A criminal case against the former head of the Russian border, Dmitry Bezdelov. The ex-head of Rosgranitsa, idle people, received nine years in prison for theft. Criminal case of Rosgranitsa.

After the real verdict against the former minister and friend of Gaidar Ulyukaev, criminal cases and court decisions against high-ranking officials are proceeding almost twice a week. So the Meshchansky Court of Moscow issued another gift and on December 29, 2017 found the former head of Rosgranitsa Dmitry Bezdelov guilty of fraud in the development of the state border and sentenced him to 9 years in prison in a general regime colony.

Bezdelov's case is the second corruption case in last week, in which an official appears federal level: earlier on December 25, the head of Voentelecom, Alexander Davydov, and his accomplices were detained on suspicion of large thefts. They are suspected of having stolen half a billion rubles from the state as part of government contracts with the Ministry of Defense for the supply of routers and supervision of satellite communications.

Bezdelov, like Davydov - this “promising young man” - was appointed deputy director of Rosoboronzakaz in 2005; in August 2008, with the accession of Dmitry Medvedev to the presidency, Bezdelov headed Rosgranitsa. He worked there happily until October 2012, when, in the midst of the Rosoboronservice affair, he “got burned” by missing the deadlines for the delivery of facilities that were supposed to be opened for the 2012 APEC summit in Vladivostok. At a meeting of the board of Rosgranitsa, Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin promised the official “fun days.” And in 2013, an audit commission began working in Rosgranitsa, which revealed “serious violations in its activities.” Based on the results of the inspection in September 2013, the Investigation Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs opened a criminal case under Part 4 of Art. 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (“Fraud in special large size") in connection with the theft of budget funds during the reconstruction of the Adler railway checkpoint in Krasnodar region in 2009-2010. According to investigators, from September 2009 to May 2013, members of the criminal community stole and legalized budget funds in the amount of 1 billion 176 million rubles, allocated for the design, reconstruction, construction, equipment and other arrangement of checkpoints across the state border.

Later, the amount of damage was reduced to 490 million rubles. Some of them, according to investigative authorities, ended up in the accounts of the Agrosoyuz bank, one of the co-owners of which (19% of the authorized capital) in 2010 was the father of the head of Rosgranitsa, Alexander Bezdelov (he left the board of directors of the bank in 2014). According to investigators, Bezdelov, together with the head of the Federal State Institution “Directorate for the Construction and Operation of Rosgranitsa Facilities” Oleg Senkevich and the head of the Department for the Development of State Border Facilities and Administration of the Rosgranitsa Checkpoints Danila Vavilov, created a criminal community with the aim of stealing budget funds. Persons involved in the case are also the former deputy head of Rosgranitsa Boris Khaitovich, ex-head of the Federal State Institution “Directorate for the Construction and Operation of Rosgranitsa Facilities” Sergei Sazonov, his deputy Sergei Kozlenkov, director of CJSC “Valuable Council” Evgeniy Chaika, former director Terminal CJSC Zurab Katamadze, entrepreneur Nikolai Afinogenov, and Alexander Kazartsev.

Things took an ugly turn, but then, as we remember from Serdyukov and Vasilyeva, the “bloody regime” was not too bloody and on October 21, 2013, Bezdelov Jr. quickly scribbled a statement “of his own free will,” immediately rushing to Italy for “rest and treatment."

There, on December 9 of the same year, he was caught by a resolution of the Investigative Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia to bring Bezdelov as a defendant under Part 4 of Art. 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Later, the ex-official was additionally charged under Art. 210 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (“Participation in a criminal community”), and in the fall of 2014, an episode of theft during the reconstruction of the Pogranichny automobile checkpoint in the Primorsky Territory was added to the case.

Of course, he denied all accusations against him and stated that he was not going to hide from law enforcement and is ready to contact representatives of the investigation, but from Italy and by phone. The investigation was not satisfied with this case, and on December 13, 2013, due to another failure to appear for questioning, he was put on the federal wanted list, and on May 7, 2014, on the international wanted list. On June 24, 2014, the Tver court chose a preventive measure in the form of detention against the former official.

Despite tensions with the West, the Italians did not cover up the accused, and on October 26, 2014, Dmitry Bezdelov was detained by local police at the Palladium Palace Hotel in Rome. A year later - on October 2, 2015 - the Court of Appeal of Rome granted the request of the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation and decided to extradite the former head of Rosgranitsa to Russia. On April 5, 2016, Italian authorities extradited Bezdelov to the Russian Federation.

After revealing all the circumstances of the case, on February 2, 2016, Vladimir Putin signed a decree “On the abolition of the Federal Agency for the Development of the State Border Russian Federation", and the Tagansky Court of Moscow passed sentences against Vavilov and Belousov, who admitted their guilt and entered into a pre-trial agreement with the investigation. Danila Vavilov was sentenced to 4 years in prison for fraud on an especially large scale, Belousov - to 3 years in prison. In relation to Sergei Sazonov, Boris Khaitovich, Zurab Katamadze and Evgeniy Chaika, the court chose a preventive measure in the form of detention, Nikolai Anfinogenov, Sergei Kozlenkov and Alexander Kazartsev - under recognizance not to leave.

In July 2016, the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation approved an indictment against the defendants in the case. Of these, only Alexander Kazartsev admitted his partial guilt; the rest, including Dmitry Bezdelov, declared non-involvement in the crimes charged against them. According to the lawyer of the former head of Rosgranitsa, work on the arrangement of the border crossing in the Adler area was completed, following the results of the proceedings in arbitration courts initiated by Bezdelov, about 823 million rubles were returned to the treasury from unscrupulous contractors. with an initial contract price of about 1 billion 100 million rubles.

On January 31 of this year, the matter reached Bezdelov himself. The Moscow Meshchansky Court combined the criminal cases against him and his accomplices into one proceeding. As a result, all defendants received real sentences ranging from 2 to 9 years.

The second case that has yet to be brought to court is the case of the general director of Voentelecom JSC Alexander Davydov. According to the investigation materials, the leaders of Voentelecom, when concluding contracts with the Ministry of Defense, used various schemes to significantly inflate the cost of products, as well as receive double payment for the provision of services. So, for example, for one router military department paid a million rubles, while its market value did not exceed 350 thousand. By tradition, the business was a family one - the software supplier was Emzior LLC, controlled by the defendants, and the intellectual owner of these developments was the Emzior Technology company, which is headed by Native sister Alexandra Davydova. According to preliminary estimates, Voentelecom top managers stole more than 460 million rubles in just two contracts.

In early December, the first deputy general director of Voentelecom JSC, Oleg Savitsky, and the company’s financial director, Evgeny Zhilkov, were arrested on similar charges. In addition, former adviser to the general director of the joint-stock company Dmitry Semiletov was detained in his apartment in the capital. The searches took place in the office of the head of the Voentelecom support department, Denis Starovoitov. As a result of investigative actions, law enforcement officers seized documents from the Voentelecom office.

It is difficult to say how much longer this trend of defeating corrupt organized crime groups in the ranks of federal officials will last. Let's hope that this will become not only a New Year's tradition, but also the harsh everyday life of our investigative agencies, because nothing has a greater effect on crime prevention than the inevitability of punishment. And until recently, we weren’t doing very well with this, to put it mildly. Moreover, Vasilyeva’s suspended sentences or less than a month in prison gave rise to the rise in popularity of political crooks like Navalny. What is also noteworthy is that in the Rosgranitsa case, most of the stolen property was returned to the state. I would like to believe that such stories will delight us in 2018.

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Moscow. 27th October. website - The Meshchansky Court of Moscow returned to the prosecutor's office a criminal case about the theft of budget 490 million rubles allocated for the improvement of Russian border, the lawyer of one of the accused, Alkhas Abgadzhava, told Interfax.

“Today the court granted the request of lawyer Svetlana Belova, who is defending Alexander Kazartsev by appointment, and finally returned the case to the prosecutor’s office. The court agreed that the case against our clients should be combined into one proceeding with the case of Bezdelov (former head of Rosgranitsa Dmitry Bezdelov - IF )," Abgadzhava said on Thursday.

According to him, earlier the defense repeatedly asked the court to return the case to the prosecutor's office, in particular, he himself made a similar petition four times, including on the grounds voiced by his colleague.

“After Bezdelov’s extradition to Russia, both cases should have been combined, and only then sent to court together. Instead, investigative actions began to be carried out on him, and our case was pushed to court as quickly as possible,” Abgadzhava said.

The lawyer explained that the indictment in the case states that it was Bezdelov who organized the crime, that is, he is the main defendant.

“If they had combined the cases, then all of our clients who were in custody should have been released, since their arrest terms were running out. But the court extended their arrest, and while the case is under further investigation, they will remain there.” , says Abgadzhava.

The decision to return the case can be appealed by the prosecutor's office, Abgadzhava noted.

Rosgranitsa case

In the dock were the former deputy head of the Federal Agency for the Development of the State Border of the Russian Federation Boris Khaitovich, the former head of the Federal State Institution "Directorate for the Construction and Operation of Rosgranitsa Facilities" (Rosgranstroya) Sergei Sazonov, his deputy Sergei Kozlenkov, director of CJSC "Valuable Council" Evgeniy Chaika, former director Terminal CJSC Zurab Katamadze and businessman Nikolai Afinogenov, as well as Alexander Kazartsev, who partially admitted guilt. The remaining defendants declare their non-involvement in the crimes charged against them.

Depending on the role and degree of participation, the defendants are accused of participation in a criminal community, fraud and money laundering obtained from crime.

According to the investigation, the former head of Rosgranitsa Dmitry Bezdelov, together with the head of the Federal State Institution "Directorate for the Construction and Operation of Rosgranitsa Facilities" Senkevich and the head of the Department for the Development of State Border Facilities and the Administration of the Rosgranitsa Checkpoints Danila Vavilov (convicted by the Tagansky Court of Moscow in a special order, that is, he fully admitted his guilt) created a criminal community.

To implement the plan, Bezdelov attracted his deputy Khaitovich, the heads of Rosgranstroi Senkevich and Sazonov, their deputy Kozlenkov, as well as general directors controlled commercial organizations.

From September 2009 to May 2013, the accused stole and legalized cash for a total amount of more than 490 million rubles, according to the investigation. The defendants are recognized as defendants in a civil lawsuit filed by the insurance company National Insurance Group. Claim for 823 million rubles.

As reported, Bezdelov was put on the federal wanted list in December 2013, and on the international wanted list in May 2014. In October 2014, he was detained in Italy. A month later, the Prosecutor General's Office of Russia sent a request for his extradition to the competent authorities of this state, which was granted in March 2016. On April 5, the ex-official was extradited to the Russian Federation.

The Moscow City Court extended his arrest until December 5. According to investigators, the ex-head of Rosgoranitsa is charged with theft of 1.1 billion rubles. He does not admit his guilt.

Former agency leaders have been sentenced.

The Moscow Meshchansky Court rendered a verdict in a high-profile case of the theft of about 500 million rubles allocated from the budget for the improvement of the border. The ex-head of the Federal Agency for the Development of the State Border of the Russian Federation (Rosgranitsy) Dmitry Bezdelov, his former subordinates and businessmen, according to investigators, inflated the volume of work and prices for them, and appropriated the difference. The court found all the defendants guilty. Bezdelov received 9 years in a general regime colony, his accomplices received from 2 to 8 years.

The Meshchansky Court completed the trial in the case of the former head of Rosgranitsa Dmitry Bezdelov, his deputy Boris Khaitovich, the head of the Federal State Institution “Directorate for the Construction and Operation of Rosgranitsa Facilities” (Rosgranstroy) Sergei Sazonov, his deputy Sergei Kozlenkov, the head of CJSC Rostransstroy Alexander Kazartsev, as well as businessmen Evgeny Chaika, Zurab Katamadze and Nikolai Anfinogenov. The criminal case was opened by the investigative department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in September 2013, and was based on the results of an operational inspection carried out by employees of the Main Directorate for Economic Security and Combating of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the FSB.

According to investigators, from September 2009 to May 2013, the persons involved in the investigation stole and legalized 490 million rubles allocated from the budget for the construction and reconstruction of six road and railway checkpoints - “Adler” in the Krasnodar Territory, “Pogranichny” in the Primorsky Territory , “Kyakhta” in Buryatia, “Nizhneleninskoye” in the Jewish Autonomous Region, “Vyborg” and “Zabaikalsk”. To achieve this, prices for building materials and the volume of work performed were inflated.

It should be noted that the head of the department capital construction and exploitation of Rosgranitsa Danila Vavilov, who entered into a pre-trial cooperation agreement, was sentenced in March 2016 by the Tagansky District Court of Moscow to four years in prison for fraud. Another defendant, Oleg Senkevich, who also held a senior position in Rosgranstroi, did not come to the preliminary hearing in the case, and he was put on the wanted list.

Rosgranitsa was liquidated even before the investigation was completed - President Vladimir Putin transferred the functions of this agency to the Ministry of Transport.

Based on the results of the investigation, the investigation charged all defendants with Part 4 of Art. 259 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (fraud on an especially large scale). For three members of the group, another article was added to this article - participation in an organized criminal community (OCC) (Article 210 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).

The investigation considers the fugitive to be the organizer of the criminal group. for a long time abroad of the former head of the agency Dmitry Bezdelov. In this regard, his case was separated into separate proceedings. In April 2016, the former head of the department was extradited from Italy. Later, the court merged the cases of Bezdelov and his accomplices.

It was Dmitry Bezdelov, according to the investigation, who, wanting to steal money, together with Oleg Senkevich and Danila Vavilov, created a criminal community. After this, Bezdelov involved his deputy Boris Khaitovich in criminal activities, as well as a number of senior employees of Rosgranstroi and general directors of controlled commercial organizations.

During the debate between the parties, the prosecutor's office asked to sentence Dmitry Bezdelov to 10 years in prison, Boris Khaitovich to 9 years, and the rest of the defendants to 3 to 8 years. The defendants and their lawyers insisted on an acquittal.

As a result, the court found all the defendants in the case guilty and sentenced Dmitry Bezdelov to 9 years in a general regime colony, and for the other defendants in the case from 2 to 8 years in a general regime colony. It should be noted that the court dropped the charge of criminal association, since the prosecutor’s office abandoned it during the debate between the parties. And only Boris Khaitovich was charged with laundering stolen property - the rest of the defendants were acquitted under this article. At the same time, the court did not satisfy the civil claim of the injured party, leaving it for consideration in civil proceedings.

The defense said it would appeal the verdict.

In March 2015, the Prosecutor General's Office accused the Federal Agency for the Development of the State Border (Rosgranitsa) of wastefulness in organizing business trips, the lack of equal conditions of remuneration, and even the fact that the general geographical map of Russia does not contain marks of the borders of two constituent entities of the Russian Federation - Crimea and Sevastopol.

Former head of the Federal Agency for State Border Development (Rosgranitsa)

Bezdelov Dmitry Alexandrovich


Born September 11, 1970; in 1995 he graduated from the Russian Economic Academy named after. G.V. Plekhanov with a degree in Social and Economic Planning; in 1998 received an academic degree of Candidate of Economic Sciences; co-authored several teaching aids on personnel management;

in 2002-2003 worked as the chief advisor to the service of Gazkomplektimpex LLC;

in 2003-2005 served as advisor to the general director of OJSC Air Defense Concern Almaz-Antey;

in 2005-2008 worked as deputy director Federal service for defense orders; By order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated August 5, 2008, he was appointed head of the Federal Agency for the Development of the State Border of the Russian Federation (resignation on October 21, 2013).

The Federal Agency for the Development of the State Border of the Russian Federation (Rosgranitsa) was created by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of October 11, 2007. The functions of Rosgranitsa include the determination and implementation of state policy for the development of the state border of the Russian Federation, the creation, development and maintenance of checkpoints across the state border Russian Federation and its intersections, as well as the functions of the state customer in this area.

The activities of the Federal Agency for the Development of the State Border of the Russian Federation are managed by the Government of the Russian Federation.

Compromising evidence

The ex-head of Rosgranitsa tried to sell a meter of the state border

The Court of Appeal of Rome made a decision on extradition to the Russian Federation former head Federal Agency for State Border Development (Rosgranitsa) Dmitry Bezdelov. This decision will be officially announced in the next few days, but the Russian authorities have already been notified of it. In his homeland, Bezdelov is accused by the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs of embezzling budget funds and organizing a criminal community. The consideration of the Russian Federation's request for the extradition of Dmitry Bezdelov began in the Italian courts back in February 2015 and lasted for seven months due to the fact that the servants of Themis, who thoroughly examined this issue, asked both the defense and the prosecution to provide the maximum number of documents. The decisive meeting took place in September, and an investigator from the Investigative Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, which is in charge of the theft case in Rosgranitsa, even arrived from Moscow.

The Italian prosecutor's office has agreed to extradite the former head of Rosgranitsa

Dmitry Bezdelov is accused of embezzling 1 billion rubles. The Italian prosecutor's office in the appeal court in Rome supported the request of the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation for the extradition of the former head of the Federal Agency for the Development of the State Border (Rosgranitsa) Dmitry Bezdelov, accused of embezzling 1 billion rubles, Kommersant reports. “According to a representative of the Italian prosecutor’s office, the Russian side’s request for the extradition of Mr. Bezdelov must be satisfied,” the publication writes. According to the investigation, Bezdelov, together with his accomplices, is suspected of stealing almost 1 billion rubles from the target program “Development of the State Border of the Russian Federation for 2003-2011” with a total volume of about 150 billion rubles. In 2009, this money was allocated from the budget for the construction of a border checkpoint on the border with Abkhazia, but ultimately ended up in the accounts of Agrosoyuz Bank, the largest beneficiary of which was Bezdelov’s father.

Former agency leaders have been sentenced.

The Moscow Meshchansky Court rendered a verdict in a high-profile case of the theft of about 500 million rubles allocated from the budget for the improvement of the border. The ex-head of the Federal Agency for the Development of the State Border of the Russian Federation (Rosgranitsy) Dmitry Bezdelov, his former subordinates and businessmen, according to investigators, inflated the volume of work and prices for them, and appropriated the difference. The court found all the defendants guilty. Bezdelov received 9 years in a general regime colony, his accomplices received from 2 to 8 years.

The Meshchansky Court completed the trial in the case of the former head of Rosgranitsa Dmitry Bezdelov, his deputy Boris Khaitovich, the head of the Federal State Institution “Directorate for the Construction and Operation of Rosgranitsa Facilities” (Rosgranstroy) Sergei Sazonov, his deputy Sergei Kozlenkov, the head of CJSC Rostransstroy Alexander Kazartsev, as well as businessmen Evgeny Chaika, Zurab Katamadze and Nikolai Anfinogenov. The criminal case was opened by the investigative department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in September 2013, and was based on the results of an operational inspection carried out by employees of the Main Directorate for Economic Security and Combating of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the FSB.

According to investigators, from September 2009 to May 2013, the persons involved in the investigation stole and legalized 490 million rubles allocated from the budget for the construction and reconstruction of six road and railway checkpoints - “Adler” in the Krasnodar Territory, “Pogranichny” in the Primorsky Territory , “Kyakhta” in Buryatia, “Nizhneleninskoye” in the Jewish Autonomous Region, “Vyborg” and “Zabaikalsk”. To achieve this, prices for building materials and the volume of work performed were inflated.

It should be noted that the head of the capital construction and operation department of Rosgranitsa, Danila Vavilov, who entered into a pre-trial cooperation agreement, was sentenced in March 2016 by the Tagansky District Court of Moscow to four years in prison for fraud. Another defendant, Oleg Senkevich, who also held a senior position in Rosgranstroi, did not come to the preliminary hearing in the case, and he was put on the wanted list.

Rosgranitsa was liquidated even before the investigation was completed - President Vladimir Putin transferred the functions of this agency to the Ministry of Transport.

Based on the results of the investigation, the investigation charged all defendants with Part 4 of Art. 259 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (fraud on an especially large scale). For three members of the group, another article was added to this article - participation in an organized criminal community (OCC) (Article 210 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).

The investigation considers the former head of the agency, Dmitry Bezdelov, who was hiding abroad for a long time, to be the organizer of the criminal group. In this regard, his case was separated into separate proceedings. In April 2016, the former head of the department was extradited from Italy. Later, the court merged the cases of Bezdelov and his accomplices.

It was Dmitry Bezdelov, according to the investigation, who, wanting to steal money, together with Oleg Senkevich and Danila Vavilov, created a criminal community. After this, Bezdelov involved his deputy Boris Khaitovich in criminal activities, as well as a number of senior employees of Rosgranstroi and general directors of controlled commercial organizations.

During the debate between the parties, the prosecutor's office asked to sentence Dmitry Bezdelov to 10 years in prison, Boris Khaitovich to 9 years, and the rest of the defendants to 3 to 8 years. The defendants and their lawyers insisted on an acquittal.

As a result, the court found all the defendants in the case guilty and sentenced Dmitry Bezdelov to 9 years in a general regime colony, and for the other defendants in the case from 2 to 8 years in a general regime colony. It should be noted that the court dropped the charge of criminal association, since the prosecutor’s office abandoned it during the debate between the parties. And only Boris Khaitovich was charged with laundering stolen property - the rest of the defendants were acquitted under this article. At the same time, the court did not satisfy the civil claim of the injured party, leaving it for consideration in civil proceedings.

The defense said it would appeal the verdict.

How the case against the leaders of Rosgranitsa began

In March 2015, the Prosecutor General's Office accused the Federal Agency for the Development of the State Border (Rosgranitsa) of wastefulness in organizing business trips, the lack of equal conditions of remuneration, and even the fact that the general geographical map of Russia does not contain marks of the borders of two constituent entities of the Russian Federation - Crimea and Sevastopol.

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