent of the soul and mind. No one is stopping you from achieving your goals using generally accepted methods. Giving up desire and importance has the same beneficial effect on the result of the work of internal intention. But now you have a chance to bring to your side the much more powerful force of outer intention. This will allow you to achieve what previously seemed unattainable.

3. The correct target video slide “inside” (not looking at the stars, not as a spectator). Expanding your comfort zone helps the “unreal” target slide come true and tame your soul.

Why does the virtual sector of the insane person not materialize? As already mentioned, the implementation of the option occurs when energy is modulated by a person’s thoughts in complete unity of soul and mind. Apparently, such unity is not achieved in this case. Or the shift between the material and virtual sectors is too great, and therefore requires a lot of energy to implement. For example, the new Napoleon in our time is too extraordinary a case, so it is far beyond the possible course of options. Or maybe there are other reasons that we don’t know about.

A person can not only see another reality, but also perceive reality in a distorted light. A person’s perception very much depends on the information that has been instilled in him since childhood.

Reality Warping

A person cannot perceive the world around him completely objectively. Each person’s idea of ​​himself and the world around him is often far from the truth. The distortion comes from our slides. For example, you are bothered by some personal shortcomings, and because of this you experience a feeling of inferiority - because it seems that others do not like it either. Then, when communicating with people, you insert a slide of an inferiority complex into your “projector” and see everything in a distorted light. Let's say in this moment you worry about how you dress. It may even seem like others are paying attention to you and looking at you with sneer or contempt.

But there are no thoughts about this in the minds of those around us. These thoughts are present only in your head in the form of a slide that distorts reality. Any person, as a rule, is ninety percent occupied with thoughts about his person - just like you yourself. Even if you are interviewing for a job, rest assured that the interviewer himself is more concerned with how to best play his role.

Slides distort your perceptions of what other people think of you. A slide is a distorted picture of reality. A slide is something that is in your head, but others don’t. For example, you consider your appearance not attractive enough. If that doesn't bother you too much, there is no distortion. Everything is as is. But the point is not so much what you think about your appearance, but what impact the slide has on your life. If you are worried about your own appearance, you create a slide in your head: “I am ugly (ugly)” and look at the world around you through it, as if through a filter. It's a slide because it's only captured in your thoughts. Appearance can be assessed, that is, given importance, only by potential partners. And this is a very small percentage of people. The rest of those around you don't care about your appearance. Don't believe me? Then ask the most authoritative arbiter, that is, yourself: how much do you care about the appearance of those who are not included in the circle of your potential partners or rivals. Most likely, you haven’t even thought about the question - attractive this person or not. People around you think the same (or don’t think at all) about you. You can be sure that this is true, even if you consider yourself ugly. Ugliness makes an impression only at the moment of the first meeting, and then they stop paying attention to it, as if it were a familiar decoration.

Slides work in two ways. On the one hand, they distort a person’s idea of ​​his place in this world and the attitude of others towards him. On the other hand, they distort his idea of ​​the outside world. In particular, everyone tends to see the properties of their slide in the people around them. For example, a person does not like some innate qualities of his character. He tries to hide them away from himself so as not to see them himself. But it’s impossible to hide an unsightly slide; it sits in your head and does its job. A person has the illusion that others think and act in much the same way as he does. And if he doesn’t like some qualities in himself, he is inclined to see the same in others, that is hang your projections on them.

Projection is when dissatisfaction with oneself, driven into the subconscious, spills out onto others. A person does not want to scold himself for some bad sides, so he tends to see these same sides in others. People are often willing to criticize others for things they don't like about themselves.

A negative slide, as a rule, generates unity of soul and mind. As you understand, external intention in this case works flawlessly.

Positive slides

First, you need to take an inventory and identify your negative slides. Ask yourself: what do you not like about yourself, what do you want to hide, what do you want to get rid of? A person creates slides unconsciously. Now wake up and consciously look at your negative slides. In a conscious state, you can easily detect them. You need to get this kind of rubbish out of your head. How to do it? You can't just get rid of them. You need to strip slides of the basis on which they rest, namely, your attention and the meaning that you attach to them. Attention must be switched from negative to positive. Give up on everything that bothered you and stop fighting with yourself. Turn away from your shortcomings and turn your attention to the strengths you have and want to acquire.

Is it important for you to hide your shortcomings? This is the basis for the negative slide. Is it important to you to make a good impression? This will be the basis for a positive slide. Everything remains in its place, only the direction of your attention and your importance has changed.Draw yourself the way you want to see yourself. This will not be self-deception, because such a game is completely conscious. Create a slide for yourself where you shine in all your glory. Love yourself in this slide and take care of it by adding more and more details.

The slide does not have to contain a static picture. This could be an idea of ​​how gracefully and confidently you move, how elegantly you dress, what aristocratic manners you have, how you shine with wit, radiate charm, win people over, and easily cope with problems. Now put this slide in your head and go ahead. A positive slide, just like a negative one, will have a direct impact on your actions and behavior. You will involuntarily and even unconsciously adapt to the slide. But the main work will be done by external intention in accordance with the picture of the slide.

Reproduce the created picture in your thoughts until the slide dissolves. How to understand this? Over time, the slide will actually become part of your personality, and then it will no longer be a slide. Once you achieve what you want, it will no longer matter to you. The importance will disappear and the slide will dissolve, but it will complete its mission. This will mean that the soul has come into agreement with the mind. And this will definitely happen, because you want it with both your soul and mind. While your mind is trying to turn the slide into reality, deep down you still realize that this is just a game in a mask. But if you consistently and systematically fix the picture of the slide in your thoughts, the soul will get used to it and agree to accept the slide as its integral essence. Do not forget that external intention cannot instantly implement this slide, but acts gradually.

The pictures on the slides can refer to any qualities that you feel you are lacking. However, you must be aware of how realistic it is to turn such a slide into reality. You shouldn’t immediately paint an ideal picture. It is better to start with realistically achievable steps. Over time, you will be able to rise to higher levels.

Under no circumstances should you copy your image from people who, in your opinion, have the necessary qualities! Your slide should be yours, not someone else's copy. Note that any quality has a substitute, which at this stage will be closer to your needs. Courage can be replaced by determination, beauty by charm, strength by dexterity, ability to speak by ability to listen, intelligence by awareness, physical perfection by confidence. By setting realistically achievable goals, you give external intention the opportunity to quickly complete your minimum order and begin to implement more complex tasks.

Positive slides are especially effective and quick if you are meeting with strangers who have not yet formed an idea about you. It could be an interview, a competition, a party or something like that. Feel free to insert the desired slide into your head and don’t be afraid of anything. Don’t forget about the picture on the slide, keep it in your mind at all times. Allow yourself the luxury of throwing away all hesitations and doubts like “what if it doesn’t work out.” After all, you have nothing to lose by casting aside doubts. If you have enough determination, you will achieve the greatest possible, and sometimes incredible, success.

Positive slides can be created not only in relation to your personality, but also in relation to the world around you. Such slides will let everything positive through and discard the negative. Be that as it may, it is beneficial first of all to be open to all the good things and ignore all the bad things. At the exhibition, you stop near the exhibits you like and indifferently walk past what you don’t like. In this respect, the surrounding world differs from the exhibition in that negativity will haunt you if you don’t pass by indifferently. Positivity, in turn, will always be with you if you accept it with joy.

Positive slides may seem like rose-colored glasses. Contrary to popular belief, rose-colored glasses are an invention of pessimists, not optimists. Pessimists are pragmatically afraid to see everything in pink color and edifyingly warn optimists. Such pragmatism is nothing more than a negative slide. A pessimist does not dare to allow himself the luxury of having, and therefore receives accordingly.

Don't worry too much about the fact that a positive slide also distorts perception. In most cases, this distortion is insignificant, since internal controls still do their job. The distortion caused by a positive slide will only be beneficial, unless, of course, you imagine yourself as Napoleon. It’s good to know moderation in everything and remember about excess potentials. Negative slides, with their distortion, cause immeasurably more harm. But distortion is not the most important thing. The main property of slides is that external intention slowly but surely translates them into reality.

Expanding your comfort zone

Let's say you have an ambitious desire to become a star or a millionaire. Are you ready to afford it? As a rule, people believe that fame, money or power are the lot of the chosen few. Who chooses them, these chosen ones? First of all, they themselves, and then everyone else. If you dream of something but aren't willing to afford it, you won't get it.

You need to get used to the idea that you will achieve your goal. If you want to become a wealthy person, but are afraid to go to expensive stores, you will not succeed. If you feel even the slightest awkwardness in an expensive store, it means that you are not ready to afford to have expensive things.

The feeling of clarity without words, knowledge without faith, confidence without hesitation is the state of unity of soul and mind. In this state, you feel your unity with the silent force that controls the Universe. This force picks you up and takes you to the sector where what your soul and mind agree on is fulfilled.

Positive slides help you bring the incredible into your comfort zone. When you stop experiencing mental discomfort from the thought that any dream is available to you, doubts will disappear and faith will turn into knowledge. The soul will come into agreement with the mind, and then the determination to have will appear.

It is useless to convince the soul of anything. She doesn't reason, she knows. It can only be taught. She must get used to her new comfort zone. That's what slides are for. With the help of slides, the unity of soul and mind is achieved gradually. This fortress is taken by a long siege. Create your dream slide in your head and keep it in your mind at all times. Return to the picture you painted again and again. Work out the details, draw new details.

Don't look at the slide as an outside observer, but immerse yourself in it and live in it, at least virtually. Catch yourself every time you try to imagine the slide as a movie on the screen. This is ineffective. You should mentally play out the scenes, feeling like a direct participant, and not a spectator in a movie theater. Whatever you do, replay your slide in your mind constantly. You can think of something else, but the picture of the slide should serve as the background. This should become a habit. The slide gives results only with long and systematic playback.

Be actively interested in everything that relates to the subject of your dreams. Let in all the necessary information, give it the opportunity to penetrate the layer of your world. It’s good if it’s possible to play the slide in reality, at least formally. For example, in the same expensive stores you can rehearse how you will choose. Don't think about money and don't look at prices. Your goal is not money, but what you can buy with it. It’s enough to just revolve around it all, feel the taste, choose, just calmly look and evaluate. Let all these things in. Look at them not as an unattainable luxury, but as something you plan to buy soon. Pretend to be the owner of these things. Let sellers think you are a buyer. Play the discerning buyer (not the arrogant one). By letting these things into the layer of your world, you gradually tune in to the lines of life where they will be yours.

There is no need to worry about how they will become so. If you have the determination to have, the outer intention will find a way without your knowledge that you are not even aware of. Then don’t be surprised and don’t convince yourself that this is an accident, a coincidence or some kind of mysticism. I don’t remember who said it: “Chance is a pseudonym for God when he does not want to sign his name.”

If you have even a fleeting feeling of awe at the world of your dreams, drive them away. This is your world, and there is nothing in it that is inaccessible to you. External or internal importance will serve as an obstacle to the unity of soul and mind. Your dream world should be joyful, but at the same time ordinary. If you have, for you it is usual, in the order of things. To tune into the appropriate life lines, you must feel as if you already have. This is not self-deception, because you are playing consciously.

Visualization of the goal

Known types of visualization can be divided into three groups:

The first group is dreams. From a practical point of view, this is the weakest and most unreliable type of visualization. Dreaming is not harmful, but it is practically useless. Dreams don't come true! Dreamers, as a rule, do not seriously pretend to realize their dreams. It just seems to them that they really want it to come true. But deep down, they either do not believe that the dream can come true, or they do not have the intention to have and act on it. Dreamers look at their dreams as if they were distant stars. When they are hinted at about castles in the air, they slam their shells like oysters: “Don’t touch my dream!” If we clearly define the goal of dreamers, then this is the process of dreaming itself, and nothing more.

The second group is cinema. I don’t mean cinema, but film in the thoughts of my desire. Playing a movie in your head is done intentionally; this is different from daydreaming. There is an intention to have and act, and one of the actions is the visualization of the fulfillment of a desire in the form of watching a film. How does this happen? For example, you want to have a house and imagine it this way and that, in all the details, that is, according to all the rules. You have a completely clear picture in your head, or almost a clear picture, of what he looks like, and you constantly carry this image in your thoughts every day.

Let's say you coped with this task brilliantly. It would seem that the wish should come true. Guess what you get? But here's what: you will definitely see this house - almost or completely the same as it was imagined. But you won't get it. It will be someone else's house on the street or in a movie. Because you get what you order. After all, you worked so honestly on visualizing the house, but at the same time you did not explain to the “waiter” that the house was yours, so he simply fulfilled this order exactly. You were so carried away by the quality of the visualization process, as you were taught in books, that you forgot about the most important thing: who is the owner of this house. This is the main mistake of those who engage in such visualization. The film will remain a film, you will never become a participant in it. You stare at him like a beggar at a shop window!

Third group- you don’t watch a movie as a spectator, but mentally play in it. This is already much more effective. By playing into your image, you adjust the parameters of your radiation to the corresponding life lines. For example, your

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