Who is Sylvia Sacre the clairvoyant? Mystery people: charlatan Sylvia Brown

77-year-old Sylvia Brown died at the clinic. This woman positioned herself as a psychic, clairvoyant and medium, constantly appeared on television and actively communicated with celebrities. Brown was very popular among Americans. And this despite the fact that almost none of her forecasts were confirmed!

Sylvia Brown was born Sylvia Celeste Shoemaker on October 19, 1936 in Kansas City, Missouri. Her father worked for a jewelry sales company and was also involved in freight transportation. According to Sylvia, she began to have visions from the age of five, and she turned for clarification to her grandmother Ada, who also had the abilities of a medium. Brown began her psychic practice in 1974, also conducting paid sessions of regressive hypnosis. She has also written numerous books on paranormal and spiritual topics. In 1986, Brown founded a society in California called Novus Spiritus.

Mrs. Brown claimed that she could foresee the future and communicate with the dead. However, when Sylvia announced that the King of Pop Michael Jackson was found guilty of child molestation, she hit the nail on the head. However, in 2005, Jackson was completely acquitted.

Sylvia also assured that the accusation that Bill Clinton had a sexual relationship with Monica Lewinsky would be false. However, Clinton publicly admitted his actions. Prophecies about the victory of George H. W. Bush in the presidential elections in 1992 and Bill Bradley in 2000, information about the whereabouts of Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Laden, and the death of Pope John Paul II in 1999 also turned out to be incorrect.

When Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston were still together, a psychic promised them that they would have children. However, the star couple not only did not have children, but also soon separated.

A few days before the New York terrorist attack on September 11, 2001, Sylvia was interviewed. However, she did not say a word about this terrible upcoming event. Already after the World Shopping mall was destroyed by terrorists, Brown visited the scene of the disaster. “I don’t feel like anyone here is suffering,” she said. This statement turned many against the lady medium.

It wasn't just false predictions that tarnished Mrs. Brown's reputation. Back in 1992, she, along with one of her ex-husbands received a suspended sentence of a year in prison and 200 hours public works for investment and securities fraud. Another accusation was made in connection with the fact that Sylvia, along with her son and members of Novus Spiritus, traded zirconium products, passing them off as diamonds.

Despite all this, Sylvia Brown was constantly invited to radio and television shows. So, in the program “The Williams Montel Show” she answered questions from viewers and talked about their dead or missing loved ones. But in most cases, the information either could not be verified or was not confirmed. In 2007, Sylvia even received The Truly Terrible Television Award for her work, which translates as “Truly Terrible Television Award.”

By the way, Brown’s prediction about her own death did not come true. Several years ago, on the Larry King show, she insisted that she would die no earlier than 88 years old.

However, in fairness, it should be noted that some of Sylvia’s predictions did come true. Thus, she correctly prophesied that Warren Beatty and Donald Trump were not destined to achieve success on the political Olympus. However, the famous scientific skeptic James Randi believes that the accuracy of Brown's forecasts does not exceed the average percentage of probability.

It is not necessary to have extraordinary abilities to make some correct percentage of prophecies. It is enough just to understand the situation well or rely on your intuition. But just a few fulfilled predictions are quite enough for PR.

To date, there are a number of predictions made by Brown, the correctness of which we cannot yet verify. For example, she stated that a radical cure for cancer would be found. All cars will be replaced by electric vehicles capable of traveling both on land and water. Dentists have learned to painlessly remove teeth using suction and immediately replace them with new ones. People will be able to leave their body at will to avoid physical suffering. In the United States, the presidency will be replaced by the Senate, and in Rome the institution of the papacy will disappear. In 2023, Atlantis will begin to emerge, and the west coast, on the contrary, will go under water by 2026.

According to Brown, back in 2010, aliens were supposed to appear on Earth and teach humanity how to use antigravity. We haven't noticed anything yet. Maybe we should wait?

Sylvia Brown was born on October 19, 1936 in Kansas City to Bill and Celeste. Sylvia had a younger sister.

The parent of the future clairvoyant often changed jobs - at different times he worked at the post office, was a jewelry salesman, and served as vice president of one of the large freight lines. Sylvia's mother was devout and served in the church. After some time, the family (being Jewish) accepted the Catholic faith for reasons of maintaining stability.

Sylvia Browne's clairvoyant abilities appeared very early - at about five years old - primarily thanks to her grandmother, who was also a psychic and could do a lot of things.

After many years, Silvia achieved world fame - in the mid-seventies, she actively gave thematic lectures, gathering gigantic audiences of listeners. Both those who were idlely curious and those who had already lost hope for a bright future turned to her - as a medium - for help.

In 1959, Sylvia Browne got married for the first time and lived in this marriage until 1972. Later, there were several more marriages, the last of which ended in 2002.

By the way, The only son Silvia - Christopher - (by her own statement) also has a psychic predisposition.

Sylvia Brown is a frequent guest on television and radio, and information about her often appears on the pages of popular print media. The medium’s performances are usually accompanied by a discussion of paranormal phenomena, as well as her answers to numerous questions from fans and followers.

By the way, in 2006, Sylvia Browne took part in the creation of the television soap opera “The Young and the Restless”, in which she played herself.

Best of the day

In April 2008, Silvia opened a new website, which contains a huge amount of various information, including articles by the author, blogs and videos. Currently, Sylvia Brown continues her psychic activities, writes books and is involved in social activities. She is the head of Sylvia Browne Corporation and Sylvia Browne Enterprises. She is also the founder of a church in California.

The Basilica of the Sacré-Cœur (French: Basilique du Sacré-Cœur - "Basilica of the Sacred Heart") is a Roman Catholic basilica dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Christ.

The idea to build a church dedicated to the Heart of Christ, which arose after French Revolution among ultra-Catholics and royalist legitimists, was implemented after the Franco-Prussian War and the subsequent uprising of the Paris Commune in 1870-1871.

Although it is now believed to have been built in memory of the 58,000 who died during the war, a decree of the National Assembly of July 24, 1873, adopted in response to a request from the Archbishop of Paris, stated that the structure would be “atonement for the crimes of the Communards.” The first uprising of the Commune took place in Montmartre, and many desperate Communards during the retreat died in the underground galleries of former gypsum mines, the entrances to which were blown up by the soldiers of Versailles.

After this, both sides killed the captured hostages. The Archbishop of Paris, Georges Darboy, who was executed by the Communards, was recognized by the Catholic Church as a martyr. It is said that his successor Guibert, climbing the Montmartre hill in October 1872, saw the clouds part and the inscription appear: “Here, precisely here, the martyrs rest, it is in this place that the Sacred Heart should reign and call to itself.”.

On May 24, 1873, during the period of stagnation following the resignation of the government of Adolphe Thiers, François Pie, Bishop of Poitiers, declared that “the hour of the Church has struck” and the people were yearning for spiritual revival. This was expressed in the "Reign of Morals" of the Third Republic, which united Catholic and secular institutions in "a project of religious and national revival that included the restoration of the monarchy and the defense of Rome within the cultural framework of official piety."

At the same time, the Sacré-Coeur Basilica was to become the main triumphal monument for all times. Immediately after Thiers’ resignation, a Decree was adopted on July 24, approving the construction of the basilica as a “guarantee of national unity.” The Church presented the construction of this structure as a National Vow (Voeu national), so funds began to flow from all regions of France for its construction.

The dedicatory inscription on the Basilica is a kind of fulfillment of the oath given by Alexandre Legentil and Hubert Rohault de Fleury, sealed by the Archbishop of Paris Joseph-Hippolyte Guibert. The construction of this building lasted many years.

Based on the law on public buildings, a plot of land at the top of Montmartre was allocated for the construction of the basilica. In a competition for the best building design with the participation of 77 architects, Paul Abadie won. After a long period of fundraising for the construction, the first stone of the basilica was laid only on June 16, 1875.

In 1880, a heated debate broke out in the Municipal Council over this structure, which was called “a constant incitement to civil war”, and the issue of repealing the 1873 law granting property rights was being addressed. When the House of Representatives took up the issue in the summer of 1882, Archbishop Guibert defended the basilica, and Georges Clemenceau said that the building was a disgrace to the Revolution.

The law was repealed, but the building was saved with the help of a specially introduced amendment, and at the next session this resolution was not considered at all. In 1897, the interior design of the basilica was almost completed, and services were held in its premises for six years; a new attempt was made to stop construction.

The structure was built in a freely interpreted Romanesque-Byzantine style, unusual for that time and a conscious contrast to the neo-barroco excesses of the Opera Garnier, which was mentioned in the competition.

Many structural elements basilicas in a symbolic form reflect nationalist ideas: a portico with three arches is decorated with two equestrian statues of French saints - Joan of Arc (1927) and King Louis IX Saint, made in bronze by Hippolyte Lefebvre; and the 19-ton Savoyard bell (one one of the heaviest in the world), poured in 1895 in Annecy, recalls the annexation of Savoy in 1860.

In 1884, almost immediately after laying the foundation, Abadie died, and his work was continued by five architects: Honoré Daumet (1884-1886), Jean-Charles Laisné (1886-1891), Henri- Pierre-Marie Rauline (1891-1904), Lucien Magne (1904-1916) and Jean-Louis Hulot (1916-1924). ). In 1914, when the war began, the basilica had not yet been completed; it was officially consecrated in 1919 after the end of the First World War, while changing the national symbolism of the building.

Construction funds amounting to 7 million French francs, raised entirely from private donations, were spent before the construction of the building above ground. On March 3, 1876, a temporary chapel was consecrated, in which believers donated money for the construction of the basilica.

Donors were incentivized by being allowed to "purchase" personal columns or other small parts of the building, such as bricks. After some time, the National Assembly announced that the state had decided to fully finance the construction of this structure. Thus, the construction of the basilica lasted from 1875 to 1914, and its consecration took place after the end of the First World War.

Modern historian David Harvey notes that echoes of the "story of the Basilica's torment" are still heard. In February 1971, police-hunted demonstrators took refuge in the Basilica and called on their radical comrades in leaflets to join them in a church “built on the bodies of the Communards to erase the memory of the red flag that had flown over Paris for too long.”

The Sacré-Coeur is built from travertine quarried from Château-Landon (Seine-et-Marne), France. This stone constantly exudes calcite, so the building remains white even under the influence of natural precipitation and polluting emissions into the atmosphere.

The basilica's apse mosaic, entitled "Christ in Glory", is one of the largest in the world.

Near the basilica there is a garden with a fountain where you can calmly meditate. From the top of the dome, visitors enjoy a breathtaking panoramic view of Paris (mainly the areas south of the basilica).

A strong psychic, participant in several The Montel Williams Show, founder of the Nirvana parapsychological center, Sylvia Brown was quite unique and interesting person. Despite numerous accusations of fraud and even theft of money, the woman continued to help those who turned to her for help, predict the future and conduct research to determine how past life a person can influence his current state.


Sylvia Brown was born on October 19, 1936 in Kansas City, into a wealthy family. Her father was an authority in the jewelry business, and her mother was a member of the Episcopal Church. As Sylvia herself admits, the gift of prediction began to manifest itself at the age of five. Her family believed that she received her power from her grandmother Ada, who was one of the most powerful mediums of that time. It was her grandmother who helped young Sylvia Brown understand what exactly she was seeing.

Since 1974, when the powers of the young fortuneteller increase, she begins to help others. Not only friends, relatives and neighbors who have learned about such an incredible talent turn to her for help. However, like all mediums, her talent quickly acquires a huge number of ill-wishers who seek to humiliate Sylvia and prove that extrasensory perception does not exist. But the girl does not pay attention to them and continues her activities.
Successful predictions and money from fans help Brown open her own website in 2008. Her career is going well, but in 2011 she suffers a massive heart attack while in Hawaii, and in 2013 Sylvia Brown dies.


Throughout her life, the psychic made many predictions. Some of the most successful include:

A powerful tsunami will occur in Japan, which will destroy most of the coastal cities;
Scientists will invent a chemical compound that can defeat cancer;
Dental procedures will become painless;
The Middle East will remain this way hot spot, despite the efforts of European countries.

According to skeptic James Randi, most of Sylvia Brown's predictions were nothing more than the presence of good intuition and knowledge of psychology, but many of her fans claim that the medium actually predicted the future and clearly defined events.

- No, it’s me who is the crown princess, it’s me who will be... the king!

Crown Princess Victoria Ingrid of Sweden Alice Desiree, Duchess of Västergotland
(hereinafter referred to as Victoria, I hope they will forgive me for my familiarity)

Not yet living in Sweden, but only traveling around the country, I was very fascinated by the biography of Crown Princess Victoria Bernadotte, her extraordinary appearance and bright personality. After a while, or to be more precise, just a few weeks ago, I finally built our synastry with her ( Crown Princess Victoria BernadotteAstrologer Alla Krasnova ), while experiencing enthusiasm and the slight comedy of the situation. In synastry, I discovered the reasons for my strong interest in Victoria, such as the connection of the Crown Princess’s Ascending Node with my Sun. I am sure that this is what gave me both the incentive and, most importantly, passion for examining her natal chart and making a forecast for the near future as my own. thesis V Vladimir Pogudin Higher AstroSchool.

A little from the biography of Crown Princess Victoria

Crown Princess Victoria Ingrid Alice Desiree, Duchess of Västergotland was born July 14, 1977 in Stockholm at 21.45 . She is the heir to the throne of Sweden, the daughter of King Carl XVI Gustaf of Sweden from the Bernadotte dynasty and Queen Silvia (daughter of the German businessman Walter Sommerlath and the Brazilian Alice Sommerlath, née de Toledo.), older sister Prince Carl Philip and Princess Madeleine.

Crown Princess Victoria had the title of Princess at birth, but after the constitutional reform of 1980, which changed the order of succession to the throne, she became Crown Princess of Sweden (source: www.wikipedia.org).

As a child, after the words of her younger brother Carl Philip, “I will be king,” she replied: “No, it is I who is the crown princess, it is I who will be ... the king” (source: "The Royal Children" by Guido Knopp)

It’s really interesting how a child can feel in childhood when he understands that he will be the king.

Polar bear

It is customary to consider a natal chart with ASC, but in this case, it attracts attention in itself. ASC in Aquarius, at the 30th royal degree.

Degree Polar Bear, whose predatory features are clearly visible in the Crown Princess’s face (high cheekbones, a very significant noticeable chin, a close, clear, intelligent look). This is the degree of success and exaltation given from the Higher Powers at birth. The degree of an aristocrat who is unlikely to get his “white paws” dirty with unseemly deeds. He gives a duality of nature, which manifests itself only when approaching the Royal Person. Its power gives transformation and constant growth of personality through Pluto, the ruler of a given degree.

Victoria was born on the 28th lunar day, the day of gaining spiritual knowledge and wisdom. Venus and Pluto trine natal chart also gives indications of an emotional nature capable of higher, spiritual manifestations of love.

The ruler of ASC - Uranus (retro) is in exaltation in the third quarter of the 7th house and exerts its active transformative development of personality through social activities. Co-ruler of the 1st house Neptune (retro) in Sagittarius in the second quarter of the 9th house speaks of her desire to learn and gain her own spiritual values ​​through interaction with other cultures, with a different point of view, through missionary activity. Constant foreign contacts in the field of culture are “food for her spirit.” Neptune being in the deuce of Venus gives her a deep interest in art and philosophy and a more materialistic view of the structure of the world.

Love, Marriage and Society

The 1st and 7th houses are karmically emphasized by nodes (Ketu in Aries in the 1st house, Rahu in Libra in the 7th house). Relying on her personality, will, talents and abilities, Victoria must strive to develop partnerships in life, to the ability to get around “ sharp corners"(Aries-Libra axis), to master diplomatic abilities. Help in this task may also come from Chiron, who is affectively strong and kind in her natal chart.

Chiron is located in Taurus in the 1st house, two of the Moon. Victoria has an innate ability for diplomacy; she can deftly calculate the “game” several moves ahead. Chiron is not without a share of slyness, which we also see in a certain duality of her “bearish” nature, but on the other hand, “honesty is politeness of kings, not diplomats,” and in our time the Crown Princess has to somehow combine diplomacy and honesty, qualities , which are not related.

Since we touched on the 7th house, we will consider the topic of partnerships in Victoria’s life. The ruler of the 7th house (UVII) is the Sun. In the natal chart it is located at the apex of the tau square from the Nodes, on the cusp of the 6th house. The Crown Princess and her now legal husband Daniel Westling met at a fitness club and he is her personal trainer to this day, which corresponds to one of the main tasks of the VI house - taking care of health. The partner, in this situation, will be her “doctor” throughout her life, as one of possible options developments of events. Marriage, like work or work together with a spouse, is also determined by this provision. In addition to the above, the Co-ruler of the 7th house, Proserpina, is located in the 7th house, and gives a spouse as a partner, as a companion in business.

The Sun (UVII), clamped in a “nodal” vice, gave many obstacles on the way to their marriage. It took them years to convince royal family and the public is that the “King” has the right to marry for love.

Victoria's Venus is at 9 degrees Gemini conjunct Lilith. She easily gets carried away, can love love itself, and “get hung up” on feelings for her chosen one, but the location of Venus in the degree of Deer with Golden Horns “highlights” her other characteristics in this position. It gives her sensuality and idealism, the desire for great love, sentimentality and the need for intellectual love, as one of best qualities Gemini. The trine of Venus to Pluto in Libra, where he is in exile, can also not harshly demand constancy in feelings from the airy Venus, gently insist on this and harmonize a certain “looseness” of Venus in Gemini. In this situation, in order to turn on this trigon and use its power to build deep spiritual relationships with her husband, Victoria needs to constantly work both on herself and to love and tirelessly feed her partner with this.

The filling of the 7th house with higher planets requires constant “growing up” of relationships, which is felt over the years. The VIII house is also located in the VII house - marriage, as a challenge to society, where the owner of a natal chart with this position can “take care” of the income of his spouse. Upon official announcement Royal Family Daniel Westling was Victoria's companion, he was forced to leave his business as one of the conditions of the contract.

Beaten by quadratures from the UVI nodes speaks of difficulties, no small ones, when getting married, but in this case, help can come from an unexpected direction, like the light of the star Regulus on the DSC. The Star of Kings, Success and Honour, bestows Victoria's 7th house of partnerships and relationships with strength and success through challenge, making the Crown Princess, in every case, the "King of the State", be it in her marriage or public activities.

Selena in the 7th house is able to reward her with a spouse - the only one for life, a spouse who will be her guardian angel. Higher power They have a habit of being tough and demanding, and accordingly do not allow partners near her who would not cope with the task of being the husband of the future queen.

In general, a picture emerges of healthy spiritual relationships in marriage, but through complex constant work, work on oneself and work on preserving them.

The marriage lot is conjunct ASC at the same 30th “transforming everything” degree of Aquarius. The lot does not have a strong impact on the personality, but nevertheless, it was the partnership with Daniel that helped her recover from her illness.

Ego, Personality and Health

One of the important roles in her personal and spiritual development plays a connection with people, with relatives, constant exchange of information, taking into account the strong expression of the 3rd house, which we will talk about later, and the pronounced western hemisphere of the natal chart.

However, most of all the Crown Princess's attention is paid to herself (the filled lower hemisphere of the card) and especially to her health. The VI house, unfortunately, is strongly and not favorably expressed. And this is not surprising. The ruler of the VI house, the Sun, with whom we have already become acquainted, does not have great power, but has increased malice towards it, that is, in principle, increased malice towards itself, is located at the top of the tau square from the nodes. A person “compressed” by karmic knots can practically not resist, but can only come to terms with the situation and learn to react correctly to it. Unfortunately, this state of affairs has a direct bearing on the health of the Crown Princess.

In 1996, it was announced that Victoria was suffering from anorexia, one of the symptoms of which is neurological pathology and depression. As Victoria later wrote, “My life was controlled, and the amount of food that I could put into myself was the only thing I could control.”

A weakly energetically saturated Sun, a lack of self-confidence, and the inability for the young Crown Princess to actually do what her heart desires led her to anorexia. After the Royal Family announced her illness, the Crown Princess was sent to the United States, where she studied and underwent treatment and lived with absolutely no one. famous life. Cancer Sun had a chance to “take refuge” and heal himself. I also think that Victoria, in view of the special position of her Sun, can hold a grudge for a long time or reproach herself for delaying vital energy from its already not very saturated Sun. Therefore, moments of true solitude can only benefit her.

The ruler of the IV house, Mercury, is in the VI house and is the apex of another significant and complex tau square Uranus-Mercury-Chiron. What is its difficulty? In my opinion, he is the reason that the Crown Princess, as well as her father, suffer from a mild form of dyslexia. They can't read. In addition to the fact that this position of the ruler usually means that a person, as a rule, works where he lives, that is, his work as such is the representation of a kind, this position also has an unpleasant character, like hereditary diseases.

Dyslexia, a selective learning problem directly related to reading, has a neuralgic nature. Victoria's Leo Mercury, which calmly, dignifiedly and “highly” conveys information to us, is also responsible for the nerves in the body. And in this case, on the one hand, he is exposed, on the one hand, to the blows of exalted Uranus in Scorpio, albeit in retro, which can give nervousness, and on the other hand, the Chiron-Mercury square, in a negative version, creates confusion in the receipt and correct perception of information. Sextile Venus-Mercury comes to the rescue here. In fact, the Crown Princess usually speaks orally, and she knows how to speak beautifully and with feeling.

Also characteristic here is the position of her Jupiter in Gemini, which learns most easily through the exchange of information verbally.

The presence of expelled Saturn in the VI house only adds to the difficulties; you have to pay close attention to yourself, develop a certain system of caring for your own health and stick to it.

Pleasure in life, joy in children, emotional mood and actions

The theme of the V house is relaxation, the ability to have fun, and relationships with children. This is one of the main themes, but it sounds more harmonious in her horoscope.

The 5th house is in Cancer, whose ruler the Moon is in its monastery and on the cusp of the 5th house, which shows Victoria’s emotional dependence on the implementation, actions, and energies in this house. The favorable, moist, sensitive Moon is capable of a sympathetic understanding of the problems of the world, but is not inclined to let strangers into her world. Victoria carefully protects her comfort, as far as possible, from the demanding curiosity of society.

The Moon-Uranus trine, despite its apparent beneficence, can snatch it out of the dark, cool waters of cancer, excite, give extravagant ideas in a good case, or whims and instability of emotions as back side one medal. This aspect also carries information about Victoria’s ability to perceive subtle planes of existence. She is emotionally attached to her mother and to her child.

Some consolidation of the emotional sphere can occur along the Mars-Moon nonagon, which limits the ability to express one’s emotionality in action, and the Saturn-Moon nonagon smacks of coldness. However, nonagon is not a big problem for Yin planets, especially since Saturn and Mars are weakened by their position in the signs, and accordingly, the tension of these aspects can suppress, but not depress her emotional background. Moreover, the Moon-Selena quintile can periodically free her from emotional enslavement, and the favorable Moon-Chiron sextile gives her a colorful and cheerful perception of existence.

The Crown Princess finds it difficult to openly express her aggression. Although it is the healthy release of anger that is a panacea for many diseases. Mars, expelled in Taurus, accumulates and suppresses irritation and anger for a long time, which leads to a sharp attack of rage, an outburst of the suppressed energy of Mars, after which Victoria can feel complete devastation, both physically and mentally. Therefore, it will be best for her to learn to express her anger correctly and in a timely manner, and to calculate the waste of physical strength. It is best to calculate the expression of your will, the achievement of your goals, so as not to lose a lot of much-needed vital energy.

Spiritual and material values

The ruler of the II house, Venus, is located in the degree of the Deer with Golden Horns and presents the Crown Princess with a “chest of jewels,” filled to the brim with gold and spiritual values, deservedly received by her through karma, from her family, and by inheritance.

Venus is located on the cusp of the 3rd house. Victoria shares her wealth, her values ​​with her family and friends. She also multiplies them through the exchange of information, through communication, through representation, “presentation” of her country, fulfilling the duties assigned to her. But sometimes there is a fly in the ointment, which in this case is the devil Lilith, comfortably nestled next to Venus, where she rests on her “laurels and labors.” Lilith often points to problem points in the chart, and in this case, her conjunction with Venus in Gemini on the cusp of the 3rd house carries, in my opinion, the following information. Victoria should be careful in communicating with the press; she should not open up completely and traumatize the Sun in Cancer. This also shows her special sensitivity to what publications say about her beloved brother and sister, to whom she is deeply attached. She needs to moderate such sensitivity. This connection, when taking into account the strength of Venus, can give a fair amount of anxiety when traveling, and also anxiety of a monetary nature.

Role and responsibilities

The ruler of the IX and X houses, Jupiter, is located in Gemini, in exile. It may be difficult for her to have confidence in her own authority; most likely, she feels like a bearer of the authority of her family, but does not identify herself with it. However, Jupiter is placed on the IC, on the cusp of the 4th house, where he is exalted, and accordingly gives her the recognition she deserves for her services.

Her philosophical views and religious views are also determined by the traditions of the family in this position of Jupiter, as well as her professional realization, which occurs through work for the benefit of her family and country.

Freedom and privacy

The ruler of the 11th house, Saturn, falls into the 6th house. Freedom is achieved by constant labor and work, which in principle contradicts the concept of freedom, but for her, it has a different meaning. It is through work, through observance of duty and responsibilities, that her own personal freedom is revealed to her. Just like solitude for Victoria should always be associated with something new, in a Uranian way, new communication and expression of oneself.

Prognosis for second pregnancy

In 2013, the Swedish press was buzzing about the Crown Princess's long-awaited second pregnancy. Dozens of dates were named, her new photos were published, where she unexpectedly put a scarf to her stomach, where she put on a loose-fitting dress. All this, naturally, gave rise to new speculation about pregnancy and articles with headlines “are we expecting a boy this time?” Alas, the journalists’ forecasts were not successful, so now I will risk making my first forecast for Victoria’s possible second pregnancy. This idea was prompted to me not by the Swedish press at all, but by transit Jupiter, who walked to his heart’s content in Cancer in Victoria’s 5th house. On this moment (August 10, 2014) there is a high probability that Crown Princess Victoria is pregnant again.

Game of transit planets

Starting from July 21, 2013, when transit Jupiter, Mars, Lilith and the natal Moon connected on the cusp of the V house, an active expansion of the theme of the V house arose in Victoria’s life, and it was not for nothing that the society around was so excited. Mars, present in conjunction, pushed the Crown Princess to act in this direction, and Lilith generously seasoned everything with gossip. The Moon (UV), which was included by this transit connection, began to make a trine to Neptune (tr) from the 1st house, which is also the co-ruler of the 1st house in Victoria’s natal chart. Trigon Neptune (tr) – Moon (n) to this day delights us with its presence, favorably changing the theme of the 1st house in relation to the V. Also, Neptune, as the significator of the 12th house, symbolizes water and the mystery of conception. He “beckons and intoxicates” Victoria, and gives her hopes of conceiving a child, which he may well give in euphonious singing with the Moon.

At the beginning of June 2013, Neptune (tr) was about to make an exact connection to the Moon (n), when the dark waters of consciousness turned him back, plunging Victoria deeper and deeper into his inner world, where he also failed to avoid “ Mariana Trench"in the form of 4 degrees fish. By that time, the connection mentioned above had diverged, and by the end of 2013 the transit nodes had completely stood in opposition to Chiron(n) and Uranus(n), emphasizing the theme of one’s own personality and public life in the Crown Princess's card. It was only at the beginning of March 2014 that Neptune finally made an exact aspect to the Moon(n) of the Crown Princess.

Towards the end of the solar (from July 14, 2013), the Sun (significator of the 5th house), having walked along the Moon (n), also activates the Grand Water Trine between Uranus (UI), Moon (UV), Neptune (tr). This period coincides with the new moon and new lunar for the Crown Princess, and is also followed by the Return of Venus.

In the “search” for the second pregnancy, I took the period (May-July 2014) for consideration, and also first read how the planets “danced” with each other during her first pregnancy.

So, at the time of the first pregnancy (approximately the end of May 2011), the birth of the first child was on February 23, 2012, the following picture is visible. (Aspects are indicated only with an exact orb)

First pregnancy
(end of May 2011)

I took them as a basis, since the Moon in Victoria’s natal chart is directly related to the 5th house.
Quintile Moon Venus
square Moon Jupiter

Moon(d) (at destructive 10 degrees Leo) sextile Venus(n)
Sun (d) tridecile Neptune (n)

Moon (n) trine Chiron (tr) (from 1st house)
Moon opposition Pluto (tr)

Solarium at the time of conception (July 14, 2010)
The Moon (UV) at home conjuncts Venus and makes a Trine to Pluto

When applying a solarium to the natal chart, the axis of the V and XI houses is turned on. The ASC of the solar falls clearly on the cusp of the XII house of Natal.

Accordingly, when I considered the second possible pregnancy of the princess, I was guided primarily by progressions, directions, transits, and only then by solarium.

Second (probable) pregnancy
(period May 2014)

Quintile Sun Moon
Tridecile Moon Venus

Jupiter(d) quintile Pluto(n) (At the 8th and 10th houses in the natal chart)
Moon (d) sextile Pluto (n)

Jupiter(n) conjunct IC Moon(tr) tridecile Pluto(n) conjunct Mars(tr)
Neptune (tr) from 1st house (U1) trine Moon (n U5)

Planets— Moon, Jupiter, Neptune, Pluto

Mars (solar, UV) makes a conjunction with Jupiter (UIV) and Lilith in the VIII house and enters into a large water trine connecting the I, IV, VIII houses and also consisting of Neptune (on the IC), Jupiter and Saturn.

Solar “tells” us very much about Victoria’s possible pregnancy; some of the main planets and houses that “bring” conception are involved.

It is also noteworthy that when this solar sign is applied to the natal chart, the cusp of the V house and the Moon standing on it are emphasized, since it is turned on by the conjunction of Jupiter, Lilith, Mars, located at one of the vertices of the grand trine. The cusp of the VIII house of the solar connects with Venus and the cusp of the III house, and “covers” the IV and V houses of the natal chart, which accordingly brings transformation to this sphere.

Having considered all of the above, I come to the bold conclusion that Crown Princess Victoria can give birth to a prince or princess of Sweden in late January - early February 2015

Trigon Moon Venus
Square Moon Saturn

Sun exact conjunction with the cusp of the 7th house (second child, sister or brother of the first child, derivative of the third house from the fifth house)

Trigon Neptune(tr) Moon(n)
Inclusion of Pluto (n) UVIII by transit Nodes, conjunction of Rahu (tr) and Pluto (n)

Let's summarize the results of the second possible pregnancy. Progressions, directions, transits, as well as the solarium that is very much involved “in pregnancy” give me the right to say that Crown Princess Victoria is already pregnant at the moment (this moment is already August 12, 2014) and the estimated date of birth is early February 2015.

There is also a point that worries me, since progression should work well for the Crown Princess, then when superimposing a progressed chart on the natal chart, in the period from November 30, 2014 to December 22, 2014, the progressed Moon falls into a destructive degree (19 Scorpio), walking along VIII house in the natal chart. During this period, the course of pregnancy can cause concern. Let's hope that this will only cause Victoria to be pessimistic rather than cause more serious problems.

Thank you for your reading. I was glad to share my first forecast with you and I hope for its implementation.,

(c) Alla Krasnova 2014

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