The gentle slope of the anthill indicates... Ways to navigate the terrain without a compass. Orientation by the stars

The ability to navigate among unfamiliar places is important quality modern literate tourist. This means, first of all, not to get lost in an unfamiliar place, to establish your location in time by the sides of the horizon and geographical objects, and to find out the direction of further movement.

It’s good when an experienced instructor takes a compass on a hike; this is not always the case in unprepared groups. If tourists find themselves in an unfamiliar area without a compass, there is no need to despair. There are many ways to navigate the terrain without this device and it’s worth getting to know them.

Tree navigation

If tourists find themselves without a compass in an unfamiliar forest area, they need to look carefully at the trees. In the south, the tree crown is more luxuriant and there are significantly more leaves. The densest branches in the dense forest develop here; the sun heats them better. The trees reach out for warmth with every leaf. In the north there are much fewer leaves and branches.

The method is not absolutely correct; allowances must be made for prevailing winds, the presence of moisture, and soil types. It is more reliable to navigate along lonely growing trees than in a dense forest.

The bark on trees will tell you a lot when orienteering. Tree trunks from the south are heated better than from the north. It is the southern side of the trunk that is lighter in bark and drier. On the heated southern surface of the trunk you can see clots of resin. The secondary layer of dark, cracking bark on pine trees forms on the trunk from the north. After rain, the trunks of pine trees darken from the north and dry out more slowly due to lack of sunlight.

You can navigate by the bark in a birch forest; from the south it is always lighter, more elastic and thinner. Roughness and cracks, dark growths form on the trunks of birch trees from the north. Birch is a very flexible, thin-trunked tree in young forests; the tilt of the trunk will indicate the direction of the prevailing winds.

You can navigate by the cut down stump; you just need to carefully examine the annual rings on it. Where the gaps between the annual rings are larger - south, and where the rings are located close to each other - north. It’s good if you come across a clearing with cut trees along the way. Even a few stumps will help confirm your orientation assumptions.

In the forests along which the tourist routes pass, there are special signs, called tourist labeling. They are painted on the trunks along a planned route, always from the nearest populated area.

Orientation by mosses and lichens

moss on the tree

This is perhaps one of the most popular ways to navigate the area. The trunks of large trees in the forest, aspens, poplars, fir, and cedars from the north are covered with various lichens and mosses due to excess moisture. Even if the entire tree is overgrown with moss, from the north its thickets are denser and wetter. This is noticeable if you examine the trunk at the bottom. On boulders, screes and kurumniks from the north of the stones you can also observe thickets of moss and lichen. These are plants that cannot tolerate direct sunlight, bright light and intense heating. The soil north of the rocks feels wetter to the touch.

Orientation by anthill

Stump with anthill

Anthills are built by insects in the south of mountain slopes, trees, large stones and stumps for good heating by the sun. Ants are very heat-loving insects and carefully maintain the microclimate in the home. From the south, where the sun warms better, the anthill has a long, gentle slope. The steep slope of the anthill always faces north. The paths of heat-loving ants run from the southern side of the anthill.

Orientation by temples and glade pillars

Orthodox churches and Catholic churches are built oriented towards the cardinal points. Just look at the crosses located on Orthodox church, the lower part of the lower crossbar points to the south, the upper to the north.

The entrance to the temple and the bell tower are located on the west side, the altar in the church is located on the east. In Catholic churches, on the contrary, the altar is located in the west. For Muslim mosques, it is more difficult to determine the sides of the horizon; they are oriented towards Mecca. Likewise, Jewish synagogues are oriented toward Jerusalem. Although the doors of synagogues and mosques are in the north.

If you manage to find a clearing in the forest, if necessary, you should look for a post with bright numbers on it. They will point tourists to the square number topographic map terrain. The smallest numbers of the cutting column will point to the north.

Orientation by the sun and stars

To navigate by the Sun on a bright sunny day, you should wait until midday. At this time, the luminary is at its zenith, any shadow cast by objects becomes short. You should stand with your back to the luminary; the tourist’s shadow will indicate the direction to the north. The south will be behind the traveler. On his right hand there will be an eastern direction, on his left hand - a western direction.

In the off-season, in spring and autumn days the sun will rise strictly in the east and set in the west. At noon in any season, the star is in the south and every shadow points to the north. On winter days, the sun will rise from the southeast and set from the southwest. IN summer days the sun will rise from the northeast and set from the northwest.

Any traveler has an idea of ​​the constellations of his northern sky. Today, almost every schoolchild can find the stars Ursa Major and Ursa Minor in the sky. But although tourists may theoretically know that the North Star is the end star on the tail of Ursa Minor, finding it can be quite difficult. The advice to help with this is to find the two terminal stars in Ursa Major and mentally continue the line connecting them to the bright Polar Star. Standing facing it, the tourist will look north.

Table: determining parts of the world by the sun

other methods

Forest inhabitants will help tourists navigate the terrain without a compass or map. The squirrel inhabits only hollows protected from the prevailing winds. Insect paths on tree trunks are often on the south side. Migratory birds fly north in the spring and south in the fall. In spring, the snow begins to melt on the southern slopes of hollows and ravines, and the grass here is subsequently thicker and taller. In summer, on hot days, there is lush grass on the northern side of buildings, stones, and forest edges. The soil is drier and berries ripen earlier on southern slopes.

Using a nail, a sewing needle, or a piece of wire, you can make a homemade tourist compass. At the same time, you need to understand that it will point to the magnetic pole and there will be a small error. This piece of steel must be magnetized by rubbing it on wool. In one case, it can be tied on a long thread by the center of gravity, it will rotate and stop in the north-south position. In another case, a magnetized needle is placed on a dry leaf in a small pond, the needle will indicate the north-south direction.

Given all the knowledge about orienteering without a compass, you should remember that you should not use one or two methods. Use your knowledge repeatedly, test it and if several observations are correct, the group will find the right direction.

If you are a fan of frequent walks and long hikes in the forest, then you need to have many useful skills for surviving in conditions wildlife. Such knowledge includes the ability to navigate the terrain well without a compass. There are a variety of natural landmarks, and one of these is an anthill.

How to navigate an anthill in the forest

A landmark that will never let you down is a simple anthill. Ants live in almost any area. There are about 12,000 species of them and they adapt perfectly to any conditions. They do not live only in harsh natural conditions such as deserts and cold northern regions. They are heat-loving insects and predominate mainly in warm regions. In conditions close to harsh, for example, in temperate climate, they hibernate during the winter.

Anthill orientation

There are a huge number of types of ants and anthills, but the principles of their construction are the same. So, how can you navigate an anthill? The rules of reference are quite simple. Since ants prefer warmth, they build anthills on the south side of trees or other vegetation. Cold winds usually blow from the north, and the wide trunk of a tree serves as an excellent barrier from the wind. If you see a large anthill next to a tree or bush, then south will be exactly in the direction of the anthill from the tree.

There's another one important feature anthill The shape of the anthill will help you determine how to navigate the terrain using an anthill. If you find an anthill in a steppe area and it stands separate from the vegetation, it’s not a problem. The fact is that any type of anthill has a flatter shape on one side and steeper on the other. The flatter side is located towards the south, and the steep side is towards the north. This feature is again due to the fact that ants love warmth and the steeper side serves as a barrier from the wind.

However, the anthill is an imprecise natural landmark; the celestial bodies are more accurate. You can read how to navigate by the Moon on our website.

  1. The eggs laid by female ants are commonly eaten by Mexicans and Africans. They believe that eggs have a lot of protein and nutrients.
  2. The longest life expectancy of a uterus is 14 years; the recorded case is a world record.
  3. African tribes use bullet ant venom in male initiation rites. The hand of a boy undergoing a rite of passage is dipped into a container of ants, after which the hand becomes swollen and very painful. It is believed to induce resilience in boys.


Once again, how to navigate the anthill briefly:

  1. If you find an anthill in the middle of the forest and it grows next to the trunk of a tree or bush, then south is located on the side of the anthill from the tree.
  2. If you find an anthill in a steppe area, you should pay attention to its shape. The flatter side of the anthill is directed to the south, and the steeper side is directed to the north.

With this knowledge of terrain orientation, you can easily determine where south is and where north is, because it is very easy to remember.

Author of the publication

I am interested in hiking and traveling, photography and videography.

I have been going hiking since childhood. The whole family went and went - sometimes to the sea, then to the river, to the lake, to the forest. There was a time when we spent a whole month in the forest. We lived in tents and cooked over fires. This is probably why I am still drawn to the forest and, in general, to nature.
I travel regularly. About three trips a year for 10-15 days and many 2 and 3 day hikes.

Comments: 0 Publications: 666 Registration: 23-10-2018

How to determine the cardinal directions without a compass at home and in nature
Determine the cardinal directions online in an apartment using a compass and natural signs

There are a lot of ways to reliably determine the cardinal directions, but not all of them are possible ordinary people. If you are not sure whether you can understand how to determine the cardinal directions without a compass, then it is better to use special auxiliary devices for this.
If you still have confidence in your own skills, then you can use natural tips. Nature itself makes it clear which sides of the world are where, you just need to carefully study everything and listen to all the advice.

On the moss

Moss and lichens are not particularly fond of heat and sunlight, so you can almost always notice their germination in the shade. Having studied this information, it is easy to guess that in the places where mosses grow, the north is. It is worth carefully studying on which side the lichen cover is thickest and is present a large number of. This allows you to easily determine the cardinal directions - south will be behind this place, east will be on the left side, and west will be on the right.

The main thing in this task is the selection of a suitable tree, and the absence of errors in the cardinal directions is guaranteed. Also, as an additional hint, you can touch the moss cover; the south will be where the thickness of this cover is most abundant.

According to the sun

From the school course that everyone took, it is known that sunrise begins in the East. Based on knowledge of this dependence, you can determine the cardinal directions without any problems. Wristwatches also allow you to perform this action. They need to be removed and the device placed in the direction of movement of the celestial body. During this process, you will notice that the hour hand and the number 12 form an angle that must be divided into two even parts. An angle divided in half will indicate South.
If there is a need to understand how to determine the cardinal directions without a compass, and the sun has already risen, then you should not be upset. It must be remembered that sunset occurs in the Western Hemisphere. Guided by this rule, determining the cardinal directions is also very simple and, by and large, comes down to ordinary observations of the celestial body.

By the anthill

The anthill is another natural compass, guided by which there are no problems regarding determining the cardinal directions. If you find yourself in the middle of a forest, you don’t have a compass, and you don’t know the way back, then you need to go in search of an anthill that will help you avoid difficult situations. Wild anthills are not entirely proportional; if you look closely, you can see one of the most convex sides and which part this structure tends to. These aspects need to be paid attention to during orientation.

The love for the warmth of these insects can also help humans. The side of the anthill that protrudes the most is located in the southern part of the hemisphere. Knowing that the hump with the greatest convexity is located in the South, navigating the anthill becomes a simple task. The main thing in this process is attentiveness and the ability to observe the processes occurring in nature.

By the moon

The southern side of the world is different in that there is a full moon there. The degree of its illumination depends on the position of the Sun. During the full moon, the Earth's satellite must be behind the observer; if the location of the moon is different, then the full moon is excluded. To determine the cardinal directions using the moon, it is necessary to conceivably divide the radius of the satellite into six equal parts, and then try to understand how many of these parts are in the field of view, that is, illuminated.

After this, it is necessary to add the number of shares if the moon is increasing, or subtract them if the luminary is waning. The resulting number must be marked on the dial wristwatch, and then combine with the position of the satellite. Now you need to find the angle that will be between number one in winter, and between number two in summer, and look at its direction - this will be the South of the globe.

By the stumps

Tree rings on tree stumps are a phenomenon known throughout society. With their help, you can not only determine the age of the tree, but also navigate the area. The arrangement of the rings along the entire circumference of the stump is uneven; they are closer to each other in the north, and move further apart in the south. You need to take a closer look and compare the distance between the rings. For greater clarity, you can look at several stumps and compare their rings.

Having studied this information, you no longer have to worry about getting lost, even if you don’t have a compass or other device for finding your way around. You can always arrive at the right point using only natural compasses and indicators.

In the forest lies a large stone-boulder, overgrown with fluffy moss on one side. Look carefully at this unusual compass, which was created by nature itself. We have already written about different, and with. We recommend reading these interesting articles.

Orientation by moss and lichen

Mosses and lichens do not like heat and light, so they grow in the shady side. This means that where there are mosses and lichens, there is north; on the south side there is less or no moss at all. Now moss navigation It won't give you any difficulties. You can also determine the direction by looking at the soil around the stone. On one side it is relatively dry (south), and on the opposite side it is wetter (north). Usually an old, rotting stump is overgrown with moss on all sides. But to determine where north and south are, you need to check the moisture content of the moss, not the soil.

Anthill navigation

Another natural compass that will always help you find the right direction in the forest is - anthills. Most of them are located on the south side of a tree, stump, or bush, since ants are heat-loving insects. The southern side of the anthill is usually sloping, the northern side is much steeper.
Orientation by anthill. Anthill navigation Quite easy to remember and understand. In the tundra, as well as in white moss forests (more details:) and taiga swamps in the north of the European part of the USSR, in Western and Eastern Siberia, in Far East lichens (lichen moss, or reindeer moss) of the genus Cladonia grow, which serve as indispensable food for reindeer, especially in winter. Sources of valuable antibiotics and enzymes, they can also serve as a compass. Darker than the entire lichen, the tips of their branched bushes always face north. Therefore, when going north, you see the dark surface of the moss (lichen) cover, when moving in the opposite direction, that is, to the south, the dark color is not visible, and the bushes seem lighter

Forest “light bulbs” and “lighthouses”

In order not to get lost in the forest, you need to select clearly visible landmarks in advance, which help determine the location, direction of movement and measure the distance to the intended points along the route. The writer A. Avdeenko in his book “Above the Tisa” talks about his hero Kablukov like this:
“The thick fog did not prevent Kablukov from finding his way. By signs scattered here and there along the patrol path, he easily determined where he was. Here is the rocky bed of a ditch, washed by spring rains, which means that more than a third of the path has already been passed. After fifty steps there should be the stump of an old oak tree. Yes, that's right, here it is. In seven minutes, through the thickness of the fog, the bare trunk of an oak tree, broken by lightning, will blacken, then, on the other, on the right flank, a large boulder will appear, deeply rooted in the ground.”
In areas of the forest affected by honey fungus, there are peculiar, unusual landmarks - “light bulbs”. You are walking in the silence of the forest at night, and suddenly in the impenetrable darkness bright lights of phosphorescent light flash: the growing ends of the rhizomorphs of honey mushrooms glow.
Rhizomorphs- these are plexuses of the mycelium of the honey fungus, very long, shiny black-brown strands, similar to electrical cords. There are as many “light bulbs” as there are rhizomorphs around. Honey fungus usually settles on stumps and other rotting remains of wood. The mycelium of the honey fungus, covered with a dense shell, is highly branched under the bark of trees, especially weak ones, penetrates with its branches into living wood, sucks the juices out of it and destroys the tree. The ends of the mycelium (rhizomorphs), protruding outwards, glow like bright miniature light bulbs. IN summer night On a winding taiga path, forest “beacons” can show the way. This rotten things sparkling with phosphoric fire. Rotten stumps phosphorescent most brightly. Trembling luminous streams “flow” from top to bottom along them. Myriads of bacteria nest here. Bioluminescent microbes contain complex chemical substances– luciferin and luciferosis. Different bacteria have their own fluorescents, differing in luminescence intensity and color. These lights gave rise to many superstitions. But the cold light at night has a simple explanation. This bioluminescence, that is, a living glow, especially active in windy weather, with an abundance of oxygen and moisture.
It doesn't stop around the clock. So, in order to avoid wandering in the forest at night when returning from a route taken during the day, it is advisable to remember in advance the location of rotting trees or dilapidated stumps, which will serve as kind of light indicators along the way; in addition, orientation by moss or anthill will help you find the right direction.

Every fisherman needs an assistant, so in their work they use a bite alarm with their own hands; making it is not at all difficult. This device can report that a fish has touched the bait, and also suggests the most appropriate moment to hook. Today in specialized stores you can find a wide selection of such useful devices, but they are not always nearby at the right time. Therefore, it is better to familiarize yourself with how to make a bite alarm with your own hands.

  1. How to make a visual alarm yourself?
  2. Homemade sound devices

There are so many types of this device homemade option. Every experienced fisherman has his own.

They can be divided into the following models:

  • pendulum;
  • nodding;
  • sound;
  • electronic.

The first option is the simplest. It is made from twigs, lumps of clay, which are suspended near the end of the rod on the main line. However, this bite sensor has its drawback. So, they are silent, and the impact of clay (wood) quickly wears out the main line.

But the nodding device is considered the most perfect. It differs in that it reacts even if the smallest fish bites.

An audible bite alarm is necessary when fishing takes place not with one, but with several fishing rods. Such models can be very diverse. You can take a banal brass sleeve. But it can also be a more complex design.

If we talk about electronic signaling devices, these designs can also be different. They should be attached to the form in front of 1 or 2 rings.

However, the best option is considered to be combined ones, which are capable of delivering not only a visual signal, sound, but also light.

In addition, it is recommended to always have several devices with you to respond to bites. For example, when it is windy outside, the rods should be positioned horizontally, this will reduce the air flow directly affecting the action of the blanks. In this case, it is the pendulum device that will work perfectly, which additionally needs to be equipped with a rattle. Then you can fish with several fishing rods.

Which devices are best to use should be decided depending on the fishing conditions, that is, individually for each specific case. In any case, the main thing to remember is that the alarms begin to react when the fish swallows the bait. Therefore, this weapon is considered simply irreplaceable.

How to make a visual alarm yourself?

Most fishermen use visual alarms to detect bites.

To build such models, you cannot do without:

  • float;
  • rod tip;
  • additional beacon;
  • firefly lighthouse (if fishing at night).

So, if you decide to make a homemade bite alarm from a float, then you can use a cork, a feather from a large bird (for example, a goose), or a twig. These devices should be attached to the fishing line using an elastic band.

A nod made independently will signal inactive prey. Those made of springy metal wire have proven themselves well. A plate will also do. The nod should be attached with adhesive tape to the top of the rod. It should be noted that it is the nodding signal that is most often used.

Those who like to fish at night prefer bite alarms in the form of a firefly. This light option requires a soft polymer tube, which must be baited on the edge of the rod. Afterwards, a luminous type indicator is attached to the other side. If the tube and the mount are incompatible, clear adhesive tape will do the trick to secure them in place. If the firefly is needed for constant use, then it should be stored in the freezer.

The simplest device is a tube made of foil. You need to secure it to the fishing line. Such a model will change its position if the fishing line becomes taut. In addition, it will be clearly visible at night. However, this unit has a high windage capacity, so during windy conditions it is worth using another option.

Homemade sound devices

If a person has an ear for music, then he can easily determine which fishing rod was triggered by the bell. They are easy to make yourself. To do this, you will need a piece of metal pipe, where a tongue is placed inside, for which a bolt or nut is suitable. The mounting here will also be very simple. A clothespin works great for this.

Separately, it is worth highlighting the correct bell, which is distinguished by its fixation on the feeder. There are two methods of fastening.

  1. Any household clamp is a simple and effective method.
  2. Connecting a wire with a hook is the most reliable option.

You can easily make an audible bite alarm with your own hands using a bell. This option will be the most basic. Bells have different tones and vibrations.

Mechanical alarms are divided into several types:

  • sensitive nod;
  • monkey;
  • swinger.

The method of constructing the nod was described above. This could be the tip of the rod or the float. Its operating principle is quite simple. So, when the fishing line is stretched, the nod begins to bend.

The monkey looks like a weight. It is also attached to the fishing line, and it is located among the reel and the input ring of the rod. The weight creates a slack in the fishing line. The fish begins to peck and this sag gradually decreases, which is why the monkey moves.

The swinger looks like a small plastic head with a clamp. It is fixed on a lever with a weight. Thus, mechanical devices are very simple, which is why they are so easy to make with your own hands.

So, the fishing line must be passed through a special hole in the corresponding device where the wheel is located. It will rotate and signal when the fishing line is pulled. The fisherman will receive a signal in the form of sound, vibration and light.

Why are these types of models in demand today? The fact is that you cannot move away from a mechanical tool, since you can miss the necessary moment. However, it is not always possible to constantly monitor the rod. An electric beacon will do this perfectly.

He doesn't need constant presence. There is a wide selection of these products in stores.

They can be:

  • visual;
  • sound;
  • combined.

Of course, any angler is constantly improving his gear according to his own understanding and inclinations. At the same time, it is worth trying all the types of alarms that were given above, which react differently to a bite. Thanks to this, fishing will become a real creative process, even more exciting and interesting.

Their operating principle is closing and opening electrical circuits. To make the simplest version, you will need several parts. But it is important to follow some rules.

  1. The keychain that is used as a basis must have a certain melody.
  2. It is attached to the feeder, namely to its stand, but the contacts must be in a closed state.
  3. They are brought out as two plates.
  4. In the area where the coil and the first ring are located, a piece of plastic (1 mm thick) should be fixed.
  5. The second end must be inserted among the output contacts.

It should be understood that the signaling device is an important element for successful fishing. If you get acquainted with all the rules for its manufacture, you can quickly and easily build it with your own hands. Any model will be easy to use and effective.

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