Garden hibiscus - care and propagation, types, varieties, photos. Pruning hibiscus in autumn or spring, when is best?

When the orchard is already filled with juicy fruits, the garden hibiscus becomes the main favorite of gardeners in the south. Care and propagation, growing features, varieties and varieties, photos of hibiscus flowers - all this will be main theme our conversation. Few people will be indifferent to a huge hibiscus flower. This is an incredibly beautiful garden plant, even exotic in some ways.

What could be more attractive than flower beds decorating your garden? Of course, flowering trees and shrubs. Not many people know what hibiscus is. But almost all flower growers know what a Chinese rose is. But these plants are from the same family – malvaceae.

Hibiscus - types and varieties

There are wild and cultivated species. There are annuals and perennials. Of these, tree, shrub, and herbaceous species can be distinguished.

Wikipedia, by the way, gives its classification of species:

  • Hemp, or Kenaf ( Hibiscus cannabinus) - used by the spinning industry of some tropical countries;
  • Chinese, or Chinese rose ( Hibiscus rosa-sinensis) - indoor culture;
  • Rosella, or Sabdarifa or Sudanese rose ( Hibiscus sabdariffa) – from the mallow family, distributed in tropical countries, was originally developed in India;
  • Syriac ( Hibiscus syriacus) is a common perennial species in Russia for cultivation in open ground. Frost-resistant, perennial, shrubby;
  • Triple or Northern ( Hibiscus syriacus) – annual herbaceous plant, growing on mountain slopes, along rivers and lakes in Asia, India, the Mediterranean, etc.

Separately, one more species is mentioned separately - Swamp or Musk ( Hibiscus moscheutos) is a perennial herbaceous plant, a favorite of gardeners in the south of Russia. In winter, the above-ground part dies off.

Let's try to figure out what types of hibiscus exist. Let's take as a basis the classification according to growth methods and forms of development: herbaceous, shrubby, tree-like.

  • Herbaceous - a tall bush with strong upright branches, large leaves, large flowers. The diameter of the flower (depending on the variety) can reach 40 cm. The bush dies every year in the fall, and in the spring it again throws out young shoots.

  • Shrub - a slow-growing deciduous bush with many branches. Blooms profusely all season. Flowers are medium in size from 5 to 25 cm in diameter. By the way, all shrub species can be formed into one trunk, resulting in beautiful flowering trees.

  • Tree-like - a single-trunked deciduous tree that can grow up to 5-6 meters in height. The whole season is covered with flowers up to 12 cm in diameter.

A common feature of all varieties: the flower lasts only a day, but one faded bud is immediately replaced by a new blossoming one, so the flowering seems to be constant.

Now new varieties have appeared - flowers can remain fresh for more than one day. But it all depends on the degree of lighting. The sunnier place you choose for your pet, the longer the lifespan of one flower. But still, the flowering period is short - from one to 2-3 days.

Landscape designers love garden hibiscus of all types. City gardens and parks are often decorated with shrub species. And in a private courtyard, summer cottages Herbaceous species can be found more and more often.

Herbaceous hibiscus

These are hybrids that were bred by crossing three varieties of North American origin - holly, pink, red. This is a perennial that, after the ground part has withered, provided the root system is covered, can withstand frosts down to -30ºC.

The rhizome of one specimen is quite powerful and looks like a tuberous one. The bush blooms from mid-summer to late autumn. Ten or more flowers can bloom at the same time.

Herbaceous varieties are in great demand because of their large (up to 30-40 cm in diameter) bright colorful flowers (white, red, pink, burgundy, etc.), sometimes double.

The height of this plant can reach three meters. The branches manage to reach this length in one season.

Among the herbaceous plants, the most popular among gardeners are marsh plants. Why are they called that? Because for the first time, entire thickets of this incredibly beautiful plant were discovered in the swamps along the Mississippi River, where they are perennial. In our country, they are also perennial, but with the above-ground part of the bush dying off in winter.


In flower beds, herbaceous varieties look great together with their low-growing neighbors. For example, in the center of the rose garden, your pet will be a majestic king.

Huge flowers the size of a plate will surprise not only you, but your guests, neighbors, and just passers-by.

Varieties of herbaceous hibiscus

The Copper King variety is a compact bush. The rounded compact shape is achieved by annual formation of no more than 120 cm in height. Dark green, lacy, shaped like maple, the leaves can change color, which depends on the ambient temperature. The flowers are large, up to 30 cm in diameter, the color of strawberry mousse - white and pink with bright pink stripes. The heart of the flower is purplish-red. Resistant to diseases.

Copper King

The Cranberry Crush variety grows as a rounded, lush shrub with greenery from the roots, 90-120 cm high. It has green, feathery foliage with purple veins. The flowers are large, up to 25 cm in diameter, of a rich burgundy color with dark stripes on the petals.

Cranberry Crush

The Old Yella variety is a strong bush with strong shoots up to 100-120 cm high, with greenery from the roots. The leaf is green, pinnate, maple-shaped, with a purple tint in sunlight. The flowers are huge, 30 cm in diameter, white or cream in color with a red core. The petals are wavy.

Old Yella

Separately, participants in various forums are discussing the garden yellow herbaceous hibiscus - this species has several varieties, but, as some gardeners claim, all of them can only be annuals! They write in plain text: “Don’t believe it if they try to sell you a perennial yellow, such a hybrid does not exist, although breeders are trying to achieve this. This species will have to be sown by seed every year.”

But, nevertheless, some amateur gardeners claim that they grow yellow perennials. Perhaps you, the readers, can clarify? If your garden is decorated with this flower, you have experience in caring for it, growing it, write a comment.

Shrub hibiscus

Among the shrubs, the most popular is Syrian, which has many varieties. Its flowers are smaller in size than those of the herbaceous species, reaching a diameter of 12 cm. The colors are varied: the flowers are purple, white, red, and there are varieties with two-color colors.

The splendor of the flowers of some varieties is complemented by long pistils with fluffy stamens, which attract bees and butterflies.

At proper care The bush is usually strewn with flowers and looks very delicate, although it grows more slowly than the herbaceous one. In a bright place protected from the wind and scorching sun, the bush can grow for up to 20 years.

The bush reaches a height of two to three meters, less often four to six, and a width of 1.5 meters.

But having acquired a young specimen, do not be tormented by the question: why does the hibiscus not bloom. The Syrian bush blooms only after 3-4 years.

Varieties of bush hibiscus

Variety Ardens perennial deciduous shrub growing up to 2-3 meters tall. Easily formed like a standard tree. Dense flowering with rather large (up to 14 cm) double flowers of lavender or soft pink color.


Variety Blue Satin is a perennial spreading deciduous shrub. The height can be up to 4-6 meters. They are often formed into a trunk to make the bush a compact tree, or one trunk, removing excess shoots in the first years of life. The flowers are large, 15 cm in diameter, blue, azure and cornflower blue. The depth of color depends on the lighting; the more light there is, the more saturated the color of the flowers.

Blue Satin

tree hibiscus

Tree-like is an excellent solution for beginning flower growers - because it is quite unpretentious. The main advantage is that it winters well in the south, without requiring additional shelter, except in the first years. The tree differs from shrub species, only in appearance - it has one trunk, which can branch at a height of about half a meter. The photo below is a young four-year-old tree. This is its second flowering.

An adult plant can grow up to 5 meters tall, even higher.

Tree hibiscus in Sevastopol

The tree-like leaves are large, bright green, the flowers are medium-sized, brightly colored, they can also be double, two- or three-colored.

How to care for hibiscus

Any variety of this plant loves sun or bright light. Care is not difficult - timely watering, weeding, regular fertilizing with nitrogen or phosphorus fertilizers at least monthly. When it’s hot, you should avoid fertilizing at the roots; it’s better to spray nutritious fertilizers on the leaves.

Closer to autumn, it is necessary to apply potassium fertilizers, stopping nitrogen or phosphorus fertilizing, this will help prepare for wintering.

It is worth noting that all garden hibiscus love rotted needles. It can be added to the planting hole when transplanting or planting seedlings, and it can also be used to mulch the rhizome area.

Many gardeners love to pamper their plants with a summer foliage shower, and Hibiscus will not refuse this pleasure. The main thing to remember is that you can carry out “water procedures” only closer to sunset, when the sun no longer burns the leaves.

An alarming sign may be the simultaneous wilting of all flowers - the plant does not have enough moisture! Urgent, abundant watering will help to revive.

To protect against your pet’s main enemy, aphids, it is recommended to plant lavender bushes nearby, the aroma of which will repel pests.

Herbaceous and some shrubby varieties require shelter for the winter, so many gardeners prefer tree-like representatives of the genus because of their ability to delight with their beauty for many years without special care and preservation of pets in winter.

It is worth paying attention to the features of caring for different types.

Features of caring for herbaceous hibiscus

Watering, fertilizing, weeding, as with all species.

When autumn comes, the stem, leaves, and wilted flowers die. Nutrients from them are gradually absorbed by the root system. This makes it more developed, stronger, and makes it easier to endure frosty winters.

This is why you should not trim the stems of herbaceous species before they have completely dried out. In the south, where there is often no natural cover in the form of snow, an artificial one should be properly created.

The first thing we do: cut off the shrunken aerial part, water it well, loosen it, and hill up the rhizome area. You can sprinkle with humus or mulch. Sawdust, fallen leaves, dry grass, and pine litter are suitable. If these are pine needles, then in the spring you can not remove them, but leave them on top, lightly mixing them with the soil by loosening them.

The resulting hummock should be covered on top with a white soft covering material, pressing it with stones or branches, building a kind of hut. When the frosts have passed, carefully free the plant stumps from the insulating cushion, being careful not to damage the buds. After all, already in May, young shoots appear, the tops of which are advised to be pinched for splendor.

Every three years it is necessary to divide the rhizome of the herbaceous hibiscus so that its flowering does not weaken or become smaller. After all, every season the number of shoots triples. The fight for nutrients, moisture. In the first year of life, the number of main shoots is one, in the second there are two to nine, usually five, but after three years there are three times as many. The time comes to divide the bush, which, by the way, is one of the ways to reproduce it.

Caring for Syrian Hibiscus

An adult shrub tolerates our Kuban winter well, and it is better to wrap the branches of a young plant (1-2 years old) with white covering material, and sprinkle the rhizome area with humus or mulch thoroughly. The root cover layer must be at least 15 cm high. Don't forget to free the plant from it in the spring!

The Syrian species wakes up quite late, don’t be scared - it should be like this, it’s just a certain feature of it.

The shrub loves phosphorus fertilizers (for example, Bud), which activate flowering. Closer to autumn, you need to start introducing potassium preparations to prepare the bush for wintering. Tree care differs only in that it does not need to be covered in winter. The exception is young seedlings, which should still be covered for the first 1-2 winters.

How does hibiscus reproduce?

It depends on the species. For example, tree varieties can only be propagated by cuttings, grafting, or seeds.

Shrubs, in addition to cuttings, grafting, and sowing seeds, can be propagated by layering.

Herbaceous plants can most easily be propagated by dividing the bush, but the above methods of cuttings and sowing seeds are also inherent in them.

Propagation by seeds is not difficult: it is done like any other sowing without any special tricks.

Work begins from January to March. First, it is recommended to soak the seeds for 10-12 hours in Epin solution. After this, rinse them with a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

For sowing you will need a container, a mixture of sand and peat, as well as a shelter (glass, polyethylene or cling film). The soaked seeds are sown in moist soil and covered. To ensure that the seedlings do not take long to emerge, the temperature should be maintained at around +25ºС. Also, do not forget to ventilate the container with crops, remove drops of condensation, and, if necessary, moisten the soil surface. After the seedlings have leaves, they can be planted in separate pots.

And in May, stronger seedlings are moved to a permanent place, and their weaker counterparts are moved to a temporary place - for growing.

When propagated by seeds, garden hibiscus will bloom for 3-4 seasons. Please note that it may not retain the decorative features of its parent. Therefore, propagation by seeds is not the best The best way purchase a flower with exactly the properties that you like so much.

Propagation by cuttings is the most popular method among hobbyists. Can be produced in two ways.

  1. Cuttings with 3-4 buds cut in summer are immersed in water with the addition of Kornevin or another root system growth stimulator. After the roots appear, the cuttings are planted first in containers with peat soil for the winter, and in the spring - in open ground.
  2. Cuttings with 3-4 buds cut in summer are treated with a root growth stimulator in the same way as in the first method. But after this they are immediately planted in greenhouse containers with moist peat for rooting. Cuttings that have given roots are planted in pots for the winter, and in the spring they are planted in open ground.

When cuttings, there is a high probability that your pet will delight you with its flowering in the first year.

Propagation of garden hibiscus by dividing the bush is more suitable for herbaceous varieties. By the way, dividing the rhizome is a necessary technique for caring for herbaceous species to maintain high-quality flowering. This is one of the fastest, most convenient methods of reproduction.

In early spring, carefully dig up a 3-4 year old bush with a pitchfork and divide the rhizome with a knife or shovel. As a rule: one trunk - one separate plant. When dividing older bushes, 2-3 trunks are allowed per new specimen.

Sprinkle the sections with ash or crushed coal.

The resulting parts of the rhizome should be planted immediately. Well-watered planting holes with nutrient soil must be prepared in advance.

We fill the rhizomes with soil, compact the surface, and water again. After two weeks, you can carry out the first nitrogen fertilizing. With this care, separated bushes quickly sprout and delight their owners with flowering already in the first season after planting.

Reproduction by layering and the grafting method should be left to professionals, since these methods will require not only skills and knowledge, but also special tools, patience, composure, which are not always compatible with amateur gardeners. Especially when you need fast, reliable results.

Pruning hibiscus in autumn or spring, when is best?

It is important to know how pruning affects garden hibiscus, when to do it, and whether it is needed at all.

They say that young bushes should not be pruned. But that's not true. Needs to be trimmed! You need to start doing this as early as possible in order to give the plant shape, splendor, and increase flowering. After all, flower buds are formed only on young shoots.

Regular spring pruning is essential annual maintenance. It is also called hygienic or stimulating. It is recommended to carry out such pruning starting in February, until the bushes or trees wake up and until sap flow begins. Don’t be afraid to cut off the excess; last year’s shoots need to be mercilessly shortened by 1/3 of their length. Your pet will thank you with an abundance of flower buds.
Anti-aging pruning of hibiscus in the fall is carried out on adult specimens. For example, your bush has reached a huge size or has become too thick. Cut out old dry branches, thin out the plant, leaving only the main skeletal ones.

Landscape designers advise leaving the central branch longer than the others. The crown shape will be more attractive.

For a tree-like representative, you can shape the crown by pruning, for example, make it spherical.

Regular anti-aging pruning (once every 3 years) will strengthen the skeleton of a shrub or tree.

What is hibiscus, the types of which were described above, you learned, got acquainted with the rules of caring for it, and the features of pruning. Now you can decide which variety your garden is missing and feel free to buy yourself a Chinese beauty.

Hibiscus - signs, superstitions, traditions

There are also interesting facts that cannot be ignored.

This flower is said to have magical powers.

Someone calls it the flower of love - supposedly it gives a huge amount of energy that can resurrect a departed love or ignite a new one in the family where it grows.

Oddly enough, there is a scientific explanation for this: the nectar of the flower is an aphrodisiac, so it may well strengthen family relationships.

And doctors say that everyone should have hibiscus at home or in the garden, beneficial features which is precisely in its exquisite aroma, containing phytoncides that suppress some carcinogens.

Well, the second one is loud popular name- This is a garden hibiscus - the flower of death. Why? There are several reasons.

There is a legend that if a hibiscus blooms at the wrong time and gets out of rhythm, then you are in for trouble.

Also, a withering, drying plant supposedly foreshadows serious illness one of the family members where he grows up.

All this, of course, is superstition. Believe it or not is everyone's business.

No matter what superstitions tell us, it is impossible to refuse to grow a beautiful flower.

Exist interesting traditions related to hibiscus different countries peace. It is very interesting. For example, this plant is the national flower of several countries - Haiti, South Korea, Malaysia.

And the Filipinos use it to make the base for soap bubbles, crushing foliage and flowers to obtain a sticky liquid.

The hibiscus flower is traditionally worn on the head of Hawaiian girls and women. Moreover, if the flower is in the hair on the left, it means that the woman is not free. And if the flower is on the right, then this person is open to relationships.

Plant your own garden hibiscus! Care and reproduction does not require much effort. There are a huge number of species and varieties. The color scheme will satisfy even the most demanding landscape designer. This wonderful plant will decorate your garden for many years, making it unique and amazing.

Garden hibiscus - photo

Summer Storm Fire ball
Royal James

The popularity of the blue chiffon variety (Hibiscus syriacus blue chiffon) among lovers of decorative flowers is explained by its unpretentiousness in maintenance and beautiful flowers. This winter-hardy species can be grown in open ground and is rightfully considered the most beautiful among the many types of garden hibiscus.

Appearance of the plant

This the delicate plant is a shrub 2 m high or a small tree reaching a height of 5 m, and during flowering strewn with double, intense blue flowers with ragged edges and a bright purple center. The glossy leaves are oval in shape, and the bud sizes are from 10 to 15 cm.

Origin of the rose

Landing location

The choice of planting site for this variety of hibiscus should be approached with all responsibility. The life expectancy and beauty of the flowers depend on where the shrub is planted:

  1. The place for planting seedlings must be protected from wind and drafts.
  2. It is necessary to provide the plant with good lighting.
  3. It is important to analyze the proximity to other flowers and trees. The Syrian rose chiffon does not like the close presence of other garden inhabitants, with the exception of roses of various varieties.
  4. Before planting, be sure to add a thick drainage layer to the bottom of the hole to prevent accumulations. large quantity moisture around the roots.
  5. If the location is chosen correctly, garden hibiscus will decorate your garden plot for up to 15 years.


The flower prefers light, moisture-permeable soil. Before planting, the top layer of garden soil should be mixed with peat and sand, and for better rooting of the seedling, a layer of compost should be placed above the drainage.


The plant should be watered regularly, preventing the soil from drying out. During the dry period, the soil around the hibiscus needs to be loosened so that the moisture does not evaporate. If the summer is hot, you will have to water every day.


Flower buds of this species of hibiscus are formed at a temperature of 15-17°C. Comfortable temperature are 25-29oC. The main advantage of Syrian mallow is considered to be resistance to heat and frost.

Reference. When growing Syrian hibiscus Blue Chiffon in greenhouses after buds begin to form, the bush should not be moved or rotated.


Garden hibiscus is a branched shrub and needs pruning in spring. Plant pruning has different purposes..

  1. Formative pruning is done to give the flower the desired shape. To ensure uniform growth of young shoots and create a lush crown, weak and damaged branches should be removed.
  2. To get hibiscus in the form of a tree strewn with blue flowers, you need to be patient and annually cut off the side shoots, leaving the main trunk. The crown is shortened in early spring for several buds.
  3. Hygienic pruning is necessary to obtain abundant flowering and growth of ketmia. Last year's shoots should be shortened by one third. This procedure increases the number of buds set.
  4. A rejuvenating haircut helps an overgrown old bush to throw out many young shoots. To do this, the plant should be thinned out by removing old and dead branches, and the rest should be shortened by 2-4 buds.

Pruning the bush stimulates the growth of new greenery and increases the lifespan of the plant.


Blue chiffon is replanted, like a garden hibiscus, in early spring, immediately after pruning.

  1. The hole should be spacious so that the roots do not rest against an obstacle, but are freely located in the loose soil.
  2. At the bottom you need to pour a thick drainage layer and compost.
  3. The bush should be placed so that the root collar is slightly covered with soil, then cover the roots with soil intended for roses.

The flower needs to be watered abundantly throughout the season and next year it will delight its owners with flowering.

If replanting is done in the fall, the bush must be protected from frost by mulching and covering the plant.


Blue Chiffon is winter hardy- resistant to frost and winters well in our latitudes. Only young specimens need shelter. Adult plants can withstand short-term temperature drops to -20°C. If the region has harsh and long winters, then the flower must be covered at any age. Some gardeners grow mallow in large tubs and put the bushes in cool rooms for the winter.


The most the easy way propagation of the Syrian rose Blue Chiffon involves rooting cuttings. They are cut in late spring or summer and immediately planted in pots filled with a mixture of sand and peat. With abundant watering, the cuttings take root within a month.

Propagation by seeds is more troublesome, since in order to obtain seedlings it is necessary to maintain a temperature of 25°C. The seeds are planted in a container filled with a mixture of peat and sand and covered with glass. Crops must be periodically ventilated and sprayed. After 4-5 leaves appear, the seedlings can be planted in pots. With this propagation method, flowering occurs in the fifth year.

Diseases and pests

"Blue Chiffon" is resistant to diseases and insect attacks. With prolonged drought and infrequent watering, the weakening tree can be attacked by aphids, whiteflies or spider mites. To cope with the problem, you need to treat the plant with an insecticide twice with an interval of 7-10 days. To avoid the falling of buds and leaves, it is necessary to feed the rose with complex mineral fertilizers. In order to repel aphids, many gardeners plant lavender next to chiffon hibiscus.

Top dressing

In order for this variety of Syrian rose to bloom long and abundantly, the plant needs to be fed every 2-3 weeks. Representatives of the chiffon series prefer phosphorus fertilizers. To help your pet survive the winter better, potassium fertilizers should be applied at the end of autumn.

The most common fertilizer containing potassium is ash.

Similarities with other colors

Hibiscus Syrian Blue Chiffon has some external similarities with other garden flowers:

  1. Calistegia terry is a herbaceous perennial climbing plant with beautiful velvety flowers.
  2. Chinese rose intended for indoor breeding.
  3. climbing rose looks good next to a lush ketmia bush.
  4. Mallow 1-2 summer plant, does not tolerate low temperatures.
  5. Stockrose– a variety of mallow, reaches a height of 2 m.

The Syrian hibiscus variety Blue Chiffon is one of the most beautiful flowers among the amazing variety of representatives of the mallow family. With proper care and care, it will give its owners many unforgettable moments with its aesthetic appearance.

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Hibiscus Syrian "Blue Chiffon"(Hibiscus syriacus "Blue Chiffon"). Beautiful flowering shrub. Perennial deciduous shrub 1-2.5 m high; leaves are dark green, oval, trilobed, with rounded or jagged edges; massive flowers - from 8 to 15 cm in diameter; flowering period - July-October; There can be up to 100 flowers on a bush at the same time. Hibiscus loves sunny places, but a protected location from winds and drafts. tolerates urban pollution well; can be grown in containers.
Hibiscus Syrian or Syrian rose is one of the most popular flowering plants. It has more than 500 species and is grown literally all over the world. Hibiscus has become so popular due to its practical unpretentiousness and extreme decorativeness. Syrian hibiscus fills the entire garden with blooms from summer to mid-autumn - during the flowering period, one bush can have up to 100 flowers at the same time. Depending on the variety, flowers can have completely different colors. In addition, hibiscus plants have varying degrees of terryness. In gardening, they are used to create hedges and foliage compositions, grown in flower beds and even containers. They are considered one of the best decorations for home entrances and garden plots, so we advise you to purchase several copies to get a dense floral corner near your house.

Hibiscus SYRIACUS "BLUE SATIN" - Syrian Hibiscus "Blue Satin".

Description: Hibiscus is a large genus of plants in the Malvaceae family. According to various sources, it includes from 150 to 200-220 species, some sources indicate up to 300. Hibiscus are found wild and cultivated. Mainly shrubs and trees. There are also perennial and annual herbs. Distributed in the Old and New Worlds, in the subtropics and tropics. They are bred by gardeners in harsh continental climates.

The leaves are more or less notched, petiolate. The flowers of most types of hibiscus are large, graceful, with brightly colored corollas. The fruit is in the form of a capsule, divided into 5 leaves, containing many seeds, covered with fluff or fibers, or smooth.

Southeast Asia is considered the homeland of hibiscus, but they grow freely in Africa and America. In America, they form entire thickets, lushly covered with flowers, in wet floodplain meadows. Because of their great love for moisture, they are called “swamp mallow.” In Hawaii, hibiscus is considered the national plant, called “the flower of beautiful women.” In Brazil, hibiscus diophyta grows, called “princess earrings.” It has split petals and a long peduncle on which it sways gracefully, truly reminiscent of an exquisite earring.

Interesting: Hibiscus in the places where they grow serve not only for decorative purposes. Young leaves and shoots are eaten as vegetables. Seeds, leaves, fruits, roots are used in medicine. The seeds are used to make necklaces. The flowers are used to make black hair dye and purple dye for the food industry. Pieces of dry fruits of Hibiscus sabdariffa are an indispensable component of fruit teas. It goes on sale under the names “Hibiscus tea”, “Mallow tea”, “Sudanese rose”, “Hibiscus”.

Our best known cultivated one is indoor plant Chinese rose hibiscus (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis), or Chinese rose from South-East Asia. Edible hibiscus (Hibiscus esculentus), or okra, is grown as a vegetable herb in the southern regions. In areas with temperate climate okra can be grown in greenhouses and greenhouses.

Syrian hibiscus is an unpretentious perennial tree shrub. When grown in open ground, it is a medium-sized deciduous shrub 1.5 - 2 (3) m high and 1 -1.5 m wide. Tolerates winters down to -25 °C. Preparation for wintering - pruning. If desired, you can cover it like roses. It can not only overwinter at home, but also be grown there. Flowering - magnificent, exotic-looking, large up to 12 cm, very attractive single flowers, similar to mallow flowers. Blooms from late June to late September.

Benefit: In ancient times, teas from the plant were used as a bactericidal, anticonvulsant, choleretic and diuretic. Hibiscus is indispensable for the treatment of weeping ulcers. Leaves and flowers are used in folk medicine, seeds - as a coffee substitute, this type of hibiscus is also grown as an industrial crop to obtain plant fiber.

Care: Warm plant humid climate, requires long daylight hours for flowering. Bright diffused light is preferable, in spring and summer without direct sunlight. In the autumn-winter period there is good lighting, direct rays are allowed.

The temperature is moderate, in the spring-summer period +18..+22°C. Autumn-winter period - +14..+16°C, at temperatures below +10°C it can shed leaves.

During the growing season and flowering, watering should be plentiful as the top layer of the substrate dries. In the autumn-winter period, watering is moderate, two to three days after the top layer of soil has dried. When the plant is kept (in winter) at temperatures below +14°C, the soil is kept moderately moist. When watering, do not allow the substrate to dry out or become excessively waterlogged.

Air humidity does not play a significant role, but it is advisable to spray the plants, especially during flowering. This procedure is also a preventive measure against spider mites.

Feed with complete mineral fertilizer, alternating it with liquid mullein (1 part infusion to 10 parts water). Hibiscus feeding is carried out from spring to mid-August once a week; during the rest of the year - once a month, only with phosphorus and potassium in half the dose.

Young plants are replanted annually in the spring. Adults migrate once every three to four years. Prefers loose sandy loam with humus, but can adapt to any soil.

During the dormant period from November to February optimal temperature is +14..+16°С, good lighting, moderate watering. It can overwinter in a pruned state - in the fall, watering the plants is gradually reduced to a minimum and the leaves are allowed to fall, and then the stems are cut off, leaving stubs of 7-8 centimeters. In this state, the hibiscus will overwinter in a cool place (+10..+12°C) - to prevent the roots from drying out, the soil of the hibiscus is slightly moistened from time to time.

Hibiscus grows quickly and blooms from spring to fall. In indoor floriculture it is valued for its beauty and unpretentiousness. Over the years, the bush becomes large, spreading with a lush crown, and is great for decorating spacious halls, foyers, winter gardens, and offices.

Reproduction: The seeds are soaked for a day in warm water with the addition of stimulating drugs (zircon, epin, etc.). In small pots, a layer of drainage is poured at the bottom, and then a layer of slightly acidic or neutral, light, loose soil. Seeds are sown in the soil and lightly covered, moistened with a spray bottle, covered with film and germinated in the light, but not in the sun, at a temperature of 25-30°C. The seedlings need ventilation. It is necessary to avoid waterlogging and drying out of crops.

Seeds germinate quite quickly, within a few days. Seedlings dive at the stage of 2-3 true leaves.

The tropics gave us a wonderful flower shrub called “Hibiscus”. These low-growing trees belong to the Malvaceae family, of which there are about 300 species. Thanks to the efforts of breeders in natural conditions There are already about 500 varieties of hibiscus, which differ in the form of development.

1. Description of garden hibiscus

Garden hibiscus is native to the Hawaiian Islands and thrives in many places in Africa and Asia. In Russia, they take root well in the southern regions, and if the summer is rainy and gloomy, then the flowers will not set, and even if they appear, they can quickly fall off. In such cases, it is recommended to grow non-double varieties; they are more hardy and take root better. A hibiscus bush lives for 20 years or more.

Externally, the lush shrub looks attractive, which is hung with bright blooming two-centimeter bells. The leaves are dark green, veined and slightly wavy along the edges. Hibiscus flowers perfectly decorate the garden and blaze in a variety of shades: white, pink, purple, bright red, yellow, bright crimson, lilac, as well as a two-color variation. The flowering period is from the beginning of summer until mid-September (in Crimea).

2. Selecting a location and planting garden hibiscus

The place for planting garden hibiscus should be sunny, sufficiently protected from winds and without drafts. Garden hibiscus prefers soil that is loose, well fertilized, free of snow, and well warmed by the sun. Garden hibiscus prefers good soil drainage. The soil should not for a long time wet, as this can lead to rotting of the roots. If you decide to grow in large tubs with drainage capacity and sufficiently fertile soil. The tubs should not then be moved from place to place or even turned around.

And now about the landing sequence:

1. We plant garden hibiscus seedlings in a moistened hole that is 2.5 times the size of the root ball.
2. Fill it well, cover it with compost and compact the soil.
3. Form a watering circle and water with warm water.

3. Caring for garden hibiscus

The main goal in care is for the hibiscus to bloom profusely, so you need to stick to experienced flower growers the following tips:

1 Correct and timely pruning (at least once every two years).

2. Uniform and not abundant watering. In hot summers, daily watering is allowed.

3. Fertilizing with phosphorus-containing fertilizers once every two weeks.

4. Before the onset of winter, potassium fertilizer is necessary.

5. Constant loosening and removal of weeds.

6. Withered flowers need to be removed after flowering, then the next one will appear in this place.

4. Hibiscus propagation

Hibiscus can be propagated by cuttings, layering (for herbaceous hibiscus), dividing bushes and seeds. It is good to take mature shrubs that have already been adapted to local conditions for at least three years. The first method is more acceptable and popular. Cuttings can be cut all summer long, but they should have two or three nodes. Sprouts from thickened bushes that have reached a height of more than 20 cm can be used as cuttings.

After cutting, it is necessary to treat it with a drug that stimulates growth acceleration. The cuttings take root within a month, but strictly remember that you only need to water with warm water. With the onset of cool weather, transplant it into a container with fertile soil and bring it to a warm place, or plant it for protection where there are many trees or wrap it in white non-woven material. Spruce branches will also do.

Propagation by seeds is a troublesome business, and it will take at least four years for the young plants to bloom. First, in January, you need to sow seeds for seedlings in special seedling troughs, the room temperature should not be 25 C, cover the top with glass and moisten from time to time with a spray bottle. Young sprouts should not be touched until 3 strong leaves appear, then pick them into individual pots.

Grow hibiscus as container plants for three years. Syrian and trifoliate varieties of hibiscus can be sown directly into the soil as an annual plant at the end of April or beginning of May, and they will be able to please you already at the beginning of September.

Many gardeners with experience also propagate by dividing the bush. It is better to carry out the work in the spring, when there is no longer snow. It is recommended to divide bushes, only those that have at least 2-3 stems. When carrying out this operation, you need to stock up on a sharp knife, pruning shears or saw.

First, dig up a bush, free the rhizome from the earthen clod, and then use a knife to separate the trunks so that each has its own roots. If it happens that there are a lot of trunks (about 10 pieces), it is very difficult to separate everything individually; in such cases, you can leave paired ones.

Finally, cut off the thin and crushed parts of the roots with pruning shears and plant them in the dug holes. Pour 1/2 a bucket of compost, a little sand into the bottom of the holes, add water and dig in.

5. Types and varieties of garden hibiscus

Garden hibiscus is represented mainly by varieties of Syrian hibiscus, but other plant species, as well as their varieties, are also grown in cultivation.
Syrian hibiscus (Hibiscus syriacus), it comes from China and not from Syria, in nature it reaches a height of up to six meters. Flowers have different colors. Cultivated hibiscus has a height of up to two meters. The form of the plant is bushy and standard.

The most popular varieties:
1. Diana is a gorgeous shrub with white flowers with a flower diameter of 12 cm.

2. Vayelit Ilar Double is a very strong shrub. Flowers double or semi-double blue or purple with a reddish tint in the middle.

3. Woodbridge Hibiscus is a spreading plant with pink or ruby ​​red flowers.

4. Hibiscus Blue Satin is a new variety, colored cornflower blue or lavender. The petals are slightly corrugated.

5. Hibiscus Duc de Brabant - reaches two meters in height, has expressively soft pink flowers that bloom for a long time and abundantly. Loves abundant watering and gentle sun.

6. How to winter hibiscus

Garden or Syrian hibiscus in the middle zone needs shelter, and where there are severe winters, it is better to dig them up, plant them in a large pot or other convenient container and place them in the basement, and in the spring plant them again on the site in open ground. If winter in your area does not exceed -10 C and you decide to leave the bush for the winter, then you should build a protective hut from frame rods covered with agrotex.

During a mild winter, it is enough to cover it with spruce branches in two layers, then the snow will not come into close contact with the above-ground part of the plant, then air will flow in and the roots will not dry out. There is also another convenient way to cover the tree: tie it with a rope, put on a sackcloth bag and surround it with spruce branches.

We must not forget that mice hide under shelters, eat the bark and the plants die. Therefore, it is necessary to put some herbs around the bushes, plants that mice cannot tolerate: wormwood, chamomile and elderberry branches. Baits and mousetraps are useful in these cases.

7. Interesting facts about hibiscus

1. In Hawaii, it is considered the flower of love, branches with bright blooming flowers give to a loved one.
2. Garden hibiscus in southern places loves the proximity of lavender, it protects it from aphid attacks.
3. In Korea, hibiscus is depicted on the coat of arms and is a symbol of the state.
4. In India, hibiscus is added to wedding wreaths.
5. In Burma, hibiscus is believed to have magical qualities, especially related to love affairs.
6. Tea prepared in the homeland of hibiscus is very useful and is used in the production of Hibiscus and Sudanese Rose teas.
7. Black hair dye is made from hibiscus flowers.

Love hibiscus, plant it in your dachas, front gardens, garden and it will answer you with the beauty of its flowering!

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