Kemerovo Agrarian College named after G. P. Levin. Kemerovo Agricultural College named after. G.P. Levina

Kemerovo State Agricultural Institute - higher education educational institution agricultural profile in the city of Kemerovo. The history of the university begins in 1976, then it was a branch of the Novosibirsk Agricultural Institute. As an independent Educational establishment Kemerovo Institute has existed since 1995.

The Institute is one of the most popular specialized institutions. Training programs are provided here high school and secondary vocational education. The directions of the institute are popular in agricultural production and are in demand in the professional market.

Kemerovo Agrarian University offers training at the following faculties:

Agricultural technologies
Humanitarian and pedagogical

High-level training is provided by experienced teaching staff. Competent professional teachers produce the best specialized employees and are proud of their students. The quality of education depends 100% on these worthy people, among whom are the cream of the Russian scientific community. The skill of the institute’s teachers is unrivaled; the scientific elite of all departments of the university passes on all their knowledge to future specialists of the country’s agro-industrial complex from year to year.

Graduates of the institute deservedly occupy places in production as ordinary employees and managers. They easily and successfully climb the career ladder, thanks to hard work during their years of study and the proper level of preparation.

Students receive a variety of professions: economists, managers, accountants, agricultural engineers, livestock specialists, agronomists, technologists, teachers, commodity experts, landscape architects, machine operators, agricultural chemists, motorists. Each entering and already studying young person has the right to choose the direction and specialty with which he will have to associate your future life. Full-time, part-time and short-term education available curriculum, and distance learning at the correspondence department. The Institute provides pre-university training, post-graduate education and retraining of specialized personnel.
The educational institution opens up unlimited opportunities for students who want to engage in scientific and innovative activities. For this purpose, there is a postgraduate school leading scientific work in five directions.

The research process is represented by the work of scientific schools, scientific problem laboratories, competitions and scientific events. There is an Academic Council, a Council of Young Scientists and a scientific department, which organizes and coordinates the scientific and technical process on issues of humanitarian, agricultural and technical disciplines at the university. He also oversees the work of the postgraduate department, defense scientific works, controls the publication of monographs, articles, reports and recommendations, including implementation Scientific research in the process of study and in production conditions. To existing ones scientific directions The Institute added three new studies.
The international cooperation occupies an important position in the activities of the agricultural institute. The partners of the university are Serbia, China, Armenia, Canada, China, Tajikistan, Mongolia, Germany. In these countries, students undergo agricultural practices and agro-internships.

The management of the institute concludes agreements on mutual cooperation in the international space with universities of a similar profile and scientific communities. The exchange of experience and joint experiments brings the work of the institute to an important level of development and opens up cloudless horizons for the development of domestic scientists on the world scientific arena.

The list of partner countries is not limited to this, because continuous diplomatic work is underway to expand the list foreign countries, capable of expanding the geography of distribution of the Kemerovo Agricultural Institute.

Material and technical support fully corresponds to normal life activities and implementation educational process. Students have all the conditions, from equipped classrooms with new technology and the Internet to comfortable dormitories with laundries and study rooms.

Free time can be held in gyms, dance and vocal studios, creative clubs. The Institute publishes the newspaper “Variant” and participates in events of regional significance.

On these pages you will find training schedule Your educational institution.

The pages are created by the employee responsible for drawing up the schedule (dispatcher or deputy director for academic work), and the information presented here will be more relevant depending on how often he does this. The pages indicate update date and time information. Pages are formed in the same way as for medium special educational institutions, and for schools and primary institutions vocational education.

This page is home page and it serves to log into the system of pages on which the schedule is displayed. The text presented on this page may be changed by the educational institution at its discretion.

To view the schedule, click on the hyperlinks located in top of the page. Their purpose will be explained below.

  • Basics– the main (planned) schedule is shown for 1 or 2 weeks, depending on the traditions and specifics of the educational institution. This schedule is drawn up at the beginning of the semester (quarter) and is only a basis or plan.
  • A week– current schedule for several days. The current schedule is the actual schedule according to which the educational institution operates. The current schedule is obtained by copying the main schedule the required number of times. Then, all necessary changes related to the absence (illness, business trip) of teachers, etc. are made to the current schedule. Thus, the current schedule is the main one with changes.
  • One day– current schedule for one day. At the beginning of the day is the actual schedule for today, and in the afternoon is the schedule for tomorrow.
  • Results– results of load execution. This is especially true for educational institutions that keep records of actual training sessions. Using hyperlinks on the summary page, you can open the Activity Log, where each line represents one activity. This mode allows you to check whether the class log is filled out correctly.

For convenience, the main and current schedule on these pages is presented according to groups(classes), teachers(to teachers), audiences, for this purpose, corresponding hyperlinks are made at the top of the pages. It will be more convenient for teachers (teachers) to view the schedule in the context of teachers (teachers), and for students in the context of groups (classes). It will be interesting for the laboratory manager to assess the occupancy of classrooms by viewing the classroom schedule. The results are also grouped by groups (classes), teachers (teachers), and audiences.

All pages interconnected using hyperlinks. If in any schedule you hover the mouse over the name of the teacher (teacher), the name of the group (class), or the designation of the audience and click the left mouse button, then the schedule of the corresponding object (subject) opens, and clicking on the name of the discipline (subject) leads to Activity log.

These pages are generated automatically by the program "Express schedule", where to execute Reports - Web Publishing - Get Started. Since after formation, the pages are completely ready, to view them you only need a browser program (browser) Microsoft Internet Explorer, which is included with the Windows operating system. To share information on the local network, you need to open read access to the folder with page files (by default, this is the c:\Program Files\Express Schedule\www folder on the dispatcher’s computer).

With respect to you and hope for fruitful cooperation,
author and developer of the Express Schedule program, P.S. Batishchev.

Director of GBOU SPO "Kemerovo Agrarian College" named after. G.P. Levina
Honored Teacher of the Russian Federation Rimsha Valery Alexandrovich
In 2015, enrollment is announced for the following training programs:

Skilled workers and employees in 3 professions:
01/35/14 Master for maintenance and repair of machine and tractor fleet

- master adjuster for maintenance and repair of machine and tractor fleet - car driver (cat. “C”);
- master adjuster for maintenance and repair of machine and tractor fleet - tractor driver (cat. “C”, “E”).
Training period:
01/23/03 Auto mechanic
- car repair mechanic;
- driver of a category “B” and “C” car;
- gas station operator.
Training period: based on 9 classes - 2 years 5 months (budget)
01/23/06 Driver of road and construction machines
- single-bucket excavator driver - tractor driver (cat. “C”, “E”).
Training period: based on 9 classes - 2 years 5 months (budget)
During the period of study, students are granted a deferment from service in the ranks of the RA
Free food provided

According to training programs for mid-level specialists (full-time and part-time forms of study) in 4 specialties:
02.23.03 Maintenance and repair of motor vehicles

qualification: technician, with a working profession as a car repair mechanic
Training period:

qualification: accountant
Training period: based on 9 classes - 2 years 10 months (budget)
Additional working professions: PC user, 1C Accounting - on a commercial basis.
02/35/07 Mechanization of agriculture
qualifications: technician, with the receipt of working professions: tractor driver-machinist of an agricultural profile (cat. “C”, “E”) and mechanic for repairing agricultural machines and equipment
Training period: based on 9 classes - 3 years 10 months (budget)
Technical operation of lifting and transport, construction, road machinery and equipment: qualification - technician
Training period: based on 9 classes - 3 years 10 months (budget)

Part-time studies in specialties:
02/35/07 Mechanization of agriculture

qualification: technician
Training period: based on 11 classes - 3 years 10 months (budget)
02/38/01 Economics and accounting (by industry)
qualification: accountant
Training period: based on 11 classes - 2 years 10 months (budget)

Deadlines for accepting documents: from June 1 to August 15, and subject to availability free seats is extended until October 1 of this year.
Entrance tests: In accordance with paragraph 3 of Art. 55 of the Federal Law “On Education in Russian Federation» No. 273 - Federal Law dated December 29, 2012 admission to training in educational programs Secondary vocational education is carried out without exams.

List of documents: document on education (certificate); medical certificate f. No. 086-u; 4 photographs size 3x4; vaccination certificate; passport (copy); TIN (copy); SNILS (copy); registration certificate from the military registration and enlistment office; a certificate of residence and other documents can be provided to the applicant if he is applying for benefits established by the legislation of the Russian Federation; application in the prescribed form.

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